Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 06, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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ReniiKs of a 'Test Several KlntU II
luHtrntcd and Described.
o Farmers and the general public np
fpar to be taking a great interest Jn
tmisknielons. Very apropos, therefore,
l.i rrofessor Kane's report of his ex
perimental work with this fruit at the
New Hampshire station. Of OG varle
Hcs tested a number are illustrated:
CO. Large White .French. , Color,
tvLltlsh giwn, turning to yellow when
V y.,- - - ,1., , .,, y f.j.uh- J; fjl, flj
V.l:il'.'. iK:i 01'' MURiMKUKOJ.
ripe; Hi. m-uuia; r-i.'.o. THs by
Int-lics. Too late I'ur the north.
01. IVcU'kI Nuliuej?. Fairly produc
tive, dark gritw; Haver, sweet; flesh,
. ki
C2. I.nr.'s'e P.laoU Furi . Many vlucs,
few fruit; fli'ril, fern; Ki::i 8 by 12
C3. Anno Animk-1. Flcwli, green; size,
6 b.Y inches,
CI. Atlantic City. Dark background,
netted :i iul ribbed; flesh, green; medi
um productiveness', size, C by 10 inch
es. Cm. Improved Jeuny. A typical dark
.'grern Ilaekensack, X Indies in illume
tcr, lightish given; flesh of fair quality.
0(i. Acme. Dark green, 4 by s- Inch
es; ilcfili, green; productive.
C7. Citron. Dark green, all sizes,
productive, rather late; flesh, salmon.
CS. Ward's Neclar. Dark, Inches
In diameter, fairly productive, but few
ripened; flesh, green.
t. McCot tor's l'rldc. Largo vines,
fruit irregular, orange red flesh, not
very productive, lale last season.
TO. Shippers' Delight. Vines small,
"out productive, fruit C'.'.i by C!i Inches,
gooCt (luallty; flesh, green.
72. Ivy (Jrecu. Medium size, yellow
flesh, skin light color, good quality, not
very productive last season.
7;!. lioldoti lOagle. . Size, tv liy C'i
Inches; shallow ribbed, heavily netted.
7 1. Arlington Nutmeg. Size, 8 by 8i
Inches; deep ribbed, netted; flesh, p'alo
73. Honey Drop. Dark green, smooth
ribbed; Hlj by 0 Inches; resembles
wage somewhat; flesh, yellow to saliii
n, good quality.
7ti. Ciissabah. Mite to 11 Inches long
ley r!!i to 7 Inches broad, darkish In
..grooves; llo.di. '."era; a ;.uihl li.eliiu.
-77. r.'enlielm. Smooth, graj isli niel
'Oi, by 5 liK'hes. Too late IV r out of
78. Hero of l.eri.'.i':i;:e. Very late to
mature. Wr.o, !'... by i tr.cbc.-i.
71). Comiueior of liinv.io. lU:t two
fnill matured. Sie, (i by 7 luelies;
-dark green.
SO. Netted Com, Small, green flesh
tl, ripens early and Is very productive,
81. Quocu of AH, Flesh, salmon;
ripens rather late.
2. .Nectar of Angels! Size, 7i by
71'i Inches; yellow when ripe; flesh,
imlo yellow; flavor, not very sweet.
S3. No. 1555. Kotuid, smooth, netted,
'dark green. Too late.
Si. .Superior. Size, 4 by 0 Inches;
lark green; flesh, green; productive,
' 85. True Jenny Llnd. Small Gem
'typo. Flesh, green, fine flavor. Prolific
. ami early. A very dcslrnble variety.
80. Ciant Chicago Market. Size, Cli
' ty Inches; green flesh. Medium tu
; ju-oductl veness, but rather lato.
S7. Improved Cuuteloupe. SI.0, 7!j
ty 1- inches. Flavor much like Long
riVnow. Fairly proline.
' S. Oval Netted Gem. Small Gem
'ljpe,. 4 by 5 inches, elongated, netted.
' . a'rollflc mid deslralile.
. S Southern l!eaity. Size, Ci by 8
vlncbes; dark green, netted and shallow
rUAca, good flavor, greeu flesh, not
wery prodin'tlve. ,
Saturdayn June 30.
General Chaffee's forte in China con
sists of G000 to 8000.
Krnger is at Machadoburg with $25,
000,000 in gold.
The Elder arrived in Portland to-day.
Thre are fully 30,000 people and a fleet
of two dozen vessels was lying off shore.
Three murders took place while the El
der waB in port, and one passenger blew
his brains out because gold was scarce.
General Stahl, of the Gera an. my,
who has been making investigations tin-di-r
orders" in. the Orient, believes the
coniliet with China will be a long and
bloody one. '
To relieve a stoiimch trouble, Mrs,
Mary llecanon, of Santa Ann, Oalil'.,
lasted 47 days. Iler weight of 13 pounds
was reduced 00 pounds.
The St. Louis strike caused a loss of
25,000,000. . 1 he 80,000 men of the
Liuikling Trades Conni'il of Sew York
will strike against reduction in wa;;'S of
10 per tent. The 10-hour labor law will
be enforced iu Franco. Jn Nottingham,
Ktt!land,a good frame knitter now earns
$7.89 per week. The- 140 ) lal.or.onions
of New York Mate lmvo a mcuilHtrsliip
of 238,000; iu .March. 21) cr Cent of them
were unemployed. CarpentmB in Den
ver got 41 coins 'pt r hour, la I'jig'and,
144,026 children under 14 years of age
work troui 72 to 87 boms per luck. Tiie
American l''ei!eratiori of Labor lias C40
organizes in iiie (ield.
The qnickii'ver mines rcconily discov
ered in New booth Wales are tliV richest
in the worl l and will lower the p;ko of
lliat mend. ,
I at year Gicat Jhiluin dra .'.!; lucre
whisky than in any other year, 1 gallon
per head. Duiths from iiico'iulism in
creased among men 82 per cjsnt ; among
women, 113 per cent.
In (ho 151 no Mountains, Eastern Ore
gon, a soap mine is being woiked.
Jive 20,0'.KMoii Iieiglit fcteameis are
being built for liidlie between the Pacific
coast and China and Japan ports.
According to the London Daily Mail,
the lioer ai my in the held never num
bered oVer 2:),' OK, but as it doe.-, not ap
pear to have had, at any time, a commander-in-chief
whom all must obey,
the fighting column only numbered 10,
010, which went wherever danger was
greatest. The list fought occasionally,
bu.t were luo'it of the time iujhe laager,
Miioking, .
The ballh'.'bip Oregon ran ashore in a
fogofl'llooivio island, in tle.i Miatau
grout), 50 miles noilb of Che l-oo.
At Canton, Li ! I ung Chung has cut ofl'
i ho heads of 13d pirates and boxers.
Lord Wolwelv slated, In a London in
terview, that China has every' requisite,
iu wealth no lei s than in men, for over
running the world.
lloer embsarics stirred up (li.' rebel
lion of the Ajlunlees against the I'.nt-
iali on the west coast of Africa.
Sunday, July 1.
'PI 10 Chicago rigarm.ilioi'H will : i; n 1 the
striking New York c-harumkers flbOti
per week.
In (lie Rainy L ike region, Oat it io,
there is great dangi r that a0li;.l lntli.iia
will go on the w .;r path.
Probing (ho '.iai-alily of nrmy con
tractors anil berating tire ita tli aet cv ol
the lio.-piial service in Sou:h A Hen, will,
for a brief season, busy tl.c mind of toe
patriotic JuiglHi titan.
The ItiisMaii government lias oidered
the mobilization of the whole army.
At Tien Tsiu ari 1(1,000 allied troops.
On the 1 5 : 1 ( , the war department will
(tense distributing rations among the
Porto liicans, who have been lazily re
lying on Uncle Sam's charity.
Yesterday afternoon, a fiio which
started in a lot oi cotton bales under a
pier at lloboken, N. J., burned three
oe'.'uii steamers lying in tho Hudson riv
er, a dozen or more smaller craft, docks
and piers valued at several millions, and
the buildings along the street facing
them, The loss of tho North-German
Lloyd Steamship Co. alone is placed at
$10,000,000 It is impossible to state how
many people were drowned or burned to
death; it is estimated at between 150
and 000.
The closing down of iron, steel, and
tin-plate mills and glassworks at I'ittB
bttrg, Pa,, has thrown over 108,000 men
out ot work. A new wage scale must bo
The people around Nowhere have
Bigned contracts binding them to grow
beets on 5100 acres and an $800,000 sugar-beet
factory will he built on the
banks of the Willamette.
The foreign legations at Pckin are un
harmed. To Admiral Geo. C. Ivemey lias been
assigned the command of the powerful
American fleet in Chinese wateis.
A prominent' diplomat at lierlin, who
has been long iu China, expresses the
opinion that neither war nor niissionar.es
can make any marked impression on
tlm hoary empire, but that we must
leave it to commerce and time to carry
our civilian! ion to China.
At Astoria, Chinook salmon of twenty
pounds or over, bring 8 cents a pound.
In the forks of the Santiam It 00 acres
of flax are being raised,
Washington's w heat crop is estimated
at 30,000,000 bushels.
With lieu-laud scrip, the Northern IV
cillo Railroad octopus is gobbling up val
uable tracts of Pacific coast timber laud.
Mondsy, July 2.
Ex-Gov.'rnor Hill of New York is at
Lincoln, Neb , visiting W. J. liryau.
The number of would-be candidates
for llryan'8 running mate is several doz
ens. Sixieen-to-one will no doubt be in
the platform, as backward step will
bo taken on tho silver question.
Paron von Ketteler, the German min
ister at Pi-kin, has been killed, but the
fate of the other 800 foreigners at the
capital has not been ascertained.
Yice-Aduiiral .Y!iexeff,eommander-in.
chief of Russian force in the East, bus '
queen, were given a treat. They carried
Hoer and French flags and cheered for
The Japanese government has prohib
ited em .(ration to the United Stales.tho'
the population of Japan needs an outlet.
Miner's wages in the mining district
of Idaho are $3 to $3 50 per dav7
It is Ifarned at Chee Too by runner
from Pekin that the foreign legations are
besibgcd and provisions nearly exhaust
ed . Hie Chinese autboiities mav be
thieatened with destruction of the graves
of the imperial family to protect Hie
ministers. .
At Walla Walla, Sunday aflejnoon, C.
A. Martin, a young man of 21,-shot and
killed Miss Leah Cob-no.,, with a u.
v-olveraud then turned il.e weanou on
himself with equally fatal cAW
Lung Lu Chinese commander-in-chief
at Iekui, has urgently. asked th-" for
eigners to speed their fmci-s'to IVkm
taut the empress nr-d i . :',,. i, ......
$ 1 ,0.10,-
f from
cut nori,
h have iircii
;eeu niipriiorica arid Prince-Tnuu
hib force uf Boxers are in cootml.
Three tons of gold, valued at
000.. were hrotc'ist be t- -
the Klondike to !-'ea"ttle.
Tuesday, July 3.'
Ltii'ope expects the ncw.i of fr
tragedy. Th Jegatioiis arc s'lT'
iy a moo armed with lil'leH
Most of the legation buildin
burned down,
All the Chinese provinces
Yellow iiivcr, whoso yieero
friendly terma with the l':1
have formed an independent
.;u Kin as capital.
The London Daily Newsa ho
Japan be allowed to use a l,n -e
(juell the Chinese 'rebellion. ' '
Commander McC.dla, of the
at Tien Tain, istimaleH fiOOet)
will be needed to relieve the fore
isicrs ai l'eKin.
Oae-third of the twenty tpiHiuu called
lor by the bishops of the M. K. chmch as
a 'Olh century thank MlViing has been
The wall paper truat lias dissolve ); it
could not endure the competitive utrain.
Lord liobertc is credited with think
ing that three months must elapse in
.S jutti Africa beluru civilians can he per
mitted to resume business. Jue 29th. the
Iliiush shelled a Hoer entrenched force
near Amesfuid, Transvaal. They h ive
captured tho JJoer General Snyinau.
Near Boma, Africa, tho Belgian sol
diers externiiniiicd a villag of- na
tives, by nuts of revolting cruelty, be
cause they would not work without pay.
Five .German warships have sailed for
China. . in a speech to the departing
troops, Enip'. ri r i liam said tho Ger
man flag would be placed triumphantly
on Pekiu's walls with those of the other
powers. It is believed the emperor will
ucii.ai.u a v iimese province for the niur
'!or of Ambassador Yon Kcttejor, as lie
seized some territory in navment for the
killing oi two t-ii-nn.ui missionaries. The
army bent to China numbers' 20,000.
Wednesday, July -1
The London p ipers admit, since the
international forces in China wvtiv loo
weak, tiiat Admiral Kemplf vs right
in protesting against the attack on the
I'a k u foi ls on the ground that it would
ibi'ow ihe Chinese govt rnnient into the
hands of tho Boxers.
England has had enough of war for
the present and would be glad if the
Chinese Btorm would settle.
In Manchuria, Russia is defending her
1200 miles of railroad against attacks of
tho Boxers.
Foarkeu thousand allied troops, with
80 held and machine gnus, have pro
ceeded from Taku and are eiinturinn
arsenals, blowing up forts and shelling
Chinese mobs.
mwm medical
It makes muscle by making health.
It makes health by curing the dis
eases which undermine the strength.
The starting place of physical de
terioration and weakness is generally
the stomach. The Discovery " pos
itively cures diseases of the stomach
and organs of digestion and nutri
tion. Take "Golden Medical Dis
covery" and you'll get well and
"I wish to oppress my trjtiks to yon fof
vonr wonderful medicine," writes .Mr. Geo.
,o";iu I)PSiK':t, of Piedmont, Greenviljc Co.,
S. C, liox 1G7. "I was almost past work
suffjiinz so much from chronic c;itfn rh and
indiCobon. Your ' Colden Me.ticul Discov- .
ery ' V:is rcotr.mcnded. I used it for three
month i, and wns completely cured of indi
gestion and greatly relieved of catarrh."
I r rrr- rrf.
uu,fir.e s . ;
0 tie en I If I
1 ul -i I V V Vf (:!
d.tt with V if
'"'ha! , z.r V 3
a:;:iv hi V--
',..,V . u, ,, ,
reliie.-' '-
igu liiin-
A'.eoiding to a Shanghai dispatch, mil
itary men estimate that, it will lake all
,'trmv of five hundred thousand men two
years to conquer nmtiiern China. Japan
is not equal to the task.
Tien Tt-iu, which the allies captured
Jane :0, is a city of one million peop' .
The explosion of an oil tank at Par
kersburg, .W. V., killed nine men and
wounded a number of children.
1,1 a niiii t n Ki'oa rs.
io ; giaiiam
George's Weekly, of Denver Colorado,
predicts that wiihiu 00 days a financial
crisis will occur in Wall street, and ad
vises local bankers to take their deposits
from New Voik banks and bring them
home. The reason why is: industrials
(trust stock, much of it water) are de.
c ining b. cause manufacturers are con
fronted by over-production, for merchants
will not buy from them. The boom pro
duced Dy the War with Spain lias spent
itself and we mut carry the heritage of
debt. The manufacturing centers (not
the producing west) are going to gel the
worst of it, as there is no show for them
to dispose of their enormous stock of
sui plus goods, not to mention tho fabu
lous amount of speculative stocks.
The gold bonds hold by the llath
schiids alone amount 10 more than all
the gold in the known world.
The relief f (lie foreigners ut Pekin is
impossible, Petween Tien Tsin and Pe
kin are 140,000 imperial troops and 90.
000 are marching on Tien Tsin, which
may be evacuated pending the arrival of
a nuiy equipped army.
At Tacoma, at 8:30 this morning, an
excursion car on a trolley line.containing
104 passengers, jumped a bridge over a
gulch 100 feet deep and was dashed into
the depth. About 50 men, women and
childreu were killed and liO injured. The
car was too henvilv loaded and when it
struck the curve over tlie gulch shot
aeio-s the track. The motorman, evi
dently, lout control of thn car.w hich was
one of the big box-like all'iirs, in gob g
down the grade.
Thursday, July 5,
No 'nominations wore made at Kansas
City on the 4th.
A Herliu dispatch states that the en
tente of the powers is shaky, especially
between Russia, and Japan, and Kuesi
and Kugland, respectively. Japan wants
assurance sue win not be duped again
by Kussia,
A Mianglui dispatch states that the
legations at Pekin have been burned and
all the foreigners killed.
me aiiiiuortum at . ivansas 1 ity in
which the doitiociatio convention is b
ing held will hold twenty-two thousand
hve hundred people.
The Chinese empress has issued more
edicts against the teifiu devils.
(Corrected on Tliui
rionr Ilest 3.10(33.
Wheat Walla Walla oiaoiji
55co6; blueeiem B9c.
Oats White 3ll37c; gray 33 31c.
Barley Feed If 14; brewing $17 18.
.Millst.ul'fs Bran $12; middlings $19 ;
shorts $15 ; chop $14.
Hay Timothy $9U ; clover, 7H;
Oregon wild f".
Butter Fancy creamery 30 ami f!5c 5
store, 22 and 25.
Egg? 15.' and 16.
Poultry Mixed chickens f3.0Ow4.5O;
hen' $4.00(25; springs $2(io3 25 ; ceese,
$503,0; ducks $")7; live turkeys lSJiftr
13,! -io; drefsed, 4lGc.
Che"se Full cream 12JjC per pound ;
Voting America 14c.
Potatoes 30 and 79 cents per sack.
Vegetables Beets $1; turnips 90c
per sack ; garlic 7c per lb; cabbage $1.50
2 00 per 100 pounds ; cauliflower 73c
per dozen; parsnips 75c per sack ; celery
70(375o per dozen; asparagus 67c;
peas 34c per pound.
Dried fruitApples evaporated 7S ;
sun-dried sacks or boxes 45c; pears
sun and evaporated 50c; pitless plums
45ltc; Italian prunes 35c; extra
silver choice 58.
Corrected on Thursday.
Wheat, wagon, 52.
Oats, 32.
Potatoes, 50 and 60 cents per saik.
Eggs, 15 T2o per dozen.
Butter, 25c per roll.
Onions, rod, 85c to $1 00 pel sack ;
yellow, $1 to $1.25. '
Dried- apples, 5 to 6c per found.
Dried prunes Italians, 4c; petite
and German, 3c.
Of Clothes, and you can afford to get one
if you trade at Price Bros.' Clothing Store,
, ' ' Summer goods of all kinds at prices that
. defy competetion.
OREGON CITY, ORE. Leaders In Low Prices
4 .fttf-,?-. '
You Can
Patent Flour, made from old Avheat. It
makes the host bread and pastry and always
gives satisfaction to the housewife, Be sure
and order Patent Flour made bv the Port
land Flouring Mills at .Oregon City and
sold by all grocers. Patronize .
Home Industry.
Meat JiarKet
piitlass feats' ot 11 Kir)ds-
?.tjfactic-2 Guaranteed
Give I liirj a Gall arjcl be Treated Iilt
Watch this space for Heinz
& Cos ad next week
-r-i&tP flX;yi-,--V!M.wU'r Wert fWTtVT Ntaftsa rvu a
Will pi-.ctire fi( all tlio ("aurls of Uie S'fite fln1
O. W. Eastham 0. B. Dwick
toe l'. S. Mud Omc. AbsUacls mmlu. Ijinali-
( ( ii..,,l ll.tnv.tV'iiTii''j i i.l ll I ..fttl llni'll. !
jjolns dmw'n. Iti-.il ii:unbiiKlitaa.lVll. Ilivur- ! Conimcrclal, Estate and rrnl-alp Law Ppeclal-
Cl:b a ik'l'ialty. OKFICK IN CALU'1KLD UUILPISU,
Iks, Ah-ira-1 of Title nitKli Mtmry l.oaneil.
Kt'UTCMici', Jloiik ol Ort'gon Cn.v
Oi sit-.' Huiitkj's V,i c
S(ire, Up (Hi'ir
I sommer cosos
IS THE TIME to clean
house and" repaper youi
rooms and paint youi
house and
are noted for hanging on.
They weaken your throat
and lungs, and lead to
serious trouble.
,clm Unn'f triflp xirith tViom
Take Scott's Emulsion at EF
once. It soothes, heals, J
and cures.
e J 50c. and $t. AM drusgists.
IS THE MAN to do
the painting and papering
in a first-class shape at
very low prices. Leav
orders at Ely Bros, stor
on upper 7th streeth.
tnki'ii puiiTCiiiH coiiiiiiniiil of Russian
tnxm.4 I11111UI t Titm Tain. tiOOll man. LiloriUnro most bitter in its cxprjs
i;,.o,, ..,rn.i in'ui.iu-uii ! " f l'tr'il Hif.iittst (oiciciiers, whom
Idaho, with 73 pounds ot iff Ul, which he j " :;CU!Wf "w tul crtmc,. ia hcin
had received .it TI.lrtv.MiU River, on wain-rcl throughout thtnow em
.... , , ..1 mm.
1 lie I'nwson truii, lor bs neoa oi entile.
At Dublin. 25.000 children who did I Tlie allies Imvd twenty thoimi'd sol-
not march in honor of the lulled English diers ftt luku and Tien Tsin
aana, Chills ,
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic.
The formula is plainly printed on every bottle hence you
know just what yov are taking when you take Grove's. Imitators'
do not advertise their formula knowing that you would not buy
their medicine if you knew, what it contained. Groves , contains
Iron and Quinine put up in correct proportions and is in a Tasteless
form. The Iron acts as a tonic while the Quinine drives the
malaria out of the system. Any reliable druggist will tell you that
Grove's is the CH&na! and that all other so-called Tasteless
Chill Tonics arc imitations. An analysis of other chill tonics shows
rW Groves is superior to alt others in every respect.
not cxpcrmiciiuuii uvu t v
rake GroveV
are not cxptuuicuun
1 ....11nf-f linvinor lone been cstabushed.
onlv Chill Cure sold throughout the enure malarial - sections ot
the' United States. No Cure, No Pay.. Price, 50c ;
its superiority
Grove's is the