Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, July 06, 1900, Image 1

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    i:ity Library
18th YEAR, NO. 7
Showing Great Sweep of Cutter Bar as obtained by
Foot Leverage only
12 per cent more Cutting Capacity than any other Mower. made
We keep everything in our line, including Fishing
Tackle, Screen Doors, Lawn Mowers, Hose, Hoes, Camp
Stoves, Bicycles, Poultry Netting, Machine Oil, White
Mountain Freezers, Spray Pumps and a thousand other
things. We have the finest line of Steel Ranges and
Stoves in the city. We are agents for the Red Jacket
Pump, "so' easy to fix." ,
Corner Fourth and Main Strtets, OREGON CITY, OREGON
The BUSY season may be
neighbor or any member of your
i i
ai ways oacKea Dy a guarantee.
which we solicit your patronage.
Water Set. . 6oc up
This 3-piece Bsdrcom Suit, $12,50
Size of Mirror 20x24 beveled
Shell Paper, 5c for 21 sheet
Gciier.il Agent.
& CO.
fully on down at your place. If you're busy send in your order by a
household. You'll get just the satisfaction as if you came yourself, and
tV i i i i . . i . t .i . .
ienaDie, rrusiwortny items at tneir
Tea Kettles
Iron Frame
Wood "
Copper Bottom 6?c
Iron 65c
Granite Iron. . 75c
T T 1 1 11
Unbreakable lJlSheS We
Cups and Saucers, Plates, Vegetable Dishes, etc. that will not break
Investigate this at once and
your cook ior DreaKing cusnes. rnce pt tms ware is low, compared
with other goods. 6 dinner plates
tjt 1 1 r 1
JJllVeS and rOnCS We have them ami we can how
you twenty-five different styles at har l-time prices. You can buy in
our establishment one good knife
of 6 for $6.00. Prices ranging between these two items.
Picture, Frame and
Glass, size 16x24, $1.25
Wire clothesline, 25c
Old (wtiioriJ
, 20c
Rack ...T5C
Seventh Annual Meeting of Chautauqua
at Gladstone Park.
Opening Day, July 11, 1900.
10 :30 Orchestra. Invocation.
Address of welcome, President
C. Ha ley.
Response, Professor J. B. Horner.
Organization of- classes and an
nouncements by instructors.
1 :30 Orchestra.
Reading by Professor 0. E. Kemp.
Piano solo, Miss Pearl Smith.
Duet, Professor Boyer and Miss May
Reading, Professor C. E. Kemp.
Duet, Miss Dearborne and Mrs.
3:30 Baseball.
5:00-Round Table., Mrs. William
Galloway in charge.
7 :30 Orchestral concert.
8 :00 Oregon City Lidies Chorus.
Lecture, "An Optimist's Message,"
Congressman 0. B. Landis. :
Second Day, Thursday, Jr.ly 12. .
8 to 11 Physical culture, Superinten
dent, A. M. Grilley.
Music, rrof(ssor V" II. Boyer.
Elocution, Professor 0. E. Kemp.
Art. Miss S. J. Evans.
American history, President W. C.
English language, Professor I. M
Botany, Professor Alfred Sweetser.
Literature, Professor J. B. Horner
European history, President W. II
Educational topics, President Frank
btrong. .a
Sunday school methods.Superinten
oent W. it. Winans.
W. 0. T. U. Institute, Mrs. Helen
Bible study, Dr. A. B'ackburn
Junior bible study, Misa FranceB
11 :00 state Agricultural College morn
Lecture, "Greater Lights of Oregon
Literature," rrottssor J. U,
Hornei. .
1:30 Orchestra.
Violin solo, Miss Lucile Collette.
Sopmno solo, Miss Jean Miller.
Lecture, "Grant,"Hon. C. B. Landis.'
3 :S0 Baseball.
5:00 Program arranged by Ministerial
7 :30 Orchestral concert.
8:00 Soprano eolo.Mrs. Albert Sheldon
Lecture, "The Mission of Mirth,"
Dr. Thomas McClary.
Tuird Day, Friday, July 13.
8 to 11 Schools and classes.
11 :00 Albany College morning.
Lecture, President W. H. Lee,
real worth is tlie basis upon
Carpet Sweepers, $1.50 up
mean what we say We sel
there will be no more cause to scol
for instance 90 cents.
and one good fork for 10c or a set
Childs Cribs, $2.25 "
1 1 1 J Extension Tables, $3.80 up
Child'o Bed, 3.75 ; f
.-- ' . Bird Cage, 55c
..eve T
Rolling Pid, 10c I
:30 Orchestra.
Solo, Miss O. Barker.
Solo, Miss Ramona Rollins.
Lecture, "Ireland," Dr. Thomas
McClary, . : '
:30 Baseball.
:00-Round Table, Mrs. William Gal-
:30 Orchestral concert.
8:00 Soprano solo.Miss Jennie Snyder.
Contralto solo, Miss Hurlev.
Chalk talk, "High Art with Homely
. Hints," Alton Packard. ,
Fourth Day, Saturday, July 14.
8 to 11 Schools and classes.
12 :00 Pacific University morning.
President Thomas McClellan.
30 Orchestra. Chautauqua chorus.
' Reading, Miss Lulu Mae Buddemer.
Chalk ta!k,"Types,"Alton Packard.
3 :30 Field day.
101) yard dash,
Running high jump. .
Pole vault.
220-yard hurdle race.
440-yard run.
1-imle run.
Broad jump.
Shot put.
Hammer throw.
5 :00 Lecture. C. L. S. C. work, Secre
tary J. R. Greenfield.
7:30 Orchestral concert.
8:00-Evening with the Metropolitan
Jubilee Singers.
Filth Day .Sunday, July 15.
11:00 Sunday school, Superintendent
VV. It. Winans.
2:00 Reading of Scripture, Professor C.
hi. Kemp.
Sermon, Dr. Thomas McClary.
Sixth Day, Monday, July 16.
8 to 11 Schools and classes.
11 :00 Humane Society morning.
Lecture, "Humane Work, lion.
D. P. Thompson.
1 :30 Woman's day program.
AddreBB, "A New Factor in Civiliza
tion," Miss Lena M. Morrow.
Address, "The State's Need of a
Free Library System," Mrs. Sarah
Address, "The Risen Phoenix,"
Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunniway. .
Address, Dr. Annie Jeffreys.
Solo, Herr Scholt. '
3:30 Baseball. ,
00 Program arranged by Ancient Or
der of the Red Cross.
Music, Chemawa band.
Solo, Mrs. J. II. Strickler, selected.
Red Cross Male ijuartetie
Oration, Judge Gordon E. Hayes,
Solo. Mrs. J. H. Strickler.
7:30 Orchestral concert.
8 :00 Evenintt wilh the Metropolitan
i Ju' Joe Sirvgers, ,
SiycriUi Day Tuesday, July 17.
8 to llfcwhoole and classes. - u- j
11 :00 Stfite University morning.
LecMre, "The iJeftwuii ana us
Story," Protepsor Irving M. Glen.
1 :30 Jubilee .iiuijt.n'. '". :
3:30-Ba:iebf'.l. , . -'. ,
;00 Program, fc- O. worjt, wrs.
Williaoi 'iflWway.'
7 :30 v)reu"9tr;l concert.
8:00 Readii e, Proieseor O. E. Ke.np.
Lecture ' Cuban Campaign," Gen
eral William Shafter, it be is not
transporting troops at that time.
Eighth Day, Wednesday, July 18,
(Patriotic Day.)
8 to 11 Schools and classes.
11:00 Willamette University mora'ng.
Lecture, "The Nicaragua Canal.and
Our National Development," Presi
dent W. C. Hawley.
1:30 Ohemawa Indian band.
National hymns,Cbauiauqua chorus.
Short addresses by Congretsman
Tongue, Mrs. A. S. Duniway, Dr.
Blackburn, General O. Summers,
General Charles F. Beebe and Gen
eral illiam Shafter.
5:00 G. A. R. and Spanish , war vet
erans program.
7:30 Orcliettral concert.
8:00 Grand concert. Professor W. H.
Bover. director.
Chorus, (anthem) selected, Taylor
Street M. E. choir.
"Ah Fois e' Lui," (Traviete) Verdi
Miss May Dearborne.
Violin solo. Miss C. Barker.
"Waves of the Danube," Ivanovice,
Ladies Chorus.
Piano solo. Misa Pearl Smith.
(a) "When the Heart is Young,"
Buck, (b) "All For You,"(D.
Hardelot) Miss May Dearborne.
Sextette an I chorus, (Lucia) Doni
zetti. Miss Dearborne. Mrs. Bush-
ong, Messrs. Peirer, Gilliland,
Packard and Hadril.
(a) "Dear Little Bare Toes," (b)
"You and I." (Liza Lehman) Miss
"The Birds That Sang in May,"
(Strelezki) Miss Dearborne and Mrs.
"Good Ninht Beloved." (Pinsuti)
Professor Boyer, director. Miss
Pearl Smith, accompanist.
Ninth Day, Thursday, July 19.
(Recognition Day.
8 to 11 Si'hoola and classes.
11:00 McMiniiVille College morning.
1 :30 Grand march through golden gate
Chautauqua chorus.
Leclure, "Higher Education,"Presi
dent Frank Stroue.
PresenUtion of diplomas.
3:30 Baseball.
5:00 C. L. 8. S. Alumni,' Mrs. C. II
Dye, president.
7:30 Orchestral concert.
8:00 Reading, Professor C. E. Kemp
Solo, Miss Ella Hoberg. .
Y. M. O. A. evening.
Tripple bar work.
Tenth Day, Friday, July 20.
8 to llSchoole and claeses.
80 State Sunday ichool morning.
1 :30 Orchestra.
Bae solo. Mr. L. B. Hadril.
Reading, Miss Mabel Vandersol.
Lecture, Rev. H. V. Kellogg.
3:30 Baseball.
5 :00 O. L. 8. C. work, Secretary J. K.
r Greenfield. , t, m
7:30 Orchestral concert. .
8 :00 Grand concert.
Combined chorus from Portland,
Oregon City , and Chautauqua.
182-184486 Madison Street
New Firm, Now
Milburn Farm, Delivery, Spring Wagons and
Milwaukee Binders, Mowers, Rakes,, Syracuse,
Steel Plows, Disc, Spike and Spring Tooth Marrows
Chase Force and Lift Pumps
Wolf American Bicycles
V : 2W
L fl
jStoughton Farm Wagons
A stric'
3tly white oak wagon,
lie trussed sugar maple
Pontiae and
Deal celebrated
Benieia'Four Spring Mountain Hack
Second growth wheels and highly finished.
Peerless .plows, all kinds. Only plow made on the Coast
Dowapiac ShoeTHanpTJfBcr GpainDrills ;
Buffalo pTtUHarlFoWSaCuHivalors ;
Feed, Root Bone and Cider
Piano Jones Lever Binder
Piano Jones Chain Mowers '
Piano Jones Hay Rake
Full Stock of Piano Repairs
Soloists: Mrs. Eose Bloch-Bauer,
- Miss May Dearborne, Mr. Irving
M. Glenn, and Mr. Spitzner.
Conrad String Quartettte: Mr.Spitz-
ner, lt violin; Mr. Boffa,2nd vio
lin; Mr. Theilhorn, viola; Mr.
Conrad, cello.
"Sanctus," (8t. Cecelia Mars)
Gounoud, Miss Dearborne and
Spitzner-Conrad String Quartette,
lieading, Mr. C. K. Kemp.
Cello solo, Mr. Conrad.
, String quartette.
Cantata,"Fair Ellen," (Max Bruch)
Mrs. Uose Bloch-Ba'ier, so
prano; Irving M. Glen, baritone;
grand chorus, string quartette, pi
ano and organ. W. H. Boer,
director; Miss Pearl Smith, pian
ist; Mrs. Thomas, organist.
Eleventh Day, Saturday, July 21 . ,
(Closing Day.)
8 to 11 Closing of schools and classes.
11 :00 Chemawa Indian school morn
ing.' 1 :30 Orchettra.
Reading, Mis Malel Carter.
Solo, Miss Burbank.
Lecture, "Snakes in Paradise," Dr.
Roland Grant.
3 :30 Bicjcle day.
One-mile novice.
One-half mile open.
Three-mile open.
4:00 Annual business meeting.
7 :80 Orchetitral concert.
8 ;00 Chautauqua chorus.
Solo, Miss Imogene Hardinu.
Evening with James Whitcomb
ttiley," Mr. C. E. Kemp.
Solo, George Snyder.
Duet,' Professor Boyer and Miss
Chautauqua chorus.
For Over titty 1 r
Ax Old and Well-Tried Remedy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by millions
of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gams,
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste, Sold by Drug
gists in every part of the , World!
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable. Pe sure and ask for Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind,
Goods, Nev Prices
Chilled and
G. Holman
with the only!H and 10 spoke wheelsand
axle, an axle that;will not spring or break.
Even to the chronic theatre-goers of
long experience, it may be a surprise to
learn that one of the very oldest acton
in point of service, still before the pub
lic, Is Mr. Stuart Bobson. In the July
number of Everybody' Magazine ap
pears the first instalment of a series ot
articles by Mr. Kobson in the naure of
an autobiography, and entitled "The
Memories of Fifty Years." The simple
explanation for. the month is 011 "Liquid
Air." The story of Petroleum Is told,
and a brief account of the workings of
the oil industry. There are fourteen
other good articles and short stories.
The Popular Science Monthly, which
was established in 1872 by the Appletons,
and which lias at present the largcBt cir
culation of any scientific journul in the
world, is now being edited by Professor
James McKeon Cattell of Columbia
University, and published by McClure,
Phillips & Co. Professor Cattell is well
known as a psychologist and as the edi
tor of "Science." The July number con
tains among other articles, a paper by
Simon Newcomb, the astronomer, en
titled "Chapters on the Stars;" new
paper by Dr. Hall'klne, the discoverer of
the preventative against the plague, on
"Preventive Inoculation."
There is, perliaoa, but a
single p!ac
fn this country where almost all the
newBpapersof the Unite! States are
read. To the exc'.ango bureau of The
Ladies' Home Journal practically every
paper in this country comes an aggre
gate of nearly iJJO'J. It is the rule to
read each one within a day after it is re
reived, so a large staff of trained readers
is kept employed constantly, By this
plan it is possible for the editors to keep
in cloie toucti with the reading public,
and accurately informed as to the topics
that are uppermost In the public rmnil
in every section of the country. In this
reading, such selections are 'made as
may be of special immediate interest, as
well as matter f r future reference and
notes that may serve as memoranda or
suggest articles. Moreyer, everything-
relating to the Journal is clipped and
filed. Thoueandi of dollars a year are
spent in this work alone, but Editor Bok
regards it as a very profitable invest
ment, as inv.luableinfoi matton is thus
supplied that could le trained In ne
lother way