OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. JUNE 2ft 1900. The Low Price Banner waves oyer 'very department of our establishment. Honey spent with us gets more genuine value, gets more style, more quality and tdoes more actual good service than it is tever possible to get elsewhere. We have built our business on the 'great and strong power of Low Prices; iVe offer: ; : Unbleached Muslins, .Atlantic L L Muslin, j6 in. wide, per yard 5C "JBest Cabot W, 36 in. wide, per yd. 6c Bleached Muslins Lonsdale 36 in wide, per yd.. . . . . 9c Hutledge, 36 in. wide, per yd. ... . 6c English long cloth, per yd 12 4c Dairy cloth, 36 in. wide, per yd. . . 5c Calicoes Dark col'd calico good quality, yd . Indigo blue figured oil calico, best quality, yd. Light colored calico, per yd Mourning points, per yd jChambray finished prints, per yd. Lawns, Percales, Etc. 'Figured Lawns, per yd 5c Dimities, Orgadies, dotted Swisses, etc., we offer manybeau tiful styles ranging in price'from i . . . 10c to 35c pjr yJ Checked apron Gingham, bistqixl- tastes vary in corsets and We hive a'l . those makes and variations which par ticularly appeal to individual rrefer-enc-e as to comfort, case, size and mat-: erial. .' ' Dress Gcois . We take pride in this department because it represents not enly what is newest and best in seasonable fabrics of every popular weave, but because the prices attached are marked by a little ness that cannot well be duplicated. 5C Sc Sc Sc Sc 5C 5C 5C Sc 5c Sc 6c Sc Cc 7c 3 $fyzi$ colored wool skirts and silk f kirts. Notions Pins, Eagle, Ame-iran, per paper.. . Large size safety pins, per paper. . Knitting nctdles, set of 5 Hair pins, assorted sizes, per box.. Tape, medium and wide, 2 rolls for Finishing braid, per bunch.. Rick-rack braid, p r bunch ....... Knitting cotton, pt r bull ........ . Embroidery silk, spo f ic, or 6 for. Fast black d;iminr 'cotton. 2 balls.' ' Curling irons, snuill ............ 5c Curling irons, large 10c Aluminum thimbks ... Sc Sheet wadt'ing, 2 fur 5c Turkey led .embroidery coif n, 2 balls fur 5c Ladies' silk. niitU,.. . 15c 25c, 40c, 50c Nonpareil dress s- ay, per bunch ... 10c Corduroy skiru bindi g, bhek and colors, per yd 5c Velveteen skirt binding, bl ck and colors, nrr yd. . 4c Sontache braH -4 yds for 25c Valerrrr-rVg. . , icjdmdup Men's dongola shoes. . .......... 2 50 Men's vici in black or tan, $3, $3.50 $4 . House Furnishing Goods Unbleached table linen, 25c, 40c, 50c yd Turkey red damask, oil finish, fast colors, per'yd. .... .25c, 35c and 50c Bleached table linen, per yd ..... . . . 35c, 50c 65c and 75c Linen napkins, per set 50c up : Unbleached napkins, per set 25c Cotton towels. 5c Turkish towels. 10c Turkish towels, extra size, 2 for. . . 25c All linen crash, per yd 8c, 9c, 10c, I2jc Cotton crash, per yd .' 5c Turkey red table cloths, 75c, $1, $1.25 Furniture cretones. . .7c. fc, and 10c yd Men's satin suits. ..... .... .'. ... 4 oo Men's cassimere suits . . . ... ..... 6 03 Men's all wool suits, 7.50, 8.50, io, 1 2 oo '' iity, per . yd '. 5c EnglishiPercales, best quality, 36 in. wide, pei yd I2c EnglMi Tercales, 32 in. wide, per yd ioc irUress iGinghams, in checks or stripes, the coirdct thing for shirt uvaists, dresses, etc , per yd 10c Satines, Shirting, Etc. SDiack satine, color guaranteed, yd . 9c Henrietta satine, black, acid proof, yd..... I2c, 15c and 20c- JJest quality black brocaded satines ;yd 20: Silkoline, for draperies, etc, 36 in. wide, per yd 10c Colored 'bunting, per yd ; 5c Cood dark colored shirting, per yd 8c Wide Germanshirting, per yd. . . . 9c Twilled black hide cheviots, yd.. I24c 3Jest quality 6traw ticking, per yd. 10c .Feather ticking, heavy, per yd ... . 18c Wool cheviot, for pants, 40c yd, and up Kentucky jeans, per yd. . .150,215c, 35c IJIack and colored cambric, yd 5c -Silesias... ioc, 15c and 20c yd ' Corsets A thoroughly dependable corset is tthe R & G. We show fourteen styles. 34-in. wide cas'imer; black and colors, per yd 15c 3f-in. wide Henriettas, bla k and colors, per yd 2-in. wide fancy suitings, per yd. . 30-in wide colored brocaded fancies per yd 36-in. wide cobt ed brocaded bril- liar.teens, per yd 36-in. wide colored rmorep, yd . . 30-in. wide cheviot plai 's, per yd . . 32-in wide noveltv plaids, per yd. . J35C 36-in wide covert suitings, per yd. 35c J2-in. wide navy b'ue serge, per yd 25c 42-in. wide black scrc, per yd.. . . 2JC 20-in. wide black br )cad;d, per yd. 35- in. wide black brocaded brillian teens, per yd 36- in. wide black br c.tded soleils, per yd , 38-in. wide black all woul suitings, per yd 46-in. wide all w ml frge, per yd. : ?o-in. wide ilria sili, per yd .... I Fancy black dress uonds, prices ranging to ,.$1.50 per yd Novelty suilitiL's, in fancy colorings, 5'ir, 6;c, $1 00 and $1.25 yd Cap s, Skirt j Capes, we have a va iety, many new novdies 11 s.iiiu, silk and cloth. Shirt Wais s 25c 15c 20c 25c 35c 1 8c 15c 25c 40c 50c Soc 00 SPECIALS IH5HI There is only One class and that is the first in our spring and summer col lection of shirt waists. Asiortment covers: Silk, Satin, Percale Dimities, etc. Slices Ladies' dong la, lace, sol d through , out $1 00 Ladies' p;bble goat bu' torn . . . ... 1 00J Ladies' don ola, lace, stock tip .. 1 50! Ladies' vici ki-1,- lace 2 00 Ladies' kid, lace $.2.50, $3, $3 50 - Ladies' oxfords i 1 tan or bl.ck S3-. 7Si $1. t-5. $1.50 M en's black and fancy worsted suits $9, $io, $11.50, $12.50, $14, $15, 16 00 Boy's long pants suits, sizes 14 to 20 f 'years, price, $3.50, $4.50, $5.00, PC?; $6.oo, $7.x and $8 00 'vien s ox Dreeches in jeans, will Knot rip, per pair , 90c ivien s cneviot pants. ! 50 Men's cassimere pants, $, ;..3v $3 00 Men's worsted pants,. . . .;2:;o"to $4 So Men's furnishing Goods Men's turkey led handkerchiefs. . . 5c " white handkerchiefs 5c ii( suspenders 15c, 20c and 35c f" white shirts 50c " working; gloves, wear rcsisters 50c -." sweaters , . , 50c " wool sweaters. $ 00 horn rollers , , , aoctyl " neg'igee shirts 2Kc to 7c White crochet quills fbf-'v" balbriggon u. Wear, per suit. 50c . ,40c, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25 up to $3 50 fancy dress shirts 50c to 1 00 Pil " collar buttons, per dozen 5c CIolhiDfl ' ' i Hats and Caps rThe variety of cur stock in this . Men's yacht caps .25c to 50c hneTis really remarkable and places atil " fatine caps ioc . reaora nats, 50c, 05c, $1, $1.50 Lacecurtdins, per pair Soc, 7Sc,$i, $1.25 and $2 00 Jjg Art Denim, per yd 'Scif Window blinds, piper, with dido, raj Hartshorn roller 20C Window blind--, with dado, Hart- the disposal of bu)ers the widest range 1 01 cnoice in an ine jattsi pauerns ana 5 styles in n en's mils :hat this season Soffers. O ii r chililien's deoartment filled with choice styles of vestee suits. In the boy's and youth's department we have an immerse line. is Skirts, a pipu'ar line of the latest spring attraction". D ick hki-ts, crash skirts, wliite oiqn? sets, black and Men's plow shoes, tap sob 1 25 Men's genuine fatin lalf bals, solid throughout I 50 Men's tan shoes 1 50 Child's satinet suits.braid trimmed$l 50 Child's cassimere suits 2 00 Child's all wool cassimere suits.. 2 25 Child's all wool cassimere cheviot or serge suits, rang. in price from .$2.75 to 4 50 $2.00, $2.50, 3 00 Men's dress straw hats .2 to 1 00 " crash hats 25c to 75 Hosiery Ladies' fast black cotton hoe ioc Ladies' black double heel and toe, 2 pair for 25c M isses' and children's heavy ribbed double knees, 2 pairs for 25c Men's seamless soxs, per pair! .... 5c Men's natural wool soxs, 2 pair for 25c Men's fast black soxs, 3 pair 25c It's One Thing To see what you want It's another thing to possess it, we not only show the very best for spring needs we put it within your reech. I. SELLING Suspension Brfdje Coiner Seventh and Main Sts. OREGON CITY, ORE. FliOltATK COURT. In fhetuultor of the estate o( Martha Jenniufl, -dutiuueeil, W. E, Oarll, ad ministrator, John V. Meld ruin, G. L. Hedges. and Cicero II. ltinearson were appointed appraisers. In flio matter of the estate of Benja min Ilendrickson, doceasud, A lbina llendrickson appointed administra tor. The totol value of the real and per sonal property is1750. In the mutter of the estate of David R.vCallaliHii, deceased. Sam Engle ad ministrator, It was ordered that the re' waiufifir 'i the estate be turned over to the widow. In the matter of the eBtate of Wil lielin 'Koheiiow, deceased, the will was admitted to prohate, and Williolmine Uobenuw, the widow, was appointed ex uvuUrix. The estate is valued at j'.WO, jut J the heirs are: ilheunine, Kobe 1'. M. V. A. 2tote. SOCIAL EVENTS. A. J. Fecter, of the Chicago Training I School, called at the rooms last week 011 1 his way to Salem. team resulted in a score in favor of the home team of 14 to 31. The game wu orderly executed and (iood feeiinit pre vailed throughout. Secretary Unlit y umpired the pame and Kudnlpl- Uan tenbien and Willie l'eterswere leterecs. The ice cream Foeinl after lhe name was enjoyed by nearly all iu atiemlniRM This is the time of the year when membership in the Y. M. C. A. is par now, tho widow, Diunascus; Mary, An- ticularly profitable. Toe cod refresh usta and Wilhelinine Uobei ow, daugh-1 ing quarters in our bathing department teia in Germany ; William Kolienow, a are especially mvithig dnnn tlie waim The Ladies of the G. A. R. gave a very enjoyable social at the home of M rg. J. A. Stuart on Thursday of last week. On the program were instrumental i-e-leciinns by Mrs. W. 0. Green and Ches ter Muir and recitations hy Geraldinp McOcwn, the two little Zinser irls, (irace Wood, Beth Cooper, Haael la-viili-on ; a so two songs by Li'tle Master King. Ice cream was terved, atid a satisfactory sum was netted for ehariia- The game of Gasket ball Saturday eve-1 ble purposes. ning between Boltomtes and i lie home The Sunday meetings are well in tended. Last Sunday Hon. J T. Pow gave liis interesting lectine on "Man" to an appreciative aud ience. V. 0. Rowton, of Castle Uwk, Wash , dropped In for a social bath after bin wheel ride from McMinnville Tuesday. non, .aim Minim i.aniies, a uaugnter. Portland; Anna Weiss, daughter, and Kicbard liobenow, a son, Damascus. In the matter of the estate of Bern Iiiudt tiu int, dewased, liichnrd Scott, the executor, petitioned that the final account be set aside, and that the ad aiinistrator tie permitted to proceed. An order was made granting fie petition. In tho'timtter ol the estate t f Charles Untitled, deceased, W. T. Bunnell, ad tuuiistrator, the same came up for a 11 n:il healing on tinnl settlement Monday, The keira tiled objections to each and every disbursement claimed by said ad ministrator, oxeet the mm of J'.'M al Jijwed as extru compensation. The heirs t-Uiwed to have furnishel funds to help A'.lray the expenses ol administration as i.iHows: .1. A. Bunnell, :W4 92 j B. 1.. Siunnell, 104 81)4 S.irah A. Ashby, .'.T ;0; T. K. A. 8llwoo4, f 137 2a. 'i best claims the administrator refused pass 011, but the court ordered that lie pass on the said claims within 10 hys, and that the hearintt of tlual aiv xiuut bo postponed until July tith. TJ. A. IienU was appointed adminis tTAiot of the osuU) of Gussie E. Beach, Wceaed, mvi the following were named anomisers: E. L. Johnson, C. K. .sh, tieorye II. llorton. To Loan on Farm I'ropei ty 500, 4fOOO,.$15tH)1 t.7 irreut, one, twj or titmo 1 years. Jliiaick & Eastham, law Yrq. Oregon -City, OreOn. season and is sliown by the. Ume ai tendance since the recent warm weather has set in. The baths are kept constant- i,n ' . ,1' .illo o,,,.,!! ui ! ntke were served f iii t o i,.ii. ,.u 1 Mr. and Mis. H you want to lake it for an entire year, six days out of eveiy week. One bath a day for 305 days aggregates at customary prices the enormous sum of 'J0. At the Y. M. C. A. you get ft bath a day and more if you like tor $1! a year and mj the pleasure, and avoidance of sickness and doctor bills, by always keeping clean. This piivilewe alone in Oregon City should appeal to every in telligent man to take a membership 111 the institution. If you regret the ex penditure of your $ti at the end of the yea' your money w ill be refunded, and you will be the tir-it man who ever wanted his money back. Hot and cold, shower and tub baths may be had at nil hours from 0 o'clock a. m. till 10 o'clock p. m. every day except Sunday. Persons non-members of the association must bu charged the regular price of 2") cents a bath. The Episcopal ladies gare delight ful social at the home of Dr. and Mrs E. A. Sommer last Friday evening. An excellent musical program was pre sented, fallowed by dancing. Ice cream and refreshments were served. Mrs. Sommer had the house tastily decorated in honor ot the event. A number of the immediate neiih- nors 01 ,irs. A. n. I'ooutlte gave tier a delightful surprise party, last Monday. Mrs. U. V Grace gave a delightful croquet party at her home on upper Seventh street, Wednesday evening. Croquet, music and cakewalks wi.-re lea lures of the evening. Ice cream and J hose present were : S. Gibson, Mr. mi I Mrs. Max Ramsby. Mr. and Mrs. E i Williams, fir. and Mrs. 0. S. Sea man 11, Mr. and Mrs. Will AlMredge, Frank Alldredge, the Misses Myrtle Cross and llermce Adams. The business men's class continues to meet regulary on Monday evening of each week and is largely attended. IT e gallery is open at a'l times for fpeJta tors. The young men's intermediate and junior classes have closed for the sen eon and will begin again at the fall opening of the work. The juniors continue to '.ave access to the b it'isat their regular hot r for classes, but not otherwise. ' The I'arkplaoe High School Alumni As-oeiatio , held a very interesting re union at the home of Professor and Mrs. ,1 . Gray last Saturday night Twenty-four of the member of the asso- cit.uon were pre ent ; also the board diiectors aud faculty of the Pnrkplace 1 t nil . . school i ne various parlors were deco rated 10 correspond witn the var olii class solors, and a very interesting nro- giam was presented. Refreshments were served. At the business meeting that followed the new otlicers elected were: President, Francis Galloway; vice president, Clark Williams; seote larv, Mabel Etters; tteasurer, Daisy Mc.Vnultv. link. Nicholas Rath, a brother of the bride, was best man. After congratu lions, an excellent breakfast was served at the Pei kins hotel. The groom was formerly a prominent lawyer of Oregon City, and the bride is the only daugh ter of George Kath, a welt known resi dent of George precinct, in this county. Air. and Mrs. Wonrnis will mane ineir mure home at Wallace, Idaho. Oria Cheney was given a delightful party Inst Saturday afternoon in honor ofiis fifth birthday. Thirty-one little invited guests were present, wisees Clara Warner, "Vara Cautield and Edith ( heney waited on the young people, served the refreshments, etc., and per formed the functions of chaperones. I'lie host received a number of presents 110m his young hostess Those present weie: Marv Ellen (irace, Hulda Mver. Bessie Warner, Eulalie Schne- bel;Evu ami Everett Dye, Kirtb and Dorothy l.atoiirette, Arthur and Walter Deute 'Joseph, Marie and Eddie Shea- han, Verne Roake, Gay lord Roake, El bert Charman, Florence and Mane White, Helen and Buelah Marr, Orin and Zona Moore, Ona Renner, Retta Sooggin, Perrin Latonrette, Grace Bevin, Norman hits, Kay Muir, Clay ureen, Herbert Harris, Orin Cheney. EDUCATIONAL. account of his continued residence in Idaho. The contract for erecting tl e J ...I.....I l.nll.lm,. a ...dLJ tn Frank S. linker for 1(163, lie being the lowesi bioder. It has been discovered that three more pupils passed the eighth grade county examination In addition to the list piinied last week. An error in numbering the examination papers sent in, caused the delay in reaching the correct results. These tfiiee passed a very eieditable examination, and were pupils of Miss Eula Strange's school at Damascus. They are Pearl Hilleary, Viciorine Wilson and Winifred Osborn. Robert Gintber, a prominent Clacka mas county ecliool teacher, cloted the spiing teim at Liberal lajt Friday. viiss D. Lyle Lawrencu has bet n elected a teacher in the Raker City schoo s, and her elective poiiiion as teacher ol the Bolton .branch of the West Cregon City school, is now vacant. Richard Scott was elected director of the Milwauk e school district last Sat urday night to succeed the late J. G. Bonnett. Ara McLaughlin was elected principal, Miss Minerva Thieseen, leacher of the intermediate department, and Miss ivate Casto, teach. r of the primary department. Professor J. W. Gray baa been re elected pr'ncipal of the Parkplace school, the coming year to be his ninth 111 that capacity. Mrs. tl. v. bans bury and Miss Margaret Williams were re-elected grade teachers. Miss Hul dah'Holdeu did not apply for a position, as she intends going elsewliere. Miss Marg tret Guttridge, of Spring- water, has been elected principal of the Can by school, and Miss Elgiva Mullan, of Miiwaukie. and Miss Vesta Knight, of Can by, gra in tuachers. Miss F,va Todd closed a very success ful term of school last Fiidav, in district 81, and hai been re-engaged to teach MARKET REPORTS. PORTLAND. (Corrected on Thursday.) Flour Best $3.103.15; graham valley Mutters of Interest To School- Dl trivia and Teacher. The annual teachers institute to be held next week gives promise, of being the most uccessful ever held iu Clack mas c. unty. Superintendent Bowland hss spared no expeuse to secure the l est available talent, making it a hinh class summer training school with enter taining features. The instructors are President Hawley, of vYillamette uni versity ; President Coffey, of the Wash ington state university; Professor Jar- vis, of the Portland schools, and Profes- j . ' , .. ,, .. .11 u :i.o.,.. r,o nl,i there 111 the Uli schools. The institute begins on the Less than hall of the pupila of the morning of July filh at the circuit court county who toik the uniform eighth mom. and remains in session three grade. It is probable that if the eighth 1 irrjMiinie ni iiim iirKi in 1 11 v ur.iininir days. Miss Nellie Youngi r has closed a vy prettiest weddings of the Mtistactory teim of school at ioca place in Po-tland on Tue- Creek, and is now a her borne in this city. T ie ie:ular apportionment of county s- h wl funds will be made by the lounty supjrititeiKleut on July 2nd. One of the seaton took day, June 2(1 h. at St. JoSi-ph's church. when Miss Pauline Kath, ot Portland, was unit d u marriage t Join H Wonrnis. Rev. James Rauer perf irmed the ciremony in the presence o( a few relatives and friend-i. The bride was attired in a gown of white Henrietta, and the bride8ro iid,.Mis Mary Glea son, of Oregon City, wore white over At the meeting of the West Oregon City 8 jhool bord held Saturday night, J.W. McKiy was elected director to 1 u cee I Tlionia? Gibb, who resign id on school, had taken the same examina tion, the result might have heen differ ent. The school Li should be change 1 10 require every pupil pass lhe uniform eighth grade txainination under the di rection of the county superin'endent. Wheat Walla Walla 58G0c; 58c60; bluestone 61c. Oats White 3637c; gray 33 34c. Barley Feed $14; brewing ?17 18. Millstuffs Bran middlings $10 ; shorts $15 ; chop $14. Hay Timothy $91 ; clover, 78 ; Oregon wild $7; Butter Fancy creamery 30 and 35c ; store, 22 and 25. Eggs 13 and 13c. Poultry Mixed chickens $3.004.50; hens $4.005; springs $23 25; geese, $a6; ducks $o7; live turkesl2 13)c; dressed, 1410o. Che'se Full cream 12c per pound ; Young America He. Potatoes 50 and 79 cents per sack. Vegetables Beets $1; turnips 90c per sack; garlic 7c per lb; cabbage $1.50 2.00 per 100 pounds ; cauliflower 75o per dozen ; parsnips 75c per sack ; celery 7075c per dozen; asparagus 67c; peas 34o per pounl. Dried fruit Apples evaporated 78; sun-dried sacks or boxes 45c; pears sun and evaporated 58c; pitless plums 45)sc; Italian prunes 35c; extra silver choice 56. , " ORBOON CITY. Corrected on Thursday. Wheat, wagon, 54. Oats, 32. Potatoes, 53 an 1 60 cents per saik. Eggs, 13 l-2o per dozen. Butter, 25c p?r roll. Oniony red, 83c to $1 00 pel sa k: yellow, $1 1 $1.25. Dried apples, 5 t ) 6c per pound. Dried prunes Italians, 4c; petite and German, 3c Home-made Kuerteu's bread " takes " .rookies " doughnuts " pus, an't be beat FOR SALE 30 acres of land, oue mile fro n Clad amas station. All clear. Gool sjll, foO per acre. Inquire of owne s, DIMICK A EASTHAM Orrgol City