OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. JUNE 29, 1900. Hot -Wave Garments I Ladies' House Wrappers Stylish, but cool ......... 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25 Summer Vests Pink, white, blue, ecru.. .5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c i Silk Mitts. .......... 15c; 20c, 25c Summer Corsets 25c, 35c, 50c Sun Umbrellas 25c, 50c, $t. . . Shirt-Waists --Sc, 500,650 : Children's Vests. . . . . . 15c, 20c, 25c Misses' Sizes.'. ....... 5c, 10c, 15c MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION V,- " - ' i McAllen & EXCLUSIVE DRY THIRD and MORRISON - LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION. Dr. and Mr?. Clayton S. Seamann re turned from their bridal trip last Satur day. E. E. Wilson, a Cirvallis attorney, was visiting friends here during the week. Mrs. H. W. Wick, of Tacoma, has .been visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Andrews. Miss Tillie Henrici, of this city, is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. West, in Portland. 0. P. Miller, of Portland, was in the city during the we6k, looking after his real estate interests here. John Fechter, of Chicago, 111., a grad uate of the Y. M. C. A. training school, is visiting James Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Bestow and Q. II. Bestow, of Portland, were visiting rela tives hero during the past week. Miss Minnie Wolfer, of Hubbard, who has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. G. B. Diuiick, returned home Monday. J. W. Silvey, of Washougal, Wash., has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Clianes Andrews, during the past week. County Commissioner S. F. Marks and daughter, Miss Btr;ha, of Mark's Prairie, were visitors in t'w c'.ty Satur day. Mrs. Ernestina Leipu, 0! Portland, "Was i tiling her parents, Mr. and Mis, George Spjes, at Linn's mill, during the week. Milo Lee, of Ca'nby, has teturned from an extended sojourn at Kelto, Wash., where he was employed in a sawmill. George Brown, a well known farmer living near Barton, was in town Friday. He reported that crops look poorly in his neighborhood. Mrs. Milton Evans, who was a resi dent of New Era precinct 18 years ago, has returned after an extended resi dence in California. E P. Carter, superintendent of the Clackamas hatchery, ani J. W. Barriam left tor Rogue river Monday morning on tour of inspection. Henry Reed, sister and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Reed, Willard W. Aus tin and sisters, were among the Logan people in the city Monday. Ed Nachend returned from the East the latter part of last week, and visited his cousin, G. H. Oldenburg, before go ing to his home in Eastern Oregon. Sam Baechler, of Woodburn, who is running a soda water and ice cream stand at the New Era spiritualist camp meeting ground, was in town Tuesday. P. DeShield3, a prominent farmer of Clackamas precinct, was in town Mon day, and reported that fall wheat in his vicinity, gave promise of a good yield. Miss Reva Gray, who is now living with Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Bestow in Port land, has been visiting her parents, Jaa&soa - 5 0HmM34H54H4 McDonnell GOODS IMPORTERS 1 ; ; ' : . . PORTLAND, OREGON PERSONAL Professor and Mrs. J, W. Gray for sev eral days. Miss D. Lyle Lawrence returned Sun day from Corvallis, where she attended the commencement exercises of the ag ricultural college, and the meeting of the alumni association. Samuel Cox, of Canby, who has a po sition with the Southern Pacific at Sissons, Calf., has been off on sick leave for several weeks. He expects to return about July 7th. II, Longcoy, of Clackamas precinct, was in town Monday, and stated that grain looked well in his immediate neighborhood. He has nn exceptionally promising piece o( fall wheat, which will be ready to cut early next week. F. II. Renond, a prominent fanner of Canby precinct, was in town Monday. He expressed the opinion that fall and winter wheat would not yield over a half crop, while Bpring grain, hay and potatoes would give a satisfactory yield. T. 0. Thomas, who has been working in the mines at Wardner, Idaho, for the past two years, ha9 returned home, and is now living with his family at Beaver Creek. He received $3 per day while there, but the work was telling on his health. G. H. Oldenburu. of FarkDlace. re ceived a letter a few days ago from his iatner, ineoaore Ulueuburg, who started to Cape Nome on the steamer Elder. When the letter was written tha vessel was within three miles of Cape Nome, and. the outlook appeared favorable. Tom Brown, superintendent of the Salmon river hatchery, was in town Monday. He had taken about 200,000 steel neaa salmon eeaa during the sea' son, and 50,000 of this number were turned loose. He is now getting every thing in readiness to take chinook sal mon eggs. Barton Jack, of Marquam, president of the Butte Creek Fair Association, was 'n Oregon City Monday. He Btated that the outlook for the fair was very en couraging, and that the premium list would suon be ready for the printer, Mr. Jack says that the prospect for the grain crop is not very good. Mrs. G. W. Stafford and family moved to Portland Tuesday, where they will reside. Mr. Stafford having secured a portion there. J. C. Bradley will move into tue house vacated by Mrs. Stafford, while Deputy County Clerk Cooner and family will occupy Mr. Bradley's .dwel ling on Sixth and Madison streets. L. A. Feaster, who was making $4 per day, doing carpenter work and painting at Wardner, Idaho, was called home during the past week on account of the serious illness of his mother, and is now assisting in the collection of taxes n the sheriff's uftke. He says that common laborers gut f3 per d&y there. A. E. Donaldson returned home Fri day, after an extended visit East. He attended the Presbyterian General As sembly at St. Louis, as an elder dele gate, and visited relatives in other sec tions. He was accompanied home by his daughter, Miss Eunice Donaldson, cammio Rambler Bicycles. Are better than ever Price the same, $40. That's why you see so many new Ramblers this season. Ideal Bicycies With G. & J. heavy tread tires $30 MmmMMMMImMMMMMMtMMW4Km4 r I who has been living with her sister at j Almosa, Colo., for the past two years. j Joshua Gorbett, the Colton merchant, ! was in town Tuesday, and reported that ! tall and spring grain looked well, and mat tne nay crop wouia oe spienuiu, with the exception clover, which had been injured to the extent of about a hundred tons. The rust had appeared In the grain fields, but no serious dam age is anticipated. 1 John Lewellen, of Springwater, county commissioner elect, was in the city Tuesday. He eported that the yield of (all wheat will be short in tnat section, but the spring-sown wheat has a promising appearance. The damage to nay was slight tnere, as but little clo ver hay is grown. However, in the Lo gan country the damage to the hay crop is extensive. W. J.- Lewellen, postmaster and mer chant at Springwater, accompanied by Mrs. Lewellen, returned Tuesday from an extended trip through the Willam ette valley. Mr. Lewellen reported that the wheat crop looked bad in many pla ces, and that coosideiable bay was damaged. While on the trip tbey vis ited many places of interest throughout the different counties, and enjoyed their trip immensely. , ' ... W. 0. Buckner, the Highland mer chant, was in Oregon City 'Tuesday. He stated that thejall wheat does not present a promising appearance, :' al though it is believed that the yield of spring grain will be good. ' Both the cut and standing clover hay in 'that, section is ruined, the mold having set in. Mr. Buckner drove in a pair of tine bunch grass horses, that had been broke to work, during the past week. P. M. Graves, a well known Molalla farmer, was in Oregon City Saturday, accompanied bv Mrs. Graves, their daughter, Miss Ivy Graves, and his sis ter, Miss Dollie waves, of Silverton, The entire party made a short trip to Portland, while here. Mr. Graves Baid that the late rains had been of material oenefit to the late sown grain, hay, veg etables, and was materially improving the yield prospect of fall-sown wheat. In fact, he did not believe that fall wheat was injured to the extent at first believed by many farmers, and that those who plowed np their fields were in too great a hurry that they were prematurely frightened over the outlook. A.J. Sawtell, the well known teasel grower, of Molalla, was in the city dur ing the week, having shipped his last consignment of the previous year's crop East. For 40 years Mr. Sawtell has raised teasels extensively and supplied Eastern and Western woolen mills. He has retired after handling thousands of dollars received for teasels, much of which was paid out for help in produc ing the thistles. The Yankee inven tion of a metal contrivance to take the place of teasels in raising the nap on certain kinds of woolen cloths, has les sened the demand for the teasel grown by nature. Mr. Sawtell, however, says that teasels can still be grown profita bly, provided that the grower does not have to employ too much labor. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. To Trade A bicycle for a horse. In- quire at Courier-Herald office. James Healey is having his residence property near the corner of Main and Fourteenth streets, filled with dirt frcm the excavation on the Stevens property. For Sale, on account of sickness A paying business, the Maine Restaurant, for l250; $150 down, rest in installments of $15 monthly. Adam Wunder, Prop. It has been planned to hold the Bap tist Sunday-school picnic at Gladstone park today, (Friday.) The aflair was to have been held last Friday, but was postponed on account of the rain. On last Friday John Albright was bound over by Justice Schuebel in the sum of $500 to appear before the grand jury, on a charge of seducing Nancy Thomas, aged 22, of Beaver Greek. They were formerly engaged to be married. The birthplace of each voter in Clack amas county would be interesting, prop erly compiled. However, it is impossi ble to get these figures, as several of the notaries instead of naming the state where the voter was bom, simply put down 'American." The special committee, E. E. Char man, chairman, appointed by the board of fire commissioners to repair Cataract and Fountain engine houses, have had both buildings repainted and other needed repairs made. No. 3 engine house on the hill, also needs repairs, the roof leaking badly. On Monday Francis Galloway rode hi wheel up town, and left it standing at the foot of the st irway of the Wein hard building. When he returned down stairs Bicycle Tax-Collector Cow ing had eeized the wheel on account of the absence of a tag, but Mr. Galloway Burmeister " ' ": i double stitched with silk or linen thread; buttons put on to stay. Trousers have double seat and knees; sizes 8 to 16 years, $5,00, well worth $7.50. Boys' Odd Knee Trousers at 35c pair, actually worth 50c, 75c Boys' Novelty Suits at $2.35 to $10. Youths' Suits at $5 to $10. Boys' Hats, Caps and Furnishings. Largest Clothiers in the Northwest ooo0oooccoooa exhibited a receipt, showing that he had paid for tag No. 35. While he was gone up-stairB someone had swiped the tag to avoid paying a tax in the future. Joseph Garrow will attend the alumni reunion of the Parkplace high school of Oregon City, which takes place tomor row night. He and his brother gradu ated from this institution three years ago under Principal J. W. Gray. ThiB gentleman came to Corvallis to he pres ent at the graduation of these two young men from the O. A. O. Piesident Ap person who presented them with diplo mas Wednesday, also presented their high school diplomas. Corvallis Ga zette. Volney Mack, aged 41, son of W. O. Mack, of Canby. died suddenly of con- cuseion of the brain or heart trouble last Thursday af ternoou. He was stand ing on a table cleaning a roof gutter and fell to the ground, where ne was louna dead by his father a few minutes after ward. Coroner Strickland was sum moned, but did not deem an inquest nec essary, as death had evidently resulted . from natural causes. The deceased had been in poor health for many years. He was the son of a pioneer, and was born at Macksburg in this county. Edward Bailey, the 15-year old son of W. J. Bailey, of Clackamas Station, met with a serious ac.-ideut while driv ing a team and wagon on his father's farm. The team ran away down grade over logs and stumps, finally throwing out the driver to the ground ids face striking a knot on a log and cutting a severe gash through inn upper lip. A two-year old brother was thrown out of the wagon to the ground, but fortunately escaped injury. The wagon and har ness were badly wrecked. Young Bai ley was brought to town and his wounds were sewed up' by Dr. Strickland, The work of excavating on the Ste vens property on the corner of Main and Sixth streets, is progressing in a satis factory way. The ground occupied by cMzo604Qoomma Golden Eagle Bicycles $25 Guaranteed for the full season. We have som bargains in new and second-hand wheels Look at them before you buy. & Andresen THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS Suitts i ' ' .... . Here's a: bargain worth talking about: Boys' double-breasted school suits, made of all-wool fabrics-emphasis on the all fancy light and medium shade wool cheviots and cassimeres in large variety; checked patterns, broken twills and fancv mixtures seams wk. jnr iri mr s . o.ftooaoo;oa the Chinese wash house, recently torn j down, has been graded prepatory to re ceiving the corner dwelling to be moved trek from its frontage on Main stieet. The Chinese laundry has moved into the palatial brick on upper Main street, at one time occupied by Burmeieter & Andreeen's jewelry store. Young Brothers have several teams at work hauling dirt from the excavation for the new Stevens build ing, and there is yet considerable to do before the ground, on the corner is re duced to the street level. The epiritualist camp meeting began its anaual session at New Era last Sun day. On the Saturday right previous there was a dance at the hall across the road from the grounds, which wag a verv pleasant affair. Considering the condition of the weather, the attendance was good for a first day session. A num ber of Oregon City people were in at tendance, who went up on tho train while quite a number rode their wheels. Several young ladies, who rode up on their wheels, did not bring their wraps and when a cold wave, accompanied by rain struck the grounds about 10:30 they received the full benefit of the change in climatic conditions. At the morning session Professor W. O. Bow man gave an able lecture on "The Litfhts and Shadows of Mediums." In the afternoon Mrs. Georgia Gladys Cooler, of Chicago, gave an interesting lecture, and some tests. There were already quite a number of campers, and the attendance will no doubt be large, now that there is good weat'.ier. The camp meeting will continue in session until July 17th. Read the posters In your local post- office to ascertain as to price, etc., about the Fourth of July excursion up the Co lumbia to Multnomah falls, and then-on to Bonneville. Remember, a little rain now indicates clear, warm weather. Buy your tickets, and be one 425 fortu nate ones who will enjoy this most en joyable excursion. Cor. Fourth and Morrison Portland, Ore. ooovoCroowvu LOCAL SUMMARY For new sewing machines and for low. eBt prices go to Block, the hoinefur nisnei. A very handsome up-to-date parlor or gnn at Block, the homefurnisher's. Highest cash price paid for second hand household goods at Bellomy A Busch. A few watches for sale cheap at Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1. Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date on home-made candies. For Sale Al low jirlce, on very easy terms, property 100 feet square in South Oreon City. Apply at Courier-Herald oiiice. The finest bon bon boxes in town at tbeK.K. K. Cheney, the photographer, is now making stamp photographs. New hats and caps for babies at Miss Goldsmith's. Cameras and up-to-date photo sup plies at Charuian & Oo's. Ray filter at -special prices. For Sale or Trade One new Osborn reaper, Wheeler No. 8. Inquire of F. H. Renoud, Canby, Or., near Adkins' mill. Sailors from 25 cents up. Miss Gold smith. Dr. C. S. Seamann has removed bis offices to the Willamette building, ovet Harding's drug store. Try P. G. Shark, the barber. The best shave in the country for 10 cents. Go to the Golden Rule Bazaar for hammocks or Icecream freezers. Dr. R. B. Beatle, dental offices, rooms 15 and 16, Wuinhard building. A good tent for rent during the Chau tauqua Assembly. See G. W. Church.' saw- a jiii ii