OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. APRIL. 20 1900. 4 M i Regular Up-to-dateness In a spring suit, the width of a seam, the size of a button or the location of a pocket may sometimes determine the up-to-dateness of the garment. We give the closest atten tion to all the little kinds of fashion. PRICE BROS. Leaders In Low Prices. i - mm m. m mi m mmmm m m m m m. m m - lsaM " YOU WAY NOT KNOW II But the Best Stock of First-Class Goods to be Found at Bottom- ? Prices in Oregon City is at HARRIS' GROCERY Brunswick Restaurant I Under new Management Only First-Class Restaurant IN THE CITY ', L. RUCONICH. Prop. OREGON CITY, - - OREGON You will have a small grocery bill by trad ing at Marr & Muir's Grocery mm The Seventh Street Meat Market BROWN BROS. Props. Keeps nothing but first-class meats and sells lower than others. The Old Stand, Seventh Street, A. O. U. W. Building OREGON CITY, OREGON. CIRCUIT COURT. 1IM Sewer System "Bridles were slackened and girths were burst; . But, ride as they would, the king rodejfirst," Because he rode a bicycle. H. W. Jackson Gunsfrii h and Bicycle Repairer prices: Brazing frame $l 00 . Fork tips........ - So Rims...-. ...150 Spokes 10 . Puncture '5 First-class stock of bicycle supplies atiu sundries cheaper than any other house in the county. Joseph Kuerten's Bakery and Confectionery, Fine Bread, Pies, Cakes, Cookies, Etc., Fresh Every Day Special Attention Given to Private Parties Seventh St. telephone 430 Oregon City, Ore Foresight Means Good Sight If there ever was a truism it is exemplified in the above headline. Lack ot foresight in attending to the eyes in time means in the end poor sight. We employ the latest most scientific methods in testing the. eyes, and charge nothing for the examination. Dr. Phillips, an expert graduate oculist and optican, has charge of our optical department. A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler 393 Horrison Street, PORTLAND, OREQON 1 pril Term in Xow in Session. The regular April term of circuit ciuft convened Monday morning., T. , W. Foutsand T. M. Miller are the court bailiffs, and the other officers the same as at previous terms. The following ju rors mere excused for the term : Bob- ert Currin, of Eagle Creek ; P. P. Heia, of Cascades; Charles Albright, E. Q. Caufield and J. L. Swafford, of Oregon City; George Clark, sr., of Logan. George F. Ball, of Canyon Creek, could not be found by the sheriff. In setting dates for the trial of jnry cases Judge McBride pointeily informed the attor neys that the court could not keep 24 nrymen on expense for 10 days to hear what few cases of that kind that would be tiied at this term of coprt. The jury was enensed until Wednesday moining. The following proceedings wen had oh' the first day; W. B. Ames vs Lizzie N. Bowers; stricken from the dicket. , Akin, Selling & Jo. vs E. M. Hart- man ; stricken irom ine aocaei. B. C. Chambers s O. F. Hibbard, et al ; stands on motion of verdict for the plamun. Frank Dewell vs Wil i im Buckmanri ; stands on plaintiff's mo ion for a' new trial. ,- Marv A. Lazelle vs G R. H Miller, et al ; motion- fur h new trial. 8. Klintter vsueoigt Sauna: tinciings for defendant. Tl e defendant has car ried on a sawmill business near Stafford for the pa-'t 15 years, and had a dam to raife water power tor me machinery, that caused back water to oveifiow some continuous .lands. Amicable arrange ments, however, had been been made with the owner of the ovei flowed land Klinger, of Portland, purchased this land, and began suit to es'opp Saum from maintaining the dam, alleging that he had agreed with the fo mer owner of the overflowed jropertyto tear out the said dam. Saum denied such allega ta m, and the court handed down a de cision in his favor. v Henry Nute vs Charles K. and Charles W. Noblitt: motion for a new trial was overruled, and 30 days given t) file a bill of exceptions. P. J. Hidings vs A. f. .Laveriyj sher iff sale confirmed. , . ' Jemima Kirk vs Lou, a Bath, et al ; settled and dismissed. Jacob Set weitzer vs Jacob S. Miller; set for trial next Monday. City of Portland vs C. W. Oanong; stricken from the docket. Charles Baiiman vs Shipley, Kruse & Co. ; dismissed. Portland General Electric Company vs H. J. Humphrey ; stricken from the docket. . Henry Thiessen vs T. K. Worthing- ton ; findings for plaintiff. I his suit has been in court for a number of years, the i object being to determine the owner-1 ship ot a small strip 01 land in muwiiu kie precinct. The contestants bad euch been awardea a jury veraict, dui a tuit equity has resultel in the suit' being de cided in Mr. Thiessen'ij favor. ' Wa'ter. vs Elizabeth Nob'itt;- dif mihsed. . r Boihchild Bros vs R. F. Davis j set tled and dismissed. A.M. Shibley vs Alex Sweek; on mo tion to dismiss. Fillipina Schweitzer ya Frank Schweitzer j divorce suit dismissed. Sarah A. Slaver vs Schuyler Rue, et al : t heriff sale confirmed. Clara K. Morey vs W. P. Keady; for confirmation. Joseph Miller vs Mary C. Campbell; not Drimsrlv on the docket. i. r. Jackson vs Louisa ueeson, ei ai not nrorjerlv on the docket. Charles Kyier vs Henry von neimns: sheriff sale confirmed. M. L. Moore vs F. H. Sturges; slier iff sale confirmed. H. C. Stevens vs Louise Roberts, et al ; sheriff sale confirmed. Dau Lyons vs Eugene McKiney ; sher iff sale confirmed. Ida B. vs Elmer C. Thomas, divorce, default entered. Ade'inuvs Patrick Carberry; decree of divorce on the ground of- desertion Plaintiff awarded the custody of three minor children. Marv Mader vs W. D. Pickens, et al summons ordered published. Alfred G. vs Saddle M. Day! delault entered in divorce suit. Joseph Bichner vs T. J. Brown and wife; judgment for plaintiff. In the suit of Noblitts vs Dr. Carll the motion of defendant was granted disiolving the attachment and qutshing th writ of attachment. The motion re qiii'inz the plaintiff to make more deft- nite and certain the complaint was over ruled. Tuesday: Rebecca Long vj J. W. Doores ; this caue was heard upon defendant's mo tion for dissolution of the restraining or der heretofore made, it is ordered that eaid order be and is hereby vacated. Municipality of Oregon Oity vs Ore gon & California Railroad Company to determine ownership of a strip of land along the bluff ; the cause was heard on the demurrer to the amended com plaint, plaintiff appearing by fledges & Griliith. and defendant by W. JJ. ten- ton ; the court being fully advised in the premises, it is ordered and adjudged that the demurrer be and tue same la hereby overruled, and defendant al lowed 10 days to answer. E. F, Riley vs II. II. Johnson an Max Schulpius: judgment for $113 70 E. F. Riley vs James Dunniire; de cree of foreclosure for 1227 60. On Wednesday decrees of divorce were entered in the suits of Alfred vs Saddie m Day. and Susan E. vs 1. N Groves. The Plauo Manufacture Company wan given a jury verdii against G. T Slaughter. Theiury was discharged Wednesday, until the follow ine Monday. I he court will announce a decision in the Hertzka demurrer Monday, Our friend, W. C, is again at the is probably all that is immediately re quired. This, if carried ou, economi cally, should entail but little expense on council with a petition for sewers.' For , the fate Wers who may neeJ the future me it. The expense of all laterals, etc., should be proportionately born by the owners making use of them. ' Some plan of this sort, the expense of which must be definitely known and strictly moderate, especially to those not receiving immediate benefit, would probably receive no opposition from the majority of property holders, but any thing like the present scheme will cer tainly raise a hornet's nest. '.' Geo. E. H arq reaves., - years lie has been pushing for this and a sewer is no doubt badly needed in his neighborhood, and his argument that all who have to :-.se the sewer in the fu ture, should help pay forft,is quite fair; but the people are capable of judging as to the amount they can afford to pay or that they ought to-pay. They con dvmued the scheme adopted by the coun cil last year, and rightly so, as the plan was ill considered, unserviceable and outrageously expecs.ve. Seventh street, the crest of the- hill, was made a base line for the low alley lines on each side. Center street was to have a base line of pipes from 11 feet tu 14 feet deefj, through a bed of solid ruck that would probably cost about $3.) per lineal foot for excavations, alone. But what does that matter, il those own ers can spread the cost out over a large area of property owners, who would re ceive no benefit aud who can be much' more cheaply eeryed by other methods ' when they need sewerage? Besides W, C. and hi-i friends would get their street giaueu anne expense oi otuera, somei Siela Mayhew, as Aunt Linda, the old wnom nave nau 10 pay ueany ior meir coored iammy, is the whole show in "On the Suwanee Itlver." Somehow, these old Southern dramas, with their quaint, soft, melodious dia lect, plantation songs and glimpses of Southern life during slavery days, have a chariu and attraction that are ever strong. The story of the "Suawuee River," wLh the touching trials of the blind heroine, Is too well known to be repeated. The company presenting the show is a capable one and deserves the heavy recalls it receiver). The fun of the show is in good hands. own grading The unsightly mounds of rock, so hard to get rid of, would disappear, half the street would have to be blasted out to g;t the required depth, and they could insist on having an even turface if crushed rock lett at the finith A system of pipes running from the foot of the hill along the natural water way toward Jackson street would eerve all present requirements on the south o( Seventh street, North Seventh street requiring a different arrangement. Prob ably a line of pipes along ths alley ways between Seventh and Eighth coild be connected at the foot of Seventh street. By following the contour of the nat ural drainage much shallower excava tions would be required, Baving mu h cost in making future connection "repairs. Then all blocks should be drained as far as possible through the alleys, thus giv ing Bhorter range for connections, allow ing for smaller connecting pipes without choking, and also preventing the con stant cutting up of the main thorough fares. ' A main pipe as far as Jefferson sine'. IW'" the comedy part. Her coon walk is kill ing, and her up-to-date coon isongs will m ike May Irwin hustle to retain her place. Her "chicken" song in the last act wins recall after recall, and it cer tainly is worth epeating. The colored quartet is tuneful and sings many pleas ing Southern melodies. Lew Warner does a strong piece of character acting as Caleb Croc.the miser. Allen H, Sailey, as Jacob Torrence, and Fred Truesdale, as Frank Clayton; have parts well suited to their good qualities, and incidentally to his otherwise good work, Truesdale helps out the entertain- m n oy a coupie ot nailad songs in a sweet, pleasing tenor voice. Dora Clay ton, the blind orphan, is portrayed by theBweet and winsome WilJow Francis. The magnificent personality of Fanny Darry Sprague, as Mrs. Judith, is a striking fe iture of the play. The remain der of the cast rounds out a clever even ing's entertainment . "On the Suawnee River" will be at Shively's Opera-house next Monday night, April 23. Seats on sale at Huntley's, OH I' Up Against A Good Things When you deal with us we are going; to do our tip top best for you. No half way business about it. We are going to get you the best there is and get it to . you as fast ns it's humane to drive. When yot wunt something really good that you can't find anywhere hut in your imagination, come to us. We will name it undpioiuie it for jour table groceries, etc. . A. ROBERTSON, The 7th St. Grocer COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. I now have money to pay all road war rants indorsed prior to December 11th, 1899. Interest will cease on the warrants in cluded in this call ou the date of this notice. Oreuon City, April 20, 1900. JACOB SHADE, Treasurer Clackamas County, Oregon, SHERIFF'S SALE. Clackamas County School Officials Tor Vtar Ending march, 1901 CLERK POSTOFFICE c5 .3 Canby fr'illinery Store Miss Ethel Whitlow, Prop. A full 'lie of Ladies' and Misses' Hats, and Children's wear. Pattern Hats Novelties, Etc. Hats trim med to 0 rder. Trices reasonable n 12 IB 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 82 23 2-1 25 26 27 2d 211 30 31 82 3a 81 m 87 3h 3il 40 41 42 43 44 45 4(i 47 4K 40 50 51 62 63 54 65 60 57 68 69 60 61 62 3 01 65 6li 7 68 !l 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 7 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 Sfi 87 88 89 Wl 81 92 93 94 95 9ft 97 98 (19 100 101 II Ktt 106 100 6 10 15 23 26 30 81 53 67 62 70 18 a Elgiva fttullaa -N K Cirolmiu W A Herines FS II u let, i in J A Killings K 1 wiirriu HG Klivhem Ueo O SniitU A Kllxlo J L Stowart Jitiiit'8 Duncan F J WalkW.y Lorenzo Tenny Ueiiry Hughji F K Albright Jim Bull J O Koeuler TO Junsrud John L Murdock Geo Spt'eH V SI fioiniison Chm F Warner Edward Closner Victor Dh-key F M Osburu F VV Cramer Dora S 'IhiuNHen Frank Jaggar J W WatU 8 0 Young (J P Tall man U K Miller T J Gary W 11 Knglo Levi Stub man Uugli linker J & Murk J F Furrester A S Thompson OFPolivka j J W Baly W B Lawton 8 E Card K F Andre K F Brum OB Hall Geo T Howard (1 B Wise J F Woodlo L I) Miimpower Jacob Deshazor Mm LP Willianu Mary E Stevena Cains W Herman B F Boy lea Julius Paulsen K W Uaniuott J F Waclitman I A Mller Jaa S Imel T Ldlurman George Blauchard K V Dedman Henry Thonmi Adolf Ancholt U 1 Iderliofl 3 A lngli-.li Julia J Kider W W Myeni F E GrIHelll W K Bonncy G II Brown O .weilel W M Stono A Alidentun Henry Breilhaunt WEMyera J J Miller Wm Guenther L V Burnt Alison Baker (Jlark Bowman F Kricluon FredBluhm Win Knit-tit M a Hardy H C llolinifln Georg Formun A Hayiiuritt . 1 J Kauflluan V B Yoder 0 11 Wrlglit C W Ridiey J T (intce Niels Clirintniea W W Jmh 1 V Trulllnger . II C UlrlcU A P T..dd I'hoa h tiager . K W Pain A V Davla C C Miller OlUi V Olon Florence Kroae Joint VwtRHfn C M Uk. J L Kra BiChey Hnirr A Snyder A W Vincent W y Yuiiiik J N HofTmao L C Ix A H Cone R Maycock K( ole 1 S Korb f LKuk Milwaukie llubbard Oregon City logau Harquam Needy Currinsville Logan (Jlackamas Molalla Moiulowbrook tiarllold Salmon Viola Beaver Creek Marqaum Eagle Ureek Cauby Kelso Mackdburg Oregon City Needy WileinviUe Spi iugwaler Molalla DamaaeuB Oregon (!ity Milwaukie Carua Stone Damascus Clarkea Highland . Oregon Cl'y Molalla Liberal Uswego " Aurora Eagle Creek Needy Staff, m (;lienyvllle Oregon City Powella Valley Dull UUU Haudy Oswego Oregon City Milwaukie Eagle Creek Oregon City Flrwood Clarkea Can by Molalla Wilholt George Elwood H itbbard Wllaonville Oregon City Oregon City New Era Clackamas Wilholt Marmot Suil.nd Currlnavllls Oregon City Oregon City Sunnygide- Collou New Era Needy Bed land Monitor Damascus Dodge Aurora Shulwl Canby Graeme Dorer Muli'io Ely Canby Wilholt (larfleld Barton Carut NeHly Needy Liberal IKn (Harkea New Era Barlow I'nlon Mill! IntS Hherwood Clarkea Mulino Marquara l.arliild WlllametU F. Fulton Orient Stafford Sycamore Aurora Tualatin Sherwood riherwood Aims Butltnllla B-itleTllla Wlll.bonr Heotu Mills UresLaia DIRECTOR 8 YEA 11 11 08 42 40 71 47 42 19 47 53 13 40 114 65 5S 74 02 107 28 27 69 87 20 60 84 00 1)5 44 45 63 76 221 88 8) 29 42 40 101 87 2.) 104 27 111 40 22 401 106 84 60 21 10 51 41 21 39 45 45 85 40 11IIS 69 1U7 45 '28 64 28 81 18 96 40 li 44 il 68 61 27 11 107 611 40 19 39 45 141 11 7 14 21 83 ' 88 60 82 m 40 62 (4 48 C4 21. 36 4 6 88 84 DIRECTOR 2 YEA It!) J W Grasley R r, Morris C M Toole W P Kirdiem Frank Jackson Fred Wal-on J H Kitchlng Henry ltablur Guslol Haberlach D C Ball K H BnodgrnM William oallleld W K Welch 1 hos (1 Jubb T B Thomas Fred Myers J J Judd J S Dick Gilbert Jousrud J J Gilison A B Linn J W Elliott Wm Hrobst A J Maria Jaa Bsty Herman Ritzan John Qerber T R Worlblngton H HnrushueU J P MeMurry A W Cooke J J (Jatd Claus Krohn K i 4t reaves O V Adams John Akin J R Ilayea F 1'eler VTrubel Adolih Brockart Hainnel Muytr C P Ware Goo Laxells P U tiger Lngi Vanetti J H Revenue E O JIiihkII J T Apperson R L Mci.aiighllH Krisl HotTmlester F F Hatton J Wend land JOCHiwl J F Eckcrson E K Judd Seott Carter Frank Mcba Morris Cadonan H Choate CDF Wilson Q M B Jones Chai H Cnulieli A Htai-liely C F Clark J F llHlin K A Ten Eyek K Koellermeir J E Crawford Win Jonea J M Bch II Is C Burner JUmbett B Frlederich J 8 Wolfer August Hubert W Lenou i C McMurry i a W Bowillth Gna Uolenburs; Wesley Mill Jaa PfTluger Clins McKlunle Joseph Di'shaxer M Mulrey William Harris Herman Lee A Croxsan John Iloiiekon 'l'hos Odell B Bui kner J C Kramer L D Yoder P M Graves Jacob Hulier II biilllvan Frank Keiser I. E Armstrong W Brlggs Fred Kichet Wm Murry W F Mueller A 8 Jonea C K y ii inn -hobt Miller A 8 Hunt O (i Kruse J G Bonnett F F Stanton R C Ganoug F Geruer DIRECTOR 1 YICA1W F J Ogle L Hale C N Tracy J Paddoo Erik Llnduiilsf Oeo Hoffstetler T Yocum 8 D Hedges ' David Closner 'l'hos Daniels W Albright James timltb Valentine Kluue Joel Jurl D Harms W Sprague U 11 Uobbins I K Seelv W 11 Handle Raymond Dickey J A Wilson A Biumann C W Kisley C 8penue J J Hatlan J O Wilson Fredrick Marshall A Nicholas Thos Gibb J R Cole Silas Wright J W Wau man J 11 dribble A tiunderHon H I Garreit John Moser 0 W Harris Mrs C Myers Andrew viteli (ieorgeUibons Casper Junker n ij ruiiocK W II Smith W II Coiiusell Harry Gibson 8 W heeler James Deshazur L P Williams C W Armstroug a ti Halt 0 8 B yle Henry Melnks W H Wilson U W Owlngs W L Whita O E Reynolds C O Allbrlght A Grelsshauber I TalUirt John Ferguson ( has Leaf Aug Kiwllermelerl N M Tracy Mrs E C Eatlman W II Smith M Becker F ''.ouiitryman ' J Hotruian M Koebel I. Funk T J A nderson Carl Wollhagen K A Miller W J Miller Kuill Guenlhar Wm hauiiiauu .1 N Wisxl M H Bowman J J Msllatt David Harris Wm Vorpahl A II Rich J B Bowmn K II lliirghanlt J T Evans A W legend Jaa Hwnilz Fred Wh mer Henry Balsmeier W (i Klelllsmllh ''ourad Mchroder J A Andrews D L Trulllnger C F Zlneer ii Licbtenthaler Henry Waller C Smith A H Hibbard A H Miller Thomas Hirwell C W Kruss F llerkmeler Jaa Rainier T M Long Phillip Kohl W R Garrett John King 0 B Linn J C Sprague Cieo Dye Andrew Johnaon John Denlsou C Hurvor Win Kosalsky Chas Miller Wm Grissenthwalts J T Drake J Burnett J aeob Mundorf A Btefensou J 1 Grlbbia Fred Bilmieiier J U Perdue ('has Kchlli'kelaer J A Bhlbley Ira Diekey W Buchman .1 O Dixon Otto Neaf Vli-tor Erickson J G Miimpower C X Barton Jos Elmer Rotiert Rutherford C A McMillan J It Shaver Win Morey n iiaya P II B iOrk (leo Elllgaen W H Sunshall Win Krans V. A Eddy W I Mathews R Parrslt JW Miller W K Her John Smith J M Nu kuin C D Harlman L " Yunkcr O Kooher J Hot) master K B Miliar Wm Hhati! N A Flinn W J W Mi-Cord W H Boring A Andre 8 D Coleman P 11 Jsrrli.il B H Beilomy T Haggonberger K W Caasllly C Shtiholm 1 McCabo H K Carr V A Hlelglit Frank Sawlell J W Nightingale Diield-iiziipli W T Henderson I 8 Miller Edward Schmidt W B Hlildleson K EChnrmaa K Dundaa II Iingeoy J M (rosining Henry Vonllelm If Tojdomeier F Uhodes .. KnoaCabll John Potter Chas Moll Fetor Laflerty J Kief W U Cochran .1 Fullem W Bird O W Griffin W M Taylor D McDonald Michael Moehuke .1 F Bilggs K L Baker A J Klltmlller W A Woodside (t Bliihin Win Bissell J F Sherman If II Anders J Oi-linrn 0 F Bskor Il Kaufl'niait John Taylor Jaa M Cos 1 L murks J I' Olson II V Parker Wm Evans (I J Trulllnter J B Deardntr T P Siatchneeker F K Mueller John IV-i K A II sir Sherman Coop C A Miller . James Cook N pursuanre of a Jiultrmerit rentlereiJ in the eircult court of the state nf Oregon for the county of Multnomah on the 7ih day of June, 1808, In the suit of The Gorinju Bavlngs and Loan Society, plaintiff, vs. John Schrnm and Mary E. Sehram, defendants, and of an exe cution duly lnucd out of the said court in the said suit on the 15th day of February, 1900, 1 will expose for sale, and sell as the law directs, at the court house door of auid oounty, iu the eityof Oregon City, on SATURDAY, TUK 19TII DAY OF MAY, 1900. at the hour of 1:30 o'clock p. m., all the property situated in the oounty of Clackamas, stute of Ore gon, and described as follows, to-witi The south half of lot ono (1), block two- (2, In the city of Oregon City. Also lot eight (8,', In block four (4), In the city of Oregon City. Also fractional part of lot one (1), in block four (4), in the city of Oregon City, and doicribod as f jllows, to-wil: Beginning at a point in the easterly line of aatd lot one (1), which point is ou Main street in said city and twenty flve(25) feet six (Oi Inches south, erly from the northeast eorner or said lot one (1); thence southerly alo.ig the west line of Matu street forty-three (41) feet nd eight (8 1 inches to the oomerof said lot one (1, j thence In a westerly direction along the tine between lots one (1) and two (2) in suid block one hundied and live (105) feol to the southwesterly corner of sail lot one (l)t thence northerly alon.? the line between lots one (1) and eight (8) in said block forty-four(44) feet one (1) inch; thence at right angles to said last described Hue in an easterly direction twenty (20) feet; thence at right angles to Bald last de scribed line iu a southerly direction flvo (6) Inches; thence at right angles with said last de scribed line in an easterly direction and parnlle' with Sixth street in said city eighty-five (86) feet to the place of tMglnning. Also a part of the Joseph and M. M. Church do nation land claim, which Includes claim 49, town ship 2 south, range 8 east of the Willamette meri dian, and claim Nj, 39, township 2 south, range 4 east of the Willamette meridian, beginning at the southeast corner of said claim, running thence north 29 degrees 80 minutes west 18.10 chains; thenoe south 00 degrees 90 minutes west 62.45 chains; thence south 14 degrees 30 minutes cast IS .65 chains; thence north 00 degrees 30 minutes east 7.26 chains to the place of beginning, con taining 100 acres. J. J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas Counly, Oregon. Dated Oregon City! Ore., April 19, Una W H Nmt John Aden O P Hedge Ir W W Glesy Geo Galkrrstli W 1 Wesion J T Young W M Bramhall Kred Bents A illnnemsc Anton Bncheggerj llavin li roil is Lerms W alsh W II WhaHer Fred Klllgson C Dahlguist II Hi-o.e J K Hedge B L Webster J Baker John Taylor J Murray A Himuian A II Lance C llelli.l Peter Undkln Fellows Harding Block, Oregon City TELEPHONE 618 - ' 65 Cents Sack Good Flour 25 Cents 6 Pounds Black Figs 15 Cents Pound Full Cream Cheese 15 Cents ' 10 Pound Sack Graham Flour 7 Cents Pound Best Soda Crackers $1.00 25 Pounds Good Rico 12J Cents Pound Good Cofloa $1.00 - 19 Pounds BoKt Granulated Sugar 10 Cents Pound Good Bacon J, A. Stores Oreuo. McGLASHAN, Manatter City and Portluiid New walking huts and sailon jnst opened. Miss Goldsmith. To Stock Growers II yoa want to breed Shorthorn Dur ham stock go to Kred i Mi Bluhm. , The aue ol his bull was two years on' the 25th of Decemher, 18W. Uissixe is follows: Uelitht. 4ft. 8 inches; length, 4 ft. 6 inches; (iirthi 0 ft. Bervke in sured, $1. If there Is any more infor aiatlon wanted call on FjikdRU-ii bi.iim, ,11 Ulitllsla Uliubel, Or