Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 20, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Maiay are the with the adveiitof spiiig.;,"-it is con--
cerniug these requirements and how they may he secured with satisfctetioEi and
eeonomy9 that we wish to speak. Our new stock is now ready and we desire
you to call and see our new spring line. The quality and style will be apparent
and the prices will present their own argument. W
Unbleached Muslins
Atlantic L L Muslin, )6 in. wide,-
per yard. Sc
Best Cabot W, 36 in. wide, per yd. 6c
Bleached Muslins
Lonsdale 36 in wide, per yd ..... . gc
Rutledge, 36 in. wide, per yd. ... . 6c
English long cloth, per yd 1 2c
Dairy cloth, 36 in. wide, per yd. . . 5c
Calicoes "
Dark col'd calico good quality, yd .
Indigo blue figured o i calico, best
quality, yd ;
Light colored calico, per yd
Mourning prints, per yd..
Chambray finished prints, per yd .
Lawns, Percales, Etc.
Figured Lawns, per yd 5c
Dimities, .Organdies, dotted
Swisses, etc., we offer many beau
tiful styles ranging in price from
ioc to 35c per yd
Checked apron Gingham, best qual
ity, per yd 5c
English Percales, best quality, 36
in. wide, pei yd. , i2tfc
English Tercales, 32 in. wide, per yd ioc
Dress Ginghams, in checks or
. stripes, the correct thing for shirt
waists, dresses, etc, per yd. ... . roc
Satines, Shirting, Etc.
Black satine, color guaranteed, yd .
Henrietta satine, black, acid proof,
yd. .I2c, 15c and
Best quality black brocaded satines
Silkoline, for draperies, etc, 36 in.
wide, per yd .... 10c
Colored bunting, per yd 5c
Good dark colored shirting, per yd 8c
Wide German shirting, per yd. . . . 9c
Twilled black hide cheviots, yd.. I2jc
Best quality straw ticking, per yd. ioc
Feather ticking, heavy, per yd. . . . 18c
Wool cheviot, for pants, 40c yd, and up
Kentucky jeans, per yd. . .15c, 25c, 35c
Black and colored cambric, yd .... . 5c
Silesias ioc, 15c and 20c yd
A thoroughly dependable corset is
the R & G. We show fourteen styles;
tastes vary in corsets and We have all
those makes and variations which par
ticularly appeal to individual prefer
ence as to comfort, ease,size and mat
erial. '
Dress Goods
We take pride in this department
because it represents not only what is
newest and best in seasonable fabrics
of every popular weave, but because the
prices attached are marked by a little
ness that cannot well be duplicated.
34-in. wide oshmere black and
colors, per yd. 15c
36-in. wide 'Henriettas, black anl
colors, per yd 25c
28-in. wide fancy suitings, per yd . . 1 5c
30-in.wide colored brocaded fancies
per yd 20c
36-in. wide colored brocaded bril-
lianteens, per yd. ..... . ."
36-in. wide colored Armores, yd . .
30-in. wide cheviot plaids, per yd. .
.32-in wide novelty plaids, per yd. .
36-in wide covert suitings, per yd .
1 8c
a2-in. wide navy blue serge, per yd
42-in. wide black serge," per yd.. . .
28-in. wide black brocadsd, per yd .
3s-in. wide black brocaded brillian-
teens, per yd
36-in. wide black brocaded soleils,
per yd
38-in. wide black all wool suitings,
per yd 50c
46-in. wide all wool serge, per yd . . 50c
50-in. wide gloria silk, per yd ..... 1 00
Fancy black dress goods, prices
ranging to. $1.50 per yd
Novelty suitings, in fancy colorings,
'. .50c, 65c, $r.oo and $1.25 yd
Shirt Waists
There is only one class and that is
the first in our spring and summer col
, lection of shirt waists. Assortment
covers: Silk, Satin, Percale, Dimities,
etc. - '
Capes, Skirts
Capes, we have a variety, many
new novelties in satin, silk and cloth.
Skirts, a popular line of the latest
spring attractions. , Duck skirts, crash
skirts, white pique skirts, black and
colored wool skirts and silk skirts.
Pins, Eagle, American, per paper.. 5c
Large size safety pins, per paper.. 5c
Knitting needles, set of 5 . .', 5c
Hair pins, assorted sizes, per box.. 5c
Tape, medium and wide, 2 rolls for 5c
Finishing braid, per bunch. . ..... . 5c
Rick-rack braid, per bunch 5c
Knitting cotton, per ball 5c
Embroidery silk, spool ic, or 6 for. 5c
Fast black darning cotton, 2 balls. 5c
Curling irons, small 5c
Curling irons, large ioc
Aluminum thimbles. . . 5c
Sheet wadding, 2 for ,5c
Turkey red embroidery cotton, 2
balls for. 5c
Ladies' silk mitts,. .. 15c, 25c, 40c, 50c
Nonpareil dress stay, per bunch. . . ioc
Corduroy skirts binding, black and
colors, per yd. 5c
Velveteen skirt binding, black and
colors, per yd. 4c
Sontache braid... ...... .24 yds for 25c
Valencine edging.. ic yd and up
Ladies' fast black cotton hose ioc
Ladies' black double heel and toe,
' 2 pair for. 2;c
Misses' and children's heavy ribbed f
double knees, 2 pairs for, ..... . 25c
Men's seamless soxs, per pair "5c
M en's natural wool soxs, 2 pair for. 25c
; M en's fast black soxs, 3 pair 25c
Carpet Warp
S-lb. bunch, all colors, per bunch. . 95c
;. House Famishing Goods
Unbleached table linen, 25c, 40c, 50c yd
Turkey red damask, oil finish, fast
colors, per yd. .;. . . .25c, 35c and 50c
Bleached table linen, per yd .... .
3 5c. 50c 65c and 75c;
Lfnen napkins, per set. ...3 . . . ."50c up ?
Unbleached napkins, per set . . . . ." 25c
Cotton towels. ............... : , . 5c
. Turkish towels. 10c
Turkish towtels, extra size, 2 for.,.".- 25c
All linen crash, per yd 8c, 9c, ioc, I2c.
- Cotton crash, pej yd. ........... . 5c
Turkey red table cloths, 75c, $1, $1.25
Furniture cretones. . .7c. c, and ioc yd
Lace curtains, per pair..
-. .'. .50c, 75c, $1, $1.25 and $2 or.
Art Denim, per yd .............. 15c
Window blinds, paper, with dado, .;.
Hartshorn rollers.. ....... ..... 20c
Window blinds, , with dado,' Hart
shorn rollers. ......... . ", ...... 40c
White crochet quills,'. ........... '
.40c, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25 up to$3 50
Ladies' dongola, lace, solid through
out... $1 00
Ladies' pebble goat buttom '.' 1 00
Ladies' dongola, lace, stock tip .'.- 1-50
Ladies' vici kid, lace ........... 2 00
Ladies' kid, lace, ..... .$2.50, $3, $3 50
Ladies' oxfords in tan or black
......... Soc, 75c, $i, $1.25, $t 50
Men's plow shoes, tap sole 125
Men's genuine satin calf bals,
solid throughout. ........... . 150
Men's tan shoes . . . . 1 50
Men's dongola shoe3 2 .50
Men's vici in black or tan, $3, $3.50 $4
. Clothing
The variety of our stock in this
line is really remarkable and places at
the disposal of buyers the widest range
of choice in all the latest patterns and
styles in men's suits that, this season
offers."' Our children's department is
. filled with choice styles of vestee suits,
' In the boy's and youth's department we
have an immense line.
Child's satinet suits, braid trimmed $1 50
Child's cassimere suits v; . . . . . . . 2 00
Child's all wool cassimere suits. . 2 25'
Child's all wool cassimere cheviot
or serge suits, ranging in price
' from ,$2.75 to 4 50
: Men's satin suits. ........... . .v 4 00
, Men's cassimere suits "", . . . 6 00
vMen's all wool suits, 7.50, 8.50, 10, 12 00
Men's black and fancy worsted suits
$9, $io,$ii.50, $12.50, $14, $15, 1600
: Boy's long pants suits, sizes 14 to 20 .
- years, price,"$3.so, $4,50, $5.00,
" " ' $6.00, $7.00 and $8 00 -
Men's ox breeches in jeans, will -not
rip, per pair .'.-. ..... 90c
Men's cheviot pants. . . . . . . . . i 50
- Men's cassimere pants, $i, ..jo $3 00
Men's worsted pants, . . , .$2;50 to $4 50
Men's Furnishing Goods
Men's turkey red handkerchiefs. . . 5c
" white handkerchiefs v.. 5c
.." suspenders. . . . 15c, 20c and 35c
" white shirts 50c
. " working gloves, wear resisters 50c
" , sweaters 50c
" wool sweaters . ...$ioo
" neg'igee shirts 25c to 75c
- " ; balbriggon u. wear, per suit. 50c
", fancy dress shirts 50c to 1 00
" collar buttons, per dozen.. ... Jc
Hats and Caps .
Men's yacht caps. 25c to 50c
. " satine caps ...... .". ........ ioc
" Fedora hats, 50c, 65c, Ji, $1.50
$3.00, $2-S0, 3 00
Men's drtss straw hats, 25 to 1 00
" crash hats 25c to 75c
Our One Thought
In buying, our one aim in selling
W is to find your want and then
meet it as no one else can meet
it. We measure every value we
put before you carefully. Every
body knows just what to expect
and expects just what they find, '
the very best at the very lowest"
possible price. ' - '
Suspension Badge Coi ner
Seventh and Main Sts.
Winston Churchill telegraphs to Eng
Imid that 250,000 men will bo needed to
end the war in Sjuth Africa.
Fierce fighting continues at Wepener.
England formally announces that no
visitors are wanted in South Africa.
Much excitement in Cuba because
General Gomez refused to recognize the
whites on his arrival at Santiago Sun
day. Considerable rioting.
Trinidad rejects, reciprocity with the
United States.
Spain's minister, the Duke d'Arcos,
declined to join in the Dewey cetobration
at Chicago.
Chile is importing wheat. Toot crops.
Russia denies that she is preparing for
Tliroush Intercession of Webster Davis
it is said, Adalbert f lay's exequatur as
American Consul at Pretoria would not
have been received.
Kich gold ledge discovered in Luton.
King Oscar, of Sweden, going to Eng
land. Mrs. Leslie Carter's play, "Zaza," en
thusiastically received in London.
Historical church, Notre Dame des
Vortus, outskirts of Paris, pillaged, then
turned by vaudals.
Great battles have taken place be
tween government troops and rebels in
United States of Colombia.
Dewev and Rryan will both be guests
of Chicago on May 1.
Tenneasee republicans declared for
McKinley and Woodruff.
Nellie Lewis given judgment against
Bam Strong, Colorado millionaire, for
50,000. Jtreaeh of promise.
House voted 242 to 15 in favcr of elect
ing senators by direct vote.
Senator Clark will contest hii case to
the end.
Reduction of war taxes is seriously
considered. .
Melbourne McDowell broke down in
Sioux City and the audience was dis
wiissed. Richard Manstleld also is sick.
International Typographical Union at
' Indianapolis is said to have turned Don
nelly down hard.
" Philippine'' commission has rece ived
its instructions from Washington.
Railways are said to have big develop
tnent schemes in view. Will build many
new towns between Chicago and the
Kocky mountains.
Troops called out in New Ttork State
io suppress Italian strikers at Croton s
landing. -
Thousands of cigar makers in New
York City have struck.
Southern Railway claims the tele
graphers' Btrike is ended. Strikers con
tend they are Btronger than eyer.
Tornadoes in Kansas aud Texas.
Waterbury, Vt.. National batik is
$25,000 short, and the teller, John O.
Farrer,is missing.
Colorado railroads blocked by snow.
Crops damaged.
Secretary of the Navy Long is men
tioned for McKinley's running mate.
Alger thinks that Dewoy has made a
grave mistake.
Hoke Smith sells his interest in At
lanta Journal to II. M. Atkinson, Morris
Brandon and J. R. Gray, of Atlanta.
Proceedings of Naval Strategy Bard
will be secret.
.Qufimturv f wnr ham nrititruil tuvAati.
........ f m..:..M it..:....i
: ..i j !.....
oimoa riiKi'iBHie, unargou Willi mierier-
ing with Father Tieruey, of the Roman
Catholic church, in the performance of
his duties.
Republican party leaders have agreed
upon planks. Expansion will be the
key note.
New York republicans favor Woodruff
for vice-presidency.
Storms in East cause loss of life and
Democrats.populis's and silver-republicans
fuse in Nebraska.
Ohio anti-bicycle law declared uncon
stitutional. .
Charles II. Allen, of Massachusetts,
nominated tor Governor of Puerto Rico
by president.
Steel mills in vicinity of Chicago and
Joliet closed down on account of labor
troubles. ,
Democratic ticket, headed by Heard,
swept Louisiana at election Tuesday.
Advertising flag law of Illinois de
clared unconstitutional.
Ten indictments reported by grand
jury in Goebol assassination case.
Hoar eulogized Filipinos as patriots
and martyrs in senate Tuesday,
"Mysterious'' Billy Smith, of Port
land, knocked out in 19th round by
Matty Matthews at New York Tuesday.
Figbt between Terry McGovern and
Tommy White, at Chicago, a draw.
Lane county 'farmers are mujh in'er
ested in creameries.
Ten-fcot panther killed neir Cottnga
Corvallis mn vill take 200) spring
chickens to Cape Nome by an early
Forest Grove man has sent a bill to
Bryan asking pay for chicks killed by
the salute fired on the occasion of his
recent visit there.
Much fruit ruined in Josephine county
by recent frosts.
Grants Pass has & building boom.
Governor Oeer has pardoned William
Marshall, convicted of manslaughter in
Baker county, and sentenced to two
years in prison.
First vessel to sail for Nome from Se
attle was the General MoPlierson.
Sailed Saturday.
Harry F. Allen, defaulting clerk of
Denver county treasurer's oflice, ar
rested in San Francisco.
Wool of Polk County Mohair Assccia
tfon sold at 29 cents per pound.
Salmon run reported fair at Astoria.
Meteor astonished nennle o( reirinn
about Ashland Monday night.
Steamer Laguna Btill aground at Til
lamook. "
Much land owned by private parties,
but whose record title is iu the state, is
escaping taxation.
Woodburn saloon-keepers object .to
giving bond for payment of their licenses.
K. O. T. M. Resolutions.
Whereas, It has pleased the supreme
Ruler in His wisdom and puwer to re
move from our midst onr friend and
brother, Sir Knight St.Coni. A. E. Lew
ellen ; therefore, be it
Resolved, That we, the members of
Springwater Tent, No. 89, K. 0. T. M.,
express our sorrow at losing a true
brother, a noble knight, an excellent
neighbor, a good citizen and a loving
father and husband, and that the char
ter of onr tent be draped in mourning
for a period of 60 days.
C. L. Gray,
W. T. Smith,
It, Scan's Answer.
Milwaukib, Or., Apr. 16, 1901.
You have an article in the Oourier
Herald of the 13tli inst., headed "An
other of L. L. Porter's Dirty Jobs,"6tat
ing that 1 have entered into agreement
with him to give him the county print
ing for two years, provided, that he, in
return, Becurea for nie the nomination
for joint representative.
It is unnecessary to say anything more
in answer to that charge, than that
Stipp is a liar when he made that state
ment to you. As it came from Ananias'
headquarters, I know the people will
take it for what it is worth.
You, or any other Bane man, know
that a contract made with the present
board would not bind the members of
the new board, as they are a majority
and could rescind any contract the pres
ent board ipight make. "
Now, Mr. Editor, you know me too
well to ever think that I would enter in
to any kind of deal that would reflect in
any way on my private character, for I
nave never done anything in public
business that I would not have done had
it have been my own.
The deal charged was never
thought of or talked of to me by
Porter, or any one else. You ask if
Sec tt and Porter want to own the county?
It would be better perhaps if they did
have a little more to say when you send
bills into the court that have to be cut
down 300 per cent, and then allowed
good profit.
In regard to my being a candidate for
joint representative, I do not deny it,
and did not know it was any crime. I
am still a republican and shall always
worx lor its principles.
R. Scott.
The bill mentioned was not cut down
300 per cent but 200 pei cent.
The bill was put in for bat
75 per cnt of the price paid by the
county before, and according to contract
1 was entitled to it too, but to save the
county a lawsuit I submitted to the ar
bitrary cut by the board. The charge
was not excessive for the quality of work
furnished. Editor.
Children's bats a specialty at Miss
Hurcadi I.tka Wildfire
- When things are "the best" thev be.
come "the best elliug." Abraham
Hare, a leading druggist, of Belleville,
0., writes : "Electric Bitters are the best
selling bitters I have handled in 20
years, lou know why T Most diseases
begin in disorders of stomach, liver,
kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves,
Electric Bitters tones up the stomach,
regulates liver, kidneys and bowels
purines the blood, strengthens the
nerves, hence cures multitudes of mala
dies. It builds up the entire system
Puts new life and vinor into any weak
sickly, run-down man or woman. Price
60 cents. Sold by Geo. A. Harding
j For Sale.
5 room house, corner 3rd and Jefferson
Good location, city water and city lights.
Apply at the owner, R. Kokrnkr, Cor.
4th and Madison.
Cheney, the photographer, is now
making stamp photographs.
Watch for Miss Goldsmith's grand
display of millinery goods.
Four housekeeping rooms for rent. In
quire at Courier-Herald oftice.
For new sewing machines and for low
est prices go to Block, the homefur
nisher. .
Highest cash price paid for second
hand household goods at Bellomy &
Sailors from 25 cents up. Miss Goldsmith.
To Our Friends.
We desire to announce to our friends
and acquaintenance that we have opened
a Btore in Shively's opera house building
in Oregon City, where we will be pleased
to have you call and make yourselves at
home when In the city. 'We will keep a
full stock of groceries, provisions,
notions and feed, and Iwhen in need of
anything In this line we would like to
quote you prices and show you goods
We will take in exchange for goods
butter, poultry, eggs, potatoes, oats and
wheat .arid it will pay you to call and see
us before going elsewhere. Don't fail
to call when in town. "
Yours respectfully,
Uoknshi h Bros.
Don't torget the date, Monday, April
23, for "On the Suwanee River."
Cheney makes stamp photos that will
please you.
Impressive Easter Services.
The larger portion of the population
jn Oregon City attended church las
Sunday in honor of Easter. Written
descriptions of the floral decorations in
the various churches would hardly do
the matter justice. -
At the morning service at the Con
gregational church nine new members
were received into membership. .The
rite of infant baptism was administered.
Rev. O. E. Olapp, of Fosest Grove, gave
appropriate addresses both morning and
evening. An elaborate musical program
was presented in the evening under the
direction of Professor Cumpston. Mrs.
R. C. Gancng sang the "Resurrection."
St. Paul's Episcopal church was
crowded Easter morning. The whole
service was full of the reverent joy ap
propriate to the great theme of the day.
The sermon was preached by the rector,
Rev. r. K. tiammond. The festival
music was grandly rendered by the very
able choir, the solo parts being finely
sung by Mrs. uanong, Misses .uary uon
yers and Imogene Harding, Mrs. Law
rence and Dr. Freeman, and the offer
tory anthem, the "Resurrection," was
sung witb thrilling enect by Mrs. K. U
Uanong. ine congregation are very
much pleased with the new windows
placed in position the previous week as
an Easter gift from the Daughters of
the King.
The usual impressive services were
observed at the Catholic church, except
that there were some added teatures in
the musk-. A new mass was sung, and
Mr. Surrhvne assisted in the music.
Mrs. John W. Moore was director, Miss
Lou Draper organist, Mrs. Ed Shea h an
soprano, Miss Mat tie Draper, alto, Nick
Michels tenor, Chris Michels and Mr.
Surrhyne bassos.
The other churches had special Eas
ter services, bat no programs were obtainable.
(Corrected on Thursday.)
Flour Best $2.703.00; graham
$2.50. . .
Wheat Walla Walla 5354c; valley
53c54; bluestone 55c.
Oats White 3637cj gray 33 34c.
Barley Feed $14; brewing $17 18.
Millstuffs Bran $12; middlings $19 ;
shorts $15 ; chop $14,
Hay Timothy $9(gl : clover, 78;
Oregon wild $7.
Butter Fancy creamery 50c: sec
onds 4045cj dairy, 3037c, store,
Eggs 11c ,
Poultry Mixed chickens $3.004.50:
hens 14. 00(35; flnrinvn 95 noono
$56; ducks $o7; live turkeys 12
13c j dressed, 1416c.
Chese Full cream 12!c per pound :
Young America 14c.
Potatoes 50 and 79 cents per sack.
Vegetables Beets $1; turnips 90o
per sack; garlic 7c per lb; cabbage $1.50
2.00 per 100 pounds ; cauliflower 75o
per dozen; parsnips 75c per sack : celerv
7075c per dozen; asparagus 67c;
peas 34c per pound.
Dried fruit Apples evaporated 78:
sun-dried sacks or boxes 45c; pears
sun and evaporated 56c; pitless plums
i5c; Italian prunes 35c; extra
silver choice 56.
Corrected on Thursday.
Wheat, wagon, 45.
Oats, 32.
Potatoes, 50 and 60 cents per sack.
Eggs, 12 per dozen.
Butter, 35 to 50 per roll.
Onions, red, 85c to $1 00 per sack;
yellow, $1 to $1.25.
, Dried apples, 5 to 6c per pound.
Dried prunes Italians, 4c; petite
and German, 3c.
Cameras and up-to-date photo sup
plies at Charman & Oo's. Ray filter at
special prices. ''.'
That Throbbing- Hewdache
Would quickly leave vou if you used Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Thousands of
sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pare blood and build up
your neaun. uniy zo cents, Money back
if not cured. Sold by Geo. A. Harding,
to vure a CWl in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if i
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. 25c.