OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. '.AFFIL 20, 1900. ft I Sale of Fine Imported DreSS Goods Exceptional Values New Bicycle Cloths 50-inch Oxford gray and dark gray all-wool, material, extra heavy, $1.00 yd. quality, for 73Q . yard. In two cplors only. Extra value. See us on tailor-made suitings at reduced ; prices. . . ' ' ' MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION . McAllen & EXCLUSIVE DRY THIRD and MORRISON . , I LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION. - Charles N. Tracy was in from Xogan ' last Thursday. J. L. Hattan, of Stone, was a vibitor in town Monday. " Edward Tuchelke, of Milwaukie, was in Oregon City Friday. Peter C Davidson, of Highland, was a visitor in town Friday. Harry E. Austin registered his vote from Garfield precinct, Friday. Adolph Gross, of Tualatin precinct, was in Oregon City Saturday. Miss Grace Robinson, of Clackamas, has been visiting Miss Grace Tower. Thomas Shemerd, of Need, was a prominent visitor in town Satnrday. Angust Eollemeier, a well known citi z n of Stafford, was in town Monday. Claude Clayson and John Wise, of Milwaukie, were in the city. Saturday. James Adkins, the Canby sawmill proprietor, was in O'egon City Friday. Mrs. Lucy Howell, of Salem, is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Addie McClure. David Will, the well known pioneer of Willsburg, was in Oregwi City Sunday. A. Kechton, a prominent farmer of Viola precinct, was in Oregon City Mon day. ' Martin Johnson and M. Reed, of Stone, visited McMinnville, during the week. A. M. Groshong, a well known resi dent of Wilhoit, was in Oregon City Saturday. ' John Lewellen,of Springwater, was in the city for a couple of days during the past week. W, H. Borings, a well known resi dent of Borings precinct, was in Oregon City Friday, v Gottleib, Edward C. and Olto P. Roethe, of Milwaukie, were visitors in town Friday. . Piatt T. Randall has accepted a posi tion as a book-keeper for Wadhams & Co., at Portland. G. W. Scramlin, the Macksburg post master, accompanied by his wife, was in the city Friday. ' Misses Ida Giesy, Anna Bour and Clara Irviri, visited Oregon City Satur dayAurora Bore vlis. County Judge Ryan and wife, cf Ore gon Ciiy, were visiting friends here dur ing the convention. McMinnville Reporter. DO YOU WANT A BICYCLE? The reason why we sell so many wheels this season is because we have the best wheels for the price TllG R&HlblCr fOr $4fO is the strongest wheel made. It has the G. & J. heavy iread clincher tires, the finest crank hanger, and is very easy running. TllC Id-Ccil j & $30 BiCyCle can't be beat for the price. It has also the best G. & J. heavy tread tires. Tlie Goldeil EO-le adie8' r Gents'. 3 es a fine ladies' wheel. It is very nicely finished, light and easy running, and will last for We also sell the White, Stearns, Barnes and Mitchell Bicycles. These are all high grade wheels. We will be only too glad to show you our assortment, ev en if you do not intend to buy. Come in and see the many new improvements. The Morrow Coaster and Brake is the greatest invention for this season. With this you ride 50 miles and only pedal 35, and it will take a man, no matter how much he weighs, down a hill that any horse can go down. We sell wheels for cash or on installments, and talce sec jnd-hand wheels in trade. Burmeister & Andresen THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS Ladies, it will be to your advantage to sec us for the next few days, on fine black goods.1 McDonnell GOODS IMPORTERS ". . PORTLAND, OREGON PERSONAL W.G.Welch, George 0. Smith and Milo 0. Gilhami of Clackamas, were vis itors in the city Friday.- Mrs. E Meresse and son, Abjl, of Forest Grove, were visiting Oregon City friends during the week. Gue JoSansen, August 0. Scheerand W. R. Slyter, of New Era, were visit ors ia the city Saturday. Albert Humphreys, of Woodburn, at tended the teachers' examination in this city during the paBt week. ' 0. H. and George J. Fuchs, of the Southern ' Pacific at . Portland, visited relatives in the city Sunday. Joe Meldrum and A, B.' Herman re turned to Mount Angel Monday, to re sume their studies in the college. - Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Rutherford, of Peoria, Illinois, are visiting relatives here, Peter Molntyre and family. James Thorn, formerly of this city, has been nominated . on the - union ticket for county judge of Columlia county. B. F. Swope, of .Toledo, who had been attending the republican state conven tion, returned Saturday morning, after visiting relatives here. M. L. Moore, ex-county treasurer, now a resident of Rosebnrg, was visit ing relatives and old friends in this county during the week, Mr. and Mrs. I. Farr, of Oregon City, returned home Sunday .evening after a visit with their daughter, Mrs. 0. A.' Stuart. Woodburn Independent. ' Mrs.E. L. Johnson, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. George 6e crest, in this city, returned to Oregon City, Saturday. Silverton Appeal. George Kirk and Charles Jones, of Highland, were in town Monday on their way down the Columbia, where they will be employed for several months. A. B. Cole came down from Barlow Sunday, and went out to the county rock crusher on the Highland road, where he will have a hand in manipu lating the engine. T. J. Buford, Indian agent at the Si- letz reservation, visited his son, S. J. Burford, Friday night. He was on his way home from attending the republi can state convention. Hon. J. P. Robertson, of Minto, was in the city Monday on his way home from Portland, where he attended the state conventions as a populist delegate from Marion county. Wayne Howard and family have re turned from Portland, and are again residents of Canemah. Lawyer D. W. Smith, of Fossil, was sent for this week to go over to Mitchell to defend one of the prominent ciiizens of that community,' who is accused of an assault. Wheeler County News. Miss Esther Williams, who has charge of one of the important;, wards at the state insane asylum at Salem, arrived Friday evening and is spending a week with her parents, Assessor, and Mrs. Eli Williams. .' R. D. Cole, of Grants' Pass, visited relatives here several days during the week.. He was a delegate to the popu list state convention. Mr. Cole for merly, resided in Columbia county, where he was prominent in politics. Judge and Mrs. William Gallowty were McMinnville visitors on Bryan day last week. The Judge is known to have endeavored to get some of our pretty girls to k'ns the free silver ora tor, and in some instances to have suc ceeded. Repoiter. ; John de Neui, of Wilsonville, was in the city Monday, 'and had his name as constable on the citizens ticket for Tualatin and PieuBant Hill precincts, stricken from the list of nominations. Mr. de Nui says that he was not a can didate, and his name was used without his knowledge. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Bru, in Oregn City, April 11th, to John Lowery and wife, a girl. Four head of lightweight horses for sale, or will trade for heavier animals. Apply at Young's furniture store. The name of Herbert L.Gill now ap pears as editor of the Aurora Borealis. H. A. Snyder retains the business man agement of the paper. , A move is being made to have the Wade children at Clackamas perma nently placed under the custody of the Boys and Girls Aid Society at Portland. There are three of the children, scions of .two families. The matter will come up for a final hearing before Judge Ryan, next Monday. The trustees of the Amish Mennonite church, of Needy, filed articles of incor poration in the county clerk's office Sat urday. The value of property owned by the incorporation- is $1,000. They are empowered to hold and transfer real estate, maintain a cemetery, etc. The incorporators are: Emanuel L. Kenagy, Dai iel Roth and Joseph Kauff mann. . ' ' Ivan Olsen, of near Marquara, died Tuesday 'morning from the effect of wood alcohol which he had swallowed by mistake. He took the poison Mon dav. Dr. F. M. Brooks was called Tuesday morning, but before he reached Mr. Olseu's place, he was informed by a messenger that the man was dead. The deceased was about 50 years old. He left a wife and several small children in poor circumstances. Silverton Appeal. The Eugene Guard has the following concerning a former Oregon City resi dent: Geoge Berger is the recipient of an unique cane consisting of handsome hard wood with silver band ornaments. The head of the cane is a peculiar fea ture, carrying a cby battery concealed in it which upon touching a hidden spring, a strong light is generated and flashes from the lens which is in the end of the cane. It was a present from Portland friends. St. Paul's Episcopal church 'Guild held their 26th annual meeting Monday afternoon, and re-elpcted the following officers: President, Mrs. H. L. Kelly J vice-president, Miss Mollie Holmes; secretary, Mrs. Fannie L. Cochrane; treasurer, Mrs. T. W. Fouts. The Guild will celebrate its 26th anniversary next Wednesday afternoon by a tea to be given at the home of Mrs. Charles Babcock. The reception and tea ie for all the members of the church and will continue from 3 o'clock to five, 1 The annual meeting of St. Paul's How Old is Your DAINTY VESTEE SUITS Sizes 8 to g years. Lot 6852. Blue cheviot suit, large aallor oolor, with 4 rows white braid ' ...... Lot 2A1B . Light checked cheviot suit, large bine polka-dot collar and vest Lot 6803. Gray herringbone striped vestee, red and green trimmings . Lot 2ltH. Navy blue vestee, with short notclind collar, embroidered vest Lot 6974, Fancy checked worsted oasslmere, short notched collar, navy blue vest and lapels, with white and drab trimmings.. Lot 4443. Brown and white checked cheviot vestee suit, double-breasted vest, brown shield, with white trimmings . , Lot 1746. Fine navy blue ohevlot vestee, fancy red and black plaid vi.it, white embroidered shield Lot 2225. Fancy blue-gray, tweed vestee; purple polka dot vest, embroidered shield Episcopal church parish was held Mon-, day night with a good representation of members in attendance. Encouraging reports were read from Treasurer Hard ing and other officers, and the following wardens and1 vestrymen were elected for the ensuing year: Senior warden, H.L. Kelly; junior warden, John R. Humphrey; vestrymen, - Dr. Francis Freeman, William Wright, H. M. Tem pleton, George A. Harding and W. B. Stafford. Upon the adjournment of the parish meeting the newly elected ves trymen convened and re-elected George A. Harding treasurer, and H. M. Tern pleton secretary. Arbor Day was observed with an in teresting program by the West Oregon City school. There was a recitation contest by the pupils from the different rooms, and the judges awarded the bo quet prizes to the following: Primary, Myrtle Hastings; first intermediate, Winifred Shaw: second intermediate, Arthur Schmidt; high school room, Ka tie Jones. Thirty varieties of cuttings from native plantt and trees were on ex hibition, and prizes were awarded to the highest guessers. Claude Hughes won the first prize, Bessie Slides the sec ond, and David McMillan, the third. Those present state that it was reaily WIUllIICl 9 111 UIC ifT J I J S ft . : Northwest Our interest in youngster commences al most as soon as hes able to toddle around and continues the rest of his life ' This model boys' department is over flowing with new spring suits for boys of 3 to 20 years. Fashion's latest fancies and fads are shown in jaunty vestee of two garments or three--for older boys, or young men, if you please There's an approachable price on every thing. We say without fear of contradiction that our values are excelled by none hardly equaled by the many. We pride ourselves on keeping our promises to give quality perfect goods always. NOBBT SAILOR SUITS Slit, Zii'.i $2.35 2.50 2 90 3.00 4.50 500 5.00 6.00 Lot 9204. Blue Flannel Sailor, with white trimmings Lot 4274. Light gray checked cheviot suit, with red embroidered shield. Lot 4278. Brown mixed tweed, brown trimmings Lot 4249. Blue serge sailor, with bla' k braid trimmings, embroidered design on shield .... Lot 422o. Fine blue serge sailor, double. breaited blouse, pearl buttons, fauoy shield . Lot 1726. Fine navy blue cheviot, with white stripe, red trimminRS, 2 shields . . . Lot 4227. Blue serge sailor, black braid trimmings , Lot 4223. Very line blue serge suits, 1,1 rows while braid on oollar, embroidered design on sleeve and on shield Boys' extra quality school suits at $3.95 , youths' long trousers salts, $7.50 to $15.00 Hats, caps, shirts, waists, hosiery for boys pVlKrONE PRICE HATTERS & CLfflHi$& purpriHlng, the number of plants that could be named by the pupils in an off hand way. Last Monday a new time table went into effect on the Southern Pacific Rail road. The night overland now passes here going nortb at 7 a. m. ; going south, at 9:14 p. m. The day overland passes here going north at 5:40 p. m.; going south at 9: 22 a. m. The Albany local express train was put on Monday and passed here going north at 9 a. m , and goes south at 4:50 p. m. This arrangement gives Oregon City six trains daily to Portland and to points as far south as Albany. The change in trains necessitated the addition of an other man to the depot force, and George W. Miles has received the appointment of baggage master, and transfers the mail between the trains and postofhee. E. L, Hoopengaruer takes charge in the early part of the day, and Ed T. Fields Has the afternoon and night shift. Special Sale on Shoes at the Park place cash store. Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date on home-made candies. Dr. C. S, Seamann has removed bis offices to the Willamette building, over Harding's drug store. boy? years. $2.50 4.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.50 750 8.50 Cor, Fourth and Morrison Portland, Ore. Full lists of the peoples party and democratic county centra) committees are not yet completed, but when ready will be printed. Below are given the names of the republican county cen tral committee, it being the first time that the list has appeared in print: Ab- ernethy, W. II. Smith; Barlow, M. Campbell ; Beaver Creek, Dr. T. B. Thomas; Borings, O. M. Lake; Canby, A. M. Vineyard ; Canemah, 0. O. Rose ; Canyon Creek, W, E. Bonney, Cas cades, J. II. Wewer; Cherryville, Silas D. Hedges ; Clackamas, James Besselau ; Damascus, E. T, White; Eagle Creek, Dr. C. B. Smith; Garfield, D. A. Jones; George, Hans Pualsen ; Harding, Fred Gerber; Highland, W. O. Buckner; Macksburg, Sherman Wolfer; Maple Lane; Milk Creek, John Dennison; Milwaukie, J. E. Wetzler; Marquam, I. D. Larklns; Needy, J B. Noe; New Er, Enos Cahill; Oregon City- No. 1, H. W. Trembath ; Oregon City No. 2, E. P, Rands; Oregon City No. 3, D. W. Klnnaird; Oswego, J. A. Tufts; Pleas ant Hill, S. ftl. Kelso; Sievers, Adolph Aschoff ; Soda Springs, Albert Crossan ; Molalla, J. R. Shaver; Springwater, A. M, Shibley ;Tualatin, J.L. Kruse; Un ion, W.L. White; Viola, J. A. Ran dolph; West Oregon City, C. A. Miller. . : t