OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. APRIL 20, 1900. CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Logan. Mrs. J, H. Brown is very ill at pres ent. The smallpox scare is as yet unabated. Mr. Croirer is badly broken out with it. Rumor has it that J. M. Tracy will move to Oregon City in the near future. Sam Gerber has his new barn well o.iderway. Sunday school every Sunday in the Meldrum school bouse, district 94. Mrs. George MoConnell and family (pent Sunday with friends at Logan. May Sutherland will start for the coast today. To the correspondents who boast so much, will say, don't count your chick ens before they are hatched ; don't crow 100 soon, for the republicans beat every thing getting together. 1900. April 16. Rural Dell. . The few epiinjj days have started some farmers plowing . Fred Palmer lias sold his team. 'Mies Emma Eyman, who has been working in Portland for several months, is at home. W. S. Sconce has been cutting sawlogs on his place for some time. Miss Edith Jackson, of Maple Lane, Mine out last week to visit her grand parents and returned Sunday. The Rchool meeting held on the Dili iriHt for considering the bids for building the new schoolhouse passed off very nmoothly. The bid of Ut-nry Osterholts, of Needy, was accepted, it being the lowest. Will Skeen and family, of Liberal, were here Sunday. One of the late new things is the Ever green "scribbler." Our road supervisor, B. F. Smith, put a crew of men to work grubbing and im orovlng the road north from the school house today. It is claimed that A. Montandon, the citizens' nominee for road supervisor, Mill receive the support of a great many republicans at the polls. What's the matter with Kinzer? Mis, Stuckey has been on the Bick list f jr some time, but is now improving. A series of meetings will begin at .Smyrna this evening and last until Fri day evening. A. Montandon is thinking of building a new dwelling house,- A. C. April 17. Liberal. Farmers are "jumping sideways" thia week. If the eather continues good, they will finish seeding n xt week. Wheat aphis is in vast numbers on the wheat. This was never known be - tore at this time of year. Prospects for a full fruit crop are ex ceedingly good. . Quite a number In this vicinity have la grippe. Born To the wife of Eph Dodge, on April 11, a son. Mother and child are doing well. Mrs Allie Dodge was visiting Mrs. Dan Graves, her daughter, on Sunday last. There is Nothing Better Made Than 'v4ii.N 'ai -"", to? ,j: 65 years experience in Wagon Making as represented in the "MITCHELL" is a better Guarantee of a good wagon made of the best materials properly seasoned than all the promises and assertions of agents of new named unknown wagons combined. Mitchell Wagons Have a world-wide reputation for Strength, Durability, And the high quality or material used, as well as for their light running qualities. No Wngon stands better on these points than the "MITCHELL." You'll make no mistake If you You are liable to make a mistake if you buy so ne other. It may take you a year to find it out, but you are sure to see your mistake sooner or later. Mitchell, Lewis k Staver Co First ni Taylor H.L. Barnes had his shoulder badly rum wmie rolling logs last week. Roy Graves, who has had a long eiege witn ins toot that was split open with an ax, is about well and will return in a few days to his farm at Long Creek. Miss Ida Bowie has returned home from Fresno, Cal., and will stay with her grandmother, Mrs. L. E. Wright, this summer. Her many friends gave her a hearty greeting when ehe returned home. She is very -much improved in neaitn. Miss Dollie Hidings was vit-iting her aunts, Mrs. Lydia Wright and Mrs. W H. Wlte, Saturday and Sunday. The dancing schcol had a good crowd Saturday night more ladies than gen tlemen, boys, that will never do. uur merchant had a runaway on Tuesday while hauling goods from Ore gon tjny. Mr. Hannegan was shaken np some. Jim says the wagon tongue is a little short, lie has a spirited team ana will have to be more careful. Patriotism does not deniai.d that we shall approve a wrong. Lovalty to our country does not require disloyalty to principles ol nghtet usness. Loving and Honolulu the nag means loving and lion oring the principles for which that flag stands. K April 17. Garfield. . Lovely weather at the time of writing. Miss Hoi mstrom Is well pleased with her school here. Conrad Krigbaum is home again lor a visit. J. P. Irvin is fast completing his board fence so as to save his wheat and clover from stock. H. Austin is at J. P. Irvin's for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Krigbaum were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Holder last Sun day- John T. Irvin entertained a few oi his friends Easter, among those being Oid Lung, Rany Crawford, A. J. Krigbaum, amerson burlace. L.ewis raitnatuer and Mrs. irvin on Sunday entertained Miss Holuistrom and Ida Surface. Some of the young people of Garfield seem to be flourishing with plenty of "chink," as they can have candy pull ings, oyster suppers, etc. Hurrah lor the young merchants of Uarfhld ! Mllwaukie. The fence on the front of the cemeteiy is geuing a iresn coat oi while paint. Samuel HoeBly is putting a new foun dation.under his house and building au addition to it. Lucy Tischoner is sick with an attack of toneilitis. Seventeen grangers attended the Po' mona Grange at New Era last Thurs" day. Homer Miller Is busy extracting stumps on the premises of J. W. Grosle. The Episcopal Sunday school had an excellent Easter program on Sunday af ternoon, mostly the Sunday school pu pils taking part, and they did very well. The church was crowded with people, many who could gain admittance. The Mitchell buy a MITCHELL WAGON Streets, John Harrington has bis chicken ranch in good shape. He has several new kinds of ducks from the East. The benefit entertainment Monday night was a grand success, enough money being raised to shingle the roof of the house, and a wagon load of eat ables were brought. Misses Rose Scoit, Edna Ross, Geo. Wissinger were the committee who had charge of the enter tainment. Chas. Mullen has been ap pointed to superintend the carpenter work and he has the' promise of Dlentv of htilp to finish the work in one day. lhe ladies will iunnt li a good dinner to all who help. Among those taking part on the program were:-Misses James. Lena and Johanna Keil, Oliver. Dottie Messrs. Lakin, Prof. T. J. Gearv. of Oregon City, Henry Henneman, Joe and Paul Keil and others. 1 April 17. M. Barlow. The weather is like it ought to be.and all hands are taking advantage of it by making garden and getting in their crops. - The Needy basebal 1 club came over to Barlow Sunday to learn the game from Oapt. Tull's team. The game stood 48 to iJJm favor of Barlow. The Aurora boys will play next Sunday. Wm. Nason sold Iub splendid orchard and home this week to Oeorge Newton. of Battlegaie, N. D., whe - took posses sion today. Ihe Barlow people will ex tend the welcome hand to Mr, and Mrs. Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Nason, ; both highly respected old people, whom we all regret to lose, will m )Vd to PoriUnd. May peace and comfort attend their de clining years. Cassie Tull and Willie Bauer - started Monday morning for Eastern Oiegou. This is Cassie's first adventure, and the girls are hoping Will will take good care of him. Mrs. M. E. Bratton made a business trip to Portland and Oregon City Satur day. Mrs. H. H. Hedges visited in Portland Monday. When will the Canby boys want their jackets tanned by our baseball nine? Brother U'Ren took dinner with us at the Adams's house today. He was out on his wheel. ' He's nice," as the girls say. Billie Irvin is around and looks Quite well and smiling again, whiou his many friend;) are glad to note. Sunday school did not seem to'iuter rupt the baseball game the least bit. Mrs. Jesse is very busy in their large garden, but the Judge seems to lean on the fence a great deal. Wonder if he is talking politics? We don't think it is necessary, Judge, you will get there just the same. April 17. Corporal. Corporal tried to get home a few nights ago with a setting ol eggs, but somehow liis heels went up and the eggs went down, and the shells are lying in the street yet. What was the matter, Cor poral? Robe, Mountain View. Mrs. Howard's little girl is very, Bick with Blight's disease arid droDsy, l? , Ed Frederick got a fall at the mill last week and had a rib broken . He is just able to be up again. Grandma Waldron started to Missouri last Sunday to visit her-sister, who lives there. Miss Lockie Haynes went qut toM lalla last week and gave a recitation at the Easter Sunday exercises. Wagon PORTLAND. OREGON John May and wife spent last Sunday out to Grandma Molloy's. Frank Bullard has a layoff at the mill this week, being sick. E H. Cooper has been quite ill, but is improving. Mrs. HornBhuh is slowly recovering from her iiluess. . Mr. Schott is giving Mrs. Hornshnh's house a new coat of paint. Mr. Vanover and family have moved out to Maple Lane again, and Mrs. Van- over's father has moved into the house vacated by them. Edna and David Kidd, of Goose Flat, spent Sunday here. F. A Ely is quite poorly this week Dr. Norris is in attendance. Mrs. Mack was out to church Sunday, but she ib very weak. . Mr. Mack is on the sick list this week, Grandma Currin and Mrs. Walter Currin are poorly this week. Mrs. West's mother was visiting her List Tuesday. . R. D. Cole, of Grants Pass, was visit ing his daughter, Mis. George V. Ely, a few days last week. Allie Grout broke his forearm last week, and carries it in a sling. Lillian Gillett is spending this week wiih Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones, near Mulmo. . W. M. Good, of Salem, is visiting with his sister, Mrs. M. bmallcy. Mrs. Darling is at home from the fac tory this week, spending her time among libr flowers and cleaning house. Glin Haynes is at h me again, after an absence of one wetk. It is too lone' some for him away. .Grandma Frost received the sad news today of the death of her mother, about 90 years of age. - Some much-needed work is buing done on Vlolalla avenue and other streets this week. f. Sauna. April 19. Maple Lane. Today is the 125th anniversary of the baUle ol Lexington. -Mrs. Gibbs is ill this week. Mrs. Brayton went to Oregon City yes- leruay. Mr and Mrs. F. W. Cramer attend, d chu ch in Oiegon City Sunday. Maggie Marlin went to oodburn on Saturday, Edith . JackBon is visiting relatives at JNeedy. J. -W. Gerber Bnd lamily visited J. D, Nurian and family Sunday. Mary Davies, after a brief visit at home, returned to Portland the first of (he week. Maple Land is almost girlless this week. Hattie Roman is sojourning amid the suburban scenes of Ely, while Jessie Jackson and Elsie Gibbs are acquiring metropolitan modes in the old and only city at ihe fantastic falls of the weird, winsome, wonderful, winding Willam ette. The rock crusher is now ii our midst. It was quite a task to get it through the sticky clay in the "cut," but this was accomplished successfully last Saturday, after the expenditure of much man power and more horsepower, inter spersed with remarks appropriate to such occasions. It is now ready to irrind some what after the same style as the iauied mius 01 the gods April 19. Tom A. Hawk Harmony. Supervisor Counsel has moved to Milwaukie. W. W. Jones moved to Clackamas last week. Mrs. Stodinger was quite sick last week, but is much improved at present, we are gia j to say . Mr. Biddel has been quite ill with la grippe, but is now much better. The fruit crop promises well - thie year. I hear no complaint from the late frost. There was a surprise party given at 8. B. Millard's lesidence last Saturday evening in honor of Mr. Millard's 50th birthday. All preseut had a very en jjyable time. The independent ticket gives good Bat Isfaciion so far as I can learn. We think we can make it warm for the re publicans on June 4th. 16-2-1 Meadowbrook, We are having some very pleasant weather after the hard rain and wind storm. Some of the farmers have not their grain sowed yet. Mr. Snodgrasa was in town Wednesday-Mrs. Kay was visiting Mrs. Stewart Sunday. John Tesuhner has purchased a new violin. Now, Johnnie, don't play too much and forget to eat. A. I.. Larking was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oram's Sunday, JuU Rut. Bert Kliue has returuen home aain alter a long absence. . Mr. Cumniings, of Pleasant Home, intends to erect a sawmill on the old Bacon farm near this place. He has a force of men on the ground clearing the mill site, building skid roads and get ting out timbers for the buildings. He will saw railroad ties. Frank Bacon was quite sick last week. A pretty home wedding waa solemn ized Tuesday, April 3,at the head works of the Bull Kun pipe line, the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. II. Spain, Kev. O. P. Rich, of Kelao, Or., otllciating. The contracting parties were Mies Kate Andre and Mr. Louis Boflnger, both of Portland. Only relatives and a few friends were present. The house was prettily decorated with Oregon grape, ferns and vines. Alter the ceremony luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Botinger will make their home in Portland. Thermometer ; Absolutely Free Ask your neighbor to subscribe for the Courier-Herald, the leading paper of Clackamas county, and send $1.50 and you will receive by next mail two of these spirit thermometers free, one for yourself and one for the new reader. . NOW Is the time to secure new subscribers, local and national campaigns this year. Thm U every indication here of an fruit croo this vear. There is a blossom on every available spot on uie tiees. P. Vareitti has recently soli 40 head of cattle at $25 per head. The school ma'ams around this sec tion seem to be in training for a walking match. T hi-v are taking daily walks of five to 20 miles. Mrs. A Andre and daughter, Annai- ded, drove their large baud of cattle to a distant range last- week and did it in a creditable manner. Mr. Andre was away and Mrs. Andre was unable to get anyone to do the job.. And still some take a pessimistic view of women doing men'B work. 4. Fi'oj Fond The school objerved Arbor Day with appropriate exercises and a number of tlie patrons were present. Claus Peters and his brother, Jake, of Wilsonville, went to Portland Friday. The young people of the church gave a basket social April 4, which was well at tended. The baskets wen very pretty and sold readily. Miss Inztt Thompson is teaching near btierwojd. John Co.)k, of La Grande, was visit ing H. A. Kruse last week. Mrs. J. L. Krme and daughter, Lo- rooa,are spending the week in Portland. Miss Glider passed through Frog Pond on her wheel Monday. Nooney Eilers came up from Portland Saturday evening. Garrett Peters waa in Oiegon City Sunday. A number of the boys spend their Sunday evenings on the banks of Saum's mill pond. We are once more able to breathe freely after the fright Mr. Plymall gave us some days ago. tie passed through on his way from Oregon City, and judg ing irom rate of speed, he inuBt have seen "spirits. " Jake savs the nexttime he lends his horse he will tie a placard to the saddle, "Will carry only one." Girls, it's no use to ring your bicycle bell for George alter ten. Mr. Mayes says spring rains are bad for farm machinery, so he has built a fence around his bindar. Charley Turner has purchased a new oicycle. Farmers are all busy putting in the spring crop. Parties wishing to purchase thorough bred pigs should call on It. W. Olden stadt, of Sti fiord. He keeps the noted Kegel-shire and Poland China. Miss Jennie Noble went to Oregon City, Saturday and returned Sunday ac companied by aur Wilsonville merchant. A Fkoq. Jles'tlutlons. Tli.i following resolutions were adopt ed by Lone Pine lodge, No. 53, A. F. & A. M.: Whereas, It has pleased the Supreme Architect of (he universe to remove from our midst by the hand of death our be loved brother, A. E. Lewellen ; therefore, be it Hesolved, That in the death of Broth er A. E. Lewellen this IoJge has lost a worthy brother and the community a good citizen; that we most sincerely sympathize with the widow and family, uud we oow witn mimoie suomission to the will of t .e Master and acknowledge with sorrow that the will of God is ac complished ; that this lodge be draped in mourning for 30 days ; that a copy of these resolutions be furnished under the seal of the lodge to the widow o( our de ceased brother, and that a copy be spread upon me minutes 01 the louae recoras, enclosed in black lines, and also a copy be furnished the county papers for pub lication. J as. 11. Bkowx, Ed White, Uko O. Armstrong, Committee. Whereas, God in His in6nite wisdom has seen tit to call to eternal life our be loved friend and brother, George D. Warner, who was endeared to us by his upright manliness and earnest character, b it Resolved, That we, the members of McLoughlin'B cabin, N. b. O., extend to his family our heartfelt sympathy, join ing with them in their grief at the early termination of a life so full of promise; and that the cabin be draped in mourn ing for 30 ilays in token of our esteem; and be it further Resolved, That a copy of these resolu tions be presented to his fami'y and printed in the Oregon City papers. Rohert A. Miller, Chas. H. Cad field, G. L. Hedges, For McLaughlin's Cabin No. 4, Jf. 8. O. uunarea men wanted to buy cigirs and tobacco at F. G. Shark's. 0. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW H untlej's Book Store, Up Stalit OREGON CITY, OREGON IV Land Tltlei and Land OUice Business a Specially. ROBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the Courts of the gtate an M Bureaus of the Interior Department at Wask agton. Koom 8, Chasmah Building, OREGON CITY, OREGON, VAN R. HYDE ; LAW OFFIOE Will practice In all the Courts Of the State anil the U. S. Land Office. Abstract! made. LandTi Ilea Quieted. Conveyances and all LeKnI Doco ments drawn. Real Estatsbinght and sold. Dtvor cea a Specialty. Offiue in Caupield 1)oiijiiw, OREGON Cm. OREGON. C. D. 81 D. C. LATOURETTE A1TORNEY AT UV Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law . b ueclaltlei Office In Commercial Bank Building 5REGON CITY - - . r OKKOOB iso. C. Bbowkiu ' J. U. CAMraux BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oautleld Building Oregon Cttj, Or W. S. U'REN , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITY - OREGON 0. SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW fceutftfer Sfbuolot OREGON CITY OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Publlo and Real Estate Broker VJAD1N8 JMBUBANCB AGENCY Of OlACXAMAa County Money to Loan. Abstract! of Title Hade Drawing ol Legal Document! a Boeeialti OREGON CITY, - M. C. STRICKLAND, D. (Hoipltal and Prlvnte Experience.) Offen hli protexional Bt-rvlccn to the people of Oregon City and vicinity. Special allentioa paid to Catarrh and Chronic diaeaaea. Best of reference given. Office in Willamc Ue Building. Office hours : 10 to U a. m., 4 to p. m. OlIOON CITY .... OREOOjT DR. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Barclay BuildLfc. Prices Moferate All Opcrations.Gnaraatecd. DK. GEO. IIOEYE, DENTIST. Office In CauBeld Building, Main Street. Oregon Oitv. Bbidqb and Crown Work a Spjccialtt. All work warranted and satisfaction , guaranteed. DR. J. H. MILLER, DENTIST, Seventh Street, near S. F. Depot, Oukqoh City, Oboo DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern TJnlYM 11 ty Dental School, also of American Col lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. Willamette Block - Oppotitt Potoffiei Oregon Citt, Obeqon. G. N. GREENMAN (Eatabliahed. 1864 1 THK PIONEER EXPHESSMAH ' AMD DBAYMAN , Parcels DelWered to All Parta of the City OREGON CITY . T . . O&XOOll COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY ' CAPITAL (100,000 Trannacti a General Ban-king Business Loana made. Bills discounted. Makeaaot' lections. Buys and sella exchange on all point) In the United States and Europe and on Honf Konr. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open Irom 9 A M. u 4 P. H . d. a LAiorHniK, fred f. uxyek. f resident. ta "J. C BRADLEY Prop. ftobHtt Livery and Sale Stabla OREGON CITY, OREGON, Sitbi Street betwsen the Brldg witk Depot. Ot.nble and single rifts and saddle bone m rarioahaad at the lowest rates, and a ecrrai Uea eonoected with the barn lot loose stork. Any Information regarding an 7 kind at Koasttr attended to by letter or person. E. L SIAS Watchmaker and Jeweler PoBtoffiWBuilding ' CANBY OREGON