Up-to-dateness In a spring suit, the width of a seam, the size of a button or the location of a pocket may sometimes determine the up-to-datenes3 of thegarment. We give the closest atten- . tion to all the little kinds of fashion. PRICE BROS. ' Leaders In Low Prices. LiW i YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT But the Best Stock of First-Class Goods to be Found at Bottom Prices in Oregon, City is at HARRIS' GROCERY Brunswick Restaurant Under new Management .-' , Only First-Glass- Restaurant IN THE CITY ' L. RUCONICH, Prop. OREGON CITY, - - OREGON You will have a small grocery bill by trad ing at Marr & Muir's Grocery The Seventh Street Meat -Market BROWN BROS. Props. Keeps nothing but first-class meats and sells lower than others. The Old Stand, Seventh Street, A. O. U. W. Building . OREGON CITY, OREGON. JL. i i ij (w The very latest in Millinery which come and see at Mrs, ME. Hamilton's Red Front Store, Oregon City nI had female trouble for eight years," writes Mrs. 1 J. Dennis, of 828 Sast College St., Jacksonville, Ills. Words cannot express what I Buffered. sought relief among the meaicai profession ana jouna none. Friends urged me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. When I com menced taking this medicine I weigh ed ninety-five pounds. ' Now I weigh one hundred and fifty-six pounds more than I ever weighed before. I was so bad I would Tie from day to day and long for death to come and relieve my suffering. I had internal inflammation, a .disagreeable drain, bearing down pain, and such distress every month but now I never have a pain-do all my own work and am a strong ana nealthy woman." Sick women ate invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. Corresoondence pri vate. AddreM Dr. R.V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y. Medland. There was a road meeting at the 'choolhotise Saturday night in which $'20 was subscribed This makes nearly $200 subscribed. One-half mile of plank by the county court will be put down beyond the Benson place. . Mrs. J. Kimball and chilcrena-e vis iting relatives and friends. B. C. Ooulright was here over Sun day. ' Redland has two new families moved to this place. One family has taken the Berkey place and the other family the Dresher place. There are still five va cant places here. - Charles Hicinbotheui is workingx fir John Richardson. Quarterly meeting for Viola district will be held at Redland M. E. church on the 10th and lllh,inst." , Edgar Brock is getting a piece of land cleared for Mr. Allen. He has taken the contract to clear eight acres. It would be a good idea for all voters to read the article in the third column of page 6, under the " head of "Colossal rauds," of the Weekly Oreizornan ol April 6, 1900, and think it o er. April 9. W.S. Edward Bradtl and father made a trip t) Canby Saturday. Several oT the boys rode to Canby en the blind baguage Saturday night, but they had the fun of walking back. Alias Anna Shefuhick was visiting friends in Portland a few days a.jo, Mrs, Rinearson was the guest of Mrs. Clemens Sunday. April 9- v Pewev. Farm for Sale. -113J4 acres situated between Redland school! ouse and Cutting's - mill, about one mile more or hlees from the Redland school ouse and Bethel Presbvlerian church to the place called part of Mosiei s old do nation claim ; about 25 or 30 acres under plow, ppring of water on one corner, part wi h good timber. Will sell cheap. $1300.00. About ten miles from town. Wm. H. Reus Canby ullinery Store Miss Ethel Whitlow, Prop. A full line of Ladies' and Mii-se' Hats, and Children's wear. Pattern Hats Novelties, Etc. Hats trim med tq order. Prices re so: avle oiilio JIM DCFAM TIME SCHEDULES AMIV1 torn From Port ins. no rut Suit take, Derive., Fast Mali Ft.Worth, Omh4 Hail. Iiwp.ni. Kaneae City, tv l:ttp.m. Louis, Chicago, and Eut. Spokane Walla Walla, Ipe- Bpoian Tlykr kene, Mlnneapo- flyer :451p. m. Hi, St. Paul, JDu- I As. at tilth, Milwaukee, Chicago and Kast liM . Ocean Steimihlpi 4 :00 p. m. From Portland. Ball every Ave dayt. S:0tp.a. Columbia River 4:00p.m. Sx. Sunday stiamtri. Ex. Sunday Saturday A . iM p, m. To Aitorla and Way Landing. tttoa.m. V ilil P ( t1( I ill' :p.m. uHmiif Clu(r (!(J. ,lv. Ex. Sunday ' if filn ,1i f"i Iclt'UM & Wt lei dirge. ;00.m. WMIanierla and Yam- : i tmei..j0Ur. sHlilora. Mon-Wod. sal tat. . and Fri. Oron City, Pay. ton, A Way Land- tm.m. WHIaeiettt IlvOf. 4Jlp.m. fast That Tues.. Thar, sad taa. Portland to Corral- and Bat. lis A Way Land- Iff. UpaiU Soata llwr. LTUwlftoa 1:20 a.m. Kiparls to Uwiston ' ' 1 .' daily J "Bridles were slackened and girths were burst; But, ride as they would, the king rodefirst," Because he rode a. bicycle. H. W. Jackson Gunsmi h and Bicycle Repairer prices: ' Brazing frame $1 00 Fork tips 50 Rims....... 125 Spokes. 10 Puncture... ..15 First-class stock of bicycle supplies anJ sundries cheaper than any other house in the county. W. H. HURLBURT, neral Fauenf er Aseot. Portland, Of. Canby. , D. R. Dimick has erected a new wind mill near his livery barn, which is a de cided improvement to h is property. . Otto Kvane, Blaine White and Andy Knialit vU-ited the Oieaon City A. O. U. VV. lodi;e and were rkht royally enter tained. , . . -J. - Bob Cole came up from Portland and pent Sunday with his parents. Sam Pheiiley, Sam and Albert Cox and Gladstone Stevens have gone to Cottage (J rove to work in the tie camp. Mrs. Rhoda Bestow died at her home 1 Canby on Monday, April 9th, at 2 cluck a.m. .aged 81 years. Funeral services were held at hef late residence, Rev. Duulap officiating, assisted by Kev. .YicLaculan, ol St. Helens. Born To the wife of D. R. Dimick, a son. Mother and child doing well. . Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rosen krans made business trip to Portland Tuesday, The ladies of the Christian church gave an ice cream social in Knight's hall Wed leeday night. - .. Miss Etta Clayson is visiting Mr, Wh'pple'j family this week. Mrs. L. Rogers has received a letter from her son, Allie. who has a position at $90 per mouth as stenographer with one of. the largest manufacturing estab lishments in the country. Mr. Devoe's friends will be pleased to learn tliat his health is improving at the soldieis' home in California. Mr. Holmes has opened a harness shop in the building adjoining Smith's meat maiket. . The Canby nine beat the Butteville balltossers 17 to 3 on the new grounds ast Sunday. The new team will play the old stiffs next Sunday. Game called at 2 p. in. - Glad Tidings. The weather has been stormy for the past week. The rain an l hail have caused quite a delay in farming for the past week. Miss Pearl Ridings has gone to Silver- ton, where she will visit friends and elativt'S. There will be se vice3 at the - M. E. church Sunday at 7 :30 p. m. Rev. Luce will otnciate. There is -prospect of a change here in the futare, as Steve Phillipppi was seen in oar town on Sund.iy evening a short time ago. , The Misses Carrie and Katie Ridings returned to saiera; t unday. We are badly in nee 1 of a road super visor, as the young man say tho road are almost impassable after night. Our school begin Monday, April 9, wun f rot O. JJ a )v as teacher. Grandma Jackson is quite ill with an attack of the giippe. , - There are some hopes of having good road here this summer as some of the ciiins have started to work on the road between the church and Mo'alU. A few day 8 ago the mountains were white with sno. - Percy Adams intends to p!o v up bis nop yard tins spring. There was quite a change in the weather Monday night, and if we have another such cold snap the fruit will be damaged to some extent. Williaai Jackson made a ti ip to Wood, hum Monday. Scalp Cleaner, and 'with cleanliness comes beauty. Mrs. N. J. Bell, Box 60, University Place, Omaha, Neb., writes: "Every head should be shampooed frequently with this wholesome remedy." After each shampoo, when the hair Is thoroughly dry, the scalp should ba treated with Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hi1-Grower. ScM by all druerists. April 11. A. Clicrryville. G. T. Beebe is moving over to his new ranch near Marmot this week. C. E. Batv went to work for Cumminr & Cole near Bull Run yesterday. T. J. Stone is reported on the sick list. Mies Effle Vanderhoff has been quite sick for several days. There was a light fall of snow here last Saturday, but melted in a short time D. Revenue was doing some work on his ranch last week in planting potatoes nd sowing grain. The Sunday school has not been very successful so far. Miss Grace McKerron is attending the teachers' examination so there is no school this week. Mrs. Annie Rillie, of Portland, is vis iting her mother, Mrs. Stone. April 10. J. F. Union Hall. ' Frank Ileavner, one of Illinois most popular teachers, was visiting friends in tins place iaet week. -. John Burns was the guest of Fred Re noud and family last Sunday. -. L P. Burns went to Portland hut week, , v Quite a number of young people from this place attended the dance at Liberal, April 4. All report a good time. - H. J. Phelps is now employed at Ad' kins' mill.' School commenced here on April 2, Miss Henrietta Lucretia Hess Is slay' ngwith Mrs. William Parker. ' Oscar Striker commenced working this week at Adams iiawmill. Alex Names, of Mt. Pleasant, was vis iting at the residence of John Burns laBt Sunday. Mrs. Minnie Houghman, of Portland was visiting her aunt, Mrs. Nancy J Burns, of this place, a few days last week. This kind of weather is the time to make garden and give the weeds a good enance to grow. April 9. Backwoods New Era. The roads are getting dusty in gome places. Ed Sculak and Waller Mead started for Eastern Oiegon Friday. Mies Katie and Wilbur Newbury and Oscar Burgoyne made a trip to Oregon City Sunday on their wheels. Mrs Minnie Hougham. of Portland was vieiting. friends and relatives in New Era last week. Charlie Small was the guest of Mrs Slyter the past week. There will be a dance at Anthony hall Saturday, April 14. Everyone is invited to attend. Mrs. J. Reif made a trip to Oregon City Saturday, "We art elad to hear that Pearl Chinn is improving slowly. Mr. Boggus was visiting friends in Barlow Sunday. Mrs. Mary Streiglit is on Ihe sick list. Aeeriy. Born On Agril 2. to the wife of Mr Kylo, a son : on April 3. to the wife of George Brockart, a son ; on April 6, to tne wile ot John isctiwdbaner. a son. will report some more reenforcoments for the Boers later, but hope that the British will "tick" home after hearing OI lliese. ANTI-liltlTIBIl LEAN PURE 111 comes from the use of the famous Seven Sutherland Sisters perfect Up Against A Good Thmgeeee When you deal with us we are going to do our tip top best for you. No half way business about it. We are going to ' et. you the best there is and get it to you as Just as it's humane to drive. When yot want something really good that you can't find anywhere but in your imagination, come to us. We will name it andprocuie it for your table groceries, elc. A. ROBERTSON, "1 he 7th St. Qrocer Fellows Harding Block, Oregon City TKLEFIIONE 818 13 Cents Pound for Eastern hams, 10 Cents t Pound for fine bacon. 124 Cents Found for best breakfast bacon. 43 Cents 5 pounds of fine lard. S1.00 19 pounds best granulated sugar. 50 Cents 10 po.:nd box best soda crackers. 25 Cents 10 pounds rolled oats. - 25 Cents 2 bottles fine catsup. 5 Cents Pound good French prunes. Joseph Kuerten's Bakery and Confectionery Fine Bread, Pies, Cakes, Cookies, Etc., Fresh Every Day Special Attention Given to Private Parties Seventh St. Telephone 439 - Oregon City, Ore Foresight Means Good Sight If there ever was a truism it is exemplified in the above headline; Lack ol foresight in attending to the eyes in time means in the end poor sight. We employ the latest most scientific methods in testing the eyes, and charge nothing for the examination. Dr. Phillips, an expert graduate oculist and optican, has charge of our optical department. A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler 393 ClorrUon Street, PORTLAND, OREGON 3tackburff.s Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Reynolds and family visited the letter's parents, M and Mis. L. Heinz, Sunday. A new machine shed and choppur iiouee as going up, George Mnrdock, who has been seri ously ill, is now up and around again, C. W. Da mm is working for a farmer near Aurora. Louis Heinz Is back from Lexington, seriously ill with grip. Will Heinz left this morning for the lower Columbia, whene be has a job In a logging camp, April 10. Professor George Strickland closed s very successful term of school of nearly seven months last Friday, the 6th inat. Mr. Strickland is a man of good judg ment and an abundance of patience and his methods of leaching are up with the times. He teaches the children how to transact business, which is too often neglected in our schools. There was no literary program, simply class exercises, as both rooms are preparing to give an entertainment and basket s H'ial on the evening of April 28. After the class ex ercises he treated his pupils and visitors, after extending an invitation to the pri mary department, lie also gave a re ward of merit to his pupils, a souvenir containing the names of teachers of both departments and euch pupil. He was presented with many tokens of estee m by his pupils, after which his pupils all marched up and bid him good bye with a hearty hand shake, all expressing the wish that he might be their teacher next term, A Patho.n. April 10. For Sale. 6 room house, corner 3rd and Jefferson Good location, city water and city lights. Apply at the owner, R. Kokkner, Cor. 4th ind Madison. , J, A; MuGLASHAN, Manager Stores Oregon City and Portland Had to no It. Ho That chap dowu there on the beach resclkd a lady In the surf yes terday. SUe-IIow heroic and romantic! Ho Not so much. He's a married (nan and the lady was his wife. Phil-1 adulpbla North American. I Exoarelon nates For Authors. Author YoU have no Idea how many stamps I use posting my manuscripts to various editors. .Critic-Very likely. I think thero ought to be excursion tickets for manu scripts at reduced rates. Tlt-BIts. In Modern Term. "Just as be entered the parlor and was about to say 'Good evening' he tripped over a rug," she said In telling about It afterward. "Foozled his approach," suggested her golf playing friend. Chicago Post. A Horrible Outbreak "Of large sores on my little daughter' head developed into a case of scaldliead" writes O. I). Isbill of Morganton, Tenn., but Bucklen's Arnica Salve completely cured her. It's a guaranteed cure for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Uheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers and Piles. Only ?ic at Geo. A. Harding's. Canae of the Trouble. "You think, then, doctor, that mine I a case of chronic dyspepsia?" "I do, and I should advise your camp ing out." "But that's what 1 have been doing." Detroit Free Press. Not Alarmed. nomatitlc Miss (addicted to poetry) Oh, I'm Just lu love with Edgar Allan Toe. Practical Adorer-Well, that's all right He's dead. New York Weekly. Problem Novel Writing. "No one will know what you mean by that paragraph," said the publisher. "Of course not," answered the author. "I don't know what I mean by It my self." Chicago Post. , Eaellr Batlafled. I "Mrs. Mlggs, did you go to lee the' wild man In the show?" "No; the tame men are wild enough for tut." Chicago Itecord.