2 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. APRIL 13, 1900. CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Milwaukie. The frost injured the fruit some Sun day night. . We are pleased to have T. R. A. Sell wood nominated for 'equire and Andrew J. Walker for constable. Both are able men. The former is a very popular (iranger; he never mioses a meeting. Their election over the Clackamas men is assured. The nomination of Henry Thaissen f ir recorder is a capital one. He lias .lone much for his party and will make a hot fight against the other man, being well known all over the count, and will get nearly all the votes here. The republicans will see the error they have made in sidetracking Milwau kie precinct in their cut-and-dried con vention when the votes are counted and the republican majority does not pile up as high as it should to win all on their ticket. Some of our young ladies are getting up a benefit entertainment for Mrs. FarnBwortli. Some of the beist local talent has been secured for Monday evening. The prohibitionists have struck a practical man in F, Birckrmier for com misfiioner. He Is n) old-time and hon ored republican and will draw many of life old party votos. Rev. C. A.' Wentsch, of LaGrande, Ore., preached in the German Methodist church Sunday. Mrs. W lson, who has been living in Portland since last fall, was here Sun day. Henry Kuehl and Amelia Lechelt were married at Spokane, Wash, Both are weil known here and in the county place Don't be afraid to vote for him. lie will not go to Bleep while the board is in session, and don't you forget it. We are all satisfied with the full tick et, and if we don't roll up the votes next June in the Upper Molalla precinct! Gee whiz!. Won't there be a land slide! Don't forget our assessor. Longstreet Vaughan is undoubtedly the most popu lar young man in this part of the county and his especial fitness for the office will gain many votes for bim outside of the party. Will Heinz left for Portland today. Louis Heinz is slowly improving in health. Eastern Oregon is not the cli mate for him. Several of our young men are going away to work in the logging camps on the Columbia. John Ridings, of Marquam, passed through here today, homeward bound. Rumor says John Dodge leaves soon for Washington, to work In a shingle mill where his brother, Jack, is. Ephram Dodge moved today over to Albert Woodwdos , his father in law 8 The Liberal Dancing Club's dance on Wednesday night was a complete sun cess, and they intend to give another on May 1st. ' K. April 9. Maple Lane. Our school library association on Mon day electel Miss Anna Shortlidge. libra rian and Courtie Gibbs assistant h bran an for the month. Mr. and Mrs. Bawdish, 'accompanied by Mrs. George and Joe Keller, of Dodge nuu.nu ncic nnu in niouuumy. i . i?..:.,,... ...ui. u Kev. J. W. Beckev, who formerly lived 1 X .":' LW . 3 id thu Ur.nl.. wiuunuim inuiuj. Mere, tied the knot The rond to Portlank immediately north of the Johnson-creek bridge has been cut down and the rock and dirt grdded down both sides of the hill. It should be graveled or a mud bole will he the result. 11. , April 10. Liberal. It still continues to rain and the roads ire getting muddy. A general complaint is heard that the spring wheat did not germinate well, consequently it has come up very thin. Oats have come up all right and are making rapid growth. Clarence Look has grubbed a large piece of land and has it all plowed ready to sow. Dee Wright leaves for Portland today. Sorry you are going, Dee. We shall miss you. Silas Wright lias his colts broken to caddie and liarnes, and one of them (l)ashaway byname) is a flyer. He has lten offered $100 (or him, but refused it, as he is going to put the colt in an ex pert trainer's hands, If he is blooded, lie wants to know it. Politics is running high here. All are well pleased with the citizens' ticket. Levi Stehman, candidate for connvs Moner, is the right man in the right Mr. and Mrs. Shelly called at Mr Shortlidge's Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davies took din net with Mr. find Mrs. A. Mautz on Sun day. A number of the ladies of Maple Lane made Grandma Dickerson a splendid surprise on Monday, it being her 80th birthday. KefreBhments were served and an enjoyable time was had by all Mr. and Mrs. Martin went to Canby Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs, Martin's grandmother. . Mr. and Mrs. 'B. Jackson and family dined with G. F. Gibbs and family Sun day. Clarence Jackson and wife have moved onto Henry Jackson's place. April 11. Pansy Blossom. place." Mrs. Suter is 80 vears of ape. en. joys the best rf health and is surround ed by tier children and grandchildren. it is the sincere wish of her many friends that she may live to enjoy many more such haapy birthday anniversaries. Ross B. Deyoe. of Myrtle Point, boos county, has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. it. correBter, 01 in is place. BornTo the wife of Fred Hoffmeis- ter, on April 6, 1900, a daughter. ." Miss Ruth Simpson hap beeiin a term of school at Sandy Ridg, district No. 39. Mr. Judd, who li .s been ill for some time, is slowly improving. Ward Douglass is very ill. Born To the wife of Matthew Zoeir. on March 2, 1900, a daughter. Gussie Githens was the euest of Pearl Foster on Thursday. . , Mrs. Hinkle and daughter, of Barlow, were the guests of Mrs. A. J. Brackett on Sunday. Dave Hoffmeister and Bill Hiairins nave gone 10 urient to work. Charles Ballou, of Portland, was visit- ng ins parents in this place last week. April 10. Z. M. F. Eagle Creek. The weather is perfect, and every one seems to be making the best ot it. Walter Glover has returned to Cor vallls, where he intends to finish a course at the Oiegon Agricultural College. Frank McArthur, of New Era, was visiting relatives in Eaglj Creek last week. A birthday surprise paity was given Mrs. Suter on the 26th of March, which was well attended bv the ladies of this Elwood. Elwood was favored with a rain, and wind today. .Kev. John faric, who has been away preaching, returned Wednesday with the intention of staying home for a few weeks. - Mrs. Shubert is still quite il'. I. M. Park has retu'ned from Palmer to help his son, James, with the spring wors, alter which tie will return to Palmer. Mies Lottie Boylan.of Claiks. was the guest of Delia Henderson Wednesday. Veat Surfus, of Maple Lane, has been visiting relatives here. He repaired his fence that was partly destroyed by fire. Miss Zella Park, who has been stay ing with her sister at Willamette Falls, is at home for a few weeka' visit. ' School opened Monday under the com petent leadership of Miss Mary Young, of Milwaukie. - Fiester Cadonan has gone to Gervais to visit with his brother, Lee. Rev Park will preach in the Mountain Home church Sunday at 11 a. m. There will be a discussion at Elwood between the Colton and Elwood de bating societies Saturday night, Apail 14. The mbjei't for debate is,"Resolved that civilization carries with it a moral tendency." Elwood has the negative and Colton, the affirmative. W. T. Henderson is confined to the house on account of illness. Misses Cora and Mensulla Cox have gone to Oregon City to work. Mrs. Duff, of Oregon City, is out on her homestead, and Miss Ida Wilson is staying with her. .. . Mrs. Woodruff was visiting Mrs. Park Thursday. Lalla Rooeh. . In spile of frequent showers farmers are nearly through with seeding. Last week there was a farewell dance given at Henry Henrici's. Ii may have been in honor ot the arrjvai oi ins sis ter, Lizzie, of California, who ia visit ing friends and relatives here. Mrs. Matbies has returned from New Era, where she ' has been- visiting friends from Iowa. She was called home by the sudden illness of her little.daugh ter, Madaline. ' Mrs. Eowen and daughter, Myrtle, have been on the sick list. Mr. Weidner has purchased a new buggy. What does this meau, Andrew? Owen Hughes has purchased a new bugiiv lor his wife. That's right.Owen, we hope more husbands will follow your example; Politics and bicycles are' in demand in this vicinity sinca the mud has dried up some. Miss Elnora Ginther is teaching the Henrici school. , Henry Henrici intends moving to Ore gon City, where. he will go into the black smith busineas with Mr. Moran. Amos Kirk has. bought .himself a pony. ' There Is talk of another dance to be given at the tall in the near future, so boys, he on the lookout, as we always have a good time you know Mrs O. H. Hughes, of this place, and Mrs. M. Wilson, of Oregon City, were the guests of Mrs. Kirk Sunday . April 9. Evergreen. The roads are now almost im for buggies and bicycles. Prof. J. W. Yoder is in Portland this week to hear the great pianist. John Crocker went to Monitor last Sunday. v - The ovster supper given by Misses Anna Yoder, Mabel Schwartz and John Watson, at the home of the former, was a decided -success. Those present were : L. D. Yoder and wife, Mrs. Joseph Schwartz; Misses Lottie and Mabel Schwartz, Alice Wyiand, Nellie Crocker, Rose, Anna and Maud Yoder, Jessie and Mary Taylor, Curie Bigelow, Julia Little; Messrs. John and Walter Wat son, O. P., A. L., J. W. and J.J. Yoder, Albert Bigelow, Charlie Crocker, A. E. Taylor, Rile Garret, Lee Fiah and Gil bert Wyiand. O. P. Yoder has purchased a new wheel. - Ed Graves is hauling the lumber fur a new bridge across Rock Creek J. S. Yoder dressed seven hogs for market this week. They were nine months old and weighed 210 pounds each, dressed. Miss Elsie Taylor has begun a two months'term of teaching at Marquam. George Perdue was around last week soliciting volunteers to build .the new fence around the Rock Creek cemetery. April 10. Scribble Molalla, Ii 6eems as though our spring has con cluded. io loiter by the wayside for awhile, as the mountains are again cov ered with snow. Nearly everyone around here has fin ished seeding, the earliest known for a number of years. John Bagby brought in 11 wildcat scalps recently killed. He has not suc ceeded in capturing any foxes, yet, but thinks he will in the nfur future Cou gars have been very scarce in ihe foot hills this year, as the snowfall has not been sufficient to drive the wild animals out from high mountains, from whence they rarely come unless lorced to do eo. G. E HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Opposite Huntley's Book Store, TJp Stain OREGON CITY, OREGON Land Tltlei and Land Olllc Bualaeu a Bpeolalty. ROBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. .. Will practice In all the Court! of the 8tate an he Bureaus of the Interior Department at Wash- tgtom. hook s, uuuaii building, OREGON CITY, OREGON. VAN R. HYDE LAW OFFIOE Will practice In all the Courts of the State and the V. 8. Land Office. Abstracts made. Land Tl-r Ilea Quieted. Conveyances and all Legal Docu ments drawn. Real Kstat3bnnght and sold. Divor ces a Specialty. Office in Caufixld Buildino, OREGON CITY, OREGON. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Soeoialtlea Office In Commercial Bank Building 1REOON CITY - - OREQOH Heaver Creek Everyone is well in Beaver Creek as far as we know except a few cases of la grippe and rheumatism. Case Triumph Sulky and Gang Plows Barlow. There was quite a severe irost here last night, but we hope it has done no damage. . ' '. Gee whiz! But wasn t that union county convention a"bird"? The blend ing was perfect as the colors in the rain bow. Mayor Laionrette makes a model demo-pop chairman. The nominations and resolutions are first-class, and the imperialists in Olacktmas county can't down them. Everv one of them Is a man with a hoe. Where was U'Ken? We saw a candidate for justice of the peace tiding into town on a load of wood this morning. It ought to have been hay or wool. Judge, wood don't count with we pops. Any one can sell wood. Miss Mabel Knight, our new school teacher, was laid up with ulcerated tooth tuaf u-oalr Mnrul TTa va If. nnllat TKa lnat Anma nf th RPAHon was held last Saturday night at the residence.of James Madole and lamiiy, who came Mrs. Robt. Baty. A pleasant time was , 'rro 8oth Dakota last fall, returned to reported by those attending. tllRt bleak clime list week. We wish Our dentist, J. W.Thoinas, has opened , . . . . an nffii.B hm-H Bt Mr. Perrv's hotel. Mr. A genuine eviction occurred m our ThnmBH hns snent a number of vears at section a few days ago. From a repnb the business and is thorough in the u iwuv ui view it anuiuer uiun- same. He is the inventor and maker of a dental bracket table.which is certainly a piece of ingenious work and speaks well for Mr. Thomas' inventive lacui-ties. In, C. Biuwkiu l.V. CAMrBiii QROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW gage lifted. Prosperity, eh If Mark Hannah doesn t get out to Politics is boomina here. Judging from the number of voters that attended the populist and democratic conventions the boasted republican gain in this pre cinct that has been spoken of will fail to materialize npon election day. The telephone line from Molalla to Oregon City is being boomed again. About a year ago the company Bent an agent were and offered to locate the line provided the people would furnish the poles from Molalla to Mulino. Some of our c'tizens here out recently to see if a sufficient number of cedar poles could be obtained to supply the line as stated ; if eo and the company is yet willing to do as they once offered, we will soon have the line in operation. A telephone line here ould be a great convenience to us, especially to our merchants. Mr. Robbins will soon have his goods sMpped to Oregon City instead of Can by, which has Deen the shipping point for this section for a number of years past. In having his goods shipped to Oregon City the freight rates will not Portland soon with his barrel it will be too late for the Oregonian to flop ii- time to do any good. Mrs. Covey has aboui recovered, and is expected to return home this week Mrs. Freeman has been quite ill but is rapidly recovering. It seems lone some in Barlow if Mrs. Freeman isn't around. . Arc guaranteed Lighter Draft than walking Plows Doing same amount of work Send for Circulars of Case, Sulky, Gang and Walking Plows and Harrows Hoosier Drill Best Drill in the World Garfield. There is some sickness in our burg, but nothing serious Miss Dollie Lemon is home again. We are glad to see her smiling face among us once more. Mrs. Lemon is now weaving carpets, ana she aoes very good worn. Our teacher, Miss Holmstrora, began her school Monday with a g od attend ance. Emerson suriaee met with an acci dent last Friday. He was going after the school inarm, and his horses ran away, and made kindling wood out of his wagon. He soon caught his horses and trot another WAimn aih o-nt t.hp lariv i.ri.i u.. .i in i,. . i.i..l. . ?, ' omy uo ibb uiit mere win uo uu iutip , Bl the Same, cnargfs wtncn amoun'Bio quite a sum in course of years. Jacob Harle38' warehouse is progress ing slowly on account of bad weather. Vi . D. Adams and son are the carpen ters. W. A. Shaver is preparing to drive his cattle to his mountain range in a few days. Major Hungate, John Shaver and others have taken cattle to the mountains. F. C. Perry is making some improve ments on his place. April 9. X.Y.Z. Caufleld Building Oregon City, Ora - W. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITT - - OREGON C. SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW fceutftfiet Sttb&otat OREGON CITY - OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Rotary Public and Real Estate Broker taADIKe IKSUBANCI AGENCY OT CLACXIKU County Money to Loan. Abstract! of Title Made Drawing of Legal Doounienta a Specialty Office on east aide of Main utreet Between 8th and 7th OREGON CITY, ON M. C. STRICKLAN D, r.l. D. (Hoipltal and Private Experience.) Sen hli profeiilonal serviced to the people of Oreion CUT and vicinity. Special attention paid to Ofttari b and Cbronto dlaeaae. Best oi references ctven. Office in Wlllami tte Building. Office houra: 10 to 18 a. m., i to i p. m. 01IOON CITY ORKOOM DR. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Barclay BuildLh Prices Moderate All OpcratlonsGnaranteed. Miss Rena Palmaleer was the guest of tne MiBses Florence and Agnes Davis Sunday. There was another taffy pulling at Mrs. Conrad Krigbaum's Friday night. The candy was made of red sugar this time. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Irvin were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Holder' Sunday afternoon. Miss Ethel Jones attended the ball at Eagle Creek last week. DR. GEO. HOEYE, DENTIST. Office In Caufleld BUdlng, Main Street Oregon Oitv. Bbiooi and Crown Wobk a Specialtt. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. J. H. MILLER, DENTIBT, Seventh Street, near S. P. Depot, Dbeqos City, - . Obkqok IliyhUind. Our mat "O" Series CHILLED flOW Extra Polished Guaranteed to No 20-0-12 inch $9 so No 40-0-13 inch 10 00 Shares, Landsides, Mould boards, etc., wil fit Oliver No.20 and 40. Sccur X ome and see us when you come to Portland Mitchell, Lewis L Staver Co, Firt and Taylor Street, PORTLAND. OREGON Mountain View. Mr. and Mrs D.C. Eby spent last Sat urday here with their parents. , Mrs. Hornschucli is dangerously ill with pneumonia. Olin Haynes went to Gray's Harbor t'lis week to work in a logging camp. Grandma Waldron, who has been spending the w inter with Mrs. Walton, will start to Missouri next Minuuy. Mrs. Walhce, of Mulino, was the guest of Mrs, Uillett Friday evening. Mrs. A. L. Jones, of Mulino, spent last Friday with Mrs. Cooper. Bruce Darnall and father started to Antelope Tuesday to gather up their horsHS and bring them to their mountain home. Mrs. John Green's health is quite poorly this week ou account of having a number of teeth extracted. Miss Georgia Grace went to Highland Wednesday to spend a few days among relatives and friends. Will Gillette, of Belvidere, Kansas, ar rived lare Wednesday to visit with his uncle, JohnGillett. J. W. Currin is having Mr. Rauch's house papered this week, which will be occupied by Mr. Henry Henrici and wife. There will be communion services at the church next Sunday, Kev. Clapp of Portland, officiating. Myrtle Lodge, Degree of Honor mem bers expect to have a grand time Friday evening. There are 25 applicants to initiate. Mistletoe Lodge of Oswego will be here and the grand recorder, Mrs. M. E. Herrin, of Portland. Refreshments will be served. Sauxa. Sunshine ia pleasant after the rain and enow A very enjoyable surprise party was given C. Krohn last Saturday night. Mrs. J. Parrish is recovering. George Stephens, of Beaver Creek, Frank Welsh, of Oregon City, were vis iting M. Gard and family Monday and Tuesday. The people of Highland met fat the graveyard and cleaned it up. Prepara- tions are being made for a new fence. The farmers have most of their seed ing done. George Harringtou is making a visit at ins home. Teniae and Sonne May field have be gun their schools. Elvy Fellows is under the doctor'B care in Oregon City Sunday school is progressing nicely Willi ill Kutuerlord as superinten dent. Hollie crutches, North is able to walk with Jack Wallace, we are sorry to say, in tends to leave us iu a few days. May joy go wun JACK. Sweet Marie. For Over Flftj Vean As Old and Wkll-Trikd Rkmkdt. Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup kas been nsed for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, Boftens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, ie pleasant to the taste, Sold by Drug- S"" " cvorjr pnrt 01 (ne world iwenty-hve cenU a bottle. Its value is ncaicuiaoie. re sure and ask for Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no uwer aiuo. DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Unlvr eity Dental School, also of American Col lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. with dr. WELCH. Willameltt Block - OppotiU Pottoffiet Oebqon Citt, Oubgon. G. N. GREENMAN (Established 1804 1 ran PIONEER EXFBE8SHAM AND DRAYMAN Parcel) Delivered to All Part ot tb City OREGON CITY T . OBEQON COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY CAPITAL f 100, 000 . Trannacti a General Banking Builncs Loan made. Bllli discounted. Maksa oV lectlona. Buri and aella exchange on all pqlntt In the United States and Europe and on Hong Ion 1. Deposits received aubjeel to check. Bank open from 9 A M.toi P. M. O.C. LA101KH1K, FEED I. MEYER, President. Caabltt. J. C BRADLEY Prop. Xoblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, Oithi Street betwtn tat Bridge aid tit Depot. Double and tlnflo rlga and aaddlt horaea a aya oa hand at the loweit rates, and a oorra ils eonnected with the barn tor looae ttocV. iaj Information regarding- any kind of ee" "omnU? attended to br letter or tenon. E. I- SIAS Watchmaker and Jeweler PostofficeJBuilding CANBY . - OREGON