Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 13, 1900, Image 1

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    City UDrWT
17th YEAR, NO. 477
Best in Clackamas County for
A Clean Ticktt Throughout A Striking
Contrast to the One-Man Ticket
of the Republicans.
For Beprescnlntlves,
of Clackamaa
For Commissioners,
For Sheriff,
For Clerk,
of Oregon City
of Aurora
of Liberal
of Stafford
ol Oregon City
. of Carus
For Recorder,
of Milwaukie
For Treasurer,
of Milwaukie
For Assessor,
Of Molalla
' For School Superintendent.
of Canby
For Coroner,
.of Oregon City
For Surveyor,
of Currinsvllle
The above ticket was put up by the
citizens' convention on last Friday,
and proved a boomerang in the republi- j
can camps, which were predicting a
slated ticket and an unbarmonious con
vention. The ticKet is clean and is free
from bossism and unholy alliances.
which were characteristic of the Brow-
nell ticket put up by the so-called repub
lican convention a week previous, and
will be supported by a large number of
independent republican voters who are
opposed to boss rule and combinations
to turn down ' good men because they
will not stand in with the machine.
On Friday morning the populist and
democrat parlies ' met separately and
elected delegates to their lespective state
conventions and officers of committee.
At about 3:30 p. m. the delegates met
in joint mans convention as citizens and
proceeds! to put up a first class ticket
and platform, which they did in a man
ner satisfactory to all concerned. The
convention was the . most harmonious
one that has been held in Clackamas
county for 15 or 20 yearB and the be6t of
feeling and good fellowship prevailed
The platform promulgated by the
platform committee and unanimously
adopted by the convention proved the
wiBdom of the chairman in naming the
personnel of the committee.
The vindictive and discordant element
was conspicuous by its absence, as was
its leader who had heretofore taken part
in reform conventions. This element
has begun already to circulate stories
about this man and that man being
Brownell men, and hopes thereby to
create d'ecord or friction. Citizens, we
caution you at this time not to believe
all the absurd stoiies circulated by and
for the opposition,
This convention consisted of between
250 - and 800 subbtantial citizens oT
Clackamas county who had the welfare
of the county at heart and were not a(,ter'
office. In this case the man did not
seek nomination for office. Never be
fore in the history of Clackamas courfty;
has such a body of taxpayers met in
convention to nominate a ticket, and
never was there Buch harmony and good
feeling, and if the citizens will put their
shoulders to the wheel and stand to
gether from now until election day we
will elect every man on our ticket, be
sides helping the cause of human lib
erty. ,
In the near future we will give a short
sketch of the personnel of the ticket put
up by the masses in opposition to the
class ticket put up by Brownell and his
gang for Hatma, Simon & Co., the own
ers of Oregon.
Following is a detailed report of the
conventions :
People's Party County Convention.
We have found the best plow in the world, the
Syracuse chilled. We have a big stock of five
tooth cultivators that we bought at the old price,
and we intend to sell them cheap.
We are headquarters for Steel Lever Har
rows, Acorn Steel Ranges, Hardware, etc."
Corner Fourth and Main Strieta, OREGON CITY, OREGON
The people's party county conven
tion vas called to order at Snivel's opera
house at 11 a. m., Friday by County
Chairman, Henry Thiessen, "who an
nounced tliat the object of the conven
tion was to elect lo delegates to attend
the state convention and to attend to
matters pertaining to party organiza
tion, . He stated that the first order of
business was the election of a tern nor-
ry chairman. W. L. Holcomb placed in
nomination W.W.Myers.of Maple Lane.
0. M. Larkins named George Oit'e. of
Molalla. Mr. Myers declined and pre
sented a motion, which prevailed that
Mr. Ogle be the unanimous choice for
chairman. W. W. Austin.of Logan.was
chosen secretary by acclamation.
On motion the chairman appointed a
committee on credentials, consisting of
C. Schuebel, 0. D. Eby and George La
zelle. This committee reported the fol
lowing representation in the convention ;
Abernethy L, D. Mumpower, W. L.
Holcomb, Colby Marston, H. Lankins,
M. G. Jones, Thos. Watts, F. A. Jones,
0. F. Jcne
Barlow Wra. EvanB, P. H. Malloy,
A. B. Cole, D. J. Parmenter.
Beaver Creek E. F. Ginther, John
Shannon, C. Spence,. G. A. Schuebel,
Charles F, Baker. ......
Boring George Epperson .James Poe.
Canyon Creek none.
Cascades none. ,
Canby E. 0. and Joe Shull. Harrv !
C. Gilmore, Henry Knight. J. R. Marks.
Clackamas L. E. Johnson, Otto
Gengelbach, W. A. Mills, Peter Myers,
Marion Johnson, J. G. Wolf.
Cherryville none
Cane'niah George Lazelle, L. Blan
chard, E. M. Haines.
Damascus Wm. Buckmann, W. H.
Johnson, A. M. Loyelace, John Wilson,
Ii. Briethaupt,
Eagle Creek none 1
; Garfield none
!.; George none
!.. Harding W. W.Austen, John Rowen,
,W. E. Mumpower, John Rattan.
- Highland-R. L. Ringo, G. R. Miller
by A. Nicholas, proxy, M, E Kandle,
S. Hutchinson, A. Nicholas.
Li Macksburg L. Heinz, Phil Graces,
John Heinz, John B. Hepler, Nathan E.
k Molalla Wm. Everhait, Wm. Shaver,
R. T. Dibble, Levi Stehman, James
Hannegan, A. J. Maville, John Aiken,
f,tnest oturges.
j Milk Creek R.Goucher, J. J.Mallatt,
C. M. Lukins, W. A. Woodside.
i Marqnam Mart Leabo, W. R. Gar-
rett, beorge Ug!e, G.Ibert Kobbins, O,
it Milwaukie Henry Thiessen, E. J.
Spooner, W. Rosermu, H. Daniels by H.
Thiessen proxy, R. Daniels by E. J.
Spooner proxy.
', Maple Lane W. W. Myers, A. A.
Kenny, G. F. Gibbs. A Bauman, J. W.
Needy G. W. Owings, C. W, Owings,
A. 8. Bigelow, J. S. Owings. '
New lira Job. Briggg, J. S. Casto.El-
mer Veteto and John Burgoyne.
i Oswego J. Johnson, A. Headriek, Al
bert Brandt, Asa Coon. -
, Pleasant Hill J. N. Wood, by H. R.
Baker, proxy, William Ouler, H. R. Ba
Seivers A. C. Thomas by M. V
Thomas, proxy. M. V. Thomas.
, Soda Springs none
Spriniiwater George Bowdish. W. M.
Warnock, Sam Warnock by A, Lace ,
proxy, a. j,acey.
Tualatin none
Union none
Viola F. P. Walker, Louis Funk
West Oregon City A. J. Olds, J. B.
Zeigler, 0. E. Shannon, M. A. Mjgone,
J, is. Berry, D.J. Myers, U'. 8. Baker
Wilhoit Scott Soott, John Stamp.
Oregon City, No. 1 G. E. Hargraves
J. W. Powell, G. R. H. Miller, 0. E
Nash, W. M. Caiuwell, Duane Ely, A
-Oregon ;;0ity, No; 2 J. ShaJe
by Eli Criswelt proxy, I,
freeman, L. E. Goseler, G. Shute, R.
E. Roberts, Eli Criswell, A. Walker, C.
,Ginter, M. Lacy.
. ' Oregon City. Nj.3 S.V. Francis, F.
A. Ely, John Gillett, Elmer Dixon, C.
&r ebe. Harder & (Dow
182-184-186 Madison Street
Put a new face
on your Wall.
Wall Paper is
Cheap. We
will sell you a
double roll
1 Knw
Baby Carriages
And Go-Carts....
We invite your inspection.
They are a sight; no advance in
prices. We sell a very nice, strong
carriage, neatly upholstered, steel
wheels, good parasol, for $6 oo
Go-Carts..........' ..$275
You'll be
Buying a Carpet
Soon and paying the NEW PRICE.
We will save you dollars, if you'll
buy it from us this spring or
summer. Our stock is in first
rate condition, bought with hard
down cash before prices ad
vanced. We can sell you a heavy
all-wool Ingrain Carpet for 65c
a yard. Suppose you investigate
this Right Away.
New Firm, New Goods, New Prices
Milburn Farm, Delivery, Spiing Wagons and Buggies
Milwaukee Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Syracuse, Chilled amd.1
Steel Plows, Disc, Spike and Spring Tooth Harrows.
Chase Foice and Lift Pumps.
Wolf American Bicvcles,
The committee on order ol business,
consisting of W. W. Myers, A. Lacey
and J. S. Casto, reported the following
order of business, which was unani
mously adopted :
That the temporary officers be made
The election of 15 delegates to attend
the state convention.
The election of a county central committee.
The matter of union with the demo
crats was generally discussed, the senti
ment proving almo3t unanimous In fu
vor of tlia move.
Louis Funk, of Redland, presented a
motion that the chairman appoint IS
delegates to attend the state convention,
als0rto name the nomines for county of
ficers. The motion was received with
laughter, but was declared out of order
by the chi irman. (The motion was in
tended as a hit at the republican
county convention.)
The following delegates were unani
mously chosen to attend the state con
vention : W. H. Johnson, W. L. Hol
co.nb, W. W. Myers, G. R. H. Miller,
George Ogle, J. S. Casto, J. W. Powell,
J, Johnson, J. B. Zeigler, E. J. Spooner,
William Cantwell, W. vV. Austin, J. R.
Marks, A. Lacey, C. Schuebel.
Elmer Dixon was ejected ch&irraiin,
and E. H. Cooper, secretary of the
county central committee.
On motion a vote of thanks was ex
tended to Henry Thies.ien for his effi
cient services as chairman of the county
central committee.
On motion a committee of three was
appointed to wait upon the democratic
convention, and inform them that this
convention was waiting their pleasure.
The chairman appointed as such com
mittee, Louis Funk, John Burgoyne
and G. R. II. Miller.
Democratic County Convention,
The democratic delegates met in Wil
lamette hall at 11 o'clock a. in., and was
called to order by County Chairman
Robt. A. Miller.
For temporary chairman. J. K, Grib
ble, 0. D. Latuurette and Robert A.
Miller were mentioned, Mr. Miller was
elected by acclamation. A. W. Cheney
was elected secret ry by acclamation.
On motion a committee of five on or
dor of business was appointed by the
chairman as follows: U N Walte, Polk
Gribble, T L Turner, Harry Gard and
C J) Latourette.
On motion a committe on credentials
was appointed as follows :W B Stafford,
Gilbeit Hedges, O W Robbins, 11
(straight ard T R A Sell wood.
After adjournment of 10 minutes for
committee reports the following report
were presented and adopted :
On order ol business
1. Report of committee on credentials.
2. Election of permanent cbaii man.
3. Election of permanent secretary.
. election 01 delegates to state con.
5. Election of chairman county cen
tral committee.
6. Election of county central com
7. Election of precinct committee.
8. Adjourn to meet in joint convention
who populists.
On credentials
A mo' ion was carried that adjoining
precinct delegations represent unrepre-
sen unrepresented precincts:
The committee on credential! presented
a report giving the following represen
tation in the convention, which was
adopted. , '
Abernethv G H Olden lerg, John
Kent, W L Beckner, Robt A Miller, B S
Bellomy, S W Morgan, David Close,
John Straight.
Barlow W W Jesse, Henry Hedges,
proxy by Chas Smith.William Covey.
Beaver Creek-T W Duffy, J W
Draper, Win Martin, Jacob Hermann,
Johu Wolf.
Boring bv Eagle Creek delegation.
Canyon Creek L P Williams by J P
Lovett. : -
Cascades H Mc'lngin of Sievers.
Canby 0 N Wait, J S Dick.H Smith,
A 8 Beaty, John Bany.
Clackamas W T Johnson, G Haber
laob, Rolla Holcomb, E F Capps, W W
Wilson, John W Bennett.
Cherryville F Kath, of George.
Canemah 0 W Ganong, G U Fields,
G L Hedges.
Damascus Mr Lovelace
Eagle Creek S A Douglass, by A D
Burnett, proxy, J Stone, H F Currin,
L Bartlema, Ed Noble.by J Suter.proxy.
Garfield Hugh F Currin.
George Ferdinand Rath, John Mar
shall, by Ferdmand Rath, proxy.
Harding UU KoODina, r- f w uson,
to meet in j lnt session with the people
party convention.
F D Robbins, proxy, L H Kirchem,J
by Beaver Oreek delega
W Brown, by L H Kirchem, proxy.
Macksburg JK Gribblo, J II Daly.i
L E Bowers, D Harms.
Molalla James limit if, U L vaughan,
W 11 Engle, 0 W Robbins, W 0
Vaughan, Geo V Adams, A Engle, R J
Moore, J F Adams.
Milk Creek M Mulvey, D L Tru lin
ger, by Harry uard, proxy, w Wallace.
Marqnam S Taylor, F Jackson, B
Jack, Joseph Jackson, W Barth, A Stan
Milwaukii E T Hall.TR A Sellwood,
W S Payne, bv T R A Sellwood, proxy,
A J Walker, IK A Sellwood, proxy, II
Maple Lane J M Ware, by J R
Myers, proxy, John Gaffney, Jr., B F
Linn, by John Gaffney, Jr., proxy, E E
Martin. J R Myers.
Needy T A Campau, I J Bigelow,
Henry Warnock, O Townsend, by 0 W
Noblitt, proxy.
New Era by Canby delegation.
Oswego Joseph Bickner, by Wm
Smith, proxy, Win Smith, D W Kelsay,
by E J Russell, proxy, E 8 Russell.
Oregon City, No 1 E D Kelly, C D
Latourette, Hiram Straight, T F Ooz
ing, J W Cole, Kd Shaw, V R Hyde. ,
Oregon City, No 2 Chas W Kelly, T
S Lawrence, F A Miles, A W Cheney,
J W Kelly, John Gleanon. by S J
Vaughn, proxy, J E Hedges, A X
Sttaight, J 8 Crumly.
Oregon City, No 3 W B Stafford, T S
Burke, John Green, W H Savage, Wil
liam Bates, by R B Beatie, proxy.
Pleasant Hill by Tualatin delegation.
Seivers Henry McGugln.
S .da Springs by Molalla delegation.
Springwater Wm Cornell, C II Gutt
ridge, P Shannon, 8 II Raney, by Wm
Cornett, proxy.
Tualatin O P Sharp, E M Corbus, T
L Turner,
Union by Barlow delegation.
Viola by Harding delegation.
West Oregon City Ira Jones, Dav!d
Caufield, Jell'erson Slinw, II C Carniack,
J 8 Smith, Ihomas Armstrong, Wm
Gilbert Hedges was appointed arsis
tant secretary.
The following delegates were placed
in nomination for delegates lo the state
convention, and the first named 13 were
declared elected : Robert A Miller, 0 D
Latourett. f F Cowing, E v Keily. 0 J
Vaughan, Robert Beattie, A W Cheney
B 8 Bellomv. William Barlow, W U Sta(
ford, M C Strickland, O W Kobbins, C
N Wait, W L Beckner, H McGugin, J K
Gribble, Thos Burke, John Galiney,
William Cornett, David Close, Charles
Vv Kelly, Alex Baty, II Straight, John
Daly, J E Hedges, rred Capps, Gil
bert Hedges.
Robert A Miller was re-elected chair
man, and A W Cheney re-elected secre
tary of the county central committee.
Oo motion the convention adjourned
Joint or Citizen' Conventions
The delegates comprising the sepaTBt"
democratic and people's party convene
tions were called to order in Shivelyii.'
opera house at 4 p. m.,Friday,hv Gorgw
Ogle. C. D. Latourette, " Robert: A?-.
Miller, W. Myers, and George OgH; -were
named for chairman. The Hire v
latter declined and Latourette was nomi
nated by acclamation. lho iiewij"
elected chairman responded wiifoa tshort:
speech on national subjects, whielw
well received. Elmer Dixon whs unani
mously elected secretary of the eonveti-
On motion, the chairman appointed'',
the following committee . on order of" .
business: C Schiuibel, J E Hedges.John
H Daly, J S Casio and H Thiessen.
On motion, th chairman appointed;
the following committee on platform amli .
name: Louis Funk, Robert A Miller,
George Ogle, T R A Sellwood and 0 WE .
After an adjournment of an hour, .
asked for further time, and were given
until 7:30 p. m. However, they reported.
that they bad agreed on a name: ait-
sens' convention.
The following report of committeelon3,
order of business was adopted
Naming ticket
Report of platform committee
Nominating three representatives
Sheriff Clerk
County school superintendent
Surveyor .
Justices of the peace and coiiBtaTrrfs-
Road supervisors.
It was voted to cull the ticket ti t
nominated, the citizens' ticket.
ibe following were placed in nomina
tion for representatives: Jtto. GhuiwU
back, J S Casto, Henry Breithaupt" da-
clinod, Gilbert L Hedges, J B Zeigler; ,
Elmer Uixon, declined, George Koigh;
George Ogle, declined, C N Wuit; d
clined, C E bpence.
Convention ad journtd until 7;jOTv
The secretaries of the two p.-wiouw
conventions were made aHKituuUjecre
tarios of thij int convention.
When the convention re-aseembleil?.
Chairman Latourette announced "that a
the platform committee had not yet re
ported, and that It would be ww.i to tie
ler the nomination of representative
until a platform was adopted.
A motion to this effect carried;
A Lacey, G 0 Fields, 0 Schuebel audJ
ON Wait were appointed tellers. Nnrai
nations lor county commissioners we re-
announced to be in order, and the fol
lowing were named, who received the
annexed vote on the first ballot;
Spence named Levi Stehman, 4ft, of.
Molalla; Thiessen, G A Schuebel, 22, ot
Beaver Creek : Jones, T L Turner, 44, of i
Tualatin ; Barlow, Mart Robbins, 3", ot j
Marquam; Kenny, W W Myers, ot Ma
ple Lane, who declined : Lazidle. A La- -
cey, 38, of Springwater; Suter, Jajn.8"
1'oe, 8, of hagle Creek ; James Coon, .of
Oswego; Mumpower, W L Cornet trOi
of Springwater ; Oard, R L Kingo, 21 of
Highland ; Engle, George Adams, 21), of
MohdlaiEJ Runsell, of Oswego. Poe,,.
Russell and Adams were withdrawn-,,
and on the second ballot Stehman re
ceived 1 H votes, Turner, 09, Kubbuis.
Lacey, 38, Coon, 3, Cornett, 24, Kingo,
5. Stehman and Turner were detrfawd
the nominees.
For sheriff Hiram Straight named J J
Cooke, seconded by William Barlow.
and others. He was re-nominated- byv
acclamation. For clerk Hiram St aight named Ei'.lW
Cooper, of Cams, followed with serot-
seconds. He was nominated by f.eoli
For renorder. I. Grazinr. of R&cltw-
and HThiessen, of Milwaukie, anrt G W -'
Owings, of Needy, were placed In num'it
nation. Grazier re.-eived 21 votesrTtfies .
en, 237, and Owings, 2. Thiessea mtt
declared the nominee, and made aaaui
mous, '
(Continued on page 4