OREGON CITY COURIE R-HERALD. APRIL 6, 1900. LAAilAlAliiiAAAi AAA AAiAAiAA rt? ttttttttttt t y tt y ttt'tttti Up-to-dateness In "a spring suit, the width of a seam, the size of a button or the" location of a pocket : may sometimes determine the up-to-datenes3 ! of the garment. We give the closest atten tion to all the little kinds of fashion. PRICE BROS. Leaders in Low Prices. 3t - YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT III But the Best Stock of First-Class Goods to be Found at Bottom Prices in ,. Oregon City is at HARRIS' GROCERY Brunswick Restaurant Under new Management f. Only First-Class Restaurant IN THE CITY L. RUCONICH, Prop. OREGON CITY, - - OREGON You will have a small grocery bill by trad ing at Marr & Muir's Grocery The Seventh Street Meat Market BROWN BROS. Pi; . Keeps nothing but first-class meats and sells lower than others. The Old Stand, Seventh Street, A. 0. U. W. Building OREGON CITY, OREGON. The very latest in Millinery which come and see at Mrs MR Hamilton's, Red Front Store, Oregon City. Thereoort of the schxl entertainment in Molalla district, No. 35 came toa late for this issue, and will be published next week. Watch for Miss Goldsmith's grand display of millinery good. ? , - "I had female trouble for eight years," writes Mrs. L- J. Dennis, of 828 East College St., Jacksonville, Ills. "Words cannot express what I suffered. sought relief among the medical profession and found none. Friends urged me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. When I com menced taking this medicine I weigh ed ninety-five pounds. Now I weigh one hundred and fifty-six pounds more than I ever weighed before. I was so bad I would Tie from day to day and long for death to come and relieve my suffering. I had internal inflammation, a disagreeable drain, bearing down pain, and such distress every month but now I never have a pain do all my own work and am a strong and healthy woman." Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. Correspondence pri vate. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. William Tely, known as"Scotty," left for the Yukon by w ty of Se tttle and Skagway on Tuesday. Charles Noblitt has purchased an in erest in the Wilhelm saloon with John Kel ly . The two popular young men will make a good firm. In the list of republican nominations for road supervisors printed last week, the name of R. H. Tabor, of Canemah, was unintentionally omitted. J. V. Bowen and H. Muuhollen, of Snohomish, Wash., who 25 years ago were playmates if Sheriff Cooke, in this county, were his guests, Wednesday. S. J. Criteser, now of Kingsley, Wasco county, was down this week to get some machinery for a sawmill, where he is employed. He waited over to hear Bryan speak, before returning home. Miss Leila Grace Cheney will be mar lied this (Thursday) evening to Willis L. Johnson, of Clackamas. The cere mony will take place at the home of the bride's pa-ents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Cheney, in this city a4, seven p. n . Rev. A. Mulligan, of the Mount Tabor Meth odist Episcopal church, will be the offi ciating clergyman. Only a few friends and relatives will he present at the wed ding. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will be at home to their friends at Clackamas af ter May 15tn. Further particulars next week. Bryan at Portland, About 10,000 people heard William J. Bryan speak at Portland . Wednesday evening, besides the thousands who could not vain admission. His speech was broader than when here three years ago and was well received by all . If it is possible for us to do so, we will print his speech in full next week, Many of the leading populists and democrats of Clackamas county were present, many occupying the platform. The finest bon bon boxes in town at he K.K. K Novelties in Easter cards just received at Goldeu Rule Bazaar, also a nice line of children's shopping baskets at 10 and 15 cents. Shube'. The brothers and brothers-in-law, sisters and sisters-in-law of Uharlea Moehnke, namely, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bluhm, Mr. and Mrs. F. Moehnke, Mr. and Mrs. M. Moehnke, Mr. and Mrs. G. Moehnke and O. Moehnke, went to Oregon Oity Friday and gave him a sur prise party ,m honor ot nis eutn Dirtn-day. Mrs. Staben gave a farewell party lust Wednesday evening. It is repcrted she intends to move to Oregon City . C. Schuoel, of Oregon City, came out Sunday evening to be on hand early Mondav morning to see it the troni were lin- gry or not. He caught over 101 fi'h. - Mr. Cummins went to Portland thi week to bring home a new engine and boiler for his sawnyll. Prof. Ed Schmidt has inst closed a successful term of singing school. Miss Eletha Cummins has relumed home after a'two weeks' visit with Miss Currin at Ely. Farmers are busy planting potatoes. Our gnpervi8or commenced work on the road last week. , NayrB. Meadowbrook, been quite Btormy The weather has for the last week. John Denison was in town Wednes day. J. L. Stewart and son,George,lett Fri day to look for work. . Mrs. Robbins, of Molalla, was visiting Mrs, E. Kiuiaby one day last week. There will be church at the school houe at 11 o'clock a. m. Rev. Wing field will officiate. ; O. T. Kay and son, Troy, is working m Oregon City at present. There was church at the schoolhotim last Sunday by Rev. Simms. Mrs. Larkins was visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oietn, one day last week. April 2. K. O. T. H "Bridles were slackened and girths were burst; But, ride as they would, the king rode first," because he rode a bicycle. . W. Jackson Gunsmi h and Bicycle Repairer prices: Brazing frame 00 Fork tips 5 Rims 1 25 - Spokes.... 10 Puncture . '5 First-class stock of bicycle supplies anu sundries cheaper than any other house in the county. Diercke-Barlow H'eddinj. Miss Beatrice Barlow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Barlow.was married to CharleB Diercke, of Portland, at the bride's parents, Wednesday at 8 p. m. Rev. P. K. Hammond, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church," was the of ficiating clergyman. Mies Imogene Harding was bridesmaid, and Churl, s Rueff, of PortUud, was best man. Miss Zeida Goldsmith, of Eugene, played the wedding march.' ltie bidal couple stood under a canopy of bridal wreaths and for-get-me-nots, the latter in the form of a lover s knot. The parlors were tastily decorated, white lilacs, Oregon grape and dogwood predominating. A lot of rare potted plants were also in evidence. A splen did lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Diercke left on the 10 :20 car for Portland, where they will occupy a dwelling prepared for their reception on the corner of Everett and Twenty- first streets. ' The bride is a member of one of Ore gon City prominent pioneer families, and the groom is a prominent musical instructor in Portland at the top of his profession. , . The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bioont. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Blount, Mr. and Mrs. Al Blount, Mi. and Mrs. G. A. Harding, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fouts, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Church, Mr. and Mrs. R. D.Wilson, of Oregon City; Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ellsworth, Mr. and Mrs. James McAfee, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rueff, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wessinger, of Portland; Mesdames M. E. Barlow, J. G. Pilsbury, George Fox, sr., Charles Kelly, Nelson W. Lawrence; Misses Sarah Blount, Betta Fouts, Hazel Pils bury, Imogene Harding, Zeda Goll- smith, Neita Harding, Bern Ice Kelly, Evelyn Harding, of Oregon City; Miss Greta Strickler, of Portland; Messrs. Carl Church, G. L. Harding.O. B.Hard ing, Lloyd O. Harding, Barton Barlow, of Oregon City; F. M. Gilmore, 0. E. Spitzner, A. V. Shilling, of Portland. 'Prohibition Ticket. The county convention ot, the prohibi tionists was held at the Y. M, 0. A. hall In this city Thursday. Chairman of the County Central Com mittee 0. A. Willey, of Oregon City, called the meeting to order at 2 o'clock p. m. W. P. Herman, of Molalla, was elected chairman and Rev, T. J Cock ing, secretary. The following ticket was nominated. The nominations Lr coro ner and constable were not made, "but will be provided fbr by the executive committee: Representatives John W. Loder, of Oregon City ; C. W. Herman, of Molalla, and W. H. H. Wade, of Currinsville. Couuty commissioners F. Birkemeir, of Milwaukie, and W. P. Herman, of Molalla. Clerk Otto F. Olson, of Oregon City. Sheriff J. W. Hoiigan.of Milwaukie. Assessor J. .Tompkins, of Oregon City. . Recorder 0. E. A. Freytag, of Aber nethy. School Superintendent G. W. Bon Durint, of Clackamas.' Treasurer A. Matin, of Canby. . Justice of the peace for Oregon City district Isaac Prindle. Fellows Harding Block, Oregon City TELEPHONE 613 13 Cents Pound for Eastern hams. 10 Cents Pound for fine bacon. 12J Cents Pound for best breakfast bacon. 45 Cants 5 pounds of fine lard. $1.00 19 pounds best granulated sugar. - 50 Cents 10 pond box best soda crackers. 25 Cents 10 pounds rolled oats. 25 Cents 2 bottles fine catsup. ' 5 Cents ' Pound good French prunes. Up Against A Good Thing. When you deal with us we are goiinir io do our tip top best for you, No halt wav business about it. We are going to get you the best there is and get it to. you as fast as it's humane to driven When yot want something really good that you can't find anywhere hut in your imagination, nome to us. We will, name it. pndprocuie it for your table groceries, etc. A. ROBERTSON, I he 7th St. Qrocer Teachers' Kraminati'm. ' Notice is hereby given thnt for the purpose of muking an . examination ot," all persons who may offer themselves as candidates (or teacher i of the schools oif this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public exam ination at the court house in Oregon City, Ore., Wednesday. April 11th, 1900 commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated this the 21st day of March, 190OS. N. W. Bowlakd, County School Superintendent Clacka mas County Onpcn. 1 P. 8. For county certificates only. The program which will be followed! n the examination or county cemfiS- cates on April 11th, is as follows: Cotn mencing Wednesday. April 11th. at SE o'clock a. m.. and continuing until Fri day, April 13th, at 4 o'clo k p. ui. Wednesday Penmanship, historwr. orthography, reading. , Xnursday Writteu ariihuiet'c, ther ory of teaching, grammar, pchool law. Faiday Geography, mental at it limne tic, physiology, civil government. For Primary Certificates. Commencing Wednesday, April IDHl at 9 o'clock a. m., and continuii.g nntisl Thursday, April 12th, at 4 o'clock p. rtv. Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra phy, reading. 'Ihursday Art of ciuestionlnsr. theory of teaching, methods. New Era. J. A. McGLASHAN, Manager Stores Orego.i City and Portland Write or call for special price list at. Park place store. Four housekeeping rooms for rout. quire at Courier-Hi rild office. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. WOT1CF. la hereby given tlift. the uuderKlgneci has been duly appointed by the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, as admltiiH- ntor of tlie eatate of Frederick IiulUrd.de. ceased, and all persona having clatmi against the said estate mast present them to the uudenlgneiS , at his residence, at Currlnsvlllo, Uregou. duly. verified, within i'x mouths from the date of 111 In- uuiice. B. F, BULLARDi Administrator. Pimick & Kastiiam, Attorneys for Administrator. Dated Oregon City, Ore., April 5, 1900. SHERIFF'S SALE. April showers bring forth the May fljwers. Mr White, of Barlow, was visiting friends in New Era the past week. Melvin McOord wa tin eut of Miss Hattie Spulak Sunday. Miss Laura Enale was the guest of Mrs. Minnie Anthony last Satur day. There was a surprise party at the home of Mrs. Kate Spulak Haturdav night in honor of Miss Amelia Spulak and Oharles Slyter. The house was so crowded that there was scarcely stand ing room. The evening was spent in music and playing games, and at 12 o'clock a dainty lunch was served. At a lute hour the 3 oung folks departed for their homes. John Crader and Ed Bradtl made ft flying trip to Canby on their wheels bunday. Mr. Herman and Fred Burgoyne, of Portland, visited their parents over Sunday. - Miss Anna Penman and brother passed through New Era on their wheels Sunday. M ips Lena Boh man made a trip to Oregon City Tuesday. The school is progressing nicely with Mrs. Rinearson at the helm. Our store keeper, Mr. Boggus, is ex pecting his brother and daughter from the East soon. ' Barney Freiderkk made a trip to Ore gon City Friday. , It is rumored that there will soon bs a wedding in New Era. Boys, get your cans. April 3. E.V. Second-Hand Bicycles, We have on hand ten or twelve second-hand bicycles taken in exchange for new ones that we will sell cheap : 5, $7.50, $10, $12, $15, $17.50, $20.. All are in good riding condition. New wheels, 1900 models fully guaranteed, $25 at Huntley's book store, Oregon City. Jury List. Sheriff Cooke and Clerk Dixon drew the following jury list yesterday for the April term of circuit court, which con venes on the 16th: Walter Holcomb, Abernethy; P. E. Bonney, Canyon Creek; Frederick Rath, George; Rob ert Currin, Engle Creek; Enos Cahill, New Era ; O. P. Sharp.Tualatin ; George Lockerly, Garfield ; P. P. Heia, Cas cades; E. P. Carter, Soda Springs; Charles Albright, Joseph Fromong, M. E. Willoughby, G. E. Hargreaves, Henry Salisbury, E. G. Caufield, J. L. Swafford, Oregon City ; 0. N. Risley, J. S. Risley, Milwaukie; S. B. Kent, Needy; Peter Wilson, Logan; Charles Siangler, Beaver Creek; George T, Ball, Canyon Creek; Rhys Graham, Needy ; B. J. Helvey, Canby ; Theodore Hagenberger, Milwaukie; Peter Uttiger, Borings; Charles Warner, Pleasant HilljO. 0. Borland, Oswego; George Clark, sr., Logan; P. A. Marquam, Marqnam; William Knight, Canby IF. W. Myers for Commissioner, Wo want good men for county officials Here is one who can't be beaten, one who has done more good for Oregon Oity and indirectly for the county than any other man. Let any one challenge this if he is game. His name is W. W. Myers I , would line to see him in a better c dice, but there is none in which he can do so much good as (county com missioner, and I recommeht him for that office. . 1885. George, April 3. Get your Easter bonnets of Miss Goldsmith, Prices best and styles the lutest. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregusi)..1j-i the County of Multnomah. Joseph Weber and Frank I. Wo-1 ber, partners, cluing Unstness under the firm name of Weber Bros., rialn tiffs. vs. Warron Merchant, J. W. Flem ing, John I'atUirsun and the 1'liHt National Hnik of Kose burg. a corporation, audL. Mo ll regor, Defendants. State of Oregon, county ot Clackanuu.sir . )Y virtue of a judgment order, deecetud arr exeontlnn, duly Issued out of and'umlerr ibe ir.nl of the above entitled court, la UlBHliore entitled cause, to me duly directed aid ddrd tht , ilt day of March, 1000, upon a JiidgaitrctU reD dercd and entered In said court on tto -ISUiay of' December, 181)0, In favor of Joseph. Weftwr an . Frank I. Weber, partners, doing busCnerw nnder the firm name of Weber Bros pralatlRa, nc against D, McUregor, defendant, for the aum .afj I18!.8 now due on said Jmlgmeut, with mweet thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per anMm-frouu the 5th day of February, VDOO, and the costs of. and npon this writ, commanding me to make sale of tliut part of the following described real, property, situate In the county of Clmkarnaa. stata of Oregon, twlti Commencing at a point eighty rods south aaft one hundred and ten rods east from the southeast Sclwol Report. Following is the report of Redland hool for month ending March 30, 1900: No, days' attendance, 323. No. days' absence, 72, No. times tardy, 1. ' ' No. visitors, 22. t Following is the report for the six months! No. days taught, 117. ; No. days' attendance, 2364. ' No. days' absence, 410. . No. times tardy, 5. The following named pupils were On rner of the southwest quarter of section twenty Farmers ami Ot Iters. When you visit Portland don't fail to get your meals at the Royal Restaurant, First " and Madison, They srve an ex cellent meal at a moderate price. Their waiters and waitresses aim to please everybody, and very seldom fail. Just think I A good, sq .are meal, with pud ding and pie, 15 tents. , You call and be co ivinced that It is without doubt the belt place in the city. the "roll of honor": Minnie Hubert, Kosie BteibritJ!, George Hicinhothetn, Mary Kamusoher, Earl Behymer and Lewis Evans. Mary Kamuscher and Lewis Evans were on the" roll of honor" for the entire six months and Minnie Hubert and George Hicinbothem for the last three months. A. I. HlCINBr-THKM. Teacher. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE. MOTfCE Is hereby given that the undersigned " baa bees duly appointed by the Hon. T. F. Ryan, Judge of Clackamas county, atato of Or gon, a administratrix or the 'le or John r. Nicholson, deceaned. All perrons baring claims against said estate are required to present the same, with proper vouchers, to me at the office of C.I). D. 0. lAtuuretto, my attorneys, at Oregon City, Ore gon, within six months from this date. Dated April ,1900 ALTHA t. NICHOLLON. Administratrix aforesaid, (ac;, township one (1) south, range iwo (2i eaau Willamette meridian, running thence aortr' forty-eight rods; thence cast fifty rods; th.uce south forty-eight rods) (hence wes( fltty rod U the place of beginning, containing fifteen acres. Now, Ibep. fore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment order and decree, and In compliance , with the commands of said writ, I will on gatui. day, the 5tl BAY Of .U1V, 1900. at the hour of 1:30 d'dock p. m at the fmot & of Hie county court house In the elty of Oregon. City, In saldtounty aud state, ell at public auc tion, subject to redemption, to thehlghmt bidderv. for U.S. gold coin cash In hand, all the right,, title and InUrest which the within named dfem dants, or either ot them, ha4 on the date r r mortgage herein, or since had, In or to the aoY described real property r any pan Ihtreol, Ur satisfy said execution, Judgment order, decree,, interest, euats and all ac.rulng costs. f - J. J. COOKR,' feherlff of Clackamas County, OMgmsu Hy J. B. Jack, Deputy' Dated Oregon City, Ore., April 3, 190U, Chetey, the photographer, is 001 making stamp photographs..