Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, April 06, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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I McKittrick's
. shoes is now complete.
I McKittrick's
. black are world beaters.
MclSittriCk'S tatfturn balmorals at
1 : $3.00 are perfect dreams. ; '"
McKittrick's infants' red sandals at 75c
arethe cutest little things in existence.
Misses' tan sandals at $1.25
. are. just the thing for summer.
McKittrick's youths' and boys' tan vici
bals at $1.75 and $2.00 are full dress.
carries a full line of ladies'
Frenth heel shoes in balmorals or oxfords. See our
diplay windows.
McKITTRICK The Shoe Man"
wexi oorjr to oreaon Citv Bank. OREfMN mtv
Frank N. Partch, of Damascus, was in
town Friday.
Mrs. W. C. Green is visiting relat.'v.'S
At Oathlamet,
Christian Hoag, of Highland, was in
the city Friday. v
Frank Ott, ot Clackamas, was. a via
tor in town Friday.
James Woodward, of Mulino, was in
Oregon City Tuesday.
f . 1. Davis, 01 uiacKamas, was in Or
egon City Wednesday.
C. D. F. Wilson was down from Un
.ion precinct Wednesday.
Dr. R. Gouoher and G. W. Mallatt, of
Mulino, were in the city Friday.
Mrs. Adolph Willey is spending the
week with her parents in'Portland.
T. J. Bohna, a well known resident of
Damascus, was in town Wednesday.
Henry Miley, the Wilsonyille post
master, was in Oregon City Monday.
William Vaughan, of Milalla, was in
town for several days during the week.
Justice J. 0. Haines, of Oswego, and
wife, were visitors in town Wednesday.
John L. Eri and Andrew P.
Hougham were in from Sandy Monday.
Henry Fanton, a well known resident
of Canby, was in Oregon City Saturday.
Justice of the Peace J. A. II inJolph
and wife, were in from Viola Monday.
Hon. John Dennison, acting postmas
ter at Meadowbrook, wis in town Wednesday,-
E. Sadie White has returned to Sump
ter, accompanied by her father, Jrhn 0.
William Kuehl and Remo Pollock, of
Milwaukie, were visitors in the city
Mrs. A. M. Ellsworth, of Ponland, 'a
visiting her patents, Mr. au'd Mrs. J. G.
Claus Krohn and Columbus Klein-
emith, of Highland, were in the city
Saturday. . .
Miss Myrtle Taylor, who is a ptipil '
the state normal school at Monmouth, is
expected home for a short visit, Satur
day. '
Leaders in Advance Styles and Low Prices
Among the goods which have arrived this week are the following:
.Easter Neckwear for Ladies'. and Gentlemen. "
. - Novelties in linen handkerchiefs.
Several shades in stationery.
A complete line of fishing tackle.
Lunch baskets (all sizes) -
Dinner baskets (with flask.)
Tin and graniteware of every description.
; - Garden seeds and garden tools. .
We InYite all to Visit tie Golden Role and Inspect Onr Styles and Prices.
stock of spring and summer
gents' $2.'o vici bal tan or
n or--
w v w a 4
Michael Gross and Johann G. Vopp,
of Wilsonville, were visitors in town
Saturday. 1
Mrs. . H. Cowing left TneBday for
Albany, where she will visit her mother
for a month.
J. C. Taylor has been ill for several
days. His extreme old age enfeebles
his condition.
Jacob Herman, Fred H. Kamrath and
Julius Bebrednt were in from Beaver
Creek, Saturday.
August Kanne, a prominent republi
can of Clackamas precinct, was in Ore
gon City Tuesday.
A. Bluhm, of ClarkeB, a prominent
young man of that section, was in
Oregon City Tuesday.
Charles B. Purdy, Bates 0. Hawley
and Samuel Gerber, of Logan, were vis
itors in town Monday.
Miss Anna Hiccinbothem, a promi
nent schoolteacher, of Redland, was in
Oregon City during the week.
Sol Garde, head salesman in I. Sel
ling's store, left Sunday for a several
months visit to Europe. He expects '.0
return during the fall month u
Miss Ethel Gibson, of Corvallis, and
Miss Maggie Pomeroy, of Portland, have
been visiting Miss Echo Samson.
John and Henry Howard left for
Wood burn Monday, where they have
an extensive contract of cutting railroad
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Marks were down
from Marks' Prairie Wednesday, and
went to Portland to hear Bryan speak in
the evening. .
Major Thomas Charman, who has
been confined to . his room with rheu
matic troubles for some time past, is
now able to walk about the houBe.
A. E, Holcomb, of Clackamas, now
located temporarily at Malheur, was in
town Monday. He is home on a short
visit, but will return during the latter
part of this week.
Mrs. George T. Howard and children
are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gil more, at St. Helens. Mr. Howard
was at St. Helens, and remained over
Sunday with his family.
. C. W. and W. P. Herman were in
from Molalla Friday. ' '
Mrs. C. T. Howard, of Mulino, was a I
visitor in the city TneBday. . . j
Mrs. Rachel Bacon, the well known
pioneer, is reported to be very ill.
. T. S. Mann and family have removed
from Clackamas Heights to Portland.
Mrs. L. 0. Cap'es and daughter, Miss
Nina, visited Mrs. Rogers at Milwaukie,
Harry B yles has moyed up from
Portland, and is now emnlved in Poake's
iron foundry. .
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Young have moved
in from Milk Creek, and are again resi
idents of Oregon City.
J. L. Stewart and sons were in from
Meadowbrook Monday. He recently
removed there from Marion county.
A.F. Jack, ol Mara uam. one of the
principal promoters of the Butte Creek
Fair Association was in town yesterday.
Phillip Roos and family have moved
from upper Seventh street to lower
Eighth street. A. Knaon and family
now occupy the house recently vacated
by Mr. Koos.
W. A. White has rece-ved a letter
from his brother, F. F. White, who is
mini jg near Dawson City. He is wait
ing for the Bpring clean-up, but expects
to go to the American Bide later.
J. R. Gilmore, of this citv. who is in
cubating chickens on an extensive scale,
will move out to the Harry Sloner place
soon, and will engage in poultry raising.
Lharles Gilmore recently purchased
this place.
T E. Gault returned Monday from
Sissons, Calif., where he was in the em
ploy of the McCloud Lumber Oompany.
Mr. Gault has a brother working at the
mills. He found the climate very cold.
as the elevation is 4000 feet above the
sea level there. Mr. Gault may return
there about 3 une 1st.
Tom F. Cowing, jr., who was filling
the position of night operator for the
Western Union Te.egraph Company at
Baker City for the past six weeks, re
turned Saturday.' He has again re
sumed his old place as manager of the
Western Union office and agent of Wells,
Fargo & Co's express.
George Harrington, who has been in
the employ of the Wiley B. Allen Com
pany at Portland for some time past,
came Saturday, and after visiting rela
tives here over Sunday, went to High
land to visit his parents, Mr. and .Mrs.
Ed Harrington. Mr. Harrington ex
pects to leave on the next steamer for
Cape Nome.
J.R.Marks, the Canby commission
merchant, was in town Wednesday.
He states that there are many thous
ands bushels of potatoes still ' in- the
hands of Clackamas county growers.
They held on for better prices when po
tatoes were bringing a good figure in the
market, and are new left with a stock
of tubers on hand, and a low market.
Hear all the new songs at the Great
Barlow Minstrels Monday, Apr 1 9, bt
At the Golden Rule Bazaar, the shirts
fit the collars, the collars fit the shirts,
and both fit the wearer.
, If you want good, fresh and reliable
vaccine virus for vaccination, go to Char
man & Co., cut-price druggists.
Fifteen men employed in one depart
ment at the Willamette paper mills,
gave notice , Wednesday, that they
wanted an increase of wages.'
Who is the next president? Why
Harry Ward is the "Next President of
Minstrelsy." Just tell them that you
saw him, at the opera bouse, Monday,
April 9.
- Clackamas District Pomona Grange
will meet with Warner Grange, New
Era, Wednesday, April 11, 1900, at 10 a.
m. Come one, come ail. T. R. A.
Sellwood, Master. -Hugh
Cannon, the most remarkable
' buck and wing dancer in the world, is a
I special feature with the Great Barlow
1 Minstrels. Coming Monday April 9, at
I Shively's opera house.
cents up. Miss Gold-
Grebe Harder & Co. have opened a
new farm implement warehouse at 182
to 138 Madison street, Portland, where
they will eell first-class machinery at
the lowest possible price.
Nice things for man The proper fur
nishings for all sorts of occasions. All
stylish goods, too, the kind that are
fashionable and proper this season at
the Golden Rule Bazaar.
Miss Albee re-opened he' kindergar
ten classes yesterday in the center room
of the Shively block, fronting on Sev
enth street. School was adjourned one
day in order to make the change.
All the latest styles in
Commencement programs
at Courier-Herald office.
Call and see them.
Remember the Barlow Minstrels are
all white. See the grand street parade
Monday noon. Ticketspn sale at Hunt
ley's book store. Barlow Minstrels
coming April 9, at Shively's opera
Palm Sunday will be celebrated at
the Congregational church by appropri
ate services. Special music will be ren
dered. The morning theme will be
"Jesus Beyond in Lifo's Gethsemanes."
All are invited.
Albert Knapp, on Saturday .purchased
the Palace saloon, opposite the post
office on the corner, which he will im
prove an I fit up in a first-class manner.
He will keep nothing but the best wines,
liquors and cigars. .
A Bargain -100 acres, 6 miles south of
Oregon City, for trade for Oregon City
house and lot or for sale cheap for cash
on installments. Timber will pay for
same several times over when cut. Some
improvements. Inquire.' at Courier-
Herald office.
A law, passed by the last legislature,
gives a farmer who has a wide tire on
his wagon a rebate of $4 per year for
four years on his taxes. All havins
wagons of this sort should make it known
to the sheriff when paying taxes and
he'll look after the rebate for you.
Mrs. Susan Terwadow, of Eagle
Creek, was arrested and arraigned be
fore County Judge Ryan Wednesday
on a charge of insanity. Dr. Sominer
conducted the medical examination,
and it was decided that she was sane, and
consequently ordered discharged from
Christian Science services are held in
Willamette hall every Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday,
April 8, "Doctrine of . Atonement."
Sunday school at 12:10. Wed
nesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock.
A coi dial invitation is extended to all
who desire to attend these services.
Dr. M. 0. Strickland received a tele-
grain from H. F. Pusey, at Stockton,
Calif., Wednesday, stating that his
mother, Mrs. Thomas Pusey, had died
the night previous, The deceased lived
at Barlow for several yearB. She was
the mother of Mrs. W. P. Hawley, Mrs.
George and Henry Pusey.
J. B. Short and family arrived on
Tuesday evening from Eastern Oregon
in their house-wagon drawn by a four-horse-team.
Mr. Short reports that not
alone in Baker City, biit also in Surnp-
ter and Uranite hundreds 01 men are
vainly peeking work and more are com'
ing. Prosperity has not yet struck that
W. H.Mattoon, of Viola, and L. E.
Armstrong, of Redland, were in town
Wednesday, and announced that there
would be a road meeting at the Viola
school house Saturday, The object of
the meeting is to get the people of that
section of the country interested in
planking the Abernethy road. The
board of county commissioners has ex
pressed a willingness to aid in the mat
ter, if the citizens will do their part.
The following will be the musical pro
gram at the Congregational church for
Palm Sunday: At the mornlrg service
Miss Mary Miles will sing "Rodney's
Cavalry." During the evening service
the choir will render "Darkly Rose the
Guilty Morning" by Dudley Buck, with
obligato solo by Mrs. Clark Ganong,
Mrs. Chas. Wesley Pope will also sing
a solo. The pastor's themes will be
"Jesus Beyond in Life's Gethsemanes"
and the "Crucifixion."
Delegates to the convention can find
all the latest novelties in shirts, collars
anl t!es at the Golden Rule Bazaar, next
door to posto flics.
Thtre will be a grand bicycle parade in
Oregon City on April 14th at 7 p. m. Four
prizes will be offered as follows : First,
a coaster-brake for the most comical bi
cycle costume ; 2nd, gold medal to the
most graceful lady rider; 8rd, bicycle
lamp for the most artistically decorated
wheel ; 4th, cyclometer for the neatest
bicycle costume. The parade will start
at the Y. M. C. A. building and pro
ceed to the woolen mills; then return
to the starting point. One object of the
meet is the organization of a bicycle
club at the close of the parade. Mayoi
Latourette has ordered the streets
cleaned for this occasion.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund the money if i
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is 00 each box. 23c.
Sailors from 23
The most important thing about the drug business
the compounding of prescriptions probably receives the
least thought on the part of the public generally.
It is not because the public does not care, but because
most druggists seem to prefer to say little or nothing about it.
Possibly that preference in someases is due to a belief that
the siibject is too deep for the public,Nand possibly the prefer
ence in other cases is due to the fact that their systems are not
sufficiently systematic to withstand the judgment of the public.
However that may be, I want everybody to know about my
system. .
I buy only such drugs as I know are pure.
Purity is the first consideration. Price is second.
No individual is absolutely infallible, and therefore every
pt escription is checked over by a second man before it leaves my
store.'" : '...'...'
" This has proved a positive safeguard against error.
Everything in my prescription d partment is modern and com
plete in every respect. ,
I do not entrust prescriptions to boya
, t I employ registered pharmacists, who know all the
details of prescription filling from the bottom up.
Futhermore, the prescription department is under my
personal supervision, and I have been compounding prescriptions
pretty much all my life.
I am not talking excellence in order to excuse myself for
charging what my competitors might call high prices.
1 do not charge high prices. Many staple goods are
sold at decidedly cut-prices.
: My prices for prescriptions are never more than most of
my competitors very often they are less.
Let me fill your next prescription.
Turkish Bath
Cabinets $5.00
The third of the series of indoor baBe-
ball games will be played between the
Y. M.O. A. and Company F teams at
the gymnasium Saturday night for the
championship silver cup now on exhibi
tion in Burmeister & Andresen's show
window. The winners must get three
games out of five. The Y. M. O. A. has
already won two games, coming out one
ahead last Saturday night. If their
luck continues, Saturday night's game
will close the contest. The Salem Y.
M. C. A. team, who were the champions
of the state last year, will play the local
Association team at the gymnasium
Tuesday night. The pere-nell of the
Salem team Is as follows: Joe Evan?,
J. Hileman, Dr. Olinger, R. Cox,. W.
Bradshaw, Chauncey Bishop, Bert Olin
ger, Al Disqua, Charles Zanker; um
pire, R. Holman,
At the regular monthly meeting o
city council Wednesday the ordinances
authorizing the purchase of 600 yards of
crushed rock to be used on Molalla ave
enue, and repealing the act conditionally
appropriating $500 out of the road fund
for the construction of the proposed road
from Third street to the top of the bluff,
were passed. There were some lively
tilts between Councilman Schuebel and
Charman over the passage of lmei or
dinances. Councilman Koerner at
tempted to pour oil on the sea of troub
les, but there. was still a lack of har
mony. At an adjourned meeting to be
held Monday night, the special sower
committee will present their report.
Schuebel will tender his resignation as
councilman, on account of changing his
residence from the third to the second
To Stock Growers
If you want to breed Shorthorn Dur
ham stock go to Fredrich Bluhm. The
age of his bull was two years on the
25th of December, 1899. His size Is as
follows: Height, 4ft. 6 inches; length,
4 ft. 5 inches; girth, 8 ft. Service in
sured, $1. If there Is any more infor
mation wanted can on
Fkedbich Bluhm,
" 1 Bhubel 0t-
Children's bats a specialty at Miss
New veilings, chiffons and new novel'
ties in mill'mry. , Miss Goldsmith's.
Has just received from New York a
I line of ladies' neckwear, the very latest
and at the New
prices. Laces from
and a tine line of embroideries and in- ;
sertions Remember the only place to
save money is at the Fair. . . .
Prescription Druggist
Rev. D. E. Finks, trave ling represen
tative of the Presbyterian woraens1
board of home missions, gave a very en
tertaining and instructs illustrated leo
tureon the work at the Presbyterian
church 8nnday night. His lecture
showed that vastly more effective work
could be done among the heathen in our
own land, than in foreign countries.
The Presbyterian board is doing a grand
work among the poor white people in
the mountains of the south, the inhabi.
tants of New Mexico, the Indians in va
rious sections of the country and among
the children of the Mormons in Utah,
Tbo lecture gave the auditors a rare op
portunity to learn nomething of the In
habitants iu our own country and our
own people. The fact is not generally
realized that there are millions of igno
rant, poverty-stricken white people in
the south, who need only the civilizing
influence of education and Christianity
to convert them into a most desirable
class of citizens. Rev. Finks gave an
interesting lecture on Alaska Monday
New walking hats and sailors just
opened. Miss Gold smith.
19 lbs. Dry Gran'd Sugar $1 00
Good Roast Coffee, 2 lbs. ........ 25
Fine Roast Coffee, 3 lbs 60 '
Lemons, each......... 01
Rolled Oats, 10 lbs 26
Arm & Hammer Soda C4
7 pkgi, Garden or Flower Sueds. . 25
10 bars Laundry Soap 25
New arrivals, straw hats, linen hats,
ladies' spring jackets, silk capes, lin
ings, percales, etc.
Trade for Produce.
Med Front
York lowest cash
11-2 cents per yd.,