City Library roe City Court 1-1 CIRCULATION GUARANTEED LARGER THAN ALL OTHER PAPERS IN COUNTY COMBINED COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1683 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 CONSOLIDATED SEPTEMBER, I89B OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1900. 17th YEAR, NO. 46 eirald. NEWS OF THE WEEK I STATE. The town of Spray, laid out on the John Day river, aspires to be tue capi tal of Wheeler county. E. L. Smith, of Hood River, has been appointed as H. B. Miller's successor on the state board of horticulture. The contractor of the Springfield and Wendling branch of the Southern Pa cific is financially e:i barrtssed. Work men have quit. ' Baker City expects to entertain 3000 visitors with the mining congress in June. PACIFIC COAST. San Francisco Chinatown is placarded with offers of reward for the death of Leung Chi Tso, Chinese reformer, who is expected to arrive from Honolulu soon. The supreme, court of Washington holds that a convict's sentence begins at the time it in pronounced. Ex-Auditor Tannehill, tried at Lewis ton, Idaho, for torgery, was found not guilty. The steamer Al Ki collided with an iceberg in Dunbar bay and had a narrow escape. The steamer Cleveland, with a broken shaft and a cargo of sugar, is adrift be tween Honolulu and San Francisco. The Bteamer China has arrived at San Francisco. GENERAL. Dick Coombs, arrested in Kentucky for complicity in the murder of Uoebel, has been released on a writ of habeas corpus. Representative Oushman, of Wash ington, is urging the establishment of an oyster transplanting station in Oregon or Washington. The machinists trouble in Chicago is settled. Joe Woloott defeated Andy Walsh in a 12-round bout. i Webster Davis will resign as i sistant secretary of the interior in order to be free to state the liner cause to Ameri cans. - , Seven republicans will vote against the Porto Kican tariff bill in the tenate. Hanna is an issue in the Ohio eleo: tions. Frosts did damage in Mississippi. The Kentucky court that will try the alleged Goebel conspirators convened on Monday. On Tuesday the senate ptssed the Porto Rico bill by a majority of nine. . Kitchener is bank in the Free State and Clements is at Koffyfontein. , Russian troops may soon invade Tur key. . ' , Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Salvador may become involved in war. General Oliver has 800 wagons in his supply train. Joubert desired that Botha be his suc cessor. Dublin was filled with enthusiastic people to see Queen Victoria. Kang Yu Wei, the Chinese reform leader, i-t said to have ordered 8030 mili tary unilorms. The empress is alarmed. The Chinese who killed missionaries have been beheaded. Japan sympathizes with England in the Boer war. Porto Rica n r say the tariff proposed will ruin the island's manufactories. Corea is said to have granted Russia's demands at Mesampi, On Saturday lant. at a stream not far from Bloemfontein, the-BritUh head quarters, the Boers captured seven guns and 3oO British soldiers., lney nan marched into a Boer ambush. General Butha. the present Boer gen- eral-in-chief, is the hero of Spionkopand Colenso. He runs a sheep ranch. FOREIGN. Roberts' advance forces have begun fighting and have driven the Boers from several kopjes. Kruzer declares he w!ll bombard and destroy Bloomfointein, 4 FOUND We have found the best plow in the world, the Syracuse chilled. We have a big stock of five tooth cultivators that we bought at the old price) and we intend to sell them cheap. We are headquarters for Steel Lever Har- rows, Acorn Steel Ranges, Hardware, etc. i POPR&- m.. " i i i Corner Fourth and Main Strtets, OREGON CITY, OREGON THE NEW CURRENCY LAW. The Bankers' Scheme to Get Their Pet Measure Through Cow gress Postponed From the Reign of Grover tlie Gross to That of Willie the Weak. New Era Primary. Pursuant tj call of the chairman of the county central committee, the peo ple's party met in New Era on Satur day, March 81, and 'was called to order by the chairman of the precinct, Joseph Briggs, and Elmer Yeteto was chosen secretary. ' The following persona were elected delegates to the county convention : J. Briggs, J. S. Casto, Elmer Veteto and John Burgoyne. , James Briggs was nominated for road supervisor, Joseph Rief for justice of the peace and William Bremer for constable. J. S. Casto was chosen by the referen dum vote as chairman of the precinct for the ensuing two tears. , That Throbblnff Henda.he Would quickly leave you if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matehleB3 merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents, Money back if not cured. Sold by Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. Krebe9 Harder & Co. DEALERS IN IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES 182-184-186 Madison Street PORTLAND. OREGOU Put anew face 'I on your ;Wall. I Wall Paper is I Cheat. We 1.-4' Wl11 sel1 you a double roll FOR 10 CENTS Baby Carriages And Go-Carts ''r-'U. ilk" r' ft WAV A We invite your inspection They area sight; no advance in prices. We sell a very nice, strong carriage, neatly upholstered, steel wheels, good parasol, for $6 oo Go-Carts $2 75 You'll be Buying a Carpet Soon and paying the NEW PRICE. We will save you dollars, if you'll buy it from us this spring or summer. Our stock is in first rate condition, bought with hard down cash before prices ad vanced. We can sell you a heavy all-wool Ingrain Carpet for 65c a yard. Suppose you investigate this Right A.vay. BELLOMY & BUSCH THE HOUSEFURNISHERS IN the spring of 1895 congress was en gaged in an active effort to formu latj a currency to replace the de monetized silver and meet the demands of the business of the country. This currency was to be bank notes based cn United States bonds. Our first king, Grover I, had laid a sufficient foundation for this increase iu bat k paper by an issue of $200,000,000 additional bonds. The bills offeied were called the "Balti more plan" and the "Carlvte bill," but in the midst of the woik of tho commit tee on the bill a halt was called and her alded to the public by a modest little Associated Press dispatch of three lines s.ating that nothing more woul ! be done wiih the bill by the present congress. It will be remembered tint in the campaign ensuing the people were thor oughly aroused on the money question an 1 a hard fight was put up for free sil ver, which just about gave the gold peo pie, wiih their war cry of bound and hon est money against fiat and debased .money, their hands full. If they had handicapped themselves with an agita' tion for an increase of a few hundred millions of bank paper, silver would cer tainly have won the day and we would now have good international and basic money, going into circulation without the intervention of bank paper drawing ynterest, instead of a domestic currency suoject to call ana; the artiticial disturb ance of its volume by the banks of issue. When the times were ripe, however not many days since, under the reign of ood King William I, our second mon arch, the Bame . bill, substantially, came be. ore our present congress and was qui etly paesed, not so quietly as the now famous bill of 1873 for "regulating coin age," and which omitted the silver dol lar, the standard coin of the republic, but, considering the momentoueness of the interests involved, quietly enough. At the time the Oarlyle bill was before congress, the writer of this letter was editor of the Herald, of Oregon City, and culled attention to the Associated Press dispatch announcing its abandon ment, and predicted that, in case of the failure of free silver, its place would be supplied by bank notes, as it was the banks that opposed free lilver to make room for the use and sale of their own credit. The prediction is fully justified by the new law, to the provisions of which I wish to call the attention of the readers ol the Courier-Herald. Before citing these, I will quote this pastage from at editorial of the Oregonian of the 5th inst: "Our bank currency falls lamentably short of keeping pace with the wealth and business of the country." Now strike out the word "bank," and doesn't that sound just like a quotation from a populist campaign speech? It has the true gospel sound. At that time it was confident that it was not more money we needed. The same editorial goes on to congratulate the country that the expansion from this source may reach the sum of $630,000,000. If these were government notes, they would be fiat and bad money, but, being bank notes, they are good as gold and highly desirable. The prjvisions of the law of principal interest are as follows: FirBt The gold dollar Is the standard unit of the system. Second A reserve fund of $150,000,000 of gold for the redemption of United States and treasury notes, which, when redeemed, shall only be reissued for gold to maintain laid fund. Third Coinage of silver bullion In the treasury into subsidiary silver to the ex tent of $100,000,000 at the discretion of the secretary of the treasury. Fourth Refunding the 5 per cent 30 year bonds and those bearing 3 and 4 per cent and falling due from 1904 to 1908 into 2 per cent 30-year gold bonds. This extends their time nearly 30 years and provides for their payment in gald instead of in coin. Fifth An issue of national bank notes equal to the amount of United States bonds deposited in the Uuited States treasury as security, on which the bankn shall pay a tax of yi per cent, if the se curity be the new issue of 2 per cent bonds. This leaves a net Interest of per cent to the banks on United States bonds, above whatever interest they can derive from loans of their notes issued on these bonds. Eighth All national banks to be cap italized at not less than (100,000, except that in towns of 6000 population and less, $50,000 is the limit, and in those of 3000 or lets, $25,000. New Firm, New Goods, New Prices Milburn Farm, Delivery, Spring Wagons and Buggies Milwaukee Binder, Mowers, Rakes, Syracuse, Chilled and Steel Plows, Disc, Spike and Spring Too h Harrows. Chase Foice and Lift Pumps. Wolf American Bicycles. Ninth This act may be repealed by the concurrent action of the leading commercial nations of the world, pro vide!, that if silver is let in by legislat ive recognition by such concurrent action at any future time, it shall be at a ratio that shall insure permanence of parity between gold and silver, (Ambrose Bierce is probably the author of this clause of the law.) ... This desirable expansion of $030,000, 000 in our bank currency will doubtless for a time relieve the stringency in our currency almost as eff jctually as that much United States notes or silver coin, but the drain in interest will be heavy, just as the money borrowed by the gov ernment and disbursed during the pres ent war period has relieved the strin gency. But why issue no'tes and pay in terest for temporary relief when the security backing the whole system is the people's credit expressed In the United States bond? The samo credit would bring permanent relief, if p. operly float ed, without the intervention of such cor poration subterfuges as the gold stand ard. As this letter is evidently going to be too long, I will defer the rest and en deavor next time to show what a hand some price the people pay the banking corporations for the requisite ability and character to refund the people's credit into bank credit and make t good enough for currency, and how, with a total amount of this currency In the country of $1,063,716,148, they are able, according to the comptroller's report, to maintain loans of $5,761,467,010. J. B. ZlEGI.KR. Note I must apologtoo, in deference to my friend and fellow townsman, Mr. Brownell. I write not as an expert, hut as one of the laity, and the populist laity at that. But just as the clergy has always depended on the laity for re forms in creed, and as the republicans and democrats have depended on popu lists for principles (witness, paper money, tariff reform and direct legisla tion in the republican party, and the Chicago platform in the democratic party), perhaps a little attention on the part of the laity to the banking system is not una lvisable. If the republicans and democrats will only fulfil present promises, the popu list party can then die happy. A com promise seeing to be in the air : "You fellows may furniali the principles, if you will only help us to gut the offices." J. B. Z. REALTY TRANSFERS. Weather Report. The summary of the metoorological record of G. Muecke, of Miramonte Farm.for March, is as follows j Mean temperature, 50.8. Maximum temperature, 78. Minimum temperature, 81. Total precipitation, 5 66. Clear days, 9. Partly cloudy days, 16. Cloudy days, 6. Dates of light frost, 20th and 23. Prevailing wind, southwest. Cheney makes stamp photos that will please you. For Bale Cheap A nine-room houM with bath room, and two lota for $1000. Bents for $10. Investors should not overlook the chance. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. 0 T Tooze to M Tanchman, 1.54 a in see 23, 3 s, 1 w $78 S M Ohlson to W Etters, 2.50 a in Frnithuid 25J A E Lewellen to J Lawellen 30.36 a Lewellen claim, 4 s, 4 e 1 W L Oornett to Lewellou, same as above , , ., - I W J Lewellen to same, same as above .... N Eush to P D Cliristuer.14 a sec 7, 5 s. 1 e 10 O & V railroad to Stofansou, se of. ne 01 sec to, z s, 4 e lStJ V (ierhauser to W Beard, 13 a of claim 53, 102 u Vance claim, 3 s, T 2e.. 3,800 L Oerhauser to same, same a, above 1 0 S Chase to C & V Johnson, no 01 uw ana sw ot ne 01 sec 29, 1 s, 4 e R7S TN HagenburgertoR Walsh, 8.45 Gerrett claim, 1 s, 2 e 50Z' J W Hillery to H Rettig, 40 a eeo 0,2 8,3 6.. 1,350- II Rettig to G Nothnagal, 20 a see 34. Is. 3 e Kin C F Buchman to G Buchman, eot e anu e 01 w ana 10 it ot sec 10, 2 s, 3 e i.Kivi 0 N Burlingame to W Burlingauie, same 109 F Matthias to II Hoffmeister, ne of ne of sec 83, 2 s, 4 e 600 H Hoffmeister to V Hoffmeister, 40 a sec 33, 2 8, 4 e 200 M Giesy to H II Deet,40 a see 29, 4 s, 1 0 800 B F Taylor to B L Gifford, 6.25 a c 28, 1 b, 2 e 1 A C Fairchild to S Sharp,6V a sec 28, Is, 2 e 300 J N Brown to J P Miller, a and lot 0, blk 3, Parkplace, and s'i blk 40, Clackamas Heights 1,030 0 E Cross to G T Beel, se sec 12, 2 s, 5 e 1,200 J L Mumpower to J G Mumpower, 1.47 a II Baker claim, 2 s, 3 e. .. 20 E Cochran to Pope Anderson Co, wj of claim 4b, 5 s, 1 w 125. 0 Scott to M E Rice, lots 23, 24, blk 69. Minthorn... 15 E M Surface to E Burlingame, 23 a Palmateer claim.... , 40t G Brotighton, trustee, to E M Howell, lot 4, blk 8, Willamette .Falls 350 J G Porter to JCreegan, 7 29 a Lewis claim, 2 1, 1 e 600 LOCAL SUMMARY For new sewing machines and for low est prices go to Block, the hoinefur niebei. Dont' fail to go to Miss Goldsmith's or one of those hats below cost. Highest cash price paid for second hand household goods at Belloray 4 Bunch. Special Sale on Shoes at the Park place catdi etore. Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date on home-made candies. Dr. C. S. Seamann has remored bis offices to the Willamette building, over Harding's drug store. For Rent A second-story flat ad joining the Courier-Herald office. Ap ply at this office. Look out for Miss Goldsmith's gratxi millinery opening, Hundred men wanted to buy cigars an I tobacco at P. G. Shark's. New wagon, new press drill, new walking plow, single buggy or cash for cittleol any kind. 81 e John Ericksoo, Barlow, Ore.