OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. MARCH 13. 1900. CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Rural Dell. Ic Bee ma that spring is with us. We are very glad to announce Grand ma Samson is still improving in health. Warren Raskins made a trip to Wood burn last Sunday. Some of the people of Rural Dell at tended Judge Ewing's lecture on"Chris tian Science" in Portland on March 11. Mr. Beck took his wife to Portland to day, where she will receive medical treatment. Frank Sax was up from Portland lust weak. Fred Smith is preparing to leave for Eastern Oregon soon. He is going to have a public auction sale, and wants to settle up his business by April 10th. Some of the young people of this vi cinity were in htiendance at the oyster supper at Monitor Saturday evening. There was a large crowd at the liter ary society Friday evening. President L. H. Yoder, who has been carpentering At Woodburn for some time, was in the :hair again. We understand that those who have been in the habit of making so much disturbance and noise at the literary meetings, will have to keep cool here after. Sealed bids for the building of the new schoolhouse will be received and opened it the schoolhouse next Saturday at 1 o'clock, p. m. March 19. D. D. Liberal, Gray squirrels and chipmunks are out in full t last. Spring is here. Farmers are very busy now seeding. Roa 38 are now dusty in some places. A peculiar disease exists among the work horses, which is something like the epizootic, out they cough and stag ger and are very weak. A bald eagle was in this vicinity for a couole of days. It is very rare to see one here. Grandma Wright's house caught Hre last Saturday morning from a defective Hue, but by the kindly assistance of the near neighb rs,the tire wus t xtingulshed with very little damage. Miss Effie Morey, of New York, ar rived here laBt Monduy and will visit hor sister, Mrs. Eita Ilaniiagon, this summer. When Miss Motey lelt, New York there were two feet of snow una good sleighing. Quite a change 1 Dae Wright made a flying trip to Mo lalla Saturday night. I gue's it was to repair the stove he broke down. Too heavy,Dee, or were there two of you? The wedding bells will soon be ring ing from all nppeiimnces. Say, young men, there is liable to be a cyclone through here some of these days. George and Homy Case are home for a few days from Aberdeen, Wash., and will go to Heppner, Eastern Oregon.tlris eek. Are guaranteed Send for Circulars of Case, Sulky, Gang and Walking Plows aud Harrows Hoosier Drill Best Drill in the World fome and see us when you come to Portland Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co First and Taylor Calves are high and scarce. Mr. Craft will soon be in this section again buying for a Montana firm. There is a good show here at presen' to organize a Mormon church, and I think it woul t get a large congrega tion. ' The Liberal Dancing Club will give its farewell dance April 4th, Wednesday night. Good music and good order. All club members are requested to be present.. E. Dodgi has a shingle mill.complete, to sell cheap for cash. Dan Graves bought a span of horses from M. Mulvey last Monday. Elmer Maville was out Sunday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Maville. Ralph Adams, his n phew, came with him They came out on their bikes, and said that the . roads were in good wheeling condition from Oregon City, The dancing school is still progressing nicelv under the skillful teacher, Prof. Halpruner. Grandma Hagey has moved over to her daughter's, Mrs. Lev Stehman. March 20. K. Spring water. Springwater is still on' lop. The annual school meeting went off very smoothly. A. J. Marrs was elected director and Ed Olosner was eiected tlerk. The voters of Clackamas county will do well when they are in Oregon City to call on ttie county clerk a id register, as h win save me county tliat much taxes, The county clerk gets pay by his salary Our shadow social was a success. We obtained. $ 15 to go towards the school norary. A. E. Lewellen is very sick. The Macabees gave an entertainment and supper Friday evening and a public installation ot their officers in W. J Lewellen's hall. The young folks fin ished the entertainment by having a ounce in onannon's nail. A. M. Shibley, at his son's, had quite a surprise by hu children and some of lim neighbors on his 6lith birthday, and an am ampie justice to a bountiful din ner and a lat goose. 1900. Colton. We have been having very "pleasant weather during the past week, with a light rain todav, which makes things luvin kiocii, mill lb U1UKC3 Ulie H11UK ilia spring is here. Soma fruit trees are out in full bloom anil there is every prospect of a heavy iruiL crop. J. II. Wright U getting along nicely, n o nope u bub nun out, again Soon. r in . . i - , . . j.hb ouiuruay ingni we Had a very in teresting debate between Colton and Mountain Home societies. The sides were pretty evenly matched. The judges decided in favor of Colton. We hope unit we limy meet again soon. Case Lighter Draft than Doing same amount of work Streets, Several of the young folks attended praver meeting at Mountain Home last night. The Misses Bessie Hubbard and Nel lie Gottberg expect to start to Portland tomorrow to go to work again. Father Hillebrand held mass at St.pt n- bock place yesterday. There was quite crowd out to hear him. W. E Bonnv and daughter. Ami. via. ited his brother at Hubbard, Marion county, Saturday and Sunday. The farmers are nearly all done seed ing in this part of the countiy. Gray squirrels and chiDmunka eem to be quite plentiful this spring. There has been considerahln Tin done during the past week. Mrs. Gottberg and daughter. Nellie. were visiting at Mrs. E. Dix's yesterday. A valuable dud belontrintr to Dir Rrna. was burned to death. F. Gabriel has left his Dlaoe. which is railroad land. Francis Dix exnectH tn start tn Wash ington tomorrow in search oi work. J. Gorbett has his doorvardall leveled up and sowed to white clover. March 19. Oyaw Beaver Creek. x tie Health of the dood e in Rphw Creek is good ; only a few cases of la grippe, i his bright summer weather manes everyone near a smile. Farm work is beine crowded nlnn an fast as possible. Fall sown grain looks ery promising, also does the fruit crop. It has been so lonir since it mine.! in webfoot that the roads are really dusty. School beif ins March 1f)ih nrtlK T T. Auderson to teach the young minds. The dance at the hall the 16th was a grand success j everyone seemed to enjoy iniiiseix ami nau a good old time. Quite a number of young people came from Maple Lane and Oregon City. James Shannon. Georce Stabsn and Henry Steiner have gone to Walla Walu to work. Fred Steiner has crane to Fossil, wlmrn he will work this summer. - Boys, you will be raised, but we hope our loss will be your gain. Beaver Creek. Farmers are busy plowing and seed ing during this delightful weather, The times and talk have been ex tremely lively in this neighborhood of late. The dance on the 10th turned out a success, 69 numbers being sold. Come again, boys, and have a good lime. It was grange day last Saturday. Two candidates were initiatt d, and one is on the list for our ntxt meeting. Owen Parry intends to leave for East ern Oregon this week. Flovd Kirk has gone on a Visit for his health. '" W. E. Jones and Dave Jones, jr., have returned home from Wardner. Politics will soon be the topic. The republicans are churning some out here already. Henrici school will commence about April 1st, with Miss Ginther as toucher. Triumph Sulky and Gang lows walking Plows "O" Serf ies (WILED FLCWP Extra Polished Gnaranteed to Scour No 2o-o-i2 inch $9 50 No 40-0-13 inch 10 00 Shares, I.andsides, Mould boards, etc., wil fit Oliver N0.20 and 40. P PORTLAND. OREGON Miss Annie Parry is home again. ' T. B. Thomas sold a fine lot of hogs to. a dealer last week. W. F. Harris has contracted his wood, 600 cords, to the mills. Some one was out here engaging hogs last week and returned on Sunday with a wagon to get them. Socks. New Era. One of the most delightful surprise parties of the season was given Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blanchard, in honor of their son, James, as he will soon take his de parture for Eastern Oregon. Music and games were the main features of the evening, after which a delicious supper was enjoyed by all. Those present were the Misses Aletha Phelps, Mina and Elizabeth Engel.Tmi Gelhrich, Dora Briggs, Hattie Foster, Mamie Gregory, Clara Blanchard and Gussie Randall, Messrs. James and Arthur Blanchard, Ernest and EmilGelbrich, Frank Briggs, Robert Eastman, Walter Rider, Fred Foster, George and Albert McCormtc, George Randall, Halsay and 'Alvin Phelps and Charles Mattock. El wood. . Everybody is busy Beeding during this fine weather. W. T. Hendeta n baa finished feeding Mr. Anderson' place. Henry Turner, who has been laid up for two weeks with a sore foot (cut while chopping wi.ud), is able to be about again. Robert McCain and Mrs. E. Shubert are improving ufier protracted illness. I. M. Park and A. S. Heuderson ac comoanied Charles Hunter back to Pal mer. His wife having died, he brought his baby down to Ins mother in law Mrs. I. M. Park. M. Cadonan is going to Oregon City after his son, Kietstei , who is going to make a visit, after which he talks ol go ing 10 the Hood river country.- The dance at Mr. Cox's on tl.e 9th was not very will attended. Some of our kind neighbors let their fire gev away from them and destroy part of I D. burtus fence. Miss Ina Park U going to Willamet Falls to stay witti her sister, Mrs. Ma- plethorp, and Miss Zella is coming out lioine to stay a lew weeks. Matt and Ed Park are talking of go ing away, the first of April to work Tney think they can do better than stajiig here and making shingles. Lalla Rookii Central Point The pleasant weather we have had the past week has given farmers a good opportunity to get their spring's work done up. David Penman, sr., ha eary pctatoeB up. We are glad to hear that William G. Randall is getting along so nicely with his broken leg. He is able to be out on crutches. Quite a larije crowd was out last Wed nesday evening to hear Senator George (J. Brownell lecture on polities. He told them he was going to congress with flying colors. Get there, George. Ilarrj H. Eastman left this place the 13r.ii for Gold Hill, but has returned again, saying the wages .are not much better there than here, and accommoda tions very poor. He lias concluded to stay on the ranch for the present. We understand that F. Rider, of In dependence, who has been visiting his ur.de, William Rider, of this place, will leave for Sumpter todav for the purpose of going into business if conditions are favorable. Mrs Ina Bachman, of Portland, is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Ida Montgomery, at present. Quite a wind storm prevailed here last week, and blew off Gilbert Randall's whlokerti leastwise, they are gone. Joe Wrigley, of Portland, is visiting his i-on in law, William Randall. Joseph Ellis is getting out timbers for a new barn. Joseph Wilton and Harry Eastman are playing havoc among the logs on Eastman's place.- Harry says he ca do lots of logging if he can get harness aud rolling hooks to Btand. Mrs. Lottie Penman has been on the Bick list the last couple of weeks. Hobert Eastman has recently bought some fine thoroughbred Shropshire sheep. He has some extra fine luuibs. David Penman, jr., expects to go away to work soon, to remain all summer. We hear that Enos Cahill has pur chased an automobile, and tried it yes terday by taking J. U. Campbell back to Oiegun City in his new horseless car riage. The social and entertainment that was given at the 1. eland school house last Saturday night for the benefit of Mrs. J. Wilson was a decided Buccess, After a lengthy program was rendered, J. U. Campbell, of Oregon City, lectured on the Philippines, after which the baskets were sold at auction. Miss Mary Rider carried off the laurels of the evening by having the prettiest basket, which brought the highest price. The receipts of the evening were $32 25. It will be used for medicine and other necessaries. There have been many othor donations from the public at large for her, and she wishes to return thanks to all those who were so kind in donating to her in her time of need. She says their kindness will never be forgotten, and hopes that their gifts will be returned to them a hundred fold. A Sympathiser. March 19. Maple Lane. Spring has arrived again, bringing in its train fiue weather, pretty flowers and busy farmers. Out school is somewhat decreased in attendance this week, owing to the fact that quite a number of the pnpMa have to stay out to make garden these tine days. Mrs. Bettv Shaw and baby, of Oivgon Oity, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Ware, of this place, for several days last week. PEOPLES PARTY COUNTY CONVENTION NOTICE is hereby given that the peo-nlf-a nartv nnnntv convention for Clackamas county will be held in Oregon City, Oregon, at 11 o'clock a. m. on APRIL 6TH, 1900, for the purpose of electing 15 delegates to the peoples party state convention, to be held in Portland, Oregon, on April 12th. ltfOO, and for the purpose of nomi nating three representatives for the legislature, two county commissioners, sheriff, clerk, recorder, assessor, treas urer, surveyor, school superintendent, oroner, justices of the peace, constables and road supervisors for the different precincts, and for the transaction or such other business as may properly come before the meeting. The primaries are hereby called tor SATURDAY, MARCH 81, 1900, at thb usual places of meeting and at the usual hours, for the purpose ol electing delegates from the different precincts to tne county convention. the apportionment 01 delegates is as follows : Abernathy .......8 Milk Creek 4 Barlow.. 4 Marquam 6 Beaver Creek.... 5 Milwaukie .5 Boring 2 Maple Lane 5 Oanvon Creek ...2 Needy 4 Cascades 3 New Era. 4 4 Canby ........ 6 Oswego ' .. 4 Ulackamas 6 Oregon Uity SSo 1 7 Cherryville 2 Oregon City No 2.9 Caneinah 3 Oregon City No 3.5 Damascus .. 5 Pleasant Hill 3 Exgle Creek 5 Seivers , .. .1 Garfield 3 Soda Springs 2 George 7.. . .2 Springwater. .... .4 Harding 4 Tualaiin .3 HighUnd 5 Union 2 Maeksburg. 4 Viola 2 Molalla .9 West Oregon City .7 Precinct chairmen are requested to look after the primaries and to see that all delegates have their proper creden tials. By order of the peoples party county central committee. Henry Tueissen, Chairman. Elmer Dixon, Secretary. . George Shortlidge left on Monday for Washington, where a position is await ing him. Mrs. Dean, of Oregon City, was the guest of Mrs. Gibbs and familj Sunday , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henrici and chil dren weie guest6 at Mr. Davies' on Sun day. Quite a number of tl.e people came to gether at the school house Sunday and organized a Sunday school, electing the ioiiowing oincers lor a term' of six months: Mrs. James Ware, superin tendent; J. W.Gerber, assistant super intendent and chorister; Miss H. M. Roman, secretary; Mrs. Dickerson, treasurer; Annie Mamz, organist. Mr. Dixson was active in organizing. Mr. and Mrs. Garret Palmeteerand family, of Woodburn, are visiting the tatter's sister, Mrs. M. Marlin, and fiim ily this week. Quite a goodly number of young peo ple came out to the school house Sunday evening to hear the Mormons preach. Wanted A few more dogs. E. E. Martin. N John Gaffney has a lame horse, cause unknown. , . Our supervisor, A. Mautz, has quite a gang of men working on the road. Mrs. George Cassody is on the sick list. The pupils of the Maple Lane school have organized a library association, and, with the help of their teacher, Professor O. H. Byland, have a tine code of rules and regulations for the' government of their new librarv. Miss Jessie Jackson was chosen librarian and Albert Mautz assistant librarian. Murch 21. Pansy Blossom. Barlow Everybody is busy and news is scarce, but if you will allow me, I will send you an outline of a speech by Hon. George C. Brownell at Canby lust Saturday evening. On the v hole, he delivered a very telling address; in fact, he told a little too much after a lengthy prelude, in which he patted the pops on one cheek and the democrats on the other, with lumps of sugar to silver republi cans, prohibitionists, labor unions, churches, infidels, or anything else that might happen to be present in fact, he seemed to be at peace with all the world jiist at that hour. His voice was so me lodious that one couldn't help but won der whether it was really George or his astral body inhabited temporarily by the spirit guide. And so pnrsuaBive was he that I, even I, resolved then and theie that if I was a Clackamas countv repub lican I would certainly give Mr." Brown eli my earnest support for the republi can nomination for congress. What did he say? Well, he said he was in favor of dredging the Willamette river and making it navigable from the mouth to the stomach fOrpenn fiitvl and from stomaeli to abdomen fSaleml ami 1 u .1 " . , ; tliH vrpivt K p r ii r 7-l"B b,ue ! . ' , Pr, 'T17whlch. ,?ud was in favor of the initiative and refer endum, because it was right, and in fa vor of the election of United States sena tors by a direct vote of the people. The laBt two propositions some of the repub licans said they were opposed to. They should be transported to Guam. He then mildly supported the ship subsidy scheme. In the name of heaven, who subsidises the farmer, the miller, the blacksmith, the carpenter, and so on? But keep still until he gets the nomina tion. He approved imperialism or ex pansion, and quoted Daniel Webster. Ben Franklin and others, who favored expansion on North American soil for the benefit of the American people, but not for the purpose of "civilizeng" any body. He didn't tell his hearers that there are nine times as many people to the square mile in the Philippine islands as there are in the United States, who work for 20 cents a day and whose pro ducts will compet with our products. He sarcastically alluded to Colonel Bob Miller and some of our young men set ting up their puny ideas against such great minds as Daniel Webster. After a tt-hila ha frxmnt that art.l kAa. great Daniel Webster declared that the Pacific coast would never lie worth one dollar to the United States, which proved 0EM0CRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION. RJOTICE is hereby, given that the democratic county convention for Clackamas county will be held in Oregon City, Oregon, at 11 o'clock a. m. on APRIL 6TH, 1900, for the purpose of electing 13 delegates to ti e democratic state convention, to be held in Portland, Oregon, on April 12th, 1900, and for the purpose of nomi nating three representatives for the legislature, two couuty commissioner sheriff, clerk, recorder, assessor, treas urer, surveyor, school superintendent, coroner, justices of the peace, constables and road supervisors for the different precincts, and for the transaction of such other business as may r-noerly come befoie the meeting.. The primaries are hereby calle 1 for SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1900, at the usual places of meeting and at the usual huurs, for the purpose of electing delega'es from the different precincts to the county convention. The apportionment of delegates is as follows! . ' Abernethy 8 Barlow. 4 Beaver Creek 5 Boring 2 Car yon Creek. . . .2 Milk Creek ......4 Marquam 6 Milwaukie .5 Maple Lane 5 Needy 4 Cascades 3 New Era 4 Canby .5 Oswego " '4 Clackamas . . .6 Oregon Uity No i 7 unerryvuie z Uregon Uity No 2 9 Caneinah.,.,-. .....3 uregon uity No 3 5 Pleasant Hill 3 Seivers 1 Soda Springs 2 Springwater 4 Tualatin 3 Union 2 Viola 2 Damascus.,... ...5 Eagle Creek . .5 tifti field a I George. 2 Harding 4 Highlan 1 , ..5 Maeksburg. .4 Mulalla 9 V est Oregon Oity.7 i recinct chairmen are requested to look after the primaries and to see that all delegates have their proper creden tials. By order of the democratio county central committee RoBKiiT A. MaLEB, Chairman. A W. CnENEY, Secretary. To the Reform Forces. When the populists and democrats meet in their respective precincts to elect delegates to the county convention, pursuant to nail already issued, it is hereby urged that road supervisors, justi-es of the peace and constables be agreed upon" by the voters of both par ties at said primaries, in such manner as the electors may dict, and .certify the same up to the county convention to be duly ratified. 1 ROBERT A. MILLER, Ch'n Democrat Co. Central Cora. HENRY THEISSEN, Ch'n Populist Co. Central Com. that the great Daniel was about as lia ble to be mistaken hs is Colonel Miller. Then he wound up with an eloquent peroration on who will haul down the fl ig. "Do you suppose," he said, "that Mrs. John A Logan, mother of the gal lant Major Logan, who shed his blood on the island of Luzon, would consent to have it hauled down?" To which we answer, no, because she is a republican, and, like most' all other republicans, thinks the king (MarkKinby) can do no wrong. But Bhe has other and better reasons for her republicanism. The G. O. P. voted her a pension of $200 a month for life when she didn't need it but a private soldier's widow, after two or three years of washing for a living and fighting for her pension, can get $12 a month if she will swear that she is a pauper. If I had the space, wouldn't I like to roaat the moral cowards who sup port such a system against their own wives and children! Just as though a private soldier's widow and children were not.just as good in the sight of God and men of sense as any general's widow or children 1 .Ma jor Logan was educated at the expense of the United States gov ernment, given a commission and $175 per month. Why shouldn't Btich a fa vored class stand by imperialism and militarism? My son left a good position, went to. the Philippine islands, served 17 months as a private soldier for $13 per month, came back to his Btate (North Dakota), set up in business for himself, and the government hasn't offered to. subsidise his business but it may; he is running a newspaper. However, we thinu the republicans of Clackamas county ought to support Mr. Brownell. Mar:u 20 Cqbporal. Mountain View. W. H. Savage and family went to N ew burg Saturday V spend Sunday with relatives. Mrs. Savage's mother, Mrs. Collard, accompanied them home Monday to make a two weeks' visit. e had quite an excitement here last Sunday morning. Mr. Cross.of Molalla, drove to the upper side of the watering viuB micu ii in ibj iu, one norse Deing I yery vicious, umped over the trough 11 wa8 'rightful to see thatlhorsekick. N 0 one was nurt, but the water pipe was uruKcii, aim me team ran awav. There is a great, deal of sickness in this burg lately. Mrs. Jefferson's children have been quite sick, and Efliie is not able to at tend school. Little Johnnie May has had a severe attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Moran's health is quite poorly this week. To County Clerk Dixon and ife, a daughter of five years, by adoption. Mr. and Mrs. Max Ramsby are on the sick list. Mrs. Spoor, of Eastern Oregon, was was the guest of Mrs. Johnsoi: and Mrs. Everhart Sunday. March 27. Sai.ixi. For Rent A second-story flit ad joining the Oouribr-Herald office. Ap ply at this office. ruK dale une 01 tne oest paying , hmels in Oregon City. Address Wm 1 Cantwell, Oregon City, Ore.