Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 23, 1900, Image 1

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17th YEAR, NO. 44
The mayor of Astoria has issued a
proclamation calling upon citizens to
kill rats.
Baker City reports range stock In fine
' Salem gardeners are already shipping
garden truck to Portland."
Fred Rustenieyer. of Co'fax, Wash.,
has been arrested for wrougfully using
1000 of trust funds.
The Weyerhauser syndicate paid
nearly 810,000 taxes in Pacific couuty,
Colfax Indian Reservation will be
opened to settlement in , about six
The Great Northern will abandon part
of its Montana line, sidetracking several
stations. .
The Southern Pacific has sold its in
terest in the Pnllinau cars to the Pull
man company.
Professor Schumann says that the
Fillipinoa are already mistrusting ue,
and that we must therefore Keep our
promise with the Porto Kicans or have
Tl'.e Standard Oil Company has just
paid out $20,000,000 in dividends. Its
1 stock is now at 538.
Democrats of Rhode Island declared
against expansion and trurts.
Snow in Texas, Louisiana and Missi
sippi Friday.
The monument, to the Maine victims
was unveiled at Key West last 'eek.
Gallinger called Penrose a prevarica
tor in the United States senate.
Canada may build a Pacific cable.
It is now asserfed that Jotihert's forces
had intended to go to- Bloomfontein's
defense, but were too late.
V .
An Army of Women.
'San Francisco, March 19. Dr. Leyds,
the Boer diplomat in Europe, has writ
ten to a friend in this city : "This much
you may depend upon i England will
never conquer the Transvaal, although
she may slay the last of Kruger's men
You Americans, who are so gallant, and
whose women are so well protected, may
not understand what I am about to
write. But, remember, nearly every
Boer woman knows how to use a rifle.
"So I say that thougti the last of tha
Kruger men be killed, England will not
conquer, for the women will rise, form
companies and raise an army of their
own .
"It will probably not come to this,
but suppose it, should would England
fight women ?"
Again the Chicago Platform.
Lincoln. Neb., March 19. The demo
crats and populis's held state conven
tions here today. Ihis eve mg. W. J.
Bryan announced to the democratic
partv and lo the nation at large the plat
form which he considers beat for the
democratic party, and practically upon
which he desires to stand, if nominated
at the Kansas City convention.
The platform, which was adopted by
the Nebraf-ka democracy with the great
est enthusiaem, reaffirms the Chicago
platform, declares for "sixteen to one,
opposes a large standing army, ae-
ounces the action of the republican
party on the Puerto Riean tariff bill, de
clares against trusts aml"imperialism,"
and favors the choice of United States
senators by popular vote. Mr. Bryan
did not write the platform personally,
ut he was consulted concerning it, and
before it was read to the convention, he
had approved it throughout.
The platform adopted by the populist
couvenlion was substantially the same
as that adopted by the democrats. It
differs somewhat in form, but conflicts
in no essential point.
Both conventions to lay were enthusi
astic for Bryan to the last degree, and
every mention of his name was greeted
ith cheers of delight and approval. In
structions were given to both delegations
to stand for Mr. Bryan in the Kansas
City and Sioux Falls conventions. '
We have found the best plow in the world, the
. Syracuse chilled. We have a big stock of five
tooth cultivators that we bought at the old price
9 and we intend to sell ihem cheap.
We are headquarters for Steel Lever Har
rows, Acorn Steel Ranges, Hardware, etc.
; Corner Fourth and Main Streets, , OREGON CITY, OREGON
Regular March Term of the Conuty
Board. ,
F. Mark, chairman; J. B. Morton,
R. Scott, oommUilonera.
(Continued from last week)
In the matter of claims filed against
Clackamas county The board examined
"aid claims, and being fully satisfied, it
is ordered by the board that the clerk
shall issue warrants on the general fund
for the amounts and in favor of the per
sons hereinafter specified for the pay
ment of said claims:
Eli Williams, assessor.......... $104 00
J G Porter ... 75 00
L E Williams 12 60
Glass Prudhomme, blanks.... 10 00
Courier-Herald, stationery...... 69 00
' " printing 70
Enterprise " 14 05
W H Counsell, road master 48 00
E P Hands, surveyor........... 1350
Inquest S I! Quint
M 0 Strickland, coroner 32 00
M E Willoughby, juror 2 40
EPKelly.... 2 40
Hiram Stiaight 2 40
J VV Boatman 2 40
A N Munsey 2 40
John W Loder 2 40
A W llertsike, witness
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggiBts refund the money if i
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. 25c.
Dr H LDedman 3 30
R L Holman. 1 70
Dr E A Summer 1 70
C M Quint 1 90
E L Shaw, constable 9 10
W E Carll, insane . 5 00
Bruce C Curry, insane, witness. . 170
J J lieigfeldt, inBaue... ., 3 30
Mr Seiver . . .' 1 50
MvrtleCurrin, clerk's office 0 00
Alice Andrews, tax roll 28 00
Lulu Hankins. 36 00
Wm Grinemhwaile. inrv list.... 3 00
.1 P Oiat No 9-,State vs. H llobart:
Wm Gnesenthwaite, j p 3 75
Uy Hughes, constable I
lolin Stinbrtz. witneBS 2
Sjmln'g Greatest Meed.
Mr. R.:P. Oiivia. of Barcelona, Spains
spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak
nerves had caused severe pains in tht
back of his head. On using Electric Bit
ters, America's greatest blood and nerve
remedy, all pain soon left him. He
says this grand medicine is what his
country needs. All America knows that
it cures liver and kidney trouble, puri
fies the blood, tones up the stomach,
strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor
and new life into every muscle, nerve
and orean of the body. If weak, tired
or ailing, vou need it. Every bottle
guaranteed, only 60c. For sale by Geo.
A. Harding, drugaist.
Martha Striebritz 2
Lewis Evans.
2 20
Eliza Evans 2 20
O D Euy, jury
W K Garrett
8 00
2 00
TfMT wraiTM 'ft ftU "JB.J9 '
.mm im tit m i ii i ij
Put a new face
on your Wall.
Wall Paper is
Cheap. We
will sell you a
double roll
Baby Carriages
And Go-Carts....
We invite your inspection.
They are a sight; no advance in
prices. We sell a very nice, strong .
carriage, neatly upholstered, steel
wheels, good parasol, for $6 oo
Go-Carts $2 75
You'll be
Buying a Carpet
Soon and paying the NEW PRICE.
We will save you dollars, if you'll '
buy it from us this spring or
summer. Our stock is in first
rate condition, bought with hard
down cash before prices ad
vanced. We'can sell you a heavy
all-wool Ingrain Carpet for 65c
a yard. Suppose you investigate
. this Right Aay.
F J Rinirig 2 00
G A Harding, pauper hc 7 60
Good Samaratau Hospital 22 00
T 15 Hankins, sheriff ac 10 50
O T & T Co telephone 5 35
Oregon Sigh Co, painting bridge 25 1 0
PNehren c h ".. ... 8 45
Water Corn 6 60
Bradley's tables m 3 00
Calif Powder Works 1" M
Elmer Dixon, paid draying. . . . . . 1 60
Goodyear Rubber Co 23 65
lloneyuian I'etiart uo jo yu
J P court No 4 State ys. Sol Clark :
O Vhuebl, J p- .v 1.-..-.,,.-.r.i.i w
M F MoCown, constable 1 u
State vsAW Hertzka
H Mi'lmnhe : 1 I)
M F McCowu, con
E A Somiuer. witness 1
M 0 Strickland 1
J W Loder 1
0 M Quint 1
Dr Dedman ' 1
W H Vomnr. liverv hire 4
W H Yonnu. 0 h ac.T. 7
Thayer & Luram, c h.. . 3 00
J J Cooke, board of prisoners.
lna M. Uhase, snennac.
" clerk
C E Potter, sheriff badge.
1 43
18 00
30 00
2 00
A J Walker, sheriff ac 28 00
E E Vauglian, " -
A E Taylor
Pope & Co
L H Feaster ,
In the matter of the petition and
6 20
8 20
5 60
28 00
scription list from road district No. 16
Thi natitinn co in in ii now to be heard,
and the board ordered Roadmaster
Counsell to inspect said improvement
and report same to this board, and he
having reported favorably in regard to
said improvemmt and the board being
lullv satiffied. it 1b ordered that said
nniitlrm hR granted said petitioner to
vr(t Raid hill readv for corduroy and
the county to corduroy it. The
matter of price of making corduroy
was left in the bands of the roadmabter
In the matter of the improvement 01
the Clackamas county toll road from
the hatchery to Logan. Now comes cer
tain committees before the board, re'
presenting the merchants, and business
ir.en of Oreiron Citv. and the taxpayers
of Logan, and ask the board to appoint
a comoetent person to examine aim re1
port at the next term, the probable cost
of a permanent improvement ol the
Clackamas toll road, and the road from
said hrldue to Burahardt's null, and
appearing that there is a great deal of
interest manifested in the improvement
of said roads, and that large private sub'
scriptions are being raised to aid in sam
imnrovement. and the board being fully
bvised, It is ordered uiai w ri uonnseu
be authorized and directed to make a
suitable examination df said roads and re
port Hie prsbable cunt of a permanent
..-.1 ,.t ...I F.,.a tl.f.
improvement 01 iuu ujuiuugmaio i mo
next of this board.
In the matte! of the petition and sub
scription list from road distnci-JNo 7
Petition accepted and fix) allowed on
said road bv county, and it is further
ordered that the supervisor of said dis
trict be allowed to use some of his roat.
monev on said Pankv road.
in the matter 01 me pennon 01 n. ran'
ten, et al, for a change in the Carus and
Canby road. Petition withdrawn Willi
out prejudice and limit for petitioners
bxeil tor a new l ention at one mite irom
each side of the road and one mile from
each end.
In the matter of recording deeds for
public graveyards at Viola and liedlaiid
the recorder was ordered to record the
same free of clntrce.
In the matter of the petition and sub
scription list from road district JNo,
the board beinir lu fv advised, it is or
dered that said petition be granted and
powder furnished on condition that the
petitioners do all the necessary work,
sin 1 1 as clearing np stumps after they are
blown out and the work of grading said
In the matter of the request of Meade
Post No. 2. G A R by their commander,
John K Williams for relief from indigent
soldier's fund for the relief of G W Nash,
John Lamles and O Culow. The board
being fully satisfied, it is ordered that
said relief be granted as follows: G W
Nash, $10; John Landers, $5 per month,
and C Culow to be increased from $10 to
$16 per month for two months, all ol
said allowances to date from Fehruary, 1
In the matter of the petit'ou of
Theresa Beutgen for a rebate of taxes for
the year 18!)7. The board being fully
advised, it is ordered that said petition
he granted in the sum of $!).85 -
Theresa Bentgen 0$ 65
In the matter of the inereane of the
allowance of Jane Roberts, a county
charge. The board being fully advised,
it is ordered that the allowance of Jane
Roberts be Increased from $20 to $28
per month on and from Feb 1, 1900
In the matter of the petition of GA
Arndt, et al, for a county toad, In the
matter of the petition filed by G A
Arndti and more than 12 householders
of the county, living in the vicinity of
the proposed road described in the peti
tion, and praying viewers to be appointed
to view and locate a county road in
Clackamas county, Oregon, described as
follows: Beginning at nor post seven
inches in diameter, four feet out of the
kroiiud, fiimlv set marked "K. I. 1
(Road Instead Point), the same being a
post supporting the railway along the
graded approach to the bridge across the
Pudding river at Aurora, near the loot
of the hill from which a fir 86 incheB in
diameter bears north. 17 detrees east'
306 links, distant, marked "R I P b T"
A cedar 5 inches diameier bearing south;
17 deg. 30 min. east 59 links distant
marked R I P B T, thence north 7 deg
40 min east 4 71 chains; thence north 88
deg west 4 93 chains; thence north 13
deg 42 min. west 6 87 chains; thence
north 33 deg 30 min east 55.28 chains ;
thence north 38 deg 30 min east 14.36
chains ; thence north 89 deg 45 min east
to an iron rod: thence north !7 deg 6
min east parali-ll to center line of Oregon
& California railway, and 30 feet diBtant
from noith line of right of way of same;
the same being the division line 01 lands
owned by Mrs W A Iryin and said rail
road company to its intersection with
tne Canby and Barlow road to an iron
rod. It is the intention of the petition
ers that the survey of Ihis road shall be
made exactly in accordance with the
field notes of a survey made by John W
Meldrum, deputy couuty surveyor, on
December 15, 1899, except that llie last
two courses be changed in length only,
account of the last course being
hanged to 30 feet from no-th line of
ght of wav of Oregon & (Jalilornia rail
road company ; Baid line of right ot way-
being the division line between lanos
owned by Mrs W A lrvin and said rail
road company instead ot 20 teet as sur
veved. And there being a remonstrance
of William Fray and over 100 others on
lilo and U beiiur aereed by mutual con
sent to try same- out at - this time the.
petitioners being represented uy their
attorney, O. E. Hayes, ana tne re
monstrators by their attorney, C N
Wait. It appearing to the board that
there is more names of householders on
the petition than there is on the re
monstrance, and the board being fully
advised, it is ordered that the remon
strance be denied without prejudice.
And said petitioner having filed his
affidavit of notices posted respecting
said road, Bhowing that there hud been
posted : one on the court house bulletin
board, and three in three of the most
public places in the vicinity .of the pro
posed toad more than 80 day prior to
the presentation oi this petition. He
lso filed a bond for $100, conditioned
according to law. The board being
Inlly advised, it is ordered that Charles
Wilson, Ed Schmidt and A Bromer, be
and are heby appointed viewers tc meet
at place of beginning on the in
stant, and subscribe to a written oath of
ollice administered by John W Meldrum,
a skillful surveyor, lie being appointed
by the board to survey said road oetore
proceeding to view and locate said road
and report in writing at the next regular
term ol this board.
In the matter of decreasing the allow
ance of W S Linsley, a county charge.
The board being fully advised, it is
ordered that said Linsley allowance be
cut down from $8 to $5 per month to
date from March 1, 1900.
In the matter of the allowance hereto
fore made to Mrs DeBeaw, a county
charae. it is ordered by the board that
said allowance be discontinued noin
Ma. eh 1. HUM). '
- , . ,
In the matter ol the resignation 01 r
A Baker as supervisor of road disiet
No, 31, the board being fully advioed, It
is ordered that said remgnauon ne ac
cepted and that Fred Wagner be ep
oointed to till sa a vacancy.
In the matter of the proposition from
Multnomah county, in regard to bicycle
path to Mount Hood ; it is ordered by
the board that that the bicycle path
supervisors from this county be author
ized to work in conjunction with the
path supervisors in Multnomah county
in regaid 10 pain 10 mount 11000,
In the matter ot wm BoDinson,
county charge, the board being tuny
advised, it Is ordered mat me allowance
heretofore made to W illiam ivoomson,
be discontinued from March 1, 1900.
lu the matter of the petition for a tax
rh,t bv K Hhubert. This matter com
ing on to be heard on said petition lor
rebate of taxes paid on railroad land,
and which had also been paid by the
railroad company, the boaid being Hilly
advised, it is ordered that said petition
hit umnied in the sum ol 1 z.i.
E bhubert 7 23
In the matter of the petition and sub
diriniion list for the improvement of the
Larkin's road in road district No 18, it is
ordered by the board that said petition
i..uw.iih(1 hv E (i Hornschucli und
others be accepted and counly fumiili
i,ndr to blow out llie stumps and
tiMiitioners to do all the the woik of
I'lvHrmir and grading.
In the matter of tne petition and sub
scription list from road district JNo is.
lor the conunueu improvement
lUeaan Citv and Hittliland road. Thi
matter having been laid over from the
February term of this board, and
tlie to.rd being now fully ad
sed. It is ordered timi said pciiuun
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
A-um bakins
powders are the greatest
lealth of the present day.
to wit: Sixty per tent of the money in
districts Nos 20 and 21, for this year" to
be used in making taid improvement.
In the matter of corduroying the For
sythe road in district No. 11, it is ordered
by the board that llie county furnish
said coiduroy on the roul ; said petition
ers to do nececsa.y woik of grading and
I laying s.tid corduioy.
In the maiti'r of the petition of G ,1
Trullinger, for a change In the Milk
creek and Molalla road. In the matter
of the petition tiled by G J Trullinger, et
al, and more thsu . 12 househuldcrs of
the counly living in the vicinity of the
road dexenbed in the petition, and pray
ing vieweis to be appointed to view and
locate a .county road in Clackamas
county, Qr gon, described in full as fol
lows: Commencing at a point where the
section between sections Nos 20 and 29,
crosses the Molalla road in township 4 s,
and 2 east, W M, running east on said
line to a stake marked X, at the foot of
the Trullinger hill; thence following the
present travelled road known as tho
Milk road, eaxt to Meadowbrook, Clacka
mas county Oregon. We also petition
that the present traveled roatl or roads,
commencing at the above-mentioned
stake marked X at the foot of the Trul
linger bill west to the Molalla road, bo
hereby discontinued. Said petitioner
filed his a AM avid of notices posted re
specting said road, showing that there
had been poBtetl: Oue en the court
house bulletin board, and tlireo in three
of the most publio places in the vicinity
of the proposed rosd, more than 30 days
prior to the presentation of this petition
He also filed a bond for $100 conditioned
according to law. The board being fully,
advised, it is ordered that E VV Paine,
Levi Stehman an. I J J Mallntt Ui sml
are hereby appointed viewers to nik-nt at
plat ol beginning,- on the -I -and
subscribe to a written oath of joflL o
administered by John W Melhlum,
deputy county surveyor, he beitig ap
pointed by the board to survey ssidlroad,
before proceeding to view and locate ,
said road and report in writing at the'1
next regular term of this board, and it
is further ordered t!iat Roadmaster
Counsell view and make a report upon
the practicability of said route in writing
to this board.
In the matter of the petition for a
change in tho voting place for Cherry
ville precinct, it Is or.lered by the board
that the voting place be changed to the
residence oft). P, Ware.
In the matter of ihe county physician's
report for January and February, 1000.
It is ordered by the board that said re
port be accepted and approved.
(Continued next week)
ltlg Strike Ordered
Chicago, March 19. Altor tho confer
ence between representatives of the In
ternational Association of Machinists
and the administrative council of the
National Metal Trades Association ended
at 10:30 this morning, Presi lent Jatuos
O'Connell.of the union, declared that
Btrikea would be called iiniuedintely in
all parts of the United States and Cana
da. Such strikes will involve 100 nnn
men and cause to be shut down for ait
indefinite period plants having an ag
gregate capacity of millions of dollars.
Chicago labor troubles are responsible
lor tho disagreement, which is expected
to precipitate .the general machinists'
strike, Wore it not for the fact that
leaders of the Machinists' Union refused
to call off strikes that now exist in Chi
cago, Columbus, Ohio, and Paterson, N.
J., the manufacturers and loaders, it is
believed, would have come to an arnica-
bio agreemout and arbitration would
have been permanently established be
tween the National Metal Trades Asso-
cl tion and the International Association
of Machinists.
Special Sale on Shoes at the Park-
place cash store.
Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date oa
home-made candies.
be granted and subscription list accepted
Dr. C. S. Seamann has removed bia
offices to the Willamette building, over
Mardu g'g drug store.
For Over JKIft Vaara
Am O1.0 and Wkll-Tkiko Hkmbd,
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup lias
been used for over fifty years by mining
ol mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect suciess. It
soothes the child, softens the gums
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. u 1.
pleaeant to the taste, Sold by Drug,
gluts in every part of the Woria
Twenty-five cents a bottle. lu valim is
incalculable. I'e sure and ask for Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and lake no
other kind.