Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, February 16, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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"If I were sick and
anted to get well,
H?d find out how some
tmo else got well who
Ihad the same sort of
.sickness as mine."
W your sickness is like hers,
IMra. Jacobs' story will interest you;
"Z -was very Jck indeed " writes Mrn.
TMoliie lacobs, of Felton, Kent Co., Del
aware, r' and our family doctor Bald I had
raousiiniption. I thought I mint die loon
Sor.I felt bo awful bad. Had a bad cough.
plt7Mood, wa very short of breath, had
-paint in my chest and right lung, and also
J had-dyspepsia. Before I took your 'Golden
TMedical Discovery ' and ' Pleasant Pellet '
I was -no weak I could not sweep a room,
tand nfw I can do a small washing, and I
-.leel like a new person. I believe that the
Xord and your medicine have saved my
fJife. 1 was sick over two years. I took it
tbottles of the ' Golden Medical Discovery,'
and four vials of Dr. Pierce's Pellets."
Are you sick? Art your lungs
""-.weak?" Have you obstinate
lingering cough, with bleeding
"lungs, weakness and emaciation?
Thousands in just your case have
tbeen cured by the use of
It always helps. It almost always
rures. Sick persons are invited to
socnsult Dr. Pierce by letter abso
lutely without fee or charge. All
correspondence is strictly private.
"Write and get a specialist s opin
ion on your case, free. Address
iDr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
IScrding Block, Oregon City
ttfi Ponmis Pry Granulated Snnr
5 Cents
J'o.-.iid Petite Prunes
5 Cents
J'lmnd ileht Black Fiu
25 Cents
SO Pounds Good Rolled Oata
12 Cents
"S'lutkiige Shredded Wheat Biscuit
35 Cents ,
:2 Ho. ties Snider's C'Uhu
25 pounds Good Kice
15 Cents
10 pound Sack Gialuim
33 Cents
10 Pound Sack Pure liuukwhcat
J. A. McGLASHAN, Manager
JStorea Orejjo City and Portland
1'urnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
Jl 1! Cmrin to J II KitoiiiiiR, 70
acres in buo 28, 3 s 4 e $4,775
E P Uauds to W iScranlin, 1.85
. acres in w: 25, 3 s, 2 o. .. ." I
n' It Smith to A M Washburn,
tract in Bee 2!, 2 s, 2 e 1,000
ill Mclilsander to K McGregor,
.13.41 acres acres, etc., in sec 4,
2 s, 2 e 1,000
V Damials to J K Stone, n of so of
o 31, 1 a, 4 e 1,300
.State Land Hoard to OH Cautield,
o( e of Bee 35. 3 s, 8), e 200
J Simon to J U deXeul, se of se of
see 6, 3 s, 1 e 350
ii 11 Webster to II A Webster, 10
acres in claim (, 2 s, 2 e 5
u Ainimerinan to V Zimmerman,
32 acres in sec 13, 4 s, 1 e 150
JA L Keiih to S J Owen, 10 acres
in sec 1,2 8, 2 e 400
l 1 li li i',. ... I ! 1-1 !.. ..t
v v vj iv a VJ VUllllllllin, II Ul
ne ol fee 7, 4 8, 2e 320
-J G Cummins to K CumminB.same
-ck'Hcrijuion , 500
VII II Waldo to N Johnson, 40 ao's
in sec 23, 2 8, 2 e 1,325
J Duffy to J W Ouirin 00-100 acre
in sec 6, 3 s, 2e 600
8 Mathew to J K Erickson, lots 17
ami 18, Can by 500
M M McMonayle to Si Livingston,
Ab&X acres in claim 43, 50 acrei
jn 8ec 3, 3 I, 2 e 1
"Nil liviuKHton. to G 0 Gar Held, lot
7 and 8, Idk 29, Oswetro 1
J Smith to H E Lawler, lot 1, sec
31, 4 s, le 500
TP H Marlay to J Smith, lot 1, sec
84, 4 s, le 650
U O Uk-ttardson to Kedland Ceme
ttery. l acres of Hichardson
claim , 1
J Kickon to Viola Cemetery, 1 acre
in Stoue claim, 3 s, 3 e 1
JC E CUiarmau et al to J U Brown,
s4' acre in Clackamas Heights. . 130
Mimlu (lieteat Md.
Mr. R.;P. Oiivia, of Barcelona, Spaing
1 1 pond s his winters at Aiken, 8. 0. Weak
f noj-ves had caused severe pains In the
t bak of bis head. On using Electric Bit-
tors, America's greatest blood and nerve
i remedy, all ptun soon loft him. He
i save this grand medicine is what his
country needs. All America knows that
it cures liver and kidney trouble, purl
ties tae blood, tones up the stomach,
i Htrengt bens the nerves, puts vim, vigor
n& ew life into every muscle, nerve
and organ of the body. It weak, tired
or ailing, you need it. Every bottle
-..guaranteed, only 50c. For Bale by Geo,
.A. Harding, druggist.
The city expressmen co.nbine is about
six weeks old, and was almost fo'notten
by most people until mentioned in "To
day's Happening" in a dnily paper.
It's ihtttlot-k man, not thu long and
sho t pair, llutt has been doing the ie
cent bu gluries in Oregon City The
way ir. which he pulled the pants from
undernea!h ilm pillows covered by s'eep
lag men's bends without waking the
baby was n caution.
It's fun to witch the can.li la'e for
co.inty clerk on tl.e republican li, ket
crawl into their holes every time Adolph
Aschoff decides he will run for clerk.
Bob Gardner was given a year's ab
sence from town. He was made the
scapeaoatof many another man's eins.
He never (rot into trouble unless he was
full of whiskv. Soui"bjdy wag to b'ame
for this, according to mrtain ..M,i,.u
v. n. uyiand says that a man has a
right to go to any employe of a printing
office and engage space in a newspaper
to use as his own. A man tl.at don't
know any more than this, should not be
p rmi ted a certificate to teach school.
An effort will be male by the local
democrats and populists to Beeure Wil
liam Jennings Bryan for an afternoon
speech at Oregon City during the cam-
ign. It will be a free affiir and no
admission will be charged. Thousands
of people would no doubt come to town
on that day to hear the orator of the
In spite of the efforts of U'Ren and
his side partner, L-I.egged Porter, the
union of populists and democrats is pro
gressing swimmingly. The most en
couraging reports are being received
from every precinct.
A well-known republican attorney
thr..-wout the Insinuation a few day's
ago that were I employed on the Enter-
prise, I woild be whooping it up fur
U'Ren. Not so; the files of the Enter
prise, when I was employed there, dis
prove this assertion. I never did have
any use. for the man, and always
avoided him as I would a snake, when
employed in ollices where he held
friendly relations.
Tho "Note and Comment" man on
the Oiegonian is almost as much off his
bane as the Oregon City reporter of the
Telegram, when ho Baid that U'Ren con
tracted space in the Courier-Herald.'
U'Ren did nothing of the kind, lie
sneaked in when the manager was out,
and nuidu a contract with a sick hoy.
who had been confined to his bed, and
did not comprehend what was wanted
with the space.
-Candidate for road supervisors will
be nominated at the county conventions,
the same as candidates for justices of the
peace and constables. Of course, the
candidate for road supervisor will be
selected at the primaries, but the nomi
nation will bo ratified a: tho county con
ventions. The practice of drawing up long-winded
resolutions over the death of an indi
vidual should be abolished by legisla
live enactment. These resolutions ate
formal affairs, and have a tinkling brass
sound that is almost enough to wake
the dead from their slumbrrs. An ap
propriate obituary notice U tho proper
thing, but ttiis resolution business has
been run into the ground. Some papers
positively refuse to publish death resolu
tions. In some instances they are only
published to give people a chance to air
their names.
Now that good roads are coming, it is
high time that Oregon Oily business men
were preparing to buy the (surplus pro
ducts of farmers. These roads will prove
of but little benefit unless they can mar
ket their surplus. Good roads cost the
taxpayers money, and an effort should
be made to reap the benefit from good
thoroughfares. G.
m .
Money to be ltefuiuletl.
Before the adjournment of the county
commissioners, the county clerk was
notified to inform the city that the com
missioners were ready to refund the $500
which the city subscribed for the im
provement of the Molalla road.
On June 3,1899, the city approved and
passed an ordinance appropriating $500,
to be used on the improvement of the
Molalla county road leading into Ore
gon City. The ordinance provided that
the money subscribed should be repaid
tn the city, upon the completion of the
improvement, Oregon
City edition of
the Evening Telegram, December 11th,
County Selling Warrants.
Nearly $8000 worth of road and county
warrauts were issued during this month.
The treasurer is now out of funds with
which to pay the warrants.consequently
they are being sold, and bring from 1 to
2 cents premium. The road warrants go
for their face. Oregon City department
of the Evening Telegram of Nov. 23nl,
Farm for Sile.
113j' acres situated between Kedland
sehoolhouse and Cutting's mill,
about one mile more or less
from the Kedland school bouse
and Bethel Presbyterian church to the
place called part of Mosier's old do
nation claim ; about 25 or 30 acres under
plow, spring of water on one corner,
part with good timber. Will sell cheap.
$1300.00. About ten miles from town.
Wm. H. Rkks
Started Hew Hair
Hon. John H. Gardner, member Wyom
ing State Legislature from Beulah, Crook
to., in lttter dated February 20, 1899, to the
isters s
says: "According: to agreement made
in Salt Lake City, if your preparations
proved a benefit to my bald head, I was to
send you a testimonial. . . There is a fine
growth of new hair started. Am not
troubled any more with dandruff and that
annoying itching of the scalp. I had tried
everyth ing I could hear of before I saw you,
but received no benefit. You can use this
if you wish. Please send me half-dozen
bottles." '
We have thousands of testimonials
equally as strong. All hair and scalp
troubles readily succumb to these meritori
ous preparations.
Sold by dealers everywhere.
Co-operuttee Plan Assured,
William Galloway, reei 'ent of the
PrunegrowerB' Assoi iation of tiie North
west, sai I Monday that he had received
over 100 letters from grower?, who could
not attend the convention. 1 sl Kridav,
but heartily indorse 1 its action.' This
morning he received a letter Irom a
prune grower at Ontario, Milheur
county, stating that lie lutuudtiU to plant
L'UO acres in addition to his orchatd al
ready growing, in view ol the a-sured
prospects for a netter market by the co
operation plan. Air. G dloway is now
confident thai 75 per cent of the grow
ers of the North A'cst will be secured to
enter iuto the plans 01 the co-operative
organization. Mr. U llowa suid:
"Our plan was adt pted from the one
which proved so success In! um'er the
management of the California Ai-eocia-tion.
Dating the sjasou of 1898, Cali
fs nia exported direct to Enn pe itss
than 6,000,000 pounds of dried prune,
while in 1899, under the co-operative
plan 22,000,090 pounds were exported
by December 31, and it is believed that
the total exportation by the time the
season closes will be 24,000,000 pounds,
or 1000 12-ton carloads Ttiere are in
Europe, as well as in the Eastern slates,
millions of wage-earners and middle-
cl.-ss people, who want our curtd prunes
at a price which they van afford to pay.
By the plan of bringing the producer
and consumer into closer relations, we
can profitably supply the coiifcumer with
dried prunes at much less prices than
they aie now paying. This is theclase
that we desire to reach principally for a
profitable market, Vith many car
loads of fruit, teims can be eafily made
with the rriilroad companies for cheap
traffic rates. When large quantities of
fruit are to be shipped, it id 11 trouble
to get rales." , ,
Since the attn ion of Willamette val
ley farmers hai been turned to the op
portunities that await them in the line
of dairying, the prosperous towns in that
section are vying with one another in
the matter of establishing creameries
and encouraging farmers to take up this
profitable industry.
The Aurora Borealis calls the atten
tion of Its readers to the fact that nearly
every town in the etate has established
a creamery, or is about to do so, and
points out the benefits that will accrue
if one is built and operated in Aurora.
Tho Woodburn Independent is giving
every assistance to the farmers in that
vicinity who have united to build a
creamery, and says that the enterprise
is well under way and beyond the reach
of failure.
The Southern Pacific is doing every
thing in its power to help the growing
enterprise along. General Freight and
Passenger Agent C. H. Markham in keep
ing himself informed on the progress of
the various creameries, and has given
the subject of dairy farming much
thought and study.
Now, comparing the showing made by
the Albany Co-operative Creamery with
that of the average creamery in the best
dairy country in the United States, it
will be seen that the 32,222 pounds of
milk from seven cows brought the Linn
county farmer for his butter fat $58 more
last year than the Freeborn county
farmer received for his 23,009 pounds of
milk from seven and eight cows, or an
increase of $8.33 per cow.
Card of Thanhs.
We, the undersigned, desire to thank
our friends and neighbors for their in-
terett in lending a helping hand through
the entire illuess of our late departed
Mrs. W. J. Farniiam,
Mrs. Charles Catta,
Mr. E. J. Lankins,
Mr. II. J. Lankins.
Suite of famished rooms bedroom
and parlor for two gentlemen. Refe
rences required. Enquire at this office.
I now have funds to pay all county
warrants indorsed prior to November 2,
1896, and alsi road warrants indorsed
prior to November 22, 1899, and Noa.
11,183, 11,025, 11,102, 11,033 and 11,027.
Interest will cease on the warrants in
cluded in this call on the date of this
Oregon City, Marcn 8, 1900.
Treasurer Clackamas County, Oregon.
(Corrected on Thursday.)
J Flour Best $3.00(33.25; graham
,32.65. ' , -
Wheat Walla Walla 5354c; valley
53u64; bluestone 55c.
j Oatii White-3435c; gray 32 33c.
Bailey Feed $i0; brewing $18 19.
Millstiilfd Bran $17; middlings $22;
Aborts $18; chop $16.
Hay Timothy $9U ; clover, 78;
Oregon wild $7.
Butter Fancy creamery 50c; seo
onds 4045c; dairy, 35S42)$c, store,
2532Kc i
Eggp 10c
Poultry Mixed chickens $3.004.50;
hens $4.005; springs $23 25 ; geese,
$56; ducks $o7; live turkeys 12)
13c; dressed, 1416c.
Che-se Full cream 12gc per pound ;
Younts America 14c.
Potatoes 50 and 79 cents per sack.
Vegetables Beets $1; turnips 90c
per sack; garlic 7c per lb; cabbage$1.50
2.00 per 100 pounds; cauliflower 75o
per dozen ; parsnips 75c per sack ; celery
70(g75c. per dozen; asparagus 67c;
peas 34o per pound.
Dried fruit Apples evaporated 7fi;
sun-dried sacks or boxes 45c; pears
sun and evaporated 56c; pitless plums
456C; Italian prunes 35c; extra
silver choice 5(?!6.
Corrected on Thursday.
Wheat, wagon, 45.
Oats, 32.
Potatoes, 50 and 60 cents per sack.
Eigs, 10c per dozen,
Butter, 35 to 00 pel roll.
Onions, red, 8o: to $1 00 pel sack;
yellow, $1 to $1.25.
Dried apples, 5 to 6c per pound.
Dried prunes Italians, 4c; petite
am! German, 3c.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if i
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is 011 each box. 25c.
Notice is hereby given iht dog li
censes are now due and payablo at the
office of i ity treasurer.
Linn Jones,
Lost One red steer, 4 years old, with
his horns sawed off, small white ppot in
forehead, very little white on the back
and belly, marked with crop and half
crop in left ear, crop and swallow fork
in light ear. The finder of taid steer
ill be liberally rewarded. Address
John Stormer, Springwater, Ore.
Write or call for special price list at
Parkplace store.
Woodmen, Take Aotlce.
We are now making contracts for wood
to be delivered next summer. Parties
desiring to sell will please call at our
Oregon City Woolen Mills.
Up Against
A Good Thing..
When you deal with us we are going
to do our tip top best for you. No half
way business about it. We are going to
get you the best there is and get it to
yon as faBt as it's humane to drive.
When yot want something really good
that you' can't find anywhere but in
your imagination, come to us. We will
name it and prccuie it for your table
groceries, etc.
The 7th St. Grocer
MeutUl to perfect: comfort and health. Our
elimio8 on putting in Plumbing Work uid
tluiugs for Urge and mtl house will be found
mirpiissinKly low when quallt; ot work and
mntpriitl used ! ooniiderea
W e would be pleased to hare an opportunity
to aqbnit ngurea.
A few watches for sale cheap
Younger's. Watches cleaned, 1.
..'SSI PI m !v
mil mMM
Eureka Hftrntu. no ia
v... .o LIU lloi,
rjreKHI'VU r I vn ? i ...i
anu the best renovutor ol old
leuilier. It oils, softens, black
ens and protects. Use
on your best harness, your old bar.
nc.ss, and your carriage top, and tlicy
will nut only look better but near
lomrer. RitlHpv.n.n.u.i ....
J i,riv III C.llia ttU
Sizes from half pints to live gallon
hj oiAnuAUU OIL to.
Cameras an 1 up-to-date photo sup
plies at Ch trm m & Go's. Rav filter t
special prues.
H. Bethke's
Harness . 0
Opposite Huntley's
First-Class iVeats of 11 ir)ds
Satisfaction Guaranteed
give ffiir? a gall arjd be Treated ?igljt
Joseph Kuerten's Bakery and Confectionery
Fine Bread, Pies, Cakes, Cookies, Etc., Fresh Every Day
Special Attention Given to Private Parties
Seventh St.
Foresight Means Good Sight
If there ever was a truism it is exemplified in the
above headline. Lack ol foresight in attending to the
eyes in time means in the end poor sight. We employ
the latest most scientific methods in testing the eyes,
and charge nothing for the examination. Dr. Phillips,
an expert graduate oculist and optican, has charge of our
optical department.
A, N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler
293 riorrlson Street, PORTLAND, OREdON
Headquarters for Drugs and Chemicals, Com
pounding of Prescriptions and Receipts.
Lowest Prices on Patent Medicines, Brushes,
Soap and Rubber Goods
Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions
and General Merchandise,
1 he reason mirrprers are not cored by Doctors Is because ninety per cent are tronbled wtti
T".,m,!.,.u' CUPIDKNE Is the only known remedy to cure uhoutn operation. 6000 test lmon
A written guarantee given and money returned If six boxes does not ell'ect a uerwaueotcur
(UK) a box, six for 5 00, by mall. Send for mm circular and testimonials, p,
Address D 4. VOL JiWICWa: t'OP.a BoxaT74,8anFraitoco,Cal. JbrSnUbf
G. A. HARDING, Oregon City, Oregon
-0UR $38.50 jr
Mil :, ,
IS THE TIME to clean
house and repaper youi
rooms and paint youf
house and , , , , , ,
Murro w
IS THE MAN to do
the painting and papering
in a first-class shape at
very low prices. Leavt
orders at Ely Bros, store)
on upper ;th streeth.
Meat Market
Oregon City, Ore
ol Cakes, Pies, and other dainty thirigs
for thfi table are baked fresh every day.
Each is as carefully made as though it
was done under the most particular
housekeeper's supervision And the
inirredienta used are better than most
housekeepers can atford to buy.
Can we serve you with our delicious
Bakers and Grocers,
. Opposite rostofliee - Oregon City
Thift front V? .ithl
tlonoiajmouslreneh yuysldan, will quickly cure you of all nerv
vous or diseases ot the geuerative unmna, uch a i Lost Manhnml
Insomnia, 1-alns in the B k Seminal KmKerC, lbim?:
Pimp ea, Uufiiness to Marrv, KxhausUn Drains, VaricoiWiiid
ConsnnaUon. 1 1 stops a 1 losses by day or night" PrevuTqnKkT
DtSSOt dlSC harCR. W lkh if mil lnHo ..Vii,m..... '!. ".
Impotency 'H PI new K cleanses the liver, U
err mis u. -
'TO 18 W1T
am sou .a.
and we will
send yon our
ay frslskt C. O. D. Mkjeel to eiawl.atl.a.
YOU CAN EXAMINE ITS'ywsaarsstfrelirht
; -11 depot, and ir f.u.a
acrleatly saturaetary, exsetly as represeated.
An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle
and theequal of saddles sold everywhere at from
psyihefrHKhtal OUR PRICE, $38.50,
ehanres. " 1 "
This Saddle la made on a 1354 or
16-lnch Cenuine Ladesjma or
nmaon neavy oieei rorK .
TKr.K. bound or roll cantle, steel leather ooTeredatirrups
or t-lnch oibow brans bound, asdeel'Sd. VU1 sead Vtead
Mali. b.Im. mSwi. wrcd, w
r . . , . , , , extra heavy woul
lined, I-inch wide lace stirrup leathers, lk-tneh tlentraiM.
extra long on near aide, t-inch to buckle oa ottstde, heary
cotton twlfted Mexican a-inch front cinch, heavy ootton
keyraUonelpTecs.0lMUl tn' LooP watault
as Illustrated. Wetgas af a4dle abeat 14 aw..d
CATALOGUE, thewinj lull lin si Cowboy on Rancher
Outntt al ths lowest prtcss net suotad. Address,
(seara, ansae! a Ca are lters(kl rrUaMa.-Uner.)