v ; is.,----- ' G oun CIRCULATION GUARANTEED LARGER THAN ALL OTHER PAPERS IN COUNTY COMBINED COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 CONSOLIDATED SEPTEMBER. 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1900. 17th YEAR, NO. 4 5 Oregon effierald. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. 'Regular Murtli Term Binrd. of He Conulj 8. F. Marks, chairman; J. B. Morton, It. Scott, commissioners. Be It remembered that a regular ses sion of the board of county commission ers for the county of Clackamas, state pf Oregon, begun and held in the court house in said county and state on Wed nesday, the 7th day of March, 1900, the same being the regular time fixed by said board for holding a regular session of said boaid for the transaction of county buniness. Present, Commission ers 8 F Marks, JR Morton, R Scott; Elmer Dixon, clerk ; J J Cooke, sheriff. When the following proceedings were had, to wit: In the matter of the reports of road supervisors for the month of February, 1900. The board having examined said reports and being fully satisfied, it is ordered that they be, and the same are hereby approved, and the expense ac counts of the several districts are hereby allowed and ordered paid, and the clerk is instructed to draw warrants on the road fund and on the general fund for the several amounts and in favor of the persons named in said road reports : Road district No 1 Labor on Milwau kieand Bakersfleld road: John Pollock, road fund . $ 3 00 C MullanandH Henneman bridge 4 00 Total..... 7 00 Road district No 2 . M Hullard, road fund. . t . 1 50 John Becker 1 87 Frank Griffith 1 88 John Higginson 187 Frank Robinson 1 88 A W Hanson 1 87 P Hunter 3 00 M Reed 3 75 A Conklin 3 00 A C Davis.... 3 75 S Millard .' 3 00 James Reed. 3 75 Total.. .. ..... $34 12 Road district No. 3 Labor on several roads : Henry Bock, road fund . .$ 2 25 A W Cooke 0 00 Arthur Hall. 2 25 W W Cooke ; 1 50 F H Hieser 3 75 Total. ........ 15 75 Road district No 7 Ernest Aschoff , road fund ....... $ A Andre... 2 Pat Mc Adams Ed Peake ' Charles Kyler 75 75 88 75 50 .$4 64 .$ Total Road district No 11 J E Smith, road fund SB Ehy , J Paee ; JE Witzig 3 00 W Forsythe. ....... 1 50 Grant Readabo 4 50 H J Lankins, county fund 2 25 J E Smith..... ,. 3 00 8 00 4 50 1 50 j Duffv...... 3 00 M Thomas........... 3 00 Ben Kanst . 3 00 V Jaggar . . . ; 3 00 A Mautss .... 21 50 Total.... ....$102 02 Road. district No 15 Laying crosslay on the Powell road in district No 14, R H Tabor, road fund $ 9 30 G Burgman 7 00 S Thomas 6 25 R D Miller... 6 25 Laying crosslay on the Powell road in district Nos 14 and 15. R H Tabor, road fuud i .... $ 9 00 G Burgman 4 50 8 Thomas....;... 6 00 R D Miller... 6 75 Geo B Rate & Co, gen fund. ..... 6 50 Wilson & Cooke I 25 B Cols 52 00 H Sterner 4 50 H Guenther.... 2 12 Ed Hettinan 2 13 'Curbieon 23 25 Clay Green, gen fund 3 75 Wilson s Cooke. 12 W Geo B Rate & Co 79 05 " 13 80 C W Fred rich 77 55 J Schmidt & Sins, gen fund 5 50 limit Guenther 1 50 Eugene Cummins 75 E W Hornschuch ? 00 J Finher, road fund ... 75 Herman . .. 75 Ed Hetteman 1 50 C Hetteman 3 00 Ernest Ginther 3 00 G A Suhuebel gen fund 150 Total $28 25 Road district No 13 Labor on Oregon City and Viola roads : W C Warde. road fund $ 1 50 F liMattoon. D Ervin J .C Judd. w Y A Mattoon. ... W H Mattoon... 3 00 1 50 1 50 1 50 4 00 Total ......$13 00 Road district No 14 Labor on the Molalla road : Otto Kunzman, road fund....$ 17 13 James Eaton . . 13 13 Willis Hodge... 15 38 W Miller 13 88 James Shelley 9 00 Total.5... $61 80 Road district No 16 Vv S Rider, road- fund $ 4 00 Will Randall 2 25 E N Foster ....... 3 00 Fred Foster 3 00 Wm Gardner . 3 00 A Siahley and team 4 60 0 H Ruler 5 25 EN Fo.ter 7 Geo Blauchard.... 4 12 Total Road district No 17 Hany Gilmoie, road fund. Andy Knight.. DR Dimick .$36 37 ..$ 2 25 . . 3 00 3 oo Total ......$S 25 Road District No 19 Labor on the Meadowbrook road and Union Mills road : W Brideea. aeneral fund $ 75 F Ericksou 3 00 Trullinger Bros 3 39 t FOUND. 00 We have found the best plow in the world, the Syracuse, chilled. We have a big stock of five tooth cultivators that we bought at the old price, and we intend to sell them cheap. We 'are headquarters for Steel Lever Har rows, Acorn Steel Ranges, Hardware, etc. POPE & CO., Corner Fourth and Main Strtets, OREGON CITY, OREGON r$ I $7 14 No 18 Labor on Hoi Total..... $687 78 Road district No 26 Sttugis Bros, gen fund $ 7 20 Koad ills' rit No 2i Labor on Mount Angel road: Chas Labor, road fund.. .....$ 3 00 George Newsome 1 00 John Nichalson.. .... 1 50 J E Marquam 5 0) Total...... Road District alia road : W M Davis, road fund ..$ 1 50 E Pollock 2 25 f! Mav 30 37 F Josse.... 6 55 A Jones 28 12 Knox Coooer.. 8 26 M E London 44 00 .1 Kalhfleich 29 25 PKalbneich... 29 25 F Bullard 29 25 W Emmett 6 75 A B Cole 6 00 J J Giiyer 22 5) F Stevans 87 Clay Green 15 75 H A Hornschuh 8 25 B Danials... 7 tO E W Hornschuch 46 (0 F Jaggar 23 2o M Thomas , 19 60 John Duffy., 76 60 Ron Faust..! 31 50 C Spangler 3 00 Total. .......;.. .$10 50 Road district No 81 Labor on Oswego and Aurora and Meridian roads: Chas Wagner, road fund....... $ 75 rad Wagner .. 70 Clans Peters 2 60 Henry Baker 1 00 PA Baker 4 00 Total.... $U 80 Road district No 32. road f und . . 1 87 C McKinnev 1 88 A Baker ." 1 50 I.Hwretce Bonney 187 E L Baker.. 2 19 ELBaker 76 Baker Bros gen fund . , 361 Total $13 06 Road district No 34 Labor on Falls City road : J K Morris, road fund $20 00 J J Tompkins 2 60 G J Olds. 12 45 F J M'yer 12 75 Chas Shannon ..... 26 95 Humphrey Trembath ........ .. 1 50 0 Toimins 8 25 J Cieiten 9 0.1 JO Mills... 7 60 JS Smith 4 60 E D Olds 27 00 KG Tucker 3 00 FS Baker, gen fund 1 60 Pope s Co iti Oregon City Iron Works 5 55 Total $140 9 Road district No 35 Labur on Hood View road : Fred Wagner and team ... ... . ... .$10 00 California Powder Woiks... ..i..,108 70 Total ..... . $178 70 Road district No 35 Labor on Beaver Creek slough bridge: S R Taylor, gen luud $ 7 50 Geo Perden 4 50 Levi Erb 31 18 (Continued next week) vjy ii s s s f re i y i Put a new face on your Wall. Wall Paper is Cheap. We will sell you a double roll For 10 Cents BELLOMY & BUSCH THE HOUSEFURNISHERS Cont of Living and Wages. The cost on commodities in general ad vanced between 20 and 30 per cent, last year, while in only a few occupations was there an advance in wages, and in thoe few the increase w as not 15 per cent, on the average. 'The purchasing power of the great majority of the Amer ican people outside t!ie agricultural class-, es ," says the United States Investig. tor in a discussion of the situation, 'Vi no larger today than it wag a year ago. Take lawyers, doctors, ministers, te tell ers, editors and reporters, accountants, clerks in banks and cilices, stenog raphers and typewriters, salesmen in stores and on the road, and n aiy other classes. Have tl eir incomes increased? If they have not, it is an important mat ter. These people really constitute the c'aas which makes the prosperity if the country the class to whijh neither at taches poverty nor riches. A: e they in a position to stand an advance of ba tween 20 and 30 per cent, in the costof living? This is a question any house holder can am wer for himself. It stands to reason that if steel and iron have a I vanced 50 pereeut.he is not going to buy what steel and iron products he needs at anything like old prices. If he wears the same kind of clothes he did last sea son, he has got to pay higher prices for them, as textiles have advanced 33 per cent. If his wife goes out to buy stock ings for his children she finds that she must give more than formerly, 40 per cent, in some cases. With lumber 33 per cent, higher than a year ago, he, ol course cannot expect to get bis carpen tering done as cheaply as before. Drugs and chemicals are higher, consequently It will be necessary to keep himself and his family as cheap as possible. TIk bj are but a few instances of the enhanced cost of living," What is to be the outcome of this situ ation? Evidently, either wage must go up higher or the price of commodities must fall. It is more likely that the latter will be the solution. A good uuny fictitious and temporary causc-s have op erated to aiivane pric trust combi nations, the tariff, war taxes ind these cinnot continue f r jrer. But meantime the fallacy that prosperity is measured by the rate of wage dollars and cents is cne that every man who works for a livlug should refuse to believe in. Bos ton Tost. Road Addenda. The following subscription list was crowded out of the road meeting pro ceedings last wet k, and illustrates the substantial inteieet many Clackamas county farmers are taking m ro,id mat ters : We, the under8igntd, hereby severally agree to pay to the county court of Clack amas county, Oregon, the sums set op posite our respective names to ait in the construction and completiou of a mod ern road trom Arthurs Prairie to Upper Logan school liou-e, the subi-ciipuons above to be on the following conditions: first That ttie county courc of Clack amas county give a sum of money to aid in the construction of said road equal to the aggregate of all the voluntary sub scriptions raited for such purpose and co operate in such work. eoud That the above road worfe be done this coming season, and finished before the 1st of November, 1900 i Third That the tmbeenbers have the right to workout their subscriptions, under the directions of the county court, provided said subscribers furnish the kind and quality of labor desired, on de mand of the supervisor, or foreman in charge ; otherM'ise, the amount is due in cash on demand ot the supervisor or authorized local committee, and the amount will he turned into the county. fourth Also provided the citizens ol Oregon City and vicinity and other In terested parties will raise a sum equal to our aggregate subscription and apply the same upon what is commonly known as the old toll road from Bakers terry bridge to the lower Clackamas bridge. t in nor nnrnnRA t.n mine hv nrivate subscription the sum of $200) to aid in the construction of said portion ot road, and we pledge ourselves to work to gether to the end that the same may be completed this year. M Tracy $250 00 Gustav Fischer.... 125 Oil p Wilson 100 00 L II Kirchem 100 00 FCLutz 60 00 BCHawley 60 0) JOSpiague.-. 60 00 J B GUI OU UU Henry Babler 50 00 FredGirber 50 00 Alfred Swales 60 00 W P Kirchem 50 00 B A Bengstou -. 40 00 F Schneider 40 00 WH Brown 80 03 E B Hawley 30 00 H R Reed 30 00 Philip Kohl 25 00 ML Reed.. 25 00 I LClaike .. 25 OH Fred Moser..... 25 00 TW Foster... 25 00 M 11 Johnson. . . . v. ..... i r. 26 00 George Clarke t . . 25 00 Willard W Austen 20 00 Samuel Gerber 20 00 O D Rubbins....' 15 00 E Swales 30 00 J T Hatten 15 00 CCThun.... 25 00 J O Young 5 00 J F Cromer 20 00 WC Cromer 20 00 Miron Babler 25 00 G B Trotter 15 00 F H King 10 00 Frank P Wilson 25 00 J C Kirchem 75 00 Jacob Hubor 30 00 Henry Balsmeier 25 0) Thomas P McCubbin 20 0i) EL Arthur .10 00 R A Bacon M0 0i) George Swa'es 10 00 John Zurbuchen 15 00 ChaileBThun 25 00 Abe Stormer.... 25 00 David Cloener 60 00 Jacob Gtrber, Jr , 25 00 hn Ticken 2o 0') Baking Powder Made from pure cream ot tartar. Safeguards the food against alum A-um baking powrkn are the greatfesf menacers to nealth of the present day;. HOVAl BAKIKQ POWPtB COl, HtW YORK. ' About Oregon City. , Last Sunday the Oregonian h id afull? page ill ust raud wnteupof Oregon CUy. which ex-Mayor E. G. Canfleld says-is valuable advertisement itself for Mies historic town. The following extract ia taken Iroui the descriplive'articles r For the many years that the ffag off the United States has floated ovew Ore gon her history ha9 been one si ro mance, The picturenqne adventures ofs Captain , Bonneville appealed pautacu larly to the greatest of all Amelias ro mancers, Washington Irving, ontft I lie? later expeditions of Lew is and CWit audi their band of Intrepid followers tbr men who "conquered the wilderResftnil fashioned the state" read like- gngesj from a fairy tale. Interest in tHwhiiHtl of romance centers at the great MUo3 the illamette. In this historic region;,, the most historic ppot is OiegonCityr. Whut Plymouth Rock is to gwmsamS bleak New England ; what St. AtgnBtin is to sunny Florida; what Jaroeetowa h-4 to the whole countrv, that ia Oregon City to Oregon state and the Shciffc"; Northwest. Situated at the great falls of tlie- Wil lamette, 12 miles above Portlap-tlvit is destined to become a great manufeotur ing city. As with the water power fur nished by Niagara, or at the falls ot Spo kane, nature has been lavish in Ust ex penditures at Oregon City. Its prwpeiv tive commercial importance doe nufe alone make it prominent. Clustered; around the old town are legendary low? and historic traditions that make itdeu.- . to the hearts of all Oregon people. Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date oo home-made candies. Thomas O Jubb. 10 00 Herman Fischer 10 00i L W Hampton 10 00 August Krueger 10 00 ON Tracy 20 00 James H Brown 10 00 Leonard New kirk 5 00 E Newkirk 10 00 H L Patterson (signed by II E - Gill) 60 00 FWRiobhoff 50 00 Jacob Durig... 15 00 John Liienberger 15 00 Julius liusch 15 00 Thomai Waackw 20 00 Bernhard Tallert 30 00 A J Johnston 15 00 Jacob Babler, 8r 25 00 (ieo W McCor.nell 10 00 Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Co. . . 25 00 George Gardner.... 10 CO F S & E W Jlutchins 40 01) A II Partch 20 00 John Schuttel . 15 00 6 00 6 00 Jacob Minder. John Hprague. RoaLSprague 5 00 Roderick Kerr ' 5 00 A J Oldenburg 6 00 11 W Hagemann 15 00 John Hatton... 20 00 J W Watts 6 00 J R farr 5 00 Charles Hatton 12 00 W J iShepperd 20 00 Grunt Mumpower 10 ('0 A M Kin hem , 40 00 Total $2,603 00 fpecial Sale on Shoes at the Park place cash store. Special rale on games at Charman & Co.'i cut-rate drugstore. For Over Firtj rear An Old and Wkix-Tiued Bkmbhy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been need for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gams, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste, Sold by Drrg gists in every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Pa sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Some VandUlatex: It is only a short time until the re -publican county convention will con vene, and there are a number of pre cinctt to hear from, yet candidates are- -bobbing up like a woodshed in the fog. Eight candidates are mentioned for ' Pap Shade's place in the county treas ury. They are: Julius Priester, of Ma- -pie Lane; E. T. White, of Damascus j Vf. Midlam, of Oregon City C. H. Dun- -city, of Paikplace; A.W.France, o ' Oregon City; Link WaldronJ of New Era ; A. B. Marquam, of Marquam, an E. P. Carter, of Wilhoit. Captain. II. Smith, of Parkplace, is mentioned. for the Sheriff's ottlce. Every time that Adolph Aschoff says that he doesn't want the nomination for county clerk, nr. whole lotof candidates stand up, Among; them are: George L, Ktory, a prominent attoiney of thiacity ; II, S. liibt-on ; Wei don Shank, of Cauby, and a hull dozen others. Among the candidates for county com missioner are : S. H. Shaver, of Molalla v W. II. Mattoou, of Viola; T. B. Kiilin,. of Elliots Prairie, and 1). R. Dimitk, ol Cauby. The candidates for nomination foe school superintendent are legion, N HS Bowland, of Milwaukie, the present in cumbent; J. W. Gray, of Oregon City; J. C. Zinser, of Oregon City ; L. L. Moore, of Milwaukie, and T. J. Gray i. also mentioned. Of course, Eli Williams, as assessor,, and Tom P. Randall, as recorder, will each be renominated as candidates. Bruce C. Curry, J. W, McAnulty ami; Lester P. Smith are candidates for tbe--nomination of justice of the peace in the: Oregon City diitrlcl. The democrats and populist elaiin that the office should seek the man, con sequently no names have been given out. Jtevlsed Clubbing IAhI,. Appeal to Reason and Couiicf Herald fl.CU N, Y. Thrice A Week World and Courier-Herald ;.. 1.85 Weekly Oregonian and Courier Herald 2.0 Weekly , Examiner and Courier- - Herald 2.10 Farm Journal and Courier-Herald. . l.Cci CoHinopolitan and Courier-Herald. 1.90 Farm and Fireside and Courier Herald and Life of Dewey,,... 1.7Ci Woman'i Home Companion, and Courier-Herald and Life ol Dewey 2. 0G' National Watchman, hading Dimo cralic paper, and Courier Herald. 1.7& 1