8 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FEBRUARY 2, 190x3. q. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Opposite Huntley's Book Store, Up Stain IREGON CITY, OREGOS BANK OF OREGON CITY H.DE8T BASK1KQ HOtJBB IS THE CITI PAID TJP CAPITAL, 150,000.00 BVXPLUB pom-00 Lend Titles and Land ue Business a Bpeolalty. TOBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the Conrti of the State and Bureaus of the Interior Dspnrlment at Wash (tOa. KOOM 8, ClIAHMAH liUILDlMH, OREGON CITY. OREGON. AN R. HYDE V LAW OFFICE Will prantlee In 11 the Coarts of the State find le D. 8. Liind OfRot. Abstracts mMB. Land Ti- Quieted. Convevnnce an all f egal T)nen isnti drawn. Bet.! Kstut) binght and sold. Dlvor. a Specialty. 0ic iw CAuriau) ButLDiaa, 1 OREGON CITY, OREGON. D. & D. C, LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT tAW Commercial, Beal Estate and Probate La Sueolaltiea Office In Commercial Bank Building 'REGION CITY OREQO President, Hoepioildont lashler, Chas, H. cicniBs Geo. A. Haimx E. O. Cacpixu A General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Hade on Available SecurUv Exchange Bought and old. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Hold Available In Any Fart of the Torld. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, See franeisco f'hlcago and. New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. 4io. C. Bbowmu J. D. Camfbiu tJROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNKYB AT LAW Jaufleld Building Oregon City, Ore i 1 V. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jagfear Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITT - - OREGON i C, SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW N tuiWer Stbbolat OREGON CITY OREGON BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measur glvn; delivered to any part oi tne cay. W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable lire the best-looking rigs and cheapest rates m the city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY. OREGON SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Ciroult Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. H. C. Stevens, Plaintiff, vs. SHERIFF'S SALE. If Yen Want EIfllGr2de Stamp - Photos :go sto OREGON CITY,. OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Brokei JiDimi iMSniAXO AOKKOY Or OlACIAMAJ COUNTY Unnat In Tiu. Ahttranta of Title Had Jrawlng of Legal Dooumeyti a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between th and 7th OREGON CITY, OREOOK K, C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience.) )ffers his prnfoislonal services to the people ol Oregon City and vicinity. Hpeoial allentlon E. I- SIAS Watctiaaker and Jeweler .PoBtoffice Building CAKBY . - OREGON BA&GALN.S. " "inquire at Courier-Herald office. 80 ACRES near Oregon City, In Mt Tless- ant; enced ana partly ouareu. paid to Catarrh and Chroulo dlseasut. nun ui reiorftrne k't Oflloe In Willamette BiilMlng. Offloe boursi 10 tn n a. m., 4 to t p. m. )S0ON CITY OREOOB DR. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Barclay Building, Oregon City.Ore Prices Moderate. All Oporallons.Guarantoed. OR. GEO. IIOEYE, DENTIST. Office tn Cauflold Building, Main Street Oregon Oitv. 3ridqb and Orowm Work a Ppkcialtt. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. 8R. J. II. MILLER, DENTIST, Gevonth Street, near S. P. Depot, )HKOO ClTV, ... OllBQOS OR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate ot the Northwestern Unlvfr. ilty Dental School, also ol American Col ette of Deutal Surgery, of Chicago. WITH DR. WKLCn. Villamettt Eluck - 0puiitt Pottqffict OnsaoN Cut, Omkuon. 0. N. GREENMAN (Established 1800 ) CUB riONKEK EXfRESSMAM AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts ot the Cl'y IRKGON CITY . "T . . OBSOOH COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY" amlT 1 100,000 Transsols a General Hanking Business Loans made. Illli discounted. Mnket eol trtlns. Hoys and sells exchange on all points U h Vultvd Slates and Kurnpe and ou Hot 'oug, Deposits received u Jt to oheek. Baukopuu from 9 A M.iot P. M, 1. C. LA10VRK11 K, tKSD J. MBYER, President. Casblat 1 I,OT In "Kansas City," Second ward; one lot L in Boiith Oregon City. ACRES of timber land on Alsca 4ZtJ bay, Lincoln county. i f- ACRE8 of agricultural land ori Alsea river. Lincoln county, located a small small (listftiion above tide water. -f OV ACUKBof tlmtier land In CnliimMa XOvJ county, a few inllesfrom Vernonla, near a guod loggiuv "treiun: about 12,000,000 feet, J Q ACHES of prnlrle land close to Nurlh tCDv--' Powder, on the riillrnud, In Baker county! pint of the tract can be irrigated; good stock ranch. ff TfO i A- Three ncres adjntnlnt; Oregon 1U 1 1 UUly City: house and bain, itixiil Ranlcn spot, near brick ynril on Aliernethy. Will Irulo for town property. Inquire at Courier Herald office. Lonipe Rogers, H. B. Ropers, J. V. lingers, J, 11. Koirers, reu Rogeris, Mrs. F. D.gecly, Mrs. W. II. Harris, K tclla Hof -ers, Ethel Rogers, Balph R"K ers, Claude Itogers, Blanche Rogers, Defendants, Slate of Oregon, cour,ty of Clackamas, ss: JY virtue of a Judgment order, decree and ex ecution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the shove entitled court, in the above en titled cause, lo me duly directed and dated the 23rd day of January, 10(0, upon a Judgement rendered and entered in said court on Die 17th day of January, 19C0, in favor of H. 0. Stevens, plaintiff, end against Louise Rogers, defendant, for the sum of S400,wlth interest thereon at the rate oi 8 per cent per annum from the 2Uh dsy of September, 18H8, and ihe further sum of $75 as attorney's fee, find the further sum of $34 costs and disbursements, and theooslsof and upon ithls writ, commanding me to make sale of the followingfdesoribed real property, situate. In the eounty oCClaeknmas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of the south west quarter of the northwest quarter of section , the same being a point on the section line be tween sections 8 and 9, in township 4 south, range east of the Willamette meridian, and running thence south along the section line 30 chains to a point equal distant fiom the northwest corner and the so ulhwtst corner of the northwest quar ter of the southwest quarter of section 9; thence easterly on a line to divide that part of the north west quartet of the fouthw est quarter of said sec lion line which lies within the husband's ptrt uf the donation land clulm of Mathias Rees snd wife intd equal halves 13.&3;c hiiins to Ihe division line between the husband's and wife's halves of said donation land claim of Mathias Sees and wife; thence northerly along said division line chains to Ihe north boundary of said donation laud claim of Mathias Bees and wife; thence west 13.33 chains to the plac of be inning, con taining 40 acres, more or less. Also the following: Beginning at the northeast Corner of the south west quarter of the northwest quarter of section 9, township 4 south, range 3 cast ot ihe Willam ette meridian, and running thence west 26 2 3 rods; thence south 160 rods: thence east 26 2-3 rods; thence north 160 rods to plaoe of beginning, coitaining 26 2-3 acres, more or less, all lying and being in Clackamas county, Oregon. Now, therjfore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will on Satur day, The 24th Day of February, 1000, at the hour of 11:30 o'clock a. m.,al the frontdoor of the county oourt house in Oregon City, in said county andslate, Bell at public auction, subject to redemption, to ftlie highest bidder, for V, S. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and In terest which the within named defendants, or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage heroin or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and all accruing costs, J. J. COOKE, (Sheriff of Clacbamas county, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Jan. 24, 1000, In Ihe circuit court of the state of Oregon foi Clackamas county. The Or'gon Mortgage Com panv Limited, Plaintiff, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. ADMINISTRATRIX FINAL NOTICE iSJob Printing at the CoHrJer.Heraid Wten You're Fainting Tee Town Red, Don't uo water colors. I'se the Cyrus Noble Whiskey. Bold by the ever popular "BISMARCK." The choicest of nines as well, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Asnes Jane Orookshank has filed her final report as administratrix of the estateof Jnmes II. Crookshank, deoeased, In the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, and the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of said oourt, has set Monday, ihe l'.lth day of February, A. D. 1900, for Ihe hearing of objections, If any, thereto, and for the final settlement thereof. Whereof all persous inter ested will please take due notice. AGNr.8 JANE CROOKSHANK, Administratrix of aforesaid estate. Dated Oregon City, Ore., this 11th day of Janu ary, 1900. J. A. Logan aud F. A. Logan, j his wile, o Defendants.) Suite of Oregon, county of Clackamas, ss. t)Y virtue of a Judgment crder, decree aud an execution duly issued out of and under the seal of the abo'e entitled court, in the above enlitlerl cause, to me (liny airoctea una (luted the 18th day of January, IiiOO, upon a Judgment ren dered aud entered in said court on the 15; h day of January, 180", in favor of The Oregon Mortgage Company Limited, plaintiff, and against J. A. Logan and F. A. Logan, his wife, defendants, for the sum of $4,482.25, with interest thereon at the rote of 8 per cent per annum from the 15th day of January, 1900, and the further sum of $300 as attorney's fees, and the further Bum of 8-i3 costs aud disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described leal property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit; Beginning at a point on the east boundary line of the George Wills donation laud claim 14.U4 chains south of ihe northeast corner of said dona tion laud claim and running thence along the east boundary of said claim 8.24 chains to the northeast corner of the J. Massen 100,acre tract; tht-nce west along Ihe north boundary of J. Mas. sen's lliO-acre tract 24.20 chains to the left bank of Johnson's creak; thence along said creek on the north boundary of J. Allison's tract and north boundary oi David Wills' tract nonh 63 deg. mlnules west 8.75 chains; north 75 deg. west 5.05 chains; west 2.24 chaius; north 42 deg. west 2 chains; north 62 deg west 3 ohains; thence along said creek on the cast boundary of Alien Brad ford's tract north 2o deg. west 4 chains: north 45 deg. east 2.76 chains lo a point In the section line between sections 19 aud SO, township 1 south, range 2 east of the Willamette meridian; thence easterly along said sectlou line 13.65 chaius to a point; thence south t9 deg. east 2.16 chains; thence south 64 deg. 43 minutes east 16.73 chains to the southeast Corner of the Dowell tract; thence along the south boundary of Christenson's traot south 89 deg. 16 minutes east 11.77 chaius to the place of beginning, containing 43 22 aores, more or less. Also beginning at a point in the township line between township 1 south, range 1 east, and township 1 south, range 2 east of the WllUmitte meridian 18 50 chains north of the intersection of said township line and the south boundary of the George Wills donation land claim, and running thence east 20 chains; thence north 1 67 chains; thence west 20 chains, and thence south 1.67 chains to place of beginning, containing 318 acres, more, or less. The above lands hereby mortgaged containing 46.45 acres, more or less. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment order and decrer, and incompliance, with the commands of said writ, I will on Satur day, the 7th Day of February, 1900, at the hour of 1-.30 o'clock p. m,,at the front door of the county court house in the city of Oregon City. Oregon, in said county and state, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to Ihe highest binder, for U. 8. gold coin oash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them had on (lis (lata of the mortgage herein or since hail In or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to sat sfy suid cxioutton, judgment order, decree, In terest, costf and ell accruing costs. J. J. COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon . Dated Ores-on City.'Oie., Jan. 18, 19u0. VOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his final report as administrator of the estate of Nels P. Hansen, deceased, ind the county Judge of Clackamas county, Ore gon, has fixed Monday, February 26tb, 1900, at 10 Vclock n. m., as the time lor hearing and settle tnent thereof. Dated Oregon Cily, Ore., Jan. 18, 1900. WJI. MORTENSEN, Administrator aforesaid. F. G. Eny, Attorney. IT? .re?. J SHERIFF'S SALE. In the circuit court oi the state of Oregon for the county of Clackamas. Charks Kyler, Plaintiff, Henry Von Helms, Llzzlj V011 iieims, Defendants. MTV"'.' V I'NVBt, In WAY S2.45 GOLD PLATEB Cut this ad. out and snud to U9t bKNDNOBOm and we will bi.m,I von this waU'h by express, C. O. IV bubJecttoexaminatioQ. You can. examine ltuvjuui m.- ana li louna prreeuy iuinc- IP 17 way equtti iu wirue. Ibntar bring aUertUeUt a. lb to 0. 6unuer eum misleading description as Klgln Stvte, American Style, tiold Filled or I-ot.k Like 20.001o:MM0 (.old Filled Watches, ete. if ou nnd it tne equal or ettar than any othe watches. the expresw ettar than any o thenar r-atehes. bit the exirenw agent Ol K I'ltll K, -.46 ana express cnargen. Don't be Deceived: )j entehy adTerttiPinpnlt which wouldleartyou to believe you could grot Bafi.OO or 950.00 wnl k Pap H ?E to H. 75. irhfn wC iell tlieiaue waleh for $2.45. State of Oregon, County of Claekama, ss. BY VIRTUE OF A JUDQMENT OKDEB, DE n ,. a ... A nn ..uiiinn nlo luuitn,! .till nf nntl nndorthssealof the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, and to me duly directed and daWd the 23rd day ol January, 1900, upon a Judge ment rendered and entered in said court on the 16th day of J-nuary, 19o0, in favor of Charles Kyler, plaintiff, aud against Henry Von Helms, Lizzie Von Helms, d( fendants. for the sum ot J0II8.75, with interest thereon at the rate of 9 per cent per annum from the 16th day of January, lSKJO, and the further sum of 675 as attorney's fees, aud the further sum of $20.60 costs aud disbursements, Rnd the costs of and upon this writ, commanding mo lo make sale of the fol lowing described real pronerty, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: The north one-half ol the northwest quarter of section 19, township 2 south, range 6 east of the Willamette meridian, containing 80 acres, more or less. Now, theretore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment order and decree, and in oonipliauoe wllu the commands of said writ, 1 will, on Satur day. TH& 24th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1900, at the hour of eleven o'clock a. m.. at the frwnl door of the County Court House In the city of Oregon City, in said counly and state, sell at pub lie auotlon, subjtct to redemption, to the highest blddor, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest whh hthe within named defendants, or either ol them, had on the date of the mortgage herein, or since had in or lo the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution Judgment order, deoree, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. J.J.COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas oounty, Oregon Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Jan. 24, 1900. jro.rOiKn luce, slem wind and set, gold plated, li&mlsom ly engraved and polished, looks libu a liltf h-si-ado gold ll!'.i & md 1 & grt-ai (rading wftleli, movement lsa nickel 7-,1cwt l- -d si em v.'inil American, warranted, ana a Roon tin -.J-:pcvjr. Vm- Wi'tchos froip 08 tenln on, gold.flltrd wntehi- ;8. 14 nnd up, wriic for fro Waleh nnrt JewclrrCntnlogu. SCARS, ROEBUCK SCO. (Inc.), Chic?tij- i9f vi, Roebuck L Co. are thoroughly reiUbis.. Kdltoi Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions nh life of joy. Hnuklen's Arnica 8iJv& eures tliem ; nli-o Old, Running and Fe ver Sores, lllutrs, Boils, Moiis, Coma. Waits, (jtils, Hruiees, Burn?, Sualda, Chapped Hands, Uliilblaina. B'-st Pile uure on eat th. Drives out Pains an k Aches. Only 25 cents a box Oure guaranteed tiold by Geo. A. Harding UrupgiBt. For Over Fifty Veurs An' Old and Well-Third Remedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty yt-ars by millions f mothers for their children whila teething, with perfect suci-ess. It soothes the' child, softens' the gums,.' allays all pain, cures wind colic, and i the beet remedy tor uiarrncea. is pleasant to the taste, isoiu uy urug ifists in every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value i incalculable, he sure and ask lor Mrs. , Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no. other kind. Progressive Business Men Insure in a first-class companies With an expert-need ardent. J. C BRADLEY Prop. !oti!itt livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, itbi Stnetbetwteitht Brldi atf tk Depot. DvnbU and slngls rigs and saddle hones a ays oa band at ths iowsst rats, nd aoorrs is eonotoMd with lh barn for loos sm ny Information riarlint any kind ol iux -'OBptlT Utandtd t by latter or parson, To M Ladies Wo are just ofl'eriiiK some s)cclnls In the folloivingi Iiosli-ry anil UmUTWinr foi wtntitr wosri THtlor-mado Skirts, lnlrst stylus; Ri'sdy-mado Waists, all colorn; full lino of Uthbons, Kiubroldrry aud Incest and the latest stylos In Klil-Kltting Cornets, RACKET 6TORE. MA my m City View Nursery CAN BY, OREGON J. A. COX, Proprietor Send for catalogue and price list .98 BUYS A $3,50S ,MHM M.MIimMt- NMUOUlllOl T" Hot IU I Br Al AM II Mil ItAH r". 0U HUlrJ 1 I'IMK knt.K I'AMH hi IIS AT SI.UU. A NiW SUIT FREE FOR ANY OF THESE SUITS .WHICH OOHT QIVE SATISFACTORY Vf EAR. SfcNU NU MUNtYafUl thlllil, OUlllDU Ht'iiii to , Mil of toy anil nay lift hi1 r Ihivp ortiinull forao ntut we w ill umiU yuu Iheftitt tT exiuewi, CO. 1. mhjet'i to rx niiilimtton, Vou run FmlHr ti at your t'xin-M ottlcoantl If routiit in rtet tly t-ntm Inrtory ami tsUl lo !( aittil In jour tnnii for tfft.M), iwiy yuurexrMi iieti our Kiteclnl OMVr rrlt'ts itnit eiprehg cliurtM- THESf KNEE PANT SUITS ur ihiiio s Itt cm tt of uv ! nUllrd tr)hfr at i. 10. Mmle wit It 1HII HI.K MUT amt kKKS. tfatr-t 1U0U iljle at UluilrlfJ, arndf frtwa a tstrlii liviiT pltKI, rartvU(lsK, aM-wml Klntilita t1liufri nrat, haiiilstutie iwttt rn flrtA It ttl An I II, I Hi, armilii tlrattia Inivrllulitif, l-l'lln, litln utti rlnrrf luKa tllfc anil llfH Mwltit( fliiclnHMr wwli' HiitMttntit.ikNull mhv hnv hi ourvitt oulil U' DfoUil ut, t.Ht niliK t l.lU ll SAMII.KN t Bitj' OulkiitK fi r b,.j i t Itl Vr,lH, write fwr Mitnittv llwik Nu, U6K, itMitiilim fiKthmtt pirttirt. iiiiM utvariiirttunu luiiMimrueuon now tuurtifr. 3t I II R wim WHiir v nrwrr i runs rvv my nvit ir.'i on umilL-KtloH. Aililrvnf, SCARS, ROEBUCK & CO. fine), Chicaoo. lit. itu UiMibtifka I tr tfevrauKhlj rvlitblv.-adUiU'.t $9.75 BOX RAIN COAT I'lKKIK M VI KIN Kl-ll l r vKtfj SEND NO MONEY. !:;:'; r' Tt nl um&tr rwit, lo MK nilir anna, anil wp wilt at'iul yuu UiiKOOMt iy xi f.O.U., tiJft la HiMkniU Y. ajtitne antt ti y i on at ou r iurtt kUrvAH oiniH, If ruuia exartij ai rNtrvMalwl to ta mima waaitorfii alva tr aaw ar har4 at, ami iual la aay aaal yaa eaa auy iur in V.',i.'iJV ll-t'-Tr we Shall tell you why ? ' il F.E. Donaldson Atect Fire and Accident Insurance For S.m.k One ol the wst paying hotels in Ort'(?on City. Adilresg Wra Cantwell, Oregon City, Ore. MU.I I. MLT si hul oa rautt, S2.7S, aiui fxirvw oh. nw. 1 Ills M ll klNTOKll ! Utmt 1900 Style, IttllitK, m,l. tivm kiy itM.i full hs:lh, doubl l,nMttl, both H.l. r OimmI and iubi htLizvr v.lvt c,lW. fanov iil.til lltiiiitf, Mtvmr(Hr iwwe,tuii. KultAltl. for yaniTkHT Viu a aVf4 bv u. or any thir houM. ' r CMk 8plM of Vin'. U.'ktnhliM up to SiU, ,tm and Mult-UvMtvMUr.sniu ana r. f,l at fmi 10 1. writ, tof tats siarm aoo iw EAR9, ROEBUCK A Co. lino.) CHICAGO, iaun, kmlnMk U. an limiMl wlUM.. 4ltws Cameias and Fliolo Supplies We Ivava on hand several sceomWisnd Cameras, good new.thut . will sell t a bantaln, from up. Try our new lK--eloiir, It mnkw ne, elar negatives. Only asc a Iwitle. C1UHMAN Jk CO., The (it-Rate IirtijrKlsti, You Feel Better, Yourself If your horses fi are properly cared fori ha woika b.tlsr, feels better, looks better. Perteot sholiiR is my incical ly. All kinds of repairing. You'll nuke no mistake If you try S. 0. THAYER, Fracliral Ilorseshoer, Wagon and Carriage shop In connaotion. The only shop In tows. PAYID RKDPAWAY. Comer 1Mb and Ualn St. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. KOT1CE Is hereby given that the undersigned was by an order duly made on the 2nd day of January, 1900, by the Hon. T. F. Ityan. Judge ol the county con rt of Clackamas county, Oregon, duly appointed administrator of the estate of John Wallace Graham, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby not! lied to preseut their said claims, properly verified, to me at mv residence, near Wllsonville post- office, In said oounty and state, within s'x months from the dale of this notice. MARION C. YOUKG, Administrator of the estate of John Wallace Graham, deceased. Dated January 12lh, l'JOO. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT SUM MOSS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Joseph BIchner, Plaintiff, vs. T. 3. Brown and Mrs. T. J. lirowu, his wife, Defendants, 'lo T. J. Brown and Mrs. T. J. Brown, defendants above named: N the name of the state of Oregon, you are ' hereby required to appearand answer the jmpUint filed against you in the above entitled action on or belore Saturday, the 3rd day ol March, l'JOO, and if you fuil to so appear and ans wer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will npply to the court for the relief demanded in ihe com plaint, which is for judgement against yo for the sum of $10.85, with interest thereon at the rate oi 8 per oent per annum from March 22nd M5, and his costs and disbursements herein. You are further notified that plaintiff has caused to be a'tached in this action the following described real estale, situated in Clackamas county, Oregon, and belonging to you, lo-wlt: Lots 15 and 16 In block 14 tn the Oregon lion and Steel Company's first addition to Oswego, Ore gon, which attachment Is still In force, and that in satisfaction ol said judgemont plainliS' will cause the sale of said attached property. The date of the first publication of this sum mons Is January 10th, 1900, and the date ol the lust publication is March 2; 1900. This summons Is published by order of the JIon.T. A.MoBride, Judge of the fifth Jndiolat district of the state of Oregon, dated January 16, 1800. GEORGE L STORY, Attorney for Plaintiff. 21 Women Wanted For 10 days suffering from irregular painful or stoppage of periods; lucor rlioea (whiten) and all female diseases cured by old Dr. Kes&ler, cor. Second and Yamhill Htreets, AH on hand we can treat properly for 10days ; then 23 will be well and discharged. Consulta tion flee, and private rooms for ladies. If can't call, write, inclosing 10 2-cenk stamps. VOTICEls hereby given that the undersigned, t xtcutor of Ihe estate of Samuel Strite, de ceased, has filed in the county court of the state of Oregon for Clnckamas county, his final account as such executor of said estate, and that Mondav, the 12th day of February, 1000. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. rn has been set by the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, judge of said oourt, as Ihe time for hearing objections lo said account and report and the settlement thereof. JOHN T. 81'P.ITK, Executor of the estate of Samuel Stiito. deceased SUMMONS. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah. Henry T. Waters Plaintiff, vs. D. J. Brothers, and In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas counly. Myrtle Gallagher, PlainlilT, VR. W. J. Gallaeher, fcleudant. J To W. J. Gallagher, Defendant: TN the name of the slate of Oregon, yon are here by required to appearand answer the com plaint tiled against yon in the above entitled suit on oi before the 10th day of February, 1U00, that being the time prescribed in the order for the publlcntionof this summons; and If yon fall to o appear and answer said complaint, the plain tiff will apply to the oourt lor the relief demand ed in her complaint, vis; for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existing between Ihe parties hereto and for twenty-five dollars attor ney's fees, besides the costs aud disbursements of this suit, and for such further relief as to the eourt may seem proper and equitable. This summons Is published by order ot the above milled Court, made and entered on the 19th day of December, 1809, aud Ihe date of the first publication of this summons was the 22d day of December, law, tub the publication there of Is to rnn six consecutive weeks from said date. NKWTOX McCOY, Attorner for Plaintiff. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF. THE SOUTHERN Pi C1FHJ CO. Express Trains teave Portland Daily. South. 7-00 p.m. 7:52 p. M. 74.SA.M. 5:U0 P.M (juo P.M. :40 a.m. 8:15 P.M. 7:00 A.M. 8:15 P.M. 4:15 P.M. 7:56 A.M. Lv Iv Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar I North. Portland Ar 9:16a. k OreironClty Lv 8:H6a.K San Francisco Lv 8:1 p.m Ogden Ar 1:10 P.M Denver Lv 6:4B p.M Omaha Ar 8:60 A H Chicago Lv 6:H0 a.m Los Angeles Ar 9:26 p.M Kl Piiso Ar 2::i5 P.M Fort Worth Ar 8:40 A.M New Orleans Ar 8:40 P it DINING CARS, OBSERVATION CARS. Pullman First class and Tourist Cars attached to all through trains. I103EBUHQ MAIL DAILY. 8:30a.m. . Lv Portland Arl4:S0PU 9:20A.M. Lv OregonCity Lv 8:8tp.n V20P. M. I Ar Rosebnrg Lv I 7:8 A M COBVALLIS MAIL DAILY t EXCEPT SUNDAY.) 7:S0A.M. I Lv Portland Ar5:60P.lf 11:55 A.M. I Ar Corvallis .Lvl:0P.M: At Albany and Oorvaliis connect with train ot Oregon Central it Eastern R. R. INDEPENDENCE PASF.NGEB DAILY (EXCETT SUNDAY. ) 1:50 P. M. 7.30 P.M. 8:80 P. M. Lv Ar Ar Portland McMlnnville Independence Ar I 8:25 A. to Lv 5:fi0 A.M Lv 4:50 A.M Direct connection at 8n Francisco wllb Steamship Lines for Hawaii, Japan, China, the Philippines aud Australia. For through tickets ana rates call on or address E. E. ltOYI), Agent, Oegon City R. KOFH1.ER, C. H. MARKHAM, Manager, O. F. P. Agent, Portland, Or. Portland, Or. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. I now have money to pay all road warrants en dorsed oi or before November 11th, 1S99 except Ko. lllei, 111C6 and 11' 87, which are not includ ed In this call. Interest ceases on the warrants her oalled on the date of this notice. Dktej Oregon City, Jan. lltb, l'JOO. Jacob shade, Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon. Defendant. Btnte of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. I)Y virtue of an attachment, exeontion order of sale duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above enti tled cause, to me duly directed and dated the lsth day of January, 1900, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 15th day of Sep tember, 1899, In favor of Henry T. Waters, plain tiff, and against D. J. Brothers, defendant, for the sum ol $524.05, with interest thereon at the rale of 6 per cent per annum from the 15th day of September, 18'J9. and the further sum of $31.45 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make salt of the following described real property, situ ate In the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: The undivided one-lhird interest owned by the defendant, D. J. Brothers, in and to the following described real property, situate and lying within Clackamas county, Oregon, to wit : The east half ()-,') of su'tlon twenty-six (2(1, township four (4) south ol range five (5) -astof the Willamette nioridisn. Also the undivided one-lulf Interest owned by the defendant, D. J. Brothers, in nnd to the foi hwirg dtscribed real property, situated, lying and bl ig withlu Clackamas oounty, Oregon, to wit: The east half ( of the west half of sec tion thirty-six (36), township four (4) south of range five 5) east of Ihe Willamette meridian. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and In compliance with ihe commands of said writ, I will, on Satur- d.y, THE lath DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1900, al the hour of 1 :30 o'clock p, m.,t the front door of the county court house In Ihe city of Oregon City In said county andstate, tell at public anction.au b jeot to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. 8. (old coin, cash iu hand, all the right, title and in terest which the within named delend- ant hid on the d' of Ibt attachment, or since had, in or to tht above described real property, or an; part thereof, to satisfy said ex. ecution, judgment order, decree, Interest, costs and all accruing ootta. J. J. COOKB. Sheriff ot Clackamas Conul y, Oregon, Bated Oregoa City, On afan. 22, 1900. IF! PI in pi MsaMasaHaaBnasHBacsntaanariaaBMa DIFAIT FOB wH ItvO p.B O.l T.L. TtHa DDI, Ua.U, J'O , l I rt.nortn,omana4 Kansas uuy, hi Louis, Chioago, and East. Spokane .lyer J p. m. IMi: TIME SCHEDULES From Port and. Amu va nog Walla Walla, Spo kane, Minneapo lis. St. Paul. Di lnth. Mllwankee. Chicago and Jtast Ocean Sleamthloi from reman. Ball every ne days. Fast Mall. :4p. m. Spokane flyer I V a. as 4:00 p.: Iioep.ra. tx. Sunder gaturdaf W:U0 p. m. Columbia Ulnar ateaiatra. To Astoria and Way lAoainga. :00 a.m. Ex. Sunday Willamette River. Oregon City, Kew. perg.seiem nay uuainga. t-.M a. m. aadftaU tiM a. m. Thar. to.BlPtfta 1:10 a. in. WHItmtn ant Ytav kill Rivera. lOregon City, Day. ton, way uuia-luge. Wlltaautte Rim. Portland to Corral- lit Way Land- lags. Snake Shew, Rlparta to Lewlaton 4 :00 p. m. Ex. Sunday 4:80 p.m. Ex. Sunday 1:88 p. m. Hon., Wed.' and Frl. 4:o. m. Tuet., Thar. and Bat. tTUlton : : 1 1 k 1. BOH 1LD80H, Agent, Oregon Ctty, W. H. HURUBURT, xnerel pMeniar AaeuU Portland, Ot.