OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. rrPKl'AKY 2, 1000. The English Side. S a constant reader and supporter of the Courier-Herald, I have read its pro-Boer sentiments with feelings of disappointment. Only withia the last three issues we find the Boers represented as he upholders of sacred liberty and freedom and England as waging war in defiance of liberty and jiatice. ICiiji'aiid is charged with re cruiting her armies of criminal, vaya boida and hinalinB, bv starving the cuildreti ct the poor, and concluding in yonr last issue with an abominable quo tation from George's Weekly, Bt only to adorn the pat-ee of the most abandoned anarchist paper of the land, but as you quid) without adverse comment, and aa sileuce gives consent, it thus receives the tacit approval of the Courier Herald. x It is no' agreeable for Britifh sympa thizers to be told that "the hand of des tiny is against the cause of Johnny Bull ;" that "England hasn't a fiiend on eirthj" that ''repudiation is the light the average w.tinn sees;" "all seem to realize that with the fall of Great Britain will come the wiping out of debts; "nothing will please the nations better than to see England whipped to a stand still and wiped off the face of the earth," etc., ad lib. . ' SupposelTie people of Hawaii in a few years decide they have had enough of America, organize a rebellion and tell us to get. Would we get? Did we get o it of the South when told to trek in 1861? No; but Britain did. She en tered the Transvaal at the solicitation of the Boers, loaned them money to pay up their debis ($5,000,000), over half of which is still owing, fought off the Kaf firs and Zulus for them, and in a few years, when all danger was over, Kruger raised a rebellion and told them to trek, and Gladstone, in the interests of peace, restored them to independence, subject to suzerainty, the conditions of which "vere settled by a commission in 1884. How the Transvaal has abused the privilege thus granted is known to all intelligent readers. She has proved herself incapable of self government by denying its concomitants state rights and a fair franchise. England's blood and treasure have been constantly in. voked In adjusting grievances thus cre ated by the most tvrannical oligaichy of modern times, which appeals to the sentiment of ignorant citizens only through its falsely assumed appellation of a republic. We have generally considered a man dishonest who did notexhaustall human means of paying his debts, aud as there is no difference in principle between paying debts in Europe and debts at Lome, you are really advocating that your creditors should leave you in the lurch. The fact that as a nation we are pay ing all our bonded indebtedness in a currency two and one-half times as dear as the currency iu which it was con tracted, is no fault of the British, but of our so-called experts who have manipu lated our finances in the interest of the creditor class. To denounce the British as usurous grabbers while we deliber ately more than double our own indebt edness to them by our fiscal pol icy is childishness indeed; but to pray for their downfall that we may repudiate our indbtedness to them is a disgrace to respectable journalism and the people who patronize the journal. There is only one influence or power that could thus subordinate a naturally honest peo ple into enduring the promulgation of such ' dishonorable and . detestable Macchivellisin, and they will not long stand it. To this power the British do not truckle and have consequently earned its eternal hatred. A power which wains its emoluments and influ ence through keeping its voters as far as possible in ignorance aud superstition and then working on tluir fears to ob tain their wealth, which is largely used to subsidize the press. Though the Boers have always treated the Catholics with the greatett con tutnely, yet Kruger's acumen fw cog nizant of its power in this country, and he presented the pupa in 1831 with a $2,003,0 )0 diamond, which U no doubt the reason for all the abuse an J bpprobri- ora of a vitiated press being heaped on a sister nation that hat shown to ui a special and helpful friendship in our for eign relations and difficulties. No doubj; Kruger was led to expect more than bluster probably a civil war in Ireland that should leave the British witb their hanls full at hone; but this has failed, and the abuse and bluster will recoil on its promoters. While thiutanlt of British sympathizers would stand with the reform element to correct the great financial blunders of the century along lines th it ara honorable an 1 truttwo thy, yet we must raise our voice against truckling to a hierarchy that is a puuti cal factor, sells its support to the highest bidder, knows nothing of principle or honor, but pnstitutes its moat sacred offices to coercing in a Iherents into a harmonious unit for a political-cull. In the interests of many of your read ers who thiuk tint former grudge against am-i-nt Britain as a kingly power shiuld give place to a friendly feeling, if not a grateful feeling, for re cent acts of courtesy shown t at in timet of difficult; aai perplexity by a modern, full-franchised Britain, I would appeal to you for a more dignified and truthful presentation of this subject. Argus. Oregon City, Jan. 25. Cherryville. The weather is waim and ppringlike. There are a few house flies still with us, and it does net seem like January. N. A. Flynn, who has been on the sick lis.t,is better. C. Shank came home fropi Palmer on ashort visit, .but has returned to his work again. W. Strnchen, S. Osborn and C. Baty are working at the sawmill on the north side of Sandy river near here. There is to be a graphone entertain ment at Cherryville schoolhonee by Mr. Bacon, of Bull Run, on next Thursday evening. G. T. Beebe has his new barn partly shingled. Miss Alpha Ware has l een troubled with a very sore eye, which was some better at last accounts. Jan. 30. J. T. Eayle Creek. Everyone seems to be enjoying the cool weather. A dance was given at the hall Satur day night, which was well atttnded, Frank Preble, of Vancouver, Wash., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Glover, of this place. Mrs, Amiseggar, of Barton, is quite sick. Miss Delia Gkver was the guest of of Mrs. Forrester on Thursday. E. C. Suter made a flying trip to Portland last Thursday. Rev. Haynes preached at the Echool house Sunday. A minatrel show was given here last Tuesday night, but was not a total suc cesss. Miss Lena Horger is improving. Mr. J. P. Woodle is talking of going to Sumpter to the mines. Miss Mary Fosberg, of Kelso, is going to return to Portland . Miss Anna Bell was out at Sandy vis iting her friends the past week. Mrs. Lottie Reed, of Eastern Oregon,' is visiting her mother, Mrs. Brackett, of this place. J. P. Forrester went to Portland Mon day. Mr. John Epperson has returned to his home from Garfield. Jan. 30. Z. M. F. TEACHERS' MEETING, t'irtje' Attendance at Clackamas Last Saturday. Fully 75 teachers attended the regular monthly meeting of the O'aikanme County Teachern' Association at Clacka mas, last Saioiday. It is a notable fact that the. Association always has very yiccesffnl imelii'gs tin re, ai d are roy ally entertained. . Tliepame'program was carrit d out that hasleen standing in these columns for (lie past month, and the papers and dis cussions were all excellent. Misses Bon Duiant and Robinson, teachers in the Clackamas school, gave excellent recita tion?,.. - The following officers for . the ensuing six months were elected: Vice-president, J. W. Gray; secretary, Mii-6 Fan nie G. Porter; treasurer, Mrs. Ella Ris ley; editor, Mrs. U.S. Gibson. County Superintendent Rowland is ox-officlo president of the association. The majority of the candidates for county school superintendent were in at tendance. ' In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Ci&ckauias. a. Gt. faoore, The Oregon City w oolen mills are now making contract for wood to be delivered next summer. They nee about 3000 cords a year. A New Firm. . L. A. Patterson has Bold his business, (The Bazaar) to Adams Bios., of Port land, who will continue to carry the same line of goods with a' larger stock. The reduction sale will continue for one week longer. Sullna Grimm and S. M. KiimsDy, Defendants. Stale of Oregon, county ot Cliiohnmtis, ss. JY virtue of a Judgment order, decree and an he pwil of Hie nbove.enlitlcd court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the lft day of Ftbiuarv. 1 BOO. upon a tmisment ren dered and entered in said court on the 31st day ol January, WOO, in favor of R. G, Koore, plainllfl, and against Salina Gilmm, defendant, for the sum of 8.MVB, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per a.ni'im from the iSlat day of Jan uary, 1900, and the, furthersura of $00 as attorney's fee, and the further sura cf $13 costs and dis bursements, and the costs qi and upon this wr t, commanding me to make sale of the fol lowing described real properly, situate Iu the oounty of Clackamas, ttnte ot Oregon, lo-wit: Allot lots numbered seyen (7), eiiht (8), nine (9) and ten (10) iu block "B' situated in Clacka mas Heights, in the aiorcsaid county and state. Npw, therefore, by virtue ol said ixecutlor, Judgment order aud decree, and In compliant e with the commands ot said writ, I will on Satin day, Hi i 3RD DAY OF MARCH, 1SOO, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock p. m at the front door of the county court house iu the city of Oregon City, In said county aud Biale, seil at public auc tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and luttrtst which the within l amed defen dunt had on the date of the mortgage herein, or since had, in or to the abore described real prouerlj or any pait thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all act ruing costs. J. J. COOKE, (Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon Duted Oregon City, Ore., Feb, 1, 1BSI9. FRATERNAL MATTERS. Notes of Interest in Lodge Circles Myrtle Lodue, Degree of Honor, vis ited FallsCity Lodge, A. O. U. AV.. last Saturday night in a body. The lodge had just completed the work of confer ring the Workman degreeon two candi dates, when when the women appeared. A social session followed presided over by Mrs. A. R. Sprague. Short addresees were made by C. H. Dye, C. O. T. Wil liams, Judge Ryan,. G. E. Hayen, A. 8. Dresser, C. Schuebel, George A. Hard ing, Sam Roake, W, B. Wiggins, George it. Califf and others. Addresses were also made by Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Gil lelt. Mr. Roake sang a couple ot solos, and R. D. Wilson made a short speech. Hot coffee and an excellent lunch was served and prepared by the lady visit or 8. Masons, Take Notice. At stated communication of Multno mah Lodge No. 1, A. F. & A. M., to be held on Saturday evening, February 3rd. The Grand Master M. W. Bro. J. M. Hodson will make an official visit, and desires to meet as many of the brethren as possible on that occarion. You will therefore confer a favor by making a special effort to be with us on said evining. By order of W. M. Thos F. Ryan, Secretary. Lecture on the Philippines. The people of Oregon City will have an opportunity of hearing an' entertain ing and instructive story of the islands, people, scenes in barrack and camp. field and hospital, the insurrection; present outlook, etc., on Tuesday, Feb ruary 6th, at Shively's opera house. This lecture will be given by the Rev W. S. Gilbert, who was chaplain of the (second Oregon. Very few of the otli cers were more popular than Chaplain Gilbert. With his unsurpassed facill ties of getting at the first sources of in formation, it is believed that no man can give a more thorough account of the Oregon regiment in the Philippines than he. . Remember the day and date. CIRCUIT COURT. Adjournal Term in Session This Week. In the circuit court a decree was en tered in the suit of R. G. Moore va Sa lina Grimm, et al. A. M Sliibley vs Alex Sweek ; defend ant given 10 days to move in the said cause. John Z. Olson, formerly of Multno mah county, has filed a suit against Mary Olson for a divorce, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment, and further stating that she is incurable in the state insane asylum. Several cases wen heard daring the week on aictiot.aa id demurrers, but no final desisions were handed down. Sev eral sheriff's sales were confirmed. The divorce suit of Anne vs M. Heller, was dismissed. Card of Thanks. The officers and members of Pioneir Chapter No. 28, O. E. S., extend their sincere thanks to all who assisted in making their drama, "Above the Clouds," a success. Jennib E. Rowen, Secretary Woodmen, Take Notice.- We are now making contracts for wood to be delivered next summer. Farties desiring to sell will please call at cu office. Oukgon City Woolen Mills. SHERIFF'S SALE. Plaintiff1! l . 3 Unii am tk t PUnT" iniAiii ' SHERIFF'S SALE. Produce and Commission Merchants llighesl market price paid for Whi a!, Our, I'otatoe-", .. - Woo, Ouions, Green and Diied FrU'lP. ', " Carload Lots a Specialty Any Place on the Li e. r'oit r i 'itABt'c t, jt r,v,,i. It. Okf.gon But the Best Stk of First-Class". Goods to be Found at Bottom Prices in Oregon City is at HARRIS' GROCERY Brunswick Restaurant I Under new Management J First-Class Restaurant Only Sewing machines iruui $25 up. Sold on easy payments- B-rmeister & An dreseu. OOEBEL SHOT. Taylor, Republican Govornor Fact, Declares Martial Law. in Tax for 1899. The citizens of Oregon City will have to payatax this yearfor 1893 of 40 mill?, one less than last. This mill one woul 1 not cover a tenth of the extra indebted ness of the county an 1 the city school district which the people have to piy interest ou : Tax for 1899 County .......11.7 Sta-e v.... 6.3 School.. 5.0 Road 5 0 Oregon City 6 0 City School 6 0 1898 11.0 5.7 6.3 5.0 7.0 60 40.0 41.0 The taxpayers of the county outside of OregonCity will pay the same tax aa last year, 28 mills. This has been ke pt down this year at the expense of the C3 "imon scbolfand. The county Ux is .7 mill higher and the Hate .4 mill higher than last year, and still the debts are increasing. Fbankfort, Ky.,'Jan. 31. It is not expected that Goebelwill survive the afternoon. lie has been slowly sinking throughout the morning, Goebel was shot yesterday by a party unknown, from the governor's quarters in the c.ipital, as he was passing by. Governor Taylor has declared martial law at the capital and adjourned the legislature to London. ' The militia has been summoned to Frankfort and some thousands, .of armed men have flocxed to the ciiy. Later Goebel has been sworn in as governor and he has ordered the militia home, most of whom are republicans And therefore Taylor men. DULLER' S rLAXS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for the County ot Clackamaf . Dan Lyons, rimiuiu, 8. Eugenia McKinney, W. J. llaucii, as administrator ol the estate of AuderROU Mc Kinney, Charles M. lie Kin- ( ney, Nevada Jackson, Clark ) JlloKiniU'), r.llfi uarrett, Ida M. baundere, C. H. llyo and C. 11. bye as trustee and 8. I A. Slaver, Defendants. J State of Oregon, County of CI ackemas, us. Y virtue of a judgment order, decree of fore- if oiosure aud an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause and to me direoted and dated the Slst day of January, 1900, upon ajjudgment aud decree rendered and entered in the said court ou the 2Mb day of January, 1U00 First, in favor of Han Lyous, plaintiff, and against Eugenia McKinney, defendant, for the sum of (u!.50, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 26. h day of January, 1'jOO, and the further sum of (50 as at. tome) 's fee, and the further Bum of -l costs and disbursements; Becoud, That, defeudant C. II. Dye have and recover of tlhi dufemlaut, EugenU McKinney, the sum of f 160, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 26th dayol January, 1M, aud the further sum of ?53 .44 taxes with interest tberoou at 0 per cent per annum from the 2G!h day of January, 11)00, and the fur ther sura of f73 aa attorney's fee, aud the further sum ot tlS costsand disbursements; Third, That defendant 8. A Staver havo and recover from defendant, Kngenla McKinney, the sum of (247 62, with interest theroon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 2iiih day of January, 1'JOO, $20 aa attorney's fee, aud the fur ther sum of 111.25 costs and disbursements; Fourth, That defendant C, U. Dye, trustee, have aud recover of defendant, Uugejia McKinney, the sum of (108.25, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum f oin the 26lh day of Janu ary, 1900. And the costs of aud upon this writ, command' lug me to make sale of the following described real properly, situate In the county of Clacka mas, state of Oregon, to-wll: The southeast quarter (J) of the northwest quarter (Si) and tho uoitheast quarter (St) of the southwest quarter of section 2G, township 4 south of range 1 east of the Willamette meridian, containing 80 acres of land, being part of the Dan iel II iligsD. L.V. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution judgment order and decree aud la compliunce H iUi the commands of said writ, I will, on Satur day, the 3rd DAY OF MARCH, 1900, at the hour of one o'clock p, m., at the front door of the county court house itilueciiyof Oregon Clty.lu said county and state, sell at public auc tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bid- dor, for U. 8. fold coin, cash in hand, ail the right, title and interest which the within named defendants, or either of thera, had on the date of the mortgages herein, or since had, In or to the abovfl described real properly, or any part there of, to satisfy said execution, judgment order and decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. J.J.COOKE, Sheriff ol Clackamas County, Oregon, Dated Oregon City, Or , Jan. 31, 1899. IN THE CITY L. RUCONICH, Prop. OREGON CITY, , - OREGON it ti You Can Depend Upon Patent Flour, made from old wheat. It makes the best bread and pastry and always gives satisfaction to the housewife, Be sure and order Patent Flour made by the Port land Flouring Mills at Oregon City and sold by all grocers. Patronize Home Industry "0 TO"G. H. BESTOW I'OK DOORS. .WINDOWS. FsOULDiKC. and DUJLDIWa MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH miCES EVE OfFailBD FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop Opposite Congregational Ghnroh, Main Street, Oregon City, Or. You will have a small grocery bill by tracU ing at Marr & Muir's Grocery Joseph Kuerten's Bakery and Confectionery Fine Hread, Ties, Cakes, Cookies, Etc., Fresh Every Day Special Attention Given to Private Parties Seventh St. Thon. 430 Oregon Citv, Ore, In a Speech to His Troops He De clares He Will Make a Third Attempt to Relieve Ladysmilh. Cape Town, Jan. 33. General Fuller still boLla the Tugela drills and will probably renew hi attempt to force Ian w y through the Boer defenses before long. In any case, Ladysinith is capa ; ble of holding out for a consi lime. London, Jan. 31 When the natii n had almost resigned itself to the fall ol Ladysmith, there comes from all quar ters an Indication that Buller will make another attempt to relieve the besieged place. If the Daily Mail reports of Bul la's speech that he hoped to be in Lady smith within a week can be telied upon, news of further serious fighting wonld be expected shortly. Richards & Pringle's Famous Georgia Minstrels 50-PE0PLE-50 2-J5ANDS-2 KASSEN BEN AL1 "Famous' trolte ok arabs iX' Special Train of Cars Gala Street Parade at 2:30 City View Nursery CAN BY, OREGON J. A. COX, Proprietor Send for catalogue and price list f, i !Ussi'0d) ! i J'n , ABUNDANCE ol Cakes, TieH, and other dainty things for the table are baked fresh every day. Each Is as carefully made as though it was done under the most particular housekeeper's supervision, And tho Ingredients used are better than most hounekecpers can afford to buy. Can we serve you with our deliclotrs bread. HEINZ &. CO., Bakers and Grocers, Opposite I'ostofTlce - Oregon City A Shower Our new line Is In a perfect shower. and for rainy weather nothing is more sensible to have than a pair of fine, strong shoes with overshoes or sandals to (it. You'l find every style has been thought of and everyjoccasion may hav its shoes. See ours and you'll want to wear them. KRAUSSE BROS.