6 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FEBRUARY 2, 1900. .'f!-.;tr- vt. ; WiMsg 10 worn! Is the only way in vhich the business woman, employed la ntnre or office, can ijci. uieu air ex- ppa:JrTr crcise. in u any wonder that she often grow pale mid thin and develops a tend ency to "weak lungs." When ever there i lmin In breath. mg, soreness of p. me cnem, omu ate cough, Heeding from the lunjfn or any other symptoms of disease of ths fesptratory or gans, begin the. use of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery and con tinue the use until cured. Ninety-eight in every hundred who have used "Golden Med leal Discovery" for "lung trou ble," have been perfectly and permanently cured. "I wii very nick Indeed," writes Mrs. Mollle Jacob, of Pelton, Kent Co., Delaware, "and ovf family doctor aid I bad con- amption. I thought I moat die aoon for I felt so awful bad. Hid a SCHOOL MEETING. had cough, aplt blood, and waa very short of aa paine in my cneai ana aDeiisla. Before I took vc Madlcal Discovery ' and ' Pleasant Pellets' I waa breath. I had pains in mv chest and richt lunir. also had dyspepsia. Before I took your ' Colden so weak I could not aweeo a room, now I can lo a email washing. I fel like a new person." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure heart-burn, ' A FREE PATTERN flier awn ieleettnn)to every aubncrlber. Buautlful col nrt-tl lithKrpbed plate and HhiBti utlona OrtKlnal ltit, arlibUc, exuuUlt aud strktly up-to-date denign CALL'S MAGAZINE' tarn em l f)rHWuki)K eeonnmtea, fancy woik, household hinta, liott aiurtea, curifnt topless, etc. 8uhwiil)B to-day. UulyflUL-.yuurly. Lady aeuui wanted, bumi for tanua fnr IndU'H, mtsKOB, (rlrli and little children, tfiin mvIihIi "cliio" infect not attained by the tlur p.mtinia. Have no equal loratyloand That wr use of any purfect tit IMS CALL BAZAR iniv put together Only 10 anti Ifl emiti jarii-none uiiiunr, noni m neany every cirv ana town, or ny man. ttk fyf tlu'iii, Abiuhitely vory latitat up-to-date itylu Til E McCAlX COMPANY. UI-H6 Wait l.lh Strttt. New Urk City, R. I Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper yout rooms and paint your house and Murrow lb THE MAN to da the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leave, orders at Ely Bros, stora on upper 7th streeth. Ths Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co's Sirs. Regulator & Dalles City Dally (exooiit Sunday) botwoan The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touohiiig t wuv p.iln's on both aUlua of tlia t'ulumbia rlvir. II 'Hi lit thi abiire stoamora litvo boon rebuilt H.liiriiiiM'lli'iil ilmpe for tho st-uson of 1NH Hit' tt 'if ulittor I. Inn will iMidanvur lo give its VfUtoiiit luti best kt'rvU'O possible. I''ur t'uiiirort. Kcuiinmy nnd lMpumir tinviil by Ilia strainers of TIib KtuiiluUir K.liin. Tlic h.v ttimr leave lVrlUii.1 7 ni.smt a a. 111., and ni rlvuitt ih'MliHtion In ample time for outgoing tiiiiiis. 1'ellUll.l otlico, The Pnllea Offlee, O.ik wt. l'oik, Courttftrwt. A. C. AI.I.AWAY Qoncral Agunt Oregon City District Votes a Tax of Six Mills. The taxpayers of Oregon City school district No. 62, met nt Willamette hall Monday night for the pnrpoee of levying & tux to raise money for the enming year: Chairman Caufleld presided. There was considerable discutsion con cerning the amount of tax to te levied. When the matter came to vote, four favored a 7-mill tax and five a levy of six mills. The levy was then made six mills in accordance with the recommendation of the board of di pc tors. Following is the report of the board of directors, which waa unanimously adopted : . Oregon City, Jan 29, 1930, To the Taxpayers of School Dfstrict No, Clackamas County. Ladies and Gentleman: We, your board of director?, beg leave to submit herewith our estimate of conducting the schools' of the district for the fiscal year ending March, 1901, together with our estimate of available funds to be re ceived during that time, to-wit: Salaries of teachers ........... $6666 60 Pay of janitors 712 50 Fuel .... 225 00 School supplies 200 00 Interest on bonds 720 00 Clerk's salary...... . 100 00 Shingling part of Ba'clay build. 50 00 Painting Easthara building.... 300 00 Indebtedness at end of present fiscal year......... 3500 00 Incidentals 120 00 will pxpiV.NM'. O. It., s)liltfi t anamination. ltUa situ I.n Krrlt Awn tram Mi ml it lliitt I UMWttt t uiit th'ttutv, imtVot rt'M-WMMt flout, l't'ry JitRhlV Vlll'"- ItniiilsoiUfly litlata artmnil a4 htt km4 ImUIiI HtrlH In Imrk, tvlluloitl tntt ttn tHlirsj, MivtiraU'ly frt'lttHl Willi mltMi IWIt, taUld iirl kHMHln JMt Anmrtoaa aiUpsUtMthr4, uittt M1 iilklilalratls.llblf, RrCUlAR $ M OUITAK, poworful amt iwwt 1 1 1 init tt, 1 tn iiiiuul i'muit'( with a antra f Mil aualll ftltfvl Dirtnn ajitlaaliiabliMir Was iwvV m lilrh leat'hei aitiim lt to i'lny. KXIallXK TIIK Ul 11 iH at )Mir prrM uMr and If fmiml xitotly aa rvprt'aiiitMl amt til rratta)l barajAiH 70a tr aaw or tar-4 of fiaytlia iiria Ktrnt $3.tf5 Iwi alto, iir it. 11 a aiiirMa tfcarvrt aiitt tint tHui- VU ij3 iUl outn la youra. Mtit-itn-uun jmjv fcJi--sP'r nti or iut.ay rwfiimltil In full SPECIAL PREMIUM OFrER. SSSSm rull I1! (11,1 w will tflve a UlUrvS Itaavrb,ir4t'lrl. It In an aceurwUt a'iUla. havlnir all not., wtlh ahartw anil tlau lu full lf, ami can b a-lly atUualnt tnant arnltar without chanirltiv f hv litat.rutiiitni. V, 1th Ilia un tit Ilia Irtturrd HiiKf rlu.r.l ajirons fau lim to I'Iy wlth.iul tlia alii of a lafhr. WrIW f.T fira 11 Invtiliiiteiit ami itamaiul ntvan ealaluKUa. fcriaiMfl at l"l wkl.l. rtk AiliWa, SEARS, ROEBUCK A. CO., CMICACO mn, aVMkaak Ca. an aWaat kl aatliMa.- aauac.) Total.. 112,400 00 We have gone over this estimate care fully and have included nothing, that we do not consider essential to the wel fare of the district. Our teachers' sala ries are lower than any other place of similar 6:za that we know of, and they cannot be cut w ithout detriment to the school work. The amount that we have allowed for janitor' pay, is aa little as we can get competent men to do the work in a satisfactory manner. The item of fuel may be reduced slightly, but we cannot tell abou, that until the winter is past and we find out what has been used this eeeson. Two hundred dollais for school sup plies will not more than cover the nec essary expenditures dining the year. Interest on bonds and school clerk's salary are fixed amounts and will have to be provided for. W'e have inserted an item of $50 for shingling the annex to the Barclay building, which is in a bad condition, having been giving trouble for the hint two years, and must now be resliingled. The Eus'ham build ing needs repainting very badly, and it will be economy to do so before it gets weathered any more. The iter,, of inci dentals is to coyer iiiterest on Hunting ilebt aud oilier little amounts that have to be mot. We will enter tho new yetr with a lloating debt of 3500, or 1(2000 more than our ettiuiaie of last year. This results from a shortage in the amount that we have received fiom the county. We estimated thai we could get $4,000, but actually got 2di5. lu addition to this it cost more to install new furnaces than we anticipate .1. We asked for 1(3,30, but found when we in vestigated the matter further that it would not be economy to stop with that amount as the heating apparatui would not be satisfactory, aud would soot re quire the expenditure of more money; we therefore deci led to make a com plete change uud put in a plant Unit would answer for yei.rs to come. This was done at a cost of $1000, oi $650 more than our estimate. Tho furnaces work perfectly and are very economical in the use of fuel. These two items makeup the principal amount of the iuurcauo of floating debt aud other small items, such as purchase of desks, etc., com plete thd amount. lu regard to revenue for the year we do not expect any great change in tiiu number of children of school tigs in the district, but think there will be no de crease. That being the case, we ought to receive from the state fund about the same amount as last year, $1K00, We received from tho county $2S7o on a val uation of $4,150,000, with a levy of 6 3-10 mills, and this year the total valuation has been increased to $1,714,000, but he levy has boon decreased to 5 mills, aud on that basis wo can only expect to get about $1600, or a total from couuty aud slate of $4100, which would leave a balance of $3,000 to bo provided for if the district wishes to pay oil the float ing dobt aud be clear nt the end of the year. Wo do not think this advisable, but would recommend that a portion of the amount be carried over us a floating indebtedness. The county clerk reports the total tax able property in the district to be $046,. 415 tor 1SD0, a six mill levy on this amount' would produce about $3900, and leave an indebtedness at the end of the year of about $4,000. la view of other high taxes we think that this would be preferable to attempting to levy a tax high enough to pay off the whole debt, we therefore recommend that a tax of six mills be levied lor general school purposes. Respectfully submitted, Ch.vkius II, Cai'fiki.d, Klmkh E. Cu.uimax, ClUKLES AlUHIllllT. Pome of the other Clackamas county ' school :lisiric!s 1 ave made levies as fol- 1 lows: i Milwaukie No. 1, 6 mill?. I Milwaukie No. 49, 6. ' , ! I Tualiitiu No. 26, joint, 17. , j Stone No. 30, 5. Canemah, 11. ! West Oregon City, 1. . ' Willamette Falls 6J. Parkplace, 9. ! Onwego, 8. CHURCH MATTERS. Active Work Iieinj Pushed in Vie Various Organizations. Rev. R-, A. Atkins, the pastor of the Methodist Episcapal church, has se cured an elegant gold medal, which will be awarded to the winner in an oratorical contest among the members of the Ep worth League to take place in April. The Epworth League is now in a grati fying prosperous c mdition, and has the following officers : President, Carrie Seeleyj 1st vice-president, Leonora w'il. iaras; 2nd vica-pr-jsident, Mrs. AhVe 1 Kinder; 3rd vice-president, Hatti Case; 4th vice-president, Mrs. 3'.. H. Hickman; secretary, Clara Foster; treasurer, Mary Dever. The Oregon City Methodist church was the first Protestant organization west of the Rocky mountains. Some substantial improvements are being made in the interior of the building. The platform and pulpit ha been raised, aud an ele gant curtained railing will separate the choir from the remainder of the plat firm; " New eleg intly-hound song books hive been provided, a now Bible for the pastor's desk, and the church is iio'v lighted with electricity. A normal Bible institute will be held ia the First Baptist chunh next Wed nesday and Thursday, wilh afternoq and evening sessious. The institute will be undor the leadership of James Ed munds, Sunday-school missionary of the American Baptist Publication Society for western Oregon and western Wash ington. Rev. O. A. Wooddy, D D., of Portland, will also be in attendance and participate in the program. At 2 p. m, Wednesday, Bible study will be presented; at 2:45, normal, lesson, "Principles of Lesson Preparation;" at 4 next Sunday's lesson t aught to a primary class; question box. At the evening session afier ptaise service, there will be an address oil ''The Hum 3 Department of the Sunday School." On Thursday morning there will be at 10, when Bible study will ba discussed ; at 10:45, normal lesson, "Order in tho Sunday School. At 2 p. m. Bibli study agiin, followed with an open par liament on "The Program of the Sun day School ;" question b;ix. The clos ing addr ms in the evening will be on "Tho Religious Education of t he Child.' Everyone is inviied to attend this in Stitute. There will be a question box service at the First Presbyterian church Sun day morning, which will no doubt be very iustruceive and entertaining. In the evening the topic of the sermon will be; "Making Other People Sin." There will be Christian Endeavor Day services at 6:45 in the evening. ' The revival services at the Evangeli cal church are being well attcded and considerable interest is manifested. Ten persons httve already begun to seek Sal vat ion. The ladies of the Metho list Episco pal church are making extensive prepa ration for a Valentine social, to be given February 14ih. The young people's service at the Congregational church next Sunday morning will be held in the interest of Christian Endeavor. The young peo pie of the church and Sunday school are urged to be present. In the evening the pastor will continue the series sermons on essentials and nonessentials of belief. The lopic will be "The Fall of Men." Christian Science services are held in Willamette hall every Sunday morning at eleven o'clock. Subject for Sunday February 4, "Soul." Sunday school at 12 :10. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. The young ladies of the Episcopal church will give a "Colonii l Valentine" party at the armory on Wednesday, February 14. There will be a musical program and dancing. The ladies at tending are requested to wear a colonial costume and powder their ha'r. Admission 25 cents. Refreshments 10 cents. "What is the Attitude of tho Roman Catholic Church Towards the Bible?" will be the subject for discussion at St. John's church Sunday evening by Rev, Uillebraud. II la 1 1 1 i Gray Hairs Can he Deferred Premature gray hairs usually are the effects of carelessness. If the scalp is kept free of dandruff and properly nourished and strengthened, gray hairs would be un. usual before the age of forty or forty-five. There is no remedy in existence that will restore color to gray hairs ; but the Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower and Scalp Cleaner, if applied according to directions contained in each package, will positively defer gray hairs until nature compels their appearance. There are today thousands of American men and women who have revived the dying energies of their hair through the faithful use of these simple aud natural remedies. Sold by leading dealers. Lincoln's JUrtlufiij. The ladies of Meade W. R. C. are pre paring to celebrate Lincoln's birthday on Monday, February 12th, at the armory. An interested program will be given. Company F will give an exhibition drill, vocal and instrumental music, and speeches by prominent speakers. Full particulars next week. No admission. A cordial invitation to the public. . Xotce. Notice ia hereby iiven that dog li censes are now due and payablo at the office of t ity treasurer. Linn Jones. 'iiiiiiiI MARKET REPORTS. PORTLAND. (Corrected on Thursday.) Flour Best $3.003.25; graham $2.65. Wheat Walla Walla 5354c; valley 5ii'54; Milestone 55c. Oats White 3435c; gray'32 33c. Barley Feed $16; brewing $18 19. Millaluffs Brau $17; middlings $22; shorts $18; chop $16. Hay Timothy $913 ; clover, 78; Oregon wild $7. Butter Fancy creamery 50c: sec onds 4045c; dairy, 3542)e, store, 2532c Egg-- 20 - Poultry Mixed uil"kenh $3.004.50; hens $4 0005: sunnus ilfdR 25: trepan. $56; ducks $i7; live turkeys 12 13c ; dressed, 14(16o. Che"se Full cream 2c per po ind ; Young America 14c. Pntutoee 50 and 79 cents per sack. Vegetables Bee: s $1; turnips 90c per sack; garlic 7c per lb; cabbage $1.50 2.00 per 100 pounds ; cauliflower 75c per dozen; parsnips 75c per sack; celery 7075c per dozen; asparagus 67c; peas 34c per pound. Dried fruit Apples evaporated 7S; sun-dried sacks or boxes 45c; pears sun and evaporated 56e; pitless plums 45,'sc; Italian prunes 35c; extra cilvcr choice 58. OKEOON CITY, Corrected on Thursday. Wheat, wagon, 45 Oats, 32. Potatoes, 50 and 60 cents per sack. Egg, 17kiC pur drze i. Butter, 35 to 60 pel roll. Onions, red. Sic to $1 00 pei sack; yellow, $1 to $1.25. Dried apples, 5 t Oc ei' o in Dried prunes Italians, 4c; petite and German, 3c. Foresight Means Good Sight ; If there ever was a truism it is exemplified in the above headline. Lack of foresight in attending to the eyes in time means in the end four sight. We employ the latest most scientific methods in testing the yes, and charge nothing for the examination. Dr. 1hiHips, an expert graduate oculist and optican, has charge of our optical department. A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler 293 florrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON S. G. SKIDMORE & GO. CUT RATE DRUGGISTS Headquarters for Drugs and Chemicals, Cdrri pounding of Prescriptions and Receipts. Lowest Prices on Patent Medicines, Brushes boap and Rubber Goods 151 3RD ST, PORTLAND, ORE. The finest bon bon boxes in town at tho K.K. K. To Cure a Cold in, One Hay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drutrjiists -e'lind the money if i fails to cure. E. V. Gr ve's signature is on each l oi. 25c. The Seventh Street Meat Market BROWN BROS., Props Keeps nothing but first-class meats and sells lower than others. The Old Stand, Seventh Street, A. O. U. W. Building" OREGON CITY, OREGON. RYDMAN & CO. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions and General Merchandise CAN BY, - - OREGON. 3 iEFORE and AFT'iR CUFJDENE" This erear, V.v .ttahlsi VftlLliKMr.t.hfstirVxuirlrk. (Ion of a himuUH French twiysleliui, will quickly cure yoimf hII ner vous or dim ws of the generative oriraiia. such an Lust MunhnM. T0SED Ian, will quickly cu .LlVft uremia . l nnumulu, "u na in the Bui feemitml Emissions. Nervous lability. Pimp es, Unfitness to Mai-iv, KxuiuMting Drains. VKrlonnele and Coustliiotlon. J t Btoin all losses bv day or night, f'revonis qniek liessof dlSClmrce. Wilichlf mil rhpelcpfl Inmls trtKnerm.llnrrl.nil.an nil the horrors of Imnotency 'ITM OK.HE demises Uie liver, UiQ killnOVfl and I'm nriimrv nrfRtii nf Mil imnuriliAa. a bk..-! wt niruiigiticiia unu rfSLUlfS Miiai I weuK orHlit.. The rcuson BiiflVrers ore not cnreil bv Horiors is heenuse ninety per cent tire tronhlerl wlfh ProKtnlllla. CUPIDENEistheonly known remedy to cure villiout un operation. Sonotesilnionfc als. A written Kiinrnntee given and money returned if six hnxe does not eUect perummui.cure 1.00abox,8lx forfft.oc.by mull, tiend for vruu circular and testimonials. Allilreia lVO I. JllKDICI.XM CO., P.O. Bf.x 2076. San Francisco, Cnl, Ibr&nicM ' G. A. HAKDIKU, Oreiiu" City, Oregon j i is.., i , 'mermr9--ir-i- I I III I hm.ii li ' i' ' iiMvl 1 Hi ,7. Ilu a. IS ftmrm, i.sLHiJ tl Iff ft! A PERFECT BATH ROOM ssi utlnl to perfect rumtort slid lieslth. Ilnr estlnntes on piutln In l'lumhlnit Work and IHllngs for liirte ami Mnall houses will be found sunmssiiiKly low when quullly of work aud material used is coi;8iilered We would be pleased tn have an onnnrLunttv tl submit figures. F. C. GADKE till t nt 1 H w,'!k Sj;fc?-.'U': wiftgiw RAW FDR HOUSE is the largest house of its kind in the country. We pay spot Camh tor mil kind of Sk!n and Fun. Our assorting Is considered the most liberal and our remit tances the most prompt. We remit by draft, money order or cash on the same day the shipment arrives. We charge no commission on furs, and pay express or freight chaiyeg when same do not exceed 10 per cent of the value o ship ment. We keep you posted at all times on the prices of all kinds of furs. Write to-day for Price List and Quotations. As to our responsibility we refer by permission to METROPOLITAN NATIONAL BANK, Chicago. CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK, Chicago. DESERET NATIONAL BANK, Salt Lake City, Utah. PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK, Rock Island, 111. IOWA NATIONAL BANK, Ottumwa, Iowa. HONTOOMERV WARD&CO.,Vholessle Dry Goods, Chlcato. NEI SON MORRIS & CO., Beef snd Pork Packers, Chlcnjo. ROSENBAUn BROS. & CO., Union Stock Yards. CLAY, ROBINSON & CO., Union Stock Yards. 1SZ.124-iS3.12a Mfahfean St., Otiloaso, III. 1 y Y t3 mm w kw Wax Candles Sffl Hothlnsr adds bo mnch to th charm of th drawing room or boudoir the softly radi ant liirht frnm CDRHOVA ('n.ll- uiiiiiiK win cuuvriuuie morn 10 1110 i an i niio Buoceus ot the lunch oon, tea or dinner. Tho twnt decorative cDdles for the Bimnleat or the moot elaborate function for eot- tave or mansion. Made in alt oolort U4 tu9 iuhi uenoaie urns uy C 1 An II An It (ill, ViK nd Kid everywhere. wlJ&&M, BO YEARS' D 5i 5E V'-;Ti.ADt Marks rtt, i.- , Design 'Frfvl Copvrioht. AO. Anron tendlnf ft iketrh and deanivtlen nay Qnlokty Mortal it our ontnlon fro whether aa lnrenuon Is pmbabtv ratentabUs. Cenimanlfia lioajatrtotly oonfldentrml, Haudbookon Fatettta gent free. Oldest Mnoy for aecurlne paten ta. Pataau Ukea throoah liuna Co. MOftlva) Scientific Jtecrican. A ir4ootr ninstratsd weekly, fun nlatsa of any scSwituls toaraaL Tsrm nun, fi. boms Ml IfVHl 8tBrosn, Wiin ingtM, m 31 4-POUND CATALOGUE FPFF r CHFADTiSiieuiTHiviiira:- L 4 II mm '15 "A won ,irV-v,v?55.Ay "Th Cf - "'cHir.SOIILIISA,l "Be'V THIS BIG CATALOGUE ''" pKf, ii)iaxiiaiiM LO.IKW illUHtraUoiiF, th Inrgen, ml poniilt-(f and lonoat pr! rrd miDlrrvu Vf?iS!hi H!AfS THE LOWEST WHOLESALE CHICAGO PRICES CH Uona, tlulliinr, Cloaks, llressrs, Hoots and Khu, Wstefaes, Ji-welrj, Kw.kt. Iiardwart 8otci, AttrifHllural luplfmeaU, fumlluiT, Harns, BlrifJIrs, hottr, MarhUM, IVwfcpry, Onias, Pisaus, Mu.ir.l nH,ruMM..s, rurnlshlng tiuls, Hum, Ktvotfrs, KUhl.i Tirklf, Blrtrlvs, l'htuitra)hte ttooda, Kte. Telia jUBt what yonr Btowkeeper at home mnat pay for everything he buya and will prevent nfro from OTerchartriHK you on anything you buy; explains just how to order, how mm-httm fr.lrht, txpresaor Mail will he on anything to your town. The big book entaiia nearly I.OO. the iM'ftntre alone la 3 cents. OUR PRFF HFrFP Cutthisad. out and enrt tout Lvvn rrtczc vrrc.rty with 15 eenim lu ptllll1,l(, to help pay the M cents postage, anil I he Kit Book will bt tent lo nu KHKK by aiall postpalil,and if you don't think It la worth lOOtlineathe. lacenta you send aa a key to the lowert wholecale priitu tven tlu;' , w IO aij vcnlil w-la"Hf refer ym t tenft, Y II AT IKE i-KKMH HaYH A 1(1,1 T rAlf C A 1 A M II monument oi uusinbsb uirormaUon.' Jdlime.puli (Mluu inderfril piece of work.n-Waohln(rton National Tribune. amioinieina woniier'nancnetiiei (.n. h. t inion. . Roebuck & Co. ia one nf the lanrput hnnui nf lis bind Chl'airo," t'hlcairo luterOcean. "Tllrt hffl- Ca,talf)inin fiirnitl nli of th Anott or.nnr.lnff moJlnmo ocmld powihly be aent Into a district." Boyca Monthly, ( hlcajro. 'Thelreatlo(rue i a vast department store boiled down." Atlanta Constitution. 'The catalogue ta certainty a merchandise encyclopedia." Ch tea fro Kpworth Herald. "A law should he parsed coinpelllmr thetiaeof thia catatouein all public achooli." The Hon. O. A. Ronthtonn. Ve wuld tjuote thouaanda of wlmllarextracta, liUod II teals ataare aait joa wltl rvrolrathe 4txintid bnokhv rvtara mu. Addre, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), CHICACO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. ... CUARANTEtiD ... BEST AUTOMATIC SELF EJECTING SINGLE BREECH LOADER MADE,! woauing oiiotsun iicuu.f xnv.u, ff 'V0, OsuUlMttOBwuntiisrlon. Yon inn ic. i Trf Nrt-' tw f.".""" " ' "'ur epw oiiU'sanl '&lC?it'i,S l'ti'UUdiwrf;ty .utl,uM..rr,lli, r jTTJ, : :.sw bftiiiM..i AMi,..niu, t.lMiArwi.uu. SZiS'-yr' " CHlKtilS. UN THI !. SIST WITH MMIktV V JV A'rtar , This Is the latst and best palsnt utomatio ' - t 1 .9.JT Elector 6inle Barrel Breech Loadinir thM.n....i..Ni.V.. 0 SSMfiKE DOLLAR SS AU. UlT ana aend dj ua ana we wtil send thia Hew Automatic Eioc- tor6ingla Barrel Brooch CUR PRiCE 'srsis.Us) iflsaMltm, Market. iT dynudH Jutt don't Ond It ustrung shooter ulonfr ri killer. trmtltfouaUIn targrt, pnrc(ton. durhllltT and itinMh ui s lot' m mrms il to is it uis ixmsi iu iu kirriiTs i"i"J MADE BY THE NEW YORK ARMS CO, barrel, fancy walnut sUi-k. piti np, fancy AUTOMATIC fromTery line material; mm mada. m. ", "IM f.l knh. toll - chok. borwl to ah..ot cl.iw and hard hr..rr kw run. TwT . Kii butt. rel0lMllDl.k.tOD.n.nbrMk, fr.?.."!- 'r.h." EJECTOR S'"vkI''tUihlll.thn.wnclartrom OUR SPECIAL $6.7 PRICE ! m portr,! bT roawin nf huTlnsthsw irnnsln lm(.u..,i- " I offiriotg tartu direct un oar one entail proAt plan. WTI IVK RtKS , cVtauS l! Add " SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. (Inc.), CHICAGO, ILL.