OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FEBRUARY 2, 1900. CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS Canby. Many voters have had their n.uiK'S registered by Mayor Waile. A ;erifS of revival meetings are now in progress in the M'itholmt church. They are conducted by Revs. T.by and Dunlap. Frank Zollner has made some changes n his'bicyele shop, givinir him room for the machinery which he has recently added. L. Rogers has returned from Michi gan, ahere lie has been visiting. Ue ays the ground was fiozon to the depth f two feet when he left and that very tittle snow had fallen". There seems to be a car famine on ac count of the heavy shipments of pota oes. The shippers at this point have had difficulty in keeping their ware house from overflowing while waiting fur cars. Henry Evans has returned fiom Sis ton, where he was working In the tie plant. He met with an accident which v'ill prevent his working for some time 0 come. A party of bridge carpenters has been repairing some of the railroad bridges near town. Some purveyors have also heen here working for the railroad com pany. Rev. Englebart has organized a class tor the stu-y of German. Theclasscon fists of 16 members and moets on Thurs day evenings. J. K. Miller, a prominent furmer of Seedy, was in town Tuesday. He has sold his farm, which is one of the best in that part of the county, and will move .to another part of the state. Sptingwater, were In Cuninsville Tues day. . Misses Sena Heft aud Flora.Bluhm are home from Portland on a short visit. Michael Moehnke has a colt that will go over any fence in the neighborhood, and who spends most of hU time visit-, ing. Rev. E.-sig and Edward Smith are pre- ! paring lor a grand concert. I Walt- r Smith, of Sherwood, is study 1 ing under the instruction of Rev. Whit I ruck. Miss Anna Mathews, who has been quite sick, is mmh bjtter. Jan. 80. Slekpy Tom. 1 Mrs. Cummins, who has been very ill, Rural Dell, is improving rapidly. Dell is to have a new school ! Mr. ViMm.m lm unnn in o,.o m. Currinttvllle. Ihe weather ia fine and farmers are doing their spring plowing. The roads are good in this yicinity where you can find them. A number of young people spent a very pleasant time at Henry Githerrs' last Sunday, and after partaking of a luxurious dinner, spent the afiernoon in vocal and instrumental music and riding the burro. 13. F. Billiard and Bar n? w on', to Orient last week to visit Mr. u ... ..lre. Sellman. Miss Anna Ilicenbothein, of Rcdland, atten led our spelling school last Friday night. Ihoo. Shankland went to Portland Saturday after his Bister, Erne, who has been there some time. Mr. Stone wont to Portland this morn lug, loaded with pork and uoultry, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lewellon, of Rural house in 11,00 . Grandma Samson is very sick and seen t to be growing weaker. Miss Mary Eyman was visiting at Mr. Sciamble's last Saturday and Sunday. Warren Haekins is pulling ttumps in his fit-Id. Our new neighbor 01 the J. M.Austin place is hauling his potatoes to the sta tion. Henry Warnock has been slashing some brush on Mrs. Saxe's place. Friday evening there will ba a basket" social at Evergreen school house. The program will ba furnished by the Liter ary Society and Smyrna Sunday schoolj Jan. 3 J. D. D. Shubel. Farmers are further along with their spring plawing in January this year than they usually are in Mtrch. ' If the weather continues fair, sowina will be finished early in February. Charles Shockley went to Highland last week to a shooting match and came home with over half a dozen chickens. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Beeson were visit ing a 0. Shockly's last Sunday. Albert Moehnke is home on a short visit . He has been working up on the Columbia river- Our school closes this week Friday. I will say right here that the Misses May- field have taught us a good school, and I hope the directors will engage them for the spring term. The way joung folks flock to the Ger man Congregational church is a caution. Methiuks it is something mote than re ligious instruction they long for. What is it, Ed? John Blum will leave for California this week to work in the orange grove whore he has been the past three years The debating society will miss him, as he was one of the best judges we have Rev. V. S. Essig is the busiest person here. He is always in a hurry, He is working for the cause of Christianity Jan. 31. 00, Jack Jones passed through here with a planer, Lou Stiner and Tressa Staben were visiting in Highland last Sunday. Jack Wallace, of Highland, is taking a very active part iu the Shubol debuti ng society. see Muralt, of Heniice, who is very low, Mrs. Beeson has been very sick, but is improving slowly. Miss Ada Moehnke received the sad news of the death ot Miss Anna Crab tree, a classmate and one of her dearest friends, in Albany. ' Miss Ada Moehnke is preparing for an entertainment and basket social to be given at Clarkes on Feb. 23. Murquam. M. Trullinger, of Molalla, was in our town on Friday. Charles Labour is putting logs in the Mortisen millpond for Barton Jack. We are informed that the remain .of C. E. Minier, a member of the Second Oregon regiment, who died at Manila, will be brought home for burial. We are pleased to Btate that the fam ily of I. D. Larkins are all on the road to recovery from tyohoid fever. Rev. Luse, of this place, is holding a protracted meeting at Molalla. O. D. Eby has the registration books f r Marquam and Wilhoit precincts. Voters may register by calling at his of fice in Marquam. Pat. Jan. 29. brother Sam's home on Sunday ; mother and child doing well. Fred Rogers is now clerking in Mr. Wissinger's store. The Linden Circle, of the Woodmen, gave a social dance on Saturday evening. A larre number was present and an en joyable time was had Jan. 20. Volton. We are having some pretty cold weather at present. -Mrs. Gotiherg, who has ben quite sick f r some time, is convalescing. There will be an entertainment and basket social at the Coltou schoolhouse the last. Saturday in February. Come one and all and bring your baskets. . P. E. Bonney and W. S. Gorbett are in the mountains at present. Our merchant made another trip to Jregon City this week. There is considerable volunteer work being done on the roads. H. E. Carr has returned to Ostrander, Wash., to work in the shingle camp. Miss Meadie Hubbard is .working in Portland. Miss Grace Pringle, of Oregon City, is visiting at Mrs. Goltberg's. The next question at our literary is "Resolved.That the Boy Brought Up on the Farm Hasn't as Good a Chance of the Future as the Boy Brought Up in the City." , J. O. Morris has rented his farm to Grain that was sown between the 20th M. Plaske, of Washington. Jim, is go-j and 30th ult. is now looking nice and ing to the mines, and when he returnB 'green. hope he will bring a helpmate. Potatoes in the ground are showing: James Haunngan made a flying trip to signs. of sprouting Portland today. j Kline will resume faim ing some time The dancing scliooi is progressing . uexi uuuiiu. 41 present, ne is enjoying finely under Prof. Halprmer. . lamontn's vacation in the" suburbs of I would advise all, that can, to get vaccinated as soon as possible. We don't know what minute the smallpox will be here. E." Dodge has three teams hauling shingles to Ely for John Everuart, L. W. IJeeth and family were the guests of Lydia Wright Sunday. Boys, did you see that black cloud go south last week? Now comas weeping nd wailing and gnashing of teeth. Blessed are the poor! VVoe.unto you that are rich. The wind last week blew the Liberal church off of itf foundation, and has ruined the building. Miss Verdie Maville has returned home from Canemah. Glad to see you in our midst once more! Jaii. 31. K. preached his Mllwaukle. Rev. E. D. Hornschuch here Sunday. M. Durst is building a fence for sister, Mrs,. Lehman. A Bix-mill ichool tax was voted last Saturday evening and we will have three teachers next term. Charlie Muljan has wagered a box of 10 cent cigars that we will have skating on the mill pond this winter. The most of us hope that he wins. The Boers have the sympathy of nearly all of our citizens. The news of British reverse is read with joy, regard less of their politics. Mrs. Mary Roth's mother, Mrs. Ha ger, of Portland, was in town last week. Messrs. Oatlield, Theisen and Tu cholke are hauling hay to Port'aud al most every day, Andrew Walker's daughter was ill last week, but is now better. Miss Anna Bernhard wears a broad smile when Bhe is addressed as aunt, as a new nine pouiii boy arrived at her Jan. 26. Yep. Stafford. Case Triumph Sulky and Elwood. D. H. Mosher, a former teacher of this place, gave us a call last Tuesday. Mr. tadonan delivered a fine cow at Portland for which he received $40. E. Shubert is doing an extensive real estate business. W.T. Henderson has rented Lars Anderson's place. Last Saturday a few of the neighbors met and worked on the graveyard. G. R. Miller, of Highland, will con duct a free registry at the Mountain Home schoolhouse Wednesday, Jan. 31st. Henry Turner has purchased the farm formerly owned by Thomas Jeffer sjg Kerns. James Turner preached in the Moun tain Home church. O. S. llirmcny. The protracted meetings are still going on. They have been running for three weeks, and seven or eight have joined the church. At a special school meeting Saturday a three-mill tax was levied for school pur poses fi r the ensuing year. The weather has bein fine lately be ing a little cool, but the frosty nights will help to hold the fruit buds back till spring. Cherries and early peat buds have begun to swell a little. Some of the farmers are sowing wheat today. We understand that supervisor Davis is to gravel the road between here and Clackamas this week. ' Jan. 29. 16-2-1. Maple Lane. Our school is greatly diminished this week, owing to the number of pupils on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams and daugh ter, Inina, visited friends in town Sunday. Wm. Muir has moved back on hie father-in-law's place, lately vacated by Mr. Cassody. Mrs. E. E, Martin spent Friday and Saturday visiting relatives in Oanby and vicinity. Thomas Davies, sr., is greatly im proving his place by removing and burning stumps, Joe Myers' baby is slowly improving under the skillful care of Dr. Strickland, who is also treating Mr. Shelly. The girls of the Maple school will give ajliterary program and pie social at the schoolhouse Saturday evening, Febru ary 10, 1900, for the purpose of procur ing games for the school. Come and lend us a helping hand. E. M. Ward, our ex-school teacher, is now agent for woodsaws, which runs by gasoline engines, and is having gr at succesj. Mrs. 0. Jackson is still at the bedside of her aged mother, who has been very low but is now slowly recovering. Miss Hattie Roman and brother spent SunJay with their sister, Mis. E. Ger ber and family. Gang "t - 1 1 1 n xm Plows Are guaranteed Lighter Draft than . walking Plows Doing same mount cf wcrk Send for Circulars of Case, Sulky, Gang and Walking Plows and Harrows Hoosier Drill Best Drill in the 3 World Our "J" Garfield. Your reporter has been attending the protracted meetings held at the Garfield school house the past week. The meet ings were ably conducted by G. P. Rich, and Elder Moore, of the Christian church. They found 16 of the Chris tian faith at this place, and immersed thne in Mr. Waggoner's mill pond. There will be a chmc '. built somewheier near Garfield in the near future, known as the Christian, or Church of Christ G. P. Rich will preach here again, the, fourth Sunday in March. Mrs. William Davis and her sons, El mer and Willie, Btarted ' Monday t Dufur, to see her father, who is very 3ick and not expected to live. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Lockerby were visiting Mi. and Mrs, J. P. Iivin one day last week . . Mrs. J. J. Davis and family were visit ing her mother one day last week. Mrs. E. 0. Hackett was the guest of Mrs. J. Yocum last Sunday. Miss Anna Hicinbolhem was the guest of Miss Ethel Jones last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Ida Rich, of Kelso, was the guest of Mrs. J. P. Irvin last week. frank Irvin has gone back to work in a sawmill near Orient. Mr. Holder went to Portland last week after his daughter. - Frank Rhodes is building a new residence. J. J. Davis shop. Being fully advised, we would recom mend that the county commissioners make an appropriation for painting the, Eagle creek bridge built last summer, a it begins to show the eftecta of the, weather and may not be used for soma tim yet, as there is no road leading to it.' M. erecting a new work 1 vis- Canemah. William Worsham, of Malheur, iting his sister, Mrs. E. J. Marshal. A school meeting was held at the, school house on Tuesday evening. A 11 mill tax was voted for the support of the school for the ensuing year. Them was some discussion in regard to creat ing a sinking fund to meet the bond Mrs. Blake and daughter, Maud 1 Smith, of Toledo, Wash., and Mr. and i v. Inch become due in three years. Some Mrs. Simmons, of Oregon City, were action should be taken on this important guests at Mr. Shortledge'a Sunday. matter. The attendance at the meeting Mr. Hihh n.l boms haled hav for wua verv Bma11- John Everhart Monday. The paper mill company is having 2000 cords of wood cut on the late Jacob Madder place. Mr. Vattover is super intending the cutting. Jan. 31. Triplets. Series criiiiD utis l'Ntia rota hid ;(ttiiik(d tc Jmr No 20-0-12 inch $9 50 No 40-0-13 inch 10 00 Shares, Landsides, Mould boards, etc., wil fit Oliver N0.20 and 40. Come and see us when you come to Portland Mitchell. Lewis L Staver Co. New Era, What beautiful weather we are hav ing ! Some cf the farmers are shipping potates; some are digging, and some are planting' David Penman, Sr., was telling us he had quite a patch of "Early Rose" po tatoes planted. J. Foster has been moved from his granddaughter's to his own home. We are sorry to learn that J. C. New berry is dead. Prof. alter Ridor was in New Era snnciay giving guitar lessons, we un derstand that he also gives lessons on the mandolin. George Brown was in Portland Saturday. The Warner Grange had" a big turn out Saturday, it being installation of officers. Thomas Blanchard took the eorly train Sunday for Orogon City. He is getting to feel quite young again. While in town he had aslianip)o,3l:.m incut tache clip and his hair cut pompadour. Madam Rumor says we are going to have a masquerade ball, but the date isn't Bet at the present writing. Miss Carrie Zolley is working for Mrs. Hannah Brown. Miss Anna Penman was a guest of Mies Clara Blanchard Sunday. James Blanchard has quite a smile on his countenance siuce they have a new cook. Xlie xsew jtra tctiooi is progressing nicely under the management of Mrs. Wells. Some sickness is reported among the pupils such as coughs and colds. That young man that drives the four horse team had betttr look out and not stop talking to our girls. One Hat is plenty lorimn. j. toves mat song "Just One Girl." Jan. SO. Mabel. Canby, J. F. Deyoe went to Portland yester day on busineees. Lee Rogers and w ife, of Oregon City, have com home for a few days' visit. Lewis Rogers returned from Michigan last week, where be has been visiting his mother and friends. He says after passing throu h a great many states Oregon is good enough for him. Mr. Rogors has moved into the Blount house, , Mr and Mrs. Carlton went to Port land yesterday to spend a few days. Mr. Eldridge and bride, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rosenkrans, left for the East evening. John Marks took a trip to Portland Tuesday. Mountain View. Mr. Harrington has put in a new cross walk from his gate to the opposite side of the road, which was much needed. Born On Jan. 25, 1900, to the wife of H, Brand, a daughter. Died Jan. 26, 1900, Gladys Lucele, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Seeey. Rev. Molloy conducted the funeral ser vices of the infant sou of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burley, of Portland, at the Mountain View cemetery kst Saturday afternoon. Roy Ringo is quite sick, having a se vere attack of pneumonia. P. D. Curran and family were ag'eea bly surprised this week by having three of their old neighbors from Eastern Iowa call on them, whom they had not seen, for 30 years. , Mrs, Moran went to La Camas last Saturday to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs, Grace Ely, and family. Rev. T. P. Hsynes went to Currins- Several newcomers are looking for , ville thia week, and expects to be gone homes in our little city, but houses for r nt are as scarce as hen's te th. Revival meetings are now being held every evening at the M. E. church. Miss Bertha Sturgis and Miss Emma Froesohle returned from Portland yes terday whera then La e bsei i.iiting ftiends for the past few Jays. First and Taylor Streets, PORTLAND. 0REGCN Liberal, What beautiful weather 1 The farmers are making good use of it. Levi Stehman has been blasting out stumps in bis field. Dee Bruner has finished his contract Stafford. It is said that hope endureth all things- We have been hoping that this would be a mild winter so that it would not destroy our neighbors' carrots, which are stilt in the ground, and those young chickens lately hatched, and lastly, but not leastly, some would not have to cut as much fire wood as usual. In response two weeks. F. O. Chaney, of MHdleton, Idaho, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Haynns, this week. Salina. Springwater. Those who own orchards are glad the weather is getting cooler, being afraid they would blossom prematurely. Mr. Livermore was viewing a location to put his mill on Clear Creek, 01 or near Shibley's place. We are glad to report that Mrs. M. L. A. Lacey is better. Her daughter, Mrs. Edminston from Dayton, Wash., has come to spend a few days with her. The Graugeis were seen today around I., i.n- ... to it all, no snow has, as yet, fallen. ulB lm" ""Droving me grounds. The therniouu-ter has but once registered j Tne Springwater school had a pro as low as 26 degrees, and that but for a ' gram last Friday afternoon. The pri few hours one frosty morning. Some, rnary pupils furnished songs and recita fruit trees are in leaf. Dogwood trees , tions, and the older pupils debated. and strawberry vines are iu bloom. The bees have been out this year gather ing honey and stinging the babies,; bluebirds abouud; frogs are practicing their spring songs ; and stock out to grass are in good condition. Who could sk for a milder season 1 A valuable cow owned by Wisse nborns in good conditiou and apparently healthy, died Friday of, as near as can be learned, sudden bl mtingol the body The question was, "Resolved That Washington Did More for His Country Than Lincoln." It was decided in fa vor of the affirmative. Jan. 29. 1901. hat Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you ifvou used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless nient for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves Mrs. Sarah Page, of Macleay, was the I nd .b.uild upyoor health. Easy to take. guest of her daughter, Mrs. Kina Qw.uUcarrirBtoGTVZZ of grubbing for S. AY right. ing, druggist.