ltjr Library Oregon City oun CIRCUATION GUARANTEED LARGER THAN ALL OTHER PAPERS IN COUNTY COMBINED COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1883 HSHALO ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 CONSOLIDATED SEPTEMBER, 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1900. 17th YEAR, NO. 87 NEWS OF THE WEEK 1 STATU. Fruitgrowers will meet at Corv.ilIis next week, Wind and eleet etorrn in Marion coun ty benefits fruit A Portland syndicate has bonded a big paint mino in Columbia county. " . Samuel V. Nealy, aged 78 years, while temporarily insane, banged himself at The Dalles. Henry Herrington, an old man. at tempted suicide Sunday by laudanum at Tillamook. He is not expected to re cover. , ' " ' A jury at Toledo, Or., awarded plain tiff $1500 to even up a farm in Nebraska which he traded for one in Lincoln county, Plait! tiff alleged misrepresen tation of value. McMinnville tax levy is 7 mills. Salera is soon to have a box factory. Much petty thieving at Forest Groye. The office of the secretary of state is being remodeled. Smallpox is prevalent in Eastern Ore gon, but is of such a mild form that no deaths have occurred. Councilman J. E. Durham, of Mc Minuville, has resigned. The tax levy of Dallas isonly4 mills, much less than last year. Ore running as high us $150 per ton his been discovered in Lake county. Masked men attempted to rob the post office at Eola. : ' Large petition for greater road tax in Clatsop county. Willis Jordan was committed to jail at Dallas for beating a Jap. Three more residences broken into at Medford. Losses not large. PACIFIC COAST. Governor Gage has called a special meeting of the California legislature. Mrs.Saxon,a womanof mature years, of Colfax, Wash., was choked to death by an unknown assailant. Nelson and Rossland havo established a smallpox quarantine against Northern Washington and Idaho. ' The case against the Browns in Oakes dale, WaBh , for misappropriation of bank funds, was compromised and dis missed, the Browns turning over their stock to plaintiff. Government has ordered fumigation of the mails at Spokane. Business men of North Yakima will guarantee the stale fair premiums this year. Six American prospectors are said to have been shot hi Mexico by order of General Torres. San Francisco urges the eovernment, to spend $1,000,000 in improvement of Yaquina bay harbor. Mrs. Rich, tried in Mexico for the murder of her husband, was sentenced to 14 montha' imprisonment. Mexicans are taking 300 Yaqui prison ers to G nay mas. A Spokane logger has sued tlo conuty plysician for $10,000 for malpractice. Alaska mail service will be extended to Cape York H ihe spring. ' The Alaskan lighthouse bill has been favorably reported on by a committee. A suit involving the title to the Seattle Times is before the Washington supreme court. M r. Farmer... We have the finest Chilled plow in the world. Come and see it. Every plow fully guaranteed. It is the Syracuse. We also have a nice line of Can ton Clipper Steel Tlows and harrows. Acorn Steel Ranges, Air Tight Heaters. We keep everything in the Hardware line, Plumbing shop in con nection with store, POPE & CO-, Corner Fourth and Main Strtets, OREGON CITY, OREGON GENERAL. The Texas legislature is in special ses sion. The recent Dawson fire destroyed property worth $100,003. ' Prof. Hazen, of the weather bureau, at Washington, is dead. The national prohibition convention id called to meet at Chicago on June 27. Three new cases and one death from plague in Honolulu since the last official report. The national board of trade resolved in favor of the ship subsidy bill. . , The populist national committee will meet at Lincoln, Neb., In February. Bryan was surprised at the warmth of greeting he received :n the East. The Colorado Editoiial Association has started a fight against the paper I trust '-! Commander Richard Wainwright, of the Gloucester, was presented with a sword at Washington. . Bourke Cochran, of New York, An nounces that he will support Bryan if the latter drops silver. The question of whether Roberts, of Utah, should be allowed his mileage c faim of $1000 has come up in congress. The nomination of Collector Ivey'e successor hangs fire. Thomas Reynolds, an escaped convict, t and lynched in Colorado. wan cuu FOREIGN. Big t-trike at the Paris exposition. Saiitoans are again said to be uneasy, Many Philippine hemp ports are now open. Germany has complained of our cus toms regulations. General Bernardo Reyes iB Mexico's new minister of war. About 1100 Spaniards, released pris oners, have been sent home from Ma nila. The abdication of the Chinese etripe ror created a sensation in Japan, where it is believed Russia iB the cause of the trouble, Progiessive Chinese are begging the powers to intervene and lestore the old emperor to his throne. The empire is greatly excited. The insurgents have been driven from more Philippine ports. Another German vessel has been re leased by the British. The Boers will blow up mines as they retreat. : General Warren dislodged the Boers at Spionkop. He lost heavily. Put Sing, a nine-year-old boy, is said to have been appointed emperor of China by Quang Su. Pirates threaten to blow up the offices of foreign meic'iants at Canton. Their purpose is blackmail. lt0VKI OF lUMMISSIOWEUS. BELLOMY XJSCH THE HOUSEFURNISHERS Spring Wall Paper and Spring Sunshine, travel together. Just a little outlay here, and you'll be delight ed with results. Styl- -IS lsb wall paper, sucn t as refined taste de raands, sujh as econ omy suggests. Last year's patterns will be 8nld at reduce 1 prices. swu U. i ' as " Here is a Chiffonier The most useful piece oi iurniture in your house. It will also prove to be a Rreat benefactor for your family, because It will make little children accustomed to take care of their belong ings by designating one of the drawers to each of them. Price with Mirror $7.75 Si loESiCNS .a--' Our spring stock is particularly strong in Brussels and Moquette of self colored designs, or two or three tones of colorings, with border to match. The same may be said of our assortment of Ingrains. We have for years made a specialty ' EXCLUSIVE Styles, which are owned by us only. Brussel Carpet, per yaic , 50c and up jvioquette 75c and up Ingrain " " " 25c and up Jute " " . " 30c and up There Are Many Good Women sr.- - 1 5Y iS it--? ' And many wise ones, wives, daughters.'aunts, cousins, nieces of yours. You will be surprised how many of these women are using ti e . Charter Oak Range or Stove Make inquiries and if you find one of theseuscrs who want to change, write us a letter. If you find every user of the Charter Oak willing to recommend'kthe stove, will it not prove to ycu that you should have one ? WJt coll Clinri-a r. C. l'T 1 r" U. . v... iv.ii v-naitA-i won oitciivdnges ior 30.00 ana up Stoves 14.50 " Decorate! Dinner Set. .$9 50 and op WetMske LCINCES and MATTRESSES We also will repair your old furniture at very moderate cost, or we will sell you the material, such as Tapestries, Plushes, etc., and you can do your own work. Regular January Term of the Connty Board. inn's precinct was changed from Tracy's to Grange hall. In the matter of having Koval & Son do extra work on the Rook i ref k bridge, the clerk was ordered to write to said firm, ami ascertain what said proposed work will be done fur. In the m itier of dividing Oreanu City in'o precinuts, it was ordeied !y board that the bound irieH of the Orecoii City voting precincts slmll be as follows: Oregon City precinct Nil, shall com prise all that portion of the ciiy lyiim and being south and west of the fallow ing described line ti-il: Coinmencing dt the center of Seventh stieet at the Willamette river; thence easterly to the intersection of Seventh with John Qulncy Adams streets; thence southerly along the center of John Qulncy ' Adams streets to the interesction of Prom ontory avenue Jii'i Falls View addi tion to Oregon City, themw westerly along the center of said promontory uVfime to city limits. Oregon Ciiy pre cinct No. 2, shall comprise hII that part oftheci'y ly'ng and being north and west of the following described line to wit: Commencing at the Willamette ri'er at the center ot Seventh street; thence eat-terly to the intersection of Seventh with John Quinoy Adams street, thence northerly along the center ol s dd John Q. Adams s'reet to the city limits Oregon City piecinct. No 3 shall com prise all that part of Oregon Ciiv lying and being south of precincts No. 1 and 2. In the matter of a tax rebate on peti tion of J H Pomeroy, the same was re ferred to the district attorney. In the matter of per diem and mileage of the county commissioners, the follow ing claims were presented and allowed: S F Marks, 5 days, 26 miles.. .... $17 (50 R D Morton, 6 dajs and 20 miles. 17 00 U Scott. 28 miles and 5 days ... 17 80 Baking Powdei Made from pure: . cream of tartan, 5 i Safeguards the food against alum A-um baklne powders are. tfie: greatest menacers to health of the. present day. OVl BAKING POwntH BO:, NEWVOHIt; F. Hsrkg, chairman; J, K. Morton 15. Scott, commissioners. Iii the matter of the report of the deputy comity surveyor on the resurvey of the Kiggs ana Damm road. Tins matter being heard on the report of the deputy couniy surveyor, and the board being fully satlstieil with said resurvey it is ordered that the same be accepted and placed on ule, and the supervisor ot said district in which said road is located be instructed to notify all property owners along faid roud to move their fences; and it;is ordered tliat tne ex wavkA said siKvtiy be paid by Clacka- man countv : LMleinz $2 00 J W Meldrum 14 00 Total $16 00 Tn the matter of the resurvey of t!ie O P Hedge ioid, and deputy county surveyor's report coming on now to be heard, and the board being fully advised in the premises, it is ordered that said report be laid over until the February terra of said board, and the expense of said survey and view be paid by Clackamas county: O P Hedge $ 4 00 A W Cooke 2 00 J W Meldrum 18 00 In the matter af indexing the tax rolls tor 1809, the contract was let to Dimick &Easthamfor$24 50 the said index to consist of an original and two copies. In the matter of the report of the county physician, the same was ap proved. In ihe matter of the petition of George Hiccinbotham to correct an erroneous assessment, it was ordered that the petition be granted as prayed for for $4. George IJiccinbothem $4 00 In the matter of the relief of Mrs Stone an indigent was ordered that she be allowed the sum of $10. Mrs Stone 10 03 , In the matter o! the petition and sub scription list of E W Hornschuch, et al, from road district No 18, the board being fully advised, it was ordered that the same be la d over until the Febru ary term. In the matter of planking a road in district No 33, the petition having been referred to Supervisor Lewellen for ap proval, and he having recommended that the county grant said petition and pay for the plank the petitioners having agreed to furnish all Ihe labor for haul ing and putting down said lumber, said work to be done under the supervision of Supervisor Lewellen, the board granted the petition. On petition the boundaries of Oregon City voting precinct were changed to include the premises of J Duvall, who heretofore voted in Maple Lane precinct In the matter of the petition to change Ihe boundaries of Needy precinct by ad ding several sections to Mackshurg pre cinct, the same was granted as prayed for. The petition was signed by II L Wolfer ana 21 others and Ihe territory to be added to Mackbnrg' precinct, is de scribed a" follows: Commencing at the centpr of section 27, tp4 s, r 1 e, on boundary line of precinct; thence routh three-fourths of a mile ; thence east one one-fourth mile; thence sooth one-fourth mile; thence west one-fourth mile; thence north one mile to present corner of said precinct. In the matter of the petition of James Felger, et al for annexation to road dis trict No 34, to Sievers voting precinct, thus making it part of road district No. 7, said mitter having' been laid over from the December terra, and coming on now to be beard ; the board beinsr fully advised, the petition is granted and' what is known as road district No 34 it is ordered, is taken from Cascades voting precinct and added to Sievers, and that it be a part of road district (No. 7, and voting place be changed frorr AschofT's to Hoffman's. On petition the voting place in Hard- Total .....$52 40 Board adjourned until Monday, Jan uary 22J, ADJOUKNKD TERM, MONDAY JAN, 22, , la the matter of the petition to annex a part of Marqnam precinct to Needy, the same was laid over. In the matter of the resignation of W. II Smith, as road supervisor of district No 11, the same was accepted, and John K Smith appointed to till the vacancy. Io the matter of the petition of E P Carter to fix or plank roud in the timber, nearBagby'8 sawmill, the petition was accepted. " The work of laying the plank for a distance of one-fourth mile Is to 'u6 done by volunteer work, Bajjby Bros, to furnish lumber for 50 cents per thousand. In the matter of the petition to change the voting place in Beaver Creek pre cinct from the school houi'e to the Grange hall the same was accepted. In the matter of the petition of C C Lewis for county aid, it was ordered that he go to Mrs Hart for proper care, and that a warrant for $8 per month be drawn tor uib reliei. In the matter of district attorney fees collected after the salary law went into etlect the county cleik.was ordered to refund all such" foes collected, except" where court reporter's fee had not been paid. In the latter instance the money is to be held until the court reporter's f.'e shall be paid. In the matter of the tax levy for the year 1809, it was ordered by the board that the levy on the taxable property of Clackamas county shall be as follows : County 11.7-10 mills State 0.3-10 " School 5 " Road 5 " Total 28 mills A bicycle tax was also levied of $1.25 for each wheel. In the matter of the remonstrance and peHtion asainst the nofiftin'mcM oE .loin) Par'h, a roud surr"sip- in ro.Hife district No. 24, the nM f)-iivtineiifc was reconsidered, and A U livynnlda appointed bb his succesHftr in: afewj ance with the petition pretrntxtflL In the matter of the dpRnwnl; taxes on the Southern Pari tin rfoftd' overBsp lands, the slier ft was directed! tr make nn assessment of said lai afli ki mivor dancH witti an order of the county court; made and entered of roc rsB air the Jime term, 1895 and in arcordMwm with petition Hl.jd therein at sairftinie. In the matter of the cot tfl ex i wort on the Rock Cnk bridge, ifco proposi tion of Royal & Son was weeptto-f, and the clerk was directee to inSomn them to appear and sign the contract at the FebriMrv term of the meeting of th board of county commissioners.. ' In the matter of scalp borrnfis for the m jtith of December, the following weio allowed : John Countrymen, one wild eaD E T White . JCHolcomb .-. ' " " PEKitzmiller two. " A J Kitzmiller, three " "" Louis Himler,one Linden wolf., J D Wallace, two wild cats. .., A J Marr, two wild cats 4 A0 John Githens, 1 cayote 2 0d Christian Klinker, 2 cayote-and.5 wild cats U 00 G B Linn, 2 bear and 4 wilcfca.. 12 0O $2 001 2 0O 2 0O 4 0(1 , etx 2 0O 4 0i Total.. .....4 0O His Lire Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent eitiwn ol Hannibal, Mo., lately had . wonderful delivorenc.e from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: "I wu taken with Typhoid Fover.that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was n weak 1 couldn't even sit ti in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected toi die of Consumption, when I he vrd o Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottlet gave great relief. I continued to use. it, and now am well and strong. I can'r. say too much in its praise." This mar velous medicine is the surest ard quick est cure in the world for all Throat anl Lung Trouble. Regular sizes 50 cent . and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Geo. A. Harding's Drug Store; .every bottle guaranteed. J. II. lHeener is prepared to firrnwBi 2t-class mealsand lodgings at the New England .Home hotel, opposite express and telegraph office. Satisfaction guar anteed. Unlcr now management S 2 Every Brush In Stock I 1 Goes into this sale. I do not go through and pick out the unsalable ones and cut the price, but take the complete line Martin's finest brushes with the rest and they all go in at special prices. The wholesale prices ort brushes have been advanced from 15 to 20 per cent, which makes this one of the best of my special sales. Regular. Special", Brushes $ Hair . celluloid 25 $ 20- 35 20 40 2? 50 30 75 50 00 75 25 90 50 1 15 75 2 00 ocr 2 25 50 2. 75 00 50 75 I 00 00 1 25 00 2 00 40 25 Co 35 75 50 00 75 50 1 00 Oo I 25 25 I 50 C. G. HUNTLEY OREGON CITY Cut-Rate Druggist.