Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 26, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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In the circuit court u( the stale of Oregon for
the county of Clackamas.
Charles Kyler,
Henry Von Holms, Ltznb
Vou Helms.
Defendants, I
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, is.
oree and an cxeoution, duly issued out of ano
under the seal of the above i ntillid court, In the
above entitled cause, and to me duly directed and
dated the 2!rl day of January, 1900, upon a judge
ment remit red and entered In sulu court on luc
10th day of January, 10o0, iu favor of Charles
Kyler, plaintiff, and against llonry Von Helms,
Lizzie Von Helms, d fendf nta. for tlie sum ol
SGD8.75, with Interest thereon at the rate of 9 per
cent per annum from the 16th day of January
HIM, and the luriher sum of 175 as attorney's
f jes, and the further sum of $20.60 costs and
disbursements, and the eosts of acd upon this
lyrit, commauding me to make sale of the fol
lowing described real property, -situate in the
county of Clackamas, stale of Oregon, to-wit:
The north one-half of the northwest quarter of
section 10, township 2 Bimth, range 6 east of the
Willamette meridian, containing 80 acres, more
or less.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and in oompliauoe
with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on Satur
day, .
At the hour of eleven o'clock a.m., at the front
door of the County Court House in the city of
Oregon City, in said county and Btate, sell at pub
lie auotion, subject to rcdcmptloD, to the highest
bidder, for U. 8. gold coin, cash In hand, all the
right, title and interest whit b the within named
defendants, or either of them, had on the date of
the mortgage herein, or since had In or to the
above described real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy said execution judgment order, decree,
interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas county, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Jan. 24, WOO.
A Good Investment A bouse and two
lots in Sunset Addition, (west side)
costing $1250, for sale for $750, half
cash, balance time. Inquire at Courier
Herald office.
IS THE TIME to clean
house and repaper you!
rooms and paint youi
house and
IS THE MAN to da
the painting' and papering
in a first-class shape at
very low prices, Leavt
orders at Ely Bros, store
on upper 7th streeth.
In the Ciroult Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clat kamas. "
H. r. Stevens,
Louise Rogers, B. B. Roger?, J.
. C. Roger), J, H. Honors, Fred
Rogers. Mrs. F. D.Seolv, Mrs
W. H. Harris, E-tella Rnj.
era, Ethel Roritk, Ralph Ris
ers, Claude Rogers, Blanche
tate cf Oregon, county of Clackamas, ss:
JJY. virtue of a Judgment order, decree and ex
ecution, duly issued out of and under the
seal of the above enlitled court, in the above en
titled cause, to me duly directed and dated the
J3rtl day of January, 1900, upon a judgement
rendered and entered In said oburt on the 17th
day of January, 1900, In favor of H. 0. Stevens,
plaintiff, end against Louise Rogers, defendant,
for the sum (if 8400, with interest H ereon at the
rate of 8 per cent per aunum from the 26th day
of September, 1898, and the further sum of 75 as
attorney's fee, and the further sum of $34
cotts and disbursements, and the ousts cf and
njion this writ, commanding me to make sale
of the following described real property, situate
In the bounty of Clackamas, state of Oregon,
Beginning at the northwest corner of the south
west quarter of the northwest quarter of section
9, the same being a point on the sectlou line be
tween sections 8 and 9, iu townbhip 4 south, rauge
3 east of the Willamette meridian, and running
thence south along the section line 30 chains to a
point equal distant ftoav the northwest corner
and the southwest oorner of the northwest-quarter
of the southwest quarter of section 9; thence
easterly on a line to divide that part of the north
west quarter of the southwest quaiter of said sec
tion line which lies within the husband s part
of the donation land cla m of Mathias Rees end
wife into equal halves 13.33 chains to the division
line between the husband's and wife's halves of
said donation laud claim of Mathias Rees and
wife; thence northerly along said division line
30 chains to the north boundary of said dotation
land claim of Mathias Rees and wife; thenco
west 13.33 chains to the plac of be inning, oon
tainiug40 acres, more or less.
. Also the following; .
Beginning at the nottheast comer of the south
west quarter of the northwest quarter of section
9, township 4 south, range 3 east of the Willam
ette meridian, and running thence west 26 2-3
rodB; thence south 160 rods; thence east 26 2-3
rods; thence north 160 rods to place of beginning,
containing 2C2-3 acres, more or less, all lying
and being in Clackamas county, Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will on Satur
day, ,
The 84th Day of February, lOOO,
at the hour of 11:30 o'clock a. m., at the front door
of the county court house in Oregon City, in said
county and state, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. 8.
gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and In
terest which the within named defendants, or
either of them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had in or to the above described
real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, Judgment order, decree, interest, costs
and all accruing costs.
Pheriff of Claokamas county, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Jan. 24, 1600.
Sewing machines from f 25 up. Sold
on easy payments- B-iuieister & An-
(1 resen.
J. HERlRil KESSLER, ftl. D.
Loot Here, Y012 Maiv
Your looks tell on you. Can keep it
ecrot a while. Before its too late. A
?foaud see or write to this old doc-
or. He has been treating such i
cases lor over 20 years ana perfectly y
reuable. Furnishes his own medi
cine and tells no tales.
of the Old St. Louis Medical and
I Surgical Dispensary, 330H YarnMil
' Street. Portland. Oreirou. rxwllivelv.
guarantees 10 rexnuve
In any stage without loss of time from business.
; DUrTTM i CureAy an old German remedy. This A
nnDUMlIofflremedv was sent to Dr. Kessfer by al
t friend in Berlin. It has never failed, and we guarantee it.,
(II Tl CDDrC Ulcers, Cancer,.etc. cured, no difference how !
rUillJ UUltliU long aaectea.
IiPDIVbTU Diseases. This doctor guarantees to cure any J
1 111 I n 1JJ oase ot avnnuts, uonorrnea, oieet. ntm-iuro
rurrl. tin ritnrrnc how lour BtanaitiBr. opermauirrnca,
' I oi of Manhnod. or Niffr.tlv Kmnitasious. curea pcrmani-
. iv. The habit ot Belt Abuse eueciuauv curea m a. anon
i VniTWH WrT Your errors and follies of youth can be,
IUUHu flltW remedied, and this old doctor will give you
wholesome advice and cure yon-make you perfectly strong,
and healthy. You will be amaied at his success in curing
k Spermatorrhea, Seminal Losses, Nightly Kmmissloun, ud
' other effects. -
nanriil. difficult, too freouent. milkv or bloodv urine, un-
. natural discharges, rirefullv treated and sermantly cured.
' Piles, Rheumatism and neuralgia treated by our new remedies
ana cures guaranteed.
ratients treated in any part 01 tne country oy nia nome
svtem. Writ full reticulars enclose ten ac stamps and
' we will answer you promptly, huudreds treated at home'
. woo arc uuaotc 10 come 10 uic my.
Take a clear bottle at bedttmt and minute in the bottle.
ci rhiqc ana ouc ui n id ine moiuiu. 11 u ci'juuv or a
hsf a cloudy aettlint la H, you have aome kidney or bladder 'l
dineaae, and should be attended to before yon get an lucur-
able Disease at hundreds Die erery year from Bright!
caae of KUdueya. 1
Address or Call DR. KES8LER, 2d and Yamhill
and we will
end you our
OUR $38.50 fft
cttthik tk
TO 18 !'
o.m no li .
1 t ,
I fil
4 i
ly freight . O. 1. ubjeci ! cxHn.lui.iiua.
YOU CAN EXAMINE IT atyourncaretfrpltrht
jKrl'liy iMttWiM: try ctlj M represented
An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle
and the equal of wad dim sold eTerywhern at from
4,ar OUR PRICE, $38.50,
lra the l.u deyoalt, r aud frelKlit
This Saddle Is made on a 15 or
16-inch Cenuine Ladesma or
Nelson Heavy Steel Fork....
cutrrrLi-v 8ki.ectkd haw-hike hiifufd
IHy V bound or roll cantle.teel leather covered tirrui
or z-ini-ti okoow brtks bouud, udeai vL W'll saad Wh4
Mali uknwkai w4
tree is auECmtH3iia J25?Sa
linml, Siitch witlfc lcet.mip letb8rt, lV-ineh t(etrap,
extrm long on near aide, t-lncb to bnkl on ottde, buavy
cotton twiitrd Mexican Krch front cinch, heavy vitton
betting nukcln h, citr.necting atrap. Loop mmU, e4 autl
Jockey al I one plecfl.
M IllOfitrated.
packed for shli
Weickt r Kddlr !( S& d
inmeiit, 4d poiuda. riuut.Hi u uali awci
ilw rua 11(11 toe IIL!
eiit, a paaada. tsjtu.ll I II WSU
CATALOGUE, showing lull line ol Cowboy nt Rsnchs
Outfits st the lowest prices ever quoted. Address;
(tan, lulndt U. it lwMf irililk-UW.)
Several Interesting Events During
The Week.
The ball jjiven by th Jolly Fellows at
the armory Friday evening waa thn most
satisfactory ftuiciion of the Beaw n. The
walle aiui orcliesita sUnnt had a holiday
appearance in tneir deoiationa of ev-
ergteena and a number of elaboruie
osttunes were worn. There was an un
usual lame attendance, and eever.il
guests were present from Portland. The
program consisted of 1G waliz and two
step dances, with four extra The fol
io una were present : Mr. an I Mr3. V,
E. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. F.' T. tSiillilh,
VIr. and Mrs R. D. Wilson, Dr. and
Mrs. E. A. Sonmier, Mr. and Mrs. N.
V. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Keat
ing, Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Albright,
Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Lanii, Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Lovett, Mr. and Mr. Mid Mm.
Georgo Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Warner, Mr. and Mrs. 0. E Bums,
Mrs. T.W.Clark,' Mrs. Charies Pope,
Mrs. J. W. Nonis ihe Mis.-es Lucy it
ton, Heinbocb, Stewart and Jenks?, of
Portl.tnd; Vera Caufie'.d, Ediih WiBh-
art, May Kelly, Eltna Albrittht,' Sad
Chase, Mary Conyers, Betta FouU, Liz
zie Walker, Ethel Can field, Lena Gold
smith, jOlara Warner, Matlie Draper,
Hattie' and Nannie Cochrane, Mamie
Lewthwaite, Scott, Lewthwaile, Laura
Pope, Hazoi Pilsburyf Messrs. Piatt
Randall, E. A. Chapman, Gilbert
Hedges, Leighton Kelly, E. E. Williams,
Walter Bradley, Surrhyne, Charles Bab
cock, J. U. Campbell, Kelly, Joe Good
fellow, Earl Hoopengatner, O. "U." Wil
son, Forbe3 Pratt, Will Logm, C, D.
Latourette, Morton Latonretie, T. V,
Randall, Harry Draper, Linn Jones,
Everett Hickman, M. Roseubaum,
Ra,ih Marshall, Fred Charmac, also
Charles, Lonnsbnry, Latnont, W. H
Burgharat and Herbert Thome, of Poi t-
A reunion of ihe Diller fimily was
held at the home of Major and Mrs.
Thomas Charman, Tuesday night. It
was a notable gathering, inasmuch as
the older members of the family were
all pioneers of 1852, and have been piom
inent factors in the development of Ihe
northwest. Those present were Mrs.
Magdaline Diller; her son, Councilman
L. Diller, of Seattle; da.ughiers, Mrs.
Amelia Fisher, of Corva'lis, and Mrs.
Thomas Charinan and Mrs. M. M. Char
man, of Oregon City. There were also
present a number of grand children and
great grand children of Grandma Pi',
ler. The feature of the evening was the
banquet, which was a sumptuous affair.
Major t barman was toastmasWr, and
al.-o responded to ihe toast, "History of
the Diller Family Since 1852;" L. i4'.
ler responded "To Mother,' Brother,
Sifters, Children, Grandchildren and
Greatgrandchildren." Mrs. M. M.
Charinan responded to "Happy
Thoughts of the Future." A flash light
picture was taken of the group.
The women of the Congregational
church are preparing for a first-class con
cert. Full particulars later.
Miss Ella Howell was the reoipient of
a delightful surprise party at the horn'
on Tuesday night, that proved to be a
a very pleasant occasion . Those pres
ent were Misses Dora Frye, Lucinda
Marrs, Mary Pursiful, Clandia and Nel
lie Hart, Anna and Gertrude Nefzgor;
Messrs. Archie McOord, Webb BtiniB,
Lsf.tyette Marrs, William Nefzer,
George Pursiful, William aDd Sterling
Mrs. J. W. Grout and daughter, Miss
Bessie, enterainpd the following buys
from (he Presbyterian Siinday-sclioob
last S tinday afternoon : lihta Cole, Roy
Richards, Ralph Green, Lester Fuge,
Carl and Charlie Rees, Frank Ftige,
Arthur Reddeway, Ward Younsr, Roy
McFarlan, Chester Carll, Edmund
Dixon, Willie Hamilton, Ray Muirand
Alva Grout.
rolyyuniint'8 Fate.
Washington, Jan. 23. This has been
an oratorical field day in the house over
the case of Brigham H. Roberts, the
Mormon representative from. Utah.
The gat'eries were packed to suffocation,
chiefly with women, and the spectator?,
after listenirg attentively to the argu
ments of Tayler of Ohio and Littlefleld
of Maine for the adoption of the ma
jority and minority reports, respectively,
of the specif 1 committee that investi
gate! the case, remained long after
nighLU to hear the impassioned words
of the accn?ed as he faced the house,
like an animal at bay, knowing that
tvery hand was raised against him.
Laccy has a proposition which he
will submit to ex-el Roberts by a two
thirds' vo!e without eeating him, wnich
will Lave supporters, and this may lead
to a compromise proposition. Miss
Roberts, daughter of Roberts, Wits in the
reserved gallery throughout the debate
today. The debi-te wil close next Thurs
day at 4-0.
Hpuiu'i Greatest ,Neeil.
Mr. R..P. Oiivia, of Barcelona, Bpains
SpendB his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak
nerves had caused severe pains in tne
back of bis hetd. On using Electric Bit
ters, America's greatest blood and nerve
remedy, all pjia soon left him. He
says this grand medicine is what his
country needs. All America knows that
it curea liver and kidney trouble, puri
fies the blood, tones up the stomach,
strengthens the nerves, pats vim, vigor
and new life into every muscle, nerve
and organ of the body. If wetk, tired
or ailing, you need it. Every bottle
guaranteed, only 60o. For sale by Geo.
A. Harding, druggist.
Notes of Interest In Lodge Circles
Fully 300 people attended the j int
instnllation of Willamette Falls Camp,
Woodmen ol the World and Solar Cir
le, Women of Woodcraft, last Friday
evening. The installing officers weie
Past Consul C mniander, O. S. Olwr,
ami Past Guardian Neighbor Mrs. Ri.
chel E. Scripture. The address of wel
come was given by S. F. Scripture, and
the response by Mrs. I. D. Taylor. An
excellent program of music was fur
nishid by Cooke's orchestra. One f
the entei tabling features of the evening
was the marching of the guards of So
lar circle, under the direction of Mrs,
Augusta Lutz. It was a fine, piece of
floor work. The refreshment commit
tee provided an excellent Biipper for the
members of the two fraternal societies
and their invited gnests.
The Modern Woodmen Camp had an
Installation of officers, musical and lit
erary program and grand spread, fol
lowed with dancing at Willamette hall,
Tuesday night. Past Venerable Consul
George Maple was the installing officer,
who impressed the following into g'r-
vice for the ensuing .term : Venerable
consul, Bruce C. Curry ; advisor, Ed F.
Story; banker, C, Gadke; clerk, G.
Grossenbecker; escort, L O. Moore;
inside watchman, T. L. Smith ; outside
sentinel, E. C. Shannon; managers,
George Maple, M. Michaels and Mr
Rowland. A number of violin and pi
ano selections were played by Mr. and
Mis. Turney; the song "Oregon," was
rendere 1 by Misses Ida and Lydia
Smith, and Miss Rosa Smith recited "I
Will Take Wbat Father Does." There
was also a recitation by Minnie Seol.
Colonel Robert A. Miller gave an exctl
lent short talk on the advantages of fra
ternal insurance organizations', which
was followed with an excellent supper
prepared by the wives of the lodge mem
bers. Dancing followed.
Grand President Sol Blumauer and
Grand Secietary Eugene D. White, of
Portland, came up Monday night, and
installed the new officers of McLough-
lin Cabin, No. 4. Iu addition to the in
stallation ctremonies (here was initia
tion of candidatt s, and encouraging re
marks by the grand officers. In addi
tion to the officers heretofore named,
E. L. Shaw and George Warner were in
stalled as inside and outside sentinels.
Lunch was served.
In the list of the officers of the G. A.
R, handed in for publication last week,
the name of Mrs, G. C. Bacon, senior
vice-president, was omitted. She is one
of the most active members. The Misses
Andrews also participated in the musi--1
program. '
Secretary E. H. Cooper says that the
Artisan Assembly will receive their
piize banner in a few days,-awarded by
the grand officers for the largest increase
of membership.
J. 3H. MARKS &o GO.
Produce and Commission Merchants
Highest market price paid for Wh-at, ().ttn. Potatoes,
.- Woo, Onions, Green and Dti-'l Fni-ts.
Carload Lois a Specialty Any Placaein the LI e.
Call or write J. K. MARKS & C( )., Can hy,
' . VCr. ' But tlu iJcal Stuck of Firat-CiltSS "
Goods to be Ft inul at Bottom
- Prices in Orcgrn City 'is it
Brunswick Restaurant
Under new Management '
Only First-Class Restaurant
I L. RUCONICH, Prop. 1
You Can
Depend Upon
. Patent Flour, made from old wheat. It
makes the best bread and pastry and always
gives satisfaction to the housewife, Be sure
and order Patent Flour made by the Port
land Flouring Mills at Oregon City and
sold by all grocers. Patronize .
Home Industry
..OO TO.
D00R3. WINDOWS, MOULDir.'C akd DL'ILDI.'ja
Buller'8 Operations.
London, Jan. 4. Absence of news of
yesterday's movements north of the Tu
gela river is occasioning some additional
anxiety, but General Buller is engaged
in big operations, which will take con
siderable time to work out. Even the
slitfht advance of General War
ren's forces, after two days' fight
ing, does not appear to have yielded an
important advantage to the British, aa
the captured kopjes were evidently ones
held as advanced posts in order to delay
the progress of the British troops and to
enable the Boers to complete their en
trenchments and mount guns on the
positions on which they have elected to
make a stand.
It is remarked that the Boers hive
thus far used little artillery, from which
it is judged that their guns are nlready
mounted ou tactical posilinni, from
wliit h the British will have i Jislodge
the republicans before reaching Lady
smith. There Is no confirmation of the report
that Dundonald has entered Ladysmith,
ai.d none is expected. Experts are of
the opinion that the Boors would be
only too glad to let. him in unopposed.
The Indignation and disgust expressed
at the blunders and incapacity of the
yeomanry staff, to whom ia ascribed the
rank failure, threatening to overwhelm
the movement started with such a fan
fare of ti limpets, are increasing duly.
Those w ho were able to carry the scheme
to success have been met at every turn
with red tape and all kinds of obstacles
and slights bj the inner circle of titled
incapables, resulting iu acores of gocd
men withdrawing from participation in
the plans. In the case of the Eouth
Bedfordshire yeomanry, a whole com
pany of 130 selected men has disbanded
in disgust.
Revised Clubbing List.
Appi-al to Reason and Courier-
Herald -. $1.00
S, Y. Thrice A Week World and
Courier-Herald L85
Weekly Oregonian and Courier
Herald ....
Weekly Examiner and Courier-
Farm Journal and Courier-Herald. .
Cosmopolitan and Courier-Herald
Farm and Fireside and Courier
Herald and Life of Dewey
Woman's Home Companion and
Courier-Herald and Li( of Dewey 2.00
National Watchman, hading Demo-'
erotic paper, and Courier Herald. $1.75
Shop Opposite Congregational Chnrob, Ualn Street, Cti;'"5
You will have a small
grocery bill by trad
ing at
Marr & Muir's
Joseph Kuerten's Bakery and Confectionery
- Fine Bread, Pies, Cakes, Cookies, Etc, Fresh Every Day
Special Attention Given to Private Parties
Seventh St. Terephon. 430 Oregon City, Ore,
ot Cukt-s, Ties, and other dainty things
for the table are baked fresh every day.
Each is as carefully made as though it
was done under the most particular
housekeeper's supervision. And the
ingredients used are better than most
housekeepers can afford to buy,
Csn we serve you with our delicious
utKBia aim uiuucie,
Opposite Pottoflice - Oregon City
1 v .
1.75 - .wj.V-i ;
A Shower....
Our new line Is In
a perfect shower.
and for rainy weather nothing is
more sensible to have than a pair
of fine, strong shoes with overshoes
or sandals to fit.
, You'l find every style has been
thought of and everyjpecasion may
h'av its shoes. See ours and you'll
want to wear them,