OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. JANUARY 26, 1900. That's the motto of many a woman's life. She manages the house, receives friends, entertains company, with a moan in the mouth which is stifled tnd a smile on the face which is a mask to cover up her pain. Only those who note the dark ringed eyes, the lines about the lips, the occa sional pallor of the cheek, know the real story. Such women are among the most grateful for the cures performed by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. To smile and not to suffer is something wonderful to them. Women suffering from female weak ness, Inflamma tion, ulceration or the drains that so weaken the body, may take "Favor ite Prescription" with almost abso lute certainty of cure. It's sure to help. It's almost sure to heal. It has cured ninety-eight per cent, of those who gave it a fair ana faithful trial. Mrt. H. A. Alibrook, of Austin, Lonoke Co., Ark., writen : "After five months of great suf fering with female weikncua I write this for the benefit of other sufferers from the same afflic tion. I doctored with our family physician without any good results, so my husband urged me to try Dr. Pierce's medicines which I aid, with wonderful results. I am completely cured. I took four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, four of his 'Golden Medical Discov ery 'and two vials of bis ' Pleasant Pellets.' " Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. All correspond ence confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. CIRCUIT COURT. COMMITTEE MEETS Th3 Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co's Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Dally (oxocpt 3uud iy) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at win- p l'is 011 both sides of the Columbia river. 11,11. ..f II. . .,1. ..... ... I...... t.a . ..t,l,IH anil am hi uxoMUftU. iilmite f r thu Hi'iisnu of I HUD Tli Iti'ttiilm iir I. Inn will en lu.ivor to give its JlllirilllS bun Ul'HI: M.TVll'li )U&KU t. For Comfort. Kmitmmv nml ll(irtttrfl truv il by the Hteiunwi'd of Tin Iti'jju tutor Th" nimve tiiiiiiii'r In iv" Cortland 7 a m.nnd Dalles at 8 a. m.,nnd ni'rive.it destination Inuuiplu tliuo fur ml lu ill nil tMiiim l'lirtliiinl Olll.-e, ' . Thr Ibillns OIHce, unit St. Unrk. (Joiirtstreet, A. C. AI.WWAV Oenoral Ajfont SL98 BUYS A $3.50 Slin ' S.WMICKI.klilU'l KU'KVFItMKAHOlt" IMH KM M.K1 AMI KMCKt H KM Mil .&u IMIKS' TWO. . I'IMK k.UK I'AMH hi ll H AT St. 98. A MtWSL'M rKU FUR ANT OF 1HCSE SWTS WHICH CONT GIVE FAT SFflRToRY lfciAR IbfcNU NU lYiONfeY, nil 1l.li art. ouimid rue or mini; lorttue uinl we v in send vou ttlltt Clllt IiV t'MUl'SB. t'. U, 11. MllltL'Ct to ex atiiiii. nu can ? Murine Il At votir y CIW.1N Clllff jillll 1 KmIIHI il!rltlliy KNII" iHftor.Y Hlillt'lIIHl 111 HUiikMllsl II )ur iflMIl for !t.:.u, lmyvoti respites itcnt uur Speel.il (lller I'l'lit', l.iM, niiit exiirfwM cliarue THESE Kt.Fr PMT SUITS me tor i..-, v i to ! lrV'iii' ol tijje nml fire rrlnHt-tl ripnwlKrr al f'.hi). Mnile with DIM UJ.K ti KAT antl aMitvtt, t'Ukl It'liO m((1 HI HI'lllrllrH. mhiIp frou. m l .eUl Jitmf Wftglil, wpur-iTlilln(t, nil-mm! t, mk-i -!- m ill, IMIIKI-Ollie HIU ITIl, Ino ttUn H.iiiur, Komi")' (.rni.in IiiIitIIhIuk, jtnildliiR, .. iinl mblWrliff, .Lit mim llnm wwliir, ftiirUllor uinil thMM. " i (i ."It miy lioy oi parent M imltl lie proud ol. fOI' I'M Kit 11 Kit MMIM.I-H ur llt. Ml.ln for 4 to It' VMHS, wrlli- fur HmV llmik Vn. (IMt, ctuitfttni fiithtnn 1'ifi'' ti.ii- mi'iiKuiviiiul lull intnicltniiH hitw toonlir. lU'ft1- .H.ti iiimIi in order lom ifA.OO uih bum-jiiw-i ut lv iD nii!li'Hlinii. Atldii'fn, SEAMS. HOEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago, 111. (fckofi, llvfbui-k M lu. fttv ihuruuililj rvllaulv. kJlur.) i' ti. I S2.75 POX RAIN COAT A HKH I. AH $3. 00 WAT Kit f0 If I'KOOK Ml klHN nr SEND NO MONEY. t u u' lie your IikIKIiI aiitl Holffht. iU(f imhrrol ur nn krounil bod; at hrtait, takes ofor teat undvr (oat, oloao up uuder arnt, and Wj wilt rw'iul yo tlilniMiit hv fJipiuM, , C.O.H., auiijMl io tianlnat'luB. Kl- i tummi arm try n oimt yuur neAruMl 'I'vh tmiif , ana ir rounii &adij Ri riiraBld ami the mott wondurfql fsuUw jm twr aaw or heard af, aid lo any toat you cub bmy for trA.tH). imv Ihrt oxdi'mmh nirtit ill u Hl'M IALtlKrkK I'RIlK, $2.70fl aud CKDlVss iliirLriM. THIN M At'klNTtkNll fa latent 1000 tyltf, eny fltthin, nimlu fitmi haay waltfurotr, tao rolnr, rnulnt Uala t uvrrt tloth full lenrtli, ilout.lt hivuetcd. r'HK't'rvt'lvriti'olUr, fmy itlntd llnlmr, v-iitiTiHMuf newcdHcnim. StiltHhlu for "Mil t(ula or Ovvmtat. anil giiaraulvHl (athAlKsf U K rr offirrd by UN or any otlicr lioue. lor KrwilulU HaMilr uf Miii'a Mat'kinUmhta nu to thou. mid Maili4vi-MtHaurtHultrifttul (vr- r'T.i1 Y 0"hN t f nm ui loeio.mt, write for ... iicr nAiviik uwk Ko, wir. Atllriia. 6EAR3. ROEBUCK & Co. (Inc.. CHICAGO. (Ija-., Hirvltvik A It). r UtoruuithU rvliabla, Kdltwrwp q$2,45 GOLD PLATED r ir " ttii .i. i-ut ami m ini t ii. , .11 mm 3 -I. ' I 1 . if ! Vi' .1 r .ui.. 'f F., t!i( urtti'li by ettn vat., V. O. h. iltt l tii uxninimititin. Vou rrtu I'sunilne It at your iprtia of ' ml If fiUiMl Ufrlvotly aailaiar- lrj, Mart If ai rviirin(nl(l ana latf(' way equal lo wairh4 liai lira nfiiia atirriiiroa ti.ll to Uuntlor mu'h lilH,itilinu'uiM,ntH)iip Ha avIarlM M)l Avilvai Kit), tloU Ulld or l.iink MUf ati. tMM ati-iHiuiii killed mhr, t. If iunndtt tht'eMuuior better thmtkny of tl Wwti hi'H. !; Iha kraa Mt Ol It I'HHK. .4 uiil xire clitMV Don't be Docuivcd ky tattky ftdvarllaruirats whit h would vou to Wllovt you couliitrfta Uk.OO or ffMI.OO watrk for t S. t& to . U, wkw wt I1 tkaaama wilokfor $2.49. OUR ft? 45 WATCH " h,i(' foil Mimiioc rravf (i-ts Vt Hit'in tiu anil act, rtd viatd, hMulri.tn. y ontft avt'd ntnl poll)id, luaka Ilka a klurk-rad aIJ Med aad U a trral lraltn valfft, inovf mon laM uti'kl ? Ji'wcl. Ch! atdiu wind Amfrlt'ii,iiaiitvtl,a,tul ft iroodtiiM k(tltr. Wot Wattkta ffttai BH aoaia up, aldlllUd waUkM k. 1 k a4 up, wrlla for IWa r) aiah aatl Jrwrlrj fata saur.. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.(lnc), Chicago Adjourned Term in Session This - Week. In tue divorce suit of B. Armbruater va Flora Arrnbrnster, default was en tered. James T. Walls vs H. H. Johnson; judjitnetit for plaintiff for $264. Joseph Biohner vs. T. J. Brown, et al ; summons ordered published. Charles Kyler vs Henry Vonhelms, et al ; foreclosure for $698 75. Mrs. M. J. Boen va James O'Connor, etal; sheriff's sale confirmed. Luzetta E. Wolfer vs H. L. Wolfer ; demurrer overruled by consent of de fendant's counsel, and the defendant is required to answer the cainplaint on or before Monday, January 21. William Trevor vs Lillie Trevor; de cree of divorce granted, and the plain- tiff permitted to resume her maiden natte, Lillie Lovelace. The plaintiff was awarded the custody of child. M. L. Morris vs Frederick Sturgis, at al; report of referee in panition of real estate, approved. Nellie M. vs George M. Stark; decree of divorce on the ground of cruel treat ment, and the plaintiff permitted to re sume her maiden name, Nellie M. Olds. Hen.y Oans vs Wils Nida; summons ordered published to give defendont no tice. In the matter of the assignment of Hamilton Bros., the final report of the assignee, C. 0. T. Williamd, was ap proved. Ella W. vs James V, Baird; time given for amended complaint. In the matter of the estate of Matilda D. Holt, Frank Holt as administrator of the estate of Thomas Holt, deceased, contestant and appelant vs C. M. Idle- man, executor, proponent and appel lant; appellant's time for filing tran script in the supreme court, extsnded 30 days. Elizabeth Dillman vs Edward J. and Louise Dawden ; dismissed. Rebecca J. Long, etal, vs John W. Doores; the plaintiffs aboe-nainrd hav ing filed their appeal herein to the su preme court, from the debtee heretofore rendered, upon plaintiff's application therefor, it is o.dered that the bund for cots and disbursements be placed at $1,000. Dan Lyons vs Eugenie McKinney, et al ; default. . Adeline McElsander vs Henry McEl samlor; drcree of divorce on the ground of desertion. W. II. Franklin vs C. E. Moody; sheriff sale confirmed. Ralph W. Hoyt vs Annie H. Whit lock, et al ; sheriff sale confirmed. Mary Jane Hartman vs N. Birtchett, et al ; judgment for $185 35 and interest. Francis Parker vs 0. B, Purdy, et al; judgment for $100. Nettle E. vs James T. Hair; decree of divorce for cruel and inhuman treat ment, except that neither party Is ca pable of contracting marriage with a third person until this suit is heard and determined on appeal, and if no appeal is tak"n herein, iiniil the expiration of six months from the date hereof. I.ydia D. vs John Ilowlett, suit for a ivin;e; the plaintiff filed a complaint that the defendant hud sold portions of certain property contrary to a restrain ing order mrde by the court, and, also, had failed to turn over certain chattels to the plaintiff as required in the same order. Sho also asked that defendant be required to pay $j0 alimony into court. The court ordered a bench war rant i-sued for Howlett's ariest forth with to answer charge of contempt as set forth. Ilowlett appeared in court on the fol lowing day, WeJnesdav, and made a sl owing that the facts set forth in the affidavit were not true. The defendant claim that he had jokingly said some thing about disposing of the chattels, that had reached the ears of the plain tiff. The contempt charge was dismissed. Mattie Tremlmth, of Portland, whosn claims against the estate of the estate of J. H. Trenibath, jr., now insane, was set aside on account her marriage to Trembath being illegal and the more important fact of want of jurisdiction, is now trying the circuit C inrt. On Wed nesday she filed a suit against II. W. Trembath, guardian of snid estate, ask ing for a judgment of $2.'50. She al leges this amount to be due for monies loaned lo J. 11. Trembath, jr., at various tin.es, and wants a lien the said ward's real estate, insurance policy and per sonal property as a guarantee against 1 )ss to her claim. And the Republicans Endorse Brownell for Corgress. J The Ciackamas county republican! central committee held a meeting last Saturday morning at Weinhard hall. ' J. C. Bradley presided as chairman, and ' J. U. Campbell officiated as secretary. , The larger number of the preciucts were represented, and answered to roll- call as fallows: ' Abernethy, Captain W. H. Smith,' proxy for E. C. Hackett; Barlow, Mor rison Campbell; Canby, D. R. Dimick;1 Canemah, Charles M. Toole; Clacka mas, J.C. Paddock; Damascus, E. T. White; Eagle creek, C. B. Pmitb' ; ! George, Hans Paulsen ; Highland, Ed Harrington; Milwaukie, R. 8. Mc Laughlin ; Marquam, E. M. Hartman ; Needy, N. Blair; New Era, Enos Ca- hill; Oregon City No. 1, M. E. Wil loughby; Oregon City No. 2, G. B. Dimick; Ortgon City No. 3, J. N. Harrington; Oswego, A. J. Tuffs; Sieyers, Adolph Aschoff; Soda Springs, joe Barristo; Springwater, A. M. Shib ley ; Tualatin, J. L. Kruse ; Lower Mo lalla, A. Clebe; Union, C. F. D. WilBonj Upper Molalla, John Cole ; Viola, IV , M.Stone; West Oreson City, O. A. Miller. ' - Il was determined to have the repre sentation in the county convention on the basis of one vote at large, one for ev ery 20 votes cast for governor two years ago and one for every major fraction thereof. The matter of the registration of vo ters was discussed at some length, and it was finally recommeded that each precinct chairman use his best efforts to have all the voters register. The chair man and secretary of the committee were instructed to askthe attorney-general to render a decision as to . what are the legal requirements to entitle one to register. The chairman and secretary were also giyen authority to make a call for a county convention and primaries at the proper time. " On motion of E. M. Hartman, sec onded by Dr. C. B. Smith, the following resolution was adopted without a dis senting voice: Whereas, It is generally known that Hon. George C. Brownell, of Clackamas county, is a candidate for congress from this district; and, Whereas, It is also kuown that Clack amas county during its whole history since Oregon was admitted into the un ion as a state, has never received any recognition upon the state or congres sional ticket; and, Whereas, George C. Brownell has represented this ccuuty in the state sen ate continuously since 1894, to the credit of this 'onnty and the state; and, Whereas, Clackamas county stands third in representation in the state and congressional conventions, and we feel that time has come when Cluckam is county should bo recogniz d in the re publican county convention of this dis trict and stale; therefore be it Resolved, That we hereby indorse the candidacy of Senator Brownell for con gress from this district, and earnestly hope that his candidacy will be received by the members ol the republican party in other counties with support and fa vor. 1 l.-v V r -rr ?f ff "f " Ttf f f tf f PATENTS "ViCE AS TO PATENTABILITY 1 Notice In "luventw Ait." Mook "How to obtain I'awmFa" Owjfl tnoierata livnrr o n.m.snc DESIGNS " " TRADE-MARKS knii u'riniiiiiij OBTAINED FREE W I ii It lultatuitm e n.Ac.sntnvl. Address. I. SiUofcNS, P.tent Uwyer. Wishinqtoh, 6. C. ' lecture on the Philippines. The people of Oregon City will have an opportunity of hearing an entertaiu. ing and instructive story of the islands, people, scenes in barrack and camp, field and hospital, the insurrection, present outlook, etc., on Tuesday, Feb ruary 6th, at Shively's opera house. This lecture will be given by the Rev. W.S.Gilbert, who wag chaplain of the Second Oregon. Very few of the offi cers were more popular than Chaplain Gilbert. , With his unsurpassed facili ties of getting at the first sources of in formation, it is believed that no man can give a more thorough account of the Oregon regiment in the Philippines than ho. Remember the day and date. once every week with Seven Sutherland Sisters' Scalp Cleaner, when immediately followed with a thorough appli cation of the Hair Grower, will make the hair soft, silky and luxuriant. Unlovely hair means unhealthy hair. These preparations strengthen as well as cleanse and purify. They make and keep the hair beautiful. For men, women and children. Sold by all drngglsta. Foresight Means Good Sight If there ever was a truism 'it is exemplified in the above headline. Lack of foresight in attending to the eyes in time means in the end fjur sight. We employ the latest most scientific methods in testing the eyes, and charge nothing for the examination. "Dr. Phillips, an expert graduate oculist and optican, has charge of our optical department. A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler 293 florrlson Street, PORTLAND, OREQ0N S. G. SKIDMORE & CO. MARKET REPORTS. PORTLAND. (Corrected on Thursday.) Flour Best $3.003.25; graham 82.65. . W heat Walla Walla 53g54c; valley 53e54; hlnestone 55r. Oats White 3435c; gray 32 33c. Barley Fi ed $16 ; lrewii g$18 19. .Millstui'fs bran $17; ni.l lliiu'a $22; shorts $18; chop $16. Hay Timothy $911 J clover, 78; Oregou wild $7. Butter Fancy creamery 50c ; sec onds 4045c; dairy, 35(3)42c, store, 2532bC. EggH-20o ' Poultry Mixed chickens $3.004.50; hens $4 005; springs $23 25;eese, $56; ducks $o7; live turkeyBl2J 13c; dressed, 1416c: Cheese Full cream 12c per pound ; Younu Ainerica 14c. Potatoes 50 and 79 cents per sack. Vegetables Beets $1; turnips 90c per sack; garlic 7c per lb; cabbnge$1.50 2.00 per 100 pounds ; cauliflower 7oC per dozen; parsnips 75c per sack; celery 7075c per dozen; asparagus 67c; peas 34c per pound. Dried fruit Apples evaporated 78; sun-dried sacks or boxes 45c; pears sun and evaporated 56u; pitlesB plums 45Joc: Italian prunes 35c; extra silver choice 58. OREGON CITY. Corrected on Thursday. Wheat, wagon, 45 Oats, 32. Potatoes, 50 and 60 cents per sack. Egi, 20o per dozen. Buttt r, 35 to 50 pel ru.lt. Onionn, red, 8ic to $1 00 per sack yellow, $1 to $1.25. Dried apples, 6 to 6c per pound. 'Dried - prunes Italians, 4i;; petite and German, Sc. PROBATE COURT. Or- Jtulje Ryan Makes Several ders During the Week. L. S. Stipp w.is appointed adminis trator, de bonis non, of the estate of Si las Shay, deceased. Mrs. Elizabeth Chase, the former administrator, lied on the dav that the final report was to have been filed. Charles S. Chase was appiinted ad ministrator of the estate of Elizabeth Chase, deceased, and Robert Jonsrud, Gilbert Jonsrud and Casper Junker were designated appraisers. In the matter of the palate of Cather ine Susbauor, deceased, Peter Susbauer, administrator, made his final account of settlement. In the matter of the estate of Rhoda itlair, deceased, hnos A. isiair, execu tor, filed his final account, and Febru ary 26th, was set as the date for hearing objections to the same. Teachers' Meeting. Clackamas County Teachers' Associa tion will hold its next meeting at Clack amas, Ore., Jan. 27, 1900, at 10 A. m. PROGRAM. "The N. E. A."... ....Miss F.O. Porter "The Nervous System". ...M. S. 8 h rock Song Clackamas School Noon hour. 1 :20 r. m. Roll call. "The Work of John Q. Adams" O. 11. Bvland "Our Schools" Fred Meindl "Methods of Teaching the Blind" Rev. E. S. Bollinger ( J. C. ZlNSKR Committee Fannik G. I'ortrr I N. W. Bowland The finest bon bon the K.K K. boxes in town at To Cure a Cold in One Dag Take Laxative Biomo Quinine Tablets All drungista it fund the money if i fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature s on each l o 25c. CUT RATE DRUGGISTS Headquarters for Drugs and Chemicals7Com- pounding of Prescriptions and Receipts. Lowest Prices on Patent Medicines, Brushes, Soap and Rubber Goods 151 3RD ST. PORTLAND, ORE. The Seventh Street Meat Market BROWN BROS., Props. Keeps nothing but first-class meats and sells lower than others. The Old Stand, Seventh Street, A. O. U. W. Stand, Seventh Street, OREGON CITY, A. 0. U. OREGON. Building RYDMAN & CO. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Flour, Feed, Provisions and General Merchandise CANBY, - - OREGON. AHHOOO RESTORED I Thlserent v.ttahlft ?Vituiizir.LlifW)r(!K:i-:D- tlon of ft famous French unysidun, will quickly cure you of all ner vous or uinhusf's oi tui! tfuuunmvo orsaug, Bucn as jmbi Manhood. Insomnia., l'nhisiu theBwn Semlmtf Kuiissfons, Nervous I'biHty Pimples, rufilnoHS to Slai'iV, KxhauwtinK Irnitts, Vnrli:nrple &tid Constipation. It stops ail Iosbph by flay or night. Prevents quirk nessof discliarpo, which if not chprkprl lenfls to 8perriitorrlu a tn all the liorrnrsof Impotoncy 4'UBI OKHK cleaves thelivur, UiQ kidneys and t Mo urinary orcm of all IxunuriUes. !TIrsiWWli! atronnrthAiift mid rts1.nrpfi Rrrifl.lt wojtlc ortrans. fThe reason snnerers are not cureil by Jincinrs is bwiuse ninety per cent are tronblert wltb PrOMntftl. CUPI DENE is the only If nown remedy to cure vithout un operation. 6tXl8tlmonfc als. A written (run ran too ptven and money returned if Bix boxe does not eifect a ueriuuauui cur f 1.00 a box, six for $5.0C, by mail. Hend for FRKKcircular and testimonials. Address 4VO L JHi;mcOi K, P. O. J.V 2076, San Francisco, Cal. Ibr&-le fr G. A. HARDING, Oieioii City, Oregon BEFORE and AFT?R Ml 4i A PERFECT BATH ROOM 8. ntlal to perfect romioit Bi'd health. Our pstimitPH on piutlntt 1" Huinbln? Work Hurt tUtilm for Ihtkb Hiid small houses will be found siiruassinely low when quality of work and mnteritil used i ooi.sidcrvd We wniild he pleased t have u opportunity DR'ibmlt tlxures. F. C. GADKE i Vi & UJkLT7 RAW FUR IZ05J6E is the Iargfist house of its kind in the country. We pay spot Cash for all kind of Sklna and F lira. Our assorting Is considered the most liberal and our remit tances the most prompt. We remit by TIraft, money order or rash on the sume day the shipment arrives. We charge no commission on furs, and pay express or freight charges when same do not exceed 10 per cent of the value of ship ment. We keep you posted at all times on the prices of all kinds of furs. Write to-day for Price List and Quotations, As to our responsibility we refer by permission to METROPOLITAN NATIONAL BANK, Chicago. CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK, Chicago. DESERET NATIONAL BANK, Salt Lake City, Utah. PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK, Rock Island, III. IOWA NATIONAL BANK, Ottuinwa, Iowa. noNTOOM ERV WARD & CO.,Wholesale Dry Goods, Chlcato. NELSON MORRIS & CO., Beet and Pork Packers, Chicago. ROf-ENBAUd BROS. & CO., Union Stock Yards. CLAY, ROBINSON & CO.. Union Stock Yards. SSIBERMAN BROTHERS, 122-124-1SS.12B Michigan St., Chicago, lit. Jl T f If MM' 11 fill mu iln.nT1' ESI li-tireua Ilnrness Oil is the best An preservative of new leather mill the best renovator ol old leather. It oils, softens, black- eus uuu protects, usa Eureka on your best harness, your old bar nr?m, and your carrlaKPtnn, and they will not only look better but weur louver. Sold everywhere In cans all aUeH tram hulf pintn to five kiUIoiu. tlKla b; BilNUiltl) V1L to. Sot ice. Bring in your old tabln ware and jew elry and have it replated now while you have a chance, which you may not have very bug. Leav orders with Mr. Younger, the watchmaker, opposite iluntley'a drugatore. A. Bavmann. Special Sale on Shoes at the Tark place cash store. y oo t Aria rrt? Tbadc Marks Design Copyright lo. m 4-FOUMD CATALOGUE FPFF THIS BIG CATALOGUE pe inmn'iiei liiBiz. containBuvtjrlOO.UUU quotatioiiK, fclLj gJ- 'ChtCAoOIUHS. iO.tXK) illuttraUtinf. tho larxfil, wtmt romrilrtr intl lotifil jtrlrixt ratnloiint ?P"J,.,.,1,?f. NAMES THI LOWEST WHOLESALE CHICAGO PRICES DM IVERtTHINQ lncludinttr evurytliiriK in ltn.crir., l)tu(( Urj (JuoU .u tln, tluttihiir, tloaki, l)rHfi, Hwlt mmii Hhofi, Witthei, Jcwelrj, RtHiki, Htrdwftiv. HluttFi, Airlrullurtl IniplfunUf Furallirf, Hiuutsa, 8adt.la, Butitlft, IVninc MirhlRM, (Wkfry, Orvan, mt MHnlcal InslniMfRta, Kur.l.blng tJuuds, Uuas Rrvolran, I'khinp; Tackle, Blf jclr, l'holflrr.tlii odt, Kte. Tells jut wUat your iton keeper at home irnint pay for everything he buys and will prevent aim rrnm overolianrinir vou on anything you buy i explaiun just how to order, how much the fr-clnht, xiraor nail will be on anything to your town, ike b Ik book eMUn nearly iM.OO, the postage alone In S4 cents. OUR PPPP ArrpD Cut this ad. out and send to ua ywr rtcc wrrcw, vltn 1ft n Btni)tpa to help pay theXt cents postage, and .heBtjr Rook will htrnt to joo Kit K.K by nail (MHtpaM.and if you don't thtnk it !s worth IWtimee the 16 cents you rend, as a key to the lower t wbohrrafe iirixscf every tuirijv IO.lld VfMttl iMVlJln.Ol; tT JVt II W II AT THK PKFAH AVft AIM.l T I'm Al Alflt I II "It is a monument of business information." Mluueapoli (Minun Tribune. "A wonderful piece of work." Washington National Tribune. 'The Catalogue is a wonder." Mancbestei (N. H.i Inlon. "Sears, Uoelmck & Oo. is one of the largest houses of lti kind la Chicago." Chicago Inter Ocean. . . "ine tug catalogue forms one of the finest shopping mediums that eonld powtnty he sent into a dltr!!' Joyce's Monthlv, Chicago. Thetrcatalogue is a v(tst tepartment store boiled down." Atlanta Oonsrltnrlon. The catalogue Is certainly a merchandise encyclopaedia." Chicago Kpworth Herald. Alawfhoulil be na'Sil coniTWllinar t.hAiisnnf thla catnlntiAln all itntiliK hiiU Tha Had n a uthtnim We could imte thouandH of similar extracts, 8-d 1ft enla at m and to will receive tkf 4-Hnn'd nok b rrtr u Add.s, SEARS, ROEBUCK dc CO. (Inc.), CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A ...GUARANTEED... BEST AUTOMATIC SELF EJECTING SINGLE BREECH LOADER MADE, SEND ONE COLLAR tit THIS ID OIT and send to u nd will semi Uiti New Automatic Ejec tor 6ingle Barrel Breoch OUR PHICE $6.5 Anvrme eendlnf e sketch end deecrrptlen mtf tjulckly ma cert a'.n our opinion free what her aa Invention la prooabiy patentaMe. on la ttronablT fiatentabl. Com monies ilonattrtetlyoonodentlal. 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Krrn.i mi iiun MADE BY THE NEW YORK ARMS CO. aJJ.rt,' "i" ft bri-ft, l'iH'y iiLut.. ii. t.i grip. faiK'y bntt, rrnoundine lock, lop snap ttrak; f run. and triirirer tru.rti are n.. hrdnd .net HITnMlTlft F IFrTdH t the latest type, by whih Um shell u thrown clear (rum tha LUMriiily tltiisheii. pn - t. v lorlfran)rt. S rftv-Vir,' it.. v-jiSl - aaaastaw 'I af aiSV "' r'"l ' will 25' .I l3r This Is the latest and bet patent Automotio feVifc Stj2r Elector Single Barrel Breech Loading Shotgun on thei; C i0 W Market. Try lt dayaanatf yimdont And it aa Krone- a ehootar. lnn Bi4 nenae quentltlel trim. n .. . V. . UUlulIwruc tihjm (iUUCt ut our one mn profit Plan. WRIT! rui IURI fill CAT aLUWI. Artdn 8 EARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), CHICAGO, ILL, OUR SPECIAL $679 PRICE -a made possible hTmon of buy in the fnmsinln