OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. JANUARY 26, 1900. ! FOOD FOR THOUGH f . PRINTER'S INK Use it as you will, no matter how nicely couched, the language will never make a corset fit well or wear well. WARNER BROTHERS' DOES BOTH. Warner's twentieth century models are the ideal corsets of the age. Over 100 different styles. Warner's new models need no "breaking in" they fit like a glove. Expert corset fitter to wait on you. Warner's corsets never rust, never break. McAllen & McDonnell EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS IMPORTERS THIRD and MORRISON PORTLAND, OREGON LOCAL AND PERSONAL PERSONAL MENTION. Hans Paulsen, of George, was in O'e 'Ron City Friday. R. S. McLaughlin, oi Milwaukie, was in town Saturday. Joe Briggs, of New Era, was a visitor in the city Friday. C. F. D. Wilson, of Union, was in Or egon City Saturday. Hans Paulsen, of George, was in Ore gon City Saturday. Adolph Aschoff, of Marmot, wa9 in Oregon City Saturday. E. G. Hornschuch, of Shubel, was in Oregon City Saturday. J. W. Moffatt was over ffom La Camas, and spent Sunday here. Henry W. Shaw, a prominent Milk -creek citizen, was in the city Friday. Jacob D. Ritter, a- prominent citiznn of Needy, was in town during the week. L. E. Armstrong and Morrison Campbell, of Barlow, were in the city Friday. Joseph Barstow, a well known resi dent of Wilhoit, was in Oregon City Sat urday. Miss Mandy Hussock, who has been vi iiting here, returned home to Oregon City Friday. Roseburg Review. H. 0. Githens, formally of Eagle Creek, has returned fro'n Wardner, Idaho, and will leside in Portland. Postmaster E. M. Hartman, of Mar jnam, was a visitor in the city Satur day. J. H. Wourius, a former attorney of this city, but now a resident of Burke, Idaho, is visiting relatives for a few days. Mrs. Edith Clouse, who has long been prominent in Relief Corps circles, left Saturday accompanied by her two daughters for California. Polk Gribble, of Gribble Prairie, was a pleasant cailer at this offlje Saturday, He stated that Lane Gribble is still in the state of Washington. J. W. Smith, John H. Daly, A. H , Reynolds, Leonard Heinz, F. Werhne, Phil Graves and John Barth, were down from Macksburg Monday. Mrs. Kruse, landlady of the Portland hotel, is confined to her room with an attack of blood-poisoning in one of her hands. However, no serious results are apprehended. Ex-Postmaster S. R. Green was down from Viento during the week, for sev eral days. He has charge of some con struction work on the line of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company. James Coomer, of Meadowbrook, was in town Monday. C. Knox Cooper, of Cams, was in Or egon City Friday. Preston E. Bonney, of Colton, was in the city Saturday. William Yohaii, of Macksburg, was in Oregon City Monday. D. H, Robertson, of Pleasant Hill, was in Oregon City Saturday. H. Iderhoff, accompanied by his son, Herman J. Iderhoff, - was in Oregon City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clark have been with his mother for several days in Polk county, she having been very ill. The news was received Sunday that she was much worse, and Miss Addie Clark has tened away on the evening overland, to reach the bedside of her mother. W. E. Bonney, clerk of school dis-l trict No. 72, Elwood ; J. W. Watts, school clerk at Stone, and H. F. Gib son, holding a similar position at Ea gle Creek, were callers at the county su perintendent s ofllce Saturday. Miss Emma Kleinsmith is the successful teacher of the Elwood school. The funeral services of the late John Page were conducted by Rev. J. H Beayen, Friday. The deceased was 78 years old and a native of Pennsylvania. He emigrated to Iowa in an early day, and came to Oregon 13 years ago. His s hi, J. L. Page, of Gladstone, was the only relative here. Other children live in Iowa. A. Noltner, publisher of the Portland Dispatch,- was in the city Friday, and at tended the funeral of the late John My ers. Twenty-nine years ago Mr. Nolt ner planted the seed of the locust tree, now growing in Mrs. Stafford's yard on Main street. At that tim Mr. Nolt ner published the Enterprise, and picked up the locust seed, while going home from the office, and has at times gazsd admiringly on the tree, watching its development until it has become one of the attractive shade trees on Main street. Theodore Clark, manager of the Ban don woolen mills, arrived from San Francisco Sunday, and visited his fam ily for a few hours, before proceeding to Bandon. While in Ban Francisco Mr. Clark sold enough cloth 10 keep the mills running steadily for six months. He secured good prices for the product, and could have easily contracted the product of the mills for a year ahead, but hesitated to do so on account of the uncertainty in the future price of wool. Mr. Clark purchased 50,000 pounds of wool, while there. James Mclntyre has returned from an extended sojourn in San Francisco. A. J. Yoder. a prominent citizen of Needy, was in Oregon City Monday. Mrs. Chr.s Kocher, of Mark's Prairie, was visiting relatives here during the week. James Church, of Newton Falls, N. Y., arrived home last Thursday night. He has been employed in paper mills there for some time past, but will leave in a few days to accept a similar posi tion in a paper mill in Japan. The Jap anese are now 'manufacturing their own paper, and operate 'their own plants by the aid of a few skilled workmen from this country. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. G. B. Dluiick will give an address be fore the Wilhoit republican club, on the evening of Feb. 12th. Dr. A. Tilzer, formerly of this city, was married to Miss Carrie L. Beaiy in Portland, last Sunday. F. A. Miles has purchased the post office cigar store from O. A. Nash, and will carry on the business' at the old stand. R. R. Bratton, of Barlow, lett a sprig of raspberry bush at this office during the week, that contained green and ripe raspberries and fully developed blooms, all on the same Btem. The seven-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Criteser, baa recovered trom a severe illness, lasting three weeks. The child was very low witbdipththeria, scarlet fever and other complications. Dr. Powell attended the case. John Duffy, the wood contractor, has secured a three-year's lease for 150 acres along the West Side of the Willamette river, from the Portland General Elec tric Company. Mr. Duffy is fencing the land, which he will use as a pasture for his horses. A young man who bss been cutting quite a dash in certain cirles, is in a fair way to get into trouble, unless he mends his wayB, if reports are true. It is said that he recently carried away a woman's watch, but gave it up when approached by the chief of police. Sheet music is said to bv missing from several homes. He claimed 10 have taken the watch as a joke. Myron Babler, of Logan, was in town Monday. For some time past he has held an important position in a cannery at Faiihaven, Mash., but may conclude to go to Alaska in the spring, where he has been offered a lucrative po-itim. Jacob Babler, a brother of Myron, is su perintendent of a salmon cannery at Fort Wrangel, Alaska, 011 a salary of $3,000 per annum. His brother, Henry, is foreman in the same cannery. When the two brothers return to Alaska in April, Myron may accompany them. Thn funeral of the late John Myers was largely attended in this city last Friday. The services at Sc. Paul's Episcopal church; were conducted by Rev. Geo-ge B. Van Waters, of Port land, assisted by Rev. P. K. Hammond. The services at the grave in Mountain View cemetery were conducted by Mult nomah Lodge, No. 1, A. F. & A.M., J. E. HedgeB, worj-hipful master. The ball-bearers were Penumbra Kelly, Charles R. Frazier and Juhn Becker, of Poitland, Judge T. A. McBride, George Harding and J. P. Lovett, of Oregon City. The floral offerings were tastily arranged and of appropriate and tasty designs. For inuny years Oregon City and Clackamas county was his home, and no man was ever held in higher es teem or respect. Charles Reber,the Parkplace butcher, left Oregon City last Saturday night for his home at Parkplace. Upon reach ing the railroad crossing below town, one of these hold highwayman, that have been striking terror into the souls of late-at-night pedestrians, standing at or near the cattle guard at this point, ordered Reber to throw up his hands. Instead of complying latter reached for his revolver and began shooting, firing three shots, the non-explosion of a cart' ridge stopping a fourth shot in its in' a5! Mm m and Pay Us a Visit If you are in need of anything in the Mm It will pay you to come to Portland and examine our enormous stock. Besides the advantage of such a large variety to select from, thus enabling you to obtain exactly what you want we save you from $2 to $5 on a Man's Suit or Overcoat, and $J to $3 on Boy's Suits - Men's Suits 6.00 to $25 Men's Overcoats $8 to $30 Boy's Suits $2 to $15 Child's Reefers $1.50 to $8 Money cheerfully refunded if goods are not satisfactory A - SI oyer Clothing Company The Popular Price Clothiers KEN SELLING, Manager ' THIRD AND OAK STREETS PORTLAND OREGON cipiency. Reber, supposing that he had killed the man, returned to town and informed Officer Shaw of this fact. The officer told him to go to the scene of the attempted hold-up, and if it should be found that the man was dead, they would inform the coroner. Constable McCown and a party also went to the scene of the shooting. No trace of the highwayman was found, except the imprint of his tracks in the mud, made while getting out of the way over the fenre. The robber evidently dropped down in the pit at the cattle guard, and t-scaped injury from the shots. The county board of commissioners held an adjourned terra Monday, and made the tax for the year 1899, as fol lows! County, 11 7-10; state, 6 3-10; school, 5 ; road, 5 ; total, 28 mills. A bi cycle tax of $1 25 was also levied. In the matter of the delinquent tax on railroad overlap lands, the sheriff was ordered to make an assessment of said lands in accordance with an order of court made and entered of record at the June term of the county court in 1895, and in accordance with a petition there in at said time. The clerk was ordered to refund all district attorney fees paid since the salary law went into effect, except where reporter's fees had not been paid, and to hold the same for such fee. On account of a remonstrance filed, the appointment of John Barth as road supervisor was reconsidered, and A. II, Reynolds was appointed super visor of the Macksburg district. W. H. Smith, who was appointed supervisor of the Abemethy district, resigned, and J, E. Smith was appointed in his place. The matter of changing the boundaries of Needy precinct, was again brought up, but laid over until the February term. The voting place la Beaver creek precinct was changed from the school house to the grange hall. There was a one-sideJ game of bas ket ball at the Y. M. 0. A. gymna sium Friday night. The home associa tion played the Salem association team, and defeated the latter by a score of 48 to 5. Spectators say that the game was too much one-sided to be interesting, The pcrsonell of the Salem team was as follows: Eorwards, Charles Zanker and 0. Ryman ; center, Duke Bucking ham, who was also captain; guards, Bchrain and Bird. The Oregon City team consists of the captain, George Case, aud Dave Williams, forwards; Frank Montgomery, center, and Nick Humphrey and Will Peters, guards. Dave Williams as a forward, is said to have made some brilliant plays. Much of the Btar playing of the Oregon City team is due to the scientific training of Secretary A. M. Urilley. The Milwau- Kie team, wno were out; oi practice, put up the best game of the season against the Oregon City team. A team from the Willamette university, will play tba home team here Friday night. A pleasant surprise party was given Ohloe Smith by her little friends of West Oregon City last Friday night in honor of her ninth birthday. They spent the ovening with games and children's sports in general, after which refresh ments were served. Those present were : Misses Chloe Smith, Jennie Gibbs, An nie Bittner, Nellie Tompson, Winaford Shaw, Pearl Shipley, Elsie Jordan, Rosa Spann, Send Spann, Lottie Ford, Mary Miller, Lavada Freeman, Mary McDon ald, Lottie Yandle and Francis Munch. Masters Howard Striclar, Lee Caufield, Walter Gibbs, Jeffle Smith, Bonnie Smith, Earl Smith, Donald Shaw. Rob ert Ingam, Earl Riser, Frank Bittner, Drank Bhiploy, Clarence Graham, Wll'ie Graham, Andrew McDonald, Charlie Freeman, Marvin Vandle, Henry Hill, Chloe received a number of useful pres ents, for which she is thankful. Town talk about the good quality of the finest cakes, ples,macroons lady flu gersand bread made at Jos. Kuerten's. If you have anything to sell, advertise in the Ooubier-Hkbald and you will be pleased with the results. The White Sewing Machine Runs light and sews right. See this latest Model. We have Sewing Machines from $25 up and sell them on easy installments. Burmeister & Andresen THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS 'MJHHtttttntttt' WWHWmT4T4TH4TfT44