Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 26, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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(Mamas County InflepeMent,
AH-HMtliED MAY. 1800
legal and Official Newspaper
Of Clackamas County.
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OREGON CITY, JAN. 26, 1900.
A MKRTiNQ of the populists will be
held at Mulino Grange hall on Saturday,
February 3rd. at one o'clock, p. m., to
elect a precinct chairman.
Cornemub Vandkrbilt haa just ex
pended $25,000 in dogs. Twenty-five
thousand little children go to school
without any breakfast In New York city
Tub British embargo of D-ilagoa bay
does not decrease the bu -tineas of the
makers of ammunition in New York
city, who ship it as groceries or provis
Tub poor devil who steals some scrap
iron from a railway track to buy bread
Is locked up in jail. The genius who
steals tin) wliole railroad we send to the
United States senate to make laws fur us.
Wives in Tanganyika are considered
a luxury, and even in Zululand they
cast from $ 19 to $'1J0, b it on the Ian
ganyika plateau one can be had for Ave
or six goats. One giat equals 15 to 20
cents, therefore o id wife eii'itls $1.20 J,
Tun 100,0i)0 Biers, with over gOOjcan
non, are mating in deadly onset the
123,000 roloats somewhere in the
soiitliHTnnT" the Dirk Continent.
Tint's about hII there is i the British
Asiojiate I Press di-palchos for over a
Whkat haa giue down to about 45
cents, at which Willamette valley farm
ers cannot afl'ord to grow It. Freight
rates to Europe are hiuh. Tho 3,000,
000 starvelings in British India are pray
ing against hope fir our superabun
dance. Tub town of Orea, Sweden, has an an
nual income of $150,000 through munici
pal ownership and operation of tree
planting. As a result of this socialistic
enterprise, there are no taxes. Kail
ways, telephones, schools and many
other things are free.
The socialists of Germany form a
power llmt the kai9er can intimidate but
is powerless to control. They own 78
nowspnpors and at the last election cast
2,200,000 votes. Some of the ablest
minds in the empire are at the head of
the socialist movement.
The Russian hoar U keeping his eye
on the tail ol the British lion. If the
Boers pull this a few mure times, the
bear ia liable to Jump on his back
through tho Afghanistan back door. The
bear is certainly very wiiliugand has al
ready sharpened his claws.
' Emperor William's new stables will
cost $2,000,003 and will provide room for
270 horses and 300 vehicles. The aver
age rate of wages in the German ompire
is less than 40 cent a day, and oat of
those starvation wages labor must pay
for "Crazy Bill's" personal pleasure
The Boers will make short work of
tho property rights of the English mine
owners, in case they conquer. They
have formed plans for working as Btate
monopolies both tho diamond and gold
mines. That impersonation of the arch
fiend, Cecil Rhodes, will thon bo only a
five-cent devil if he isn't hanged.
Ohboon City needs the public build
ing that its leading citizens through Rep
resentative Tongue have asked congress
to give them. It will probably get it in
due time, which the appropriation com
mittee is likely to think is not this
year. However, a good beginning has
been made, and, on the hypothesis that
"well begun is half done," our suburban
neighbors of the city by the falls may
well feel encouraged at the prospect.
The British claim the right to dictate '
in governmental affairs in the Transvaal '
because they outnumber the Boers in
Johannesburg. Why, then, don't they
allow the Americans to dictate the gov
ernment of Dawson? There are twice
as many United States citizens there as
British subjects, yet the Canadian gov
ernment hulds sway, and taxes miners
heavier than they were ever taxed in
South Africa.
The Boera have little trouble in swell
ing their army. When General Maijer
entered the territory of Natal on tlie
march to LadysmitU and followed ihe
fugitives from -Dundee, he had but 700
men. When he arrived below Lady
smith, where he headed off uny retreat
from that town, he had over 7000 men
in his little Laud, and had not been re
cruiting from the Transvaal, but from
the Natal farms as he passed them.
On account of Gov. Ueer's folly,
Clackamas county will pay this year a
few thousand dollars more of state taxes
than last year. He vetoed the billy of
Senator Mulkey, of Polk, providing for
a state board of equalization consisting
of the governor and two other state of:
ficials, who were to serve without pay.
This left ihe equalization of taxes to the
sweet will of the officials of each county.
Multnomah took advantage of the situa
tion by placing her taxable property last
year at $11,000,000 less than in 1898,
thus decreasing her state taxes.
Tub recent announcement of the
American Woolen Company that prices
i f clay worsteds for the coming season
will be increased 40 per cen tis in keep
ing with the general advance that is be
ing made in the price of articles con
trolled by the industrial despotisms.
The announcement has been made by
the worsted combination that the price
ot clay worsteds tor the coming year
will be as follows: For 12 ounce goods,
$1.25, against 90 cents a year ago; 16
ounce goods, $1.57, against $1.10; 18
ounce, 1.722, against $1.20. The ad
vance in the price of kerseys ranges from
20 to 40 per cent. Iron has doubled in
price, and paper is advancing so rapid
ly that it is difficult to predict where the
rapacity of the combination will ulti
mately find its check.
This Dalles Times-Mountaineer says
We have a personal complaint against
trustn especially the one which controls
the paper output of the United States,
The Internation.il Paper Company has
gained control of the principal mills of
the country, therefore preventing the
possibility ot coinpntition in the piper
market, It controls 35 per cent of the
paper mills in the Unite! Statss, and
has so manipulated aff tirs that through
an understanding with mills it does not
control, it has been able to advance
the price of new s paper 60 per cent an
the price of other papers from CO to 100
per cent. Because of this, we have an
especial complaint against tho princi
pies that make the papor trust possible
the tariff of $9 a ton on plain
news paper and a correspondingly higher
tariff on wood pulp and other eommoli
tics that enter into tho manufacture of
Now that John Myers has left us, we
cannot refrain from reflecting on the
rugged virtues of the man the old and
familiar friend of thousands of citizens
of Clackamas courty. In every contin
gency, in public as well as in private
life, in prosperity no less than in adver
sity, he acted in accordance with duty :
justice to his fellow men. If the affairs
of mankind are kenned by (he denizens
of the mysterious brighter world, it must
be a solace to him that, resting from the
toil and moil of earth, ho is remembered
with affection and regret by those
amongst whom his lot was cast. The
good that this ptrong man wrought will
never die. It will grow and expand in
the minds of generations yet to be.
Thnsevery great soul immortalizes him
self by weaving threads of gold into the
woof of human history. On tho other
hand, the influence of the evil perishes,
for evil is self-destructive. Right is
always on ilijulhrone of the universe.
"Tub Lord alone will determine the
end. He is the Lord of heaven and
earth. Tray that lie may give us wis
dom and power for victory, in order that
the devil and the whole world may ac
knowledge that the hand of God is hold
ing the sword." With those words Paul
Kruger closed his address at the open
grave of General Kock in the Pretoria
cemetery, General Kock had been se
verely but not dangorously wounded in
the battlo of Elands Laagte and taken
prisoner by the British soldiery. The
English, savages that they are, killed
him by slow torture. Roasting to death
would have boon more merciful, because
qul?ker than starvation. On the battle
field the wounded general was robbed
ot his clothes and money. Taken to a
tent after a surgical operation, he re
ceived no food f jr two days, and the
British savages would allow no one to
bring him any. He would have reeov
ered if he had not fallen into their
hands. They starved him to death.
Other Boer prisoners received rations of
raw meat, thrown to them as if they
srere dogs. A civllization(T) whose pro
gress depends on the success of the Brit
ish armies has many of the traits of
Rev. Dr. Washington Gladden, one of
the leading ministers of the Congrega
tional church and a cloe student of so
cial and political conditions, recently
said :
"With much of what the socialists are
Saying, every philanthropist must be in
closest accord. The criticisms which
they have uttered upon the cruel and
destructive tendencies of our industrial
system have been timely and in part
true. The competition, when wholly
unrestrained, must tend to make the
rich riche1- and the poor poorer; that
the growth of plutocracy at one end of
the social scale and a proletariat at the
other, are the natural and inevitat le ie
suit of being let alone all this is evi
dent today and socialists have helped
to keep it before our thought.
"The growing chasms between employ
er and employee; the increasing fre
quency of depressions in trade, every
one of which pushes a crowd of poor la
borers into actual pauperism, all these
ominous Bigns, to which the socialists
keep pointing us, are evidences that
something is wrong with the industrial
machinery." .
Let as take Rockefeller as an exam
ple. What we say of him is true also
of Whitney and Sage and of the Goulds,
Ynnderbilts, am1 all the other big capi
talists. Rockefeller is, primarily, the
head of the Standard Oil Company. It
would seem that he had a large job on
his hands in "directing" that business
alone from the extraction of the crude
petroleum from the earth to the delivery
of the refined kerosene, gasolene, ben
zine, naphtha, paraffin, and all the
other products to the consumers. But
Rockefeller does not confine himself to
this. He is one of the great railroad
kings.' To really "direct" the railroads
that he controls would be quite sullicient
to occupy his time. But he does not
stop here. He is a street railway mag
nate. He is a coal baron on a large
scale. He is a great miner and manu
facturer of iron and steel. He is at the
hoad of the copper combine. He is a
gold miner in the Coeur d'Alene district
and incidentally he "directs" the Bull
Pen there. In New York he "directs"
the production and distribution of illu
minating gas. Ai'd even this is only a
partial list of his activities; for by means
of hired men, he has multiplied himself
as "director" a number of times. The
wealth, amounting to $20,O00,0J0, that
Rockefeller annually receives is created
by the tens of thousands or hundreds of
thousands of men who work for wages.
The country has had prosperity; is
having it yet. It is actual, not fancied.
But what sort of an age are we living
in, and what sort of an industrial sys
tem are we working under,that prosper
ity should mean adversity, and that
every brief teason of national welfare
must beget its tragic reaction?
It is easy to blame the recklessness of
the speculators and gamblers. It is
easy to say that the late unusual crash
was caused by the folly of ao unusual
number of peoj le who got drunk on the
"good times" and plunged, and that
they had no business to do it, and de
served their punishment. But what of
the innocent depositors who lost their
money in the banks that failed, and
what of the wives and children of the
speculators on the wrong side ot the mar
ket, who have been reduced to penury
and want through no fault of theirs?
Must a season ot prosperity always
mean a speculative riot, with wasted cap-
ital and mslirected credit? Must public
welfare always haye its victims? Must
the brief, unstable well-being of the few
always demand the sacrifice of the
many? Perhaps so; but recent occur
rences in Wall street are almost enough
to shake the confidence of the compla
cent philosophers who hold that the ex
isting industrial
and social or-
t be improved, that iudividu- j
dors can1
ism, competition, is the tie plus ultra of
At Burley, Washington, on J'mtet
sound, a sochlist colony was started last
summer, whose polity is receiving seri
ous consideration of thinking men. Fi
nancially it is a Buccess, for it is eelf
Bustainiug. Its resident membership is
150, but non-resident members are found
in many cities of (he Northwest. The
fundamental principle of this movement
being "indefinite expansion," it is the
intention of the Burley colony to found
similar colonies in many other localities ;
in short, this is a socialistic advance "all
along the lino" against the trusts a
people's trust pitted against the million
aires' trust; the proletariat aain-t the
The Co-op-arative Brotherhood of Bur
ley is managed by a board of trustees
and a board of directors, both elected by
the members. Full membership is se
cured by tlia payment of $12',), hut the
payment, of ?13 within one year's time
after having joined the organization will
secure the guarantee of employment
and of support in case of misfortune.
However, this guarantee carries the con
dition that a certain limited time is
needed in which to build homes for non
resident members who wUh to become !
residents. The funds received from non
resident members are expended for this
purpose and in buying more implements
and machinery. The colony has oleared
60 of its 1000 acres of laid, established a
sawmill and work shops and will erect a
flouring mill. A steamboat will soon he
procured and the industry of ship build
ing will be added.
Excepting in transactions with the
great world outside the colony (the en
thusiastic founders cherish the idea that
it is not going to remain outside), it has
no use for metallic money. The paste
hoard labor check, worth $1, is the only
mediuiu of exchange. One of these
checks will buy ten meals at the colony
The organizers of the brotherhood are
establishing "temples" in the cities and
enlisting the interest of leading citizens.
Dell Stuart, a promiuent attorney of
Portland, is credited with expressing the
opinion that the brotherhood "will ab
sorb all wealth." The donation has
been offered of 6000 acres of land in
ianta Clara county, California, Social
ist colonies are no longer Utopion
creams. That at Ruskin, Tenn., is a
success in every way.
The financial possibilities of this so
cialist polity are' staggering. During
tlie past five years the fraternal organi
zations of this country have paid out
about $170,000,000, and the mutual in
surance companies about $68,000,000, or
together about $233,000,000. When the
members of these orders once realize
how much more profitable and how
much more advantageous it would be
for them to put their money into co-ope-istive
Industry, which will enable them
to enjoy it while they live and protect
their loved ones after they are gone, is it
not likely that "temples" and co-opera
five communities will spring up in every
part of the land? The Co-operative
3rotherhooJ guarantees real life insur-
ace, its members not being compelled
"to die to win," nor are payments to be
continued over an indefinite period, ter
minating when one's coffin is lowered
into the grave.
The question i f public ownership of
! public utilities is fast absorbing atten-
tion "nd ma,ny ttre "P1?1 reat'!,in the
many problems. In the first ipstance, '
it would be one of the most effective'
lUMlflUlUU lllttb Jb (h DvlU.IU II IV
j means that could he adopted for doing
away with much of the prevaletit politi
cal cormption, by removing tho most
prolific Bource of temptation. As long as
as legi-latures have power to giant
special privileges in the way of valuable
public franchises, or havo control over
corporations holdiug such franchises with
power to extend or curtail their powers,
the temptation on the part of corpora
tions seeking Biich franchises to buy
, them or extend privileges bv bribinir
, i!0itro n,nai,m,i.tmn.nMrini
the irresponsible legislatures to sandbag
corporation will exist; also the temp
tation on the part of such franchise cor
porations to control elections in their
own intt'iet will be prevalent. Then the
temptation to corrupt juries and
judges, to avoid payinn damages in
damage suits, such as now exist, would
be destroyed.
These are tli9 most fruitful sources 0
corruption in our political system affec
ting all legHative bodies, from tlie in
significant town boards to congress it
self. Secondly, the principal has 8 underly
ing the success of monopoly namely,
railway rebates and discriminations,
without which but very few monopo
lies could exist would be deftroyed.
Standard Oil and the oil combine un
doubtedly owe their existence to discrim
ination in their favor by the 1 lilroads
and other transportation lines. Thef
same is true of others.
Under public ownership it would le
impouible for a few big films in Chicago
to get together every light, as testimony
before the industrial commission shows
they now do, to fix the price of grain
for the next day, which can only be
done through co-operation of tlie rail
ways. It is true the interstate com
merce commission aud the laws are very
pronounced : " giving rebates, but
the railroads secretly violate these
It also stands to reason that public
ownership) would greatly reduce the cost
of service. The vast suras which every
railway and other public corporations
now provide for the purpose of influenc
ing elections, maintaining lobbies and
bribing legislators, also the salaries of
the high-priced lawyers, many of whom
draw ealaries equal to that of the presi
dent of the United States, the waste of
competition, and especially the money
which the roads must now of necessity
earn to pay big dividends on enormous
issu.'s of watered stock, would be saved
to the public.
Hon. W. S. U'Ren. of Dregon City.
the recognized leader of the popu
lists of the state, was in Astoria last
Sunday and called at this office. He is
not taking a very active interest in poli
tics, but is interested in the initiative
and referendum amendment which
passed the last legislature, and which
must be ratified by the next legislature
before it can be submitted to the people.
He says, the populists are very anxious
that (his amendment shall be adopted,
and as both .branches of the last legis-
lature were strongly republican, he
hopesthrthe republican? will con;r 1
the next legisture. He is of the opinion
tia all members of the last legislature
that are renominated this year, will re
ceive the almost solid vote of the popu
lists. He came to Astoria to consult with th
populist leaders here, Hon. J. N.
ovendseth and sofua Jensen, and sev
eral others, but both Mr. Svendseth and
Jensen were out of the city. Jtut w hat
instructions will be given the populists
was not stated, but there is no doubt
but that any member of the last legis
lature who voted for the initiative and
referendum amendment, will receive the
support of the populists in the various
countits. Clatsop delegation voted Bolid
f rtheane idmeut. While not known
that they favor such an amendment, yet
they are willing that it Bhould be sub
mitted to a vote of the people.
Mr. U'Ren speaks in the highest
terms of the record made by the repub
licans in the last legislature and says he
hopes to see everyjone of them returned.
More and better laws were passed ; the
expense of the state curtailed and an un
usual economic spirit seemed to pervade
the legislature, according to his views,
and as he watched the legislature of the
ttate, his opinion is worth considering.
While Mr. U'Ren did not state so, in
so many words, yet it is evident from
his remarks.that he believes the reforms
advocated by the populists stand a bet
ter show of being enacted into laws
through the republican party, than
through the democratic party. He ex
pressed the opinion that the republi
cans will carry the state, and if the same
members of the legislature are nomina
ted, there will be no doubt of their elec
tion in every county in the state, as
they will no doubt receive the
votes of the populists.
There are about 400 populists in Clat
sop county and that number of votes
added to the republican ticket insures
the election of the legislative ticket by
an overwhelming majority. Astoria
The promise of revenue expansion and
accumulation of a surplus of revenues in
the treasury are causing alarm. For if
the money representing such surplus be
taken into its vaults, out of the financial
marts, a strain must fall on the financial
world such as men at the head of finan
cial institutions, and who know the
strain they are already under, dread,
aye, feel with the deepest of conviction
would maae inevitable the collapse, the
linaucial crash, that threatens. "It is
the unanimous opinion in financial cir
cles," writes Holland, the New York
correspondent of the Philadelphia Press,
"that unless congress takes some action
that will relieve the treasury depart
ment ot the responsibility aud leniove
the danger of liuancial stringency next
summer, the administration will find
itself compelled to accept one ot twoal
natiyes. Either the secretary of the
treasury will bo compelled to buy gov
ernment bonds at the market price or
else the administration must face the
peril of entering a political campaign iu
which its owu existence is at stake at
the very moment when, owing to our
financial system, there will be a severe
monetary stringency entailing peruaps
much more dangerous results than t'.e
brief panic a few weeks ago, while at
the same time there is a congestion of
money in the treamiry department."
The worried secretary of the treasury
is called upon to put the money now in
the treasury within the reach of Wall
street. The speculative bubble has been
so inflated, and inflated upon loans made
upon the basis of moneys deposited by
the country in New York when there
was not demand for such money in in
dustrial channels, that the drawing away
of these moneys leaves the whole great
bubble, supported on loans, in danger
of collapse. Unless mouey can be pro
vided from some sourcb to take the
place of the money drawn away, so that
contraction of loans may ba avoiJel,
ti.ere mivt be collapse.
Let the stock of money in the New
York banks be increased, and they will
build higher the inverted pyramid ot
credit. It is upon this pyramid of credit
that speculation rests. Without a broad
ening of this inverted pyramid specula
tive inflation must be impossible. So it
is that with congestion of money in New
York, a congestion that inevitably fol
lows industrial depression in the rest of
the country, there will come credit and
speculative inflation. And following
such inflation there must inevitably
come collapse whenever there comes in
dustrial revival and a drawing away of
money from New York to the industrial
centers, a collapse that must injuriously
effect industry, give a setback to enter
prise, aye, lead to industrial depression
and a starting again of a cycle of conges
tion of money in the financial centers,
inflation, collapse and again depression,
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