Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 26, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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v $$$$99m?$?'' ffi??' f
I Oar Store Will Closs Msnday, January 29, 1900, at 8 p. m.
The Entire Stock of
Clothing, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats,
Ladies', Children's and Gentlemen's Shoes
To be Sold at manufacturing Cost.
Remember this Sale is for this Month Only
As our store will close doors on January 29th, 1900, and any goods left after
this date will be shipped to Baker City, Oregon. .
Don't miss this opportunity to get BARGAINS and save money while you can.
When You See It in Our Add. It's So.
Cookies, doughnuts, bread, etc., made
at Jos. Kuerten's are like home-mode, j
H. Bethke, the genial butcher, has
repurchased the meat market opposite
Huntley's, which he sold some time ago
to Woida Bros, I
You cau find every day fresh angel :
cakes, lady cakes, lady Bngers.macroons, I
etc., at the only first-class bakery and
confectionery of Jos. Kuerten. I
A warrant was issued in Justice Schue-
bel's court Wednesday for the arrest of
.Rudolph Ageter, of Redland, for threat
ening to kill one or more perrons.
Marriage licenees have been issued by
County Clerk Dixon to A. Kelenhofer
and A. Ripzonski on the 18th, Ed Ma
ker and Halhe Boynton on the 20th,
Amanda Kauffman and Daniel Roth on
the 22nd.
''McKittrick's' Sics"
made of the very best material.
"McKittrick's Slices"
always of the latest pattern., I
"McIKittrick's Shoes"
the most durable in the market.
A. HECHTMAN, Manager.
The Reynard house occupied by Mrs.
David May, on upper Seventh street,
accidentally caught on fire Wednesday
afternoon from a defective flue, and was
damaged to the extent of $25 before the
fire was extinguished by the firemen.
The furniture was damaged to a consid
erable extent.
The young ladies of St. Paul's Episco
pal church will g've a colonial social at
the Armory 011 Wednesday evening,
Feb. 14.
J. Olowser, of Barlow, was in Oregon
City yesterday,
George Locoy, of Oswego, was in Ore
gon City Friday.
Hon. J. L. Krnse, of Wilsonville, was
in Oregon City Saturday.
Mrs. F. U. Hall, of Mehama, is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. I. Farr.
fieorge T. Slaughter, of Marquam,
was a visitor in the city Friday.
Mayor Wait and Postmaster Deyoe
were down from Canby Tuesday.
"William Buckner, a prominent citi
zen of Highland, was in town Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wise, of Sunny
Aide, were in Oregon City Wednesday.
Jonathan Hungerford and W. A. Ga
mer were up from Milwaukie Tuesday.
W. S. Rider and H. II. Gregory, of
Molalla, were visitors in town Tuesday.
J. W. Roots, a prominent Clackamas
farmer, was in Oregon City Wednesday.
George C. Armstrong, an enterprising
Redland farmer, was in town Wednes-day.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Evans, of Mulino,
were pleasant callers at this office Wed
nesday. Cass U. Barlow is now filling the po
sition of a clerk in the war department
at Manila.
John F. Risley, a prominent farmer of
Concord, near Milwaukie, was in the
;ity Friday.
Miss Bertha Goldsmith is expected
home from San Francisco about the first
of February.
Charles H. Leavitt and Charles H.
Th .mas. of MoUlla, were in Oregon
City Friday.
Charles U. Wilson left Saturday for
Spokane, where he expects to locate for
the practice of law.
R. B. Hayhnrst, who is now located at
Lewiston, Idaho, is visiting relatives in
the city and county.
H. A. Henneaian, of Milwaukie,
passed through town yesterday on his
way to Turner, for a short visit.
William Whittington, of Marquam, is
in the ciU, and is seeking f jr a location
for a blacksmith shop in this vicinity.
L. 11. Feaster, of Canemah, is assist
ing the sheriff's office in writing up the
railroad overlap delinqaent assessments.
Mrs. Willis Powell, of Bellcvue, Ore.,
is visiting he"r daughters in the city,
Mrs. William Carroll and. Mra.. M. ft
Green. .
Sidney Richardson, who is probably
the oldest white pewoUjirii" clacla-
itikb cnuntv. is now night watclimafrat
, Bandon.
T K ninrk came down from Polk
cauntv Wednesday marniug, aud
,-n.1 in the evening. His motheris
very low.
GeirgeA. Hamilton left Monday for
business trip to Dawson City. He will
return a soon as the spring clean-up is
Mrs. S. M. McCown, wo has been in
business at Waitsburg, Nash., fr sev
eral months past, returned home on
Wednesday morning.
Robert Davis, of Clackarais, who has
lived in the state of Washington for the
nasi 20 vears. recently returned to his
old b,"me at the former place, and was
in town Wedtieeday.
Dan Lyons, who has charge of exten
sive railroad tunnel work, arrived Wed
nesday night for a short stay. He
started on the return trip last night, ac
companied by his family.
Mrs. M. E. Wright, of Meadowbrook,
was in the city Wednesday, and stated
that the loss to her dwelling by fire a
few days ago, was $1,00). The loss was
partly covered by an insurance polcy
. L. Diller, of the Hotel Diller, of Se
attle, and a member of the city council,
has been visiting his mother, Mrs. M.
Diller, and other relatives here- during
the week. Mr. piller was a pioneer res
ident of Oregon City, until, he went to
the Sound in 1875. In speaking of the
rapid growth and Bolid prosperity of Se
attle, as compared with Portland and
Oregon City, he said the people of that
city pulled together as one man on any
policy that would benefit the city com
mercially or industrially. They some
times have bitter internal strifes, politi
cally, but wnen it comes to a matter of
Seattle's supremacy in a commercial
way, cliques, politics and religion are
forgotten ior the time being. This might
serve as a profitable pointer, for Oregon
Dont' fail to go to Miss Goldsmith's
for one of those hats below cost.
Remember Chaplain Gilbert's lecture
at Shively's opera house, Tuesday night,
Feb. 6th.
Bert Greenman is home from the Ne
canicum, having completed the work of
putting in racks to catih steelheads.
Miss Celia Goldsmith will leave for
S.tn Francisco February 11th. Those
desiring to hand in special orders should
do so before that date.
Miss Sarah E. E. McMurrv and Mark
Rowan, of Stone, were married at the
residence of the bride's parents, Mon
day night, Justice of the Peace H. Breit
haupt, officiating."
No man of the Second Oregon was
more beloved in the Philippine cam
paign by the soldieas, than Chaplain
Gilbert. He will lecture at Shively's
opera house on the evening of Feb. 6th.
An extension of 20 feet is to be added
to the rear of the Maine restaurant, and
the building used as a blacksmith shop
la to be overhauled. It is reported too,
that some improvements are to be made
around the foundation of the armory
Miss Sadie Seaver, a member of the
Portland Seconl church, wa-i united in
marriage with Thorn is E. Dwier, on the
20th instant. State Missionary Parker
performed the ceremmy. Pacific Bap
tist. The bride formerly resided with
her parents at Gladstone.
- The theme at the Congregational
church next Sunday will be "Onr Tem4fIV
pers, Good and B.id," and "Essentia!
and Non-essential Bel. efs About the Bi
ble." The asocial 1 v;yl features will
be a trio iii the morniaguyiu .ansa ....ma in
and Roake and Prof. Oump ;ton. In the
veauijr the choir wi l discourse sundial
New wagon, new press drill, new
walking plow, single buggy or cash for
cattle of any kind. See John Erickson,
Barlow, Ore.
Hundred-acre improved farm for sale,
quarter of a mile from postoffice, store,
blacksmith shoo, school and church.
Price, $4500 with crop. For further par
ticulars inquire at Courier-Herald office.
Rev. 8. Conlev will begin a series of
revival meetings at the Evangelical
church next Sunday. During the com
ing weeks services will be held every
evening, except Saturday evening, at
7:30. All German speaking people ate
cordially invited to attend.
Christian Science services are held in
Willamette hall every Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday, Jan.
28, "Spirit." Sunday school at 12:10.
Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock.
A cptdial invitation is extended to all
who desire to attend these servicps.
Lost One red steer, 4 years old, with
his horns sawed off, email white spot in
his forehead, very little white on the
back and belly, marked with crop and
half crop in "left ear, crop and swallow
fork in right ear. The finder of Baid
steer will be liberally rewarded. Ad
dress John Stormer, Springwater,Ore.
"London Life," the new English play
to be given at Shively's on Monday even
ing, Jan. 29, is said to be remarkable for
many strong emotional scenes that en
list the sympathies of the women of an
audience and make them at times, like
Niobe, "all tears." All this is greatly
heightened by the introduction of a very
talented child, little Nessel Lewis, who,
if she realizes in maturity the promises
of her infancy, bids fair to be one of the
greatest emotional actresses of the age
The English drama " called "London
Life," which Messrs. Murray & Long
are successfully exploiting on this Bide,
has been christened "The Triple Suc
cess" by reason of the great hit it is re-
ported to have made in the principal
three cities of the world, Paris, London
and New York. As a play it is credit
with a remarkable depth of heart inter
est, as well as unusual opportunities for
emotional acting. Seats on sale at
Huntley's for "London Life" which ap
pears at Shively's Jan, 29,
"London Lifo'" is said to be a play
that runs the whole gamut of the human
emotions. In it, it is claimed, pathos
and humor are so cunningly blended,
and in such delicate proportions, that
the heart interest with which It abounds
is developed in the strongest and most
The February number of "Every
body's Magazine" is filled with that en
joyable combination of amusing and
profitable reading for which the publi
cation is already well known. The"Sin
pie Explanation" for the month is on
the subject of tro.liey-cars, and the
writer explains in a remarkably clear
and graphic manner just how electricity
is generated, and how it runs the car.
For a purely scientific subject it has
been treated with astonishing simplic
ity and brevity, and no one can read the
article without interest and profit.
There was danger during the late
rUe of high water that the Sandy bridge
on the Bull Run pipe line would be car
ried away. The bank where the south
abutment rests had been washed away,
until one end of the bridge structure was
resting on a strati of gravel and dirt
only 17 Inches In width, County Com
miesioners Scott ana Morton invest.
g ited the matter and saved the structure
by dove-tailin two large timbers, 100
jet in length into the biide frame. The
other two ends of the timbers are
weighted down with heavy log some
distance out, on the bwk. L U claimed
that 50 feet of the bank could be washed
away, and the bridge would still be safe
for travel.
Mince, apple, apricot, peach pies, etc.,
a compliment of the season, every day
fresh at Jos. Kuerten's.
"McJKittrickV Shoes"
save you many a doctor's bill.
!McKMrick's Shoes"
make a uniform foot graceful and an irregular foot uniform,
"McKittrick's Prices" -
the very lowest in the market on the same class of goods.
"McKittrick's Shoes"
the world. Our stock is always complete.
McKITTRICK "The Shoe Man"
Nezt Door to Oregon City Bank.
Lincoln' 8 Blrtluluy.
The ladies of Meade W, R. O. are pre
paring to celebrate Lincoln's birthday on
Monday, February 18th, at the armory.
An interested program 'will begTvenT
Company F will give an exhibition drill,
vocal and instrumental music, and,
speeches by prominent speakers. Full
particular; next week. No admission.
A cordial invitation to the public.
Cheney makes stamp photos that will
A few watches for sale cheap
Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1.
Highest cash price paid for second
hand household goods at Bellomy &
School MeetlnglNotlce.
Notice is hereby given to the
The only first-class bakery and confec-
ionery in town is Jos. Kuerten's, where
you will find, always the best at any
Wanted A girl wants work Call at
Red Front between 2 and 3 o'clock,
Special Sale on Shoes at the Park.
place cash store.
Kozy Kanriy Kitchen, up to date on
home-made candies.
J.H.Fleener is prepared to furnish
first-class meals and lodgings at the New
England Home hotel, opposite express
and telegraph office. Satisfaction guar
anteed. Under new management.
voters of school district No. 62 of Clack
ainas county, Oregon that the adjourned
annual school meeting of the electors of
the district will be held in Willamette
hall on Monday, the 29th day of Janu
ary, 1900, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., for the
following put pose :
To levy a tax for the ensuing year on
all the assessable property within the
district tor general school purposes.
(Signed) Charles II. Oaufibld,
Attest: T. L. Ciiabman,
District Clerk.
Dated at Oregon City, Jan. 18th .
You can still get a
Celia Goldsmith's.
hat below cost at
ECheney, thej 'photographer,
making stamp photographs.
, , t,
A very handsome up-to-date parlor or
gin at Block, the homefuriiiHher's.
Special sale'games on at Charman &
Oo.'i cnt-ratedrugstore.
For SaleJOheap AJ nine-room hcute
with bath room, and two lots for $10C0.
Rents for $10. Investors should rot
overlook the chance.
Fon Runt Five-room house on Main
street; also a room suitable for office or
small store. Rent reasonable. For par
ticulars inquire at this office.
For new 'hewing machines and for low
est nricei 20 to Block, the nomeiur-
His Life Was Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen ol
Hannibal. Mo., lately had a wonderfuf
deliverance from a frightful death. In
telling of it. he says: "1 was taken witn
Typhoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia.
Mv imu's heoame narcieneu. i was u
wean 1 couian t even sn up in wu.
KAttiino Imlnnd mo. I axnected to soon
die of Consumption, when I heard 01
Dr. King's New Discovery, une pome
oave ifreat relief. I continued to use It,
nnrt mtw Rm wall and strong. I can't
bav ton much in its nraise." lnis mar
velous medii-ine is the surest and quick-
Local and National Campaigns
During 1900.
subscribe for the
kepi Ciiy
he Evening Telegram of Portland is
a lyr sample of lake journalism. About
TuoVday noon the Standard Oil Com-
panyVs buiidinj on the East Side caught
on fire and burned to the ground. This
fact was well known in Oregon City by
two o'clock, but no account of the fire
appeared in the Telegram of the same
day. The Daily Guard, of Eugene, that
goes to press early in the afternoon, had
a half column account of the fire on the
day of its occurrence. The Oregon City
edition of the Telegram must be printed
about noon. No wonder the cheap poli
ticians get left in tiie circulation of their
The published announcement that
Father Hiliebraud would answer fro
the pulpit last Sunday the question "
your church the Bible church and ig it
the only one?" brought out a large con
course of non-church members to St.
John's church. About an hour was
spent by Rev. Uillebrand in explaining
the facts bearing npon the subject. All
seemed pleased with the discourse. The
question ior next sunaiy evening is
"What ought to be or is the guidt to the
-..,: rpi., !D est Clire in llie worm ior mi '"
,nn TrwWv-KKuhw u 50 cents
and fl.00. Trial bottles iree at ueo. a.
'h Druu Store: every buttle
abundantly proven by the fact that it is
called a-"woman's play." It Is well
known that the dear creatures enjoy
nothing so much, when at the theater,.
as a oo I cry. For each "LohUon Life"
affa'dd them ample opportunity. At
$ittYe4yV Monday, Jan: 29. ,
Tuesday afierno m Bob Gardner at
tempted to imitate the exploits of the
rough riders Tuesday afternoon. Bor
rowing a horso, he attempted to ride up
the depot building steps from Seventh
street, but failing in thW he went to the
dep-H hotel building and made his way
up to the railroad tia:k " id platform
withont difficulty. He then rode down
the track and returned to Main street
by anoUier route. Soon afterward he
was iilace l under arrest by Officer Shaw,
and on WednejiJky morning was sen
tened to 2-1Iays in iil by Recorder
CifWr On Monflav Michael Clanct
as fined $10 in the same court for rid T r Afytncf
, i - w
trne faith?"
ng on the sidewalk, near Elyville.
In the February number of Apple
tons' Popular Sciencs Monthly Prof.
John Trowbridge, of Harvard Univer
sity, sounds a much-needed warning
against the South Sea Bubilei in
Science which have bjen to numerous
and disastrous during recent years. Hie
Keeley motor, gold from sea-wattr,
energy from nothing, and many' others
of the absurd p opositLns which hare
recently been used to rob the pub!,
an mf4lizJ opoi.
A Good Thing
When you deal with us we are going
to do our tip ton best for you. No half
way business about it. We are going to
get you the bent there is and get it to
you as fast as it's humane to drive.
When yot want something really good
that you can't find anywhere nut In
your imagination, come to us. We will
name it and proem e it for your table'
eroceries, etc.
The 7th St. Grocer.
Gives all the Local ani Comity News.
Legal aad OHlclal Paper-ol Clackamasjouuty.
Largest Circulation.
Independent and Fearless. V.
Not a Personal Organ,
A Newspaper.
a year, 75c six months
Threejnonths' trial 25c.
Weekly Oregonian and
. Courier-Herald $2.00
We Club with all Papers.