Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, January 26, 1900, Image 1

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17th YEAR, NO.
Hops are going into the pool fast. .
Water at Independence is the highest
Bince the flood of 1892.
Woodburn's tax levy will be only half
as much this year as last.
The run of steelheads in Yaquina bay
is reported light. "
Rev. Joe Waldrop, the old-tiuie pop
ulist, is now pastor of a Baptist church
at The Dalles.
A firsm of stockdealers at ItUnd City
has recentl; shipped 13 carloids ,f hogs
to Puget sound.
' Hay in Grand Ronde valley is selling
at $6 a ton in the stack.' In Wallowa f8
a ton is asked.
A Crook county man has received a
minnKjip ft Krtl.ii'liifu nnulla anA InvnaA
them loose on his Oclmco ranch.
Miss Maasie Gilmore, who was badly
burned at Antelope by explosion of a
coal-oil lamp; died shortly afterward.
Newspapers from all parta of Oregon
complain that registration of voters is
Blow. -Many warnings are printed that
"now is the time to get in early and
avoid the ruBh."
The cash register and a (-lot machine
mr. rarmer...
We have the finest Chilled dqw in the world.
Come and see it. Every plow Sully guaranteed. It
is the Syracuse. We also have a nice line of Can
ton Clipper Steel Tlows and harrows. Acorn Steel
Ranges, Air Tight Heaters. We keep everything
in the Hardware line. Plumbing shop in con
nection with store.
Corner Fourth and Main Strtets,
f g f ih,
Wall Paper
and Spring Sunshine,
travel together. Just
a little outlay here,
and you'll be delight
ed with results. Styl
ish wall paper, such
as refined taste de
mands, such as econ
omy suggests. Last
year's patterns will be
old at reduced prices.
- -i-rit v ft
'' 3 im)w
h! L--
DrafedDio Ber"Set.;.T..7 50 and up
in the barroom of the Hotel Foley, at
La Grande, was robbed of $77 the morn
ing of the 18th, in the temporary absence
of the watchman.
Newspapers at The Dalles urge varci-
nation of citizens and various precau
tions to prevent the coming of smallpox
or Filipino itch, which is prevalent in
some parts of Wasco county.
Dr. N. Hudson, a Willamette valley
pioneer of 1851, but now living at Cove,
has read 125 books of th U. T. library
in the past 11 months. He is 80yeaig
of age end does not use glasses,
The mild winter brings complaint
from the Elgin Recorder that the tim
ber business, now dormant, would be
booming if the weather were 30 degrees
colder and the ground covered with a
foot of fenow. ,
The Grant county populist central
committee advises putting up a straight
ticket in county, state and nation. John
0. Luce characterized the fusion of 1806
and 1898 as a scheme to disorganize the
people's party. .
Hon. H. W. Corbett, of Portland, is
said by the Albany Democrat to have
promised $1000 on the college debt upon
the condition that the remainder of the
Our spring stock is particularly strong in Brussels and Moquelte
of self colored designs, or two or three tones of colorings, with border
to match. the same may be said
have for years made a specialty
owntd by us only.
Brussel Carpet, per yard
Moquette " "
Ingrain " " "
There Are Many Good
And many wise ones, wives, daughters, aunts, cousins, nieces
of your?. You will be surprised how many of these women
are using the
Charter Oak Range or Stove
Make inquiries and if you find one of these users who want to
change, write us a letter.
Charter Oak willing to
prove to you that you should
We sell Charter Oak Steel; Ranges ' for
" Stoves" "
debt be raided. By ni'xt year the col
leire is expected to be fn9 from ileb!.
Mm. Ieadore E. Crowley was j."in'efl
a petition of $12 a month as a tetilt of
the death of her husband, Sergeant
Crowley, in Manila, says the La Grande
Observer. However, as she was mnr-.
ried a few weeks ago, she will not draw
it, but her child niny.
Mayor Humes, of Seattle, will proba
hlv be reelected. '
The gasoline schooner AniU, of Sun
Diego, is said to have blown up.
The Pacific Whaling Cornp .ny has
6ued the Als.ka Packets' Association for
$100,000 damages.
Senator Gear is reelected to represent
New York has let a contract for an
other subway to cost $35,00 ),0C0.
Robert M. McWadehas been appoint
ed to i ucoeed Dr, Bedloe as consul at
The Farmers' Alliance wants the pro
posed ship subsidy money spent for ex
port bounties.
The St. Mary's bay wreck is now be
lieved to be the Helgoland, i. Dutch-.
American liner.
Three prominent republicans are dead
and three wounded as the result of a
fend in Kentucky.
William English, of Indiana, returned
to the United States treasury his pay for
services in the war with Spain.
Joubert's Blrtliday.
Hbad Laager, Ladysraith, Jan. 22.
The 60th birthday of General Jouber
was celebrated by General Botha junk
ing a reconnoissance in force toward the
Drakensoerg . mom tains, and turning
the a Mali advance alter a Bhort en
General Joubert accompanied Presi
dent Steyn to the Free State laagers
south of La lysmith. The president was
in high spirits. He proposes to make a
tour of all the laager3.
Ladysmith sent up many colored
rockets last night.
Head Boer Laager, Ladysmiih, Jan
20. The headquarters of Generals
White and Hunter were smashed this
morning by a shot frou a "Long Tom."
It is not t nown whether any of the oc
cupants of the building were killed.
Here is a
The most useful piece
of furniture in your
house. It will also
prove to be a great
benefactor for your
family, because It will
make little children
accustomed to take
care of their belong
ings by designating
one of the drawers to
each of them.
Price with Mirror
of our assortment of Ingrains. We
Exclusive Styx i :
; 50c and. up
75c and up
25c and up
30c and up
If you find every user of the
have one ?
the stove, will it not
; 14.30
We also will repair your old
furniture at very moderate
cost, or we will sell you the
material, such as Tapestries,
Plushes, etc, and you can do
your own work.
J.tiuiiiry Term of the Conttlj
8. F. Maika, uhairinnu; J. R. lISuii
It. Soolt, commfgslimerg.
fCuiitinued from lust week)
In the matter of the report of viewers
on 1 he petition ot William Barlow, et at,
lor a coui.ty roaJ. In ti e matter of
the. report 01 K. B. Miller, Henry Briinh
and Mr1 Kleve, appointed viewers at
hist term of board to view and locate a
county mail situated 111 Clackamas
county, beginning at the Clackamas
county tine; thence in a northerly direc
tion. lollnwing the old stMgo road to the
corner of the properly of John t'rv, Mrs.
vv, VV. Irwin, estate of Henry Will, de
ceased, and the S. P. Uo. to intersection
of Barlow and Canby road at Barlow j
said proposed road to be 40 feet in width
the eutire lung'h. Above proposed route
win ehuiten distance between liarlow
and the south line of Clackamas comity;
about two mill s is a I graded and ready
to travel, wlu re it tallows tlie old stage,
road ami can lie opened the entire dis
tance with very little or any expense.
and will be a great b nefit to the people of
tins section and the traveling public, in
general, hind viewers hied their report
showing that they had met on the day
UHmed 111 the nonce served upon them,
and were duly sworn by subscribing to a
written oath of office administered by
John W. Meldrum, deputy county sur
veyor, after which they proceeded to the
designated place, and did view and cause
Slid road to be surveyed by said deputy
cuunty Mirveyor, the above-described
road. I hey also filed the field notes and
plat of survey, Said viewers report
favorably 10 the establishing of said road
as viewed and Burveved f jr the reason
that it is a good and practical toute and
cf public utility.
In the matter of the relocation of part
of the Canby and Cams road or Fanton
road, said matter being brought before
the board by J. Casto, through whose
property 6aid proposed road iB located.
fhe petitioner asked the board to send
the comity surveyor to make preliminary
survey of said proposed change in said
road, and the board being fully advised
it is ordered that the clerk notify the
county surveyor to make said survey as
requested, petitioners to furnish chain
men and axmen free of charge.
In the matter of the petition of II. M.
Riebhuff, et al, for change in the width
ot the Baker's Fery, Harding Mill and
Sprtngwater road, The potition having
been tiled bv H. M. Kiebhoff and more
tluiv 12 householders of the. county liv
ing 111 the vieiuity of the road described
iu the petition, and praying viewers to
be appointed to view and change the
width of p, county road in Clackamas
county, Oregon, described as follows:
To change from a 60 to a loot road,
known as the Baker's Ferry and Eagle
Cteek road, and commencing at a point
where the road intersects the Spring
water and Baker's Ferry road near the
residence of H M Kiebhoff; thence east
to the Clackamas river, known as
Chafe's Ferry, and also the road known
as Harding Mill and Springwater settle
ment road ; commencing at a point where
the road intersects the Springwater and
Baker's Ferry road, near the residence
of Mr. Lutz; thence running north to
the Clackamas river, known as Chase's
ferry. Said petitioner tiled his uffidavit
of notices potted respecting said road,
showing that there had been posted:
one on the court bouse on bulletin board,
and three in three public places in vici
nity of the proposed road, more than 30
days prior to the premutation of this
petition. He also filed a bond for flUO
conditioned according to , law. The
hoard being fullv advised, it is ordered
that Fred Uerber, E W Hutchin and
Grant Mumpower be and are hereby ap
pointed viewers to meet at beginning
place of said proposed change at 9 o'clock
on the day ol January, 1900, and
subscribe to a wtitteii oath of office ad
ministered by . . . .. a skillful sur
veyor, he being appointed by the board
to survey said road, to view and locate
the same, and report In writing at the
next regular term of this board.
In the matter of the application of
M Kichardson (by his attorney, W M
Stone) for a poll tax rebate, and the
board being fully advised, it is ordered
that said petition be granted in the sum
of 3.
E M Richardson $3 00
In the matter of the double Assessment
of L B Yoder on the of e of se,' of
sec 9, 1 6 b, r 1 e. It appearing from the
petition, L B Yoder, by his attorney,
J 8 Yoder, that Baid property nas
doubly assessed for the year 1807. and
the board being fully advised, it is
oidered that said double assessment be
cancelled on the delinquent tax roll of
In the matter of the petition of A J
Yodei, et al, for adding the north abut
ting tiets of townships to Needy precinct
this mutter comes on regulaily to le
heard, the petitioneis being represented
by said'A J Yoder, and the boatd being
lully advised, it is ordertd that said
petition be not granted.
In the matter of a tax rebate on peti
tion of E F liiley, the boa id being fully
advised, it is ordered that the cleik
accept from said EF Itiley, $2.40- in full
of taxes lor 1892 on lot 10, bik S'S Cam
biidge. In the matter of the iielition and tub
sciiptioti list of John Duffy, et al, for the
improvement ot the Molalla road. This
matter having been presented to the
board by said Juhn Duffy, and being
referred to Headmaster Counsel! for
approval and said roadmaster having re
ported favorably in regard to said im
piovement and the board being fully ad
viwed, it is ordered that said petition be
In the matter of the bills of Latouiettes
et al, for return of sheriffs fees illegally
collected by Clackamas county. This
matter being laid over from the Decem
ber term, and the board now being fully
advised in the premises, it is ordered
that said fees he returned to the attor
neys, paying them as follows, to wit,
and the clerk la hereby authorised to
bill at
$ 46 00
W 00 j
n 78j
17 L y.i
, OO Oil
11 65
19 58
5 ti7
3 22
9 06
14 84
19 32
12 18
3 02
22 10
Total , $510 00
It is ordered ty the boa id that Jacob
8hade. comity treasurer, t ansfer the
sum of $100 from tha general fund to
the contingent fund.
In the matter of the Barlow load the
petition was dismissed, and the follow
ing expense bids were oidered paid :
E B Miller $ 3 20
Henry Brusch 3 UO
Albert Klehe S 4
Rudolph Weittman 2 00
Joseph Born 2 00
U A Arndt 2 00
John W Meldrum 10 Oil
In the matter of the report of viewers
of damages on Brohst road, it was or
dered that the petitioners pay the dam
In the matter of opening bills for
building the Rock Creek bridge the fol
lowing weie considered :
Morris Olds. $510 43
" & " 467 50
HementA Gibson 708 00
Royal & Son 872 00
" & " 370 on
C H Dauchy 598 00
JN 0 fayn 425 00
J E McCoy , 416 00
The contract was awarded to Royal &
Son they being the lowest bidders.
(Continued 1 ext week)
Moore of It.
New Eba, Jan. 0. Mr. Starlight, or
Bill Starlight, did you see any ladies
going up the hill? If there wai none,
then in your beautiful article that you
had published you lied. No one else
saw any. As for the slurs you published,
I consider where they came from. Fools
have no argument, tint gas and gab. Of
all creatures, I most diBpise a man who
will write and publish lies.
I find in the last report of the commis
sioners the names of eeveral relatives
that drew J-froin the taxpayers of the
county $57.72 out of $91.78 for work in
December, and their names are Bremer.
This shows that the Bremen don't em
ploy their relatives I I notice another
littld item in the report: The name of
C. Biemer, a minor, also the name of R.
Bratte, which means R. Bradley, an
other minor. There is a law that pro
vides a penalty for employing minors or
non-taxpayers to do road work. There
may be others that can be called hun
dred dollar men. I will look this mat
ter up at some other time.
Hereafter when you write sign your
name. Don't skulk behind any "Star
lights." What I write I sign my name
to, I know who you are.
M. F. Moore.
A Sunday Battle.
Pkrtoria, Jan. 21. A dispatch from
Colesburg says that the British attacked
the Boer positions there this morning.
There was heavy fighting, but with
what result is not known. According
to the latest from the front, the Boers
were holding their positions.
issue Witr a i's T r fame aepi r
taehe.l : . ,
U 8 MmqiMm. , . , , , ,
O 11 & I) u Latooiette .".
LL Porter.
Brownell & Dresser
Geo L Story ".
U E Hayes
Portland 'rnbi Co
Miller & Miller ..i-s... ,
Mendenli.ill. Wait & Mann...,
Bronough, Kenton & Bronongli..
Newton McCoy .,
C U. Dve
J B R.'idjes.
Geo W 8wope
A King Wit -ton. .
US tj Marquam ,
The Wintry Blasts j
That did not materialize this winter left me with a
big stock of chest protectors. My price on them was low
enough at he beginning of winter, but nw it it ii"n?'y 9
sucr fine.
You juM. can not afford todowiti.o.t a
Regular. Special.
Frost Queen Chamois Lined Ladies' Vest,
38 in $4 00 $3 00
Frost Queen Chamois Lined Ladies' Vest,
36 in
Frost Queen Chamois Lined
Frost King Chamois Lined
40 in
Frost King Chamois Lined
38 ''n
Frost King Chamois Lined
34 in
Double Storm King.
Our Leader. . .
Single Russia,
OREGON CITY Cut-Rate Druggist.
B 'sting Powder
Made from pure
cream of tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
A.um baking; powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
Against Qu.ni.
Washington. Jan. 24. At the opi n
ing .'? today'- session, Senator Tnrley,o'
Tennessee, reported from therommittee
011 piivileir'es and elections this rtsnln
lion on the case of Quay ;
1 hat Hon. M'dthew S. Quay is not en
titled to take bis seat in this body as
senator from the state of Pennsylvania.
The resolution was the judgement of a
mujority of the committee. Senator
Tu'rley called attention to ilie resolution
of the minority of the committee, which
was to the effect that Quay was entitled
to a seat in the senate. Both roBolu
tions were accompanied ' by reports in
their support.,
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
Gand E Boeee to P Sharp, 1
acres of sec 11, 2 s, 3 e $20
J W Atkins to G A Harding, lot 4,
blk 121, Oregon City 150
0 II JoneBto II Mead, lot 4, bik 11,
Windsor.; 100
A H Breyman to W A Proctor, sw
of sec 20 and e of e of se of sec
28, 1 s,4e
J P.Gengler to A Repp, blk 43,
Clackamas Heights ..; .';.-.. . r
Same to same, blk 42, Chic katutis
Heights K5
L Hartke to G E llargreaves, lot
1, blk 107, Oregon City 325
M D Smith to G E llargreaves,
half of e of so of sec 9, 5 s, 1 e. . 1
G E Hal'loway to W II Holder,
139.25 acres Palmateer claim,
3 8,4e 3 OJ
Bolton Laud Co to N 0 Michael -i,
lot 1, blk 31, -Bolton
L A Smith to A K.ive, half of e of
e of se of sec 9, 5 s, 1 e.
N a Kellogg to A Floss, lots 15
and 16, blk 138, Oregon City, . .
G Wells to B Jacobson, n lot 7,
blk 57, Oregon City
F W Youmans to B B Youmans,
13.89 acres boo 4, 2 s, 2 e 1
Same to same, 20 acres sees 4 and
5, 2 s, 2 e -1
J G Wolf to school district No. 71,
1 acre sec 2, 2s, 2 e. ,. 50
hotels in Oregon City. Address Win.
Cantwell, Oregon City, Ore.
Ladies' Vest,
Men's Vest,
Men's Vest,
Men's Vest,
3 75 2 75
3 50 2 50
3" 5 2 50
3 00 2 00
2 75 2 00
1 50 t 25
1 00 85
75 50
50 35
50 , 40
40 25