OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 24, i8qq. f 9 -JudO Clerk of Courto Sharif Beoorder Treasurer - JVwcmnr ........ School Superintendent Surveyor ... Ooroaer Commissioners ....... Depnty Clerk " Sheriff ....... . " Recorder " Superintendent Assessor COTJHTT OmCEES. - ...... T. F. Ryan Elmer Dixon .... - J. J.Cooke T. P. Bandall Jacob Shade . .. Ell William ... S. W.Bowlaiid .... Ernest Rands .. M. C. Strickland I S. P. Marks JlB. Morton . R.-Scott ......E. H.Cooper J. E. Jack .. .....Ed. Dedman Mra.0. M.8lrn(fe . J. O. Porter County Court meets on first Wednesday after firs Monday 01 every monin. , Probate Court meets on first Monday of every "ctronlt Court' meets on trd Monday In Aprlland first Monday in November ... - OREGON CITV OFFICERS. ! ..... r. D. Latonrette Bruce (J. Curry Mayor .... Beoorder .. Chief of Polios Treasurer City; Attorney Jtreet Commissioner Bup't. of Water Works ..... City E nglneer Oounoilmen B. Koerner, J. Busoh aad '. Suhuebel of C. E. Burns ... ...H. E. Straight A. 8. Dresser John Green W.H. Howell H. H Johnson W. Powell, Frank First Wirdr E. E. Now IS THE TIME to cTeaa houat and repaper youi rooms and paint , youi noune ana t . , , Murrow i e e e e f e e S3 I 1 MS Carjuii. I. O. H intlev, A. W. HUlluau a urea Metzner of Seooad Ward. . .. Cornell meets first Wednesday if eioh muth fil.Qtt BUYS A S3.50 SUIT (,000 tILKBKATKU "M!HlKlliKUl T" Um HI.B rise Mil rum hits it si. 88. A NEW SUIT FREE FOR AMI OF THESE SUITS IWHICH BOK'T SIVE SATISFACTORI WEAK, lectin tin MONEV. cullhl.ad. ouland Isend to us, slat, ege ( be; and say whether uVn or small forage and we will send you lithe suit by express, a O. D. subject to ex amination, les eaa ciMiiwiijuur express office and it found perfectly satis factory and equal te Mils eels le jour tewa for as. 69, payyourexpress agent eur Special OBer Price, ei.UH, and express charges. THESE eH.CE PANT SUITS are for boys t to .B. 1R voHni of aire aad ar. rvlalkd swrwli.r. at S t..0. Made with UOIBLK 8 HAT aad aKKsS, leleat ivou eiyie as uieuraw., aaaae inw special heavy weight, w.aft.lsllag, alhwoel Riaatoa Caaalaiere. neat, bandpome pattern. Una Italian lining, fraalaa 8rajUa lalerllalag, paddlag, alajlas aad relarorelas, allk Bad llaaa aawlaf , ftaetallor-Mde taroushout,eault any boy or parent would be proud of. rOR FRKs I'LOTH BAttPLKS af Bora' 1'l.llilag tar baja 4 le ID YKAHH, write for Sample Hook No. S5K, contains fashion tolates, tape measure and fuillnstructions how to order. Hen's Suite made to order from 5.0 up. Sam ples sent free on application. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.' (Inc.), Chicago, III. (Stan, Ko.li.tk A Co. an therousbli reliable. Kdller.) SEND 50 CENTS St neudjtm our eoltjbraUd U ltkHTi UlITAK by express G. 0. U., faject to exBsvlatltoa. It 1b a mbuLm Lb BrU Asverieaa made Instrument of -preat beauty, perfect raewao flnlih, very Highly poliehecf. Handsomely Inlaid around sod bow and Ml aid tripe la back, eellulold boond top odire. Fingerboard accurately fretted with ralaod frota, Inlaid paH poaitlon dots American aid patent head, and flneat nickel plated tailpiece. A REGULAR $8.00 GUITAR, powerful nd sweet couea, iurnitinea complete wiin an eiiraiei f beat onalttj aleelatrlnga aadaTalaablelBatmc- iloa book which teaches anyone how to play. KxAHInlt THB til IT AH at your eipreaa eOloe and If found exactly aa represented and the freatent bargain job e? eriaw or heard of pay the express agent $3.65 aOe, or 98. IS and fipreaa ebargft and the com plete outllt is yours. Satisfaction guar anteed or moner refunded In fulL SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER. EftS. Cash in futl we will give a Lettered Vlngerboard Chart. It Is an accurate guide, having all notes, with sharps and flats In full view, and can be easily adjusted to any guitar without changing the instrument. With the use of the lettered fingerboard anyone can learn to play without the aid of a teacher. Write for free musical instrument and piano and organ catalogue. KveryihuiB It I oweat wholesale prices. Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK A, CO., CHICACO (hears, Uosbuak A to. are ekerviujbli reliable. JUiter.) I afKKtila mm EAST AND SODTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTHERN PA01FHJ W), Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. South. 7:00 p.m. 7:52 p.m. 7:4M.M. 9:00 P.M. t ibb P.H. 0:40 A.M. 8:15 P.M. 7:00 4.H. 8:15 P.M. ' 4:15 P.M. Lv Lv Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Portland Oregon City San Francisco Ogden Denver Omaha Chicago Los Angeles El Paso Fort Worth New Orleans Ar Lv Lv Ar Lv Ar Lv Ar Ar Ar Ar North. 9:16 a... 8:35 a. 8:06 p. 1:10 P.M 6:45 P.M 8:60 a.m 6:30 A.M 9:26 r.M 2:35 P.M 8.-40 A.M 8:40 r.M 7:56 A.M, DINING CARS, OBSERVATION CARS. Pullman First class and Tourist Cars attached to ail through trains. R0SBUKQ MAIL DAILY. 8:30A.M. .Lv Portland Ar4:30P.M 11:20 A.M. Lv Oregon City Lv I 8:34 p. :20P. M. Ar Roseburg Lv 7:8 A M t OOKVALLIS MAIL DAILY tBZCIPT SUNDAY.) 7:30 A.M. I Lv Portland Ar I 5:60 P.M 11:55 A.M. Ar Corvallls Lv 1 1:20 P.M At Albany and Corvallls connect with train o Oregon Central st Eastern R. K. IMDEPINDINCX PASSENQIB DA1LT (EXCEPT SONDAY.I 4:50 P. M. 7.80P.M. 4:80 P. M. Lv Ar Ar Portland McMlnnville Independence Art 8:25 A.M Lv I 6:50 A.M Lv 4:50 A.M Direct Connection at Ban Francisco with Steamship Lines for Hawaii, Japan, China, the Philippines and Australia. For through tickets and rates call on or address . E. BOID, Agent, Oregon City B. KOEHLER, C. H. MARKH AM, Manager, U. F. & P. Agent, Portland. Or. Portland, Or, BIPAM roa Salt Lata, Denver, Ft Worth. Oinaha, Kansas Cltr. Ht Louts, Chlnago, ana cast. pokane ZSTa, Walla Valla, Bpi kana, Minnap Us. St. Paul. f luth. iflliiankea. ChtcafS aad Kastj OoaaattoaMthlpt praea raraaiM. Wail tvary lv days. I:0 p.ra. .Bttnday Saturday Itioo as. aikaiuaa SaS1 :ta.a bat- Thar. aad aak te.lP1a 2-M a. m. daily TIME SCHEDULES Fram Pari and. Calumhla llvar StaasMM. PTa Astoria and Way Maainga Laudlngs. Haw. Way WHtaaaerbi an Taav km uvara, lOrefon City, Day ton, way una- tags. WUIajsetla Km. Poitlaa4 to Corral- us at war lAaa- saav that. ataarU a Uwlstoa Arbivi raoat all. 1:45 p. m. Spokana Flyar S:8a,a Is. Bun day ::::(Woc:r Baldness c2an be Cured lost so long aa tbi of vitality left in The fact that the IS THE MAN. to do the painting and papering j in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leave orders at Ely Bros, stort on upper 7th atreeth. BO YEARS' wT EXPERIENCE 1 aatbera la a particle tne nair roots. bead ia smooth and shining la no positive proof Deep down beneath the akin, hair roots may yat exist, filled with latent vitality, and all that is re quired to develop them into . tL.-tifni head of hair ia the faith- ful application of the proper agents. Seven Sutherland Sisters' preparations furnish the easiest, I..riot mnA nnirkaat wiv to ascer tain if there ia or Is not latantlife beneath a bead bare of hair. Why nottrytbemr SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. SUN SCALD. Pave-to Requiring Coasldermtlasi 1st Crowiaiar Frwlt Tree. In some parts of the country sun scald Is one of the most Important factors la growing fruit trees. ! Espe- . clally U tills true In the southwestern states, where the danger from sun burning 'controls the whole practice of cultivation and pruning. In that country the trees are headed low, even down to within a foot or six Inches of the ground, in order to protect the trunks. At the same time any consld- Thankseivinff orders given special Attention :v;. ; ; Please let me have your order and oblige Josqjh Kuerten's Bakery and Confectionery Fine Bread, Pias, Cakes, Cookies, Etc., Frtsh Every Day Special Attention Given to Private Parties Seventh St. SSS Oregon uty, ure. V irade manaa llretiAaiai CoaYRIGHT 40. Anyone sendlaf a sketch and description nay nioKiT ascertain our opinion xraa vseuw aa invantioa is probably patentable. Oommanloa. tlous strloUr ooundentlaL Handbook on Patents .t free. Oldest ag enoy for securing pateai tarouea Mann at uo. res Patent taken throui apseioi ewtitev without raoalva charts. In the Scientific Hmericati A kandsoenety Ulnstratad weakly. Larest eita ealattoa of any sdmitloo Journal. T.rms, U a Wl foar months, tL BeMkyaU aewsdeaaara, MilW! &Coi""'NewYQrS 1 V M. Washlngtao, 1 SEND NO MONEY Preserves el fruits. Jellies, pickles or catsup are am Analiv. mnrfl aulclclr. more AVAk Paratnne wax man vj " "" method. Downs of other uses will be found torn M Al Paraffine Wax In every household. It is clean, tasteless ana ouuncoa , "- and acid proof. Get a pound cake ol it witn a us w iw from your druggist or grocer. Hold evervwhere; Made by V STANBAKD OIL CO. 2J CCT T1I1B ID. OUT and end to ua, Btttte your mlfflst and heifht also number Inches around body at butt and aek, and we Still wnd thii BMnttful Plmli tap to you by express, C, v. u.a Htnjeci w miMttoB. You oaa examine and try it on as your nearest ATROLOGIST MRS. ADAMS Accurate Life Reading 645ii' Washington Stieel, Corner 16th PORTLAND, 0KKU0N Ull SaB JUU1 IKJaVlVDW ABJw express office andv Uv If found perfectly e satisfactory, ex- - m aetiy as rtprtif nio and the MOST WONDERFUL VALUEyouev-er saw or heard of, pay the x prH sgtat QUR hiklnl and express ehariresiaiBreu Chtrfrt wtll ft crags 40 te J U for 1,000 MllM. TMs Circular Plush Caps !l7i71t.,r.aJ,eo?i;n,,e,., sall'a Seal flu.h, SO inches long, eut full sweep, lined throughout with lareeriiaS Bilk la blaee, bluaarraa. Very elaborately embroidered with eoaleehe braid and black beading-as liiustratea. rnmmea hi.ijhuiubi,uu.h tne Black Thibet far, heavily interlined Kith wadding and liber chamois. Wrlla far free Claak Gatalnaae. iddreu, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.. CHICACO tMn. atirkuek a " era Uwsag uv leliaMa, adnaiai "STEVENS FAVORITE" I RIFLE. jtes Down." 22-inch barrel, weight 4 ponnds. Carefully bored and tested. For ai, .25 and .32 rim-fire cartridges. No. 1 7. f Plain Open Sights, $6.00 ( No. 18. Target Sights, $8.50 Ask your dealer for the " FAVO RITE.'' If he doesn't keep it we will send, prepaid, on receipt of price. Send stamp for complete cata logue showing our full line, with val uable, information regarding rides and ammunition in general .T.STP.vosAPMSAWiiTnnT.nn. W war aaaS I Mil Skf aMOIaVahW aValw w Vai WWI 1413 -sass P.O. BOX CHICOPEE PALLS, MASS. as Job Printing at tte wS Courier-Herald Q Wl IFFKCT OF BUK BCALD. a. mmm Afk s aava ssasin I VLtkUlXS ytUUlU(( IU IUD AO CL Y VIUCU, JkZi'tD OULUrLAItU because it would expose the larger BKKDKO MONEY and vre will Bend tou this watch by express C. O. U, subject to examination. You ean examine it juur inB ii tr rouna ncrraciiT uumw terjr. xutlarprMlcd mu4 TCI7 wmj MIUU vo waii en en $. 74 te He H under such mialeading deirorlptionf as al-lB Hljle. Awerleaa Sljlt, (I4 rilled or Lush I.Ik alio. OOle 130.00 Uuld rilled WUlit. t. It you And It the equal or better than any of these watches, w npmi at-tut Ol E I'UH K, and exuresi ohargea. Don't be Deceived by Htchjr advertlMsBtaii which would lead you to believe you eould net a Sxft.OOer fsVO.OO watch tor t. Tl to 6. 1 . whw we nM the wlh fop $2 . 4 5 OUR 9 ar WATPU ifl gents' full 18-slze Hunting nraat Oimb Vbca. Btem wind and aet.srold olfeted, handsom- iy engraved and polUhed.UaksUk ahlti:k-trd sold 11 ltd aad I a great Iradiag wauk. movement lea nickel 7-jewel-ed stem wind American, warranted, and a aood time keeper. Far WateaM froat 98 caaU np, gold- lied watchai 1.1k aadapi write for free Watch aadtlawelryCatalagaea asdrns, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago (Seen, RMbsea a Ce. an ikereat My raUakla. KdltM.) 9.75 BOX RAIN COAT V J AKMllLAtt SS.OO WATER. PKOOF HACKINTOSH far SEND NO MONEY. Si S!,Jai ? lUle jaer kalgkt aad welgkt, itaU aaaibwr Jt laeaM araaaa eaoj u eraatH, waaa evar mt Bder eoat alaae ap aader a rati, and We will tend you this coat by express, C.O.D., tabjact te exaraiaaikw. Ex amine and try it on at your nearest express office, aad if Rmb4 exactly bo41 aaWawaaaewa- tHK 07 POUND CATALOGUE FREE THIS BIG CATALOGUE eantala. ISMS pacta. Is siUiS Inches inia Din mimuuuc iBueoBtaimoTeTissajqaoiationa, NAMES THE LOWEST WHOLESALE CHIGADB rilCH OK IVERYTHIHU lncludliip; everj thlnu In lirewri. Uriar, UtiVtt, fcloaa, Melalaf, Uaia, ureawa, Nooueau saM, n.Maaa, ..w.ir; 10,000 Illustration;. tnr pukll.kaa. Hardwi Bawslea, Stoke. r.ralians HaraMa, Saddln, ara. mm Bewlae laeklae Crarkerr, Orseae. PlaaM. HaatMl laatmBMiaU, r.ralakla( ftaodi, Uaaa, lUfal.ara. ruhla, taiala, Bkjelaa, PkMcraikla mM nAMfKlv k aaint Inan a (HatrlAt. ItOTAe'a HonthlT. ('hlcajro. "Their catalome u a .ast department store ooiiea flown.--Atian lat-oiunignflii, " A law should be passed comnelllnK the use of this catalogue In all public schools."-The Hen. O. A. Smith toon. We could quote thousands otalmllar extracts. In It Mil at am aad j will mew ta -Mad ank kf nan all. Address, 8EAR3, ROEBUCK CO. (Inc.), CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. 8. A. SEND US ONE DOLLAR 4:Kp. m. Kz. Bandar a a BOXallaSOlf, Aat, Ortflsa CM. W. H. HURLBURT, t aaaaral raaaaatat Aaat. roctlaaat, Oa. i . r 0UB $38.50 n l b i a i x ii i x mr I 11 iA. AT I' ' I. I 11, kl V F "Hi L V7R "Liaftl try this ia. OUT ABB SD LB VITII si aouua. s will end yoo our SPECIAL HIGH CRAPE gJiW $38.50 STOCK SADDLE fcj treia-kt C. O. If. sakjeei ta .aaaalaatiM. YOU CAW EXAMINE IT Tr T.l" tcrfeellj Matiafaeterj. extaetir a wetcate4f An Extra Fine High Grade Saddle and the equal of aaddlei aold everywhere at from m; tbe freight atren OUR PRICE, $38.50, feae tta 4)1.00 tepatrit, or M7.Of and IrelK&t ciuarxva. This Saddle Is made on a 1554 or 16-inch Cenulne Ladeama or Nelson Heavy Steel Fork.... CATtRTTIXY (tKLKCTKD UAWHIUE OOVKHED TKKE, bound or roll oantle, steel leather oovend stirrup, or Mil i h osbowbrabouod, as desired. Will seaS kiaai TREEIS MADE EXTRA STRONG JtlJH lined, Unch wide lace atirrup leathera. li-itrh tleitrapa, extra lonn; on near aide, t-lnoh to baokle on oflilde, heavy eotton twisted Mexican k-lneh front etneh, heavy ootton belting flank cinch, eonnerUng strap Loop aeat, aeat and jockey all one piece. ELEGANT HAND RAISED STAMPING ae llloacrated. Weight af Hatltlle aat & mmi i ae ITE FOR FREE VEHICLE, HARNESS AND SA0DLE packed ror antpmeDt, o pooiwu. riuuT ia wxi.1 ai.op roa each to hilks. CATALOGUE, Kowinflt tull (me of CwwbofandJ Rancbaf (hunts at tne lowest prices ever laetaft. Aaaretw, j SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) CHICAGO, ILL (seers, anissiaC ate la.ssaa.lf reasMe. latter.) .OO I2-6. H. BESTOW" tou. ' DOOROs WINDOWS. MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. Tl ' - lowxst oabi Tiicn xvta onuis rot nxaT-ouisi qoowl . j llllr baa 'oppoalta Con(r.aatlaaMkl Ohoreh, Mala itaraai, Oregoa Claw, Of. f APPLEGATH & PRASIL I Fashionable Furriers Sealskin Garments a Specially t Remodeling and Repairing at Moderate Prices -..'. ALL WORK GUARANTEED I 143 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND ORE ma rasraaeatai aad taa i talaa afar aaw ar kaard af. aaal ta aay eaat yea eaa tngr far &.OO. MTthe exoreuaerent OUB BPlOlIAIi OFFKH rUCK. $2a759 apraw entails; ca. Til 18 H AtlNTOHH ta la teat 1900 atyle, easy Attinff, made from aaaT watsHraal tea ea4ar faaataa atla Cevati fwWiai 1u.11 lenns, aouuie wwutwa, Basrer relvet ooltar. fancy nlald Unlns. waterproof aewed eami. Suitable for both Rata ar Orareaata and carutWwl vkbatkbt riwi ever enraa oj ua or anr other nouae. rar nee vieu eaatBiae 01 jcen a jutennDoanea vp w ao.wt and MadetoMearare Suite and Orer coat at from 16.00 to 110.00, write for pkik BAariaB auua a a. avs. aaaraaaa 8EAR8. ROEBUCK A Co. (Ino.l CHICAGO. Reetteek Ce. are ttereasaif geuwu. eauetvi 4 BUGGY WHEELS $6.90 HUM UHIIIS, SIKTIS'S raTBHT. aire. sa . baaS.4, height 3 ft i ISU.S f 1. 1 ia. or t f t. Spokes 11-lft or 11-S la. For any other slses send for catalogue. Cat this ad. out and send to us with OKI DOLLaa. sute slse wheel wanted and we will send therl br frelnht C O. D. IXIIIM THIS at your freight depot and then per rrelgfct I saeai oaiaae.. ...svano rreignt cnargea 8IAR8,ROBUCK4CO.(1jCHICACO,ILU branches to tbe deadly buu scald. This difficulty la less frequently met In tbe northeastern states, but tbe writer (P, A. Waugn, In Tbe Country Gentleman) has lately visited an orchard as far north as Canada and New England line, where nearly 50 per cent of the trees were ruined by thta trouble. They were pruned too high, with heads six, seven and eight feet from the ground. Sun scald Is usually worst on apples ' and pears, but It may appear on al most any tree. The accompanying Il lustration Is from a tree of Downer's Late Red cherry growing (or dying) In Maryland. When the damage Is as old as this, where It has been accumu lating for several years, it Is doubtful if any remedy can be applied, though one can see in the photograph how per sistently this tree has tried to heal over the wound. When taken In the early stages, sun scald may be cured by protecting the trunk with boards, papers, straw or some similar material. At the same time the scaly, burned parts should be cleaned away, and ome sort of wax may be applied.' The best treatment for sun scald, however, la to avoid It Sunburns are usually only the be ginning of other serious troubles. Bor ers commonly follow closely after. Bacteria and molds gain access and cause Increased damage to Wood and bark, and the rain and sun check and crack the exposed tissues, to their great and permanent detriment It is doubtless a fact that sun scald Is a more Important enemy of fruit trees than many of the fungi that have been extensively studied and elaborately discussed In recent books aad bulle tins. Snar Cornered lllo. ' The principle reason why ensilage spoils in the corners of the square silo is that the construction is such that the corners pull apart enough to admit the air, says L. A. Clinton In The Sural New Yorker: With the usual form of construction, there will almost certainly be a slight give at the corners, and the result Is the ensilage spoils. The figure shows Statae, asrlealural laapl.H waaa, rn lae Taek Kte. Tells just what your storekeeper at home must pay for .very thing he boys and win prevent mm irnm owerenarving you on anything you bur; explalna just how to onler, how much Che frelska, eipraai or mall wfll be on anything to your town. The Lf ek ..... .t AA IhM finataisn alnna ia 34 cents. Ann bTDb?b? sr s? IT D Cut this ad. out and send to as "JUiT fit HE UrrCW. wtth mi. in stamps to help pay the 34 cents postave, aad Ik. Bl( Sea will k. Mai U yaa VB ky sail Malp.M,and if you don't think it is wonniostimeeineiacwni. you send, aa a key to the lowert wholesale prlosi of CTelMiorai s. anu w. win ianeia.iy rwiai. yv., is wwtwj, u ii . i- irnv iiut'ttei a a l a i liar. lal. f Al aljAfjl fa "it is a monument ox business luiunuauoo." anBneapoua lama. "A wonderful piece of work." Washington Rational Tribune. The Catalogue lee wonder." Manchester N. H. I Union. 1 Sears, Koebuck a Co. Is one of the largest houses of Its kind ta Chicago." Chicago InterOcean. "Tbe big catalogue tonus on. or we anestaaoppuia aaeuiiuue - A LIGHT CORNER FOR A SILO. how the corners may be constructed so that there will be no possible chance for pulling apart The principal corner post A should be at least of 6 by 6 ma terial The pieces B B should be of 2 by 4 scantling and nailed securely. The aiding may be of 1 Inch boards, and If they are well seasoned and matched one thickn3ss of boards wtll be entirely sufficient Studding should be placed not mora than 2 feet apart It Is un necessary to explain In detail the draw ing. Tbe siding shown by D D D is nailed securely to the 6 by 0 corner posts, and tbe siding shown by C 0 Is so cut that It can be nailed to the sup plementary 2 by 4 studding. After coostractlng the corners In this way, aa there Is absolutely no chance for them te pull apart, the usual method of boarding across tbe corner may be followed, to that tbe ensilage will set' tie more evenly. ' MRS. E. BECKER 220 Firjt Street - - Portland Oregon Has a complete assortment of Imported Pattern Hats and Millinery Novelties Hats trimmed to order. Feathers dyed and curled PRICES MODERATE MANHOOD RESTORED "CUPIDENE This great Vetf.itabl Vlnilteer.tboprosiirliK ttonol a famous French physician, will quickly cure you of all ner vous or diseases of tbe geueritttvo orKuns, such ns Lost Manhood. InRomriuvrulns la the Buck.. Seminal Enilssious, Kervous Debility. Pimples, vnulnesa to Many. KxIiuusMiik Drains, VarlcooelA ana Constipation. It stops all losses by day or lilnhU Pi events quick, ness of discharge, which 11 not cheeked loads to Spermatorrhom and . V ...,. n. r a .Wnu. Ilia litor. LliA ..... ... irrca " menorrorsuiinipuveui j .......... , w...... BEFORE AND AMAH kidneyeand the urinary orirauaol all UmmrlUeSi rs7lIIl!KBstren;thensandreBtoressmallwealcorgans. .t,.a . The Treason sufferers are not cured by Ihwtora Is because ninety per rvni are insimwi awaaiftitiCDPIDENK Is thVonly known remedy to oure .illiout an opi rntlcn, Snu) u uilai.ink A"l tnZLly returned six boxes does not elite, a permaaout cum SljMali, alxforl5 ),by maU. Bend for fbesi circular and testimonials. Adriroaa DaVVOL HKDICIJIK CO., P. U iio 79, San Fnwiolaco, Cal. IbrSrf Gea A. Haratln J. HE1MRII ICESSLER, Rl. D. Loot Hen Mi Man,' Tour looks UU oa yoa. On keep It' secret while. Before Its too late. Can4 see or write to this old doo U. h.a lM.lln ....i. eases lor over so wears and perfectly reeiaDle. Furaun?. ais own meat cine and tells ae tales. X3XI. XC3SI0S3UXlXl.f el the Old t Louis Medical and furglcel Dlspenssrji, tjoH Yamhill itreet. Portland, Oregon, positively laaraateca to rsaaowe f a att sUfe without Veas of Urns from business. , BTJUlTll IWOM Cia4 by aa old Oermao remedy. This flBCUDtAllOfll remedy was sent to Dr. Keasfer by el i Blind la H.rlla. It has newer failed, and we (aaranUe tt J BLD SORES lXZigXl " ""4 DTJITITTJ Diseases. This doctor rsarsalees to cure any! rttlinlJj ease of STpbllis, Gonorrhea, Oleet Btrlcturee't cured, no alffercaca bow loaf steDotaf. Spermatorrhea, I Loss of ManhooC er Nlrttly Bmauisaions, cured persiani--. ly. Tbe kablt of Self aVbuae effeetueUy cured U a. short B time. T0UN& MEN wholesome aurli end healthy, fa apermatorriii wii tacvia. Tear erren end lollies of youth can he J retneaiea. ana mis oioaocior win snwe tou rice and cure yonmake you perfectly strong You wtll be amascd at his success In curing s, Seminal Issues, Nightly Kmmisslons, a&J KIDSEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. r eaila'al aiculL too freoueat. milky or bloody urine, un. r . .7 . . . . r. j r. -.. j a suvurai aiacaarges, careruiiy treaiaa aoa pcriuanuy curvq. m Piles, Rkeuaatlsm and neuralgia treated by our new remedies aaa curee guareateea. retlcnu treated la any part of tbe country by his borne system. Write fun ranieuiarsen we will answer yen promptly, hu wke aie uneMe te come to the City, ii 1 awaataaaa tas eart llaiHna sand illy, huaueds treated at bemei READ THIS LT bOttl I set aside and look at las a atowaty aettllae disease, and should bottle at bedtime and uttnate In the bolUe.J leaded to Before Tekc clear I ' seminar an It, wou ha we same diaesse, and should be attended to Before 70s get ai able Disease so hundreds lite every year from Brig k at k ia the moraine. If Is cloudy or awney ow eutaaord aoee ef sUdneye. lXaaawsawV aa lucosa tfkKf yAddress or Call DR. KCOOLER. 2d Pnd Yamhtll ... GUARANTEED ... BEST AUTOMATIC SELF EJECTING SINGLE BREECH LOADER MADE. I ar .fW -Jir vjyv W0? AS - pS .'S ii re MS cauawes, uuit mi ai.oe im witb OBmtaTn- . v H, TV 1 A S Thin ia theleteet and boat patent Automatio " fleotorBlngla Barrel Branch Loading Bhotajun on the tv..' V SEND ONE DOLLAR CIT THIS ill OCT and send to as and we will send this now Automatic Ejec tor Single Barrel Brooch OUR PRICE Loading Shotgun toyuubywMwC y.,iuWtK:t to ejumimitlon. Tou can v amine it t ur axDraM otHce If found perfectly latUfuotory,!. sVUdBMl BtttlBsttl Kjre)a- HilitsffVlssl Cm. itr taw ftudlht irRnott AttUilH Hterhfir4 ft pay th ftprent tmt $8.75 MADE BY THE NEW YORK ARMS CO, patent Automatio Loading Shotgun 1 sironc 1 run made, ra maa-v. from very fine material 1 Bant rail, sad Me.a au.l kvnla, full rana-e killer, that iteouals In taraet. penetratloo. durability and etrenirth. an IUU CSS a-anna it av v a. wia aaruaa aaw .1 mid, HV.ll.HS nil a eaohe bored to shoot olos. and hard rur,.ry Imi raa.a,dttta(.'liatilai anu the ahU la I n. is or is-i Hit nil tl.UIlUH.lH. AiMrma. barrel, laiv'r waJnut stock, plalol rip, lain tmtt, rehoundlna' lock, top na break I frame aae hardened and lllTnafiTiri , c icrrnn or tne laiesi lype, ow wniri hMtirniia sniahMl. """"""" run when you break th oys SKauiavt. o. rsitt " K and offering them direetonearenesmallprontpian. wuitb .tock, platol g-rip, fauvr butt, rebounding lock, top AUTOMATIC' EJECTOR jTWlCil tiiararitr s7Ua.nl ar whl;h th ihtill Im tbrowuctMr (rum lim the run. 18 or lft-tfauir. of buying th (run in immenw tjiutBtUfM 0EARSf ROEBUCK CO. lno.)f CHICAGO, ILL. i .Man