Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, November 24, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Kuerten's home made mince meat and
pies are the best.
, A, few. watches for sale cheap at
Vounger's. Watches cleaned, $1.
Highest cash jrie paid for second
hand household .goods at Bellomy &
tiuHch. . .
f . 1 . n ...
uwimj au juan ai o perceni interest on
mortgages. Apply to 0. D. & D. 0.
Latourette. : t :
The Cluib tonsorial ;parlors, P. G
Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents
A full line of ciiiars and tobacco is kept
; When in Portland be .sure and call at
the Royal restaurant where you can get
the best 15c meal .in the city. 253 First
ftreet, corner of Madison. -Win.
Bohlander, proprietor.
Weekly Orejpnian and Courikr
Hkkald for (2 peryear.
For -Sale Small house and lot on west
Hide (Windsor) for $75, Inquire at
CoiiRiER-HoAhD olfiee.
Bambler, Victor, -Btearns, Ideal and
Golden Eaglo bicycles for sale at Bnr-atir-ici
& Andiesen.
Good pasturage insi le city limits. In
quire at Coitrikr-Hsuam) office.;'
P. G. Shark iw now prepared to furnish
local dealera with all kinds of cigars at
wholesale prices.
Very handsome parlor organ for sale
cheap at Block's furniture store, op
pnonite postoffii e.
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
mortgages. Apply to C. D. & D. 0
If you have anything to tell, advertise
in theCoLiiiKii-llKRAii!) and yon will be
pleased with the results.
Money at 7 pur cent j f 2000 or less on
good city or country property. Inquire
at Courier-Herald ollice.
If you want the news, read the Com
I'letty of money to loan at 7 per cent
by Dimick &. Eastlmu.
We pay a premium for Clackamas
County and Oreflon City warrants.
t?Y virtue of an order of sale and execution
duly tailed out of anil under the seal ul' the
circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county
of Clac kamiiN, to mo directed anil dated the Uth
day of November, 18'JO, upon a judgment aud de
cree rendered in said court oti tile 6th day of No
vember, l.sui), In favor of James Mackenzie, plain
tiff, and against Evan T. Ortder, Melvlna Crlder
Charles (irlder, F. K. Donaldson and John Potter,
defendants, for tho mm of f 1013,21, and the fur
ther sum of 182.50 as altiruy'i fee, aud .18.70
Hosts and disbursements, I did on the 11th day of
November, 1809, duly levy upon the following de
rtbod real property, situate In the county if
l.'lsckaiuns, statu of Oregon, lo wit:
The west half of the northwest quarter of sto
tlmi 1, lu township 3 south, range 2 east of the
Willuiuelto uicildlmi, containing el) acres, more
And will, in compliance with lis oouiuinnds,on
t the hour of two o'clock p. m at the front door
of tho county court house In the city of Oregon
City, iusiild county aud state, sell at publlo auc
tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, all the right,
title and Interest that the said defendants, or any
of them, had on the 1st day of September, 1K92,
Hie date of plaintiff's mortgage or lmv sluoe had
In and to said real property, to satisfy said Jndg
muiit, decree mid execution, with interest on
f lUiSl from the (1th day of November, 1S99, at the
rate of 8 per cent per annum, aud on JH2.60 from
Hie 6th day of November, 1HU1I, at I lie rate of 6 per
cent per niimiui, und the costs of and upon
said writ.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregoa.
Dated Oregon City, Ore., Nov. 11, 1899.
In tho circuit cuurt of the state of Oregon for
ClackitniHR county.
W, II. Franklin,
C, K. Moody,
Btule of Oiogon, county of Clnckauias, ss.
II Y virtue uf a Judgment c-nler. decree and an
execution duly issued out o( and under the
seal of the above entitled oourt, lu the above
entitled cause, to uie duly directed and dated the
13th day of Novoubt r 1899, upou a judgment ren
dered and entered In said court on tho 81 li day of
November, 1899, lu favor of W, II. Franklin, plain
tiff, and agaUist C. K. Moody, defendant, tor the
Willi of 1299.79, with Interest thereou at the rate of
8 per cent per. annum from the Bih day of No
vember, 1899, aud the further sum of 122 costs
aud disbursements, and tho costs of aud upon
this will, commanding we tu makeaale of the
following described leal property, situate lu the
county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wll;
An undivided one-fourth of the following: hi-
Ing'ill of tho east half of the uorthwest quarter
of section 31, township i south of range 1 east of
the Willamette ineridutu; also that portion of mo
tion 8U lying north of laid laud to the (enter of
the county road leading from Shuck's lulu to
Ulnd Tidings (except that portion of said land
formerly sold to William H. Leuon ou the west
side of said land) belug kuown as th Joaiab
Franklin farm, andoousudlug of 68 acres of land
mora or less, all situate In Clackamas couuty, Or
egon, exoept on acre, more or less, lu Marlon
county , Oregon,
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution.
Judgment order and decree, end Incompliance,
with the couimaud of said ril, I will on Satur
day, th
1 6th Day of Decexber, 1890,
t the hour of Hi30 o'clock a, m , at th front
door of the couuly court home In th city of
Oregou City, Oregon, lu laid Couuty and stale,
mil t publlo auction, subject to redemption,
to the highest blcder. for U. 8. gold coiu cash In
baud, all the right, title and iuttueit which the
w ithin named defendant bed on the date of the
mortgage herein or sine bad In or to th above
dracribed real property or any part thereof, 10 sat
ify laid execution, Judgment order, decree, In
terest, cuts and all accruing coau.
J. 1. COOKE,
gherlff of Clackamas county, Oregon .
Med Oregon City. On., Mot. 14, im.
I now have funds to pay county warrants n
dorsed prior to September 14th, 189.
Interest will cease on the saeu on Die date of
this notice.
' Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Oregon City, Ore., Nov. ldtli, 199.
In the Circuit Court of the SWrte of Oregon, lor
the County of Clackamas.
Ralph W. Hoyt,
Plaintiff, I
Annie H. Whltlock, William T.
Wnillnek, Jacob spangier, i
Z Hir-m Strnli ht, Tootle I
Weakley Millinery Company 1
(a corporation), V. O Hard- 1
ing, The Bank of OrennaJ
Oily (a corporation) and Wil
liam Blount. .
Defendants, 11
State of Oregon, county of ClnOkainan, ss:
tJY virtue of a Judgment orduivdeoree and ex
ecution, duly issued out of and under the
seal of the above entitled court, In the above en
titled cause, to mo duly directed end dated the
13thdyof November, 1S99, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said court on the 8th
lav of November, 1B99, ill favor of Ralph n .
Hoyt, plaintiff, end against Annie H. Whltlock
uidWm.T. Whltlock, defendants, for the sum
of S14S0.CS, with Interest thereon at the rate Of 10
per cent per annum from the 8th day
of November, 1809, and the further
sum of 819 costs and disbursements,
and the costs of and upon this writ, com
manding me to makesale-of the following de
ssriued real property, slWate lu the county of
Clackamas, sliite of Oregon, .tu-wit:
Commencing at a point 2.sU chains south Mi
degrees east from a point which is W chains south
1 degree west from the nw corner of the donation
land claim No. U of Kara Fisher and wife, In
township 2 s. range 2 e. of the Willamette meridi
an; thence south 1 degree west parallel with the
west Hue of the said Fisher's claim 6.50 chains:
thence south 85 degrees 57 minutes east 3.15
chains; thence north 1 degree east parallel with
said west line 6.3S chains to the north line of a
tract of laud sold to John Nought fcy N. W. Ran
dall; theuce north MH degrees west along the
north line of said truet 3.1o chains to .the place .of
beginning, containing 1 71 acres, more or less.
Also commencing at a point 20 chains south 1
degree west from the nw. corner of the aforesaid
1). 1.. C; thence south 81 degrees 'i minutes east
2 60 chains: thenoe south 1 degree west 5.50
chains-, thence north 81 degrees 25 minutes west
'ISO chains; thence north 1 degree east 5.M) chains
to the place of beglimiiig,contaliilug 1.37 acres.
Also commencing at a point 2.60 chains south
. degrees 67 minutes euiit of the southwest corner
of a tract of land sold by N, W. Randall to John
Naught, as recorded in volume "X," pageS97, be
ing a part of the aforesaid D. L. C, thence south
86 degrees 67 minutes east on tho south Hue of
said tract 3.16 chains; theuce north 1 degree e.;st
4 ihallis; thence north 86 degrees 57 minutes
west 3.15 chains to Mrs. H. M. Whitlock'scorner;
thence south 1 degree west along the east Hue of
Mrs. 14, M. Whltlock's land to the place of begin
ning, 4 chains, containing 1.3 acres, more or less.
Nuw, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order end decree, and In compliance
with the com nittudB of said writ, I will ou Salur
The Kith Day of December, 181)0,
at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m.. at the front door
of the county oourt house In Oregou City, In said
county and state, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. ti.
gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and In
terest which tho within named defendants, or
either of thorn, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had In or to the above described
real property or auy part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, Judgment order, decree, interest, costs
aud all accruing costs.
Khoriff of ClackaraaB county, Oregou.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Nov. It, 1899.
in the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for
the County of Clackiimus.
Honry Holtgrleve,
Mary I.oulsa Dolan, Margaret
Ltiella Ihilau, l.lva Alice Do
lan, Walter Thomas Uolan,
and Mary Ixiuisa Dolan, as
executrix of tho estate 01
John Duluu, deceased,
State of Oregon, couuly of Claokamas, ss.
IIY virtue of a Judgment order, decree and an
execution, duly Issued out of and under
tke seal of the above entitled court, In the above
entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the
14th day of November, 1899, upon a judgment
rendered and entered lu said court ou the 8th day
of November, 1899, In favor of Henry Holttrriove,
plalutlfl, aud against the estate of John Dolan,
deceased, and Mary Louisa Dolan, as executrix
of said esiute, defendants, for the stijn of 12159,
with Interest thoreon at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum from the Iith day of November, 1899, aud
the further sum of 120.50 costs aud disburse
ments, aud the costs of and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sale of the following de
scribed real properly, situate lu the county ol
Clackamas, state of Oregon, lo-wtt:
The northwest quarter of the northeast quarter
of section 10, township 2 south of range 6 east of
the Willamette meridian, ooutalnlug 40 acres,
more or less.
Also the west half of the southeast quarter of
eoilen 9, towushlp 2 south of range 5 east 0 f the
Willamette meridian, containing 80 acres, more
or less;
Together with the tenements, hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or lu auy
wise appertaining.
Now, therefore, by virtu ol said execution,
ludgment order aud decree, and In compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will on Satur
day, th
lett) Day of Dccarober, laoo,
at th hour of 2:30 o'clock p. in., at the front door
of th couuty court bouse in the city of Oregon
City, In said county aud slate, Sell at public auc
tion, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for UVB. gold coin cash lh hand, all the right,
title and lulerest which the within named detea
danls, or either of them, had on the date of the
mortgage herein, or since had, In or to th above
described real properly or any part thereof, to
satisfy said execution, Judgment order, decree,
Interest, coats and all accruing coat.
BlierlrT of Clackamas County, Oregon,
Dated Oregnn City, Ore, Nov, 14th, 18v.
45 cents round trip from Oregon City
to Portland any return via Southern
Taclflo train. One way rate 25 cent.
Tickets now on tale at railroad depot.
Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a.m.,
and 8:35 p. m., and arrives from Port
land at 9 :23 a. m. and 6 :52 p. m . Save
time by using the quicker route.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
the county of MuHnomah. -' ' '
'.- -- ,.,,.w..vnui.-.-ier.T .:
Aurora O. Lwnd,
John Lund
Defendant.) ,
Stalest "Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
cree and an execution duly issue out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, In the
above entitled cause, to me duly diiocted, and
dated the iith day of November, N99, opon a
judgment rendered and entered in said court on
the 81b day of October, 1895, In favor f Aurora
O. Lund, plaintiff, and against John Lund, de
fendant, for the sum of (31.25, with interest there
on at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the
8th day of October, 1895, to the Uth day ot Octo
ber, 1898, and interest thereafter at he rate of
per cent per annum, and the further sum of 10
as attorney's fee, nd the further sam of $24 2f
cost and disbursements, and the costs-el and upon
this writ, commanding me out of tike persona
property of said defendant, and if sufficient could
not be found, then out of the real property belong
ing to said defendant on and after the dale of said
judgment to satisfy said sum above mentioned
and all the costs upon this said writ.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, being unable to
Arid any personal property of said defeadant's, I
did, on the Jlh day of November, 1899, duly levy
upon the fallowing real property of said defend
ant,situate and being in the county of Clacka
mas and state of Oregon, to-wit:
The west half of the southwest quarter of sec
tion twonty six (20), township one south of range
th ree east of the Willamette meridian.
And I will, on
at the hour of l;80o'olock p. m., at the front doorof
the county court house in iheclly of Oregon City.in
8itid county and state, sell at public auction, sub
ject to redemption, to'tho highest biddevfor U.
8. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and
interest which the within named defendant had on
the date of said Judgment or since bad in or 'to
tho above described real properly, or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judgment order,
decree, Interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregoa,
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Nov. 8, 1899.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas
George SU'huken.
, Plaintiff,
Gordon Siamt and Annie
iieteuaants. j
State of Oregon, County ol'Cluckamus,ss.
II Y virtue of a judgment order, decree and an
exooution, duly issued out of andundorthe
seal of the above entitled court, in the above entl
tied cause, to me duly, directed aud dated tho 11th
day of November, 1899, upon a Judgment rendei
and entered in said court on the 6th day of No
vember, 1899, lu favor of George Stehnken, plain
tiff, and against Cordon Smart and Annie Smart
defendants, for the sum of t519.00, with interest
thereon at the rate of 8 por cent per milium from
the 12tli day of November, 1895, and the further
sum of 113.45 taxes, and the further sum of tl00
as attorney's fees, and the further sum of 815,60
costs aud disbursements, and the costs of and
upou this writ, commanding me tot make sale
of the following described real property, situ
ate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon,
to wit;
The south one balf (14) of the southwest one
quarter of tho northeast one-quarter Qi, of
section thirty three (Si), township one (1) south of
range 2 east of the Willamette meridian, being
part of the William Phillips donation land claim,
containing 20 acres of laud, more or less.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
Judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will, oa Satur
day, THE 16th DAY OP DECEMBER, 1899,
at the hour of one o'clock p. m., at the front door
of the couuty court house In t he city of Oregon City,
In suid county and state, sell at public auction sub
ject to redemption, to tho highest bidder, forU. 8.
gold coin, cash In hand, all the right, title aud in-
ero.it whleh the within naiuel dclend
ants, or either of them had on the date of the
rnort age herein, or since had, in or to the above
desoribod real property, or auy part thereof, to
satisfy said executiou, Judgment older, decree,
interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas Count y, Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Ore., Nov. 11, 1S99.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
the couuly of Clackamas.
Morris Huberts,
George A. Harding, El
mer K. t'lminiau and
Charles II, Oaulleld, as
executors of the esuie
of N. O. Walilen, de
ceased, Nettle W'ald. n,
Hilda Waldeu and Mrs
N. O. Wuldon. T.L. Hod
son uud li. B.Dodson,
his wife,
8tate of Oregou, County of Clackamas, sj.
erce aud an exooution, duly Issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, aud to me duly directed and
dated the Uth day of November, 1899, upon a Judg
ment rendered and entered In laid court ou the
8th day of Noemb r, 1899, In favor of Morris
Roberts, plalutlff, and agalust George A. Hard
ing, Elmer K. Charuian and Charles II. Cnufteld,
as executors of the estate of N, O. Waldon, de
ceased, d. fendanta. for the sum of gas, and the
lurther mm of 114,50 cost and disbursements,
and the costs of aud upon this writ, command
ing me to make sal of the following described
I U property, situate in the county of Clackamas,
la ; of Oregon, to-wit:
All of the east half (',) of block E tu Park
pi toe e laid down on the maps aud plats In the
offtoeof the eounty olerk tor laid Clackamas'
eor ity.
How, therefore, by. virtue of said execution,
Judgment order and decree, and In compliance
vita the commands of laid writ, I will, on -
lev i, at th hour of I: So o'clock p. m at th front
do r of th Couuty Court House In the city of
Cf goa City, In said couuly and state, aell at pub
I auction, subject to redemption,-to the highest
t id ler, tor C. 8. gold coin, cash la hand, all the
right, title and Interest which the within named
defendant, or either ot them, bad on the date of
the mortgage herein, or since had In or to the
UT described real property or any part thereof,
w satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree.
Interest, cost and all accruing costs.
Sherifol Clackamas oouoly, Oregon.
Dated, Oregoa City, Ore., Nov. 11, l9.
, In the circnlt-cotirt of the state tit Oregon, tor
Clackamas county.
Adeline Carberry,
Patrick Carberry, '
To Patilck Carbeny, Defendant;
TN the uame of the state of Oregon, you are here
by required to appearand answer the com
plaint filed egatnst you In the above entitled suit
on or before the 18th day of December, 1899, that
being the time prescribed In the order for the
publication of this tnmmona, the date of the first
publication of this summons being on the 3rd
day of November, 1899; and If you fail to so ap
pear and answer, the plaintiff herein will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for in her com
plaint, to-wit; a Judgment against you and a de
cree dissolving the marriage contract now exist
ing between you aud the plaintiff herein, and
for an Order of this honorable court awarding to
the plaintiff the rare and custody of the minor
children, issue of said marriage, namely: Milton
Carberry, Andrew Caiberry and Myrtle Carberiy,
and for suoh other relief as to this honorable
oourt may seem proper.
This summons Is published by order of the
Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, judgo of the ctunly Court
of the state of Oregon for Clackamas county,
made and entered on the 2nd day of November,
1899. -
, Attorney for Plaintiff,
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Jennie W lliaras,
Charles Williams,
To Cburles Williams, above namtd Defendant;
TN the name of the state of Oregon, you are here-
uj ui.iiiicu lu oiit.i atiu ensue, uie vum
plaint filed against you in this enit on or before
Friday, December 15, 1899, that being the last day
of the publication of this summons. This suit is
brought to dissolve (he marriage between youe
self and and plaintiff, for the custody of Henry
Williams, your minor child, and for costs of Ibis
suit. If you fell to Appear as above required
plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de
manded in the complaint.
This summons Is published by order of Hon
T. F. Ryan, county JuCge of said Clackamas
.eounty., dated November 1, 1899.
Y. S. U'UEN,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
IntheCineultCourtof the Slaie of Oregon, for
the Couuty of Clackuiuas
William Trevor,
Ullio Trevor,
To Lillte Trevor, Defendant:
N the name of the state of Oregon, you are here
by required to appear aud answer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above entitled sui
ouor before the 20th day of December, 1899, that
being the tune prescribed In the order of publl
cation of this summons; and if you fail to so ap
pear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will
apply to the above entitled court for the relief
therein praved for, to-wit: a degree of divorce
fiom the bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween you and the plaintiff and that said bond
bo forever dissolved, and theciutody of the minor
child named in said complaint.
This summons is published by order of the
above entitled court, mudo and entered this 6th
day of November, 1899, aud the said publication
is to run six consecutive weeks from the said
date. M. J. MACMAHON
Attorney for Plalutlff.
Dated Oregon City, Ore., Nov, 6, 1899.
UNDER and by virtue of the authority of an or-
-..1 ,..... ... . ...
uci u, sale gmilkeu uy Hie COUlliy court Ol Hie
stHte of Oregor for Clackamas bounty on the 2nd
day of November, 18S9, 1 will sell at piivnte sato
the following Described real property belonging
to the estate of James King, deceased, to-wit;
Lots seventeen (17) and eighteen (18) in block
forty-three (4a) In Id inthoru's addition to the city
of Portland, In Clackamas couuty, state of Oa
gou, aud lots one (1) and two (2) of trad two (2
iu the town of Molalln, Clackamas county, state
of Oregon, accordlug to the plat of Mrs. Elizabeth
E. Moody, now on file In the office of the county
recorder of said Clackamas couuly, Oregon the
ssltl last namad lots beidg subject toamotigage
to secure a promissory note of two hundred aud
sixty (feYM) dollars, dated Decembers, 1898, with
Interest at 8 per cent per annum from said date.
This said sale will be made on and afler Satur
day, the 9th day of Diceniber, 1899, and bids for
said property will be received b Hie undersigned
atthestoroof G.N.Joe, Oregon City. and Port
land Cracker Co., Portland, Ore
Terms, cash,
Administrator ol ttie estate of
James King, deceased.
TATE. MOT1CE Is hereby given that pumiant to an or
der of the county court of the state of Oregon
for the county of Clackamas, made and entered
therein on 10th day of November, 1S99, liube mat
ter of the estate ot Aaron E. Walt, deceased, the
undersigned, executor of the last will aud testa
ment of said deceased, will from and after the
Iith day of December, 1899, proceed to sell at pri
vate sale at Canby, Oregon, of the property of
eaid estate the following, to-wit:
The northwest quarter of section fifteen (15),
township (even 0) north, range three (3) west of
th Willamette meridian, eonulnlngon hundred
and sixty acres (10), situate in Columbia county,
Also tho northeast quarter ot section ten
(10 In towusbln (even (7) north, range three
(S) west ot th WHUmeit meridian, containing
one hundred aad sixty acre (U0), illutte In Co
lumbia ejunty, Oregon,
The terms of sale, cash in hand, to be paid upon
th date of confirmation of said sale.
Executor of last will and testament of
Aaron I. Wait, deceased.
Dalod Oregon City, Nov. 10, 1S99.
Sewing macliiuet Irvx f 25 up. Bold
on eay payments- . IcrnieiBter A An
dreaen. N. T. World ani enteral. $1.15
Stoves to Burn
We have anything yon want in the Stove
line, Cook or Heater, at bargain prices
strictly. Also a large stock of all kinds of
furniture at bedrock prices. Greatvariety
of new and second-hand goods of every
i . O. H. YOUNG
Opp. Burmelster & Andresen's
Special: I have a good organ for sale at a
Cameias and Photo Supplies
We have on hand several second-hand
Cameras, good as new, that wa will
sell at a bargain, from 2 up. Try our
new Developer. It makes flue, clear
uegatives. Only 2oc a bottle.
The Cut Rate Druggists,
It is Our Business,
To dispense health-giving prescription In
the right way, It is a business which we
have not learmd In a day, but only after
years of hard, persistent work and study.
W use pure drugs, compound them ac
curately nnd charge an honest price.
The finest perfumes.
You Feel Better
Yourself if your horses feet are properly
cared fori he works better, feels better,
looks better. Perfect shooing is my speical
ty. All kinds of repairing. You'll make mi
mistake If you try
Practical Rorseshoci.
Wagon and Carriage shop in connection. The
only shop iu town. t
Corner 10th and Main St.
When You're Painting
The Town Eed.
Don't n-o water colors. Use tho Cyrus
. Noble Whiskey. Sold by the ever popular
The choicest of wines as well.
To the Ladies
We are Just offering sorao specials in the
following; Hosiery and Underwear foi
winter wears Tailor-made Skirts, latest
style; Beady-made Wuisis, all colors; full
line of Ribbons, Kmbroidery nnd Luccf;
and the latest styles in Kid-Fitting Cornets.
TTa TVnflft Three acres adjoining Oregon
All 1 1 UUC City : house and barn, good
garden spot, near brick yard on Abernethy. Will
Ir.ide for town property. Inquire at Courier-
tieraia omcu.
For Sale (licap--f,
house; house and barn; nearly ull slashed an
eeded. iou can buy this at your own prioe. In
quire at Courier. Iierald odlce.
inikii nnA One hundred end sixty
111UUC1 AJOllU" " acres of timber land near
Vernon in at a bargain. Inquire at Courier
Herald ouice.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregou, for
the County ol Clackamas.
George H. Carr,
Arlena Carr,
To Arleua.Carr, defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregou, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed ugainst you in the above entitled suit
on or before the 1st day of December, 1899, that
being the time prescribed In the order for the
publication ot this summons, the date of the first
publication of Oils summons being on the 20th
day of October, 1899; and if you fail to to ap
pear and answer, the plaintiff herein will apply
to the said oourt for the relief prayed for In his
complaint, to-wlt; a decree dissolving the mar
riage contract now existing between you and the
plaintiff herein, and for such other and funher
relief as to the court may stem equitable and
This summons is published by cider of the
Hon. The. F. Ryan, judge of the county court of
the state of Oregon, forC latknmna couuty, dated
aud entered on the 18th day of October, 1899.
Attorney for riaiutlft,
Iu the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon fo
the Countv of Clackamas ss:
Clara M. Weed,
Edwin L. Weed,
. Defendant.
To Idwln L. Weed, Defendant
IN the name of the State of Oregon you arehere
by requited to appear and answer to the com
plaint filed against yon in the above entitled salt
on or before the 24th day of November, 1899, that
belug the time prescribed in the order for publl
cdllon ot this summons the date of the first pub
lication of this summons being on the Uth day ef
October. 1899; and if you fall to ao appear and
answer, lh plaintiff herein will apply to the
said court for th relief prayed for In her com
plaint, to-wit; a Judgment against yon and a de
cree dissolving the marriage contract now ex
isting between yon and th plaintiff herein, and
for such other and further relief as to the court
may seem equitable and proper.
This fumasons Is published by an order of the
Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, Judge of th eounty court
of th stale of On gon for Clackamas eoaaty,
dated and cnU-red'.on the 11th day of Ottober,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
For 8ali A good second-band Vic
tor mill and power combined, also a
pony. K. Scbeel, Bisaell, Or.
dersigned has filed In the county court of
the state of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas,
her final account as executrix of the last will
and testament of Jamea G. Wilson, deceased, and
that the judge of the above entitled court has nxi
Monday, the 4th day of Deotmber, imi, at the
hour of 9:30 o'clock a. ra., as the time and the
court room of said court in Oregon City as the- -place
for examining said account and hearing
objections thereto and the settlement of said es
tate. . ' -
Said notice Is published by order of the Hon. T.
P. Ryan, Judge of said court, duly made and en
tered Ociobcr 25, 1899.
Executrix of the last will and testament
of James G. Wilson, deceased.
Fkntom, Bhokadhh A Mtjib,
- Attorneys for Estate.
- - -' ''
JOITCEls hereby given that the undersigned,
administrate!' of the estate of Michael La
velle, deceased, Us tiled his final report In the
county court of ClHckumas county, Oregon, and
that the Judge of court lla( ,ut jI()lldaVi Deo
4, 1899, at 10 u-(.liii-k a. m. for the hearing of said
leport. Any viWn having objections to said :
port or tie liual discharge of said administrator
said rfuU'."'" WHx 8lUd CUrt tm01' brfola
Bartholomew sullivan,
Administrator as aforesaid.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon. Oct. 25, 1899.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned?
have been duly nppolnttd by the county
onuitof. Clackamas county, Oregon, executors of
tho lst will and testament of George A. Rock
wood, deceased. All persons having claims
anuinst said estate are hereby notified to present
tbi iu, duly verified according, to law, for allow,
iinee at the office of C. II. Dye, attorney, north
wet corner of Sixth , and Main streets, Oregon.
City, Oregon, within six months from the date ot
Hits publication.
ixecutors of Estate as aforssa'd.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Oct. 26, 1S99.
eJOITCB is hereby given that the undersigned
executor of the estate of Kli. h,i
erased, has filed his final report in the countv
court of Clackamas county, Oregon, and that the
Judge of said court has set Monday, Dec. 11, 1899
unu.au ooiock a.m for the hearing of said re
port. Any person having objections to said re
port or the final discharge o-f said executor will
hlo the same with said court on or before sn Id
Executor as aforesaid.
Dated Oregon City, Ore., Nov. 7, 1899.
In the Circuit Com t of the State of Oregon, for
the Couuty of Clackamas.
Daniel Lewis,
Cora K. Struble, Wallace R.
Strulde, C.K Cline aud Grace
T. Johnson,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
J Y virtue of a Judgment order, decree aud an
execution, duly issued out of and under the
seal of the above entitled court, in the above en
l llled oauso and to me directed and dated tho
21st day of November, 1890, upon a Judgment
rendered and entered in the said court on the
21st day Dt November, 1889, in favor of Daniel
Lewis, plaintiff, and dgaiust Cora E. Struble and
Wallace R. Struble, defendants, for the sum or
361.30, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent per aunuin from the 21st day of November
1899, and the further sum of gjO attorney's fees
and the furthersum of 38 costs and disburse-'
ments, and the costs of and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sale of the following de
scribed real property, situate In the county of
Clackamas, slate of Oregon, to-wit:
All that parcel of real estate situate, lying Bnd
being In sections 16 and 21, township 2 south ;
range 1 east of the Willamette merldlun, and de
scribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point
on the south line of said seotiou 16 in the center
of the county road leading from Oswego to Au
rora, thence northerly along the center of said
road 12 rods; thence west 33 rods; thence south
33 rods more or less to the center of the Bridge
port road j thence easterly along the center of
said road 17 rods more or less to the center of the
Oswego and Aurora road aforesaid; thenco north
erly along the center of said road 2t rods more
or less to Hie place of begiuuing, containing six
acres more or less.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will, on Satur
day, the
23hD DAT OF DEcKMitKU, 1S99,
at the hour of one o'clock p, m., at the front door
of the county court house iu thecllyof Oregon
Clly.ln said county and state, sell at public auc
lion, subject to redemption, to the highest bid
der, for U. 8. gold coin, cash In hand, all the
right, title and interest which the within name!
defendants, or either of them, had on the dale of
themortgago herein, or since had, in or to the
above described real property, or any part there
of, to satisfy said execution, judgment order and
decree, interest, costs and all accruing oosts.
Sheriff ot Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated Oregon City, Or , Nov. 21, 1S99.
Rev. A. Hillebrand
Has for sale some of the choicest property In Ore
on City, on Main street, to-wit: Lou 4 and 6 In
block and part ef lot 1 and (otsland 7, and
part of lot 8. and lot S in block 8, and also 24 acres
of land in Holcomb addition, near liiiwaukl
Inquire of Father Hillebrand every morning a
SU John's parsonage. "
21 Women Wanted
For 10 tlayg suffering from irregular,
painful or stoppage of periods; lucor
rlioea (whiten) and all female dieeaaea
cured by old Dr. Kessler, cor. Second
and Yamhill streets. All on hand we
can treat properly for 10 da ys ; then 23
will be well and discharged. Consulta
tion free, and private rooms for ladies.
If can't call, write, inclosing 10 2-cent
itame-e. : ; t ... . t . .