Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, November 24, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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.1. King, James Madole, John Eritk
Bon and 0. D. Freeman, with their fam
ilies and two carloads of horses and farm
machinery, arrived here Sunday from
South Dakota. Tliey will rent or buy
farms. That's right, Dakotiane; come
out and get warm. We will give you a
hearty welcome.
1 he weather is delightful and health
is generally good
Potato dieging is about ove
have turned out immense.
liarlow is now lull 01 tworVf iMzens
no store ynt. What'jp the yrvattKjv an
way l Are the uiemiantHftfraTOorttw
blir comorations andrtruatel SomeNjinir
. l7I n v
1. -iAt,;
City nt ill ro
not- mb npoivw.it n
favor by Bwy$ufrr&i?$;j&.vt:-
Will? Why was tie wicked1 g6osSStit
on Sunday? i
10V. HI.
Farkplace Sdtypl,
Following is the report frfxParkplace
public school for the month endin'&Nov.
17, 1899:
Kumber of duys taught, 20.
Number of days attendance, 3812. '
Tlraeftamyrt-T rTTHTIT2
Nutubi-iof Wmmm$m u.
Number ol girls enrolled, 101.
j,-, Total, number; en rolled 305. JMgM-d'Bfm
Number neither tardy nor absent, 130.
Dale Beavers haa-wade -the beafcrecord-
i ,H atteDdance,, having been neither tardyl
nor absent (or four cohsecutive years. ,
.. w. ukay, rrncrpa ,
j,(il, ..() Wl;i
'.Ifijmal S'-ibitaid
It rains it.blows; It. e uj-Jiii mi 91IT
-'"'The pedp'leof this VielnltjfWade'uih
' ah imprbetaeb't n' t"iad ''fcetwWri
1 Mark" HaKon's' tthdMheiaiatclier'y"-rri
' grading and laying cbrdttrbVl sjftiiJsnaw
! y, Wi Wattsn fainiiy'were1 vtsittlk
"'birthe MoTaila MUCH mi! v!i?&lU
Jl.i. ' 'J'lllM'jjlli SiriOl L'l'B.lloil
Debate ana literary at the Holcowl
.k...i...i.... -!..i.1-K,i"":1
ciple oryWrnlm rfini
iutb BerioU8';VrQuW'J t' tliW'b'le!
' iohi'bojs. """" bUk
j (tjAbout 18 months a
were BHk'eil, WgHrdinjIiJ
Bl'.V"fcf i J- :4 ill 1 l il'J -4 .'
ago some
v.iii.il Jun-Jji-Jn.iii-iis ; fnh(i7 ."I .0
f Xft-.-ii.i.MM-i'ftVJI ii.iW"WV..!lilifcW.itlA.l U
r i-TTBSiiiiniipii in 1110 wittvuuieiio'iitinio au
H.. iL .. Hi Jill .till J
h'swereil'i Wijn1,aVaT.i,'now,(iu3o1
of an ' lutook' Vttlle'Vi'ff'M,
y,Wf,h-ii.t-lt-(,tti,Htiit-it i -it;j,trwrt
f 7,' ! dill h trnfl tJilJ no bled ed Hi w
ij: iiliia eilT .illriom il-jia ni 8hI.'iI'jii
-(1 iii j(iiJ9ira JhiQ ed4 J 11 eladab 10I
tvjoll 01IJ JailT .bsvlossfl" :si i-dinoo
J-nIij(A iV jiuiiaboO ai LjfliJcoi min
ftat'j-! j9 BMW Sl'jbfl'll eiiTjblllilsiia
.7 ,t .uviJwinillA : swolljiiojd
,evf)B:4:)ii jiwbloll itiljiA Iuia iSjo
-1 tttHtnt -i(T
-Mwii fniiH Lno llunwoia bHol
m: ah
i ..X. A
r.' - -1 1 1 r-. !-
$$$lX Cmii$Lboyi oo.
3 T.,T:,J s7." -'n, nm- JfSV
fitiin f Mini-4 jdiku.&?7h3
.0x01? whs iiJo;qo.?i$rA ... .
besl DjmJL, m. tlhe
bainrooJ riM;JloH Mjo'I gntlfoi otrV:lTI af!) 8. eWT
t-:-J:jOl Jcod sbitsnt aril ni
NV.. ,x- :.i
.00.01$ iuo -.ooiiT
iii sniyrtBi ,ef.boX lo toiii i;isTVb na.i
liinu alxla y.ns lao V .'.oo.js$ o oo.?$ nwl aDrq
i.iik -.Iiofi'i niilciBTQolodri "o
1 oi(ii2 iiloott
lllllf 'IlfJII I
V i ! til 0 I
our grand jury system abolished? If
eome one will answer these questions, I
will ask a few more later on.
G. T. Watts has begun clearing land
on his place below the Clackamas
bridge. He is preparing to "bach," but
he is likely to get tired of it and choose
one of Eve's fair daughters to "soothe
his woes, cook his victuals and wash his
Sol Whpftlflr lftlfc SUtni-ilav tnr P.n(rna
. r -
rLvar ljbttclierywbe be expects to slay,
ffite time; feacwK and taking card
of yoAig'salmoni'VeVwe sorry to see)
himbut wish him acessful trip
IWwiMo'uV vwy of fcrniVncisco and
';lt';by , water "and-ke k ifflllion sal
gtjoitto. - wilLpi jtfla stone
ifeFS;tfiJi.6.id BaHret'quirrjr Bear the
f rldgf soon artdwJII doallindsjpf stond
oil-trnd Mr, Gietftiar were to
be MVdvpnmajfbutthe bride-to-
be Was Buffer intr" witn ui-ih on ih affair
wet bydtfaklt.-f'
OljitrlBS Krtosfeerfefis visiting friends
The mistake we made in our last re-
Vr and
rs. Fred Mack and dauizhter wr via.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Reynolds andl
Uffo jjfe ff?4 ityffc. HffV8ndutJ
dlWK auM liAe.to knfow'Whv lHe'c6ltri
LtSyiobiwffl iiftltawd iM,riilBrih!"fr 'Oiti
bridge-; ihdnibolceiT thronen -'Htft- "Hid
thresher ejlgiei'Bfle'jhft'y'!orarea fiirk
f9.-fx!AiJ l'fl0in1iet)qji8r.BiWietWnkj
this matter will be looked into Jittlie
Kof TnfiPcUi'ii ci lrJiiq aia anon I
Wheat sowing is a thing of.ath past
John Daly bought a.-bftndldf.gdata laat
week r
yi liiKM vaiu 'njKjmoa hiu-'iI .JS A I
19, .7ii-) t-)jK i-jthnia-cj
u.jNMignsunflayT.a at Ellwood
With hia aintar ...A,f- llf., TT !..
KrankiMflnnHiV WiW tai'i'y'f hb'iail bn
horsebat'h 4USg the dabid ieison.
uMm MMuitOriitonseiy eflJtluaiplace
taiawoiw tTotlar(j:t6M'ttrk.H nlaui 110
untndl UiiJii;) .14 iA -jl ii!iiI-J LirtoiJ
r n e cungnuQiaie jonn. lOUng lsrowri
ts It a It isoxfU imijj tjn tuiyuiiui
silT .noiiuJiJHiii lubom a )i eimu ladj
bun -llitti(it4-v.i4.iui siJJ .aalUUILJiillL'll?.
.Hisqwj bnfitiood ilJi bailqqiia Haw tia
'J oi lo'jfu ulad evail s-jililioai
yt.na vyi "TOl'f"'
I 8ui vm-)uk jjdijwd-j!) bna v.iaie
iia ovi.l.-jH riaiiiw oJ ,!)'Kinaa
lam ol LsliiJna oia BTjdiiwiu
mil lo Bwdmuin ion osod'f
Miii sill lo BiaJuitiia smou-td n)
IJfih.. n lo ,tfi mviai.-dJiu:u..frT
Colts ssne ascunt cl vora
- ;$ lJd;!w sill ei riT
tbuU Ur a'bnBrl
f-llAI' AI
litiil, IV .
nan fcni
Jil A !
. 10 lltl r
fuhca j
l!WiJiiI:ii i
George Force and wife, of Mulino, are
spending the week at the Rees ranch.
Dix Bros, are doing most of the grain
chopping for East Meadowbrook.
' Send the Courier-Herald to friends
and relatives in the East as a Christmas
present. ;
Miss Amy Hall visited Colton Sunday.
Mrs. William Jennings, of Marquam,
was visiting Mrs. M. E. Robeson last
Saturday. . . V
"We poked our Trilby s under the ma
hogony of our old friend, A. J. Maville,
last Thursday. Kittik.
Nov. 18.
Onrt-Sneiday,- and then rain.
The Misses.Bessie andTjiiM'ifti'fitSa0
UhWiB fto1)?!!:
Dix and RoboRon tjnip,h ronntfirn.
sad tiuoa smaiqna t'jMri baJniU ariT
J. Gorbett madet hgg
to Oregon City this week.
W'nfiW7j . oin
Jo , hull tllBi
Father HillebransJjstioyj BftasftPSfs
Miss Lqgojinejftiwoyiih;
oo Lii?uoi!l loo'i
Dix Bros.afiiiftwwgPtttbbQfobirrt-
needs repriy yh , 1iw j
, Nov. 17., , Yaw.
a lo boiln I lo nLsoa ei-i8(j 0C0.0I
.uiuu ssuobi'uiM
Rain. mud. slush 1 Roads are cnttino
IHjl 9iJ lliw 0Sfl?'jit i'(it)f'ii?9iq' -J.iT
.Jii 'Hioiu e!ilir:,:i q Jtiil oil! lilau aoi0
mi 1... 1 i i9 .
iMijja, vai., xnursuay, to Biay an W,nj8r,
May succeas.attendihem. . . '
Where is thp aoffllad Tidings who
The Missouri Kidge boys can, beat itbat,
from the way they went ' through this-
vers aim yening- nae a oana ol uoman-j
'eHelndirfris- Oha'tiaiitf-dr n'e gtaVtedi
to run away,-tint ' Vas':je'a:ui,i;t' Ih TinAlo
j ftkli-j ;I ill I U'lkW'VI'Iw I '
ptvent'any Ramashups .Thigjishoxting
Iroii the pa'bluil roads' ,andsuchi t-ile lari
guage should be stopped. ' .Youaro wtll
twSftWiiin-i ti 3190iI!o fU;OII9ii) s jmIT
J, R. SluAVeT: lias. renibved )neariT;
fiSj'.livil' Hli,t nh'jlHt'i 1
Chris Boss has moved' iitibisineilv.
(f'Wlft-ol V.!jB31 fWll 911! Bil(i-)i isiuA
Mrs. Nora Kinsey, of CaneiBah;iWis
fesjjng IWMWjh Ml. mIMjA;. J
HmWfimmWMaMHteX - M
.na 11 a lo
-i55li,TiWrW1es.li0i.'O,0O.ll8J 8 Mind
T:i W,'ii,iKift8.Shloul Started iaDtj&itur
Bagby Bros, are Btill hauling oak JmjU'
old and ni'ff livio A
Stock hosrs are getting scarce. auiiiniJ
.! iifcinad rldsusM !ut(' 'UfeB1 " ftyt&i n J
day that he butchered. -I'001 1 ,l8!n '
iti,n..iJ .i.-;m ifiiiptima stew j-i-wfl
.fiojhias JinoaiBirarto'j
u'9iq iuvjubii9 llln JisiLlL
.'K'Ai-O'v) OY-lVOk"
sdi foiled BisxJif'l lladlool 9n9soM
Jiiulq lewoq fiua owl -(alloil siil-jula nA
d LolIU saw iftmilyrji'M e-jfuidD
ii'ovoi a ni ii''tt'lJ vfli si-'i biol
snilm olaiifJ aJiloM Ji;dt ns -imnuJI
,H0Ji4itiiIdrtV ni ,u!lm-tf ijrjyl-i-sbju
8)it)ibny.(i flsmioD a ol fiSrs frSif
.O'.)0,002,if -tol
sdl siiomrjliJOin9iIoid Bi d xoi(1!hui3
Oil) Rl'jIWWfttOlOT
"Z f .nuitifyiny'Km Jnai"3
-mi JI9I snuJitlBial noisniiI.-ia7 a.iT
ed v.m aui.'l bna ,9nobnu lio Jnaii-q
jf ( 7"n .noiniss aiJx 11a
(lilts Jool-OC a Lloil Jonuaa .litinu'I ni9!
ol lodilad lo Biiol Oil bi!li'! r.,uc:tT
- - - i bto lr?llljivr " I'WIrtHV i H" W1 Kl-i II"-
!Jb LmoJa aiJu'JA.'nlngor cut off gouiy.OliUt is slowly
,$oh 'tail lobaad la bnil .vhanp ibiil
.v tnuoo jluoiO n
ahln-jli na .evad nooj nm v.li'J is Js?I
A -.ijifUrtl ol aiiinnm t wliaj
iMid liuaiull lio'i iu-ju ollluo lo basi)
1 noiTH (tit
8'iudoy edl lol ismoisiijK mflVwob1
nl emU J9-1Q sill vl ldl Blix-fn .ilntioh
iMiilCiiti&oiiqitltl onfai ahtit iip) K-J
To 20 0-1 3 inch $r)i'0U3
W4f (W'tT.lo.(.8ma Jsl
taoiq VlQOi J,iV,a.0;4lWlfif.1Wlil.'1
and 40. .Ikiki lul jjuijan j
ta bsib .xswosmslI.-iU lo eliw ,ji((-Ja3
4b MifiliW tHdiib lo oiisvo na moil
.lieiisd (d bsi-jjHiniintat
iiuoa x)nUk3 9I'' 1 noiu-oy'W 9dJ A
i-. U ....Sd ..u .Ai . J
cJ5. 1
Jim, did you ever bear ' one person
speak of another as "my friend," then
the next moment slander that friend
and be the last one to offer help or stand
by that friend in sickness or trouble? I
have often seen it so, until I wonder
what a friend really ia. The dictionary
de6nes it as "a person attached to an
other by affection." Oh, that we might
all be friends. K.
Nov. 21. , .. x
Hew Era,
Plenty of rain and mud.
Farmers are still digging potatoes.
Bertha Likes is visiting her grand
father, Mr. Crader.
Barney Frederick made a flying trip
tf,Barlow Saturday. .
Elmer Veteto returned last Thursday
,tfOTtern$r2n93nnwnJ lenoloO
James Burns was visiting friindi' !h
flfpfjWsdPfMWbuiod v.9li(-i3 9.1T
H. S. Bogges made a flyimMp'Ttb
(KCfig9'Kt.)tn,otihqr dayiuhmK 01IT
iqraiai iYeflnesaaiy evdntoglbiia"! edT
i!br.j aMMf i'th- i Jirt''We1lftatftlhi
Jusljcuiiiaii ad ol bovuilud a vmi&o oil
Colonel White, who has been staylWg
Jftlthzliaeob 'GraddW thie past week'jWent
bumiSiturdiljr.sijiilio-iq iitibnl :es7 lo
Edward Spurlapand Miss Dulle'k'S
tended! itlie" i rand '-hAi 1 tho'ftifory
tuilk Fti kla.jr uijrluio'i 01- ol l-ivii tiUnuil
.Nqv, u. oitokW: 8liJ
evil laaviliajslui -i'u. i-fu.? i oyujiil')
.-iliil A'joia
"' ei'Soc'ra'tesi beTe W'af again'.!T
Clay Larkinsls Veryick" witfi'typtoid
ftVe.'uT b .ib j-idolf Jnoijia-Ji i-'ji
Haii MyerS WWliOH' i,ef 'preijts
at Needy. . 0
.'E.'M tHatikh atten'ded'c'irWilJ-coV.t!
last week. j
''"Ai Ri'Dfmic'k'f Scott's Mhls,' passed
through oiif tdwb'Sktd'rday:'1'1 ll'u 01 i
gne'tb'e'astertl 0rek6n 'fdi XM Wirfter
captured a fine deer one day last weekj
visHecr"Mi'.' ncr "Sir s'.' 1 EByofl'Satiifday J
fiM'julo-i nui vi-iii.1 J ' . . j 1 1 : i v to 1 1 s j s i 1 i 1
a., u, luaiuuui reiurneu ounuay lont
wieguu jny wuere ne lias Deen
as-'aIWi1.1"11 WWii w!t.iu
The Ladies Aid Society wliV giyp" a
Tbftltkai'iVtSk'silHpA aHd1 tary Wter
taUiMhUferi TlWfitsgl'vffig1 WJf10
IlltjjljylrtgnSV ttllj 0 11IIIOO')B w ,noit
Maple Lane.
Annie Mauls spetit Saturday niglit in
WM iiT7iojrtfto Ca
Mrs. Bfayton made a flying trip to
town last week.
Anna Shortlidge calltd at p.Clla7
tin's last week. ,
Hatlie Roman Bpent Sunday evening
with Elsie Gibbs.
Edilh Jackawrjtpi
Air. ftiarlin lias erected a new build
Hattie Roman is having some dental
woxiulone thia jmek
Mrs. Gibbs is epemling this week with
Mrs. Nini;in and fuiuiiv
w??? &wu4yuwm:;y.--?
pmitii. 1:; iippA
....Vx.'irf.UX'i .itH: i r Xx;. r .
week. . .
:npruvii!g.. ,
Sehool now 1ms 43 pupils enrolled, and !
cow some time ago. fej
IS ' Mi
hi i t
1- f
-Vijrffr?rie ddiglit-!
illy siirpri-erl nnduy hv friemU ,1,,,! !
lutivta.'n JSuUuu. . . IIvivK!'WS
. IvV LiLI ill llili III.
-btriid:iy, Ix
iavins? an oyster dinner.
ikkl'i -
(ion ot Urandma SampsonV eiCrfWrffTT1
irIoOl!lSi . .T!!.''.v nuunooa-jiaillun ,y.YII
od-;? road p
nriioui this vh in
It ot-lleil 10 to
flM :
) 1
s wx-uiever tln-ir In
:ever tln-ir riwS"SiiiTi
or a Bate oifliipf
Hit (
i lvts with t!
j-i'v,w a Sinn.
V".? :1 .1.1 1
irn v -.j,
A shuotn g iu i-ch at Mr. Thompson's ,
nbxt S.tur."ay, w't'i plenty of noose and
urkeye, omoyoui)ie-, si me older. Each
r f'l J
This Space is
Reserved for
Price Bros.
of you can take home one on your shoul
der. Justice Baker held court on the 21st
i nst. The case was the state vs. Erail
Weidaand Mr. Heitlman. .Denutv Dit-
parties were found: guilty and $25 fine
and readilv Turnis led.lv G. El ic-een
-ifuiion?" H tuw,3:xjfj'o 9uo in siaibaat
John Gage is baL-k,j!fj;Hm0 TjlJafBOAk
county withej.eadoyattle, which
he ilRtenHsi ioidiapflseriof; aa'ieef .
The dance in-Mritori'Biah given Sat
urday nightbxIftfJEC-ross.and Ba
ker was a pleasant affair and fairly well
attended, tWwaathfepotakenTinto con-
a3iiiT-j,iH7 oka ri.iO
a b Johni 1g6b a a Ufii 'back? ' ftm ' niflffl
rime'.iia9 aU8 Ja-tliaq il)i .yniillsi)
'lT,J)'Hr Bfo89fl PWIPBVS..
the 8ptain'a absence v.t- ni el-iii
fTM. L. 1 , . ...
ulnr trma nra a thii.ir nf fha nliSl'i'A ISiIjO
A riim
TT f23)2 fnoj'A' .H-zronsid bun sv(
cunmetit and
hkAT. ftnmn la of V01inaa.
lay evening,
jjieiuenant James U.
Pambbell and J. W Moffett, of Oregon
$tY, were present, by invi(ayonj a7jd
felivered imerestinff a4dreWs on ,tbeir"
ip to VlWHiflippltieBi J iW'a'ddJesses
A public dance will be given at
Harding grange hall on New Year's
ment BnaflnovBWsnnKfirTemrarBi
i . .
and good
is cordial,
iisic furnished.
LjB-own has yeturnefl froij
vub relatives at Salem.
a visit wit
E. L. Arthur and Bert Corless are
Mis-ies Emma Gill and May Wilson,
of Oregon City, spent a few days in our
tliidet this week.
Fred Gerber is doing some carpenter
rber is doing some carpenter
cSbTjmui rfgoifltf at-
work to
T. P. FlfC
tending court
g court.
,ra9' Jog
,.",. I,-. ....
o ;jiin 111 7 junrfr, uvf
iio-t una jaag-g L.nn a-inana nan u
' t i . r .
J A heavy rain shfesI& emgTffiil
ivenine ancUtiia-. f.ifntera)'
x w-w. jii-iNi"t 'vrwn wf-raii"Ky -tatwu ne told
fl E DVEil OYSi t
Chem,vihfjhl swit 9,fll,e was
an bnn p03...bia'Clisq ,l9afin-ia vilasqu'f " Ngjlier i
.. h bWfel'VfiSdnflIswlmSi e
lia.Jift.kiJ.cle dHruwlii'
W Ji1'.8: hiui i9q ,JoqT qmetf110111 sti.
et,.Mrs Marshall, lust week.
T. J. Slum', witn litia ncf-n wui-Liug
s-.wmill Dt-.iv
onio a short ti'
l.Lv worxliM
;h nov. 21M
Mr. Schli
jor.Va pluo
.Cliurch vOO.&f ktt oCOWPll.ftisaIffili
l;iit Sunday at 13:31 ft. in. ::rul also ut 7 1
son, Lest
lii-noli aiiiftamily
1 isalem a-nong fneiids.
Siioloa rrjlinelerknii 111 the store this i
k-irs. t.ver.tai
out to M-jlaila j c
M' Eve
busiii-v I
eolSege in n
iUt ssrs Forbc
itertiiine i ! 1
,w IrWudstrj evening
ti a numher ot svit-eaous on th
iV lew of Lillian Oilluit'a iir) fr;..,,,i
nt a few l-v-r .L.r , - V .,!,
.enioon J
!iss Nellie May is at h.Wj on a fur-
. ...... - .
3 :J0 i m. Sunday whool at 2 :M , i
Everyone cordially invite 1. ' '
Jo v. 2.'. " Sauna. '
jsFloHfant I!o:M! i-HiiiH
K 1
j-r has bought MrMtT-
r. .riS-lalj
Salt Water Batha. ' )
For a hand bath (a bath given to the
body by use of the hands only or byj
sponge or cloth) place a handful of salt
In a basin as ordinarily filled for wash-
Ing. Allow the salt to dissolve or has-'
teAJw Action . by stirring Jjvwith the
Land. The wtter should be as cold nt
b-ou hainiyIwith'slaiid.' vl
110 soap. BathelLeentlre body. D i
This bath has an exhilarating lnfli - ,
trice, tonon'ttieowitlre-By stem 'and give i
to the skin anEeaIttilful"cbndition that
tmiply repayT7riW'time and troutJle
Involved. If used In the winter, It
will be .aovfifeeeBenfi preventive of
SftSSbiiSftsiBetlfi viNqi cbapplng.njap
IfluglyjQsft lo? i toe'iy a and' no ; clogging
i(fivtlie)it)i'eBwlll trouble! the-nessod
.wlio'iii systenitl08Hy-' I and regularlf
HftkeSft bnth'bf'tliFs'Borf;9
;taltor,ti&feI8ft,oi! rfiWftflT
mlMTii-'p. f ell.''! t;
fehf 'lims ginal properties n..
sim,m Wfi'.POTi WhpUieruq,-'
TOe? or np,t ,tb,e jtiody; should. teceljf ft
ai.dftl'j.llinna.tbAth ;ofi Icold or ;cooli yva-'
4r,rieslpAclall;uimiithei suuidiecj -oltlW
topenicrldlhg! i jolbef ortf wtl Wfltf .r"E
Ward ' 6. s Warfriaii -. in Ladies' ' Hiirhe
vfotfr?rl)a 9'J11 a -Ui"n.-iii f .on. irXniM
9Uijii tri.
Thackeray and the Cabman;1""
Thackeray loved to rplntp intma nn
WHS aUau4 n Ppnrlln(r -knnbiivfin Trl
j ir ''O jhv.umiu.i, a. Liqp
Vl0t-Maa unaBaiuted.'-kvlth th
ou.njtid the moment, te 1 emerges
iMd theyita?ted. Sffr'half a minute th
(eat tesSfaaiiilstill'and Thackeraj'
Bftwdtlie! cftbtoanib tile door, bowli
oui a wQra,,ana rquua.tiiat ne was
the porircoWtrie station hotel, whlcj
b5 Jnuil'frflCB to see waa not a doze
yfrrHsW J'
Rt'j&uf.heinahda&ttie'mah a uhllHiig anf
amazed to see the cabman taking off
his coat and offerlng to''flghthlin
1 V XTT " il . .
rt BDrreaji
that on that dav
jSfaiiafgwnTncTilthird (SmiShi
;ion anpoSerlnd liadkne acffd
stance within the township. This
was Us first fruits! It Is unnecessary
.tfl f (jdUiat the cabman got his money
us JrirJackeray a good story to tell at
the clubs.
Interrupted the Proarnnimc.
"Did that thar sharp what give a
show In the oiJ$t$use last night
ketch bullets5y?i&as he said he
would on his ujSaarrfef'Vsked Porcu-
Tl'""' ' ll-
trn i,,..,.
l. . y--vNA-! ia jm.ii,
iiv n-Uli:
nLcui ''buiS?il-it-4e allowed
an c.x
10 tb.tautr-liderfoot
iuSSp.git far
i?tflj-l;j1rtik wn 3
,a swindle or
Has "j'cgiu
his pufformau
gontlcmii'ily nieii
to L-nd him a hat."
in:ll, Dog Faced Dick banded Ins
Uat up, aud the professor started off
::y biw.kiu a passc-1 of err Into It.
fhe bullet ketchUi part Ao Dro.
tramme hnppeuoTSJsOTt YtS. if. The
fOKotier's waltln t.-iieaiVBom his
K'lula iu the ea.-YiHasrKv."-.
thlcngo Tlmes-IIerakU. iV-
Tonight," said flrl'Mitfi a the
tL-Uile, "as I cawv&SSijxZitat the
n-Uow next to nie liH'lW-t and
as uKuiin It. iho couductor came
r'' ""lt t!i(:'" d then uiil-1 to nn-
WiCK, WiiMl t it'.''
I siiii!, 'if yon were
.'(II, It would be,
leuuu;,' a iier ''Q, ;"''
U.:e t'-- street
ir C0l7K5KarHl'ufd It.
ut thi Min'imWl
'-s bo feffiaa'aHnis t
I u uui jji tue awful maiijl.if ' asti
fi Mrs. IViUius sympathet Rliy.
Loaned up npralust mo ;iud went
M1!;i 'bi!.St',wiii!rtT-ji9ifijni whea '
vI a-1" ea.iea lue lor ktuii him
i'a.n Lis "r, ,-t" ATi- I-, - ', -
-eliester lemocrat.
er.n nl
an he knew and had stennod noon
tlle rWe ' ,ne fotn hoboes, who were
loft bohM-
aft i4'.'Md ttt'.)nii
t " i. iT,K.-v:nJr l. .i r-i:
t-r a rnr e-.iS'.j