Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, November 10, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Bolton. j
After a long vacation, I will drop you a
(ew items from this place.
Since my last Hems there has ap
peared among us two young slrang'ert
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burner, a
son; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoff
man, a daughter.
Among the social events were the par
ties given by Mr. and Mrs. Oatta to their
many friends and by Mr. and Mrs. Doty
in honor of their daughter's birthday.
At both events their friends taxed their
homes to their fullest capacity.
Mr. Burner, sr., will soon be able to
move into his new bouse, as the paint
ers are working on it.
Mr. Oatta has just finished a very neat
milk house and also extensive affairs on
bis dwelling
Last Friday night Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Greaves and family were completely sur
prised when about forty of their neigh
bors walked in upon them just as they
were preparing to ret;'e. But that idea
was soon given up 1. id all present were
made to feel at home, for Mr. and Mrs.
Greaves and son, Harry, certainly know
hjw to make everybody have a good
time. After songs, recitations and games,
a splendid lunch was served by the la
dies in charge. All had a splendid time.
Our literary society has again taken
up its work for the winter. The society
lueets every Saturday night in the
school house. All are invited. Follow
ing are the officers for the term : Presi
dent, A. Mugone; vice-president, Henry
Crumer; secretary, M'ibs Maud Gallotdy;
assistant secretary, Will Cramer; ser
geant at arms, Mr. Konkle.
The Misses Edith and Maud Gallogly
are attending school in Oregon City.
There was a candy pull given in honor
of the Minses Hoffman at Mr. Duty's laBt
week. All had a good time
Nov, 6. . Julia.
Warm and wet.
Roads getting bad,
Mrs. M. E. Tull's parents, Mr. and
Mrs, J. M, Kimsley, 0' Aumsveile, are
in Barlow,
There will be a social in Columbia
hall on Saturday evening, Nov. 11, for
the benefit of the M, E. church. Ice
cream and cake, 10c.
Mrs. Obed W. Quint and daughter,
Mis. Win. Irvin, desire through the col
umns of the Courier-Herald to thank the
' many kind neighbors and friends for as
sistance rendered and1 the many kind
expressions of sympathy in their late
bereavement of husband and father.
Are guaranteed
Send for Circulars of
Case, Sulky, Gang and Walking Plows and Harrows
Hoosier Drill
Best Drill in the World
Come and see us when you come to Portand
itchell, Lewis k Staver Co.
First and Taylor
Words of kindness in the hour of grief
sooth our sorrows and bring relief.
The potato harvest is on. They are of
good size, but seem to be badly damaged
by a kind of end rot.
Free lecture at Barlow Sunday by Net
tie Olds Haight at 11 a. m.
Please state In the Courier-Herald
whether or not we are to vote on the
initiative and referendum at the next
general election. It would carry almost
unanimously here.
We had a fine temperance lecture here
last evening by the state prohibition or
ganizer. Rev. Baker. Corporal.
Nov. 7.
The roads are sloppy.
H. E. Hayes has sold some immense
bogs. -
, Sam Myers has burned all his straw-
Most f aimers are engaged in their po
tato Melds.
The ground is in splendid condition
for plowing.
J. Q.' Gage will start for Tillamook
county soon.
Gages had 150 bushels of buckwheat
threshed last Monday.
Larson's new cistern is a great im
provement to the place.
Robert Biechle's arm is not improv
ing much. Mr Blechle had the misfor
tune to be kicked on the arm by a horse
about a year and a half ago, breaking
and shattering it very badly. The break
never healed properly, so about a month
since he went to town and had it opera
ted upon. Some of the bone was re
moved and a spring' put in the place.
Ret urning last week, the bandages were
removed and it was found that it had
not grown together. It was rebandaged
and he came home. At present he is in
great misery. It pains him at all houis,
at times almost Deyond endurance.
Maple Lane.
C. V. Surfiis, of Butler, Iowa, accom
panied by his wife and sister, started on
their return trip home last Wednesday,
I auer a stay 01 about bix weeks, visiting
I ihnii. T n u 1 .xl
...v... uiuiuci, 1. 1;. ouiiun, nun omer
Mrs. N. W. Richards spent several
days this week at Sellwood.
Miss Ona Surlus left last week to re
sume her studies at Philomath college.
Mrs. ,T. C. Dixon went to Hellwood
Sunday for a stay of a few days.
Leander Howard an 1 family, of Bea
ver Creek, have moved into Charles
Mautz's huute.
Lighter Draft than
Doing same amount of work
Miss Kate Mautz and Mr. Bryant, of
Port' and, came out to A. Mautz's Mon
day. . ' .: . .
Mr. Cramer and family have moved
into the bouse lately vacated by Mr. Ny
man. You have no idea as to the condition
of our roads until you take a drive over
them. , ,
Maple Lane is getting to be quite a
place for acjidents lately. Myo Bray ton
was thrown from his horse about a week
ago, but did not receive any serious in
juries. Charles Surf us had an encoun
ter with a bull last week, and, but for
hissistei, who ran out and got the ani
mal after her while he escaped, he
might have been killed. The little 3-year-old
son of A. Bauman had the third
finger of the right hand cut off and the
middle finger nearly severed from the
hand by his little brother Friday last
while at play. : Doctors Powell and Nor-
ris were summoned and the little fellow
is on the road to recovery.
8. T. Roman rode out fiom town with
Myo Brayton Saturday evening.
We Lave an author in our midst.
Guess who. Panbv Blossom.
Nov. 8. .
J . R. Shaver, our road boss, quit grav
eling the roads Monday, as the heavy
roads passing over what he made ruined
it. Will wait until better weather or
until it freezes up.
v E Dodge and sons are making lots of
shingles, and have a prime quality of
cedar to make them of.
There is a general complaint that late
potatoes are rotting,
Brui'e Darnall has arrived from East
ern Oregon, where be was hired as a
packer for a surveying party.
Henry Case will leave us this week
for Sumpter, Ore.
T. S. Stipp baa gathered 20(1 hnshpla
of com from his farm this year.
A. J. Maville has potatoes that look
like stove wood for length. He bas
more than he can handle.
Seeding is delayed again on account of
the gentle Webfoot rain.
J. A. Hannagan, our merchant, has
rented F. Bruner's farm for a year. Jim
will get there yet, if hard work will ac
complish it.
Ephram Dodge has moved into his
new house. Quite a carpenter, if you
did put the cross pieces on outside of
the doors.
L. Stehman is matting half a mile of
uiiiienrrnunti ilif.ih nn hla ta-.
Nearly all the hunters have returned
from the mountains. J. Akins was most
successtul. They report lots of game,
but the bullets started foi Manila with
some of the young men. Rumor says
that one young man Bhook so that th
stock of his gun flew off and the deer
ran over him. g
Nov. 6. -
walking Plows
Our "0" Series
. Extra Polished
Guaranteed to Scour
No 20-0-12 inch $9 50
No 40-0-13 inch 10 00
Shares, Landsides, Mould
boords, etc., w ill fit Oliver No. 20
. and 40.
Macksburg. j
Peter Elmer and family, of Molalla,
have rented and moved onto the Samson
farm, recently vacated by L. E. Arm
strong. A good many potatoes are still in the
ground, and some of them are likely to
remain there. The average yield is
aoout 200 bushels per acre. Beats rais
ing wiuat.
Misses May Eckert and Alma Klebe
have gone to Portland.
Mr. Look and son passed through
here last week en route for Portland
with peas contracted for the Klondike.
Very little wheat has been sown thus
far. We believe next year it will be too
cheap for anything.
There is a mystery about some of the
correspondence between this plaee and
other points. Ihere will be an investi
gation made soon which we think will
be at the expense of some of Mark Han
na's postmasters.
Mr. Scramlin's new houBe is nearly
Professor Miller, of Michigan, arrived
here last week and will conduct services
at the German Lutheran church next
Sunday foienoon at 10 o'clock. :
Nov. 6. P.
School Report.
Following is the report of district No.
15, Beaver Creek, for the month ending
October 27, 1899:
Pupils enrolled, 32.
Days taught, 20.
Average attendance, 27.
Cases of tardiness, 2.
Those who were neither absent nor
tardy during the month Arta Kirk,
Dora Hughes, Mary Hollmai, Laurence
Rnconich, Otto Fischer, Willie Rucon
ich, nd Max Hollman.
Visitors present during the month
Henry Sterner, Mrs. Fischer, and
Hetlie Guenther.
Patrons and all other persons are cor
dially invited to visit our school and
inspect our work,
Robert Ginthur, Teacher.
More rain and bad roadal
Robert Miller, of Millovia, visited J
J. Davis Sunday.
Milton Marshall sold some fine beef
cattle lust week.
" Parts of the road between here and
Curnnsville are very bad.
Mrs. James Duncan has been on the
sick list but is now improving.
Thos. Huxley dressed some fine hogs
and took them to Portland Monday,
Some mean sneak shot Mr. Antrim's
cow. He is on the track of the lads.
Mrs. O. B. Smith, of Eagle Creek, is
visiting hei mother, Mrs. D. E. Wilcox.
Marion Davis has been feeling a little
belter since Dr. Smith was called to see
Mrs. D. E. Wilcox and son, Ray, vis'
ited Mrs. Baxter at Oregon City last
Edwin Burlingame, Elbert Surface
and Emerson Surface came from Dufur
Lottie Tracy hns gone to . Oregon City
to work. The young people miss Lottie
very much.
The Garfield singing school began
with 19 scholars and is progressing well
There are more that will attend in the
Mr. Obtring was buried at Mt. Zion
cemetery last Friday. Mr. Ostring was
a good citizen and neighbor. All sym
pathize with his bereaved wife and son
M. .
Bud Smith was down from his mount'
ain home recently.
Dr. J. 8. Casto is confined to the
house with inflammatory rheumatism
John Nolzen is putting in quite a crop
on the Oliver place.
The Molalla road from near the post
olice to Mulino is nearly impassable.
Quite a number of prune trees are
dying from the effects of last February's
Alfred Smith and sons are getting out
their potatoes. They have good crop
Mr. Barron has rented the Boberg
place and will farm-it in connection
with bis own.
James Emmett and son have more
potatoes than they have room for in
their cellar and are putting the surplus
under shed.
Frank E. Casto will start for Te&ag
m a iw days to spend the winter for
his health.
Thera seems to be a lot of money in
the banks and with others in Oregon
City to loan at six and eight per cent.
But how are farmers to pay interest at
the present price of whealT Echo an
swers, '"how." Money seems to be
hoarded by banks and others and kept
out of circulation. If true prosperity
prevailed money would be in circulation
and all would be benefited. How would
it do for the people of Oregou to get to
gether and adopt, nr at least study, the
principles as enunciated by the Nation
al Social and Political convention held
in the city of Buffalo from June 28 to
July 4, inclusive. In other words, let
all reformers and well wishers of tbeir
This Space is
Reserved for
Price Bros.
A Shower
Our new line Is in
a perfectshower.
and for rainy weather nothing is
more sensible to have than a pair
of fine, strong shoes with overshoes
or sandals to fit.
You'll find every style has been
thought of and every occasion may
have its shoes. See ours and you'll
want to wear them,
race and all true friends of America.
Nov. 6. O.
All Re hear is bad roads. ,
John Denison was in Oregon City one
day last week.
A. L. Larkin visited his father-in-law,
T. R. Orem, Sunday.
The nad between Wright's bridge
and Meadowbrook is in bad shape.
Wm. Staudinyer was seen on the
Btreets of Meadowbrook last Sunday.
F. Way was in town one day last
Come again, Kittie, and give us more
about the bad roads. -
Nov. 6. R.
Jud Seely has built a potato house.
Farmers are busy digging potatoes
and putting in fall grain.
Grandpa Grnham is quite ill, caused
by cancer of the stomach.
Mr. Leichenthaler's little girl is quite
sick with rheumatism.
Maud Seely and her mother have been
visiting relatives in Washington.
Jake Peters made a flying trip to Port
land last week and visited the fair.
The Wilsonville Cash Store is still
improving Its new store building.
Ira Seely's team had a runaway a few
days ago. Luckily nothing serious hap
Born, to the wife of Chas. Epler, "a
girl. Mother and baby are doing well
Charlie is happy.
John Butson brought home his bride
last Thursday. He gave a free dance in
Wilsonville Hall Saturday evening con
sequently he was not serenaded.
Nov. 6.
M. H. Riebhoff, road supervisor, has
completed the grading of Clear creek hill
and repairing the bridge across Clear
creek. The public is well pleased with
the work and unhesitatingly express ap
proval of his road work.
I believe that every section of the Wil
lamette valley capable of supporting a
settlement needs and should have good
public roads. Let the good work of im
proving public roads go on without un
necessary delay.
Fred Gerber has completed the belfry
on the Lower Logan school house. It Is
a piece of neat and substantial work
B. Fallert spent Saturday and Sunday
with his family. He is superintendent
of a large hatchery at Wind River,
Wash. His son, Karl, accompanied him
as far as Purtland on his return.
Rev. Jacob Parcth, recently of South
Dakota, has bought the Washburn farm
and is now living on it with his family,
Logan extends them a cordial welcome.
John Rowan has leased Mrs. Rose
HumU ton's farm for a year and is plow
ing for wheat.
Mr. Thun and sons are netting the
completion of their new barn.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kireheui paid
Portland a business visit this week.
0ns of Julius Busch'swork horses is
Rev. Traglio is improving the appear
ance of the German, parsonage and its
surroundings by doin some much
needed work. He is the right man in
the right place.
We understand that August Huber
has charge of Jacob Oerber's farm for
two years.
Leonard Newkirk h9 completed his
new resideuce.
Eli Swales was visiting friends at
Clackamas last Sunday.
Henry Gill returned home from Salem
last Sunday evening.
Mr. Fletcher and wife have moved to
Portland, where they will reside in the
future. Silent.
Nov. 7.
Plowing and seeding is the order of
e day.
Jacob Harless has gone to Indiana to
visit his son. "
James Emert, Jr., has rented the Rob.
ert Baly place.
Oliver Robbins is bavins his hons
painted and pupered.
J.J. Emert, who has farmed the Har-
desty place for the past two years, hag
rented and mcyed onto the old Klinger
lace near Macksburg, now owned bv
ex-Sheriff Samson.
Jacob Harless had the misfortune to
a cylinder nut get into his eiain
chopper recently and by the time he
couiu shut ott the steam there was not
much of the chopper left.
A new organ has been added to our
school hall recently. There will he a
basket social, followed by dancing, on
the evening of the 10th inst. The mo-
ceeds are to pay a small balance that is
yet due on the organ.
Who said that Oretron has a law
against chasing deer with dogs? Sev
eral outnts have pasped through here in
the past two weeks on hunting expedi
tions and -each having hounds. Each
party reports the killing of from five to
ten deer. Yet nothing is done and but
little said concerning it The law in re
gard to chasing deer with dogs ought to
be rigidly enforced or else stricken from
the statute. One outfit was seen going
to the mountains with a pack of hounds
after the open season bad expired. Un
less our game laws are respected more
in the future than they have been in the
paBt, it will not be long until there will
be no deer to chase.
Nov- 7. X. Y. Z.
" Mountain View,
It is raining again and the roads in
this vicinity are simply horrible.
Street Commissioner Green had two
newcrcssiags put iu this week, which is
a great convenience.
Bob Bullard and wife moved out to
their farm near Carus last week.
The Mountain View fire laddies have
their fire bell hung at last. Next Mon
day evening will be their regular meet
ing night.
Mr. Moran is around the bouse on
crutches this week.
Bruce Darnall, of Mulino, was the
guest of J. Gillette Wednesday evening.
G. W. Todd, of Tulare county, Cali
fornia, is here, visiting his sister, Mrs.
Mattie Ringo, whom he bas not seen in
20 years.
George Ely is having some improve
ments made on his house this week.
Mr. Lock is doing the work.
Grandpa Swafford went to Salem
this week to spend a few months with
relatives there.
Mr. Warnick's boy is very sick with
typhoid fever.
John Gillett spent Saturdav and Sun
day with friends at Mount Tabor.
Carrie Rancipher has moved to Ore-
gon City and is weaving in the woolen
Preston Cooner and wifn drnva nut in
Carus Sunday and spent the day with
Mis. Albright is giving the fence
around her property a new coat of paint
this week.
Auntie Hollenbeck. who has been
spending a few weeks with her brother
in Eastern Oregon, returned home Mon
Mahlon Morau and wife are suenJin
this week with relatives here.
Harvey Everhart was in from Molalla
Monday evening. Salisa.
Nov. 8.
Additional Crreip3nleajeoa 7th Pari