6 BANK OF OREGON CITY m 11" kLDEST BANKING HOTTSB IH THE CITI PAID CP CAPITAL, 160,000.00 BVBPLUB ftOjUOM president, floe president ashler, Cms. H. caoflim Gio. A. Babd I. O. Cacful k General Banking Business Transaot4 Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bllli and Notes Dlsoounted. Connty and City Warrant! Bought. Loans Made on Available SeonritT- Bxohuige Bought and Hold. Collection Hade Promptly. Draft! Hold ArallabU In Any Fart f tb ITorld. Telegraphic Eichange Bold on Portland, e Francises. Chicago anl New York. Interest Paid on Tim Deposits. BOLTON DAIRY CNAS. CATTA, Proprlitor' OregDB 8Uy, Orefta Pure Milk and Full Mearart given; delivered t Mj part of the city. Tit Map Dairy ail Cm W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Hub the best looking riei and cheapest rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY. OREGON JACOB SCHATZ Harnessmaker and Repairer Cor. Main and 11th St., Oregon City E. I. SIAS Watchmaker and Jeweler Postoflice Building CANBY - - OREGON J II. GRAHAN Choice Confections, Cigars an d Tobacco P. O. Building, Canbv, Ore. Progressive Business Men Insure in a first-class companies With an experenced agent. F. E. Donaldson aii Fire and Acoident Insurance When you visit The Dalles stop at the Best Ono Dollar a Day House in the City THE OBARR HOTEL On Second Street oiu'JMook from Depot pedal rates to families and parties 8. 8. SMITH, Prop. - sv .... OREGON CITY, OREOON Leading Photographer Makes The Latest Style Photos Photo Buttons Crayon Potraits, Etc. The Best are the Cheapest & PERFECT BATH ROOM Shall we IvAs tell you A why 1 I V P'RYrffl?imrrTTT- ? mm essential to perfM't com fort and htalth. Our tlmaio. on pulling in Numbing Woik ami fUriuKS tor large ami small nmit.es will tie found urim"stniily low when niialltjr of work and material d ! eowMerwl V would be pleased o have an opportunity to submit llguros. F. C. GADKE BARGAIN COLUMN Stoves to Burn,- We have nnjIIJr.g you wiurl In the Stove line, Cook or Heater, at bargain prices strictly. Also a large fctock of all kinds of furniture at bedrock prlcer-'. Creatvarlety of new and second hand 'goods of every description. G. H. YOUNG Opp. BurmelsterAt Andresen's Special: I have a god organ for sale at a bargain. The Girls Like It Best' They lay our perfumery ia tliebesttobe had; they are cartalnly competent judges. To Induce special sales we are making a cut. of 10 per cent for two weeks only, and we have all the latest odors In stock, CBABUAN & CO., . The Cut Rate Druggists. It is Our Business To dispense health-gtrlpg prescription In the right way, It is a business which we have not learmd in a day, but only after years of bard, persistent work and study We use pure drugs, compound them ac curately and charge an honest price. GEO. A. HABDINO. The finest perfumes. You Feel Better. Yourself, if your horses feot are properly cand for; he works better, feels bolter, looks better. Perfect sho.lng is my soeical ty. All kinds of repairing. You'll make no mistake If you try 8. G. THAYER, Practical Horseshoer. Wagon and Carriage shop in connection. The only shop in town. DAVID RHDDAWAY. Corner 10th and Main St. When Ton're fainting The Town Red. Don't ne water colors. Use the Cyrus Nob'.e Whiskey. Sold by the ever popular "BISMARCK. The choicest of wines as well. To the Ladies. We are Just offering some specials In the following: Hosiery and Underwear fot winter wear; Tailor made Skirts, latest styles; Ready-made Waists, all colors; full line of Ribbons, Embroidery and Luces; and the latest styles In Kid-Fitting Cornets. RACKET STORE. (J CO c3 e REALTY TRAN SERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. L M Graham to T A Campau, 83 acres in claim 45, 5 s, 1 w $1,075 A M Washburn to A H Parich, 8J acres in claim 41, 2 s, 3 e 1,500 J L Forbes to il Wuldeler, e) & e4 of uf s of ne of sec 3, 2 s, 3 e..... ." H J Thomas to C H Thomas, se of sw of see 24, 6 s, 2e Same to M K Thomas, ne of sw. .. Same to K N Thomas, nw of sw. .-. Same to N J Thomas, nw of se. . . . J A Forbes to J D Mickle, e of of w of sw of ne of sac 3, 2 s, 3 e. .. J Robertson to A J Johnston etal, 10.40 acres in Arthur cl'm, 2s, Se P Hazzard to N W Woodruff, s 20 acres of e of w of ne of sec 1, 2s, 2e 350 1 1 1 .1 950 460 1,000 A F & C Co to T F Ryan, lot 7, 8, blk 9,00 L Bowers to same, lots 8, 9, blk 2, Westeide add S Huelat to same, part of Holmes claim, 3 s.2e... P Weber to same, ne of ne of sec 4, 4 s, 1 e, and 1 acres sec 18. ... 10 10 U S to L A Cubbage, ne of sec 4, 3 8,5 e .patent A Hunsaker to M L Morris, lot 1 , blk 5, Barlows 2 E D Kelley to J W KehVy.lot 3.blk 5, Green Point 1 C B Moore to P H Marlay, 30 acies joining Minthora add 0 A Whale to A Whale, lot 11, blk 9, Apperson add to Parkplace.. 56 100 D A WellB to B A Wilson , 27 acres in claim 52, 2 s, 2 e 2 BA Wilson to D. A. Wells, 47 acres in Capp's claim, 2 s, 2 e. . 2 L Steinhauser to J. Abron, lot 12, blk 32, Oswego.'. , 175 Acetylene Gas. Be independent of gas and electric cor porations and own your own lighting plant. The National generator does not have to be cared for oftener than once in 15 days. It is posi tively safe and is recommended by all insurance boards. We light residences, churches, stores, factories and towns at 40 per cent less than other systems, with double the il lumination. To responsible parties will ship machines on thirty d.ys' trial. Send for free booklet on Acetylene Gas. We want goo I agents. National Acetylbne Gas Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Removal Sale ' We are going to make a sweeping reduction in Furni ture, Carpets, Stoves, Etc., Etc., prior to moving into our New Quarters, Willamette Building, opposite postoffice. Don't Miss the Opportunity. W. L. BLOCK The Home Furnisher. Sheriff's Report. Sheriff Cooke has filed his report of collection of taxes with the county clerk, and it proves a very interesting docu ment to the taxpayers of Clackamas county. The amount of uncollected taxes, as shown by the records, is small er than it has been for ten years past. Even last year the uncollected taxes af ter the sale was $1062.56, and it is much lese this year. One important fealure is the fact that all the costs of posting, printing and other expenses are paid out of the proceeds of the sale and will not come out of the pockets of the taxpay ers. It is one of the best conducted tax sales, from an economic point of view, ever made in Clackamas county. Fol lowing is the statement: To the Hon. Board of Commissioneis of Clackamas County, State of Oregon : I I, J. J. Cooke, sheriff and tax collector of said county and state, do hereby sub mit to your honorable body the follow' ing statement of taxes as charged to my serf for the year 1898, together with the amounts collected and uncollected and double assessments and erroneous, for your approval in final settlement of said taxes of 1898. To amount of taxes charged to sheriff ....$138,157 81 To sheriffs assessments .... 849 73 $139,007 54 By am't collected before sale.$129,716 75 By cash received from sale. . 2,615 46 By am't bid in by county ... 4,872 40 By am't uncollected on per sonal property 379 11 By am't of errors and double assessments 1,423 82 $139,007 54 By costs collected, not includ ed in above $949 96 By premiums collected, not included in above ......... 12 88 $952 84 Respectfully sublitted, J. J. Cooke, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore, Nov. 1, 1899. Bismark' Iron Nerve Was the result of hia splendid health Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order, If vou want these Qualities and the sue cess they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develope every power of brain and body. Only 25 cents at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. Plenty of money to loan at 7 per cent by Dimick & Easthem. You Have Eyes.w They were given you to use Not to abuse. To use them When they are defective is to abuse them. Aver - sion to strong light, pain in the eyes, headaches, etc., means that nature is warning you that . you are abusing them. Have them attended to AT cnce. Dr Don C Phillips, With A. It. WRIGHT. The Iowa Jeweler Ocniist-Dpiican. 293 ilorrison Street, Fresh All the Time The stock in the store of MARR & MUIR is changed daily and they make a specialty of buying fresh goods often rather than to keep stale stock. It costs them more but they be lieve in pleasing their customers. Brunswick Under new Management Only First-Class Restaurant IN THE CITY ; FLCCNIH, Prop. i ORI-GON CITY, 444444444-4444444444444444- X You Can . Depend Upon Patent Flour, made from old wheat. It makes the best bread and pastry and always giv.es satisfaction to the housewife, Be sure and order Patent Flour made by the Port land Flouring Mills at Oregon City and sold by all grocers. Patronize Home Industry Don't purchase a Ready Made Suit -'Which is nnde and finished by machinery with hundreds of oth ers the same stvle and pattern. Have some individuality about your attire. We can give you perfect fitting suits and guarantee satisfaction at very low prices. Ladies' Tailoring neatly done M. GILBERT, The Portland Tailor, opp. Electric Hotel I YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT But the Bet Stock of First-Class Goods to e Found at Bottom Prices in Oregon City is at HARRIS' ROCERY F. H. CROSS, Harnessmaker DEALER IN First-Class Hand or Shoe Repairing a Specialty. S. G. SKIDMORE & CO. PIONEER CUT-RATE DRUGGISTS Headquarters for Drugs and Chemicals, Compounding of Prescriptions' and Receipts Lowest Prices on Patent Medicines, Brushes, Soaps and Rubber Goods 151 3RD ST., NEAR MORRISON ST., PORTLAND OR. PORTLAND, OREGON Restaurant I OREGON ABUNDANCE ot Cakes,' Pies, and other dainty things for the table are baked fresh every day. Each is as carefully made as though it was done under the mosi particular housekeeper's supervision. And the ingredients used ar better than most housekeepers can afford to buy. Can we serve you with our delicio'is bread. HEINZ &. CO., Bakers and Grocers, Opposite Postoflice - Oregoaity Machine Made Harness Seventh Street, Opp. A. O. V. AV. Hull URUtiON CITY, OREGON J