Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 27, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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Proceedings of the Regular October
Session of Board.
(Continued from last ween.)
In the matter of the application of W
Stowe for aid to pay doctor's bills, he be
ing sick and unable to do so The board
being fully advised, it is ordered that
said Stowe be allowed f 10 lor such pur
vV Stowe. $10 00
In the matter of the petition of W, R
Porter for a fifty years' franchise to lay
wiiter pipes in the streets of ("anernah
from a t-pring on his premises This
natter coining on now (egularly to be
bdard and the board being lully advised,
it is ordered that said franchise be grant
ed as petitioned for.
In the matter of the report of viewers
n the petition ol J. A. Mromirreen et al
.or a county road This matter being
laid over tiom last month for correction
mid said correction having been made
and the boaid being fully advised, it is
ordered that said view and survey be 111
mII renpects approved and be established
us a county road, and the clerk is hereby
ordered to issue the necessary notice to
l lie supervisor of the district in which
the toad is to open and work the eame;
and that portion of the road heretofore
described and asked to be vacated be and
the same is hereby in all respects or
dered vacated on the opening of said
The board now adjntirned, 10 meet to
morrow, October 6th, at 9 :30 a. m.
Friday, 0,:t. 6, 1899.
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
the board and officers present as of yes
terday, the 5th inst.
The minutes of s;tid day were read and
And now on this day the following
Dusiness was nan, to-wit:
In the matter of the petition of F. A.
Albright et al for the vacation of a coun
ty roud Said report was read oh yester
day, and now on this day on its second
reading, and it appearing to the board
that there is no remonstrance filed and
being satisfied that said road is not of
public utility, it is ordered and adjudged
that the field notes and plat of said sur
vey be recorded and in all respects ap
proved and that the said view and sur
vey bo vacated as a county road and that
the expenses of said view and survey be
paid by Clnckamas county, and all that
portion of road heretofore described and
asked to be vacated be and the same is
hereby in all respectB ordered vacated.
Nick Burchet, 1 day, 7 miles $2 70
William Bird, 1 day, 11 milts. ... 3 10
H Irons, 1 day, 12 miles 3 20
E M llitrmiw, 1 day 2 00
A W Albright, 1 day 2 00
Willie H lirown, 1 dav 2 00
John W Meldrum, 1 day, 60 miles 13 00
Total $28 00
In the matter of the deputy county
surveyor's report on the By erg and Day
change in the Croswell and Milwaukie
road Said report was read on yester
day, and now on this day on its second
reading, and it appearing to the board
that there is no remonstrance filed, and
the board agreeing to give J- B. Day $75
lor u uueu lor said land occupied by said
now road and to give J. A. Byers for a
deed foi the small piece taken from him
for said new road tne sum of $1, and be
ing satisfied that said road will be of
putilii! uillity, it ta ordered and adimliral
and in all respects approved and that
me buiu view aiui survey be established
as a county mad. and that the expense
of said view and survey be paid by
Ulackamas county, and the clerk is here
by ordered to itaue the necessary notice
to the supervisor of the district in whieh
said road is to open and work the same
as soon as J, A. Byers and wife execufe
a deed for the portion of said road which
crowses thoir premises. It is further or
dered that said deed shall be accepted
and received as soon as executed, and
Unit the deed of J. B. Dav and wife he
accepted and ordered recorded in the
records- ot deeds for Ulackuiuas county
J B Day ,.,$75 00
John W Meldrum f) 40
I A Byers 2 00
J r JUCMurray o 00
Total 88 40
Deed from J. A. Byers and wife has
leeii nuiy executed and recorded this
13th day of October, 181)9, and order is
Miod to open said road. N
In the matter of the report of viewers
on the petition of William McDonald for
i county road In the matter of the re
port of George Bandall, II. S. 0. Phelps
Mid. A. Bremer, viewers appointed at the
last term of this board to view and relo
cate a county road situale in Clackamas
louniy. Oregon, described in full on
page 158 of this journal. Paid viewers
l ied their report, showing that they had
met on the 4th day of October, a duy
named In the notice served upon them,
and were duly Bworn by subscribing to a
written oath of office administered by
.lohu W. Meldrum, the deputy county
surveyor, after which they proceeded to
I he designated place and did view and
cause to be surveyed by said deputy
county survoyor the above descrilied
road. They also filed the field notes and
plat of the survey. Said viewers report
favorably to the establishing of said
road us viewed and surveyed, for the
reason that It is a good, practicable route
uud of public utility. And William Mc
Donald, through whose land said road
runs and upon whose petition said sur
vey to relocate said road was made, ap
pearing be'ore the board and represent
ing that said view aud survey as report
ed by said viewers was not in accord
ance with his petition for said relocation
of said road and that he was not satisfied
with said view and survey ; and the
board being fully advised, it is ordered
that said view aud survey be disallowed
una that the deputy county surveyor be
ordered to make a resurvey of said relo
cation of said road, according to said pe
tition, said McDonald giving the right
of way for said change to Clackamas
onnty for a public road.
II 8 O Phelps, 1 day, 8 miles 2 80
ueorge Randall, 1 day, 3 miles. . . 2 80
1 Bremer, 1 day, 8 miles 8 80
C E Moldruui, 1 day ,,, 3 CO
' vVm McDonald, 1 day 2 00
na Staehly.l day 2 00
t Grist, 1 day 2 00
JoUn W Meldrum, 2 days, 10 miles 9 00
Total (24 90
In the mattei of the peUtion of A. A,
Thomas for a tax rebate on his home
, tead it is ordered by the board that
the sheriff be authorized to cancel the
said taxes Blessed as unknown on the
tax roll of 1898 which is the homestead
of said A. A, Thomas, ' A
In the matter of the care and keeping
of Mr. Able, a county charae It is or
dered by the board that the allowance
heretofore made to Mr. Able of $8 per
month be raised to $10 per month to
date from October 1st, 189?. v
In the matter of the deed from Hans
Nelson and wife. for a gravel pit in road
district No. 35r-It is ordered that said
deed be accepted and recorded in the
record of deeds for Clackamas county
and that said Hans Nelson receive (he
sum of $50 for said pit. .
Hans Nelson. ., . . .". . .150 00
In the matter of a clerical error in the
name of Emil A. Carson on the tax roll
of 1898 and delinquent roll and sale cer
tificate for 1897 It is ordered by the
board that said corrections be made ac
cording to said petition, and the sheriff
is hereby authorized to make said cor
rections. In the matter of the salo of lot No. 3,
block 111, Oregon City It is ordered by
the board that the county will not take
less than $300 for said lot.
In the matter of county physician's
report for September The report coming
on now to be heard and the board being
fully advised, it is ordered that said re
port be accepted and placed on file.
In the matter of the petition of YV. W.
Myers, guardian of the Rowley heirs, for
a tax rebate This matter coming on
now to be heard and the board being not
fully advised, it-is ordered that said pe
tition be laid over.
In the matter of the reports of officers
for the month of September, 1899 The
board having examined the reports of
the clerk and recorder for the month of
September, 1899, and being fully satis
fied, it is ordered that the same be and
are hereby approved. The reports show
collections as follows, to-wit .
Clerk $296 25
Recorder 153 05
In the matter of the petition of F.
Drake for a duplicate of warrant No.
20,539, which was lost in transmission
through the mails This matter coming
on now to be heard and the board being
fully advised, it is ordered that said pe
tition be granted, provided that Mr.
Drake gives a bond for doubie the
amount of said lost warrant, No. 20,539,
of the sum of $5.55.
In the matter of the mileage and per
diem of the county commissioners for
the October term, 1899 It is ordered by
the board that the mileage and per diem
of the county commissioners for the Oc
tober term be allowed as follows, to-wit:
S F Marks, 4 days, 52 miles $17 20
J It Morton, 4 day, 40 miles 16 00
K Scolt, 6 days, 38 miles 21 80
Total $55 00
In the matter of the application of M.
Matheson lor fire wood It is ordered
by the board that said Mathesen, being
an indigent person, be allowed $3 worth
of fire wood.
In the matter of George W. Willey, an
indigent soldier It is ordered by the
board that said matter be referred to
Commissioner Scott and that he draw a
warrant on the indigent soldiers' fund
for $10 to use for said Willey 'b relief.
R Scott $10 00
In the matter of the indigent soldiers
fund it is ordered by the board that the
cninty treasurer traiisler $100 lroin the
general fund to the indigent soldier'
In the matter of the petition of Weber
Bros, for a tax rebate on property as
sessed to the Empire Manufacturing Co
Tiiis matter coming on now to be
heard and the board being fully advised,
it is orderee that said petition be grant
ed as prayed for aud the clerk be author
ized to issue the necessary receipts for
said taxes.
In the mattei of the petition of Hugh
W. Wallace for a tax rebate The board
being fully advised, it is ordered that
said petition be granted and said Wal
lace be allowed to pay said taxes without
any penalty attached to same.
In the matter of repairing the Bull
Run bridge It is ordered by the board
that the clerk be authorized to corre
spond with the Portland water commit
tee in regard to their paying part of the
expense of repairing said bridge.
In the matter of hiring an engine to
run the rock crusher Propositions for
the use of an engine for said purpose be
ing made to the board by John Shannon
and John Cole, and it appearing that
John Colo's proposition for said work
was the lowest and best offer, it is or
dered by the board that sidd John Cole's
engine be engaged for said work, and
the clerk is hereby authorized to notifv
John Cole that his proposition is ac
A few watcher for sale cheap at
Youuger's. Watches cleaned, $1.
Highest cash price paid for second
hand household goods at Bollomy &
Money to loan at 8 percent interest on
mortgages. Apply to O. D. & D. O.
The Club tonsorial parlors, P. Q
Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents
A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept
When in Fortland be sure and call at
the Royal restaurant where you can get
the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First
street, corner of Madison. Wm.
Bohlander, proprietor.
Weekly Oregonian and Courikb-
Hkrald for $2 per year.
The latest millinery, and prices the
best at Miss Goldsmith's.
For Sale Small house and lot on west
side (Windsor) for $75. Inquire at
Oouhier-IIekald office.
Rambler, Victor, Stearns, Ideal and
Golden Eagle bicycles for sale at Bur-
meister & AndreBeu.
Good pasturago inside city limits. In
quire at Colbikr-IIerai.d office.
Very handsome parlor organ for sale
cheap at Block's furniture store, op-
poosite postoflice.
FineFarm 'or Rent. Inquire at Ely
Bros. store, Seventh street.
Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
mortgages. Apply to C. D. A D. 0
Wa pay a prentlun for Clackamas
County and Oregon City warrants.
MOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned
have been duly appointed by the county
court of Clackamas county, Oregon, executors ol
the last will and testament of George A. Bock
wood, deceased. All person having clalma
against said estate are hereby notified to present
them, duly verified according to law, for allow
ance at the office of 0. H. Dye, attorney, north
west corner of Sixth and Main streets, Oregon
City, Oregon, within ilx months from the date of
this publication.
Executors of Estate as atorasald.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Oct. 2C, 1899. .
dersigned has filed in the county court of
the state of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas,
her final account as executrix of the last will
and testament of James G. Wilson, deceased, and
that the judge of the above entitled court has fixed
Monday, the 4th day of Deeember, 1809, at the
hour of 9:80 o'clock a. m., as Ihe time and the
court room of said court In Oregon City as the
place for examining said account and hearing
objections thereto and the settlement of said es
Said notice is published by order of the Hoh.T.
F. Hyan, .fudge of said court, duly made and en
tered October 25, 1899.
Executrix of the last will and testament
of James G. Wilson, deceased.
Fkntok, BeoNadoh A Muib,
Attorneys for Estate. '
VOTICEis hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of Michael La-
velle, deceased, has filed his final report in the
county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, and
that the Judge of said court baa set Monday, Dec.
4, 1890. at 10 o'clock a. m. for the hearing of said
report. Any person having objections to said re
port or tl.e final discharge of said administrator
Will file the Same With said fu.nrt nn nr hnfora
said dute.
Administrator as aforesaid.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon. Oct. 25, 1899.
45 cents round trip from Oregon City
to Portland and return via Southern
Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents.
Tickets now on Bale at railroad depot.
Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m..
and 3:35 p. in., and arrives from Port
land at 9:23 a. m. and 6:52 p. ra. Save
time by using the quicker route.
City View Nursery
J. A. COX, Proprietor
Send for catalogue and price list
Accurate Life Reading
5t5J.j' Washington Street, Corner 10th
rOUTLAND, oui:uon
Cut tlits ad. out and send to us,
8KSD no MttMCY and wo will send
you this watch by express, C. U. I).
Hubject to examination. You can
eiamine it at your eipreaa omtm
anil it louna pet-feet lj ittlsrae-
10 17, tartly represented ana
Jit. wry way equal to watches
malar DHng aartrM.trt.al
fa. ib 10 n. ie unoer such
misleading description."
as Elgin Style A merle aa
Htyle, Uold Filled or Look
Filled Watehea, t. If
you find It the equal or
better than any of the?e
watches, pay the expreaa
agent Olll I'llll K, fj.ifc
and express charges.
Don't be Deceived
rty ealchy ad Yert laments
which would lead you to
believe you could et
& iifi flr.fl iiil
for M. 75 to H. , j, when we all tlieBknie waltfh lor $2.45.
OUR $2.45 WATCH u K''nt8' ' "Ke Hunting
Cane or Keren Hark and Reiel dtut
Irouf Opeu Fae e, stum wind and Bet, gold plated, handsom
y eriffrnved amipolished.limki like a M'h-grail golunlled
and la a treat trading will eh, movement 1b a nickel 7-Jewel-ed
stem wind American, warranted, and a (rood time
keeper. F.ir Vatchea frm OH eenla pp. gidddMled watehat
H and up, write Tor free Wnleh and Jewelry Catalogue.
dir SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. ( Inc.), Chicago
(Bon, Bwtnek ihw Iburoojhlj lUlU.-41dltM,)
A iiMii'UK S3. OO W ATKK. l) 1C
SEND NO MONEY. Lu this i. oat
UU low htlhl ul aright, ILU .unlMrof
u.dvi arouia uod; al braaal, UkrooT.r
vt.t under roal, eloa up uadtr anna, and
we will sviut you thUcoat by express,
C.U.D., aubjrtl 10 aiauiluatloa. Ex
amine ami try It on at your uearet
vpruM tum-, an. if rouna .laeiiT
taa rtpraaealrd and ta. aioal wonderful
alu. TO. vr law ar heard at. and
equal to any Mat yon Ma buy for
6.00. MNVthM .nM....uil urn
I'b't UL (im.K PR1I K. 13.7(1. and
expreHK cliarKOH.
THIN MA.-kivTnaii fa Ufaar. ludfl
Itvle, euHV IHtilnr. made from haarr
Mrproof, taa eolor, fraula. Da.laConrt
Oolbi full length, double breasted,
BaireT velvet collar, fancy plaid llnlnn,
waterproof eewed eeam. Suitable for
both hala or Otareoal, and fuaraatrod
WUUTKST U,H ofarrd by u. or
fk. .. J any other house. For Free Vlatb Sample.
I tt t o "en'. Macaintoahe. np to adeO,
II If Mk and Made-to-Heasure Hulta and Over-
-ar ooattat from .". oo to 110.00, write for
. ' "r8K 1'LK BOO. K, . Iddrvaa,
tKaan, katbaat t U. an lawrnifal) nUaMa,-MUar4
trr f his id. (IT and
end to wi, atau. your
W.I.M and aalfM alio
number Inehea around
body at boat and aoa.
and we will and thl
kaaaUr.1 Tina (ape to
you by expreea, v.
O. D.. aabjan Uu
anutatlM. You Pan
e lamina and try It
on at your neaxatt
xpreaa offlra and
If found perfectly
satisfactory, ex
actly as repreeeale
and u MOST
VAUl '
saw or heard
of, aay la. as.
ret at
and .iproaa
aharras will ererare U ta It
lr l.eoa -Uaa.
m.ttreul,f Plush Cap XVm0l
art'. Seal neat, a) inohe. lone, cut full sweep, lined
throne-bout with leraerteed ("lie la klaeh, khMarrod. VarT
elaborately embroidered wiU iiinili araM and black
keadlnc as Illustrated. Trimmed all around with extra
oellaal Ttikot Far. heavily Interlined evltk vaddls
aad fiber chamois. Write he free Cleat
ami, inhais fca.ltiri.t.g rslVsda-aVllaafca
. Orejaniaa aii CurierEerali $1
6 STfcafl
fv;-'''j:f y
1 MVj"
In the circuit court of Ihe stale ol Oregon for
Clackamas county.
T. T. Oeer, as irovernor. T. I. Dun
bar, as secretary of state, and
Charles S. Moore, as state treas
urer, as the board of commis
- sinners for the sale of school and
university lands and for the In.
vestment of the funds arising
John Revenue and P. .. Revenue,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, 89.
cree and an execution duly issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, to me duly directed, and
dated the 22nd day of September, 1899, upon a
judgment rendered and entered In said court on
thel8lhday of February, 1899, in favor of T. T.
Geer, as Rovernor, F. I. Dunbar, as secretary of
state, and Charles 8. Moore, as state treasurer, as
the board of commissioners for the sale of sohool
and university Unas and for the Investment of
the funds arising therefrom, plaintiffs, and
against John Revenue and P. A. Revenue, de
fendants, for the sum of f GOO, with interest there
on at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the
15th day of April, 1894, and the further sum of
(80 as attorney's fee, ind the further sum of
115 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and
upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of
the following described real property, Bitnate in
the oounty of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit:
The west half of the northwest quarter of sec
tion (24) twenty-four, township (2) two south,
range (4) four east of the Willamette meridian.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said exeoution,
judgment order and deoree, and In compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will, on
at the hourof one o'clock p.m., atthefrontdoorof
the county court house in Ihe city of Oregon City, In
sa id couuty and state, sell at public auction, sub
ject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U.
S. gold coin cash in band, all the right, title and
interest which the within named defendants, or
either of them, bad on the date of the mortgage
herein or since hnd in or to the above desoribed
real property, or any part thereof, to satisfy said ex
ecution, Judgment order, decree, interest, costs
and all accruing costs. V J. J. COOKE,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Sept. 23, 1899.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Charles F. Rowan, 1 -Plaintiff
Nellie Rowan, 1
To NellielRowan, said Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon, y ou are
hereby required to appearand ahswer the torn-
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit
by the 6th day of November, 1899, and if you fail
to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap.
ply to the court for a decree forever dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant and for costs aud dis
bursementB herein,
This summons was ordered published by Hon.
Thos. F. Ryan, county Judge of Clackamas
county,' Oregon, on the 21st day of September,
First publication September 22, 1899.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Cluckamas.
George H. Carr.
Arlena Carr,
To Arlena Carr, defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit
on or before the 1st day of December, 1899, that
"being the time prescribed in the order for the
publication of this summons, the date of the first
publication of this summons being on the 20th
day of October, 1899-, and if you fail to so ap
pear and answer, the plaintiff herein will apply
to the said oourt for the relief prayed for in his
complaint, to-wit: a deoree dissolving the mar
riage coutraot now existing between you and the
plaintiff herein, and for Buch other and further
relief as to the oourt may stem equitable and
b This summons ts published by orderf the
Hon. Thus. V. Ryan, Judge of the county ccurtof
the state of Oregon, for Clackamas county, dated
and entered on the 18th day of October, 1899.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
60 acres on Clackamas river, two miles east of
Clackamas station; good stream; no improve
ments; easilv cleared; good piece or rruiiiana
Piice, M per acre for whole or half; 1000 down,
haltuice time at 7 ner oent.
60 acres oetween Clackamas river and county
road running from Clackamas station to ri a ten
or v. 2 miles from station: l- acres cleared : ail un
der fenoe; good stream of water: balance easily
cleared and level. Price, U0 peracre; :J0 down
and balance on time at 7 per cent.
Inquire at Courier-Herald office.
Rev. A. Hlllebrand
Has for sale some of the choicest property in Ore
on Citv. on Main street, to-wit: Lota 4 and 5 in
block 9, and part of lot 1 and lots a and 7, and
Dart of lot 8. and lot 6 in block 8. and also 24 acres
of land In Holcomb addition, near Milwaukie.
Inquire of Father Hlllebrand every mointng at
St. John'! panonage. .
HPn TPrns1om,''nreeMrMaJ0'ninOreson
U XI ilUC City: houae and barn, irood
garden spot, near brick yard on ibernethy. Will
trade for town property. Inquire at Courier
Herald office.
For Sale Cheap--,
house: house and barn; nearly all slashed an'
seeded. You can buy this at your own prioe. In
quire at Courier-Herald office,
TllTlhPr T.9nr1 0n hundred and sixty
lllUUCl iidUU lcrM f Umber land nrai
Ternonia at a bargain. Inquire at Courtvr
Herald othce, . .
Fob Sals A good second-hand Vic
tor mill and power combined, also a
pony. N. Scheel, Biasell, Or.
If you want tha news, read the Coi r-
In the circuit court of the stale of Oregon for
the county of Clackamas.
McMlnnville College, a corporation,
M. J. Broderlck.Ella Broderlck, hie
wire, isaao tarr, vinnie tt. Wal
den, George A. Harding, E. E.
Charman and O. H. Oaufleld, ex
eoutors of the will of N. O. Wal
den, deceased,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
under the seal of the above entitled court, in the
above entitled cense, and to me duly directed and
dated the 3rd day of October, 1899, upon a Judg
ment rend- red and entered in said court on the
22nd day of Nonib r, 1898, In favor of MtMInn-
vllle College, a corporation, plaintiff, end against
Ella Broderick ar d M. J. Broderlck, di fondants,
fcr the sum of (1894, with Interest thereon at the
rate of 10 per oent per annum from the 22ud day
of November, 1898. and the further sum of $10
costs and disbursements, and the costs of and
upon this writ, Commanding me to make sale of
the following described real property, situate in
the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at the most southerly corner on
Main street of lot 4, in block 2 of Oregon Clly. in
said county and state, and running thence nor
therly along the westerly boundary of Main
street 28 feet and 8 inches; thence westerly at
tight angles with last course and Main street 87
feet; thenoe southerly at right angles with last
line aforesaid 28 feet and 8 inches to the boun
dary of said lot 4 on Third street; thence easterly
87 feet to the place of beginning the interest con
veyed above being an undivided half interest.
Also the following described tract, to-wit: A
portion of the Archibald McKinley D. L. C, being
claim No. 60, in section ill, township 2 south,
range 2 east of tbe Willamette meridian, being
all of that portion of said claim lying east of the
O. and C. Railroad Company's tract north of said
township line, west of the lop of the seoond main
bluff and south of tract conveyed by deed fcund
recorded on page 256 of Book "C" of Deeds of said
county and state; also allot our right, title and
interest in and to the said donation land olaim of
Archibald McKinley; also lols8and 4 of block
156 in Oregon City, Eald county and state, as
shown by the recorded iraps and plats thereof
on file in the office of the recorder of Clackamas
county, Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
Judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on
1899, al the hour of one o'clock P. M., at the front
door of the Couuty Court House in the city of
Oregon City, in said county and state, sell at pub
lic auotion, subject to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. 8. gold ooln, cash in hand, all the
right, title and Interest which the within named
defendants, or either of them, had on the date of
the mortgage herein, or since had in or to the
above described real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy said execution, Judgment order, deoree,
interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clnckamas county, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Oct 4, 1899.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
Clackamas county.
Jennie W. Retch, 1
Plaintiff, I
vs. ' )
Armln H. Reich,
. Defendant. J
To Armln II. Reich, defendant:
N the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in Ihe above entitled
court and cause on or before Monday, theOth day
of November, 1899, said day being the first day of
the next regular term of the circuit court within
abd for the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon,
and also the date fixed for your appearance and
answer by order of court for the publication of
this summons; and if you fail to so appear or an
swer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the re
lief as prayed in her complaint, to-wit: for a de
cree dissolving and annulling the marriage con
tract now existing between plalntiffand defendant
and awarding to plaintiff the sole custody and
control of the minor child of the parties hereto,
namely, Irma MaryJRelch.and for such other and
further relief as to the court niBy seem meet and
This summons is published in the Oregon City
Courier-Herald not less than once a week for Bix
cousecutive weeks prior to said Oth day of No
vember, 1899, by order of Honorable Thomas F.
Ryan, Judge of theVouuty court of said county of
Clackamas, made aud entered on the 8th day of
September, 1899.
' Attorney fdr Plaintiff.
First publication 8ept 15, 1899.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas,
Birdie Luella Jackson, 1
L. A. Jackson,
To L. A. Jackson, Defendant:
TN the name of the state of Oregon, you are here
by required to appear In the above named
oourt and answer the complaint filed therein
against you in the above entitled cause on or be.
fore the 4th day of November, A. D. 1899, being
the date prescribed therefor by the court in the
order for the publication of this summon!. In de
fault thereof, Judamant will be entered against
you for want thereof. The relief demanded by
plaintiff In her (aid complaint Is for a degree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing
between plalntiffand defendant, that plaintiff be
allowed to resume her maiden name, and for
ucb. other and further relief as Is Just and meet
In the premises,
The data of the first publication of this sum
mons it September 15, 1899, and this summons ts
published by and pursuant to as order made by
the Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, judge of the county
court of the county of Clackamas, state of Ore
gon, on the 11th day of September, 1899, and filed
herein. O. H. DTK,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
MOTICE la hereby given thai the undersigned
has been by tbe county court of th state of
Oregoa for Clackamas county, appointed executor
of the estate of John Ludwlg Feldhammer, de
ceased. AH pert ons having claims against said estate
an hereby notified to present the same tome,
duly verified, at my residence, at Logan, Oregon,
within six months from the date of this notice,
Executes of the estate of
John iLudwig Feldhammer, deceased.
Oso. L. Stojit, Attorney for Executor.
Dated October 10, 189.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, fl
.wo vuuuby vi viavatuuus,
Emily Bamford,
Charles Bamford,
To Charles Bamford, Defendant; j
N the name of the state of Oregon, you are here
by required to appearand answer the oomi
plsint filed herein in the above entitled oourt oil
or before Monday, the 6th day of November, 1899,
Ihe same being the first day of the next regular
term of said oourt in and for said county and
state; and li you fail so to appear and answer,
the plaintiff will apply to the oourt for the reliof
prayed for in the complaint, to-wit; for a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be
tween plainiiff and defendant on the grounds of
cruel and inhuman treatment, i
This summons is published by order of Hon
Alfred F. Seares, Jr., Judge ol the Fourth Judlola)
uisirict oi tne state o Oregon.
Dated September 11, 1899. "
Attorneys for Plaintiff:
In the ( iicult Court of the State of O.egon, for
th j County of C.ackamae.
Di,nlel Lewis,
Cora E. Blruble, Wallace R.
Struble, O.E Cliue aud Grace
T. Johnson,
To Cora E. Struble and Wallace R. Struble, two'
of above named defendants:
JN the name of the State of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against you in
the above entitled suit on or before the 17th day of
November, 1899, and if you fail to appear and
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the oourt for the relief prayed for In the com
plaint, to-wit: for a decree that plalntiffhave and
recover ot ana rrom defendants, Coia E. Struble
and Wallace E. Btruble, and each of you, the su
of $250, with interest thereon from the 2nd day o:
November, 1895, at the rate of 10 per cent per an
num, and the urther gum of 50 attorney's leei
and the costs and disbursements of this suit; thai
the mortgage executed and delivered by defend
ante Cora E. Struble and Wallace R. 8truble upoi
the following described real estate situate In the
county of Clackamas,' state of Oregon, to-wit: al
that parcel of real estate situate, lying and belnrf
in sectioiiB 16 and 21, township 2 south, range t
east of the Willamette meridian, and described as!
follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the!
south line of said seotion 16 in the center of the!
county road leading from Oswego to Aurora
thence running northerly along the oenler of salt
road 12 rods; thence west 33 rods; thence south a
rods, more or less, to the center of IheBridgepor
road; thence easterly along the center of sale
road 17 rods, more or less, to the center of tin
Oswego aud Aurora road aforesaid; thence nor
therly along the center of said road 24 rods, mon
or loss, to the place of beginning, containing si)
acres, more or less, to the plaintiff, be decided t
be a first lien upon said real property, and thai
the said mortgage, together with the liens, olainn
or interests, if any, of the defendants and each o
them in and to the said real properly be fore
closed and the said real property sold upon exe
outlon to satisfy such decree as plainiiff may ob
tain in this suit, and that the said defendants nml
each of them be forever barred and foreclosed of.
all right, title and interest in and to said real
property or any part thereof, and that the pro
ceeds arising from such sale shall be applied
toward the satisfaction of plaintiff's decree hero
in, attorney's fees, oosts and costs of execution,
and the balance if any, shall be applied as the
above entitled court may direct; that If said
property doea not sell for enough to satisfy the
plaintiff's decree, attorney's fees, interest, costs
and accruing costs, that plalntiffhave Judgement
against you and each of you for such deficiency:
and that plalntiffhave such other and further re
lief as to the court may seem meet and equita
ble. This summons is published by order of the
Hon. T. F. Ryan, the county judge of county of.
Clackamas, slate of Oregon, duly made and filed
in tbe above entitled suit in the said circuit court
on the 4th day of October, 1899, and said order
directs oubllcationof this summons not less than
once week for six weeks; that the date of tha
first publication of this summons is October 6,
1899, and the date of the last publication of this
summons is November 17, 1899,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In ther Circuit Court of the State of Oregon to
the County of Clackamas ss:
Clara M. Weed,
Edwin L. Weed,
To Edwin L. Weed, Defendant!
JN the name of the State of Oregon you are here
. by required to appear and answer to the oom
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the 24th day of November, 1899, that
being tha time prescribed in the order for publl.
cdtion of this summons the dale of the first pub
lication of this summons beinaonthn l.tthiUvnl
October. 1899; and if you fail to so appear and
answer, the plaintiff herein will apply to the
said court for the relief craved for In hr
plaint, to-witj a Judgment against yon and a de
cree dissolving tne marriage contract now ex
isting between yon and the nlaintlffhnrAin. anri
for such other and further relief as to the oourt
may seem equitable and proper.
This summons is published by an order of the
Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, Judge of the aounty court
of the Mats of Oregon for Clackamas connty,
dated and r : 'ered on the 11th da nf (Vtoh..
1899. '
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In he circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
Clackamas county.
August Peters,
vs. Suit for Divorce,
Anna Peters,
To Anna Peters, the above named defendant:
JN the name of the state of Oregon, you are here
by required to appear and answer the com- ;
plaint filed against yon in the above entitled suit
on or before Friday, October 27, 1S99, that being
he last day of the publication of this summons.
This suit Is brought to dissolve the marriage De
ween yOureelf aad plaintiff; and If yon fall to
ppear as above required, tbe plaintiff will apply
the oourt for the relief domanded in said com
lalat . ,
This summons b pubUihed by order of Hon.T.
Ryan, county Judge of said Clackamas county,
tnd dated September 12, 189. - - '
Attorneys for Plaintiff,