Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 29, 1899, PART 1, Page 8, Image 8

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Sole Agents for
f I., f i
J Ij jf; (I
JTwC-"-..' " 'mmamuui , nu i ini (wq'" '
pimSUANTInan execution Issued out of Ilia
clr.uit court of tile Bttitp f Oregon for the
comity of Clackamas, of date September ,
'899, iiiiin a j 1 clHiiiout cm decree of foreclosure
d ily rendered In said eourt on June 10, 1899, in
ihe ease of Willlmn P. Lutp", as governor, H. R.
Klncnld, us seeie ary i f stste. and Phil Metsehss
a? Ir antmr, as li t 1 1 aid i f commissioners for
the sale of sonool and university lands and for
the investment of the funds ailslng therefrom,
as plulnllfl". against D.W.Howard, Kilt How
ard, M. K. Moore, C. O T. Williams and Mary J.
Williams, H. K. Htogtdll as administrator of the
estate of A. 0. Sl pdill, deceased, defendants, In
favor of pla iuliff ,;nd defendant H. K. Stogsdill as
admlnlHtralor and apalnst the remaining defend
ants, I will at I o'clock In the afternoon on the
jut Day of October, 1899,
it the front door of the court house In Oregon
C Hy Oregon, sell at public auction to the high
est blr.der for cash In hand, subject to redemp
tion, the premises In said decree of foreclosure
described, being situate in (lackamas county,
stale of Oregon, to-wlt:
That cerlsln t ared of real estate described ai
beginning at the Eoullicpst corner of the D, L, 0.
of 0. Pendleton and wife, No. E8. In lownshlp 3
south, range 1 cast of the Willamette meridian;
(hence north tracing tho east boundary of said
clulm 2o,42 chains; Ihenee westlraeing the divis
ion line of said claim 60.00 chains lo the Molulla
liver; thence tip said river following the center
thereof to where Ihe same Intersects the south
boundary Hue of the claims thence esst 52 (if,
chains tracing the bnundery line to the place of
beginning, containing 02 sores.
Also beginning eight ihiilns v. est of the south
east corner of ih nirth half cf the northwest
finnrterj)f section 29 in township 3 south, range 1
mst 'of Ihe Willi 'incite meridians thence north 30
decrees west 4.05 chains; thence north 10 degrees
west one chain ; thence north 28 degrees west 17 !
chains; thence north fl degrees east ISohnlnsto
the southeast corner of the Denrdorn" land:
thence north 23 degrees west 5.67 chains; thence
north 2?4 minutes east 5.40 chains; thence norih
34 degrees west 5.14 chains; thence north 0 de
grees cast 11 chains; thence north 05 degreeseast
to the intersection of Ihe meander of (be Wil
lamette river; thence up aid river lo a point on
ald river 7 87 chains west of the west boundary
of section 20; thence south 31.04 chains; thence
east 7.71 chains to the southeast oornerofthe
norlhCBSt quarter of section M; thence south 60
ehainsj thciiceeast 31,50 chains to the place of
Also beginning at a point 8.50 chains west of
the southeast coiner of the north half of the
northwest quarter of section 29, township 8 south,
range 1 east i thence with the meanders of the
Holalla river north So degrees west 4.05 chains;
thence north 10 degrees west one ohaln; thence
north 28 degrees west 17 chains! thence north 5
degrees cast 18 chains; Ihenee east on the north
boundary of the south half of the southwest
quarter of 1 eetlon 20 to tho division line between
1'ie southwest quarter and the southeast quarter
or auction 20; thcuce south to the south boundary
of the north half of tho northwest quarter of sec
tion 2P; tlienco west 8.50 chains to the place of be
ginning. Also beginning at a point 20,81 chains south of
he northeast oornor of the said C. Pendleton D.
I. C.i thence west 27,85 chains; theuce north
1.35 chains; thence west 21,25 chains to theMol
ll river; thence southerly up said river to the
line dividing the north half from the south half
of said D. L. C. thence east on said division lin
bonl 80 chains to the cast boundary of the elalmi
thenoe north to the place of beginning.
Also beginning at a point 33.81 chains south and
"0 chains west of the northeast corner of said D.
T- C.i thence north 8.83 chains; thence west 10.90
ehainsj thence north 6.28 chains: thence west
t.79 chains; thence aouth 13.81 chains; thence
list 1M1.79 chains to the place of beginning. Allot
id land lying and being in Clackamas county,
Oregon, and containing 438 acres.
lo satisfy the inm of 15173.17 with Interest from
June 10, 1899, at tho rate of 8 percent per annum
nd the further sum of 1200 as attorney's feci
with Interest from same date at the rote of t per
nt per annum, and the forth ir sum of 1877.35
with interest from May 7, 1897, at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum, and the further sum of 86 as at
torney's fees with interest from June 10, 189S, at
lha rate of per cent per annum, all In tnlted
Slates gold coin, and the costs and disbursements
of said suit, taxed at 121, and the costi of and
upon said writ.
And pursuant to said decree I will lell first the
four parcels of laud above described ; second, the
undivided seven-eighths of the parcel of land first
bote described) third, an undivided one-eighth
f theiparcel of land first described.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated September?!, WU.
That is the way all druggists sell
tor Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is
imply iron and quinine in a tasteless
form. Children love it. Adults prefer
t o bitter, naue eating tonics. Price, 60c
f . OreiODiao and CQorieita $2
We are are always the busiest Furniture Store in town and why our store is
always crowded when other stores are empty is because WE are the
LEADERS of LOW PRICES-because we give the LARGEST credit in
in town-because we treat our customers LIBER ALY and JUSTLY. Be
cause we sell first-class goods, which we fully guarantee.- Because we want
YOUR trade, and your friends' trade, and your friends friends' trade and to
SECURE it we guarantee satisfaction in every case. Because in a nutshell, we
give you more goods for less money and on more liberal terms than any Furn
iture store in the State.
Just received a new line of fine Lamps, Lace Cur-
tains, Carpets and Heaters.
Seeing is' believing Come and lie convinced
W L Block's Furniture and Carpet House
Main Siectt opposite Postofftce
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
Clackamas county.
T. T. Geor, as governor. P. I. Dun
bur, as secretary of state, and
Charles 8. Moore, as stale treas
urer, as the board of commis
sioners for the sale of school and
university lands and for the in
vestment of the funds arising
John Revenue and P. 4. Revenue,
8tate of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
cree and an execution duly issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court, In the
above entitled cause, to me dulv d)t,t o-.i
dated the 22nd day of September, 1899, upon a
juuguiem renaerea and entered in said court on
the 18th day of February. 1899. in favor ofT T
Geer, aa governor, F. I, Punbar. as secretary of
.., aim unariei . Moore, as state treasurer, as
the board of commissioners for the snl nf
and university It nns and for Ihe Investment of
the funds arising therefrom, plaintiffs, and
against John Revenue and P. A. Revenue, de
fendants, for the sum of $600, with Interest there
on at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the
15th day of April. 1894. and tho funh.r am
?80 as attorney's fee, ind the further sum of
iu costs and disbursements, and the costs of and
upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of
the following described real property, situate in
uu"iy 01 uMcKamas, state of Oregon, to-wit:
The wett half of the northwest fill ft ft Hi rtt Ban.
Hon (24) twmly.four, township (2) two south,
uukb (j lour east ol the Willamette meridian.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
Judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, I will, on
at Jim hour of oneo'clock p.m., at Ihefrontdoorof
the county court house in ihe city of Oregon City.ln
said county and state, sell at public auction, sub
ject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U.
8. gold coin cash In hand, all the right, title and
interest which the within nsmed defendants, or
either of them, had 011 the date of the mortgage
herein or since lmd In or to (he above desoribed
real property, or any part thereof, to satisfy said ex
ecution, Judgment order, decree, interest, cosls
and all accruing costs. J, J. COOKE,
' Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Sept. 23, 1899.
SLFor Sale An old established general
merchandise store in Oregon City pay
ing $200 per month. Tarty will stay
with buyer six months and guarantee
profit and teach him the business.
From $3000 to $5000 required. Inquire
at Courier-IIkrald oiTice.
If you have anything to fell, advertise
in the Coi'riek-IIerald and you will be
pleased with the results.
NY, f oriel and Coiricr-Herali $1.75
Not only Interesting, but Profitable-Not Odds and Ends, but New
Fall Goods Direct from the Manufacturers
la our Cloak and Suit Department we have:
1. Good black figured skirts, well lined, n En
eaua faoed, volveleeu bindlug.for 6.0U
2. Ladles' heavy wool plaid Skirts, latest M
cut, well lined and bound, for Va.lO
8. Ladlea' extra fine large plaid, all-wool
Wjnicly lined, waterproof bind- JQ gQ
jJJjJ" Jck In ali sites, latest qq
4. Ladies wool aatrachan Jackets, blatk tl IR
only, all sliea , VtS.O
. tadlea' plain black cloth Jackets ... $250
All Mall Orders earefullv
aid promptly tilled.
In he circuit court of the state of Oregon, for
Clackamas county.
August Peters, 1
Plaintiff, J
vs. Vsuit , oi Diyjtce,
Anna Peters, I
To Anna Peters, the above named defendant;
JN the name of the state of Oregon, yon are here
by required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit
on or before Friday, October 27, 1899, that being
he last day of the publication of this summons.
This suit is brought to dissolve the marriage De
ween yourself and plaintiff; and If you fail to
ppear as above required, the plaintiff will apply
the court for the relief demanded In said com
laint. This summons is published by order of Hod. T.
Ryan, county judge of said Clackamas county,
md dated September 12, 1899.
C. iCHUEDEL and W. S. U'REN,
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
In the Circuit Court oHhe Plate of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Charles F. Rowan, 1
vs. t
Nellie Rowan,
Defendant. J
To NellieRowan, said Defendant;
In the name of the Stale of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit
Ly the 6th Cay of November, 1899, and if jou fail
to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for a decree fo-ever dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant and for costs and dis
bursements herein,
This summons was ordered published by Her.
Thos. F. Eyan, county Judge of Clackamas
county, Oregon, on the 21st day of September,
First publication September 22, 1809.
Attornoy for Plaintiff.
For Over Fifty Vears
An Old and Well-Tried Remedy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by millions
of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind collie, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhcea. Is
pleasant to the taste, Sold by Drug
gists in every part of the World.
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable. Pe sure and ask for Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind.
If you want the news, read the Courier-Herald.
I. Plush capes, full weop,fur trim- 9 CA
med collar, each va.Olf
S. ladies' pineh capes, Jet trimmed.
Zutior:c .a.,,.a.d.ow.a. $3.95
str? tSSsMsK'aaar-? $1.00
10. Children's eiderdown coats, collar
trlimned with fur and satin ribbon, ) 17c
3.30 to W.O
11, Ladles' eiderdown dressing sacouet. In sfl
aU the leading color, and all .iii, 7.. 79C
U. Handsom. line of furs In all the latest styles
now on sale at this place. w
Cor. First and Salmoa Sta., Portland, Or.
pURSUANT to an execution issued out of the
circuit court of the slate of Oregon for the
county of Clackamas, of date September 14, 1809,
upon a Judgment and deoree of foreclosure duly
rendered in said court on July 26,l99,in the case
of the Alliance Trust Company, Ld., plaintiff, vs.
J. A. Chase, Annie A. Chase, his wife, Willamette
Land Company, a corporation, Charles E. Ladd,
Mrs. Chas. E. Ladd, his wife, Helen E. Yates, So
phroni V. Lewelling, The Security Savings &
Trust Company, a corporation, J. A. Cox, Char
lotte A. Rockwell, Lewii Rogers, Lucy Rogers,
Clara E, Morey, George A. Harding, N. O. Walden.
H. H. Johnson, George S. Batty, James Hodges,
Mary McGrath, I. Mathew, W.W.Irwin, A.N.
Wright, W. H. Manderville, V.O.Harding, Annie
B. McOlynn, MoGlynn, Myra F. Eastman,
iastman, Eli Lewelliinr. John v. Rmh
Frances Roth, Frank A. Sleight, Sleight, Lu
cius D. Rockwell, Rockwell, Amanda M.
Newell, Newell, defendants, in favor ni tho
plaintiff and against the defendants, I will at 1:30
o'clock in the afternoon on the
31st Day of October, 1899,
at the front door of the court house in Oregon
City, Oregon, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash in hand, BUbJoot to redemp
tion, me premises in said decree described, being
situate in Clackamas county, slate of Oregon, to
Commencing at the northwest corner of the
northeast (neji) of the northwest quarter (nwJ4)
of section twenty-eight (28), in township three (3)
south of range one 11) east of the Willamette meri
dian; thence south seventy-two (72) chains and
fifty t50) links to a stone; thence north seventy
eight (78) degrees and fifteen (15) minutes east
forty-two (J2) chaius and fifty (50) links to a stake
in middle line of the east half () of section
twenty-eight (28); thence north along said middle
line seventy ('0) chains and thirty (30) links;
thence west twenty (20) chains; thence south six
(0) ohalns to the section line between seotions
twenty-one (21) and twenty-eight (28); thence west
twenty (20) chains to the plaoe of beginning, con
taining two hundred and eighty-five (2851 acres!
excopting lots twenty-nine, thirty-flve, fifty, fifty
four, fifty-five, flfty-six, of Pruneland, according
to the duly reoorded plat thereof; to satisfy the
ium of 5,84!i.02, with interest from July 26, 1899,
at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and 638 97
with interest from same date at 10 per cent per
annum, and $300 with interest from same date at
a pet cent pel annum as attorney's fees, and the
costs and disbursements of said suit, taxed at
42, and the costs of and upon this writ.
Dated September 10th, 1899.
Bheriffof Clackamas County, Oregon
Forest Reserve Lands.
I want to buy cheap lands within the
limits of any U. S. forest reservation. I
don't care how worthless they may be,
only titles must be perfect. Write at
once, giving full particulars, to
J, H. Sharp,
Box 285, Duluth, Minnesota.
IS. Ladies' undressed kid gloves In all cel. 7c a
ors and tises, per pair Iwv
14. Broken line of kid gloves In tan and EA
gray, large siiai only uUv
15. Full line of kid glove in all size (1 AA
. and colon, goatanteed.... Vl.Ull
fsCome here for best valnea in mea and
boys' clothing, mackintoshes, beta and capa au j
all up-to-date neckwear.
Men's aid boys' sweaters, red, green tf1 An
and white, each ?I.UU
Men's fancy colored bosom laundrled CAa
shirt in all patterna,with cuffs to match wvw
We are agents for the celebrated MT. HOOD
Aodntfortho "NEW I0EA"
Dross Patterns. Any Pattern
for 10 cents.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Emily Bamford,
Charles Bamford,
To Charles Bamford, Defendant;
JN the name of the stale of Oregon, you are here
by required to appearand answer the oom
plelnt filed herein in the above entitled oourt on
or before Monday, the 6th day of November, 1899,
Ihe same being the first day of the next regular
term of said court in and for said county and
state; and if you fail so to appear and answer,
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for In the complaint, to-wit; for a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant On tbA ffrnnnria nf
cruel and inhuman treatment.
This 8ummon is published by order of Hon.
Alfred F. Seares, Jr., Judge of the Fourth Judicial
district of the state of Oregon.
Dated September 11, 1899.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the oircuit court of the state of Oregon for
umcKftmoH county.
Jennie W. Reich, 1
Armin H. Reich
To Armin H. Reich, defendant:
JN the name of the state of Oregon, you nre
hereby required to ariDcar and nrmwer iho
oomplaint filed against you in the above entitled
court and cause on or beforo Monday, the6lh day
of November, 1809, said day being the first day of
tne next regular term of the circuit court within
abd for the oounty of Clackamas, state of Oregon,
and also the date fixed for vour annooronei. nH
answer by order of court for the publication of
mis summons; and II you fail to so appear or an
swer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the re
lief as prayed In her oomplaint, to-wit: for a de
cree dissolving and annulling the marriage con
tract now exisling between plaintiff and defendant
and awarding to plaintiff the sole custody and
control of the minor child of the parties hereto,
namely, Irma Mary Reich, and for such other and
further relief as to the court may seem meet and
equitable. ,
This summons is published In the Oregon City
Courier-Herald not less than once a week for six
consecutive weeks prior to said 6th day of No-
vemoer, t8i, Dy order of Honorable Thomas F.
Ryan, judge of the'oounty court of said county of
Clackamas, made and entered on the 8th day of
aeptcmuer, 1899.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication Sept 15, 1899.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
tne uounty of Clackamas.
Birdie Luella Jackson, "I
L. A. Jackson,
To L. A, Jackson, Defendant:
f N the name of the state of Oregon, you are here
by required to appear in the above named
court and answer tho oomplaint filed therein
against you in the above entitled cause on or be
fore the 4th day of November, A. D. 1899, being
the date prescribed thereior by the court in the
order for the publication of this summons. In de
fault thereof, Judgment will be entered against
you for want thereof. The relief demanded by
plaintiff in her laid oomplaint is for a degree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony now exisling
between plaintiff and defendant, that plaintiff be
allowed to resume her maiden name, and for
such other and farther relief as It Just and meet
In the premises.
The date of the first publication of this sum.
mons Is September IS, 1899, and this summons la
published by and pursuant to an order made by
the Bon. Thomas F. Byau, Judge of the oounty
court of the county of Clackamas, state of Ore
gon, on the 11th day of September, 1899, and filed
herein. 0. H. DTE,
Attorney for Plaintiff. .
VOTICE la hereby given that the undersigned
" has been duly appointed by the Hon. Thoi
F. Ryan, Judge of the county court of the state of
Oregon tor the county of Clackamas, administra
tor of the estate of Fred S. Smith, deceased. AU
persona having claims against the said estate are
hereby required to present the same lo the under
signed, properly verified as by law required, at
my residence, near Oregon City, Oregon, within
tlx months from the date hereof .
, . . . 1 , Administrator of the estate of
Fred 8. Smith, deceased.
Dated this Jljt day of Anfutt,lS9.
1 IB
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Berlha Brown,
Robert Brown,
To Robert Brown, defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against yon In the above entitled suit
on or before the 16th day of October, 1899, that
being the time prescribed in the order for the
publication of this summons, the data of tho t
publication of this summons being on the first
aay or September, 1899; and if. you fail to to ap
pear and answer, the plaintiff herein will annlr
to the said oourt for the relief prayed fer In ber'
complaint, to-wit: a Judgment against you and a
deoree dissolving the marrhura non tract now at.
isting between you and the plaintiff herein, and
tor sucn other relief as to this honorable oourt
may seem proper.
This summons is published bv order of tbv
Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the county court of
the state of Oregon, for Clackamas countv. marin
and entered on the 81st day of August, 1899.
. W.m. Reid,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon.
for the County of Clackamas.
Mary L, Kallch, 1 .
Plain tiff,
vs. . V
Peter Kallch,
To Peter Kalioh, defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you II W '
hereby required to appearand answer the com
plaint filed against you lu the above entitled suit
on or before the loth day of October, 1899, that
being the time prescribed in the order for the
publication of this summons, the date of the first
publication of this summons being on the first
dayof September, 1899: and if vou fall to
pear and answer, the plaintiff herein will apply
to the said oourt for tne relief prayed for in her
complaint, to-wit: a judgment against you and a
decree dissolving the marriage cbntract now ex
isting between you and the plaintiff herein, and
for such other relief as to this honorable oourt
may seem proper.
This summons is published by orderof the Hon.
Thos. F. Ryan, Judge of the oounty oourt of the
state of Oregon, for Clackamas county, made an
entered on the 31st day of August, 1899.
Wm. Ebid,
Attorney for Plaiutiff." '
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas,
Matilda Charman,
W.T. Whlttoek, guardian Del
bert Newman. Bertha New
man, Bertie Newman, Mln
nle Newman, Emma New
man, Max Newman, heirs of
H. F. Newman, deceasod, and
Emma Newman,
To taoh and all of said defendants:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you and
each of yon are hereby required to appearand
answer the complaint filed against yon in the
above entitled suit oa or before the first day of
the next regular term of said oircuit court, to-wit!
on Monday, November 6th, 1899: and If yon fail
to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap
ply for the relief demanded .a . ,..1.
to-wit! tie foreclosure of a mortgage of 200 In
terest and costs, upon the southeast quarter of
section 6, township i south, rang. 5 east of the
Willamette meridian, in said county, and a sale
of said premises to satisfy said demands.
This summons it published by order'oC the
Hon Thomas F. Ry, Judge of the oounty court '
nl MM .Ann,. J . J . . ...
" - . W3U august With, 1890.
Dete of first publication, September 1st 1899.
C. D. D. C. Latoobettb.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
ATOTTOR I. hank. i ' . .
a mai in pursuance of
an order of the county court of Clackamas
nJ?JT' da,T nude "d entered ol record
of the estate of Frederick Slevera, deceased I.
tt. nndersigned, wlU on the 7th day of October.
' 1 lhnr0' 1 'Clockv- "onto
tte court house door, In Oregon City, Oregon.
,Vl U1aMn 10 ""MtblddeTfor
cash in handtnaid. the .ih.. ,
ujcriuisn, in uiactamat ceunty
Oregon, containing 160 acres of land. "
3 i :l:M&1.
1 if mm :
im 1 1 if 11 "i f"1! ll tVIIM hi iPVf
iw4 ' Mi-
' 1 1 i I HI Hill Wl'1
Dtpiemoer th, 1899.
' - Executrix of said estate.
Attorney for the estate.