Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 29, 1899, PART 2, Page 16, Image 16

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I. SELLING, Suspension Bridge Corner, Seventh and Main Sts., OREGON CITY, OREGON
Whatever else the Fail and Winter of
1899 1900 may have in store for you
iicertainly cffeis the golden opportun
ity to buy the very best goods cheap.
We enter the season with a line of at
tractions that will command the respect
and admiration of all on account of
their elegance,' styles and quality and
. offer them at prices lower than you have
, ever before enjoyed for goods of equal
merit and north.
We ask for your patronage on the
promise that you will ceitainly be bene
fitted thereby, ;
Unbleached Muslins
Atlantic L L, 36 in. wide, per yd, 4lAc
Best Cabot W, 36 in, wide, per yd . 5c
Albany C Sheeting, 36 in. wide, yd. .4c
Bleached Wuslins
Lonsdale Muslin, 36 in. wide, per yd
Hope Muslin, 36 in wide, per yd., 7c
Homestead Bleached Muslin, 36 in.
wide, per yd 5c
Butter Cloth, per yd. . 5c
Lonsdale Cambric
36 in. wide, per yd 10c
Indigo blue figured oil calico, yd.. 5c
American Light-Colored Print, yd 4c
Dark col'd calico, standard, yd 4c
Garntt figured, prints, yd 5c
Cardinal figured, print, yd $c
Best German Indigo, printed on
fruit of loom, muslin 32 in. wide
per yd 10c
Satine finished prints, per yd 7c
Apron check Ginghams, standard
goods, per yd 5c
Shirting, ticking, Etc.
Domestic shirtings, per yd 7c
Extra heavy shirtings, per yd ... . 9c
Napped cheviot, best quality, yd. 11c
Black duck; twilled shirting, yd.. . 10c
Fast black satine, per yd 9c
Better qualities 2l2, 15 and 20c
Black brocaded satines, per yd. . . 15c
Silkoline, plain or figured, per yd., ioc
White shaker flannel, per yd 5c
Better grades 8 and ioc
Straw ticking, per yd 7c
Heavy feather ticking, yd., 15 and 20c
Double lold ticking, 32 in. wide, yd 15c
Blue or brown denins, per yd ioc
Bunting, in white and colors, yd... 5c
Bunting, double fold in white and
colors', per yd ioc
Gingham 50, 75c and 1 00
Silk $1.25 and upwards
Cotton Batting
Good quality, per pound 9c
Extra quality, per pound 15c
Sheet wadding, 2 sheets for 5c
Red twilled flannel, all-wool, yd. 18c
Medicated twilled, all-Wool, red
flannel, per yd 25c
All-wool eider down, flannel, yd. . 30c
Red or scarlet pressed flannel, all
wool, per yd 23c
Blue gray, all-wool, pressed flannel,
per yd 25c
White skirting flannel, 25, 35 and 40c
Outing Tlannels
Outing flannel, medium weight, in
light or dark, per yd 5c
Good weight, in light or dark, yd... 7c
Dres goods effect, outing flannel,
heavy weight, per yd ioc
Brown or blue mottled outing flan
nel, heavy weight, per yd ioc
Marsailles outing flannel, suitable
for childs coats or ladies sacks, yd 15c
Canton Tlannel
Light weight, per yd 5c
Good quality, per yd 7c
Extra heavy, per yd 8 and ioc
Colored, heavy quality, per yd. . . . ioc
Ladies' fleeced lined hose, 3 thread
heel and toe 2 pairs for 25c
Ladies' brown or blue mixed, scam.
less hose 3 pairs for 25c
Ladies' black hose, color absolutely
guaranteed, 2 ply heel and toe
2 pairs for 25c
Misses' and Boys' extra weight,
double knee, heel and toe, sizes
5 yi to 10 2 pairs for 25c
Boys' Bicycle Hose, wearing qual-
Sity warranted, sizes 7 to 10, pair 25c
Ladies' all-wool hose, per pair, . , . 20c
Ladies' all-wool cashmere hose, pr. 25c
Ladies' all-wool, heavy weight hose
ribbed, per pair 25c
Infant's all-wool hose, per pair. ... ioc
Men's seamless sox, ribbed tops,
7 pair for 25c
Men s 2 thread knit, full shaped,
foot and ankle, 3 pairs for 25c
Men's wool soxs, seamless, 2 pair. . 25c
Heavy lumbermen's wool soxs, pair 25c
Hoys' natural wool shirts or draw
ers, sizes 26 to 34 , 25c
Youths' heavy fleeced shirts or
drawers, all sizes 25c
Child's or Misses natural wool
shirts, ranging in prices 1 $ to. , . 25c
Child's union suits... 25c
Misses union shirts, elastic derby
rib.'' . 25c
Ladies' union suits, knit from a
good quality domestic yarn.. ... 35c
Ladies' union suits, various styles, r,
, ?oc, 75c, $1.00 and I 2$ '
Ladies' jersey ribbed vests, fleeced,
shaped waist, elastic cuffs. ..... 25c
Pants to match 25c
Ladies jersey knit, jaeger brown,
color, heavy weight, perfect fitting 50c
Pants to match 50c
Ladies' wool plated shirts. ". . 50c
Pants to match. , ... . . . 50c
Ladies' camel hair, wool garments
shirts or pants , , , , , , 65c
Ladies' all-wool, every thread fine
cashmere wool yarn, vests or
pants , 1 00
Ladies' all-wool scarlet shirts or
pants.. ...... . . . ... .......... .'. 75c
Men's natural wool, all seams fin- .
ished, shiits or drawers. 40c
Men's heavy weight, fleeced lined
shirts or drawers. 50c
Men's scarlet flannel shirt or
drawers............ 75c
Men's all-wool, every thread fine
cashmere wool yarn 1 00
Cloaking and Cassimere
Cassimere, heavy quality, per yd. . 50c
All-wool cassimere, velour finish,
Per'd 75c
Jeans, per yd 15, 20 and 25c
Ladies' cloth, black and colors, 50
inches wide, per yd 50c
Black broad cloth for capes, etc., 54
in. wide, per yd 75c and 1 00
Melton cloaking, per yd 50c
We are well supplied to meet your
requirements in Dress Goods as our
stock is finely assorted in all grades,
and it will be an unusual want that we
are not able to fill to your entire satis
faction. Black serge, 40-in wide, per yd.. . 25c
Navy blue serge, 40-in. wide, yd.. . 25c
32-in. all-wool suiting, per yd 25c
34-in. black and colored cassimere. 15c
36-in. black and colored henriettas
per yd c
Double fold domestic plaids per yd 15c
28-in. half wool brocades, per yd. . . 15c
34-in. all-wool tricots, black and
colors, per yd 25c
36-in. illuminated crystal cloth, yd '. 25c
38-in. novelty suitings, in variety of
coloring, per yd 50c
46-in, all wool storm serge, navy
blue or black, per yd '. 50c
50 in. all-wool black, brocaded
soleils, per yd yjc
36-in. boucle effects, newest com
bination of the season, per yd . . . 50c
46-in.Kroenbergs silk finished Hen
rietta, black and colors, per yd.. 75c
54-in. all-wool covert cloths, the
correct thing for tailor made suits
per yd.. 90c
38-in. all.wool German Henriettas,
black and colors, per yd , 50c
36-in. all-wool serge, black and
colors, per yd 35c
4S-'- black brocaded skirting, yd . 40c
Brocaded satins, per yd 50c
Changeable silks, suitable for lin-
nings;peryd 35c
1 his season's style show a very clever
combination of colors, prices so, 7qc.
$1.00 and $1.25.
Houst Turnisbing Goods
White marbled oil cloth, per yd . . . 1 cc
Figured oil cloth, per yd 15c
White crochet quilts,. .45,75c and 1 00
Scnm.per yd Si 8 and ioc
Window blinds, Hartshorn rollers,
with wide, dado, paper 20c
Window blinds, Hartshorn rollers
with wide dado, linen 40c
Unbleached table linen, per yd. . . 25c
Bleached table linen, per yd ..... . 35c
Bleached table linen, pure flax, yd 50c
Turkey red damask, oil finish, per
yd 18, 25, 40 and 50c
Cretones, twilled, per yd 8, 10 and 15c
Curtain cretone, per yd.. ... . .'. ... 7c
Linen napkins, bleached, per set
. . . . . . . ....... . .50 75 and. 1 00
, Linen napkin3, unbleached, per set 25c
Lace curtains, per pair. ...50, 75c, $1 up
Cotton towels, small size , . 5c
Cotton towels, large size. . . . ... T, ioc
Linen towels, pure flax, 2 for 25c
Linen towels, extra size, satin fin
ish, damask, pure flax. , . 25c
Crash towels.. 10 and 15c
Crash bath towels '.' 25c
Ready made sheets, bleached, size
. 81x90 . . . . 5oc
Bleached pillow cases, size 42x36.. 124
Crash towelling, cotton, per yd. ... 5c
Crash towelling, linen, per yd. .7, 8, 9c
Turkey red table covers 75c, $1 and I 25
Chenile table covers. . . .75c, $1.00 I 50
Capes and jackets
"We are fully stocked with a com
plete assortment ot the latest and most
popular styles.
Ladies' cloth capes.. $1.50, $2, $2.50 up
Ladies' plush capes $2.50 upward
Ladies' Golf Capes
Ladies Boucle Capes.
Ladies' Plush Capes, novelties. . . .
ranging up to $15 00
Womens, Misses' and Children's Jackets
we have a representative line of
fashionable garments.
Child's Coats
In eiderdown and boucle
prices .$1.25 to $3 00
Women's Dress Skirts
Our styles are up-to-date, prices are
extremely low, considering the high
grade line we are offering.
notions, Etc.
German Knitting yarns 18c skein,
or 65c pound
Pins, Eagle, American, per paper . 5c
Large size safety pins, per paper. 5c
Knitting needles, set of 5 5c
Hair pins, assorted sizes, per box. 5c
Bone Hair Pins, small size, per dz.. ioc
Bone Hair Pins, large size, per dz. 15c
Black Garter Elastic . . . . 5 c
Ladies' Hose Supporters, with belts 15c
Ladies' Hose Supporters, with
shoulder brace " " 15c
Misses' Hose Supporters 15c
Wool Soutache Braid, Black and
Colors, per bunch of 24 yds.. . ; 25c
Ladies' Hair Nets 5c
Ladies' Heavy Nets ioc
Tape, medium and wide, 2 rolls. . 5c
Finishing braid, bunch 5c
Embroidery silk on spool ic
six spools for 5c
Knitting cotton, ball 5c
Black and Colored Saxony, per
skein $c
Fast black darning cotton, 2 balls 5c
Curling irons, small 5c
Curling irons, large. ioc
All silk baby ribbon, per yd ic
Combs , 5c and upwards
Aluminum thimbles 5c
Best thread, 8 spools for.. 25c
Velveteen skirt binding, 4 yds for 15c
Corduroy skirt binding, yd 5c
Rick-Rack braid, bunch Sc
Crochet Hooks 3c or 2 for 5c
Money Purses 5 c and upward
Elastic Arm Bands 5C
Bone Collar Buttons, per dz jc
Men's Turkey Red Handkerchiefs
large size. Sc
Trimming Braids, in silk gimp,
tinseled and beaded effects, price
per yard ............ 5c and upward
Ladies' Wrappers
In Outing Flannel, Percale and
Calico, we carry a complete line,
ranging from.. 30c to $1.50 .
Ladies Outing Flannel Night
Gown3. Full regular made, 50 and 75c
Corsets. .
R. & G. Whatever your wants
may be in this line, you are cer
tain to find it in this make;
prices,. . . . ... .50c, 75c, $1 00
$i. 15, $1.50, . $1.75, . and $225
Wen's Turnisbing floods.
Men's Cheviot shirts 25c
Men's twilled duck shirts 50c
Men's wool knit, laced front shirts. 4CC
Men's navy blue flannel shins , . . .$1.00
Men's duck coats, blanket lined.'. ,$1.00
Men's duck coats, rubber-interlined 1.5O
Men's suspenders 10, 15, 25, 35, 40, 50c
Men's leather suspanders. . .23 and 50c
Men's bicycle caps 25c
Men's black satine caps! . . , ioc
Men's white shirts, linen bosoms . , 45c
?Ien's heavy vvoi king gloves 25, 50, 75C
Men's 9 oz, overalls, patent button,
patent reinforced stay. . 35c
Men's jeans pants. We carry the
Ox breeches, "Another pair free
if they rip," price 90c, and $1.25
Men's wool sweaters, colors, green,
black or red. $t.oo
Men's carpenter aprons. ic
Men's muslin nightgowns.. 0 and 75c
Men's outing flannel night gowns.. 75c
Men's cheviot ' working shirts,
double front and yoke. 50c
We can give you truer bargains
than has ever been our pleasure
to offer our patrons, Our assort
ment represents all that is dura
ble and dependable.
Child's satinet suits, well lined
throughout, t.2r
i Chads union cassimere suits $2.00
I Our feature in boys' clothing"Kant
j wear out" brand, pants are made
" with double seat, double knees
;; and elastic waist band . Work
l manship is perfect throughout
price $2.50, $3.00, $3.5c and$4oo
Boys' suits, long pants, sizes 14 to
19 years, prices $3, $4, $5 in
square or round cut
' Young men's nobby suits, prices
. $6, $7.50, $8.00
Men's satinet suits, made in neat
style. .......$4.00
Men's black cheviot suits, heavy
winter weight , . . , $5.00
Mens ail wool cassimere suits
a perfect, custom taijored suit
and will prove a wear'register. .$7.50
Our assortment from $8.50 to $15
is an elegant one in worsted,
cassimere and cheviots, '...'"'
, Ulsters, overcoats, men's top coats
. prices $4 to $15.00
Carpet Warp,
Five pound bunches, "Pride of the
West" brard, endorsed as the
only warp that is uniform in dye
and finish, -per bunch gee
Boys wool and fur hats 50c, 7$c,$i.oo
Men's wool hats. , eoc
Men's Fedora hats. . , , , 7ec
Men'f Fedora fur hats with satin
, lining...., $I-5C,
. Men's Fedora hats $2, $2.50 and $3.00.
Gray cotton blankets 50c
Gray wool blankets. V.V$2oo
Grayl' .voo! blankets, 4 lb. . . 3.00
Gray all wool blankets, 51b.. .. . .'.'$3.75
Scarlet all wool blankets, 4 lb.'..' .'$3.00
Vicuna all wool blankets, 61b $4.50,
Boots and Shoes.
Ladies' dongola button, patent tips$i.5o
Ladies' dongola lace, patent tips.. .$1.00
Ladies' I. goat button, seamless
back cpI00
Ladies' kangaroo calf, in lace or
b"on , .
Ladies' dongola stock tip, in lace
or button. Well built in every
detail... ..$i.so
Ladies' kip, bals, full stock .$1 50
Misses' kip, riveted bals ..$1 L
Child's kip, riveted bals "$i'on.
Men's calf bals f
Men's genuine satin calf bals," solid,
leather outer and inner soles and
counters (
Men's plow shoes, tap sole! h
Men's kip, Alexis, tap sole, seam
less back. Warranted solid
throughout $150
Men's split boots, tap sole, saddle
seam $10
Men's calf boots $2.o'o; io.'and $3.00
Boys' s split bals. "
Boys buckle shoe....
Men's dress shoes.... Z '-l
Tn'Sk'k" 3V 3So, and.... 4.00,
In rubber goods we handle only hU.
SomiT?38 first uality.'h& wei
recommend to our customers.
Remember, every Dollar spent withi
us will bnngyou all the value and merit -
on the fact "once a customer always ,
Our Fall and Winter stock comprisse-
Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, Notions V
etc. '
I Selling
Suspension Bridge Corner
Corner Seventh and Main Sts.
Oregon City, Oregon "