Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 29, 1899, PART 2, Page 12, Image 12

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S en-1 tit the IHri-i CiPtir.
i r ' i U M n s
I J 7y 1 , til-
.r.-?. a'.?-r-k ...
1 -t . 1 1
4 1' 1 i -1
o. j-.. r..,:e ft. r:.
e-. r.'.r..-' 1.. i'. 1 3. iso-.;...
t ' N
- L- I
4 1 J ,
2 e,, - e
1 1
re ,.
, - - j.i . t e : e i
5''K.-rr',u!T L'O'-krsti-o-nj L&rkd
-i , IV ;
i ' ir.r. s . 'j. Tp. J
uth, tar.i'e 3 ea.4C. !- acre..
Jo..:;---rL H. IX acres of Albert
v'-.;''-; I -era :;! Urnd Clatra
N.."5. rf4 bock , pa? .
seiorr 7 a nd Tp. 3 a-', h,
range J ?. er
&. J'An P.. Est. of Tit
wf of northwest "4 and
r.-.rfV(4l , Of SOtJtheASt 4 Of
ti',n i. Tp. I south. rarn?e J
uu. U --.
M!lr.-3rr. Iwrntnl'-k Northsaul
.' Mlkd! l 'rf .tt-i 5k Tp.
I wy.h. rar.if J .'.. ) acr..
llfiT-rvr. Ixvirs. nf'k otbwt H
' wrs ha S ll Mtiftll .
7s- ., i-h. rir'e J tail,
J 24
'.V. T fart if w-f't-m .
rtlw! ifi )ii rari J24 nl
li'. --rK.n . Tp. 4 kii!H. rang
3 .fl.. Arr-
If" r. (fir .- -I'-i't w'n li.
" i .. r ' :J rieI
I Si '
V. I-
(1. A
I J. rf VOT 5 Tp. 4
.' 3 : St'CT-. . , .
.- J, a.iifhu-'-t "i of
SI, Vp. 4 .'HjSfi, range
.,r, ft'.-i- ......... ..... .
-''-v.- ' -t rf
1 . 1 ' ' ' r. Tp. 4
J f ST"
-ih .
2 Sf
8 V.
5 " t
22 40'
2 Sf'
j1 3s?.
"l 9'-
t-.. 4
Sf a.T'rS
?r,v;xi:iP 5 SOCHI. RAXGE i EAST
J. w.. A'Jmkiii'ra'or
r -ithweM , Of B'rt'fteilt '4 Of
. i .n I. 1 c. 5 south, ranft'e 2
1'. W a'r-n
:m , -n. J. 'f. N"ortf,et "'4 of
o jrr.went l4 of ruction i, Tp. S
r-ir': X e;F.n. wt rei . . , ,
'. ii. t- v! .- U'k-,!,. .
1 . - ' , of n r : , ar.J
V -t : of t ! :4 of e ':-
t:--n 2. ')";. 5 -.sn, im 1 t
2 1'
1 e
5 '
V! .
k r. !
if. 3.t S rr:,..,. C
- ;:r.d X of s-vrh
..!hit of .',i,'.h
of - . X 't '.
, J e;-k. 31tV
". H. on t mv ..
. of 8-cli.,ri 4, Vp. 3 -v'".h.
13 '.
;.,.-!..-s of
.;tekt ij, a.T!
on i, T:i
- r; r-'- 2 ' acres.
, - j v.,. :, ;..t '-, of .w.,ot
,th. 2 eaot. lv)
s si'
;.! ri'.f
:4 of -':'
n . Tp.
v.'.?n t ire 3 e;k'. -J acre. ,
-'.' .'. A. Ji.-i'.-..-.r.t N of
n..rcWk,l end norhwe-!
f.f 'itOest I4 i,t s--'i n . Tp.
-. .,.,f?n i 7 ar,r'--t..
H. and J n;-ji n.
"i of k !j',n 1. I' 3 -kts,
r;, -t-e 2 e.,M. CV acr-
H afd .rrc,,ir!. C.
i. -t 'i 'f riorn-e: t, and
,.,) t, of tO'.thwef I, of !e-r-ti
!' Tp. i south. rMte I
-'. I -" ;;?'
r'- .). C. H. r,d mfv.n. C
J. ,-., I.. r,f t S ec'C'H
To. i o.th, r;ki;s;e X e;t. lv;
4 n
5 So
-id. C II and F rr.i.n. r.
Ail of sc'tkn 15. Tp. i souh,
. ; ye J e tat. H
h.s'.i, o.rr)' fowh of nonh
- . '.4 of . : n !7, Tp. 3 . k'h,
t . 2 ear. a - ."-1
:....n. '. 1'... KHf of-X E.
' of n-rhwet and rofh ,
of t,r.ri!J'S ., and .: t U
if r fi.o.1 -s - ' !' n "' Tjo 5
Oi.h. r; i.'e 2 l' ;i ft.
25 2-j
4 1
11 2'-
-.'iiri-;..t :, arc! ..l ',. 1 nr.". ,
t- :' '.J ic r -s to- D. .
y" !.! i.c 1 j. i -,-ith. tr.ie 2
t.. 4 f. A
P ...'., M .-.e-X-.r'h--'
1. -O' --t ; And c 1
k- ' fjtkk' t , of ft ':'.Ot '
. fl. r 1 t et. -
Tp. i
7 Hi
I!'-., f. r-.-i.-.."he.t '4 of ';!-
M :, Of lot-, t, I "H of H-
' l o r- to f. i'. '..
1 .". !' '!(. i vc.tn, r.ir.if 2
' . -t, n s r-s . ..
',: r. W. V,'. and L. A.-K'- 'i
t rorht ! of s.rn.,n
'i !. 3 iik.jtn, r-ir.;;e 2 e.-."t. W
" H
i. 1 ' -i. C. H. and H:nr.;rti..n.
v.k u f nor h 'f ' , ar.d
h 'T of s--c-t)on 21. Ti. i
. ;.'h r-ir-.e 2 efit. f o 'T-
r.or;" . n J .n ir.a Nor'hw' t; of
tw.tti '"' 14 of se'-tion Y. Tp.
3 ih. ritij;e t et. 4t acres .
Far- iid. A-l" jtoat h-t"t of
"ion 1 p. J south, rans 2
!.-l. l' a' t'-s ;
J't..v;, Joh.-8Mtheit 'i of
i ,n 22. Tp. t south, rant J
7tk fiCTes
r?!)',aT'.m. Peter West H of south-
'wt and at V of southwest
.- Hon tf. Tp. t sciuth, ranj-e
I fast, lty acres
5 t."
1 a
5-l-v, G'o -p .M'heas' t.J nf
tionhnist and 4f. seres of lot
1 ' 1 on 4, Tp. I south, ranse i
".!. Ki ser'-s J m
Vt.- K. H Koutheast V, of scc-
liori ii 1 p. t, south, ratiite I east,
t W
NiT' t. Ill-hird-All of section It.
Tt. south, ranre 1 east, IKI
acres ,
95 1
. , . , . ....
r. nom.es. John-Ud. 4. t, C. T of
sect ion 1 Tp. ; south, range 1
Ponnev. f.eo. P. Sooth Uof smH
' n1 somh u'of sk.uth-
wet V.. section 8, Tp. 7 south.
r.r-.co 3 at, , , r,.
I.r.tt, lit-, on -.Vortbwe.t 14 f
!!,, n 13, Tp. J south, range )
c-i it , 1' n r-r 1
Km-ng i:.-Wl 0, "of "sV-cVlori
I': Tp. 7 s. nth, t ine 3 east, Si)
. .. ,, . r. j . , . .
7ri-", H.-t:..,t cf ...ctVon"!
l'- 7 ouih. rtnge I east, J O
to res
Pillion, ('. V," -fiontli. it""il""r.f
r.or'hwes' t4 snd souih 4 of
northeast cf section To 7
south, rnnfe 3 cat. lol sees
Mrrf p.ot-rt W.-Nortlo.t 14'of
ii 4
mi 11101 .ii, in, 1 soutn, rang I
eAt. ISO scr-s
I.a K'l-rs, J. K. Southwest H of
section 31, Tp. 7 south, ratine I
fast, 1C0 acres
Kclrmnn, Frsnk Nurthcnst i of
northeast of S'-ction 25. Tp. 1
soulh. rsnge 4 et, J seres...,
Burchtorf, Curl North U of south
east U of section 23, Tp. 1
.south, range 4 east, W Acre.,.,
NeO. 17:en Sooth 4 of North
east j, b( Ktaon Tp. 1 kou,
i ra"-i'e I ease. aer
IJ 4c Burn v. T. and McG-itr. K. I.
. r::n T .-f s.,1i-..le:iis -14 e.f
twi 3S. la. I uin, rar.i-e 4
es. ys acre
wm. w:if.r.wl i of
i ...Ckr.fi. r-fAire 4 e.i.t. v; .-.?--.. 4 Si
K.,k?-.-v. Achror,. cf .v-it
f 1 -1
' IK 1 t - 4
1 if
I v ' ('
I '.if Lv S $ 4i
. J 1 1 i t , r'
r 't --6S ;t e-f s " . T'o 2
4 r I - ZH
t:y , - T.vs. (...-. i'
f !, '( i J- 7o 1
, , r r k r Hi , ti i IS!
"f nH'P : ? RW-" FAST.
ransr 4 at. vv air-
f ar.i J., f.f n'rth-iMt m cf
tivn . 1 p. 2 j;h, rar. 4
J AAt. i' af-b
i Brown, H. . H.u:k.w-! '-.j of
n'r'nt of M-f v.on li. Tp. 1
' ,irh. n.rw 4 4t. aere
E(?2. Jam If. Wtt H f
nonrii)i of grii;n lx. Tp.
2 jMvufh. rarvij 4 tast, aeren,.
C'artnTlifht, Ifnry NVrthwit
of section Tp. 2 oush, range
4 east. acr
Mar.ar. P. H. Eaut 'i of ooth-
anl northr!t of
outftwt of ter.lion 21. Tp.
2 iioueh. ran? 4 oaae, I2t afrr.
fU-rri'j, J. H. and P. A. Wat
o rfrthw-?l of section 21.
Tp. 2 soutn, fange 4 east,
a r
lia. H huyter, Jr. ioi"tht ci
norhw 'i sr.'l --t i of
K.v.ifhwi'Jtt and S'uf.ht Ji
of s'ltithwt l- of iwrctin 2.
Tp. 2 south, mrtfse 4 t:tt, lii
':rf-s ,
1 ari'l iand ds:riix:i In book
f,?. fifttr 2H4, 2S. Tp. 2
. n f- . i. rantrr ei, t t.v nt'Tt-n..
8 44
H'.iri.'. David S-'iti'h f? ,ur'r-
wtt srtkm 2!, Tt. 2 south,
r-ir:' 4 fcar, st'-r.-
T-.w"x . r t;in N-.f rtv,-..; i
of oo.lkiri ':( and lot 1 of c
ts'n . Tp. 2 south, r.tr.a" 4
oi'.hat 4 of iKrt'n-?tt
'.4. lot J, 4. a of auction ), T.
2 .f.uth, rariRe 4 fcast, l.T.7i
Taa:km, A. V. Hiufhv.-Jt !i of
sotithiifft '4 of Kf'ition ?;, Tp. 2
noutri, range 4 taut, 4 aori,...
21 2J;
1 o
joh.v i', GLovi:fH r. i.
a si) n.
C. X03.
Charman, Tho3. P;irt of th John
P. 'Jinvcr Jxinatinn Land CiaL-n
Xos. ?,( and 4H, miction IS. J, I!,
Tp. 2 Honth mid r;in(.-e 4 frt;
HK'tlnnH 24 and 23, Tp. 2 Bouth,
rantji;, 3 eat, M aero
11 25
ircKenzle, Wm. South '4 of
nortnwest 'ii of section 1. To.
3 south, range 4 east, acres..
Fankey, John. Estate of Houth-
eafcl hi southwest ar!(i r
southwest '4 of southeast of r
-c-ion 2, Tp. 3. range 4 east, Hi
acres jj jr
uoe-ji-i, (.-. .vs. west H of north
e.it '.i of northwest '4 of s-.-c-ti
on 4. Tp. 2 south, ranre 4 east.
2" acres 1:
Werhein. ifenry I,ts 1 and 2. sec- "
oi '. Tp. 2 south. rtn 4 east,
;l acres j 5,;
Wrtr l. J. I'. ?-..-.if.'...kr. 4 of r.-.r--,-
u : k".d ' ,s 1. 2. 'j a;. 1 :. !'
Sfr'tion li, Tp. 2 south, rate's 4
e-itt, 144 a.re ; t Jf,
Hirr..',-i. pev-r ar.d i.r.n. If.
i ';..'hv; -k-4 t., e:c it' -.h.-.;.: I4
cf r:or;S'-a.t 1, a,--I esse : of
--.fi-,cks.: i, arl r,or:fcwj s4
of -e,;,e-a ?.i jik..:.,r; Jj J
touch, rrttf 4 t;, j-i) acrvs.. !
CH.--,?.. h-: .'-ia:hTf-,; i, r,f
0.fr,e,t t of sec-'iofl 7. Tp. I
f-. --'r . r. r.i- 4 e-. e. r: r-'- 4 5'
Crr.r,. r:-o.se J. No.-thwes; of
-c;:,n ii, Tp. 2 s.yi:a, ti;,4't 4
e;, ;','. C. 5 Jj
"-' John J -r . :t ,x.
' ' ; S i'k .:. r.sff.;ir:i. -;.-.Ti s.t.
i ;. 3 :t, , i,:r.:r: I e k i,
vt .'.. E. 1' -.-t
n,r.et !-4 of ihi.i,i 'ti. '7 p. 2
o';-n. rr-e t fc. zrr-
k't-r.-.n. M..'he .So-,fV wekt i:
of B.rk,e.tst 1, a ltd north :. ',
Of Southeast I, ( ... ; xp.
2 south, r.it'e 4 tun, teres.. 4 J
i.op.ace tr:owv 1, 1.
2, AND 3-1
C. XOS. 13
.IIoweH. r. f.-part of the Horac
Ix.r,at:on Ini Ciaim
N's. . and . and b--k I. .
i.c, section 22. Tp. 3 .-. jth. rar.ire
4 east, dwt.on ii. Ti.. 4 s-.i.-h
rart'e 4 acr.i
Ki.; . -r:or J. p. p..rt of th ilo-aV
l-.ron I .. ,0., i,-sr,i -,aim
' ftd (3. dk-M r-Alt O
Sey tion Tp. ; nr I
e.st. section 23. Tp. 4 south,
rr 4 east, 4-.' acres ..,
li !
V.'. PALMETEEK'S I- 1 r vh
' "' f '!"ra E Northeast 4 of
of G. W. Palrneteer's- Io-
1 ijej.'i 1 t.-.,rr. s-' !on z2
Skj'k!;!. raniie 4 east.
t VZ
WTNSili? 4 8. RANGE 4 EAST.
Camt.h":, A. V. Northest tc 0f
r.orthwt H hd 3 aevs, fyyfi
'S ai-e I'i, section I. Tp. 4
"i!'h. rar. 4 aft. t acr.
Btrt- kn. Wid. Helr of No-r,et
V'l s.o'i'het I, and sojt.i -i
of .)!(,! ,. :. ,,f - T
4 so-jtlv, rat.ite 4 e;st. acre I 71
fr-.c. li. E.-ikOt 1 of wu .n !!.
kp 4 so'jth. rarre 4 at jj
, a' res ' .
Ko- fce-.trtirir, K? "e f-; .t it ,,f
u'"it , or fJ-ct:on it. Tn
4 k,.;-h
r.'ink'e 4 i-;,, ;if T'.fi...
4 45
r.Jii-t-!h North' -ast t: of
section II. Tp. 4 s-.uth, rar,e 4
ea. Jj jiotih . .
Scotr. JiSan. Meirs of'-f!o'.i'th''i
Tp. 4 south, ranne 4 east, vi
ti.' res
Strcklin. Wm , Hdrs'of-NVrVhiat
13 C3
t of north est . section li
; Tp. 4 south, range 4 east, 44
( X Lyons. Joshua. E.i'.ite "of tioijVh
j east v, of northesst 'i and
. w i sou'heast s; ej,Cept 72 acr.. sc-
W tion !.. Tp. 4 south, ranxe, 4
east. '.Ii acres
4 Scott, Diana. Heirs of-Nortri
2 91
17 63
01 northwest 14. section 3. Tp.
4 south, ranse 4 east, acres..
;Howe!l, ft. C.-Part of 8. Chaw
Iw.aii(,n Ijin.l fu.tm v ,
deed vook 1. r'!lfe ). sees. 4 and
f. Tp. I south, ranee 4 east. h!
21 08
Car!wn, John Northeast of sec-
. f: ' p- 1 range t
ill. IW BCTCi , ,
! "L,1,, J,3 ""X ! of. wu'h-
"na north of south-
j wt ' exri, 25 seres owned
by C U Dixon, section , Tp 1
w.u.14. rnilK ejI. fern.
Garrett. Cora Northeast ,, of
1 r.orthenst 14 t s-- ton 22. Tp. 1
! south, rant east. 40 a' res
Laton, Eva A Northwest 14 of
j section ys Tp. 1 .ulh. range S
1' 'WNHIP iK''r'aN;k'5EA8T '
1 Tavtllo. Grovlna -ttouthwt t, f,f
n .r:l.wet 1, arid lots 1 ami .f
section 4. Tp. 2 south, range i
. .;t, ,k-i tti-res
i Do:n. John Houthwevt ii " of
11 20 northwest t n I west 4 of
southeast 4 of set(,n , Tt,. 1
j south, ranite i east 12i sens
Pbki-os, Mi,ry A. S-.iith 4 of
( CO s.utheast 4 and Sk.mh U of
j Sk.uihwest 1.4 of section 1 Tp.
1 2 sk.nih. ranne. 8 eu.t. j.fl rre..
t M Dulan, J-.tui North of northeast
! and southwest 1, of north,
! west 14, northwest 4i of k uth
160 west V of s.cllon II. To. ft
south, rsnre 5 eust. YA rtcre .
jSiever, Fredrick, Estate ."out henst
j of section 12. Tp. 2 south,
rang i east. 1 acres
Wood. Alice West hi of southeast
1 72
IJ 60
-4 or soutneiisi ot section 14.
i p.
t south, runts t east, 20
. CbarJsors, E- SotJthwest of
rf,i riortQwsc 4 of
ooutbeAitt V of section J4j Tp, j
jB.Jtn, rarsfe 5 If. atres....
Ir.iv. John Nrthrst &f
iort!east of wtka M. Tp. 2
s.,titri. rics-i i ur, 4" a-.-rT3
V., C F. si.mihTevst i
crihix?ti of ;.f,n 21, Tp.
2 "tik. rat Ki
J'j.d, J. t!. jj.vachejst 1
f,'.,f,c"-.aiit 4 ar.d w;t j ef
dT : 4 a r.- i t. r. '7
of .i.r.r.'-; of :-; ,n ZX, Tp.
1 "1. ra.-;i-k- 5 5t, 2.i acr,
ri:r , :..,.iiv;. i- rank Northta J
of r..-frirt of sKthm it. Tp.
2 ?. rsjrrf? $ eat, acres..
Cu;i7. J . n t -'.,r?r.T..f. : ?.f
oitfet '.-i of cation 2$. Tjk."j
s,---u.'.. r a east, fr acre
Cut!?. Jr.hft &rOll H Of SOUffl
of secttoB 25, Tp. 2 aouth, range
a easts, afrts
Drtvey. Hfetolt X. SoeSmrt 'of
I si
2 Si
rnr. fiestas r and orrr.h wrest of
i rorttieajt of seUci9 2. Tp. 2
(34' south, range S cast, M acre....
Pike, iienry ii. Ease of north-
ea. '4 and southwest of
t , r.ortheast and northeast H of
14 It'i outr.at i of section Si. Tp. 2
south, rarise i ea."t, list axrea..
; Grant. H. il Soatheasrt , of
, ' jK.atheast of section 24. Tp. 2
I south, ranee east, aer .
i Hoimw, W. T. Undivided 1-2 of
a souinwest , 01 southeast ! of
wt section 27. Tp. 2 soucli. range 3
I taat, 151-J acres.
Baker. E. S. and A. and Juliette
r r.ast Vi of noutbvest of see-
i 36 tion . Tp. 1 soma, raaga 1
1 west, sfl acre
; SoMern. L. J. O. Eesrfr.ni!iz "at
southeast corner of suEhet
of sectifn 12. Tp. 2 svoarii
rrvije 1 wt. tseitfe irt
cha.n. thence nor-n IS de-jp-eea
11m Uf " 1 r '-i 5
1.-f. VI. 4.. ef:.-:n r?ren V IJL
fli-rree. eass v-iij ciairus rrf.,
.r.t:jt, ther.ce norra 4s i-z-
t C ll 1 r, , . r ,6 re
Kin..:!;,., concaiininir 1 .
If: !:' 1.4 n-j. :;t
( " - 1 1 1 t
T i
"ill. 1 1
. f. afe ..
: fcro v I', r', A-
n 4 ? i
s- t,.4-f.f
! so 1 1 r n i a
iVarn ( f-
- r- i
E.-L.-.E I f
-1 r,
(1 1
! t
P.a '
s 1
. ' n f Tp ,
ek, iit:r ,.
I i)
JESSE V. IiONE I. I r;. X. ii
Fierfcfcson. Mrs. SL-Cnvil-riArti
'n'erest in a io, acr tr--de.-.r;,)
in fcSc S. paS
section . T;,. 2 ,:,:h, tsore i
wes' J... v. fjoox
tiii.n -o. 4, .ai acrti.... it
i ttonc-y. B. F. R'r.ri'r,z 71
5 f, of sonheaiit oirr.er of ec-
t.oa ii. towns.i.p 4 yih,
t.ier-c. aorta i r;
. ' . ' , ; , ri.s. taeaf.
soutn li r.t, there east u
r.xl.4 So tea-innr-i-r
! J''4hip rar.s? 1 wei.
""er n'-rieatead :s t 2 aa,i
2. sec-jc.n t,wr.si
I -'. ::-r.'.k. r..-.r-a ii
!'-'.ce west s tairi.-
S' -' "j i.i- r1s. r p..-.
ro-is to tjrtar.rr.?.' seioj" 2
Jof;r:ij 4 a.i4-i, ruii i sa
a.'.ra '.'.'Jf. J. 7T D. L. C. X. &
fk.it rr. No. .;;t:cr:.s 11, i u
1 Wej-t.
J . 5:N k:i.:.:n i.
L. C. X;
ert'-T kk-.1'
of r. ir'V :
kk, a-i If,
SK r-.;; I wat.
'.'. XE'A'ifA.V It. C. Xi. "3.
;-?a r.-&:--:- at
. ,i CkA,t o-. of E,:.-ti.
lAr.tr. J.-.
e h
.r. sir; t- tvvr-.ai
1 ... o: s.kt c :r.i;, -e.'
J v-H caa.r.s, tr.e.-.c
ll-V.' cha;r,s. taei-.-.e jj
'.tir.. t . ..,.!.! i -l eh..-,
fo?koi:.r.e.k.: tctT-r. 'r.r.-e:'
k. .i cnatr.s. ter.ke r.-r-h v
fC.ins to o-g::,r.;n2. tor.aTr.
2- IV ac res
..icejc:..-,? tht part
Sk.uth f lie tie
Cr'-ei ar.-i 53
! mTi Co ,; v.
dee-'ed Ad,,,i:i-,s M-..; ".t
acr'-s. secior.s 24 ar:l . soir.,
s.'ip S south. ti.r.ae 1 es- v-v
acres ----
UjT tt'HITa"ME- &- L XO. ii AXD
Gans. U-ntr-i acre. ,,r u.j
conttnuccs to the fo.ioin :t.
lKiKT.H.z at the '4 sec'ion
cmer oetaeen sections Si ar.d
"ie:.'-e west tirailel ...),
!o, ;
lot in the to- a of M.i-
1 twuto, rani-e. 1 es
a-rcs r
Ke;.oi. Jf. E. A strip"",! : "ilr.l Z
'' r.rm and Ii Bak a
w.o-t. l.rre west of co o-.;- r-ad
ar.,-J -';-,tr.ir,sf iot f.-n--m iy
f''5'i Kehoiff to II. E. Ee;
'. ior,j r4 ,. 1 "t
..-,.-:p 1 itr,, rar.jf 1 east.
a."re ,
fc'an )t,rr. If. It ' p'-V.";''VJ
':'t corr; r of ' o. ! "2- 1
' thence eas'lv jew'--! ws-h
street of tr.e ioa of M,":wau
'" l in'-.!,i-t I rot.t ire a'd
r"r-d. thence -Pn nor-'h
s:de of mill p-n l to Wt;,ime'.
river, thence down r wi'h
ineander-j.Ks to (-ir:' set,"
1 12
Sk.n and Irving; ssreets in "the
to.n of ,M,laukie. 4 chairs
east Kit chains north of the J
section between sections S3
and y,, tnenc N. 7S', dejmeeV
f.?aTi,JTv cJami 10 "viod line
!m 'No' 'hence x. on said
w.'v ,llr'v,e tnalr'-w.-st
So links, thence north 2o4
south decrees, west 27.
f-tn. X 10 dK west
- ...uuu,. 1 limine south w de
grees. w,-st 4.21 chain. .w.
sciuth 1 degree, east 13.22 chains
thence parallel with center line
of said street to the south line
of Jefferson street t0 beginning
townshln l south ..-e, ".
2! acres :.r " ""
Refftlng, Axle-Lot WhVt'comb'iii:
and. section 25. township 1
outh, range 1 east, li acres...;
r.trn Ti-irro n
. " .u.k, . . c AND
&f r . JvUln. range 1 east, 4
Whiteonib. U. I c, bes-.tin'r.;
23 feet H. of the m,i ,.f 'i. '
(n Menrtes, WllliamBeglnnlnj at a
point 730. chains north and
S . U 1-2 chains west from point
1 1 V." outh boundary une ef G,
, Wilis Donation Iind Claim
' where the township line lw
ranges 1 arid 2 crouds
wwimi.irjr line, tnence west
6 J3 1-J chains, thence south I 7
chains, thence e.iererlv s i
chains, thence north 3 7 chains
4 20 to the point of beginning, con
; talnir g 2 acres. sw-ti,.n 23. Tp.
! 1 souh, range 1 east .
Lnttan. G. N licginnlnr at sfluth
j w east corner of B. F. Glover's
1 land, which is on the south line
of so hi Wills' claim, thence
I north 10 the northeast corner
4 oc of said It. F. Glover's land.
I Oi'
mence south w depin-es. east
16 chains, th-nce north 30 degree.--,
west 23.40 chains, to the
north line of land bintrht hv
James Mennson of Geo. anil
; Sarah J. Wills, thence east
i traclns; said north line 10.25
chains to th east boundary line
j of said Wills' Donation Land
j Claim, thence southerly tracm
J the said boundary line to the
southeast corner of said Wilis'
Iriation I.and fTalrn, thenre
Vr.y.iKny tracing soutn boundary
iir.e of said claim to the ptae!
of beftfnrririg and containing -5"
aerea, section Si, Tp. 1 souin,
tic 2 east
saciiiei arid AztiiaH B-
Ki.iiu. aE stjthrAest -orrjer of
,.;.r,i fynv'': '-i to L-on'is A'-ht-s.
, by At,.h;on jr, tncs
i; icgr-.!i ar.d 53 .it
,. -i!. i 1 r i!:.'. tn-'t-fe I . .t.-.:
: . r' : tiki" -1 1 eirft Ji 1.'.
tr.j-Cif.-e eait t beinriln?:, c.rt
tar.itg' i acres, vrtiua Tp.
e jt.-;, rat.i- 1 east
it. '". E. and L. A. Begfnnin?
at northwest corner o Jtuward
1k's iand on N. line tit ciaim
.'o. Si, thence south I2.J chains,
taenr west 12.24 chains, thence
r.of t :-i chains, thence eat
to besinnine and eoiitaininsr &
S 49
2 13.
f acres, section 25, Tp. 1 south,
ranse 1 east
. Larai?ette, C Beginning on north
v line of Geo. ills' Donation
Land Claim, 8.T3 chains east of
1 southeast corner of Jacob
Wn!s' iionation Land Claim,
thence sfuth 25) chains, thence
north S de?ree i niinutes.
et 1 chain, thence south 2)
decrees, west 1S chains, thence
so ith tl degrees 3 minutes, east
chains, thence south 25 de
7 86
2 1
grees, west Lj, chains, toence
tith 9 degTeea, east 2.14
chains, thence south 54 decrees
; 45 minates, east li.73 chains,
i thenca north M.W chains, thence
north !S degrees 4a minates,
r went to beginning-, exceptins
tt acres in MuUnoroaa cun- '
T. containins 4,4 acres in
Ciacitamas county. secaa Siv
Tp. 1 sooth, range I eist.
K-.-t-.'.'T. Rtchani Part of the D.
.-fa".. way raa.tion Laa.i Claim,
rei'-Lnniai? at the northeast car-
r.er of ta Lot Whitcomb Iiia-
t:.a Land Claim, thence north
i isrea, east 4 feet, thence
2)1 X
.-o'.Ti 2 cerees k. mfr;u!e5.
eii.E 121 feel to a point 5 feet
'- .-a the center of Oregon and
Ciomla Railroad, tnence
: r"" i decree?, west feet,
fc-r.ie r.'jr-h 1 decree, west 7-
ir:. CO' beintiiKsr. eicept 2Ii
ieeiibed in L-.f.-; R,
fx ;;!. conaUniea; . acres,
::.' 2S, Tp. 1 kmiz's, range
s 1:
j h::'"'"v?, CAMPRnrL's d. l. c. no. a
i AND 33.
IToxVr. E.Iwari J t"t:0i'.1 !e 1 'j
f l -Are traet. tiettte tne n'rtn
'-. of - - - sout heist -.4 of iot J.
5: cf br decree f Circuit
.... -:rz W. B. t'aBw!l. as 0
vr .-Lid tract be.tikT in Sec 1
'-. I s,:-3th. ranae 1 east, and
'!'. Tp. 1 uth. rar.se 2
ar.4 teens a fart of Hec
t.r f.'':rfir.r.-r:ir Lr'r.attorj Lknd
c : -.:d. c.:-ri;a:rjr, acre3. SeC
t: ti ip. 1 sotiih. rar.ge 2
F:r.-r. ?i3.iei A;i of land in sec
"''.. cefi-rair.? at north line
-f Hetr Crr.vheli D-.r.4ition
t C.rm. 4v-.'v chains we.-t
.; tifrtiestji corner of claim,
E.v-r.ce wtiitit -Tt cc.iir.s. thence
7.1I'-k4 chair.3. thence north
'"".i:k.. til-Fle ek)St 7.1i"4
c-'xiisa teeicr:ir.?. section S'.
Vy. 1 rar.ige 2 east, 21
- . -k .............
E- JI. Bei-tr.r.ing in north
.: - ii. Ca.T,;.be:i EvjitaaUon
iim. ehair.s vrest
f-'-k t.-.e Rk-'sefeK C'jrn-er cf
'3 ch.i:a. tfck-r.ee s-'tith 54
.. . ' t-c soith i.r.e of ciaim,
:'r.. et I.U coiins. thence
eiiAEna to. north line
'' k . ;.-'.-. f 7.ij f.:rs to
"-i-. -z. eicepun? i- acrs
,f .-..k, jrs f.-;:.s fki? il,
'!. . ; tres i.-J L-Xkk 32. Ji !;2,
- '. - ;k?k4 Kec'JC t ' fe I.'.',
'. -i' strej in Book 4. pige
"'.. a:rk-s. .ct'.or Tp. 1
s-i'.TC- ric?e S ast
Fa .: A. LeTining at the
- . . 7Aj cc-TOer of L ptn
- CAn;,?;.' r.-:n i n ltAl
-: ::r.i. t:-.er.!t east 3.77 thufns
r- r:.-. v-: r orti-r of Ts.
1. . S ' f. -- -
. - z .i M -i.LSk" west lir.e i3.
c.,, i .jve ir:::;e of
m fcrjowrt as J ch-... r. cr'-eK.
t --- e :r. . i. .;- o f-c -..n
ai--ts; -r.tr , aM crk t a
So- .-. 17 f.!.-..i:n r.-v.-ta of j...-,;h-
4-k. c! --r o f ', - I ....... .
fvv LAr.-! C7..i-n. '.rik-r.'-i r.-'.-r-h
t iW.Ks.ajr. i'p. 1 jtxstis. rS2
2 e-.k'.. 4 crks..
rri!af. Re. 'sk.i Ttjiresfclsi 2 s ;:h.
rr. xt 1 e-a.k.c. ry,rtiMtist e of
w; -as of sec-;, ,n 5. Tp.
2 sc.-. t.-.. rr.are s e-k., 4 seres...
Jo?. Grace P. p-enr-in; at a
jotr.t ta tive soith Lse of sec
kkka .. 'lp. 2 .--fi rarie 1
es?.. In tie cea-er of the county
road Sea.: r. from Osweiro to
Ar.r-.ra. tw: ranninff north
r.y aiotks; istr of afl road
22 ther.ee west 33 rods,
t.,r.r sc. -.-:; 3S nvis 10 the cen
ter of the Bridgeport road.
er.ee e-."ek ;y af-.rr the center
c ! said roidl7rods ther-c rerth-e-.'y
i cent'-r of staid road
24 roc(s t p.ac of bepinnine.
ccfW,nin.if i acres, section ii,
Tp. 2 so.-h, rar.ee 1 east
Shiey, A. R- Southwest 4 and
fracttona! sotitnesst '4, excepi
Ir.s; I1 ac-s lies'-iibe.1 n Rex
4. jaaif and 31. 11 acres d
scrtoe'i in Iicyk I wit- ii,
and 22 acres d"-s'-ntd in
lio-jk P. f-at-e 4'. and 2 acres
descrritd in Kcj-ok 44., pare li!.
r.;l i:' acres d.-k-crf.ed in" Book
S. iciize l. and 2 8crs d--
r: d in iiook X. 1 ase c n
tair.ir.s in all lt2:t acres, sec
tion K. Tp. I south, range 1
Stone. David I West 'i of south
IS 2c
11 i-
east '4 ari'l land described thus,
befinrdng s rols west cf south
east comer of section i' thence
west 72 rods. ihenct ik th 4-)
rods, thence east 72 rods, '.hence
soijfh 4 rokis to beeinrnr.tr. c n
ta!nir,r S acres, section li, Tp.
I south, range 1 east 15 ot
Stone, L-avid L. The northeast U
of section IS. Tp. 2 south, range
; 1 east. W) acres 27 sg
j Weid. John A. Bennnin? cyi
J chains north of southwest cor
j ner of section 32. Tp. 1 south,
i rans-e 1 v&t thsnMi
Zi.M chains, thence east 17
chains, thence south 23.50
chains, thence east 21 chains,
thenc south chains, thence
west 40 chains to beKinninc, con-
tainins; M acres, section 32, Tp.
2 south, ranjte 1 east 25
Stewart. Del Lot of section S6,
Tp. 2 south, range 1 east, 3S.S0
Jones, M. R. Lot 1 of section "36
Tp. 2 south, range 1 east, 14.37
Jones. M. R. South west "4 of sec
1 non in. ip. 1 soutn, range 1
SO east, 40 acres ....
j Jones. M. R. Northwest "4 of ii
j acres In School District No. 34
73 section Jfi, Tp. 2 south, range 2
. east. 19 acres
jories, M. K. J acres of northwest
4 in School District Vn i.k
section 34. Tp. I south, range 1
east. SO acres
Jones. M. R IkOt 3 of S acres 'iri "
rcnooi ijisinct o. l-io, sc 36,
Tp. 2 south, range 1 east........
Jones. M. R. I.ot 3 of 17 acres in
School Idstrict No. 34. s-c. 36
Tp. 2 south, ranee 1 east.... "
Jones. M. K. I,ot 4 of. except 1 30
U 73
n. res. :it ,. t. M allien, tmi.
lee. socrtion 38. Tp. t south.
range 1 east. U.S0 acres $
Portland Trust Companv Begin
ning 26 chains south of corner
to sections 11. 12, 13. and 14. Tp.
I south, range 1 east, thence
south 1 degrees and 65 min
utes, west MO feet. thence
northerly 50 feet to low water
mark on Willamette river,
thence easterly following- mean
ders of said river at low water
mark 100 feet, thence south SO
feet to place of beginning, sec
tion 14, To. 2 south, range 1
Gk. CROW D. U C.
j Edwards, M. IL Beplnnlns I
chains sonSh and 2? chains
outh, S9 d;greei west of north
east com-r of claim 49, Tp. 2
south, ranee 1 east, thence
outh 13.41 cnains, thence north
j ileft-eg, et 2.7 chains,
tfvetice iwrthft-eriiy 13., i
t :;.f . tissue south i: (!e?ree.,
eil ii chains to tne riace of
X-'j.i-.W.r-x Jitid contniiur.g 3-t
S-i-.k, 1, 'Jp. i SOUth,
!;,;. i tasl
r'.v-:i. V. hr-zitnAr.K j i'-t- eant
of J. E. courtney'a o!.uhi:ast
cornt-r, thciECf east 4,- feet,
ti.. r... n-.-r::. feet, tht-nc
feet, thence sou to
s,5 ft---t to besinntcK, section
1. Tp. 2 soiith, range 1 east, 12
acr ..,
4 i
! EAiUEL MiLLER D. L. C. NO. 5S.
I Keliey. Henrietta Beginning at a
Point on ttie east une 01 ciaim
.o. 5-. Tp. 2 south, range 1 east,
and S2.3U chains south of the
northeast corner thereof, thence
west 42.51 chains to the division
line of said claim, thence south
I'.-.iS chains, thence east 47.34
chains to the center of the
county road, thence north 13 de
grees" east a chains, thene
north 53 degTees west 7.44
chains to the east line of said
ciaim, thence north o links to
8 2t
besinnintr, section 2. lp. 2
f south, range 1 east, 49 acres....
S 24
; Havens. Chas. A Beginning; 7.25
i chains south and 7.6t) chains
E west of the northeast corner of
S ciaim. Tp. 2 south, range 1 east,
1 tjienee north W decrees 15 min
utes west 37.30 chains to line be
tween east and west of said
ciaim, thence north 23 chains to
nortn Sine of ciatm lt degrees
' east on the north line ot ciaim
I 4 chains, thence south 13.95
L chains to beginning, excepting
5 153 acres des?ribed in Book 31,
i (aze 41, containing acres.
t section s, ip. i soutn, raise 1
F east
! Mt' er. S-,muel, estate of Begin
ning at southwest corner of
I co.i.n No. 7), Tp. 2 south, range
f 1 east, thence S. 63 decrees E.
' 3.".5 chains, thence north 13 de
j grees east ll.Su chains, thence
' north 53 degrees west 7.40 chains
j to west line of ciaim, thence
! h 14.4 chains to beginning,
1 section 2t, Tp. 2 south, range 1
t-ast. 5-J acres
fBrode.-ick, Maur.ce 2-3 of begin
ning 7.-3) chains sciuth of "a post
t between sections 25 and iS, Tp.
t 2 south, range 1 east, thence
s s nuh (8s cnains, thence north
t. degrees west 27 chains, thence
I north 12 degrees east 6.45
chains, thence south 5t degrees
' east 27.- chains to place of be
5 containing 11.2i acres, sec-
f ti in 2ri, Tp. 2 south, range 1
"' cast, 7.32 acres
j Brodej-ick, Eiia 1-3 of beginning
7.. chains south of "4 post be-
tween sections 2-5 and i, Tp. 2
I south, ranse 1 E., thence- S. 2 "iS
! chair.3. thence north 3 degrees
' west 27 chains, thence north
j L.'L4 d- grees east 8.45 chains,
thence south 3o degrees east
! 27.3o chains to place of begin
l tot:rr, containing 11.27 acres, sec
.i -n 2o.Tp. 2 south, range 1
ea?t. 7..s acres
Wati.ii. J. Frank, trustee Beein-
rnre at a iint on the south
t.-inuarv line of the donation
tan " ciaim of Sam W. Shan
non No. ?'). Tp. 2 south. rani.'e
1 east, which point bears north
-! degrees west 12 chains d'stant
from southeast corner of said
cikkirn. thence north 23 minutes
?.'t.-t 13.41 rhalns. thence north
& degrees 15 minutes west 33.34
c-.".:iiis. thence south 12.15 chains,
thence scuth 3 i -.-' K. 37.19
ch-tins to place of iHjriiininkr,
contain! ns. 5 acres, section 25,
Tp. 2 south, range 1 east 51 75
: ROBERT MOOIiS D. L. C. NO. 51. 67.
s' -.niton. M. A., estate of Begin-
; tfw 17.:! chains north and 1.16
' chiir.s east of meander post of
fetiocs 21 and & on range line,
' let ween ranees 1 and 2 east. Tp.
2 so'.nh. thence north 41 degrees
'3 rrcrt'i-es east 4 chstn?, thence
! s-kLiji 47 derees east 5 chains.
, thence sout'a 41 degrees 6 mfrt-
5 cites west 4 chains, tnence north
; der-es west 5 chains to the
i Ik-ace of b'-tinmns. containing 2
; acre in Robert Moore Iiuntttion
Land Calm, section 31. To. 2
s.,-th. r;-rite 2 east
Moore. J. X. heirs cf Part of the
J. N. Moore Donation Land
Claim, heir,!; a parcel cf land
v) ( - wi-te ivirs? a'ons north
boyn.fary I re of Robert Moore
Donation Land Ciaim. and ex
ten!in? from low water mark
in Wiiiameite river to a line 20
feet eastward of the present
canal of the Portland General
E'ectric Company, also a parcel
cf 1,-ktid west of said canal line
along the north line of said
Moore Donation Land Claim, 50
feet wide and extending from
a line -51 feet west of the pres
ent canal and locks and west
ward to top of the bluff, deed
recorded in Bok R. page 5)4
sec 'ion 31, Tp. 2 south, range 2
17 25'
Magone, Henrietta Befrinnins at
the northeast corner of Waters
arrr,en lunation Land Claim,
Tp. 2 south, ranee 1 east, thence
f .uth on esst line of claim to
line between husband and wife's
halves of sr.id claim, thence W
to a point from which a line run
ning north and parallel with
east line of said claim to the
r.orth line thereof would inclue
S acres, thence X. from said
point para!ie! with Eline of said
ciaim to north line thereof
thence along north line to be
ginning; 3i.i acres also beginning
north 5 minutes east 3.70 chains
from southwest corner of a
tract described in Hock 27. page
K thence north 71 degrees 10
JeSt 1nShrt". thence
north 19 degrees 15 minutes east
3 chains to west line of said
I??.1, A1?""? .?uth 5 minutes
west l.M chains to beginning,
44 acres, section 5 Tn ....C'
ramre 1 east. 3H.44 acres. .....
Tanleer. M. Beginnine S 50 ch!
16 24
north and 10.15 chains west of
s -between sections 5 and
J. Tp. I south, ran ire 1 east
south 1x73 chains, thence 172
chains thence X. 15.7S chains to
beginning, containing acres
eT'i2n? !?.nd TP- 2 souTh!
M. Vt(,
!SW?1 iiih' f the
Ronald c r-Viw"'"'.'"1.."0
.... t ciaim or E. A.
and north of a tract sold bv A.
ind-S Si!V the Oregon IroS
and bteel Companv. excent S.4S
nrTB,ok P11 1 Action
7i5i aPcres !?.!.!. .f 1 ast-
""I: H- L. L.-Bejrfnn!nr eTJ
ne of e?v,mtrAm -""weit cor
ner or Wm. Armstrong Dona,
tion Land Claim. Tp 2 s 7an
east, thence north AlVohns
to aivisiiin line of said cla',,
J? 7- chains- thence 8
cia;m ,ks to SOUIh lin- of
hJtn east chains
1 beginning, containing 20
suss rssB.. j Z
16 t
10 ss
.Draper. Annie SI. Lot 6, 5.S1 acre
iUptum. iarnes"R.-irir"js'acrei 1 3
section 13. Tn s ,; ..'!"
! i east .... . ""0
1 Armstrong. C. W.-B-ginnine'kV'v;
inrt rnr brt'p' sections
29 and SO. Tp. 3 sevuth. range 1
ejst. M chains to left bank of1
Molalla river, thence north -4
jest 50 chains to right bank of
Pudding River, thence south C
degrees 30 min. E. 4.SS chslns.
thence south U aegrecs i tn'.a-
utcs-west 7.71 chsdns. then..
south 7.."0 chains to beginning
section a, Tp. 2 south, range i
east, 4ti acres
AnuMrontT. C, W. Xorthe st''of
nortui.ki.,t it of, excepting 1
ijcrtrs, section 23,range. 1 east.
I -.J til. j v
An .-'.r ,i., (:. W. Xortr. west 'oi
I i.ort'n-.-ist of section 2S, Tp
" ' 3 oi;th, ranve 1 e;jst, 4- acres ' '
" Armsiror.fr, C. W. A!i of that po--:
tion of the south 'i of ma
' northwest 14 of srcti in 25, Tp,
t ii H'liiih, ratite I i-..; lying wet
01 rwrmj out. ot puddihs Kivr
coiiLitnini; 2; acres. nii..n
... Jl- 3 south, range 1 east ,
W Illinois, f. O. T. Begimiing US)
chains west of the. Boutm-ast
corner of north of northwest
, ot section 29, Tp. 3 south
range I east, thence with mean
derings of AIoln.Ha Kiver north
5) degrees, west 4 chains and 5
iinks, thence north lu degrees,
west 1 chain, thence north 2J
degrees, west 17 chains, thence
north a degrees, east 1 chains,
thence east on line of north
boundary, south hi of southwest
Vi of, to division line of section
2u. thence on said division of
section to south boundary of
north Vi of northwest. "4 of sec
tion 23, thence west 8 It) chains
to the place of beginning, and
containing; in all u acres; also
beginning at a point S.50 chains
west of southeast corner of
north of northwest 14 of sec
23, in Tp. 3 south, range 1 east,
running thence north 3-r degrees
west 4. chains, thence north
10 degrees, west 1 chain, thence
2 degrees west, 17 chains,
thence north 5 degrees, east 18
chains to the southeast corner
of land purchased by Fred
Hedtsdorf, thence north 23 de
grees, west 5.67 chains, thence
2 2-3 degrees east, 5.40 chains,
thence north 34 degrees, west
5.14 chains, thence north 60 de
grees, east 11 chains, thence
north 65 degrees, east to the In
tersection of the meanders of
the Willamette river, thence up
said river to the north bound
ary of section 20. thence north
7 degrees, west 3.31 chains,
thence south 31.8S chains, thence
east 3.19 chains, thence south 60
chains, thence east 31.50 chains
to the place of beginning, con
taining 2iji) acres, sections 20. 29,
Tp. 3 south, range 1 east. 2i0
19 V)'
27 25.
2 07;
Williams. C. O. T. Beginning at a
point 3 19 chains west of the
southeast corner of the north
east 'i of section IS, Tp. 3 south,
, range 1 E., thence W. 4 32chaii,s.
thence north 3!. 61 chains to
south bank of Willamette River,'
thence east 4.52 chains along
bank of said river, thence south
41.64 chains to the place of be
ginning, and containing 14 acres,
section 13, Tp. 3 south, range 1
Miller, Isaac That part "of "the
c j .V 1i,.'?f X- w- east "f
Pudding River, section 31, Tp.
3 south, range 1 east, 50 acres..
12 07i
S. D. POMEROT D. L. C. XO. 39.
Beuttd, R. J. Beginning at the
southeast corner of Donation
Land Claim No. 39, Tp. 3 south,
range 1 east, thence north 34
degrees east 3.D0 chains, thence
south 76 degrees, east to the
center of the county road,
thence south 44 degrees, west to
beginning, acre, sections 1, 2,
11, 12, Tp. 3 south, range 1 east..
5 1?
sChaimers, David Beginning in cen
ter 01 Fust street, Canemah, 30
I feet from southwest corner of
j block E, in said town, thence
tiorin i5 degrees, east 70 fet to
1 the end and center of Fourth
J street, thence south 2 degrees
east, to north line of Lawton's
iiuct, inence nortn 00 degrees,
ij minutes west to soutlieast
corner pf said tract described in
7L i
111 1 ' vuee 'hence north
414 .K-rrcss W. 4 chains, thence
north 21 degrees west 10 chains,
to beginning, containing 12 -3
acres, section 1, Tp. 3 south,
range 1 east
oimpsoii, Clarence Beginning south
.- degrees ti minutes west 11
ennuis from southwest corner in
t-anemah, b.'ing n!so southwest
corner of Fred Rakel's land,
thence south 72 degr.-es 40 min
taes W. lu chains, thence N )
f.i giees west to right bank' of
Wi.laniette River, tnence north
easterly with meandering of
said river to northwest corner
of said Rakel's land, thence
froutn . uenrees, east rf west
line of Riik.-I's i.kiid to th place
ot beginning, containing 7)'
iSeC,i:n J' T"' s south"
range 1 east
Draper John W -Metes &"Bounds
!i.,-a"oman' ginning at
Point southerly projection of
siivet 'i VroJ'Uon of Main
V,l tmJ,wt from southerly
4 f,hL ti,rst street, thence
M .i,?ir y alonfr "terly line of
Alain street, projected 25 feet
nnmeS m. r'slu angKs '
named line, eastorlv 10 feet
s Udlfnerir !
od l-'i f iet S""oet l,ro-
'u 1-j reet. thence at right an-
f i'hto'r1' W thtm-e "t
woh ,1,nKl"s southerlv parallel
with line f AL,ln street pro
jected 100 feet, thence Wt right
H vktr?.. '''K'nning, containing
Ivoelller. 1! li,,.., ','l" n"7,"'."":
4 83
nation lind C&nZ "Metes1!
Louiuis to Canemah. beginning
F ri',0"1,' " wutUwest side of
feet from bank
south v 'T""6 KHvr' ,h'n
mith on degrees west 106 feet
f et',Co,SOnU,h 21 rees, eUrio
to a , ',,' " R llne easterly
street 'i0? Wost si,ie of t
west ll.,,',,l,,;r,cUon of north
west line of Main street 100 feet
Kirs.'rt'i'r on wt ide of
first Mrm 0 feet to the place
?he nnr.'i' nB:. 11180 Sinning Tt
Ih.ii? 4,lu'ast oorner of the
south St. degrees, west 106 feet
feete,h?rh 21 1fee3. east 50
west 1 rie4 S.ou,.h 75 OfSrees.
amette n.v-il bank of WilN
Hinette Kiver, thence easterlv
with meanders of river to a
somh'i T,Srr Sit'n'ns. thence
t-otun ji degrees, west !) feet to
TP P3Usodnninsn
acre ... ' ",se 1 e"1. Vj
A. J. Vicinal v ..
17 S3 --k.Vk3, 44.
nr of claim" No ir ,0Su.
gST tte wf
clsin. .k '' ,,,n, east 23
cnains, thence south 12 decree).
1 minutes wf i "tstee3
thence west l-o f Xr cu,lns
Lhai"t'. bosrlmC ex?e,
iwge 120, s,v, on .. X' -
o.?. ncf't.e.l In W .
ih.... '.. . v r"' r of di m
r ii long s-u,! rlv.,P
CSIlNirt. P Co "r.1- r ',re.
orthw... - -.. ' " V ii tu n g
tw,u.!:-so,,ThmvM"fntr, nst-
east "2 t. V .1. 1 r,H t- thence
fee,'. ti,-e, ce'ra': V'S ?ZVM
north 4?,.T XVZlthZ?t
'Ions' lln 1
13 19
26 97
1 12
2 56
13 32
8 32
3 70