Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 22, 1899, PART 1, Page 8, Image 8

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Sole Agents for
ytwtwf n Jitf
Montana Life.
Editor Coukikr-Herald :
May I record some impressions of
Montana lite: First, Ihe disregard of the
value of money on every hand ; "come
eauy, jjo easy" seema to be the mo' to.
One example will illustrate all. The
writer wan culled to a country wedding.
The bride had just come from an East
ern state, and was an utter stranger,
the groom whs with a thretdiing crew
tnd was pracilcally a tttrauger at the
wedding. One of the threshing crew
aid ''boys, let us make a purse up for
she couple," whereupon, the man, on
whos ranch the machine happened to
he, threw in $20 and others vauous sums
until a larqe p'irse was made up. This
ilisposition is manifested everywhere.
Second, there is positively no gold here,
all is cuirency. Tnird, the large incor
poration of single men as compared with
single women. Eor example at Sunday
evening services there was an audience
of about 100. The single girls were out
in full and there were only six, while
there were probably fifty single young
men. Many of the ranches, probably
half of them have not got a woman on
them. This condition cannot last, be
cause those who are married are raising
large, families about equally divided,
toys and Kir's. It is said that gossip,
slander and backbiting is practicall un
known in this country.
Harvest is just getting well underway.
There is a large crop of barley, oats and
wheat. Each ranch of 100 acres is ex
pected to turn out about 2500 to 3000 bu
diels. Sometimes it will stand out in
in the a luck until the beginning of the
new year. However, they are tooth cut
ting and threshing now, but the crop iB
so large that the season will be well ad
vanced into winters before all the thresh
tag iB done. '
While there are saloons here, to mo
one of the hopeful signs of the temper
ance cause ii the liquor traflio seems to
be dying with "dry rot." No one wants
to employ a drunkard, and to be a drink
ing man is no oredit to any one, even
in this country and my observation is
that the same in Oregon.
The stores here are large. Goods are
not much higher than in Oregon, except
along a few fruits and especially all kinds
uf domestic fruit.
There are very few poor people here
now. It is warmer here now than it was
when we left Oregon, yet it is claimed
that it iB liable to enow at any time.
Farmers do not fear rain, but that it will
snow and beat dowu their grain in the
The peple are wide awake and on the
A good cow is worth $50 but horses are
very cheap. The minister bought a good
huisgy horse for $10, and lie knows of a
innebnian buying 100 hoad for $800.
Thouuh it iBSaid to get ho dreadful cold,
vet horses can live on the range all win
ter. The boys cannot go bathing here
except in the hot springs and tubs. The
mountain streams are as cold as ice.
J. M. Shulbb,
Eosemon, Mont., Sept. 22, '90.
On October 2nd two classes in the
Pitman shorthand wid be organized in
i Ids city. A class of three lessons per
week and a class of two lessons per
week. The classes will meet at 3 p. m.
"H their respective days and the leshon
will bo repeated at 7 :30 p. m. to accom
modate those who cannot attend in the
afiernouiis. TIiobc who desire to take
up the study khould apply at once as
only a limited number of pupils will be
CiiAiti.Ks Hai.stkau, Teacher.
For Sai.k A good second-hand Vic
tor mill and power combined, also a
pouy. N. Schoel, Bissell, Or.
For sale One hop stove 4! feet long
37 joints of 11-inch pipe and seven el
bow s. The apparatus has dried 20 bales
of hops only. Call or address C. T,
Pembroke, t'anby, near Adkins mill.
We pay a premium for Clackamas
County and Oregon City warrants.
SO H'ltl.-SU I'AV,
That is the way all druggists sell
for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is
simply iron and quinine in a tasteless
form. Children love It. Adults prefei
t o bittor, nauseating toni cs, Price, 50c
Lost On Sept, 20, between Clacka
mas Heights and I'arkplace, a nickel
keyvind watch, Elgin movement No.
239,300. Return to thh office or to J. A.
Farrar, I'arkplace. Reward.
We are are always the busiest Furniture Store in town and why our store is
always crowded when other stores are empty, is because WE are the
LEADERS of LOW PRICES-because we give the LARGEST credit in
in town--because.we treat our customers LIBERALY and JUSTLY, Be
cause we sell first-class goods, which we fully guarantee. Because we want
YOUR trade, and your friends' trade, and your friends friends' trade and to
SECURE it we guarantee satisfaction in every case. Because in a nutshell, we
give you more goods for less money and on more liberal terms than any Furn
iture store in the State.
Just received a new line of fine Lamps, Lace Cur
tains, Carpets and Heaters.
Seeing is believing Come and be convinced
W. L Block's Furniture and Carpet House
Maim StoccV Opposite FootOflttco
For Sale An old established general
merchandise store in Oregon City pay
ing $200 per month. Party will stay
with buyer six months and guarantee
profit and teach him the business.
From $3000 to $6000 required. Inquire
at Colrikb-Hkrald office.
For Over FIR rears
An Old and Well-Tried Rbmbdy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty yearB by millions
of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success . It
soothes the child, softens the Bums.
allays all pain, cures wind collie, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste, Sold by Drug
gists in every part ot the world
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable. Pe sure and ask (or Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
oiner kind.
If you have anything to sell, advertise
in the Courier-Hbbald and you will be
pleased with the results.
Asthma can be cured. To prove this,
call at Charman & Co.'s drug store and
get a free trial bottle of Taft's Asthma
lene ; or will mail a free trial bottle.
Write Drs. Taft Medical Co., Elm street
Rochester, N. V.
Sewing machines from $25 up. Sold
on easy payments- Burmeister & An
dresen. ' Story of a Slave.
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease is the worst
form of slavery. 'George D. Williams,
of Manchester, Mich., tells how Buch a
slave was made free. He says: "My
wife lias been so helpless for five years
that she could not turn over in bed
alone, After using two bottles of Elec
tric Bitters, she is wonderfully improved
and able to bo her own work." This
supreme remedy for female diseases
quickly cures nervousness, sleepless
nesB, melancholy, headache, backache,
fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle
working medicine is a godsend to weak,
sickly, run-down boople. Every bottle
guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by
Geo, A. Harding Druggist.
The Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by all poor dispeptlcs whose
Stomach and Liver are out of ordor. All
such should know that Dr. King's New
Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and
Liver ltomeuy, gives a splendid appetite,
sound digestion and a regular bodily
habit that insures perfect health and
great energy. Only 25c, at Geo. A.
Harding's drug Btore.
H. Y, World and Courier-Heraia $1.75
Ttills of the pickings from
together for the good of Oicgon
that vicinity who will appreciate
tomers are served most courteously
Finl Waist S8l6-wi?,H""wiar.I1A,ii
our latent style shirt walsu, in dark ami light ef
fect, piiiues, curd gliiRhams, percales, mailras
and fancy lawns, self collars, some richly Cfjri
trimmed with luserliou and tucks, choice, wuw
Winter Underwear
Children's sil
ver Jersey
rT Prnrlant Pnvara I'blwt
un Inn
ivi a a uuvui uujua
811 lU
fleece lined, each
Children's natural merino wool veats.pantt ORn
and drawers per garment tlv
Children's jersey ribbed woolen union suit,
perfect fitting and full finished, per gar- fCn
lueul. "'
Lailli's' flue Jersry ribbed union suits, Kflf
llctocd, for winter wear Jvv
Ladles' tlbbed nmiHhrinkable wool pants
and vests, Hue tin Mi, per garment
Chance for......
Hoys' and girls'
heavy rtblwd black
Hosiery Bargains ir1 ffl C
wear, per pair 3w
Ladles' natural colnr lamb's wool storklnirs tn
all sliea, Jersey ribbed, best for dura- OCn
billli and winter comfort, uer itr '
Mail Orders receive prompt
and careiul attention.
the circuit court of the itate of Oregon, for
Clackamas count;.
August Peters, 1
minim, '
vs. V Suit for DIv .ice.
Anna Peters, I
To Anna Peters, the above named defendant;
IN the name of the state of Oregon, yon are here
V... .. ! 1 ... .1 .1
ictjuhcu mj apytrar wiu au.wer .lie com
plaint filed igatnst yon In the above entitled suit
on or before Friday, October 27, 1899, that being
he last day of the publication of this summons.
This suit is brought to dissolve the marriage be
ween yourself and plaintiff; and if you fall to
ppear as above required, the plaintiff will apply
the court tor the relief domanded in said corn
Saint This summons Is published by order of Hon.T.
Ryan, county Judge of said 0 lackamaa county,
md dated September 12, 1899.
C. iCHUEBEL and V7. 8. U'RKN,
Attorneys for Plaintiff",
. Sealed bids will be received at the
clerk's office for repairing the Eagle
Creek bridge on the Currinsyille road an
follows: .
For a new approach at north end of
said bridge, 45 feet high and about 180
feet long; also one at south end 20 feet
high and about 36 feet long ; also two
undersills under north pier, main bent,
a d two under south bent; also two east
posts ou south bent to be spliced.
For Clear Creek bridge at hatchery :
Three bents under south end of bridge
and four under north end.
Bids will be opened on Thursday, Oc
tober 5th, 1809, at 2 o'clock p. m.
The board reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
By E. H. Cooper. Deputy.
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
T Charman to State Bd Sch
Com, 103,50 a sec 26, t 2 6, r 3
e.also 40 as in Lnswell elm .... $2834 75
S V Lewelling to F E Olson.blk
1 Milwaukie 150 00
U S to O Kyler, sj. sej, nej,
se, nej, Bee 8, 1 2 s, r 6 e. . 200 00
P Cauley to M M Egan, Its 7, 8 ,
blk 27, Oswego lf.00 00
V Stratton to M M Farrall, It
blk O O
all departments in SHANAHAN'S Biff Dry Goods Place, gathered
City patrons and priced with a view to winning more new friends from
ihe advantages ol trading where price aie always lowest, where cus
and where they will have their money refunded on all unsatisfactory
Where Best Values in Ladies'
and Children's Jackets and
Capes aie Obtainable.
Children's heavy mled Jackets In late shades,
fancy cape collars.trimmed with braid JO QC
and buttons, sale price VG.JJ
Babies' fancy colored eiderdown cloaks, entirely
lined with white flannel, large collars, Of fin
edged with Angora fringe, sale price. OI. UU
Ladles' new aealette eapes, full sweep, lined and
Interlined.faeeoollars.trlmmedwilh nn
Thibet fur, each $6.UU
Ladles' latest golf capes, double taped, J rft
hood aud fronts heavily fringed, each wO.vJU
Ladies' dark mixed cloth double-breasted J1 r ft
lullor-inade j lOkeU, each vl.OU
T.9t Tall fftr Ladles' dark or
Ladies' Wrappers .X! rjJJ
Ladles' dark flaunelelte wrappers in neat pat
tern!, stylishly made, with fitted lining, 7C
sale price, each iJU
Leslies' dark color French percale house gowns,
stylishly desigued aud biaid trimmed, gfjg
Extra heavy flannel aud eiderdown house (Towns
In latest colors, stylishly made and 1 CO
trimmed, ea-h , $1.DJ
PURSUANT to an execution Issued out of (he
circuit court of the lale of Oregon for the
county of Clackamas, of date September U, 1899,
upon a judgment and decree of foreclosure duly
rendered In laid court en July 26,le99,ln the case
of the Alliance Trust Company, Ld., plaintiff, vs.
J. A. Cbase, Annie A. Chase, his wife, Willamette
Land Company, a corporation, Charles K. Ladd,
Mrs. Cbas. . Ladd, his wife, Helen E. Yates, So.
phronia V. Levelling, The Security Savings
Trust Company,'a corporation, J. A. Cex, Char
lotte A. Rockwell, Lewis Rogers, Lucy Rogers,
Clara E. Morey, George A. Harding. K. O. Walden,
H. H. Johnson, George S. Batty, James Hodges,
Mary McGrath, I. Mulhew, W.W. Irwin, A.N.
Wright, W. H. Mandenrllle, V. O. Harding, Annie
R. McOlynn, McOhnn. Mvra F. Eastman.
lastman, EH' Lewelling, John Y. Both,
Franoes Roth, Frank A. Sleight, - Sleight, Lu
cius D Rockwell, Rockwell, Amanda M.
Newell, Newell, defendants, in favor of the
plaintiff and against the defendants, I will at 1:30
o'clock in the afternoon on the
aist Day of October, 1869,
at the front door of the court house In Oregon !
Uty, Oregon, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder for cash in hand, subject to redemp
tion, the premises in said decree described, being
situate in Clackamas county, state of Oregon, to
wit: -
Commencing at the northwest corner of the
northeast (neji) of the northwest quarter (nwW)
oi seuuon iweniy-eignt .'.), in township three (8) Jennie W. Reich, 1
south of range one (l)eestof the Willamette marl-1 .. - Plaintiff, I
iSTl uth 'ewo72'hlMn,llArmin a, f - -fifty
i50) links to a stone; thence north seventy- Defendant. J
eight (78) degrees and fifteen (15) -minutes east '
fortytwo (42) chains and fifty (60) links to a stake , To Armin H Eeloh' defendant'.
In middle line of the east half ()of section TNtlie name of the state of Oregon, you
twenty-eight (28); thence north along said middle
line seventy (0) chains and thirty (30) links;
uwuwv nec incu.j w WICMIIS, BOUU1 111
(6) chains to the sectiou line between sections
twenty-one (21) and twenty-eight (28); thence west
twenty (20) chains to the place of beginning, con
taining two hundred and eighty-five (285) acres!
excepting lots twenty-nine, thirty-five, fifty, fifty
four, fifty-five, flfty-six, ot Pruneland, aooording
to the duly recorded plat thereof; to satisfy the , weri Plainliffwill apply to the court for the re
sum of S5.31M.02. with lnti,re.t fmm .Tnto oa moo i lief as prayed in her complaint, to-wit; for a de
al the rale of 8 per cent per annum, and 1638.97
with interest from same date at 10 per cent per
annum, and 1 300 with interest from same date at
t pel cent pet aunumns attorney's fees, and the
Costs and disbursements of said suit, taxed at
142, and the costs of and upon this writ.
Dated September 19th, 1899.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon
Forest Reserve Lands.
I want to buy cheap lands within the
limits of any U. S. forest reservation. I
don't care how worthless they may be,
only titles must be perfect. Write" at
once, giving full particulars, to
J. H. Sharp,
Box 285, Duluth, Minnesota.
Current Cuts in....
merino drawers
Men's Department ssX 25c
Dark striped oheviot working '.shirts for OCn
men, special olferlug at - Jw
Men's fancy striped light colored over- OCfi
shirts now on sale at UJt
Men's fancy striped fine woe full finished IAa
aocka, per pair "'
Men's copper riveted leather suspenders, OR a
per pair..... JU
Come here for top values In Men's
and Boys' Clothing, Hats . and Caps,
Mackintoshes and Nectwear.
Get prices on latest plaid sepa
rate skirts, winter waist, fur collarettes
and tibbets, all of which you will find
here in the largest assortment.
Three Umbrella Leaders.
Children' heavy covered school umbrellas In
small sites, strong frames ana nauaies, Qq
each .
Ladies' steel rod umbrellas with fine twill
covering on sale now at
Men's extra site umbrellas, well covered, strong
frames, steel rods, natural or Congo nan
dies, each
Cor. First and Salmon Streets,
Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Emily Bamford,
Charles Bamford,
To Charles Bamford, Defendant;
TN the name ot the state of Oregon, you are here
by required to appearand answer the com
plaint Died herein In the above entitled court on
or before Monday, the 6th day of November, 1899,
the same being the first day of the next regular
term of said court in and for said county and
state; and it you fail so to appear and answer,
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for In the complaint, lo-wlt; for a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be
tween plaintiff and delendant on the grounds of
cruel and Inhuman treatment. -,
This summons is published by order of Hon.
Alfred F. Scares, Jr.. judge of the fourth judicial
district ot the state of Oregon.
I Dated September 11, 1899.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
Clackamas county.
hereby required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you In the above entitled
court and cause on or before Monday, the 6th day
of November, 1899, said day being the first day of
the next regular term of the circuit oourt within
abd for the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon,
and also the date fixed for your appearance and
answer by order of court for the publication of
this summons; and f you fall to so appear or an-
cree dissolving and annulling the marrlage.oon
tract now existing between plaintiff and defendant
and awarding to plaintiff the sole custody and
ooutrol of the minor child of the parties hereto,
namely, Irma Mary Reich, and for such other and
further relief as to the court may seem meet and
This summone is published In the Oregon City
Courier-Herald not less than once a week for six
consecutive weeks prior to said 6th day of No
vember, 1899, by order of Honorable Thomas F.
Ryan, judge of Ihe county court of said county of
Clackamas, made and entered on the 8th day of
September, 1899.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication Sept 15, 1899.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Ciaokamas.
Birdie Luella Jackson, 1
L.A. Jackson,
To L. A. Jackson, Defendant!
TN the named the state oi Oregon, you are here'
by required to appear in the above named
court and answer the comp a'ut filed therein
Against you in the above entitled cause on or be
fore the 4th day of November, A. D. lK'W, being
the date preacribed therefor by the court In the
order for the publication of this summons. Iu de
fault thereof, judgment will be entered against
you for want thereof. The relief demanded by
plaintiff In her said complaint is for a degree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing
between plaintiff and defendant, that plaintiff be
allowed to resume her maiden name, and for
such other and further relief as is Just and meet
In the premises,
The date of the first publication of this sum
mons is September 15, 1&)9, and this summons is
published by and pursuant to an order made by
the Hon. Thomas F. Kyan, judge of the county
court of the county of Clackamas, state of Ore
gon, on the 11th day of September, 1899, aud filed
herein. 0. H. DTE,
Attorney for Plaintiff. -
MOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the Hon. Thos
F. Ryan, judge of the county court of the state of
Oregon for the connty of Clackamas, administra
tor ot the estate of Fred S. Smith, deceased. All
pertons having claims against the said estate are
hereby required to present the same to the under,
signed, properly verified as bylaw required, at
my residence, near Oregon City, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof. .
, Administrate of the estate of
Fred S. Smith, deceased.
Datel this Utt day ot August, 1899.
4V M)
' I ' l I 'j
- In the Circuit Court of the 8taU of Oregon, to
the County of Clackamas. i
Bertha Brown,
Bobert Brown,
To Bobert Brown, defendant;
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby require t to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above ontltled suit
on or before the 16th day of October, 1899, that
being the time prescribed In the order for the
pnblicatlon of this summons, the date of the first
publication ot this summons being on the first
day of September, 1899; and if you fall to to ap
pear and answer, the plaintiff herein wilt apply
to the said oourt for the relief prayed fer In her
complaint, to-wlt; a Judgment against you and a..
decree dissolving the marriage contract now ex
isting between you and the plaintiff herein, and
for such other relief as to this honorable court
may seem proper.
This summons ts published by order of tho
Hon. Tho. F. Ryan, judge of the county court of
the state of Oregon, for Clackamas county, made
and entered on the 81st day of August, 1899,
Wii. Run,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas.
Mary L, Kallch, ' 1 "
Peter Kalioh,
Defendant. J
To Peter Kallch, defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the 16th day of October, 1899, that
being the time prescribed In the order for the,.
publication of this summons, the date of the first?
publication of this summons being on the first
day of September, 1899; and it you fail to so ap-.
pear and answer,. the plaintiff herein will apply
to the said oourt for tne relief prayed for In her
complaint; to-wit: a Judgment against you aud a
decree dissolving the marriage contract now ex
isting between you and the plaintiff herein, and
for such other relief as to this honorable oourt
may seem proper.
This summons is published by order of the Hon,
Thos. Pr Ryan, Ju 1ge of the county court of the
slate of Oregon, for Clackamas county, made and ;
entered on the 31st day of August, 1899.
Wm. Rmd,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Matilda Charman,
W. T. Whlttock, guardian Del
bert Newman, Bertha New
man, Bertie Newman, Min
nie Newman, Emma New
man, Max Newman, heirs of
H. V. Newman, deceasod, and
Emma Newman,
To tach and all of said defendants:
In the name of the state of Oregon, you an
each of you are hereby required to appearand
answer the complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit on or before the first day of
the next regular term of said clroult ootirt, to-wlt;
on Monday, November 6th, 1899; and If you fall
to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap
ply for the relief demanded in said Complaint,
io-wiii xne loreciosure oi a mortaazeof linn in.
lerest and costs, upon the southeast quarter of
section 6, township 4 south, range 5 east of the
Willamette meridian, in said oounty, nd a sal
of said premises to satisfy said demands.
This summons It published by order of thA
Hon. Thomas T. Ryan, Judge of the Bounty court
of said oounty, dated August 26th, 1899.
Dete of first publication. September 1st 1899,
C. D. c D. C. Laioubette. '
Attorneys for plaintiff.
JJOTICE Is hereby given that in pursuance of
an order of the connty court of Clackama
county, Oregon, duly made and entered of record
on the 5th day of September, lsas, i the matter
of the estate of Frederick Sievers, deceased 'I
the undersigned, will on the 7th day of Ootober'
1899, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., in front of
the court house door, iu Oregon CItv, Oregon
sell at public auction to the htghait bidder fo
cash in hanHpald, the southeast quarter of'seo
tlon 12, In township 2 south, "range 5 east of the
Willamette meridian, tn Clackama. county
Oregon, containing 160 acres of land.
Sep'smber 8th, 1899.
, E iecutrix of said estate.
H. F. Taoss,
Attorney for the estate.