Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 22, 1899, PART 1, Image 7

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    ftl.Qft BUYS A S3.50 SUIT
BRil Ail lr Intkt ntnuunflilVPWIP anw
. PIKtl K Pi Kit PAKT8 btlTS AT 81.08.
(REND NO MONEY, cat Uilaatl. ouland
wend to U8, aula age of boy and say whether
llarfte or itnai. lorage ana wi win aena yuii
ntbe twit by express, 0. 0. D. subject to ex
Jamination. 1 ou can examine It at your
J express ofliceand K found perfectly hatis
factory and equal to twits told la jwtr town tor
tt.&O pay yourexprese agent ear 8 peel at
I UDer I'rirv n.wn, mm viihihvd.
f THtStHMfl PANT SUITS are for boys to
I x. 1. voht-m of aire and ara retailed n(nhr al
Ijf 8.&0. Mode with DOl HLK BKAT and kKKfcS,
latest luuu aiji aa iiinairaies. Mass iron a
apeclal fees? welfbt, wear-rMlallaf, allwal
BianloaCaHlaiere. neat, handsome pattern.
fln Italian lining, eaufae tiraydoa Interlining, padding,
atailaa and rclaforelnfc, bilk and llaea aewlan;, San tailor- nad
throughout, a milt any boy or parent would be proud of.
rOK FKKK ( LOTH BAMPLK8 mt Hoy' llolhlag fur buy. 4 la
19YKAKS, write for Baaiple Bonk No. contains fnshioo
slates, tape measure and full Instructions how to order.
Men's Suite made to order from 5.00 up. ham
pies sent free on application. Address,
SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Chicago, III.
ttnn, Boelraek l' tn UMrMiklr rellibleHdilor.)
Judge T. F. Ryan
Clerk of Court '. Elmer Dixon
Sheriff t .. J. J. Cooke
Recorder '. ... T. P. Randall
Treasurer Jacob Shade
Assessor Eli William
School Superintendent N. W. Bowland
Surveyor Ernest Rands
Coroner .....M.G.Strickland
- , , I 8. F. Marks
Commissioners J R. Morton
: I R. Soott.
Deputv Clerk .... K. H.Cooper
" (sheriff ". . J.E.Jack
" Recorder , . ; Ed. Pedman
" Superintendent .." ... Mrs. G. M. Strange
" Assessor ..J.U. Porter
County Court meets on first Wednesday after firs
Monday ot every month.
Probate Court meets on first Monday of every
Clronit Court meets on third Monday in April and
rat Monday In November
Mayor f. D. Latourette
Recorder., .Bruce C. Curry
Chief of Police.,... .C.X. Bums
Treasurer . H. E. Straight
City Attorney . A. S. brcttser
Street Commissioner J. C. Bradley
Sup't. of Water Works W. H. Howell
City Engineer H. H. Jolmsou
Councllmen R. Koerner, J, W". Powell, Frank
Busch and 0. Bchuebel of First Ward; E. E.
Charman, C. G. Huntley, A. W. Millnand Fred
Metzner of Second Ward,
Council nueU first Wfdnesdayof each nionlh.
Wjfh Bend you our celebri. led La BKKTA 4JL1TAH by
r express U. u. ll., aubjeat to ex annual tun it IB a
genuine La Berta American made instrument of
great oeauiy, perieci roaewooa nnun, very
ighlr polished. Handsomely Inlaid around
aound hole and Inlaid stripe In bark, celluloid hound
top edge. FinKerboard accurately fretted with
rataed freta, inlaid pearl position dota. American
made patent bead, and finest nickel plated lallpleee. .
a REGULAR S8.00 CUJTAR, powerful and sweet
rat-oneu, lurniMiea rojnpiero wim an enr
B'r beat quality ate I string ana a ramam insirua
i.loa nonk wnicn teacnes anyone now lujyiay.
KXAJMNKTHK t. LIT AH at your express mre
and If found exactly as represented and
(the frrealrat barftain you ewaw or beard of
pay the express aent $3.63 baa I0,
or 8. 1ft and exprena cfaanc-i and the com
plete outlit la vours. Satisf action guar-
anliuMl nr mnnpv rafiinrlf'll In full.
cash in full we will give a Lettered Fingerboard Chart. It
in an accurate guide, having all notes, with sharps and
flats in full view, and can be ea ily adjusted to any
guitar without changing the Instrument. With the use
of the lettered fingerboard anyone can learn to play
without the aid of a teacher. Write for free musical
Instrument and piano and organ catalogue. Everything
at loweat wholesale nrlfrs. Address,
(Man, Koebuek Co, u tkeroablr reiUblfc UlUr.)
the Shasta Route
lixpress Trains Leave Portland Tally.
n lotilh.
:00 P.M. Lv
":52 P. M. Lv
7:4Ji A.M. Ar
5:00 P.M Ar
i5p.m. AC
6:40 a.m. Ar
8:15 p.m. Ar
7:00 a.m. Ar
8:15 p.m. Ar
4:15 p.m. Ar
7:55 A.M. Ar
1 North.
Portland . Ari 0 16a.v
OreKon City Lv 8'il5 a . H
San Francisco I.v 816 p.k
Ogden Ar I 1 :10 P.M
Denver I.v I 6:45 p.M
innaha Ar 8:60 in
Chicago Lv 6:30 a.h
Los Alleles Ar 9:25 p.M
El Paso Ar 2-.:Vi p.M
Fort Worth Ar 8:40 A.M
. New Orleans Ar 8:40 pt
Pullman First class and Tourist Onra ,
attached to all through trains.
:80a.m. . Lv Portland Ar4:.r0p.H
8:20a.m. Lv Oregon City Lv S:84p.n
a0P. m. I Ar Roseburg Lv I 7:8 A M
7:30 A.M. I Lv Portland Ar5:50P.M
11:65 A.M. Ar Corvallis Lvl:20P.M
At Albany and CorvaltlR connect with train
of Oregon Central & Eastern R. R.
4:50 P. M.
:S0 P. M.
Lv . Portland Ar 1 8:25 A.M
Ar McMlnnvllle Lv I 5:50 A.M
Ar Independence Lv 4:60 A.M
Direct connection at Son Francifco Willi
Steamship Lines for Hawaii, Japan, Inina, the
Philippines and Australia.
For through tickets ana rates call on or address
E. E. BOYD, Agent, Oregon Cttj
Manager, ti. F. A P. Agent,
Portlnnd, Or. Portland, Or.
From rortand.
Salt Lak, Denver,
1:4a p. n
Ft Worth. Omana,
Kansas City, St
LouU, Chisago,
and Eaat.
Ian, amnaapo.
111, It, Paul, Dtt
lath. Mllwankw,
eV) ai Jtaat
all wtmr lv. im-
M;0 -
IX. tuaday
ff AttorU and Way
to-Citr. Fw
7:00 a. m.
WNImimH and Vm
aft4 Pri.
mm RIWfqM
toe, a war 1
:00 a.m.
fnHMMav ahsn.
4Jt . m.
Tees.. Tbat.
ail. -
2:30 a. m.
: .!!.
& MAUDOOjt, A!, Oietoa .
PURSUANT loan execution issued out of the
circuit court of the state of Oregon for the
county of Clackamas, of date September ,
1809, upon a Judgment and decree o( foreclosure
duly rendered in said court on June 10, 1899, in
the ease of William P. Lord, as governor, H. R.
Kinoaid, as secretary of state, and Phil Metsehan
as treasurer, as the board of commissioners for
the sale of sohool and university lands and for
the investment of the funds arising therefrom,
as plaintiffs, against D. W. Howard, Ella How
ard, M. E. Moore, C. 0 T. Williams and Mary J.
Williams, H. K. Stogsdill as administrator of the
esta'e of A. O. SU gfdill, deceased, defendants, in
favor of plaintiff ind defendant H. K.StogsdiU as
administrator and against the remaining defend
ants, I will at I o'clock In the afternoon on the
aiat Day of October, 1899,
at the front doer of the court house in Oregon
C Ily Oregon, sell at publio auction to the high
est binder for cash in hand, subject to redemp
tion, the premifes In paid decree of foreclosure
defcribid, btlng situate in Clackamas county
tale of Oregon, to-wil :
That certain parcel of real estate described as
heolnnlne at the southeast corner of the v. i. u
of C.Pendleton and wife, No. 58, In township 8
south, ranee 1 east of the Willamette meildian
thenoe north tracing Ihe east boundary of said
claim 20.42 chains: thence west tracing the diviS'
ion line of said claim 60.00 chains to the Molalla
rivor; thence up said river following Ihe center
thereof to where the same intersects the south
boundary line of the claims thence east 52 56
chains tracing the boundary line to the place of
beirinnlnp. containing 92 acres.
Also beginning eight chains west of the south
east corner of Ihe north half of the nonnwesi
quarter of section 29 In township 8 south, range 1
east "of the Willemelte merlflian; thence north SO
degrees west 4.05 chains! thence north 10 degrees
west one chain; thence north 28 degrees wesU7
chains: thence north 5 degrees east 18 chains to
the southeast comer of the Deardorff land:
thenoe north 53 deareeswest 5.67 chains; thence
north 2& minutes east 5.40 chains; thence north
84 deereeswe-st 6.14 chains; thence north 6 de
grees east 11 chains: thence north 65 degrees eaM
to Ihe interaction rf the meander of the Wil
lamette rlvfrt Ihence up fatd river to a point nn
said river 7 87 chains west of the wet tonndary
of sfctlon20: thrnce south 31.64 chains; thence
east 7 .71 chains to the southeast corner of the
northeast ouarter of section 19; thence south 60
chains: thence esst 81.60 chains to the place of
Aho beginning at a point 8.50 chains west of
the fenthcast oorn t of th north half or tne
northwest ounrter of section 29, township 8 south
ranee" l east; thence with the roeandersof the
Molalla river north SO deerees west 4.05 chains
Hience north 10 degrees west o-e chain; thence
north 28 degrees west 17 Chains; thence north 5
degrees east 18 chains; Ihence eaat on Ihe north
boundary of the south half of the southwest
quarter of f ectlon 20 to the division line between
the southwest quarter and the southeast quarter
of section 20; thence south to Ihe scuih boundary
of the north half of tho northwest quarter of sec
tion 29: Ihence west 8.50 chains to the place of be
Also beginning al a point 26.81 chains south of
the northeaBt corner of the said C. Pendleton D,
L. C 1 thence west 27.85 chains; thence north
1.35 chains; thenoe west 21.25 chains to the Mol
alla river; thence southerly up said river to the
line dividing Ihe north half from the south half
of said D. L. C; thence east on said division lire
about CO chains to the east boundary of the claim
thence north to the place of beginning.
Also beginning at a point 33.81 chains south aud
50 chains west of the northeast corner of said D.
L. C; Ihence north 8.53 chains; thence west 10.90
chains; thence north 6.28 chains: thence west
lti.7!i chains; thence south 13.81 chains; thence
enst 26 79 chains to the place of beginning. All of
said land lying and being In Clackamas county,
Oregon, and containing 438 acres.
lo satlFfy the sum of 15173.17 with Interest from
June 10, 1800, at ihe rate of 8 percent per annum.
and the further sum of 1200 as attorney's fees
with interest from same dale at the rate of 6 per
cent per annum, and the furthjrsnm of J877.35
wi'h Inrerwit from llw 7. 1"7, at Ihe rate of 8 per
cent per animui. aril the further sum of f5 as at
torney's f'cs with interest from June 10, 1899, at
the rate of 6 per cent' per annum, all In United
Stales gold coin, and Ihe costs and disbursements
of said suit, taxed al 121, nd Ihe costs of and
upon said writ.
Ardpnrmpnt to said decree I will Ml flist the
four Trrels of Isrd shoVe described : f con", the
undivided svf n eiehths of the paroel of land frst
above drsc'rthed: third, an undivided one-elf hth
of thejraroe of Und frst dcscrlbei",
.1. ,T. COOKE,
Sheriff of ClacksmaB Counly. Oregon,
Dated September 21. 1809.
f 'In the Circuit Court of the Plnle of Oregon, for
tile County uf Clackaniss.
Charles F. Rowan.
Plaintiff 1
vs. 4r-
Knllto Rrnrnn
To NelltoJTtowsn, said reftrdent:
In the name of the Ftale of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com.
plaint filed againsl yon In the above ntitltd suit
by the 6th "y rf November, 1? PP. n1 if you fail
to answer, for want thereof the p'alpllff will rp
plyto thecenrt for a decree fn'ever dlssolvirg
thelmnds of matrlrconv now txlstirg between
the plaintiff and defendsntsnd for costs and dis
burse ments herein,
This snn-mons was ordered published hy Hon
Thos. F. . Rve n. county Jngp of Clackamas
county, Oregon, on the 21st day of September,
Flrat publication September 22, 1899.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
CUt WW aa. out iiu bviiu y ui
UM0 RU mud! ana we win nhu
you thia watch by expreaa, C. O. D.
subject to examination. You caa
lanune it i our prv"
Ud if found BrMMl7 aaMafaa
ry, eiauiy aa repreaeaiea aaa
awry vaf eaaai to watchM
thai ara Diaf aavemaeaai
91. ll ta tB. 7t under mcb
muieaouiK aeacripuonp
aa Klffla btjU, Aaterkaa
Ml tit, ttala Pilled or Uak
rilled WaAafcaa, aU. If
you And It the ftqual or
better than any of then
watches, pa? iba aiprtaa
aiMf oti ritiri,
and axpreu charge.
Don't to Deceived
rXv C- r T am; Mfvmiaewaia
' Am which woaldleadyou to
tiA.aO ar IM.M wiWt
fee tl. Tt to . t, wnea w mR taasaaa wale far .4t.
OUR $2.45 WATCH cM or mrvm m
raafO. tf, stem wind nd Ht.f !, hnKir.
fv .nrmved and polished, lit. blgk -frM. nil .IU4
Hi I. . fiat tnAiml .u. mov.menl ! Uck.I T-)ewtl-m1
.tem wind American, warranted, and a good tlin
keeper. V.r duta fnm u mr. f-K-SIU. ntekM
S. It u ar, WHU lirtn. W.M tmt smlrrCM.MfM.
SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. (Inc.), Chicago
0mn, Mmk SC.M mntj wlliSI. SMIIM )
Job Printing at tne
Alger has withdrawn from the race for
United States senatorin Michigan.
Labor unions have ordered all work in
connection with the Chicago fall festival
stopped. , . - :
Privates Damphoffer and Conine will
hot receive executive clemency, but will
be shot for their crimes.
John G. Johnson, of Peabody, Kan.,
has been executive officer of the demo
cratic natioual committee.
A case of smallpox has developed in the
Tliirt-first infantry, and the regiment
did not sail for Manila Tuesday, as sche
duled. China has protested .through our min
ister, Wu Ting-Fang, againct the Chin
ese exclusion order of Geaeral Otis, in
force in the Philippines.
Representative Dalzell. of Pennsyl
vania, says tnat tunn tne senate ana
house will present bills in regard to cur
rency legislation at the next session of
In the event of hostilities in South
Africa, the Boers will confiscate mines
owned by British subjects.
President Kruger has been informed
that he will receive no help from Ger
many in the event of the war with Great
Britain. ' . . ,
Lewis county, Wash., is to have a new
Sheepmen must be off the Ranier for
est reserve, Washington, by September
Wednesday the fall term of Pacific
university, at Forest Grove, was opened.
There was an increased attendance.
The body of an unknown man was
found on the Southern Pacific track in
Albany yesterday. It had been run oer
by a train.
Sheriff Farley, of Monterey county,
Oal , was shot and killed Tuesday by
GetTge Caesar, whom he was trying to
arrest for arson. . 1
At a lumber yard fire in Lbs Angeles
yesterday, three man were injured, two
of them, George Knowlton and James M,
Bieter, itlly.
O. N. Peck, a prominent farmer living
near Lexington, Morrow county ,Or., died
Monday from hemorrhage' of thhin;8.
The neighbors thought he had smallpox,
became frightenad and refused to biny
him, and two physicans performed the
task unaided.
' Chrit-tian Stietice servicts are held in
Willamelti hall every Sunday morning
at llo cloolt. Huoject lor bunuay, Sep.
24th, "Unreality." Sunday tcliool at
12 :10. Wednesday evening meeting at
8 o'clock. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to hll who desire to attend these
The latest uolf hut at Miss Gold
The latest millinery, and prices Ihe
best at Miss Goldsmith's.
WANTED We will pay $12.00 a week
salary to either a man or woman to rep
resent the Midland Monthly Magazine
as subscription solicitor. The Midland
is the same size as McClures or the Cos
mopolitan. It is now in its sixth year
and is the only Magaaine of this kind
published in the great Central West.
A handsome premium given to each sub
scriber. Send 10 cents for a copy of the
Midland and iMmium list to the Twen
tieth UENTUKY I'UBLlSillNO V.O., ot.
ouis, Mo.
22-Inch barrel, weight 4 pounds.
Carefully bored ana tested. For
a2, .25 and .32 rim-fire cartridges.
No. 17.
'Plain Open Sights, $6.00
No. 18.
'Target Sights, $8.50
Ask your dealer for the FAVO
RITE." If he doesn't keep it we
will send, prepaid, on receipt of
- Send stamp for complete cata
logue showing our full line, with val
uable Information regarding rifles
and ammunition in general.
P.O. Box "la
js trac-c MAPma
''tttO CrriD.KT.aa.
Abvoiw ieit iMab aaul etwaMM aaaf
Etlokht aatt.ua ar
rwittfil. trabaMf
mm mutmr mrDMmmtl
i mv iww.if
Hgl fne. OlaW jas y for mm
mmtot astitt. w.w ta I
Scieciific ilztmx
,J Uakes Down."
Rearnlar September Termor the Connly
8. F.
Marks, chairman; J. B. Morton
R. Scott, commtaaionera.
(Continued from last week)
In the matter of the report of viewers
on the petition of J A btromgreen, et al
for a county road. In the matter of the
report of John Lewellen, U H Guttridge
and A Lacey, viewers appointed at the
last term of this board to view and locate
a county road situated in Clackamas
county, Oreuon, described in'full on page
211 of' this journal, said iewers tiled
their report showing that they bad met
ou the 25th day of August, a day named
in the notice served upon them and were
duly sworn hy subscribing to a written
oath ot office administered by J V
Meldrum, the deputy county surveyor,
after which they proceeded to the
designated place and did view and cause
to be surveyed by said deputy couuty
surveyor, the above described road.
They also filed the field notes and plat of
the survev. Said viewers report favor
ably to the establishing ot said road as
viewed and surveyed for the reason that
it is a good, practical route and of public
utility. . ,
In the matter of the petition of Wil
liam Brobtt, et al, for a countv road.
In the matter of the petition filed by
William Btoabst and tnoie than 12
householders of the county living in the
vicinity of the road described in the
petition, and prayinii viewers to be ap
pointed to view and locate a county road
situated in Clackamas county, Oregon
described as follows: - Beginning at the
sw corner of land helonging to Elihen
Hines in sec 30, 1 3 s r 1 w, Jot the Wil
lamette meridian ; thence east on the
division line of Eliheu Hines and 8
Edmtnston on one side and 0 Kleiser,
F Kleiser, A Johnson and C A Hines on
the oiher side to the section line between
sections 29 and 30; ihencH south on said
section line to the north line uf laud be
longing to William Mcintosh ; ihence on
aid line to the ne corner of . said land ;
thence S on the eai-t side of said laud to
a stake marked "A" near the W bauk
of ac.nyonj thence E- about 80 feet to
a stake marked "B" (or to be decided
hy the viewers); thence in a southerly
direction around the brow of a hill to a
stake marked "0", 8 feet fiom the
center line of county road and a little
eaat of east end of bridge on said county
road to a stake marked "D", thence in
a southerly direction to a stake marked
"E" thence in a northeasterly direction
to a st like, marked "F", last named stake
being situated four chains, three rods
Masterly from the se corner of land be
1 maing to Mrs.. Mcintosh, a public land
ing place on the river bank. Said pe
titioner filed his affidavit of notices
posted respecting said road, showing
that there had been posted: One on
the court house bulletin board and three
or the most public places in the vicinity
of the proposed road more than 30 days
prior to ihe presentation ol the petition.
He also filed a bond for $100 conditioned
acrling to law. The board being
mil V advised, it is ordered 'that S M
Kelso, Grant L'chenthaler and Char'e-
ilansen be and are hereby appointed
Viewers to meet at place of beinnim on
the 27th mat and subscribe to a written
oath of office administered by J W
Meldrum, a skillful surveyor, he being
appointed by the hoard to survey said
oad, before proceeding to. view and
locate said road and report in writing at
the next regular term of this boatd.
In the matter of the application of
the Willamette Pulp and Paper Co for a
return of amount paid on taxes errone
ously. This matter coining on to be
heard npun application of the Wil
lamette Pulp & Paper Co, for a return of
17 75, being amount of taxes paid by
said company upon property described
on page 469, line 13 of tax roll of 1898,
as p irt of Champion Pendleton D L C in
sections 29, 3. and 33, t a s, r 1 e, con
sisting of 100 acres. And it appearing to
the board that said assessment was er
roneous and that said sum of $7 7o was
paid by said Willamette Pulp and Paper
Co in error and further that said property
was properly assessed on pugs CiMi, lino
1, 10 and 11 of said tax roll (or 1898, and
that the taxes for 1898 have . been paid
thereon ; on motion of Hedges & Griffith
it is ordered that the clerk of this hoard
issue to the said Willamette Pnlp&
Paper Co, a warrant for said sum ol
$7 75.
In the matter of the report of viewers
in the petition of W 8 Lawton et al for a
counly road. In Ihe matter ot the re.
port of J 8 Risley, A W Cooke end R 8
McLaughlin, viewers, appointed at the
last term of this board to view and locate
a county road situated in Clackamas
county, Oregon, described on page 182
of this journal, said viewers filed their re
port showing on the z inst, a day named
in the notice served upon them and were
duly sworn by subscribing to a written
oath ot omce adminlotereu by J w fliei
drum, the deputy county surveyor, after
which they proceeded to the designated
jnuue aim uiu yiew auu cause tu va nur
veyed by said deputy county surveyor.
the above described road. They also
mea toe held notes .and plat ot the sur
vey. Said viewers reported favorably to
the establishing of said road as viewed
ana surveyed, lor the reafons that it is i
good, practical route and of public utility
provided that the city build the road to
the city limits. It appearing to the
board that there are two remonstrances
and petitions of damages filed, and the
board not being fully advued, it is or
dered that the matter be laid over until
the October term of this board, the
connty to pay expenses of survey as
follows to wit.
A W Cooke.... t 3 00
F 8 Risley 3 20
R 8 McLaughlin... 3 30
E E Charman 2 00
CWPope.... 2 00
John Meldrum 12 20
Total .'...$20 30
The following further proceedings In
the matter of the John Ferguson road were
had and it appearing to the board that
there la no remonstrance or petition for
damages tiled, and being satisfied that
aid road will! hn of nnhlic utility, ifls
ordered and adjndged tbat the field notes
and plat ot said inrvev be recorded and
in all respecta approved and that said
view and survey be established aa a
connty road and tbat the expenses of
said view and survey be paid by Clacka
mas connty and the clerk ia hereby or
dered to issue tb. necessary notice to
, supervisor of the district or district in
which said road lies to open and work the
wine, I
VI H Riebhoff. .$3 00
W r Kirchem 00
CE Srjence 3 70
I M Norris 2 00
C Ferguson 2 00
folm Ferguson 2 00
John W Meldrum 5 00
Total.. ............... .......$2020
The following further proceedings were
had in the matter of the petition of J. A.
Stromgreen for a county toad. It ap
pearing to the board that there is no re
monstrance or petition for damages filed,
and being satisfied that said road will be
of public utility it is ordered and adjudged
that the field notes and plat of said sur
vey be recorded and in all respects ap
proved, and that said view and sum v
be established an a county road, and
that the expense of said view and survey
be established aa a county road, pro
vided the surveyor corrects .the error
made in his reports and his report of
viewers is now laid over until the Octo
ber term of thU board for said correction
to be made. . 1
John Lewellen .. .... '. .$ 5 60
0 H Guttridge 5 60
A Lacy 6 60
J A Stromgreen 4 00
Ola Hansen 4 00
Carl Stromgreen ,. 4 P0
John W Meldrum 15 20
Total f44 00
In the mutter of the petition of John
Sims for vacation of "East End Avenue"
in Sims subdivision of lots 3 aud 4, block
14 in B.irlow's First Addition to Karlow.
Now comes John Sims, petitioner, above
by his attorney H Ji Gross and presents
the petition in writing asking for the va
cation of Enst End Avenue in what is
known as Sims subdivision of lota 3 and
in block 14 in Barlows first addition to
Barlow situated in section 5, tp 4 s. r l.e
of the Willamette meridian in Clackamas
countv, Oregon. Ana it appearing to
ihe board that due notice of the pen-
leni'V of this petition and application
was duly posted upon the premises to be
vacated more than 30 days prior thereto,
nd that the petitioner is the owner ot
more than two-thirds -of the property in
said addition, and no objections being
ade.it is ordered and decreed that the
prayer of the petitioner be granted, and
bast End Avenue is hereby vacated.
In the matter of the ' petition of E B
Albright, et al, for the vacation of a
county road. In the matter of the pcti-
ioii bl6d by t, a Albright and more man
12 house holders living in the vicinity of
the road described in the petition and
praying viewers to be appointed to view
nd vacate a county road in uiacKamax
counly Oregon described in full as foh
lows: commencing in tne center or tne
Gribble pairie and Noland's mill rod
t the 8 W corner of the Eliza Weddle
D L C running thence in a south
nti westerly direction along said road to
the 8 E corner of the A Marquam DLO
in tp 6 a, r 1 e of Willamette meridian,
Clackamis counly Oiegbn. Said peti
tioner riled his alia lavit of notices posted
respecting said road, showing that there
had been posted ; one on the court house
bulletin board, and thiee in .three of the
most public places in vicinity of the pro
posed road more than 30 dajs prior to
the presentation of this petition. Heal
so filed a bond for 1100 conditioned ac-
ording to law. The board being fully
advised, it is ordered that Nick liirtchett,
William Bird and Samuel Irons be and
re hereby appointed viewers to meet at
the place of beginning on Monday, the
2nd day of October, 1899, and subscribe
to a written oath of office administered
by J W Meldrum, deputy county sur
veyor, (he being appointed by the board
to survey said road) before proceeding to
view and vacate said road and report in
writing at the next regular term of this
lu the matter of the report of bicycle
path supervisors for August, 1890, the
board having examined said reports and
being fully satisfied, it is ordered that
the clerk be authorized to draw warrants
on the bicvele fund for the several
amounts and in favor of the following
named pet sons:
E II Cowing 1 00
H B Gillman 9 0
; H Buitemiller 9 00
Fred Hargreaves 9 00
It Seaver 9 00
OWWill 8 25
E W Bumnell 9 00
R 8 JackBon 9 00
W Rardin 9 00
Fred Iiimler 7 20
E Hiuiler 8 25
H Jackson 2 50
H Fauhion 7 00
P B Miller..... 7 CI)
Broetje 3 00
F Hetzler.. 4 50
Barnhard .., 76
Fred Himler 1 20
R 8 Jackson 6 75
Barnhaid so
O Wissinger 4 25
E A Smith 14 00
Total ....1139 90
In the matter of the petition ol Stella
M Ohlsen for vacation of 30 feet road in
"Clackamas Fruit Lands." Now comes
Stella M Oblsen by her attorney and
presents her petition in due form asking
for the vacation of said "30 foot road,"
and it appearing from the said petition
that two thirds of Ihe property in
said addition is represented in said
petition ; that due and proper notice has
been given of the pendency of this peti
tion as by law required, and the board
being fully advised, it is ordered and de
creed that said "30 foot road" be and
the same is hereby vacate d.
In the matter of the petition ol ha
Beach for a lax rebate. Now comes
said M A Beach before the board, and
asks for a rebate of taxes on an erro
neous assessment for 1898, and the board
bains fullv advised in the premises it is
ordered that said rebate be granted less
the state and special school tax.
M A Beach i 70
In the matter of the request of 8 W
Hardesty for a rebate or extension f
his 1898 countv taxes. The board being
fully advised in the matter, it is ordered
that said reauest be denied.
In the matter of county physicians
report for August, it ia oidered by the
board tbat said report be accepted and
placed on file.
In the matter of the bond and petition
of Martin Mussig for a ferry license
serosa the Willamette river at Boone'i
ferry, and a reduction of said license
mm so to 13 oer annum. This matter
enminir on to he heard and the board
being full? advised. It ia ordered tbat
said license be granted and bend be ac
cepted, license to be at the old rate of
$6 per annum.
In the matter of the report of viewer
on the individual petition of A T How-
1 tnd for resurvey of the first mile of the
0 tginal Uong road
State of Oregon, Connty of Clacka
mas, ss. We, the undersigneu having
been appointed to review and cause t
be resurveyed and report upon the first
mile ol the original Long road, would re
spectfully report that we met at the
place of beginning on August 16, 1899,
at 10 o'clock a. m. and after having sub
scribed to an oath administered by the
deputy county surveyor, proceeded to
review such road, and cause to be re
surveyed, a route in accordance with
the accompanying map and field notes.
Owing to the difficulty in re locating the
angle points, we have found it necessaiy
to consume more time than otherwise
vould have been required, and we be
lieve the route as herein repotted is
practically consistent with the original
survey of ttie Long road, a practical route
of great public ntility.and we recommend
its establishment as a county road, it is
ordered and adjndged t tat tne tieid notes
and plat of said survey be recorded and
is in all respects approved a county road,
and ttiat the expenses of said view and
survev be paid by Oltiekamascounty.
Robert Brown $ 4 60
John Darling ......... .... 4 60
John Dixon 4 60
JohnL Evans . 4 00
Alfred 8 Howland 4 00
DT Meldrum... .. 4 00
John W Meldrum 12 60
' Total 38 40
In the matter of a resurvey of a portion
of the Oregon City and Hardhorabble
road. Only two of "said viewers having
met with tiie county surveyor to view
said road, thin not being able to make a
leg tl report, it is ordered by the boatd
that they be oidered to meet again at
the place of beginning of said road on
Ihe and that A Brewer be appointed
in place of C tt Foster, . who has twice ,
failed Jo act, and view sid change in the
Oiegon City and Hardscrabhle road, and
teport in writing attthe next regular
term of the Jioaui
H S O Phelps. ......42 80
Geo ge Randall.,. ..... 2 30
J.jhii W Meldrum ". . 5 10
In the matter of the reports of viewers .
on tho petition ot August una tor a
hinge in .the Currinsvillu and Eagle .
Creek road s ... . , , . ..-....
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
We. the undersigned having been ap- f
pointed to view and cause to be surveyed
and Teport on the practicability of a
mnge in the road leading Irom iagie
Creek bridge to intersect ttie new grade '
on the Panly road near August Lins,
also upon . the advisability of vacating '
parts ot certain roads,' would respectiuily
report that we met at the place of be
ginning at 10 o'clock a m ou, September
I, 1899, and after having subscribed to '
an oath administered hy the county sur-
veyor, proceeded to view such road, and
Cause to be surveyed a route in accord- '
ancewith the accompanytrg map and
field notes We have also viewed. the
parts of roads proposed to be vacated.
We find suuh route practicable for a good
wagon road, and such roan to oe ot
great public utility; we therefore rec
ommend that, the road be established as
a county road and parts of other roads
be vacated as prayed for. It is there
fore ordered I hat said report be accepted
and the expense of said view and sur
vey be paid by Clackamas county.
J E Burnett 2 30
James Simpson 2 20
August tiarger 1
W 11 Duncan "1 20
August Linn 2 08
John W Meldrum 11 40
Total 22 1Q
In the matter of claims for bounty on
scalps of wild animals. The board being '
fully advised in ttie premises the follow
ing claims for bounties on wild animal
scalps were allowed :
G B Linn ? un
Francis M Baker 18 08
Adolph Ascholr 2 (10
F J Walkley 4 08
Seth Austin .... 14 00
Total.! MS 00
In the matter of the reports of officers
for the month of August, 1S')9, the board
having examined the reports of officers
for the month of August, 1899, and being
fully advised, it Is ordered ttiat the same
he and are hereby approved. Tho re
ports show collections as follows, to wit; .
Clerk $178 50
Recorder 131 50
In the matter of the mileage and per
diem of the countv commissioners for
the September term, 1899, it is ordered
by the board that their mileage, and per
diem for the September term, shall be as
follows to wit i
8 F Marks ..$H 60
R Morton U
R Scott 10 SO
Total 33 49
In the matter of repairing the Eagle
Creek and Clear Creek bridges, it ia
ordered by the board that the clerk ad
vertise for bids for repairing the Ea(rle
and Clear creek bridges aa follows to wit:
Eagle creek, two approaches, north, one
about 45 feet high and 180 feet long;
south, on- about 20 feet high and 30 teet
long; two mud sins unuer norm pier,
main bent; two muu nu uuum uum
bent ! two E posts on 8 bent to be spliced.
Clear creek, at hatchery, three bents on
south end and 4 bents on north end.
Bids to be opened on 'lhursday, uctooer
6tn, at 2 o'clock p. m. me board re
serving the right 10 reject amy aim mi
b'ln the matter ol Mrs. Ronald's bill for
. i - i i ... .1,.
care oi paupers, w uiuorou uy
board the balance ol laid bill he allowed.
Mil II O Ronald '-'0 00
In the matter of the illegal aasessment
of school property In school district No.
34, the board being fully advised in
the matter, it is ordered that the
sheriff cancel the 1808 taxes sssefse
against fractional lots, 2 and 3, block 15.
Bolton, as said lots are the property of
school district No. 34, and not subject to
In the matter of the contract of Cosper
& Cumins, tor plank on the Molalla road,
it is ordered by the boaru mat in cier
notify Cosper & Gumma, mat mey uiu
commence at once to saw said plank ac
cording to their contract. '
In the matter oi tne uiegai '"
ol lot 3, block 10, Marshfield. The board
being fully ad vised in ine maiwu ,
ordered that the iheriff cancel the taxes
on lot 3, block 4. Marshfield, as aaid lot
is publio property, and therefore not
ubjet taxation.