Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 22, 1899, PART 2, Page 14, Image 14

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north line of claim No. 68,
thence north 83 degrees, 34 min
utes west on said north line
, 11.70 chains to county road,
, thence south 42 degrees west
, along county road to south line
t of claim, thence easterly along
; wild south line to beginning, ex
cept 4 acres, book 43, page 133,
sections 27, 28, 29, 30, Tp. 2 south,
range 2 east, 4.50 acres 6
Broughton, George Beginning on
aouth line of claim No. 58, Tp. 2
' south, range 2 east, south 82 de
grees, east 67 feet from Intersec
tion of said claim line with line
, between sections 29 and 30 I
said Tp. and range, thence
1 , north 82 degrees, west 10.58
. chains to Willamette river.
thence north 13 degrees, east ,
8.12 chains, thence north 7 de- '
Trees 36 minutes, west 1.56 ,
chains to north bank of Aber
nathy creek, thence north 73 de
grees 13 minutes, . east 2.80
chains, thence south 27 degrees
40 minutes, east 3.75 chains,
thence south 59 degrees, east
8.40 chains, thence north 5 links,
thence south 68 degrees, east
1.50 chains, thence north 65 de
grees, east to a point due north
of the beginning, thence south
to beginning, sections ti, a, a
anil 30 Tn.' 2 south, run ire i east.
3.50 acres I S2
Johnson, H. H. Beginning at
northwest corner of land de-' ,.
scribed In book 43, page 363,
thence east 15.15 chains, thence
south 85 degrees, west 3 chains' -
' to north line of Donation Land '
Claim No. 44, thence easterly on '
said line to a point south of .;
beginning, thence north to the V
beginning, sections 27, 28, 29, '
DO, Tp. 2 south, range 2 east, 10
acres 6
OF NO. bU HAltAri MCK-lXNljJil, u.
h. C., N. Vi OF NO. 57.
Proderlek, Ella Beginning at most
westerly corner of claim No. 60,
Tp. 2 and 3 south, range 2 east,
on right bank of Willamette
river, thence south 45 degrees
eiist to intersection of claim and
Tp. line, thence east to line of
second bluff, thence to south
west corner of a tract of land
described In book O, page 512,
thence northwesterly along said
tract to O. & C. R. R., thence
southwesterly with said railroad
mid the Willamette river to be
ginning, undivided of land
above described, section 31, Tp.
2 south, range 2 east, 15.50 acres. 14 80
A. P. SMITH'S D. L. C. NO. 63.
FranclH, Thomas W. Beginning at
a point on section line between
sections 4 and 5, Tp. 2 south,
ninge 2 east, 1318.07 feet north
from point where north line of
AV. T. Matlock's Donation Land
; f'laim Intersects said section
line, said point being at south
east corner of Morning Side,
I I hence north 86 degrees. 30 min
utes west along north line of
Gilbert tract of 544 feet, thence
southerly and parallel with said
section line between sections 4
and 5, TO) feet to a point 20 feet
northerly from and at right an
irles from the north line of O.
f & U. R. R. Company's right of
I -way, thence south 72 degrees
S7 minutes east, parallel with
1 and 20 feet northerly from said
I north line of said right of way
BB8.X feet to section line between
sections 4 and 5, thence north
along said section line 893.6 feet
to beginning, sections 8, 9, 5,
Tp. 2 south, range 2 east, 10
A. P. SMITH'S D. L. C. NO. 63.
Terwadow, Susan Beginning at a
point In the west boundary line
of claim No. 63. Tp. 2 Bouth,
range 2 east, which point is
231 1-3 rods north of southwest
corner of said A. P. Smith's Do
nation Land Claim, thence
north 107 rods, tracing west
boundary line of the A. P.
Smith Donation Land Claim to
soulh line of what Is known as
Dorron tract of land, thence east
erly tracing said south line of
said Derron tract about 30 rods
to northwest corner of a tract
of land formerly conveyed by
Susan R. Crookshnnks to Ann
(illbert, thence southerly, trac
ing sukl west line of said Gil
bert i)7 rods to northeast cor
ner of a tract of land conveyed
by Susan H. Crookshank to Sus
an Terwadow, thence westerly,
tracing northern boundary line
of said Terwadow' land 30 rods
to beginning, 20 acres: also be
ginning Ht a point 21 1-3 rods
north southwest corner of claim
No. 63, Tp. 2 south, range 3 east,
thence north 62 2-3 rods to south
west corner of a tract of land
formerly conveyed by me to
Susan Crookshank, Jr., thence
east 30 rods, thence south 82
rods In south line of said Smith
! Donation Land Claim, thence
west 15 rods, thence north 21 1-3
rods, thence west 16 rods to be
ginning, containing 13 acres; at
no beginning at a point In east
lioimdiiry line of the estate of
t!eo. Wise, which point Is 20S
rods north of southwest corner
of A. P. Smith's Donation Land
Claim, thence north 13V4 rods,
thence east 30 rods, thence
south l.'lty rods, thence west to
beginning. 2'4 acres, section 5,
i p. 2 soutn, range 2 east, 28
Nelson, Ruth Beginning at "south
west corner of A. P. Smith's
Donation Land Claim, thence
north 211-3 rods, thence east 15
rods, thence south 21 1-3 rods,
thence west 15 rods to the be
ginning, section 6, Tp. 2 south,
range 2 east, 2 acres
Bft,,,ln- I-Hegliinlng at a point
19.0S chains north, 16.77 chains
east of smith west Coiner of A.
P. Smith's Donation Land
liilm, said point being 16.77
t'hnluR east of true western
boundary of said Donation Land
lalm, thence north 22 minutes
west, parallel to the western
boundary of said Donation Lnnd
4 In m 2.B5 chains, thence east
18. !J chains from southwest side
of Matlock's Donation Laud
mini, thence south 22 degrees,
east along said claim linn 2.88
chains, thence west 19.34 chains
to beginning, section 6, Tp. 2
south range 2 east, 10 acres....
Gilbert. 0. V Administrator-Beginning
nt a point where section
line between sections 4 and 5 In
tersects claim lino of Matlock
Donation Land Claim, at the
Intersection fnrtherost north,
Ihenee south li.H degrees, west
fc j chains, thence north 80 de
grees, west 17.31 chains, .to a
stake on east line of O. R.
t rnokhnnk'a estate truot, tlienca
north along cast line 21.70 chains
to n stake, thence south 86 de
grees 30 minutes, east 24.25
chains to n stake In the section
line nioresald, thence N. on said
sect l,,n line 4.:T. chains to a
stake, thence east 9 25 chnlns,
(hence south to r, line of Mat
locks Donation Land Claim,
(hence westerly along lino of
sab Donation Land Claim to
beginning, except railroad right
of way, except 10 acres In book
(.2, pace 4. SI n, !. t,.,.,i.
20 40
1 60
8 I!
pare W, 10 acres, book 59, pagi
43. section 5. Tn. 1 nmi, ,i, .7.1
2 east, 6.S0 acres
4 95
I.lvosny, n. S.-Heglnulng where
present tract of O. C. R.
crosses (lie linn of W. T. Mat
lock's Donntlon Land Claim on
N. side of Clackamas, thence In
a northeasterly direction along
southerly line of Donation Land
Claim IH rods, thence south is
rods, thence west to railroad
track, thence northerly along
wild railroad track to beginning,
north lj above described tract,
nectlons 9 and 10. Tp. 2 south,
range 3 east, 3 acres
n. D. TOMPKINS' D. L. C. NOS. 1, 63.
Hector, William Beginning at a
stone set at nolnt In the east
Una of J. A. Flcke's lnnd, said
beginning point being 21.63
tiituns nuiui huu i.M west of
southwest corner of said Dona
tion Land Claim, thence north
46 degrees 42 minutes, west
along said east line of John A.
Ficke's tract of land 189.58 feet,
thence east 252.78 feet, thence
south 46 degrees, 42 minutes east
63.2 feet to a stake, thence south
61 degrees, 47 minutes, west 182.8
faat tn hecrfnnlnir Tn. 2 south.
range 2 east, Vt acre 4 04
Davis, Mary E. Beginning 15.16
chains east, 20 chains north of
4 post on east line of section 10,
Tp. 2 south, range 2 east, thence
south 26.90 chains, thence east
14.84 chains to east line of claim,
thence north 6.95 chains, thence
west 14.84. chains to beginning,
undivided of land above de
scribed, section 10. To. 2 south.
ruage 2 east. 10 acres 4 90
Lent, Geo. P. Beginning 10 chain
west of southeast corner of sec
tion 14, Tp. 2 south, range 2 east,
thence south 40 chains, thence
west 20 chains, thence north to
. Clackamas river, thence east 20
chains', thence south 40 chains
to beginning, sections 14 and 23,
Tp. 2 south, range 2 east, 160
20 80
Charman, Thos. Beginning 30
chains west 01 posi on earn
line of section' 23, Tp. 2 south,
range 2 east, thence north 67.40
chains to south bank of Clacka
mas river, thence south 83 de-
grees, west 24.75 chains, thence
south 14 chains, thence east 24.33
chains to beginning, sections 14
and 23, Tp. 2 Bouth, range 2
east, 160 acres 15
Wade, June and May Beginning 40
chains norm or. wrainwrai i
nor nf Hnzeklnh Johnson's Do
nation Land Claim, Tp. 2 south,
range 2 east, thence north 36
rods, thence east 40 rods, thence
north 4 rods, thence east 20
rods, thence north 24 rods,
thence east 55 rods, thence south
04 rods, thence west 115 rods to
beginning, section 15, Tp. 2
south, range 2 east, 36 acres....
11 10
Johnson, H. H.-Beginning at tne
northeast corner oi souuicaai n
of southeast Vt of section 16,
Tp. 2 south, range 2 east, thence
east 25 chulns, thence north to
Clackamas river, thence down
river with meanders thereof to
K. ilno of said sec. 16, thence S.
29 chains to beginning, except
55 acres, book 55, page 40, sec
tion 15, Tp. 2 south, range 2
east, 30 acres
14 43
Johnson, Annie Beginning is
chains Bouth or normwesi coi
ner of II. Johnson's Donation
Land Claim, Tp. 2 south, range
2 east, thence north 44 rods,
thence east 40 rods, thence south
44 rods, thence weBt 40 rods to
beginning, sections 15 and 22,
Tp. 2 south, range 2 east, 11
21 OS
Johnson, Franklin Beginning w
rods east ot normeast corner ui
northeast Vi of southeast "4 of
section 10, Tp. 2 south, range 2
east, thence west 20 rods, thence
south 40 rods, thence east 20
rods, thence north 24 rods,
thence east 5a rods, thence
north to Clackamas river,
thence down river with mean
ders to point due north of be
ginning, thence south to begin
ning, section 15, Tp. 2. south,
range 2 eastt, 63 acres 16 66
Unknown Beginning at Vt Post on
west line or section a, ip. i
south, range 2 east, thence
west 10 chains, thence north 8
degrees, east 22 cnains, tnence
south 86 degrees 15 minutes,
east 18.24 chains, thence south
72 degrees 30 minutes, east
24.42 chains, thence south 76 de
grees, east 1.80 chains, thence
south 7.19 chains, thence west
34.20 chains to beginning, ex
cept 31.11 acres to Parsons and
in .. ,ii H.w.lr tvl rtn iro &?Jn sec
tions 27 ' 28. Tn. 2 south, ranee 2
east. 20 acres 5 60
Parsons, John Beginning Vt post
on west line of section 27, Tp. 2
south, range 2 east, thence
west 10 chains, thence north 8
degrees, east 32 chains, thence
south 86 degrees 16 minutes,
oust 18.24 chains, thence south
72 degrees 30 minutes, east 24.42
chains, thence south 76 degrees,
oust 1.80 chains, thence south
7.19 chains, thence west 34.20
cliulnB to beginning, except 10
acres, book 53, page 456, section
23. Tn. 2 south, ranire 2 east.
31.11 acres 8 Ok
J. O. TONER'S D. L. C.
Charman. Thos. All of Q. J. Ton
er's Donation Land Claim ex
cept 20 acres, book 04, page 167,
and 14 acres, book 28, page 481,
and 11 acres described In book
61, page 168, Bectlons 27, 28, 33, 34,
Tn. 2 south, ranire 2 east. 275.93
acres 83 02
Beauman, Emily L. Beginning 1.24
chains north of southeast corner
of J. P. Eagon's Donation Land
Claim, Tp. 2 south, range 2 east,
thence north 9.59 chains, thence
west 8.20 chains to center of Or
egon City and Milwaukle road,
tnence south along said road
9.59 chains, thence east 8.21
chains to beginning, sections 5
and 8. To. 2 south, range. 2
east, 7.89 acres 8 60
Jones, John E. Beginning 4.17 feet
north of corner to sections 21
and 22. 27 and 28, thence north
along line between sees. 21 and
22, 12.74 feet, thence southwest
along east boundary of Arm
priest's Donation Land Claim,
1237.5 feet to southeast corner
of said claim, thence easterly
3.'2.1 feet to beginning, section
21, Tp. 3 south, range 2 east, 5
acres 3 70
Charman, Thos. Northeast of
northwest and lot 1 of sec
tion 22, Tp. 3 south, range 2 east,
61.50 acres 4 31
O'Conner. W. II., Heirs of South
east 'i of northeast Vi of sec
tion 24, Tp. 3 south, range 2 east,
40 acres 2 38
Jones, R. M. West Vi of north
west M of section 25, Tp. 3
south, range 2 east, 80 acres 22 40
Lovell, Samuel L. West H of west
H of northwest of northwest
4. section 29, Tp. 3 south, range
2 east. 10 acres 2 10
Davis, - William f ractional east
4 of southwest 4 ot section 32,
Tn. 3 south, rniare 2 east. 75
acres 14 62
Dodge, K. II. Southeast of
northeast i of section 31. Tn.
3 south, range 2 east, 40 acres.. 4 43
Draper, Annie M. Lots 6 and 6,
section 32, Tp. 3 south, range 2
east, 5.12 acres ; 1 40
38 AND 46.
Ackermnn, Isaac Beginning 18.43
chains north, 27 degrees 20 min
utes west, from a point which is
2!U:0 chains south, 13.40 chains
west of post In north line of
section 6, Tp. S south, range 2
east, thence south 63 degrees 40
minutes, west 3.50 chains,
(hence north 27 degrees 20 min
utes, east 1.48 chains, thence
north (12 degrees 40 minutes east
3.50 chains, thence north 27 de
grees 20 minutes, west 1.43
chains to place of beginning,
sections 5 and 6, Tp. 3 south,
range 2 east, Vj of an acre 3 07
Pease, Juston Beginning 20 feet
south, 01 degrees 45 minutes
west from most westerly corner
of a tract of land conveyed by
Thompson to . C. Ely, 'thence
south 01 degrees 45 minutes,
west S.."2 chains, thence south
on west line of Elv's land 2.7S
chains, thence north 61 degrees
4"i minutes, east 4.85 chains,
t hence north 28 degrees 15 min
utes, west 2.44 chains, to begin
iiing, sections 5 and , Tp. 3 S.,
range 2 east, .75 of an acre 3 69
Shaw, James Wm. Beginning at
northeast corner of W. Holmes'
Donation Land Claim, thence
westerly along north boundary
line oi gam claim 26.60 cnains,
; thence south 25.72 chains to
north boundary of Oregon City
Annex, thence easterly along
said north boundary line of Or
egon City Annex 33.93 chains to
northeast corner of said Oregon
City Annex, thence southerly
along east boundary of said Or
egon City Annex 18.8 chains to a
point due east of northeast cor
ner of Masonic burying ground,
thence 12.74 chains to east
boundary line of Geo. P. Newel
claim, thence northerly along
said east boundary line of said
claim 34.80 chains to a point In '
south boundary line of Ezra
Fisher's Donation Land Claim,
thence westerly along south
boundary line of said Fisher
Donation Land Claim 50 links to
, re-enterance- corner of J. P.
; Newell's Donation Land Claim,. ' ,
' thence northerly along east .
) boundary .line of said Newell
1 claim chains to northeast cor
ner thereof, thence westerly
along north boundary line of
said Newell's Donation Land
claim 19.67 chains, to beginning, .
,' except a strip of land In north- '
west corner, deed by Patrick , .
Duffy to T. P. Randall for a
public- road, section 6. Tp, 3 .
' south, range 2 east, 140 acres.... 33 60
Unknown Beginning In center of
Center street, 20 feet west of
southwest corner of block 1 la
Pleasant Place, thence with cen
: ter line of said street north 28
degrees 66 minutes east, 80 feet,
thence north 86 degrees, west
472.8 feet, thence south 27 de
frees 30 minutes, east 91 feet
Inches, thence east 90.8 feet to
beginning, section 32, Tp. 2
south, range 2 east 1 03
Schnoor, Gustave Part of -Holmes,
Vance and Newell's Donation
Land Claims beginning at ex
treme southerly corner of land
recorded In book O, page 265,
thence east 1135.2 feet, thence
north 21 degrees 45 minutes west
386.35 feet, thence north 89 de
grees 40 minutes, east 933.54
feet, thence north 8 minutes
west 467 teet, tnence souin oo
degrees 24 minutes west, 11.2
feet, thence south .21 degrees 45
minutes east 463.7 feet, thence
south 76 degrees 45 minutes,
west 106.8 feet, south 28 degrees
9 minutes east to beginning, sec
tion 5, Tp. 3 south, range 2 east,
17 acres
15 74
McCarver, Julia A., Estate of Be
ginning at southwest corner of
claim, thence north 44 degrees,
east on northerly boundary of
claim 4.22 chains, thence south
47 degrees 30 minutes, east 22
chains, thence south 44 degrees,
west 27 chains, thence north 47
decrees 30 minutes, west 1.75
chains to southwest boundary
of claim, thence north 31 chains
to beginning; also beginning at
a point In southeast boundary
of said claim 40 chains from the
most southerly corner of said
chains, thence north 47 degrees
30 minutes east. 16.50 chains,
thence north 44 degrees east -6.75
chains, thence north 47 degrees,
30 minutes west 6 chains, thence
north 44 degrees, east 3 chains,
thence south 47 degrees 30 min
utes, east 22.36 chains, thence
southwesterly on south bound
ary of claim 10.50 chains, to be
ginning, sections 12 and 13, ip. a
south, range 1 east, 64 acres....
24 40
42 and 48.
Kellogg, Alzlna M. Beginning at a,
point in north boundary of said
claim 42, south 88 degrees, west
27 links from re-enterance cor
ner of said claim No. 42, thence
south 15.38 chains to south
boundary of said claim, thence
south 89 degrees 30 minutes,
west 81 links, thence north 15.3o
chains to north boundary of
said claim No. 42, thence north
88 degrees, east 81 links, to be
ginning; also beginning at re
cnteranee cor. of Donation Land
Claim No. 42, thence N. 69 degs.
E. 1.18 chains, thence S. 15.99
chains, thence south 89 degs. 30
min. west 1.28 chains, thence
N. 15.38 chains, thence N. 88 de
grees east, 27 links to beginning,
section 3, Tp. 3 south, range 2
east, 3.25 acres
1 68
CHAS. WALKER'S D. L. C. N. 43.
Feahler, Mary A. Beginning at a
point In southwest boundary of
claim No. 43, north 50 degrees 15
mlntues, west 14.41 chains from
most southerly corner thereof,
thence north 62 degrees 15 min
utes, west 8.50 chains on south
west line of said claim No. 43,
thence north 37 degrees, east
35.91 chains, parallel to south
east line of said claim, thence
south 45 degrees, east 8.57 chains
parallel to northeast line of said
claim, thence south 37 degrees,
west 34.85 chains, parallel to
southeast line of said claim, to
heelnnlne. sections 2. 3 11. To.
3 south, range 2 east, 30 acres.. 3 78
Molloy, W. A. and Annie A. Be
ginning on northeast line of
claim No. 45. Tp. 3 south, range
2 east, 60 cnains, south 46 de
grees 45 minutes east of the'
most northerly corner of said
claim, thence south 46 degrees
45 minutes, east 10 chains,
thence soutn 43 degrees, west 10
chains, thence north 46 degrees
45 minutes, west 10 chulns,
thence north 42 degrees 45 min
utes, east 10 chains, to begin
ning, section 8, Tp. 3 south, i
range 2 east, 10 acres 9 00
Johnson, H. H. Beginning south
46 degrees 15 minutes, east 30.14
chains from west corner of
claim 45, Tp. 3 south, range 2
east, thence south 46 degrees 15
minutes, east 10 chnlns. thence
north 43 degrees, east 40 chains,
thence north 46 degrees 16 min
utes, west 10 chulns, thence
south 43 degrees, west 40 chain
to beginning, section 18, Tp. 3
south, ranee 2 east, o er.. 11 2(1
Elllng, Carl West Vs ot souineast
H of nortnwest '4 or section zs.
Tp. 2 south, range 5 east. 20
acres 1 40
Flerrens, J. r . undivided of W.
Vi of southeast and east "4 of
southwest y. section 30. Tn. 2
south, range 5 east. 80 acres.... 5 60
Shlvley. Miss M. E. East , of
nortneast 4 or section 31 I p. 2
south, range 5 east, 80 acres. .... 5 60
Leech. D . P. Southwest of
northwest U of section 36. Tn. 2
south, range i east, 40 acres 2 10
Morrison, Andrew J. Southwest V
of northwest 4 and lot 4 of sec
tion 5, Tp. 3 south, range 5 east,
81.19 cres 4 20
Wallace, Wm. B. Southeast of
section 6, Tp. 3 south, range 5
east, 160 acres 8 40
rieree, Herman J and Nancy E.
AVest H of northwest Vi of sec
tion 11, Tp. 3 south, range 5
cost, 80 acres J 80
Robinson, E. F. Northwest of
northwest 4 and south of
northwest and southeast Vi of
northwest '4 of section 16, Tp.
3 south, range 5 east. 160 acres. 8 30
O'Neill, W, R.-Southenst U ol
southwest 1 of section 1, Tp.
3 south, range 5 east, 40 acres.. 1 68
Scheel. Henry, Estate of South
east VI of except 40 acres, sec
tion S2. Tp. 3 south, range 5
east. 120 acres 5 18
Breeden. H. C, and Forbes. C. M
All of section 36. Tp. 3 south,
range 6 cast, 610 acres 28 00
Newman, Illrnm, Heirs of Smith
east Vi of section 6. Tp. 4 south,
range 6 east, 160 acres 5 60
Cornelius, Chas. W. Southwest Vi
of section 14, Tp, 4 south, range
6 east, 160 acres 8 60
Goodrich, O. J. Northeast Vi of
section 16, Tp. 4 south, range 5
east, 160 acres 5 60
Bingham, E. W. Northwest Vi of
section 16, Tp. 4 south, range 5
east, ISO aercs 6 SO
btanton, J. C South Vi of section
16, Tp. 4 south, range 5 eaat, 320
acres , . . 11 20
Macguire, Thos. North V4 of north
of section a, rp. 1 souin,
range 6 east, 160 acres
Beal, James F. South- V4 of north
Vfc of section 22, Tp. 4 south,
range 6 east, 160 acres
Brothers, D. J., and Cole, C. M.,
and Rlelley, J. East V4 of sec
tion 26, Tp. 4 south, range 5 east,
320 acres
Moss, R. E. Southeast V4 and east
Vi of southwest Vi and lot 4 of
section 30, Tp. 4 south, range 5
east, 280.66 acres
Fink, Mary J. East Vi of northwest
V4 and lots 1 and 2 of section 30,
Tp. 4 south, range 6 east, 169.83
Atkns?"Louis''A. ' Southeast Vi of
northwest Vi and south Vi of
northeast Vi. of northwest Vi of
section 30, Tp. 4 south, range 5
east. 60 acres
I 30
6 30
11 20
S 66
2 24
Hatch, D. C East V4 of northwest -VI
and northeast Vi of south
west Vi of and lot 2, of section
36, Tp. 4 south, range 5 east, 160
acres W
Masters, W. Y. North Vi of north
east Vi and southeast Vi of
northeast V4 a-nd northeast Vi of
southeast Vi of section 30, Tp. 1
south, range-6 east, 160 acres,... 5 60
re, Wlilara Houtnwest oi
northeast Vi of section 30, Tp. 1 m
south,-range east, 40 acres,... i w
Schacht, Johanna F. North Vi of
northwest Vi of section 33, Tp.
1 south, range 6 east 80 acres.... 6 60
Burney, W. T. and McGuIre, H.
D All of section S6, Tp. 1 south,
range 6 east, 640 acres 22 40
Selvers, Ernest D. South Vi , of
northwest Vi and southwest Vi of
northeast Vi and northwest Vi of
of southeast Vi of section 8, Tp.
2 south, range 6 east, 160 acres. 7 48
Jones, Elizabeth Northwest Vi of
section 10, Tp. 2 south, range 6
east, 160 acres 660
Lange, August Nortneast V4 ot
section 12, Tp. 2 south, range 6
east, 160 acres 5 60
Mendenhall. Mont. Northeast V4 of
section 16, Tp. 2 south, range 6
east, 160 acres o 60
Van Helms, Henry North Vi of
northwest Vi of section 19, Tp.
2 south, range 6 east, 80 acres.. 2 80
Wall, Margret J. Northeast Vi of
southwest Vi and southeast Vi of
northwest Vi of section 22, Tp.
2 south, range 6 east, 80 acres.. 4 20
Wilson, T. C VArest Vi of north
west Vi and north Vi of south
west Vi, section 24, Tp. 2 east,
range 6 east, 100 acres 5 60
Jacouson, Rosalie North V? of
northwest Vi of section 36, Tp. 2
south, range 6 east, 80 acres.... 3 60
Lent, George P. South V of north
west Vi of section 36, Tp. 2 south,
range 6 east, 80 acres 2 80
Osborne, F. R. South Vi of section
36, Tp. 2 south, range 6 east, 320
acres 12 60
Rourltch, J., and Kreebler, H.
Northeast Vi of southwest Vi
and south Vi of northwest Vi,
and lot 4, section , TP. souin,
range 6 east, 160.27 acres
Robson, Edward F. Northeast Vi
of northeast Vi of section 16, Tp.
4 south, range 6 east, 40 acres..
Gabriel, P. Northwest Vi of sec
tion 26. Tp. 4 south, range 6 east,
160 acrei ;' ;
Goodard, E. 8. Southwest Vi of
section 36, Tp. 4 soutn, range 6
east, 160 acres
Oipwin, H. A. Southeast Vi of seo
Sk. Tp. 4 south, range 6 east,
160 acres
Watney, R. Northeast Vi of sec
tion 36, Tp. 4 south, range 6 east,
160 acres
I 30
1 68
5 60
5 60
5 60
Nichols, Joseph E. Southeast Vi
of section 6, Tp. 2 south, range
7 east, 160 acres o 61
Peterson, O. A. Northwest Vi of
section 8 Tp. i souin, range i
6Q.St 1C0 B.cr6S
Wolfe, Henry Northwest Vi of sec
tion 10, Tp. 2 south, range 7
east, 160 acres v,"'i
Burnsham, Justus Northeast Vi of
section 16, Tp. 2 south, range 7
east, 160 acres
Leach, D. P. Southeast Vi of sec
tion 16. Tp. 2 south, range 7
east. 160 acres
Cotta, Chas. Southwest Vi of sec
tion 18, Tp. 2 south, range 7
east. 160 acres
5 6
5 61
5 60
5 60
5 60
fluffs. Theodore A. Northwest Vi
of section 20, Tp. 2 south, range
7 east, 1K acres o 60
Fletcher, John A. Southwest Vi of
Bectioa 20, Tp. 2 south, range 7
' east, 160 acres 5 60
Cacornn. Wm. East Vr of south- .
east Vi nd east Vi of northeast Vi
section 22, Tp. 2 south, range 7
east, 160 acres 6 60
Beach, G. W. North Vi of south
east V4' and south Vi of north
east Vi. section 23, Tp. 2 south,
range 7 east, 160 acres....
Osborne, Chas Northwest Vi of
section 27, Tp. 2 south, range 7
east, 160 acres
5 60
5 60
Hedges, Wm. F. Southeast Vi ot
southwest Vt of section 29, Tp. 2
south, range 7 east, 40 acres..... 1
Hedges, Wm. F. North Vi of north
iat V. nnrt northeast Vi of
northwest Vi of section 32, Tp. 2
south, range 7 east. 120 acres ..
Schneiders, S. North Vi of section
36, Tp. 2 south, range 7 east,
320 acres
Platts, E. A South Vi of section 36,
Tp. 2 south, range 7 east, 320
4 20
11 20
11 20
Wilson, Joseph A. East Vi of east
Vi ot section zt, up. i souin,
range 8 east, 160 acres
west Vi of section 26, Tp. 1
south, range 8 east, 160 acres....
5 60
6 60
Marshall, Wm. H. Northeast Vi of
except west Vi ot nortnwest y
of northeast Vi and 200 by 200
faet oectinn 24. Tn. 3 BOUth.
ranvii 8 post. 140 Acres 5 60
Steele, William west ot norm
west Vi of northeast Vi of sec-
9i Tn 31 uniith. ranee 8
en st. 20' acres ;'. 70
Harper, Minnie E. 100 by 50 feet
In northeast corner, section 24,
Tp. 3 south, range 8 east 14
Scott. Chas N. East Vi of north
east Vi and Lots 1 and 2, section
26. Tp. 3 south, range 8Vi east,
162.50 acres 6 60
Campbell, H. S. North Vi of south
wt V. nt section 28. Tn. 3
south, range 84i east, 80 acres.. 2 80
Burney, W. T., and McGuIre, H.
D.-East Vi of section 35, Tp. 3
south, range 84 east, 320 acres. 11 20
Campbell, H. S. Southeast Vi of
northeast V4 of section 36, Tp.
3 south, range 8Vi east, 40 acres. 1 40
Williams. Anna M. Metes and
Bounds to Oregon City, describ
ed In book 35, page 3S3 6 15
Johnson, J. D. Metes and bounds
to Oregon City, described In
book 31. 244 4 10
Cake. H. M. and AV. M. Metes and
bounds to Oregon City, being
32.50 feet front extending to rail
road limit and bounded on north
by block 29 36 90
Ball, Annie Metes and bounds to
Oregon City, described in book
61. page 132 61 50
Dolan, John, Estate of Metes and
bounds to Oregon City, de
scribed in book J, page 252, 7
acres 12 i
Cross. H. E. Metes and bounds to
Oregon City, being 55 feet front
and 270 back 12 30
Lehigh. W. F. Metes and bounds
to Oregon City, described In
book 62, page 364, being all of
fractional block, being under
the bluff In Oregon City 8 20
Unknown Beginning at a point or
place of beginning, described as
follows, to-wit: commencing at
northeast corner of section 36,
in Tp. 2 south of range 1 east,
of Willamette Meridian, in .
Clackamas county, state of Ore
gon, and running thence south
7.70 chains (508.2 feet), thence
south 89 degrees 15 minutes,
east 5.75 chains (379.5 feet),
thence south 89 degrees east 7.61
chains (602.26 feet), thence south
43 degrees 15 minutes east, 15.318
chains (1011 feet) to a point, said
last mentioned point being the
place of beginning, running
thence from the place of be
ginning north 61 degrees 30
minutes east 2.36 chains (166 1-10
feet) to a point, thence south 43
degrees 15 minutes east . 1.86
chains (123.1 feet) to Willamette
river, thence southerly along the
Jones, Geo. C, Jr. Bast Vi of west
' Vi of section 26, Tp. 1 aouth,
' range 8 east, 160 acres 6 09
Buelton, Frank H. West Vi of
bank of said river to a point
which is 2.273 chains (150 feet)
: from extension of said last men
tioned line and meandered at
right angles thereto, thence
, north 43 degrees- 15 minutes west
2.753 chains (181.7 feet) to the . .
. place of beginning, containing ,
.52 of an acre, more or less, Tp.
2 south, range 1 east ............ (94
Monroe & Davis Northeast Vi of
southwest Vi of section 19, Tp. 3
south, range 1 west, 40 acres.... 1 40
Blanchard, A. Northwest Vi of
southeast Vi of section 19, Tp,
8 south, range 1 west, 40 acres.. 1 40
Edmondson, S. F. Northeast Vi of
southeast Vi of section 19, Tp. 3
south, range 1 west, 40 acres..,. 140
Wade, A. Southwest Vi of south
east Vi of section 29, Tp. 6 south,
range 2 east, 40 acres 1 40
Steel, L. F. Southwest Vi of north
east Vi and north Vi of north
west Vi and southeast Vi of
northwest Vi of section 29, Tp.
6 south, range 2 east, 160 acres.. 5 60
Church, Carrie Northwest Vi of
northeast Viof section 29, Tp. 6
south, range 2 east, 40 acres.... 14ft
McLoney, B. F. Southwest Vi of
section 33, Tp. 6 south, range 2
east, 160 acres 5 60
Husbands, T. G. Northeast Vi of
northeast Vi of section 6, Tp.
6 south, range 2 east, 40 acres.. 1 40
Russel, A. V. Southeast Vi of
northeast Vi of section 15, Tp. 7
south, range 3 east, 40 acres..., 1 40
Unk.nown Beginning at a point
south 31 minutes west 32.58
chains from the northeast cor
ner of the Hood Donation Land
Claim No. 44, in Tp. 3 south,
range 2 east, thence south 31
minutes, west 10.75 chains,
thence east 25 chains, thence
north 10.75 chains, thence west
25 chains to beginning, contain
ing 25 acres, more or less, sec
tions 10 and 15, Tp. 3 south,
range 2 east 2 80
McConnell, Geo. W. Northwest Vi
of northwest Vi of and lot 8,
section 36, Tp. 2 south, range
3 east, 62.45 acres; lot 1, sec
tion 35, Tp. 2 south, range 3
east, 4.84 acres 3 73
Hum ukaik, 8ARVrnB PATKST, tired and
bunded, heights ft 4 In., 3 ft. 8 In. or 4 ft.
Spolces 1 1-16 or 1 1-8 in. For any other
sizes send for catalogue. Cut this ad. out
and send to us with ONB UOLLAK, state
size wheel wanted and we will Henri them
by freight C. 0. D. KXAM1MK I'll KM at
your freiuht depit and then pay rrela-lit
arent hilnne. f5.fMand freight eh arizes.
or Government Money.
At close of our Civil War in 1865,
there appeared in the London Times
the following : . ,
" If that mischievous financial pol
icy which had its origin in the North
American Republic during the late
Civil War in that country, should be
come indurated down to a fixture,
then that government will furnish its
money without cost. It will have all
the money that is necessary to carry
on its trade and commerce. It will
become prosperous beyond precedent
in the history of civilized nations of
the world. The brain and wealth of
all countries will go to North America.
The famous Hazzard circular, to
capitalists in New York, and the Buell
Bank circular to United States Bank
ers, both emanating from London, and
the fabulous corruption fund raised in
England and Germany, estimated at
$1,500,000, were the agents that se
cured the closing of our mints against
The "walk into my parlor" policy
of England, during and since the
Spanish War, is the latest evidence
of English Diplomacy in shaping the
destiny of the United States Govern
ment. Notwithstanding the famine 'price
of wheat, the Spanish War, and fabu
lous expenditures of money by our
government during the past year, gold
has increased in value eleven per cent,
and all other values decreased in the
same proportion.
For a thorough understanding of
the money question, or silver issue,
the Cincinnati Enquirer has uniformly
given evidence of its ability to teach,
explain and produce all facts and
truth. It is a paper that ought and
can be read by all classes with pleas
ure and profit.
end to us. state your
wfitht and height also
number inches around
body at bait and aeHt,
and we will send this
IkaaUful PU.h dps to
you by express, U.
u. uM mtrt Met
nlBBtloft. You can
examine and try it
on at your nearest
express office and
If found perfectly
satisfactory, ex
actly as rr-pretrstrd
and ike MOST
taw or noa.ni
of, any (he n.
p !fsi 0t!R
PRICE $4.93
anJ express
that tlt ra U la J4
B(r-1,000 aiiM.
This Circular Plush Cape WJ!J8?Jft,!3
8H Seal tfa, do in. h- htnfr, rut full sweep, lined
throughout with ercertsea Bits la alsea, Maearred. Very
elaborately embroidered with anaisch WM and black
beadinffaslllustrated. Trimmed all around with extra
flneBlaeft Tfclfct Far, heavily interlined twith variltn
and fiber chamois WHl Tmr ttt l'la CaulnrM. Adsrws
(baara, ftaafeiek U. an Uaraaf kij rallahia.- UMuu)
toil ils!
00 f A
, Orepian and CnnrierHeralfl $2
First Congregational, coi ner Main and Eleventh
streets Rev. E. 8. Bollinger, pastor. Servloe
lOiit) h. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday sclioo afte
rooming service. Prayer meeting every Wednes '.
day evening at 7:80 p. m. Prayer meeting Y
. P. 8. C.E. every Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m.
First Baptist, corner Main and Ninth streets
Rev. pastor. Morning service,
10:30; Sunday school, 11:45. Evening service
7:30. Regular prayer meeting Thursday
evening. Monthly covenant meeting every
Wednesday evening preceding first Sunday In
the month.
St. John's, Catholic, corner Tenth street and
river Rev. A. Hillebrand. pastor. On Sun
day, mass at I and 10:30 a. m. Every Sunday
German sermon after 8 o'clock mass'. At all
other masses English sermons. Sunday school
230 p. m. Vespers, Apologetlcal subjects and
benediction at 7ao n. m.
Methodist Episcopal, corner Main and Seventh
.1 ru.il u If.... II ikK - . . i
... . .... , . ... VU17IK i'oiv.m . aiurning
service at 10:45, Rnnday school at 10:00,
i' Evening service at 7:80, Epworth League Sun
,day evening at &:30, prayer meeting Thursday
I evening at 7 30. Class meeting alter morning
service, ' ., - . . .
First Presbyterian, corner Seventh and Jefferson
1 streets Kev. A. J. Montgomery, pastor. 8er
: vices at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Sabbath school
10 a. m. Y. P. 8. C. E. meets every Snnday
evening at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs
day "evening at 8:00. "
Evangelical Churoh, corner Eighth and Madison
streets. Rev. S. Copley, pastor. Services every
Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7;30p. m . Sunday-school
at 10 a. m,: , Prayer meeting Thursday evening.
United Brethren, corner Eighth and Pierce
streets, Rev. A. J.Ware pastor, services second
and fourth Sunday mornings and the preced
ing Saturday in each month at 11 a. m . and 7
p. m., and the first Sunday afternoon of each
month at Falls View.
St. Paul's Episcopal, corner Ninth and river
Rev. P. K. Hammond, pastor. Bervioes, Sunday
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10
at m.80Frida5'a'evenln8 Pyer with address,
Evangellcal-I.utheran.Zlon Congregation. corner
Eighth and Jefferson streets Rev. W.Brenner
pastor. Sunday school st 9:30 a. m Services
at 10:30 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.
German Lutheran, Ohio Synod, corner of Eighth
and J. Q. Adams streets Rev. Ernest J, W.
Mack, pastor.
M.K South-Rev. T. P. Havnes, pastor, hird
Sunday at United Brethren Church.
Free Methodist-Rev. J. W. Eldridge, pastor.
Preaching first and third Tuesdays at 11 a. m.
Player meeting Every Thnrsd'o.v evening.
Services held in Congregational' church at
List of All Societies In this County With
Meeting Place anil Date.
Falls City Lodge No. W of A. O. U. W.-Kverv
Snturdny evetiing in A. O. U. W. hall on Sev
euth street.
Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. O.F. Every Thursdav
evening at Odd Fellows' hall. '
Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. 0. O, F. First and
third Tuesdays at Odd Fellows' hall.
Willamette Rebekah Degree Lodge No. 2 The
second and fourth Fridays in I. O.O. F. hall.
Mnllnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. 4 A. M -Regular
communications on first aud third Saturdays.
Myrtle Lodge No. 24, D. of H. Every Friday in
Willamette hall.
Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M. Regular con
vocation third Monday.
Court Robin Hood No. 8330, F. of A.-Wlllamette
hall on second and fourth Fridays,
Pioneer Chapter, No. 28, 0. E. S. Masonic Tem.
pie on Tuesdays.
Willamette Camp Nn. 148, W. of W. First and
third Fridays in Willamette hall.
Modern Woodmen of America, Camp No. sofifl
meets seooud and fourth Tuesdays at Willam
ette hall,
Falls drove Circle No. 32, W. W.-WiUamette
hall, Tiuwday evenings.
Wacheno Tribe, No. 13,1. 0. R. M.-Tuesday eve
ning at Redmen's hall, Jaggar building.
' Union Veterans Union Second Snturdny of
each month at 1 p.m. and fouith Saturday at
7:30 p. m., in armory.
Meade Post, No. G. A. R.-First Monday of each
month at Willamette hall.
Meode Relief Corps. No. 18. Meets at Willam
etle hall on the first Mondav at 2 p. m , and the
third Monday at 7:80 p. m. The anxlliarv meets
at the armory on first and third Saturdays at
2 p. m. '
MoLoughlln Cabin No. 4, Native Sons of Ore
gon, meets at Willamette hall on seoond and
fourth Monday evenings.
St. John's Branch No. 647, C. K. of A Every
Tuesday evening at their hall.
UU'le"! Artisans, No. 7 Willamette hall every
Tualatin Tent, K. 0. T. M.-A. 0. U. W. hall
upper Seventh street, on second aud fourth
Oregon City Board of 1 radc-At court house on
Monday In each month.
Columbia Hook and Ladder Co. First Friday of
each month at Fountain engine house.
Fountain Hose Co. No. 1 Second Wednesday
in each month at Fountain engine house.
Catara"t Hose Co. No. 2 Second Tuesday of each
month at Cataract engine house.
0n??i.ri.K C?' No. 2 -Hose house on tha
mil the third Tuesday of each month.
Mt VlewlHose Co. 4 Hose house at Elyvllle.
Pig Iron Lodge Nn. 135, A. 0. U. W, Every
Thursday evcnlngat Odd Fellows' hall, Oswego.
M?ianA.Loo';e No- 40 O. U. W.-Fit and
third Saturdays at school house, Molalla.
fKiel, o0.1" Ko- w; A0' -Second and
third Saturday evenings at Knight's hall, Canby.
Clackamas Lodge, No. 67, A. O. V. W. First and
third Mondays at Strlte's hall, Clackamas.
Sunrise lodge No. 43. A. O. U. W.-Second and
lourth Saturday at Wllsonville.
Mistletoe Lodge No. 20, D. of H. Every Tuesday
Reheksh lodge No. 71, I. 0. 0. V., of Oswego-
Thursday evenings.
Oswego Lodge No. 93, T. 0. O. F.-Odd Fellow't
hall, Oswego, every Monday evening.
Lone Pine Lodge No. 68. A. F. A A. M., of Logan.
General Pope Post No. 62; G. A. R First Satur-
day of each month at Grange hall, Mulino.
General Crook Post No. 22. G. A. R.-8ehool house
at Needy on First Saturday iu each month.
Star Lodge No. 95. K. of P.-Every Wednesda
evening In Castle hall.
Canby Lodge No. 54, 1. 0. G. T.-Flrst and Third
Saturday evenings at.Knlghfs Hall, Canby.
Oswego Lodge No. 448, 1. 0. G. T.-Every Frldav
evening in new hall in old town.
Canby Spiritualist Society-First and Third Sun.
days oi each month.
New Era W P. T. U.- First Saturday In each
month at their hall in New Era.
Sprlngwater No. 2H3, P. of H.-On second Satur.
day after full moon.
C n,y i Sr?e-Knighfs hall.lCanby, on
first and third Fridays. .
Molalla Grange No. 40, P. of H. Their hall
Wright's bridge on the second Saturday
each month at 10 a. m. '
Tualatin Grange, No. Ill p. of H.-T ast Saturday
of eaoh month at their hall in Wllsonville.
Warner Grange No. 117, P. of H.-Fourlh Satur
day of each month at their hall In New Era.
Butte Creek Grange No. 82, P. of H.-At hall in'
Marouam second Sntnrdav t u
"J ... tav.n uiUJlLH,
rt.Til.Sl!!6 N?i.175- p- 01 H.-Second Satur
Damascus Grange No. 200, P. of H.-First Satur
day in month In Damascus school house
TSS! 25,1 p-" H-Th w u"'y
Bt6yi(S'o,,,,fuNO'256'P-of - 8tr
"mouth N'0- 261, P' ' A-First Saturday In
ByJ"T.N P'of H-Flrst and third Satur-
wdLg dau S Cha"'Je " ' or
You c n till s;et a hat belo costat
Celia Goldsmith's.
TOInc uinua 1
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IoUce In " Inventive Aa-e "
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