Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 01, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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ORegon City Auction House
Opposite Postoffice
Oregon City Auction llouse
Opposite Poitoffice
That we are the cheapest CASH or CREDIT house in the city is most POSITIVELY PROVED by
the fact that we are the busiest, store in our line in Oregon City, and the vast number of intelligent buyers
who have patronized us are so many recemmendations for us. If you are wise and have ycur own inter
est at stake, you will at least see cur goods and prices before purchasing, so that, even if you do not buyr
you will be POSTED as to goods and values Remember, .
. . . . i
Baby Buggies ' Chairs Sewing Machines Ingrain Carpets New Model 3 Piece The Only Reliable A Nice Tea Set
bm ' out.,
$2.00 25c W 30c -gj- $7.00 The SA $3.00
and Upward and Upward seconded Per Yd and Upward Ea8y Teiul8 Given and Upward STEEL RANGES .
L. Block's Furniture and Carpet House
fleuutnr August Ttmi
of t lie CountJ
S. F.
Minks, (liulmiaii; J. K. Morton
R. Svolt, comiiiUaloiiers.
(Continued frnm luat. wrek)
In tlie matter of the purchase
iiravel pit in roa! disliict o, a,
ot a
it. is
ordered hy the bond ih.it tho survey of
an acre of land for a gravel pit on the
larm ol 0 P lledtfH lie accepted, and it in
tunliir urdeiHcl that mum the receipt
i.f a p-onei Iv i xecnii d ih eil for the name,
1 hut the clerk shall iff no a warrant in
favor of saidO I' Hedip in the gum of
7R in full uuvniHiit uf said acre of land.
OP HeHue 75 00
J W Melilrum, 1 duy 24 miles.... 7 40
ivr MmI.Ihiiii. i " i 00
Total 9 40
trr of thn n nor t of the view
its of damages on tl e petition of B F
Linn, et al, for a change in the Linn
road. Now at this time conies on to be
heard the report of John Shannon, LD
Mumpower, and C E Spence, heretofore
apnointed viewers of damages, to find
how much less valuable, if any, the
Unds of Owen Hughes would be rendered
by the opening of the change in the
Linn road as netitioned for. Said report
shows that all three of said viewers met
pursuant to the order of this board and
aiter duly qnaliiyintr proceeded to view
said roiui tha whole distance thromdi the
lands of said el 'mailt for damages would
lie rendered less valuable by reasons of
the location and opening of the change
in the Linn road us follows to wit:
Owen Hughes .....10 00
And the bomd being !u ly advised, It
is ordered by the board that t-aid report
nvud nd the dani'iites as at-
h 4i.li uhnvH nunittd viewers be
nrrrru vh - - - . ,
K. Ptuolrun I'nnntV. Ami M
MIII I" I I'l V -
appeailngto the board th.it the report of
lue viewers as read on two s. pua'H
days oftheJuue term of tli'n bond, IS',)',),
it is therefore ordered that the (told notes
and plat of suivev be recorded and that
the said road r-lmll be esiablit-bed on the
line suvvi veil, when the county has paid
Iheahove-'iiniued ( iiniiiges, and that all
of the old road not included in the new,
shall be vacated as prayed for. And
thai the cx euro ihti iiiH ul wiid viewers
of d images bo paid by ClaekaliP 8
county, and the cleik is hereby directed
to irnsiie warrants for the same.
J..l,n Shannon. 3 davs. 12 miles. . .7 20
L D Mumpower, 2 " ,24 tl 41)
r. V. Ki.eliee 2 " 24 40
Win (iriseutliwiii'e lb'
In the matter of making an allowance
to Joseph Sperl, an indigent peison, the
board being fu'.l.v advised, it is ordered
that an allowance of 1(8 per month be
allowed said Speil, to iimmeiice Aug.
1, MM.
In ihe matter of the reports ot county
physicians for the months of June and
July, 180D. Said reiiortB coming on now
to be beard and the board being fully ad
vised, it is ordered that said reports be
approved and placed on file.
In the matter of the individual petltt
tion of August Litis, for ft cliHiige in a
conntv road near Kagle Creek, this
matter coming on to be liearu on me
Individual petition of August Ltns
and the board being fully ad
vised, it is ordered that said
petition be gi aided and that J K Burnett
James Simpson and August Harger be
and are hereby appointed viewers to
meet at place ol beginning of said
change on Sent 1, 181)0, with J W Mel
drum, deputy county surveyor, and view
and locate said change asked for and re
nort in writing at the next regular term
of this board.
In the matter of the appointment of a
justice of the peace in J l' district No 10.
This matter coming on now to be regu
larly heard and the board being fully
advised, it is ordered that M E Kandle
be appointed to till the vacancy caused
by the resignation of H Rutherford.
In the matter ot closing the Canby
road by V 11 Uetioud, and the repair
of certain bridges, it is ordered by the
board that the clerk notify said Renoud
to be careful about closing up said road,
which has been traveled for ten years
nasi, and it is further ordered that lioad
Supervisor Dimick be notified to open
unsaid road, if it has been traveled for
(en years past, and also to repair certain
bridges in ais urnim-i.
In the matter of discontinuing the al
of Mrs Titus, a county charge
It Is ordered by the board that the al
' lowance of Mr Titus be discontinued
..m Ana 1. 181)9.
Ia the matter of medicine for L Mathe
son, an Indigent person, it is ordered by
the board that George A Hardiug fur
nish L Matbeson with the necessary
medicines until further orders.
Iu the matter of cancelling certain
unpaid county warrants, and several
others issued in duplicate. A list of
county warrants issued more than seven
years prior to June 30, 18!)0, but remain
ing uncalled for in the clerk's office, hav
ing been certified to this board and ad
vertised as by law required, it is ordered
by the board that said warrants be can
celled of record :
H S Newton
Adam Noble
Grant Nixon
M Mussick
S J Mickley
John Nissen
Minnie McCov
J M Thompson
Silas Stewart
W L Smith
J Koenig
K W Jones
Will H Jones
O M Howard
L Heller
Mrs M L Brown
,1 W dishing
Sept 10, '91
Jan 6, '92
Jan 6, '02
Sept 9, '01
8ept 10, '91
Sept 0, '91
May 4, '92
Nov 4, '91
10033 June 9, '92
10075 June 9, '92
8728 Nov 4, '91
Jan 6, '02
Nov 4, '91
May 4, '92
Nov 4, '91
Apr 8, '01
Apr 6, '92
SeptU. '01
Nov 4,
Jan 0
Sept 9,
Nov 4,
Sept 9,
Oct 7.
Jan 6,
U 20
1 50
1 50
1 70
2 00
I 20
2 20
1 70
1 50
1 70
1 70
1 50
2 50
4 20
1 70
2 10
1 70
1 20
1 70
1 50
1 70
3 40
1 50
George Deekin
L Dulavy
Hans Krickson
F Friedrick
J Quinn
J L Picktnron
D O Williams
K G Williams
Jan 6, '02 David Wilson
was further oidered, satisfactory
showing having been made t the
board; that warrants No 20364 was a
repetition ol warrant No 20,344 and No
1640 a repetition of road warrant No
0448, and 174 a repetition of No 500 and
No 1501 issued for a wrong amount (sec
No 1502) and No 20,665 issued on the
indigent soldier's fund and nut called
for, us parly getting same had com
menced to receive a pension and No
'J(i.ilii) issueil a pauper warrant, not
called for, party not any longer needing
it and that road warrants Nos 7003, 10137,
10200 issued in repetition of road warrants
68")1, 10137 and 10,258 be, and the clerk
is hereby authorized to cancel said
warrants of record.
In the matter ot the reports of the clerk
and recorder for the monlhlof July, 1899,
the board having examined the "reports
of colli ctions of the clerk and recorder
for the month of Julv 1800, and being
fully satisfied, it is ordered that the
same he and are hereby appioved. The
repoit-i show collections as follows to
wit :
Clerk $157 25
Recorder 123 83
In the matter of the mile-ige of the
b aid of commissioners for the August
term, 1809. it is ordered by the board
that the mileage and per diem of the
board of commissioners for the August
term be allowed as follows to wit :
SF Marks, 8 days and mileage. .$31 80
J R Morton 7 " " " ..25 00
R Scott 0 ' .. 21 60
In the matter of aid for Johanna
an indigent person, the board being fully
advised in said matter, it is ordered that
she be granted aid in the sum of $5 per
month to commence August 1, 1899, and
the clerk iB hereby ordered to issue a
warrant for said amount in favor of
C E Burns on the first day ot September,
1809, and on the first day of each mouth
thereafter until further orders.
In the matter of kalsomining the
county offices, it is ordered by the board
that the clerk be authorized to have the
litl'oreiit county offices and corridors
In the matter of aid for L Freeman,
an indigent person, it is ordered by the
board that he be granted aid in the nutn
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
M Grindstaff to F M Baker,
se)i of ne sec 18, 4 8, 4e. .$ 100.00
M Baker to BO Palmer,
80 a sec 12. 5 s. 3 e 45.00
H C Wade to R W Wade.
tract, sec 17, 2 s, 3 e 1.00
E Evans to 0 Evans, b4 of
v of W M Evans elm,
3 s, le 4.000.CO
F Matthies to S H Kennedy,
tract J Winston elm 20.00
Wells by sher to W Thie
mann, It 1, blk 2, New Era. 10.21
0 H Lane to W Thielmann,
22.25 a Stock elm, 3 s. 1 e. . . 9.34
M E Beatty to M Sampson,
25 a sec 28, Is, 2 e 1.00
J Lund by Bher to P H Marlay,
sw sec 26, 1 s, 3 e 10.40
D P MacCarthy to J M bhulse,
102.76 a see 25, 5 8, 1 e 1,700.00
Frauk Neliren to R Nehren,
tret joining It 8, blk 132, O 0 350.00
To the Wise Namely, Clubwomen.
The besetting sin of the clubwoman,
somebody observes pointedly, is her al
most insane inclination to speechify,
and, what is more, it is true. Without
disparaging the feminine lecturers who
are shining lights in clubdom, there has
arisen an overambitious type of club
woman, it seems, wno collects some
clever sayings, which may or may not
be her own special brand, on a question
of the hour, and, presto, she emerges
from her little brown study a full fledg
ed professional speaker. As the Hoosier
poet would put it, she has "a natchural
turn fer talkin fit to kill" and does not
appreciate that sometimes "the best
and hardest thing to learn is the trick
o' keepin still " No broader or better
hint can be given incapable platform
paraders than that given by the Quaker.
"Mv son." admonished the Daternal'
! 4l,nn nntMni. 4n ooTT If la I
wise to say nothing. " Bertha Damaris
Knobe in Woman's Home Companion.,
MOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the Hon. Thos.
F. Ryan, judge of the county court of the state of
Oregon for Clackamas county, administrator of
the estate of Jouah Williams, deceased. All per
eoiiB having claims against the said estate are
hereby requested to present the same to me,
properly verified, at my home in New Era, Ore
gor, within six months of the date hereof.
Dated this 14th day of August, 1S'J9.
Administrator of Ihe estate of
Jonah Williams, deceased.
Volca.ilo Eruptions
Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob
life of joy. Bncklen's Arnica Salve
cures them; also Old, Running and Fe
ver Hores, Ulcers, Boils, Felonp, Cornn,
Warts, Outs, Bruises, Bums, Bcalds,
Chapped Hands, Chilblains. B. st i'ile
cure on earth. Drives out Pains and
Aches. Only 25 cents a box. Cure
guaranteed, told hy Geo. A. Harding,
His Life Was Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful
deliverence from a frightful death. In
telling of it he says: "I wa taken with
Typhoid Fever, ituu ran mio rneiunonia.
My lungs became hardened. I was so
weak I couldn't even sit up in bed.
Nothing helped mo. I expected to soon
die of Consumption, when I heard of
nr. Kini! s JNew Discovery, une ooitie
gave great relief. 1 continued to use it,
and now am well and strong. I can't
Bay too much in its praise." This mar
velous medicine is the surest and quick
est cure in the world for all Thron' and
Lung Trouble. Regular eiz a 51) cents
and '$1.00. Trial bottles free at lieo. A.
Harding's Drug Sioie; evry bjttle
A Prima Donna' Ordeal.
Lilli Lehmann, the song bird, follows
the strictest kind of regimen. For the
last eight years she has been a vege
tarian. She never takes stimulants of
any kind. Water is her only beverage.
Her bed hour when she doe..'t sing is
8 o'clock. She gives a stated number of
hours on her idle days to gymnastic ex
ercises, in Bummer sne indulges in a
great deal of swimming. The result is
that at B0, with her hair snow white,
her figure is shapely and erect and her
voice is strong and fresh. Girls who be
lieve that they have a voice will prob
ably hesitate a bit before they face the
ordeal that has to be faced by most of
the prima donnas of the old schools.
An Innovation In India.
Mrs. Solomon Gossoon, the managing
partner of a well known Jewish firm In j
Bombay and president ot several com
panies in which the firm takes an inter
est, has been proposed for a place in the
governor general's council an aston
ishing innovation for India. The pro
posal comes from a leading Indian pa
per, it is clue to ner remarKaDie Busi
ness ability and the fact that she has
NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned
F. Ryan, judge of the county court of the state of
Oregon for the county of Clackamas, administra
tor of the estate of Fred 9. Smith, deceased. All
persons having elaims against the said estate are
hereby required to present the same to the under
signed, properly verified as bylaw required, at
my residence, near Oegon City, Oregon, within
six months frcin the date hereof.
Administrate of the estate of
Fred H. Smith, deceased.
Dated this 21st day of August, 1899.
In the eirouit court of the state of Oregon for
the county of Clackamas.
W. H. Franklin ,
C. E. Moody,
To C. E. Moody, Defendant!
IN the name of the State of On gon, yon are
hereby required to appear and answer th
complaint filed against you in the
above entitled acllon on or before the-
2nd day of October, 181B, and if you
fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff wilt
take Judgment against you for the sum of on
hundred and twenty-four dollars in United States
gold coin, with Interest thereon from February-
18;h, 1882, at 8 per ocnt per annum, and for oosts.
and disbursements hereiu.
This summons' is published by order of Hon..
Thos. F. Eyan, judge of the county court ot
Clackamas county, Oregon, made on the 25th day
of May, 1899.
First publication Augusts, 1809.
Attorney for Plaintiff."
I now hold funds applicable to the
payment of county warrants endorsed
prior to September 10th. 1896.
Interest will cease on the date of this
Oregon City. Clackamas County, Ore
gon, August 10th, 1899.
Jacob Shade,
County Treasurer.
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
Clackamas county.
Emma Ferry.
L. M. Ferry,
To L. M. Ferry, the defendant above nr'iir-1;
JS tha name of the State of Oregon you ii 1 1- here
by required to appear and answer to the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled snlt
on or before the lust day of the time pi est obo l
in the order for the publication of this summons,
lo-wit: six weeks the date of the first publication
of this summons being on the 4th day of A ugust,
1899, and if you fall to so appear and answer the
plaintiff herein will apply to said court for the
relief prayed for in her oomplaint, vli: a Judg
ment against you and a decree dissolving the-
marriage contraot now existing between youi
In the oounty court of the state of Oregon for and the plftintiffherein and for the care and cus.
. The organization of the colonial com
mission, which is virtually a foreign
bureau, by the administration does uot
look as if the government had any idea
of relinquishing its recently acquired
territory. It is less, however, an indi
cation or an imperial policy than of a
pressing necessity on the part of the
administration for help in the labor
imposed upon it by the complicated
problems, civil and military, which have
arisen in Cuba and elsewhere. The
commission consists of three energetic
men, to whom will fall the duty of con
sidering the financial social, political
and industrial questions that were al
ready overworking the president and
his staff. The very first of all the prob
lems is the question of securing in the
Vest and easiest way a sufficient revenue
of $5 per month, to commence August 1, i froln the islands to carry out the re
forms that have been planned, and this
1890, and the clerk is herebv authorized
to issue a warrant for same on Sept 1,
and the first day of each month there
after until further orders.
In the matter of affidavits filed for
bounty on will auimal scalps. Tne fol
lowing claims for scalp bounties having
been tiled, and the board having ex
amined the same and being fully ad
vised, it is ordered that the same are
hereby approved and allowed as follows
to wii ;
Daniel Parker, 7 coyotes H 00
James Pagle, 1 wildcat 2 00
Albon Meinig, 3 " 6 00
Total 22 00
a question to which the commissi to
vill give its immediate and studious
ClaekumaB county.
In the matter of the estate of)
V OlICE is hereby givou that in pursuance of an
order of ihe above entitled court, made on
made great efforts to draw together the the 7th day of August, 1899, in the matter of the
" Ll I e in 1.. . ill..! .Iu.n..al1 0i nnilak
women of Bombay. Woman's Journal.
Miss Frances Molina, who has taken
1 estate of Rhoda A. lllair, deceased, the undet-
fclgned, the executor of the said estate, from and
Iter the 9th day of September, 1899, will proceed
to sell at private sale all the right, title, Interest
much interest in educational matters in and esUte o( the faia Rhotft A. B-ftir al the time
the past, sailed ror Havana to open tne of her (lettthi an(j all the r)ght title and interest
American school there. The school
will be American in its methods, in its
curriculum, in its textbooks and even
in the use of the language spoken. Miss
Molina belongs to a very old Cuban
family, but she has received a fine Eng
lish education.
Under an old law of Maryland, sel
dom if ever used, a man named Tucker,
who killed another named Johnson, "in
a fight, "is to pay the widow $3,000
and her children $3,000. A jury so de
sided at Baltimore after a week's trial
"Not a song bird hat in stock" is
posted on frequent bulletins through
the millinery department of Marshall
Field's great Chicago store. This is a
public acknowledgment of the victory
of the Audubon crusade.
that the estate has. by operation of law or other
wise other than or in addition to that of the snid
Rhoda K. Blair at the time of her death, in and to
all those cortain parcels of land situate, lying and
being in the county of Clackamas and state of Or
egon, and more particularly desoribed as follows,
The northwest quarter of southwest quarter;
north half of north half of southeast quarter and
lot one (1) of section 1, township 6 south, range 1
east of Willamette mjrldlan.
Terms and conditions of sale: Cash, gold coin
oflhetinited States: 50 per cent ot purchase
money to be paid on day of tales balanoe on con
Hi iiiatlon of sale by said county court.
For further particulars apply to said execute,
atMarquam, Oregon, or to Hedges Griffith, at
torneys for said estate, Barclay building, Oregon
City, Oregon.
Executor of the estate of
Rhoda A, Blair, deceased.
tody of the two Bald minor children named iu
said plaintiff's complaint an d fur such other re
lief as to the court may seem proper.
This summons is published by an order of tha-
Hon, Thomas F. Hyan, judge of the oounty court,,
made and entered on the 31st day of July, 1899. r
Napoleon DAvis,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Miss Elizabeth Geddes, the nurse who
received the Royal Red Cross for her
services at Oiiidnrnian. is a member of
the National Society For Aid to Sick and
Wounded In War.
The enipress downger of China re
ceived a deputation of foreign women
recently marked departure from an
cient custom.
The other day Miss Ayers of Penn
Yan, who reserved all her originality
for her final act, shut herself np in a
trunk and then took poison. In 43
That Is the way all druggists sell
for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is
imply iron and quinine in a tasteless
form. Children love It. Adults prefet
t o titter, naufcatingtonlcs, Price, 50c
Herr Bebol, the Socialist, in opposing
the army bill in the German reichstag
made some very significant remarks. It
was a mockery, he said, to expross sym
pathy with the disarmament manifesto
of Emperor Nicholas and at the same hours after this exploit was blazoned
time to introduce a bill increasing the Robert T. Rink of Philadelphia iinitat-
armament of Germany. lie then added ed the feat successfully with another
the following pointed warning: "In the trunk. Curious that the monkey in-
struggle of commercial competition the stinct of man should come out atroa-
victor will be the nation possessing the geet in death.
most intelligent workmen. Therefore
Germany should not devote her work
men for years to military service, and
the Social Democrats desire that the
military education of the young shall
The latest scientific discovery ia that
spontaneous combustion, in haystacks
U due to a microbe. The only thing
left that we have any assurance doe
be in the hands of retired officers' and I not depend upon a microbe is a "live
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
Matilda Cliaruian, .1
W. T. Whittoek, guardian Pel
bert Newman, Bertha New
man, Bertie Newman, Min
nie Newman, Emma New
man, Max Newman, heirs of
H. F. Newman, deceased, ana i
Hniuia Newman, (
To tach and all of said defendants:
In Ihe name of the state of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby required to appear an
answer the oomplaint filed against you la the
above entitled suitoa or before the first day of
the next regular term of said oircult court, to-wit;
on Monday, November 6th, 1S99: and If you fail
to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will ap
ply for the relief demanded In said complaint,
to-wit: the foreclosure of a mortgage of fAX), In
terest and costs, upon the southeast quarter of
section 6, township 4 loutb, range 5 east of the
Willamette saerldian, In aald county, and sale
of said premises to satisfy said demands.
This summons t published by order ol the
Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, Judge ot the oounty court
of stid oounty, dated August 26th, 19.
Dete ol first publication, September 1st 1K9.
C. D. A D. C. LiTOcaETTK,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for -the
County of Clackamas.
Grace E. Hughes, 1
William P. Hughes.'
To William P. Hughes, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby commanded to be and appear tn ihe cir
cuit court of the state of Oregon for Clackamaa .
county on or before the time prescribed In the or
der for the publication of this summons, to-wit:
on or before six weeks after the first publication
hereof, to answer the complaint in the above
entitled cause, and In default thereof judgment
will be entered therein against you for want
thereof. The relief demanded by plaintiff In said ,
complaint is for a decree of this court dissolving:
the bonds of matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defeudant; that plaintiff be allowed
to resume her maiden name, Grace E. Porter, and
for such other and further relief as may seem..
just In equity and Rood conscience.
The date of the first ouhlication of this sum
mons Is Juli 28. 180a, and this summons is pub.
lished pursuant to an order made by the Hon.
Thomas F. Ryan, judge of the county court of'
the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, on the -47th
day of July, 1899, and filed herein.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the county court of the sUte of Oregon, for
Clackamas county.
I ,i uiniiii-i ' vii c rnmicuri
Deceased. )
VOTICF, is hereby given that the undersigned
has filed her final report tn the above court
in the above entitled matter as administratrix ot
said estate, with the will annexed, and the court
ha fixed the 2nd day of October, 199, at the hour
of 10 o'clock a.m. of said day, as the time for bear
I i. ... o a all AhianllAna In .a .1 Mnnri If n
there should be.
Dated August 15,1899. '
Administratrix of said estate '
with will annexed.
Q. K. Haixs, Attorney for Estate.
W flpprrnflian Qtiri PnnpiDrdJopQlrl M.
Ill UlU&UUluU UUU U'lUllUlUUlUU 46