Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 01, 1899, Image 5

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We are receiving daily large invoi ces of New Fall
Goods. Every make add weave known to the Ameri
can, French and English manufacturers.
We are Strong on Dress Goods
Of popular makes at popular pricas. English collec
tion of high grades, black French Crepons and Silk
Novelties, English Pierolas and English Mohairs, in
black and colors; from 25c to $1.50 yard.
, ii French and English Serges
In black "arid navy, warranted A 1 cloth, from 50c to
$ 2.0a yard. A supberb line 61 popular-priced plaids at
47c, 50c'and 65c yard.
McAllen & McDonnell
Teachers Are Apt And Beady
(Continued from last week.)
Last Friday, the closing day of the
Clackamas Oounty Teachers' Institute,
was a day of intense interest. It
marked the closing of the most success
ful and best attended institute ever
held at Oregon City. Professor E. A.
Milner, who is very practical in his
methods of teaching, gave an excellent
lecture on participles. Professor J. C.
Zinser, who is very thorough in his
methods, discussed mathematical geog
raphy. Rev. E. 8. Bollinger gave an
excellent lecture on "What the Teacher
Jhould Know to Make Good Citizens."
In the afternoon State Superintendent
Ackerman explained the manual course
-of studies, and conducted a question
box in the interest of changes in the
school law. Mrs. J. H. Strickler gave
an interesting talk on teaching music to
primary classes. The musical program
consisted of a piano solo by Miss Veda
Williams, a vocal solo by Miss Hazel
Pilsbury with Mrs. Mina Harper as accompanist.
One hundred and seventy teachers
were enrolled as in attendance at the
instilue, and, of course, Superiutendeut
Bowland feels justly gratified.
Mrs. H.B. Rinearson made an excel
lent institute secretary, and was care
ful and painstaking in her work. She
not only took pains to have the names
recorded correctly, but took down the
numbers of the districts, where the
teachers had secured schools.
Below is given' additional names of
teachers, who attended the institute,
and corrections as to schools secured.
Miss Elgiva Mullan is not engaged to
teach the Barlow school, as was men
tioned last week.
Tennie and Zona Mayfield, Highland ;
district No. 90. Shubel.
Susie Maroney, Kelso; district No
19, Kelso.
Margaret Guttridge, Springwater.
Mary Young, Milwaukie.
Emma Kleinsmitb. Clarkes.
Elnora Ginther. Shubel.
Mrs. E. B. Allen, Woodburn : district
Ho. 2. Hubbard.
Geotgiana Bell, Portland ; district No.
53, Clarkes. .
Mrs.-Ma S. Derry, Concord.
Alice Maude Okey, Arlington, 111.
Louise and Tena Rintoul, The Dalles.
Edith Karr, Julia Spooner, Payn.
Emma Fleming, Lents.
Harriet Ginther, Edith A. Bell, Lois
Helm, Mrs. Lavella Marshall, Portland.
Edith Jackson, Ely.
Emily Hoecker, Portland.
Grace McCurd, Orient.
A. M. Spauldine, Monta Villa.
L. L. Moore, Milwaukie; district No,
I. Milwaukie.
Lulu Hankins, May Wilson, Arthur
Holden, Oregon City.
L. L. Moore. Milwaukie; Milwaukie.
Lydia Hunter, Suuhyside; Liberal,
No. 93.
Ada McLaughlin, Milwaukie; Spring-
water No. 24.
Marie E. Bishop, Oregon City; dis
trict No. 61, Crescent.
Maude Salisbury, Oregon City; dis
trict No. 61, Damascus.
A. J. Mishler, Aurora ; No. 91, Needy.
C. L. Dyer, Oregon City.
Charles Hansen, C. H. Bateman,
Myrtle Cornett, Springwater.
Alice Guttridge, Springwater; Cher
Agnes Nelson, Oswego ; district No
106. Fulton.
Grace Edwards, Oswego; Tong dis
Sarah M. Graham, Graeme; joint No
62, Butteville.
Grace MacKerron, Orient.
Emily Hoeker, Portland.
A. M. Spaulding, Montavilla.
Maud Kidder, Oregon City.
A. F. Knight, Canby.
L. J. Francis, a member of the school
board at Tualatin, attended the insti
tute during the greater part of the
Try a dozen of Wilhelm's celebrated
bottled beer for family use, $1 35 per
dozen. J. W. Kelly, manager Wilhelm's
beer depot, Main street, Oregon City
For the best meals In the city go to
the Yale restaurant. Mrs. L. Thorn
ton, proprietoi.
If you want the best price for your
farm produce, send to Harris' groceay
yew Era Ftour Mitts,
.Tna Knwik. Jr.. has fullv recove-ed
his health and together with Jos. Streje
has leased the New Era Flouring Mills.
The mill will be greatly improved and
arrangements made for receiving grain
and exchanging for mill s.uffs at short
notice. Satisfaction guaranteea.
Sevcik, Stkejc k Co.
For sale One hop stove i feet long,
37 loints of 11-inch pipe and seven el
bows. The apparatus bat dried 20 bales
of hops only. Call or address C. T.
Pembroke, Canby, near Adkms mill.
For Sale 27 acres adjoining West Or
eironCitv. Eighteen acres in cultiva'
tion; balance light brush. All under
fence. Good spring of water. Excel
lent location. Sixty-five dollars pet
acre. Call on or address G. B. Dimick,
Oregon City.
N, Y. World ani Courier-Herald $1.75
liUllilLUl u
iu,..,iii mut ifli-i, .m tttti 4. mil itffi Biiili!iiaiii.iiiin...iiiiiii iiaiiAiiiiMiA
The White is King
We sell the White
and Queen
Sewing Machines
Prices from $25 up
Machines sold on Easy Payments.
lrvf'H'' 11,1 1111 "" i " 1 ' " ' ' "" " '"' 1 ' ' '" f "' 1 1 " ' """"" """" " "
Th Portland flouring mills here are
navin 55 cents per bushel for old wheat
and 52 cents for the new crop that is
slightly damaged.
Rev. Ernest Mack has plans for the
German Lutheran church edifice to be
built at Aurora. The structure will cost
from $1,000 to $2,000.
Th Star Clothing House will be
closed Tuesday and Wednesday, Sep
tember 6th and 6th Jewish holidays.
Store will open Wednesday afternoon at
6 p. m. . .'
A portion of the court house is re
ceiving a coat of calcim'ne on the inte
rior of a light blue tint, that materially
imnrnvcM it mmearance. Justin
Walker have the contract.
Tha Blue River mines of Lane cduhty
are looking up. J. S. White has struck
quartz in his claim that promises to
equal anything in richness iouna re
cently. Eugene Broadaxe. : -
flountv Superintendent Bowland af
ter paying the expenses of the institute
held last week, still has $60 BO in the
fund to apply to the expenses of the
next annual teachers' institute.
Messrs. Morris & Olds, who have the
contract for building the new county
hridue acros Rock creek, were in the
city Monday, and expect to complete
the structure in about three weens.
While here they executed bonds for the
construction of the three bridges in
Clarke county, Wash., having been
awarded contracts to build the same by
the county court of that county.
J. W. Kellv has on exhibition at his
place of business a pair of stuffed birds,
that have the novelty of being a cross
between the Chinese pheasant and Hu
dan chickens. Mrs. E. D. Kelly se
cured the setting of combination eggs
from Mrs. Henrietta Noms, and raised
t.h hirds. which subsequently passed
into the hands of ex-Sheriff Joe Buchtel,
nf Multnomah county. When they were
dead Mr. Buchtel had the birds stufted,
and presented them to Mrs. Kelly a few
days ago.
John H. Walker and other sports
man are raising a fund to defray the ex
norma of imDortinii a number of English
partridges and turning them loose in
Clackamas county. The birds would
no doubt thrive in this climate, and
would be a valuable eddition to Oregon
game birds. They aie said to resera
hin the Oreeon arouse in some respects.
About $50 has already been raised for
this purpose. Others wishing to con
tribute, can give the same to JVir.
Walker. The birds cost $5 per pair,
Three Clackamas county divorce
caseB were filed in the circuit court dur
ing the past week. They are:
J. W. Currin vs Margaret Ourrin. Cora
P. Steele vs 8. P. Steele; plea cruel and
inhuman treatment. The Steele's were
married at Albany, Linn county, on
December 12th. 1893. Nervesly Bich-
ardson also wants a divorce from Rob
ert Richardson on the plea of abandon
ment. Morris Roberts has filed a suit
in the circuit court to recover $145, bal
ance due on a note from A. D. 0. and
M. Richardson.
W. L. Beckner, of the Blue Gravel
Minina- Company, has returned from
Blue river, where he was looking after
the, Oregon City company's interests,
and reports the most encouraging out
look. While there he superintended the
running of a 60-foot tunnel, that showed
fmir-foot ledire all the way in. Bpeci
mens of the rock were pounded up in a
mortar, that gave splendid prospects oi
cold all the way throngh. There is con
siderable activity in the Blue river dis
trict, and the Lucky Boy company ex
pect to have their mill completed and
in operation by October 1st.
Following is an extract from a letter
written to Oounty Judge Ryan, during
the past week from an individual, who
wants county aid: "Have consulted
over 20 doctors. Case not understood
bv anv. Only they all agree it is spinal
Riulit iaws lock together at times
Cramps under right rib and left rib also
in limbs, feet cold, body cold chills par
tial blindness now and again a buzzing
like saw teeth in many colors on ground,
circulation irregular like a hoop bound
ing through system. Slight perspira
tion at times, left ear deaf. Need no
present Medicine if can get it regular
(but dont) is remedy with proper bi
Georee A. Steel, Marshalll Steel,
Charles E. Meldrum, Millard Hyatt,
and Thomas Howell, the Willamette
Falls botanist, have returned from a
three week's outing in the Cascade
mountains. They visited the qnartz
mines in the vicinity of Table Rock, the
noted hot springs on the headwaters of
the Clackamas, and some of the party
went to Elk lake, near Mount Jefferson.
Mr. Howell found some new botannical
specimens, hut he cannot ascertain
whether or not they are new to science,
until he makes a working test of the
nlants. The tourists on this trip claim
that Clackamas hot springs would be
the greatest attraction on the coast, if
they were only convenient to transpor
tation facilities.
Mrs. G. B. Dimick returned Saturday
from a visit to Hubbard.
Mrs. J. J. Cooke and son, Allen, are
visiting friends at Molalla.
M. Walsh, of Milwaukie, was a pleas
ant caller at this office Saturday.
Mrs. W. C. Green returned Friday
from a visit to relatives at Salem.
Mrs. O. S. Olson returned Friday
from a visit to relatives at Lebanon.
F. A. Sleight, a well known Canby
fruit grower, was in the city Saturday.
Mrs. A. L. Conger, of Portland, has
been employed to teach the New Era
Mrs. 8. A. Panufit. of Portland, has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. de
La Fontaine.
William Kreneer. of Canbv. returned
Friday from Rainier, where he spent
the summer.
Councilman E. E. Charman returned
Friday from a week's stay with his fam
ily at Seaside.
J. F. Dix, one of the enterprising
young citizens of Colton, was in town
during the past week.
Mrs. M. Walsh, of Milwaukie, visited
her mother, Mrs. T. M. Knowles, at the
Latourette bridge Saturday.
Miss Edith Karr. of Pavn. and Miss
Jennie Oolson, of Clackamas, were
pleasant callers at this office Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Moody and son
were visiting her aunt, Mrs. Charles
Logus, in Portland, during the week.
Mrs. Ira Wishart le.'t Saturday night
for Oakland, Or., to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Russell, for a few
Miss Nellie Phillips, who has been
visit!ng her grandmother, Mrs. Rachel
Bacon, left Friday evening for Los Ange
les, Calif.
Miss Eatelle Parker, of Monitor, who
had been visiting at the home of W. H.
H. Samson for several days, returned
home Monday.
Charles Albright left Friday for a
visit to Spokane and contiguous coun
try. He accompanied his brother-in-law,
Mr. Fuller.
H. D. Wilcox, the newly elected prin
cipal of the Barclay school, was here
Friday looking for a house to be occu
pied by his lamily.
Miss Beatrice De Graff and Mrs. Asa
Holladav. of Aberdeen, South Dakota,
who were viBiting Miss Gertrude Fin-
ley, started on their return trip home
A. W. France left Sunday for Phila
delphia, where he will represent the de
partment of Oregon at the grand en
campment of the Grand Army ot the
Walter S. Bonnell, who has been
working in Shark's barber shop for some
time past, left Monday for the Hubbard
hop fields, and from there win go to
Emerv and Trafton Dye are proud of
the fact that they made the ascent of
Mount Hood, while at Government
Camp. They are 11 and 13 years old
Sherman Burford and "Dutchy"
Brown returned Friday from the Sal
mon river hatchery. They reported that
the recent high water had carried away
the fish racks.
Mrs. Ruth Davis and daughter, Mrs.
C. N. Hatch, of Walla Walla, who vis
ited the former's son, J. A. Davis, at
Willamette Falls, returned home Saturday.
Mrs. H. B. Rinearson received a let
ter a few days ago from Mrs. J. S. Pur
dom, stating that Mr. Purdom was now
dav station agent and telegraph opera
tor for the O. R. & N. at Athena.
Rev. W. Brenner, pastor of the local
church, and Rev. G. Schoenberg, of
Macksburg, attended the synodical con
ference of the German Lutheran church
held in Portland during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Pope,
and Mortimor Latourette returned
Thursday from an extt-nded outing on
the Tillamook coast. The rain fell in
torrents a greater part of the way dur
ing the return trip.
A. B. Herman, the well known young
school teacher, of Beaver Creek, was
here Friday on his way home from the
seaside. Mr. Herman will not teach
this fall, but expects to take a course in
Mount Angel college.
H. E. Harris left Monday for St. Lous,
Mo., to attend the grand convocation
of stationary engineers, that meets there
this year. Mr. Harris will represent
the Portland division. He will be ab
sent for several weeks.
T. P. Lee, the Grant's Pass water
melon king, was a visitor here Thurs
day. Mr. Lee has a 100-acre field of
the largest and finest watermelons that
ever crew in an Oregon climate, but the
continued rainy weather is death on
the melon appetite. Usually, it it diffi
cult to supply the demand for melons in
Portland and the Willamette valley.
Dr. H. A. Dedman, of Canby, was a
visitor in town Monday.
Dr. G. B. Smith, of Eagle creek, was
a visitor in town Monday.
Mrs. E. L. Burmeiater returned Mon
day from a visit to Newport.
Mrs. P. Mclntyre returned Friday
from a visit to friends at Salem.
George Randall and family, of New
Era, were visitors In town Monday.
Frank Montgomery : left Monday to
visit relatives at Dufur for a few days.
- Deacon L. H. Andrews went to Sea
aide Tuesday for a few days recreation.
Justice C. Schuebel and family are ex
pected home from Long Beach this
Corporal Leon Holland, of Salem, wai
visiting friends here during the past
week. '
Ara W. McLaughlin and father, R.S.
McLaughlin, of Milwaukie, were in town
Mrs. Tom F. Cowing jr., and daugh
ter, went to Silverton Monday to visit
relatives. . . ' '
Arthur Pressy, of The Dalles, is visit
ing his mother, Mrs. W. M. Robinson,
on the Westside.
Miss Celia Goldsmith expects to start
on her return trip from San Francisco
on September 5th.
Miss Florence Montgomery left Mon
day to visit her grandparents at Jeffer
son for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs, A. V. Divis and Mrs
Susan Williams, of Marquam, were vis
itors in town Monday.
Chester Muir and Allen Frost re
turned Sunday from" a delightful two
week's outing at Long Beach.
Attorney J. E. Hedges is recovering
from his recent continued illness, and
will soon be at his office again.
Miss Pearl Peer, of Carrol's Point,
who was visiting her Bister, Mrs. H. M.
Harrenden, returned home Monday.
Thomas Jones, B, Buckner and Sam
J. Oglesby, prominent citizeus of Bea
ver Creek, were in Oregon City Mon
J. W. Doores was down from Mar
quam Monday, and thinks the greater
part of the wheat crop is in good condition.
G. H. Younar!andP. G. Shark, accom
panied by their families, returned Sat
urday afternoon from an outing on ha
gle creek.
Otis Shelley, who was in from Maple
Lane Monday, does not think that the
wheat crop was injured as much as was
A. J. Miln, of the Albany flouring
mills, who was visiting his brother.
Councilman A. Miln, returned home
Tuesday morning.
R. M. Cooper was in from Carus
Monday, and expressed the opinion that
wheat was not as badly injured as was
at first apprehended.
airs. O. II. Caufleld and children re
turned Monday from a visit to her
brother, Captain M. D. Phillips and
other relatives at Albany.
Mrs. Arthur Warner, Miss Nellie
Warner and Miss Helen Riggs, who
have been visiting Mrs. Anna King at
llwaco, returned home Saturday,
Mrs. William Galloway left Tuesday
morning for Newport, to visit her aunt,
Mrs. W. P. Burke, of Portland, who is
spending the summer at the seaside.
John A. vHowland, one of Company
l'a ex-volunteers, left Tuesday for the
Upper Clacdamas hatchery, where he
will be employed for the next three
Charles V. Galloway will look after
his father's fruit farm in Yamhill
county for a year, and after that time
expects to begin a course hi Columbia
law college.
Mrs. E. F. Martin returned this week
from a visit to her daughter, E. Sadie
White, who is doing a flourishing busi
ness with her racket store at Suuipter,
Baker county.
W. H. Burnhardt, president of the Or
egon City Southern Railway, left Sun
day for the East to close contracts for
construction and to place orders for ma
terial. He will visit Philadelphia,
New York and Boston before his return.
Richard Mvers, accompanied by hia
daughter and two sons, arrived from
Los Aneeles. Calif., and spent bunday
with his brother-in-law, J. F. Mont
gomery.' Mr. Myers left Monday morn
ing for his farm above Salem in Marion
county. ' " , i .-. ;
Tom F. Cowing and Emery Noble kit
Saturday for a hunting and fishing trip
on the Barlow road. During their ab
sencelll R. Lognir and Percy Can-'
field ablV looked after the affairs
the Western Union Telegraph office and .
the express office. They returned Mon-,
day night.. : i
J. M: Tracy Was in from Logan Satur-
day and stated that he expected to be
gin threshing his wheat on the day loi- :
lowing,' which was in fair condition.
However, he was puzzled to know how
to separate the the grains of sprouted
wheat from the sound ones, as it came.
came through the thresher.
Fred Humphreys accompanied E. B.
Millard, his comrade in the Philippines
to Sheridan last Friday for a short visit.
Millard was the private in Company M,
who distinguished himsell by passing
himself off as dead after being wounded,
while the Filipinos prodded him with
bayonets and applied burning matches
to his face to ascertain If there were any
signs of life. The ruse saved his life.
and he was a much-sought hero at ban
Franciso. frequently sliding out through
back alleys to escape interviewers and
hero worshippers.
Tlity Were Here.
There will be no more buck nigger
shows in Astoria. The gang of pirates
that showed in Astoria last Saturday
night under the cognomen or the 'ueor
eia Minstrels" was the rottenest Bhow
that ever visited Astoria. So rotten was
the performance, half the audience efj
before the performance was half out.
They were to have played on Sunday
night, but Manager Sehg refused to per
mit them to do bo. There may be some
nice people among them, but they
would not he permitted to play in the
lowest dive in San Francisco. Astoria
Herald. . '
Discriminates Ayalmt Oregon.
The Telegram continues to rub it In
oft Oregon City people, and the way io
which some of them insist on being bit
ten is a caution. For the past two
weeks, not a word of Oregon City news
has been printed in the Portland edi
tion of the Telegram. The space filled
by local news in the Oregon City edi
tion is filled up with news from other
towns in the big Portland edition. But
anything is good enough for the back
woods denizens of Oregon City, Lone
interviews with prominent citizens and
business men, and the doings of our big
teachers' institute are not good enough
to publish to the outside world. They
are all right for the limited population
in Oregon t'tty.
But the reporter is not to blame for
this. He does his level best, and works
hard to give Oregon City affairs good
write-ups. It is the head manage
ment that discriminates agalnBt Oregon
City, and when some of our people
think they are getting advertised abroad,
they are fooled.
For the best home board eo to the
Yale restaurant. Mrs. L.Thornton, pro.
Threshing machine bill and receipt
books at Courieb-Hkrald office; 50
and 75 cents.
J. R. Marks, of Marks Prairie, was in
town Monday, and congratulated him
Self on having his wheat all stored in
the warehouse. He threshed before
the rains begun.
W. A. Hedges and R. M. Long, ac
companied by their families, returned
Thursday from an outing on Trout
creek. They report a good time In
spite of the continued rains.
i Rev. Gabriel Sykes and family, of
Monta Villa, are camping for a few days
in the vicinity of Beaver creek. Rev.
Sykes and family were former residents
here, when he was pastor of the Metho
dist Episcopal church.
William Wright and R. D. Wilson
have returned from their pleasure trip
to the Nehalem river. U. a. jn ash and
family will remain there for awhile on
their farm. The party report a thrill
ing trip in row boats over the rapids to
the mouth of the Nehalem.
Georee F. Buckles, County Treasurer
Jacob Shade and Deputy Oounty Treas
urer Alfred Luelling went to New Era
Sunday to hear H. B. Campbell, of
Portland, lecture on "Modern So ritu
alism" at the camp ground. He did not
put in an appearance, however, prob
ably on account of the unfavorable
weather. The crowd that assembled
spent a pleasant time in a social way.
Go to the Yale restaurant for the beat
meals. Home cooking.
Fabm to Rbnt One mile east of Ea
gle Oreok, on Sandy road, 60 acres plow
land. 40 acres well watered pasture.
good buildings. Will let for 3 years on
shares or part cash and part work, im
proving the place. Good neighborhood
and school. Address or call, J. 8. Smith
Eagle Creek.
Asthma can be cured. To prove this.
call at Charman & Co.'n drug store and
get a free trial bottle of Taft's Asthma-
lene ; or will mail a free trial bottle.
Write Drs. Taft Medical Co., Elm street,
Rochester, N. Y.
Base Ball
We have nearly a complete line
of Spalding's Base Ball Gloves,
Mitts, Masks and Bats, which we
wish to close out. While they last
you can buy them at 25 per cent
discount from Spalding's prices.
We have left also a few Ham
mocks at $l.oo to $3.50. 25 per
cent discount on these to close out
We are still making special
price on Bicycle Sundries.
Huntfey's Book Store