OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER r, 1899. LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION. tr. 'C, E. Loomis returned Wednesday from Eugene. W. W. Duree, of Oswego, was a visi tor in town Tuesday. Fred Hurst, of Aurora, is recovering from a severe illness. J. F. Olark, the abstractor, went to Albany Wednesday night. . " Hiss Leila Jones has returned from an extended stay in Portland. Richard Bittner, of the West Side, is . Very ill with typhoid fever. Exra Hutson has gone to the Cascade mountains to gather huckleberries. L. L. Moore, principal of the Milwau kee school, was in townWednesday. J. 8. Smith and family have removed from Eagle creek back to Oregon City. Mrs. H. T. Sladen and children have returned from their outing at Seaside. J. Dunlayy, a prominent citizen of Marquam, was a visitor here Tuesday. Colonel Robert A, Miller went to Sa iem Wednesday, to remain for a day or two, , Clyde Huntley and J. P. Lovett left 'Wednesday for a visit to the Blue river -mines. M. L. Morris, of Molalla, was a well known visitor in town Tuesday from -Molalla. Rev. 0. A. Willey has been attending the Free Methodist camp meeting at Portland. . Jb red Terry and family are camping near the end of the Clackamas bridge for an outing. Mias E. C. Adair was visiting rela tives in Portland for Beveral days dur ing the past week. Max Schulpius left Wednesday for Kellogg, Idaho, where he has secured a lucrative position. Chester Roake and Herbert Chase have returned from a visit to Newport nd Polk county. Lyman Latourette, of McMinnville, was visiting his brother, D. C. Latour ette, during the week. Misses Nora and Pearl Baird, of Sa lem, were visiting the family of 0. A. Willey during the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. At. Moore left yes terday for Roseburg, where they will -again make their borne. Miss Echo Samson returned Tuesday Jrom visiting Miss Irwin at Barlow, and the Misses Knight at Oanby . Miss Hattie Cochrane left Tuesday lor Seaview, where she will remain sev eral days with Miss May Kelly. Mr3. N. W. Bowland and her guest, Mrs. Lydia Emery, of Van Work, Ohio, were visiting in the city Wednesday. Miss Dorothy Chase left Wednesday to resume her studies at Stanford uni versity. Miss Ednetta Chase expects to go later. E. H. Cowing returned Tuesday from ti extended stay at Newport. Mrs. Cowing stopped at Albany to visit friends. Mrs. Ed L. Shaw and daughter, who have been visiting relatives at Sweet Home, Linn county, returned home Tuesday. Corwin S. Shank, of Seattle, was here . Tuesday. After visiting his parents at janby for a day or two he returned to Washington. Miss Mina Kelly has returned from an outing at Long Beach. Her sister, Miss May, will remain there for two or three weeks longer. - J. H. Bonney, of Bonney Bros., saw mill men, of Redland, was in town Wednesday, and reported that their mill was now busy filling orders. C. J. Buchanan, of the Willamette Pulp ii Paper Company, left Wednes day for a three weeks' visit to New York city and the Souihern States. Bates tlawley, a prominent farmer of Logan, was in town Tuesday, and stated that where the wheat was well shocked that it had sustained but little damage. Miss Estella Noll, of McMinnville, was visiting Mrs. 0. M. Weed, during the week. She wab on her way to Rose burg, to accept a position as teacher in the city schools. Henry Cook, a well known Sandy far mer, was ia town Wednesday, and re ported that his spring wheat looked well, and woukl begin harvesting the same in a day or two. 0. C. Babcock and son, Charles, ac companied by Joe Minn, of Portland, left Tuesday lor the Salmon rirer coun try, where they will hunt, fish and gather berries for two or three weeks. D. F. Warner left Wednesday for Nyssa, Malheur county, where he will teach a six months term of school. He taught four months there last year, but has been spending bis vacation at his hame at Currinsville. Clarence Rands arrived from Sweet Home Monday, and proceeded to the Puljuse country, in Idaho, near Palouse City, where he will assume charge of a flouring mill. Mr. Rinds has rented ut his farm at Sweet Home. His fam ily is expectt-d to arrive Lere next week. PERSONAL Mrs. G. M. Strange has closed her house, and moved to the home of Mr and Mrs. T. M. Miller. She expects to go to Corvallis tooay, where she will visit relatives for several days. She will be accompanied by Miss Ella Boehlke and they will visit Newport before their return. Mayof Arthur McPhiliips, of McMinn ville, and bride, were guests of Receiver William Galloway Tuesday and Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. McPhillipa were on their way home from their bridal tour to the sound . The bride was Miss Maggie Redmond, who had been teacher in the McMinnville schools for several years. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. ; Owing to the Jewish New Year, the store of I. SELLING will be closed Tuet day, Sept. 5th, until 6 o'clock. Miss Carrie H. Braxton and Sidney J, McFarland were granted license to wed on the 28th by the county clerk. The Workman degree was conferred on eight candidates at the meeting of Falls City Lodge, A. O. U. W., held Saturday night. Price Bros.' clothing store will close Monday night at 6 o'clock and reopen Wednesday morning, on account of Jew ish holiday. A child was born to the wife of Paul Scholtz, during the past week, but the exact date and gender has not yet been ascertained. The general committee of the volun teer reception auxiliary have donated $25 of the fund to the soldiers' monu ment fund in Portland. Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Ura bpangler and Senator L. L. Porter, to take place at the home of the brides' parents in Corvallis Tuesday, September 5th. The Canemah school board held a meeting Monday night, and voted to have the fall term begin September 15th The district also adopted the uew man ual course of study. Lost Heifer Dark red head, 8-inch horns frnt straight, black streak from back, white spots On hips, white tail, unmarked, part Jersey. Reward. Jacob Hany, Redland, Ore. - Miss Lizzie Gilbert was the recipient ot a delightful surprise party at her home last Saturday evening. About 25 of her young friends were present, and it proved a most enjoyable occasion. Martha J. Burge and W. M. Norris were married at the Oongre' gregational parsonage yesterday morn ing, Kev. b. 8. Bollinger officiating. Mr. and Mrs. McFarland have gone to the hopfields to spend their honeymoon m:. 1 TU! anno i.una ivuuuiBon was given a sur prise party last Friday evening at Ris- ley's station in honor of her 18th birth - aay. ice cream and cake were served. and lively games were featurea of the evening. Mrs. W. B. Wiggins entertained the young women, comprising her Sunday school class at her home last Friday evening. Ice cream and cake were served, and games were a feature of the evening's entertainment. J. F. Clark, president of the Oycle Club, is pushing the extension of the Oregon City-Portland bicycle path, and expects soon to have it completed to Milwaukie. Eight or 10 men are now employed under the direction of Erastus Smith. 60I Blumauer, of Portland, grand president of the Native Sons of Oregon, has issued an order that Philippine sol diers, who were born in this state be ad mitted to membership in the subordi nate cabins, without paying any initia tion fee. This week Mrs. Francis Caldwell re moved from her former home on Main street opposite the court house to the new home that she recently purchased from Councilman Busch on the bluff. Mrs. Caldwell had occupied the old home for almost a half century. Miss Mattie Janet Gray, a former well known young woman of this city, was married to Rev. D. Carl Williams, pastor of the First Baptist church at Weiser, Idaho, on August 2nd. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's parents at Shedds. Five runaways were reported from Ely Wedneeday that is, that many teams driving out of town became fright ened and went ahead at a break-neck speed. No serious damage was re ported. One old lady, whose name was not learned was thrown from a wagon, and received some bruises. William Barlow, of Barlow, threshed his wheat before the last big rain, the yield being about 1300 bushels. The grain was well shocked, and was wet only about the depth of an inch on the outside. The Barlow postoffice build ing was burned down a few days ago, but tlie contents of the structure was saved. Mrs. Shepherd, the postmis tress has removed the postoffice 10 her residence. Drink Wilhelm's celebrated lager beer. on draught at Bismark saloon. For Sale or Trade One new McSherry grain drill, 10-hoe ; also one thorough bred Berkshire boar. Call or address F. H. Renoud, Canby, Ore., near Ad- kins' mill. Captain Hugh Thompson and his com pany of Rough Riders, which are the sensation of the day, who fought under three flags, will appear at every perform ance on the hippodrome tracy with the Walter L. Main shows at Portland, on Monday, Sept. 4th, and give the most novel and exciting exhibition that has ever been given to the public. They will be dressed as they were in Cuba, where they took part in the battles of San Juan Hill, Daiquiri, Sibony and El Caney. Street ' Commissioner John Green is making some extensive improve; ments on upper Seventh street. . A wooden curbing or drain is being put down on both sides of the street, which will carry off all the surface water likely to accumulate. It will be eight to 12 inches deep and covered with three boards, so that the center board can be taken up, should the drain be came clogged. The drain heretofore used was only 8x12 inches, and fre quently clogged, causing the water to flood the street. Captain S. E. Miller, the Well known pioneer of Canemah, and veteran steam boat commander, is one of the enter prising citizens of that thriving suburb He is now 71 years old, but still pos sesses a lot of the push that made him one of the first successful navigators on the Willamette river. With his own hands he has made many improvements ou his home place, and recently filled a lot of low ground adjoining his lot, haul ing the dirt with a cart and horse, with out any assistance. Among the divorce suite, filed in the circuit court during the past week were Elizabeth Roos vs William Roos. of Clackamas county. . The plaintiff aV leges cruel and inhuman treatment, and wants the custody of the minor child. Myrtle J. Pye, of Multnomah county, ei lently don't want any more matri monial pie for her portion. S.ie al leges a whole catalogue of brutal treat ment on the part of Frederick J. Pye, winding up with desertion. Mrs. Pye also wants the custody of a minor child. J. R. Wells, of Clackamas countv. wants a divorce from Theresa L. Wells, who deserted him in 1896. Jennie W. Reich, of Multnomah county, asks for a separation from Armin H. Reich, alleg ing cruel and inhuman treatment; alBo custody of minor child. According to the testimony before the coroner's jury Saturday night, George t). Mitchell aged 22, was killed while trying to alight from the south-bound freight train at Parkplaje. Coroner Strickland held an inquest, and the jury returned a verdict of accidontll death, with no blame attached to anyone for the accident. It transpired that the de ceased was the son of W. E. Mitchell, a merchant of Gervais, formerly of Saljm. He was on his way home from Spokani , and it is an unexplained matter why ne was riding on a freight train. Mr. Mitchell came down Sunday and took the body of his son to Salem. The de ceased was a member of the Gervais lodge of Workmen, and a delegation from Falls City lodge, acted as pall bearers when the corpse was carried to the train. The funeral was held at Sa lem Tuesday under the auspices of the A. 0. D. W. A Salem paper says that young Mitchell was to have been mar ried to Miss Helen Southwick, of Polk county in a few weeks. "Patent" flour is made out of old wheat. Miss Athleen Hutchinson, of High land, has been visiting Miss Essie Blocx. Byron L. Hollister and wile, of the Morriston, Minn., Press, have been visiting W. H. Godfrey. Mrs. E.F.Story has opened a well an- pointed confectionery store across the street from this office in theFouts build ing. E. T. G rider, the Wilson ville mail carrier, brought in samples of wheat yesterday from Wilsonville. threshed bv Simon Peters and James Turner. The grain was threshed on Wednesday and shows but slight damage. B. F. Linn was in from Redland vei- terday. and reported that his sawmill had accidentally burned down. It is suppposedthe structure caught on fire in some way from the furnace. The mill was well equipped. The loss is aboit $3,000, and no insurance. Mr. De Bord, a farmer Jiving four miles out in the country, met with a painful accident while driving into the Seventh street stable with a load of baled hay Wednesday afternoon. As he entered the doorway bis body caught be tween the soid hay and crosspiece, and as almost crushed before he was re leased. Three car-loads of hop nickers were on the Southern Pacific local yesterday morning bound for Brooks. By next Monday hop picking will be in full blan if the weather remains favorab'e The rains have improved t ie qua!i;y and growth of the hops, and if condi tions remain all right, the yield will be immense. Potatoes too, have receive 1 great benefit. It now transpires that the damage to wheat was considerably overestimated. Christian Science services are held in Willamette hall every Sunday morning "i 11 o clock-. Subject for Sunday, Sept. 3, "Subsiance." Sunday school at 12 :io. Wednesday evenings meeting at 8 q clock. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all who desire to attend these ser vices. Lost Dark bav mare. weight ahonl 1100 lbs., star in forehead, branded R on flank, collar scars on shoulder, head stall on. Finder will bn lihorallv n- warded by E. F. Hardin, Dundee, O Plating Tableware. Do not throw awav vour tableware. the undersigned is Drenared to nlate it with' royal silver. Orders will be re ceived at Huntley's, or John Everhart's store, JMy. Samples on exhibition. A. Bauhann. LOCAL SUMMARY Best ice cream at Kozy Candy Kitch en. For Sale Second-hand organ cheap for cash. Apply at Bellomv A Bosch. Seven per cent money to loan three to five years. W. 8. U'Rbk. A few cheap watches for sale at Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1. I can loan from $500 to $1500 at 7 in terest on No. 1 mortgage security, one to three years time. H. E. Cross. Mason & Hamlin and Kimball parlor organs for sale at Oregon City Auction House, opposite postoffice. Highest cash price paid for second hand household goods at Bellomy & uusch. Money to loan at 8 percent interest on mortgages. Apply to O. D. & D. O. Latourette. The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G. Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents. A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept. Dan Willians has added to his stock of groceries and provisions a full line of feed and hay. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets When in Portland be sure and call at the Royal restaurant where you can get the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First street, corner of Madison. Wm. Bohlander, proprietor. For first-class handmade or machine made harness go to F, H, Oross on Seventh street, opposite A O U W hall, Prices reasonable and work guaranteed, 45 cents round trip from Oregon City to Portland and return via Southern Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents. Tickets now on sale at railroad depot. Trains leave Oregon City at 8 :40 a.m., and 3:35 p. in., and arrives from Port land at 9 :23 a. m. and 6 :52 p. m. Save time by using the quicker route. Weekly Oregonian and Courier- Herald for $2 per year. Rambler, Victor, Stearns, Ideal and Golden Eagle bicycles for sale at Bur- meistor & Andresen. Shoe repairing of all kinds at F, H, Cross' harness shop, opposite A O U W building on the hill, G. H. Young, opposite Burmeister & Andersen's, keeps a full line of new and second-hand furniture and house fur nishing goods. Prices very low. Give him a call. MARKET REPORTS. PORTLAND. (Corrected on Thursday.) Flour Best $2.753.25; graham $2.65. Wheat Walla Walla 5657c: valley 58c ; bluestone 5859c. Oats White 4344c; gray 42 43c. Barley Feed $17; brewing $18. Millstuffa Bran $17; raiddlinirs $22; shorts $18 ; chop $16. Hay Timothy $89; clover, 78; Oregon wild $6. Butter Fancy creamery 45c; sec onds 4045c; dairy. 3542c: store. 2027c. Eggs 18 l-2c Poultry Mixed chickens $3.504.50; hens MfjflfffiR; $46; ducks $57; live turkeys 12 13Jc; dressed, 1416c. Che-se Full cream I2c per pound : Young America 13c. Potatoes 1 to 2 1-2 cents. Vegetables Beets $1; turnips 90c per sack; garlic 7c per lb; cabbage $1.50 2.00 per 100 pounds j cauliflower 75c per dozen ; parsnips 75c per sack ; celery 7075c per dozen; asparagus 67c; peas 34c per pound. Dried fruit Apples evaporated 78 ; sun-dried sacks or boxes 45c; pears sun and evaporated 56c; pitless plums 45)tc; Italian prunes 35c; extra silver choice 56. OREOON CITY. Corrected on Thursday. Wheat, wagon, 62 and 55. Oats, 43. Potatoes, new, one to one and a quar, tor cents. Eggs, 18c to 20 per dozen. Butter, 30 to 50 per roll. Onions, red, 90c to $1 00 pel sack ; yellow, $1 to $1.25. Dried apples, 6 to 6c per pound. Dried prunes Italians, 4c; petite and German, 3c. For family use drink Wilhelm's bot tle beer. Free delivery to any part of the city. J. W. Kelly, agent, one door south of Albright & Logus butcher shop. Don't Purchase a Ready Made Suit Which is made and finished by machinery with hundreds of oth ers the same style and pattern. Have some individuality about your attire. We can give you perfect fitting suits and guarantee satisfaction at very low prices. Ladies' Tailoring neatly done. M. GILBERT, The Portland Tailor, opp. Electric Hotel Every Woman Loves . And likes to have ft In her home. Patent Flour is -popular with housewives who strive to please their husbands by giving them the BEST bread and pastry, and that is only made by "Patent Flour," manufactured by the Ore. gon City Mills. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS m A Good Thing, If you have a good thing the people want it. Their scales of living is many degrees higher than their fathers'; they want the necessities of life to be as good as possible for the money. MARR & MUIR gives the best groceries at the lowest price. A penny saved is two ea rned Tan Shoes We are selling Tan Shoes away down. See display in window. Tops are made in a great variety of style o now-a-days. All of them are good , but some more beautiful than others We have all the new styles of top's for you to select from. KRAUSSE BROS. No Scandal Can Arise MRS. R. i 220 First Street Has a complete f Imported Pattern Hats MpVRE lb Hats trimmed to order. Feathers dyed and curled. PBICES MODERATE ;; ...Colored All Tests FREE A. 293 Morrison St. Portland, Ore. QQ TO- G. H. FOB DOORS. WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH fBICM ITS! OJTBRHD FOE FHUT-OUSi GOODS. ho Oppotlt Oong-racattonal Chnrob, Mala Street, OrefOB City, Or. MANHOOD RESTORED tlnn rtt a (imnui F run eh nliVKlrbtn. will miiikl avmnr ... aa-T'n al I the borroM o( I mpotency, a in-ii;iKcieauauiiiv, turn BEFORE 0 r I i.n kidnevaand Ihenrlnaryontanaof alHiupuMUea. CUPIDEHF utreiHrthfna and rwtonianiall The rraaon umrn are noi rami nr imriiim in nn-nuw m"j i"-r (.- '"" ";; ""J" Tta laltlli CtJI'IDKNEIa thonl known rt-md to cure wlihjout an operation. Wjo iMitimoiu. ZiIl written guarantee Riven and money returned if all bniea doea nol elTeot a permanent eur ul0abox,elxfurtj5.,byrnall. Bend for raaa circular and leatlmoulala. AddreaaOI.IUICIIICP.O.il0i8anPraiK!laco,Cal. XrBaUbl Geo. A. Harming. From the use of our CANNED BEEF or other canned goods, because' there is no diversity of opinion as to its qirality. The unanimous verdic t is one of approval. Those whouse them freely are pleased with ' tte freshness, richness and delig hful flavor of every article. Arui our prices give satisfaction, toa HEIN2 & CO., Bakers and Grocers, Opposite Postoffice - Oregon Cit - BECKER - . Portland, Oregon i assortment of f & Millinery Noveltic$ f Glasses... Pbould not be worn without intelligent advice. If a bright light irritates the eyes, it proves that something is going wrong in the inierior of the eye. Seek advice the kind that we can give the kind that can only be given after a thorough and intelli gent examination. Dr. Phillips, a graduateoculist-optician, has charge ol our Optical Department. N. WRIGHT, The IOWE Jeweler BESTOW "CUPIDENE" Thin (rent Ve!.itabl VlUllzer.tiie prHcr)p tton of ft famoiM French phyiilcliin, will quickly cure you of elj nrr voiu or dlwwHtt of ttie imicruUve orKum, mc.h u Lost Metibnod, InwimiiU, I'alnaln the llw:k,8!flilimt kmlMlotm, Nprvou lx-bllity. pimple, VnflineM U Mwry, Kilmuatlnii Iirnlin, VarlmKVIe ana ConsllnalJon. It etnne all lumen bjr day or nlghi. freveiite quirk new of diacliarRA, wtilcti If notchpcknl Win to Hpormatorrhwa and weakorKaiu. ...