OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, SETPEMBER 1, 1899. 8 CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEWS J Liberal. Your huwb'e correspondent lias been mired in the mud the past three weeks, but is out and ah e to sue his grain all mpoile.l in 1 he slunk. Grain that is nut cut is sprou i g in the haad. There will be wry little mar ketable wheat, lis yevrin thn seiilion. OatB are very bail colored Where wid tb.8 farmer get off this year? Give us more silver and le s rain. Grais is starting in tine shape. Late potatoes wdl be goo 1. Hop picking will commence next week. The hop" crop will be good, if they can be saved. Abner Frazsr, of Tulare county, Cal. foroia, who is very low at his sinter's, M. L, E. WUght's. is slowly improv ing under Hit) skillful care, of Dr. R. Gaucher. Dan Fraztr and wife, ot Salem, are vis iting his fatlu r. Sim Heiple, of Cumnsville, was here l ist week, Misses Dollie and Carrie Ridings, of Mad Tidings, vioited Mrs Lydia Wright Sunday. Misses Emma Case and Julia Yenua were visiting friends Sunday. The Dude of Liberal was out Sunday, n id the Bun shone a few minutes in ree ignition of him. Will Skein, William Morey, Din Mraves and H. Look are I'icky ones who rnreshed before the rain. Several will thresh this week if the weather permits. The roads are almost Impassable. Wdl Skein and family vi.-ited hisfath 1 r at Glad Tidings Sunday William Morey is chewing 'ess tobacco lIlUll llH'llll. W. ri. Hurst, of AurorH, ws a ploas mit caller un your correspondent Sun day. He stated that the doctors would ti )t decide positively whether or not his brother bad the small pox. The weather prophets assembled at 1. 1 1 e store Saturday. All gave their opin ions, and one old fellow got the tobam-o oit of his mouth and said: ''Wall, it ill nin until next June." He was right. James lliinna'rtri has his oats down and i 1 k,ood si apj for the rain. Mrs. Maille and daughters, Verdie an 1 Angie, were visiting Mrs. Akinson Sundiy. A few have -tirtud the plow where hey h ive ti e 41 ain out of the way. K. stacked wet will come out fairly good ; we hope so at least, but it appears like hoping against fate. The potato crop is breaking its own record. The tops are fairly covering the ground and the tuberj are filling the ground. There is occasionally a prune tree that is well loaded, while many of the plums require props under the limbs. Apples are more plentiful than was by many thought, but they are not of very good quality, being small and blistered. John Gage's Durham bull got loose last week and started for his old range in Tillamook county. He was in Wash ington county when overtaken. Jasters intend to move onto a place they purchased near Dallas as soon as harvest is oyer. Cherryville. We are having fine weather again, af' ter three weeks of rain. Mr. and Mrs. Flynn were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Baty last Sunday. Miss Alpha Ware is visiting her grand parents. Miss Belle Osborne has gone to Fort land to work. Mr. and Mrs. Tapp have gone east of the mountains on a visit, and expect to be gone about a month. Calvin Beebe had the misfortune to get hooked by a cow a short time ago, His mother drove the cow away and car ried the child out of danger, or it is very likely he would have been killed. Aug. 29. ; P. F. Macksburg. The sky is once more clear, for the firet time in about three weeks, and the farmers are rejoicing. A. H. Reynolds believes in expansion, and is the proud possessor of a hne young son, who was. "annexed" Friday morning, Aug. 25. John Barth & Co. had the misfortune to capsize their threshing engine and separator off the bridge into the creek near A. H. Wing's place. The separa tor was but little damaged, and the en urine was not injured. It will teach him to lay planks over a bridge next time before crossing it with his engine. William Yohann has traded his team, wagon and harness to Fred Lamour for 15 acres of grubbing, which will put the grubbing at about $10 an acre. Mr. Scramlin's new house is looming up like a smokestack in a fog. P. Aug. 28. StiJo-d. Farmers are helium blue over the prot ptcts 1 f t-rtiin harvest, For the past two veeks i tins been wur.-e than at a stand- r tit 1 . Some, however, have stacked amna wheat. Experience in a dtar ciiiol, but it looks as though they could fan at 11J other. It may be that grain llopgrowers are getting anxious to be gin picking. Mr. Daly will begin Thursday of this week. His hops are lousy. Barth and Heinz were delayed a little in their threshing by a bridge giving way and precipitating their engine and separator into the creek. Mrs. Charles Riggs came down from Hood River Monday to pick hops. John Heinz will begin picking hops thU week, to beat the lice. There is a young man Btopping at Al Reynolds' who came from Grannyville last week. He is expected to remain some lime. 1 notice it is estimated that the wheat in the valley is damaged 50 to 60 per c.nt. If this is true, it amounts to the same as selling the crop at 20 or 25 cents a bushel. This might to make Sour clieap. It seems to me . more nearly true that (iO per cent of the wheat is damaged. Our vigilance committee is a vigilant bxly. They met last Saturday night to discuss commercial problems more par ticularly to see what caused the cut in pork. Meadowbrook. One day last week two fat deer were killed on the public road only a few hun dred yards from this burg. On Thursday last Mr." Hillery, who hns been fishing down on the Columbia during the open season, returned home, and yesterday started for the mountains to prospect for berries. Mrs. J. D. Rainey, of Oregon City, is rusticating at her parents' Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Trullinger's. Mr. Mitts, of Needy, will preside over the Meadowbrook academy for the fall term. Miss May Hall, of Portland, came out on Friday for a week's visit under the vine and fig tree of her parents. Mr. and Mis. W. A. Osterholdt, of Mt. Angel, came up Sunday to visit the latter's parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. 11. Comer. Bareback equine exercise is the latest and decidedly the most popular fad with our young ladies. Regular preaching by the Rev. T. H. Symms, of Scotts Mills, at Meadowbrook school house next Sunday, Sept. 3, at 11 o'clock. Mies Jennie Robeson, Frank Winslow and G. W. Robeson started for the head waters of the Molalla today for a week's camping. X. X. Aug. 29. Mr. Ward made a business trip to Portland Saturday. Mr. Haines called on Mr. Gerber Sun day afternoon. Mrs. H. A. Battin, of Harmony, spent Friday night with her friend, Miss EUie Gibbs. Miss Anna Shortlege was the guest of Miss Minnie Waltemathe Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs and son, Tommy, went to Portland Saturday, in spite of the rain, and had a breakdown. Al Howaid called to see Mr. Gibbs Tuesday. . . . Miss Edith Jackson attended the in stitute two days last week. Mrs. Shoitlege and Mrs. Ward went to town Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs James Shelly were call ers at Mr. Dickerson's Sunday. Mr. Gibbs baled hay for Messrs. De- board and Niman tbis week. Misses Edith and Jennie Jackson 15 New Styles in Ladies Wrappers Just received from the well-known firm of A. Nevins & Co., of New York, 15 new styles of Ladies' House and Street Wrappers in Flannel, Tennis Flannel and Flannelets. Also 5 styles in Ladies' Diers Skirts in Creton and Worsteds. GIVE US A CALL. PRICE B"ROS. " Up-To-Date Clothiers. Main Street - OREGON CITY, OREGON Gold Creek. spent Sunday evening with Misses Ona Editor Courikr-Herald : and Izella Surfus. No Sunday-school again Sunday. Some expect to go away hoppicking EOOO. " f ANBY tSL0S8OM, Aug. 30. Clarkes. Cecil Cosper came home from Oregon City Friday. . . Emma Kieinsmith attended the insti tute at Oregon City several days last week. Roecoe Gard went to town Saturday seat on special business Tuesday. There was a mistake in the Eldorado correspondence last week ; as Mr. Cos per did not get the threshing machine of Mr. Miller, of Needy, there being some misunderstanding. So he is run ning only one thresher. Aug. 29. Thb Three Sisters. Maple Lane. Some of nur people have threshed and others are stacking and getting ready to thresh while the fair weather lasts. Frank Dixon, one of -Molalla'a proa perons young teachers, was the guest of his uncle, J. C. Dixon, last week while he attended the institute. Cecil Cosper, of Olarkes, spent Wed needay night with his friends, Conrtie and Tommy Gibbs. Mrs. Gibbs called on Mrs. Gerber and Mrs. Niman last Friday. Miss Kate Mautz was on the sictlist last week. Mrs. Flo Morris and children and Mrs Mattie Hyatt spent Friday at the home of A. Mautz. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mautz enter tamed a number of their Portland friends Sunday. R. R. Gard, of Clarkes, spent Satur day night and Sunday visiting G. F Gibbs and family. . Rural Dell. Some of the industrious farmers have begun to plow. A large crowd was in attendance at the Endeavor meeting Sunday evening. Elliot prairie was well represented. There is Nothing Better Made Than v l. .M'fc'AH'pn life--. The 7? ,T Mitchell Wagon 65 years experience in Wagon Making as represented in the "Mitchell is a better Guarantee of a good wagon made of the besi materials properly seasoned than all the promises and assertions o: agents of new named unknown wagons combined Mitchell Wngnns Have a world-wide reputation for jtStrength, Durability and the high quality of materials used, as well as for their light run ning qualities. NO WAGON stands better on all these points than the "MITCHELL." . You'll make no mistake If you buy a MITCHELL WAGON Yon are liable to make a mistake if you buy some other. K may take you a year to Una it out, bat you are sore to see your mistake soouer or latter. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Go. Here I am corraled in a little shack. Pleuty of time to read, write, saw wood, do the cooking, wash dishes and keer the house in good trim. This is what a bachelor has to do to pass away the time. Blackburn and Wheeler have gone over to the Clackamas Hot Springs to spend a few days. L. L. Reeves, fore man of the Bimetallic, is making good progress in the mine. His assistant, Mr. Ellis, said they have three teet 01 fine ore. C. G. Holt made a flying trip to Gates this week. He stopped overnight at PACIFIC COAST. Washington penitentiary at Walla: Walla will have a new wing. Sergeant Crawford, company L, whe liberated the eight bullpen prisoners at Wallace, Idaho, was caught at Missoula Mont. No trace of escaped Dnso. Straits of Juan de Fucca are reportedV alive with salmon. and returned Sunday afternoon. We are triad to say that Mrs. Cosner the Sweet Home hotel. is somewhat improved in health. Mr. Monroe, of Albany, was up to ee v T.i,!n the Bimetallic mine yesterday. He was , xi. utu ik 111a uancu av mio uuun u r 1 accompanied by an expert, whose name I did not learn. Elmer Darling came up to Gold Creek last Thursday wiih a pack train loaded with supplies for the M. & M. Co. Mr. Appleyard is taking out some nne ore this ween, Mr. jree;anu aisu ims some high grade ore. Mr. Tibbits is the happiest man in damn since his wife came up. Mrs. Tib- bits is a very pleasant lady to talk with Pearl Darling, one of the Santiam helleH. will leave in a few days. She is going out hop picking. Let joy go with you, Pearl. We all wish you success Mr. Perry and his party made their departure a few days ago homeward STATE. Salmon river rose four feet in a few minutes Monday and flooded the hatch ery, releasing many salmon. Millions, of eggs lost. Astoria regatta commute has a bal ance on hand of $500. Nehalem Packing Company is a pew- saiuion cannery at Astoria. Papuan Clark, of the Oregon, writn.- that he cannot visit Portland to veceive the sword. The rainfall at Tillamook last weft- was 2.07 inches. H. J. Miller has been appointed (fonntv game warden for Linn county, vice A oiraney, resignea. b. V. Kehart has sold his ChewanpjiTk. ranch in Lane county, to S. B Chandler. Mr. Chandler paid $35,000 for 2320 acres-- ana vuu sneep. Now is a very busy time as nearly ev ervbodv intends eoine to the hou fields bound for Molalla. next week. Kumor says Mr. rope nas uie W.F.Dixson is moving to Woodtarn Tl' where he intends to pick hops, then he will teach school at the same place that he taught last winter. Emma Eyman came home from Port land Saturday. W. Sturges, of Molalla, hts rented Grandfather Samson's farm for the en suing year. Charles Bigelow is coming home from Portland Saturday. Frank Sax was at home a few days last week. Ida Yoder will lead the Christian En deavor meeting next Sunday evening. Everybody invited. AuguBt 28. D. D. Mountain View. Mrs. Albright and Charlie have re turned home. Mrs. Mo ran and daughter, Maud, are visiting mends at Mt. Tabor and Van couver this week. Mr. Stafford is building a new house in this burg. Allen Frost has returned from a two weeks' sojourn at the coast. Mrs. Shuebel and family have r turned from an outing of four weeks at the coas t. Mr. Everhart had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse Friday evening. Mrs. Savage and children went to Lin coln Monday to pick hops. Mr, Savage ban another week of team work, then he will go to the hop yard too. Frank Kin go is with a threshing ma' chine cutting bands. Mr. Grout and family, Mr. Nickles and family, Mrs. Currin and Mrytle, go to Marquam Friday to the hop yard. F. M. Darling and Mr. Hutson started Tuesday morning for the mountains on a prospecting trip. Mrs. Mahlon Moran went to Clarkes Monday to visit for a few weeks. P. D. Curran is wandering about and trying to find out who walked off with his ladder. Millard Gillett is out at A. L. Jones' near Mulino this week. F. A. Ely and J. N. Gillett returned from the huckleberry patch Tuesday. Berries will not be ripe for two weeks. Rev. E. S. Bollinger will preach at the church next Sunday at 4 o'clock. Sauna. chinery for the Mill City & Silverton mining company H. Leniker is superintendent and general manager of the M. C. & 8. min ing company. He is an experienced and practical mining expert, and is well qualified for the posiiion. Mr. Davies is foreman and Levi Harris is shift boss for this company. They have a splen did prospect. Their rock is high grade so they claim, and no doubt it is good The Poor Man mining company has a splendid Bhowing, but are not working at present. They worked three men all winter and part of tbis spring Buche Bros, have struck a good body of ore in the Rainbow mine. It runs 32 per ceut lead, 48 tz. in silver and carries some gold Our mail service is not very good in this section, for we have to go sixteen miles to mail a letter. Elkborn is ou postoffice. Mr. Case, the postmaster says that most of the mail that comes to his ofliie is for our district. I should think that we are entitled to a postoflke, Aug. 20. Dkath on the Tkail. GENERAL. Apaches are on war path in Arizona fn. avenue deaths of three of their bre thern in New Mexico at hands of Zuni Indians. Standard Oil company and the Roth schilds are said to be backing two new copper companies. twelve steel arches of the new Chica go Coliseum collapsed killing nine work men aim injuring oiners. Northern Pacific holders of O. R. & NL stock have Bold to friends of Union Pacific. Twenty-one states have oppointed flpl- gates to trust conference to meet in Chi cago next month. An Italian anarchist orcnniaar in NTont York stated that worktngmen all over- Europe are organizing for a great uprising. Ohio democrats will indnrnn TtWil TV. and 16 tu I. ' W. J. Bryan is headed for California It is now asserted that a secret agree ment for a modus Vivendi haft heon. reached in the Alaska boundary dispute- nenry vy aiierson is working hard for Goebel's success in Kentucky. United States commerce with Germany this year broke all records. A scheme is on foot to have Philippines ceded to Great Britian. Shakleford, democrat, succeeds "Silver Dick" Bland is Missouri as result of Monday's election. McLern was nominated by democrata for govenor of Ohio Wednesday, Canbtj High Selwol. Fall term begins Oct. 2, 1S09. An excellent opportunity is here offered to students from neighboring districts to prepare themselves for coll ge. Classes will be organized in Algebia, Book keeping, Rhetoric, General History, Physical Geography, Civil Government and such other subjects as may be deemed expedient. Students deBiring to achieve the best results should by all means be present on the opening day. For full information address, Wm. Knight, Clerk, District No. 86 Or, Shirley Buck, Principal. Canby, Oregon. X)RE1GN. Jitninez was refused a landing at San tiago, Cuba. . Dewey enjoyed the day at Nice Mon day in siglit-'ieeing. It is reported Great Britain will sur round the Transvaal and then negotiate a new treaty. Havana bakers are on a strike. Alliance of China and Japan is said to be about completed. Cuba was self-sustaining durine first half of 1899. Eucalyptus tree, said to be a preventa tive of yellow fever, is t h nui. mented with in Cuba. First and Taylor Streets, PORTLAND. OREGON Blsmark'i Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the suc cess they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develope every power of brain and body. Only 25 cents at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. Sixteen pounds best granulated sugar for $1 at Harris grocery. Resolutions of Condolence. Whereas, It has pleased the Supreme Ruler of the universe, in His love, wis dom and power, to call to her last rest ing place our beloved sister, Mrs. Annie S. Jordan; therefore, be it Resolved, That we have lost a faithful member and the family has lost a duti ful wife and loving mother; Resolved, That the members of Myr tle lodge extend their sincere and heart felt sympathy to the family in this their sad bereavement ; Resolved, That our ch irter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty day?, and a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family under the seal of the lodge ; Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of Myrtle lodge and copies be furnished the Cour-ibr-Hkrald and Enterprise for publica tion. Mas. S. A. Gillktt, Mrs. F. T. Barlow, Mrs. Annh Schclpics, Committee Myrtle Lodge No. 24, D. of 'seal. H., A. O. U. W. Drink Wilbelm's celebrated bottle beer or porter. J. W. Kelly, agent. T. M. C. A. Notes. The junior department of the Oregon City Y. M. O. A. has not been over looked. Members of the junior depart ment will be allowed the use of all the privileges of the rooms on Tuesdays from 4 to 6 and Saturdays from 9 to 12. Many parents are not aware of tha practical benefits derived by boys exer cising under proper direction in a well equipped gymnasium. They think of it merely as a play room. The association gymnasium is intended to be a veritable hall of health. Games will be introduced from time to time, but will not in an y sense be the main feature of the work, and whenever introduced, they will be carefully planned to furnish benefit as well aa recreation. There is no period in life when wisely directed exercise will accomplish so much lasting good as between the ages of 12 and 16. Tips for Economical Buyers Yosemit Coffee ) Columbia Coffe llo ponnd Lion Coffee Bulk Koasl Coffee, at 10c 12Wcand2oe, . that unialljcoatalsXe, 18c and :Uo per ponnd. Our 12c and 25c Boast Coffees yon should try. Good rnoolorad Japan Tea (worth 60o) tot i 60c Gunpowder Tea lor 4oc; Tea Dust loo. Fine Table Salt Otic per 1001b.;8toek gall o! ni. Rie Pwpouad. White Beam 2Uo Bacon 10c pound up. " Boap Powder 3c ponnd, usually Tc to 8c. Fim Syrup lc gallon, biinff pail. Arm k Hammer Soda 4c peand. ShoesThatWear, warivat ar lack. them wlthoofc cnarge. plfe.ho.7DdiLHoPPlck" 8n RED FRONT TRADING C0- OREGON CITY