-iv Library Court' iron CIRCULATION GUARANTEED LARGER THAN ALL OTHER PAPERS IN OUNTY COMBINED eiHerald. COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, W83 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 CONSOLIDATED SEPTEMBER, fSSS OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1899. 17th YEAR, NO, 18 Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum, A.um baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROVM. BAKINO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. A Banking Trust. This is a grave story. It is one of even, near concern to small and great. Let it come unshod of smile, unbusked image ry or rhetoric uncloudtd of any mists of metaphor. Tn Wall street rb this is read the giant trust of all is forming. It is to collect within itself the hanks of New "York lily. Its coie is to be Standard Oil. Its moving spirits are John Rocke feller and Pierpont Morgan. With them in full and cloe association are the Eothchilds and their American ugents. It,was to link the Ecthchilds to the scheme that of late took Morgan Europe ward and brought him back again. This trust, at its consumation, which is close, will pull the reins of guidance and crack the whip of domination over two billions of dollars. It will, as stated, be a mus ter of the New York city banks. They are to be made into one force unified and brought under one word and one command. Thereafter they are to Bay "No" together or ''Yes" together, or to gether stand motionless and mute. This truBt of the banks ia to be the dictator trust to over-lord all other trusts. The greatest among these latter will be dwarfed as they stand beside it. We, the people, are to become the subjects of bank conquest and suffer the feudalism of money. This bank trust is to be our William of Normandy. New York city is to be its Hastings without a blow. It will have, as it were, its Doomsday book, and the country is to be parcelled among its followers. This is a true tale. There is neither guess nor fancy in its teling; naught b it the bald facts are set forth. This trust expects to hold the nation in the hollow of its hand. As it draws itself together, this bank trust puts but one question to the future, and that is the question of McKinley. It de pends for its life though not its birth on republican victory nest year. The republican party had its origin to free the blacks. It is to have final play in making slaves of the whites. With four years more of McKinley (Hanna) the Eothchilds and Rockefellers and Mor gans, who move in tHs black matter, count this trust of the banks secure. In that time they will have made every needed fastening, buttressed every cor ner, loop holed and gotten ready every J I A $35 Wheel for $25 We have a few high grade 1899 Model Imperial Wheels we will close ont at $25 each, ladies or gents'. Call and examine them. Every wheel fully guaranteed. POPE & CO., Corner Fourth and Main Strtets, OREGON CITY, OREGON wall and battlement their defences. Their plan is to be the grand bank of the United States, issue at the last its money and have custrdy over its credit. In a cruder day Jr.ckson defeated a parallel conspiracy, crushed beneath his stern heel the head ot a similar serpent with this difference: That was a python of seven and one-half millions, a baby and a plaything to the one in hand. Now we are to confront a serpent of two bil lions, or one two hundred and fifty times as large, at a time, too, when the Jack sons Beem gone from our midst. For a century and a quarter there haa been liberty in this land. For a century and a quarter Europe, pointing to America, whether in hate or love, was driven to say with Job: "There the wicked cease from troubling; there the weary be at reBt 1 There the pRisoners rest together ; they hear not the voice of the oppressor I The small and the great are there and the servant iB free from his master 1" Once this trust of the banks and Europe will say so no more. There will be none to give tongue to it. The fact of free dom will have departed ; the song would be a lie. In that day ol gilded, narrow fetters the spirit of true Americanism will be crippled, bent and broktn. A sightless Sampson, it will grind in .the mills of the Philistines. It will long for destruction and dig for death as for treasures that He didden. Standard Oil is to be the heart of this bank trust. There is one known thing of Standard Oil : Its minimum profits are at leaBt forty millions yearly ; how much more they be is the jealous secret of Standard Oil and none may pierce it. As stated, as caDtainconstructors of this bank trust are Rockefeller, Morgan and the Rothchilds. They will eo to New Jersey for organization. That (.fate has grown the Morocco of America. Its statutes are the merest shipyards to build and launch and outfit these trust pirates of commerce. New Jersey, to be consistent, Bhould adopt the black flag as its banner; it should float the jolly roger with skull and cross bones from the dome shaft of its capital. Once this trust of the banks is afloat, it will have beneath its penion every bank in New York. They must join or be de stroyed. The old King Standard Oil method will suffice for this. Then it will extend itself. Every bank in the coun try will become its gillie. There will be no limit to its sway. Its powers will find their last extension in the froutiers of the possible. It will loose and un loose credit; it will fix the price of money and censure the markets to the last item of value; it will pick up the national debt and hold the country be tween its thumb and finger; It will de mand bonds and get them, or it will lorce payment for them ; it will stand at the spigoe of loans ; it will flow money on or off at its selfish interests or ca price. All our businesses will sit like beggars at its gates. It will be the Dives of trade, and commerce will become its Lazarus. If it loves you, you may have money; if it hates you, your ruin is within its reach. In short, controlling, as it will, the tides of credit in their ebb and flow, this bank trust will rule the mart. An autocrat, it will respond to nothing but itself. There will be none greater, none stronger. Congress will exist by its consent and presidents wait hat in hand for itB orders. It will have power of life and death in business; to lift up or strike down, to plant or up root. Between the upper and the nether millstones of its operations all men are to be ground ; and all w ill be grists to its hoppers. Elections will be at its mercy. It will produce in office its own paid, sworn followers. It will draw within the train of its control eVery element of government. You may change your White House every four years, yourcon gress every two; yet, once this trust of the banks be rooted, you'll never change your ruler. You will bow eternally be fore this never-dying, changeless dynas ty of money. N. Y, Verdict. Jones Lever binder This celebrated binder has pmuimI rnenviah'e reputation in the hint four years in Oregon. It represents lever power as u plied iu I inlin grain. It wil run lighter, last longer and bind tigh'er than any other binder in the market. The Jones C'liHin Drive foot lift Mower has no back lin-h, tuns light and ia very durable. Will cut heavy grass with ease. I also carry a full line of HayJUkes, Tedders, Hay Tools, Advance Thresh ers and Traction Engines, John Deere Plows, as well as a full line of Agricultural Implements and Vehicles. Call and see me before buying. BELLOMY & BUSCH THE HOUSEFURNISHERS Keeping in Touch with a good Store where no advantage is ever taken where only best known and most reliable items are offered you, is really a matter of business. That our store meets these conditions, we've every argument to convince you can deperd upon any etati mrr.t in tnr ad vertising any price we list you any quality we offer. Expeiience, backed by facilities for buying, enablj us to make you many offers you'll find it dif ficult to duplicate. If you make selection from these, you'll feenre the qualities wise buyers prefer. 3-Pieces Bedroom Suits $11 50 Bevel Edge Mirror 20x24 All-Wool C. C. Carpet, per yard ... 50c Bussel's Carpet, per yard 50c Ingrain Carpet, per yard 25e WasbablH Jute Carpet, per yard 35c Hemp Carpet, per yard 10c Matting, per yard 10c; Lace Curtains, pair 75cj Fringed Table Cover, 3 by 3 feet.. . . 50c Caution. Your friends not to buy a Cooking Stove or Range before they have examined Into the merits of AND STOVE8. They will do better work, and do it quicker, with less fuel and labor, and will last longer than any other kind. Too will And the price reasonable enough. Double Roll 15c Strange as it may seem there never has been produced But One Carpet Sweeper that has given entire aatisfactloa to both DEALER and USER, THE "BISSELL" FOR TWENTY-TWO TEARS The Acknowledged Ltxiet on tb Market, Constantly Improved, Always the Best, Every One Guaranteed. - mm EDWARD Corner Hint rid laylor Streets, M-na HUGHES P0RLAMD, OREGON Copper Bottom Tea Kettle 40o 10-quart Granite Pail 60c 10-quart Dish Pan 10c 10-inch Granite Pan... 25c 6 Knives and Forks 50o 6 Table Fpoons 0c 6 Tea Spoons 05c Butcher Knife 0c wiin High Back Dining Chair 65c Rockers $1.00 and up r 6 Cape and Saucers 45c 6 Dinner Plates 60c 6 Sauce Dishes 25c 100-Piece fine Decorated Dinner Set 9.50 A Marquatnlte in Montana. Editor Couhikr-Hkrald: ; Permit me to take your rostrum and "rife ana mane a lew lemarks ' to your many readers around Marquam, Glad Tidings and Molalla. I promised them all to write to them. We left Marquam early Monday morning, August 21, f Mt. Angel, thence via the Southern Pa cific to Portland, where we stayed s 1 night, and on the 22nd at 11:15 a.m. left on the Northern Pacific for Bozeman where we arrived at 2 a. in. on the 24th, and are comfortably quartered. I want to speak in praise of the Northern Pa cuic, as its general offices at 255 Mor rison street were in every way all that could be asked, "strictly business and no foolishness," and withal obliging. The writer has traveled much, and the Northern Pacific is the best equipped road over which we ever traveled. We had two sections in the "tourist" anil ate and slept with a regularity that was commendable, Friends at Marquam put us up many nice things, then friends at Hubbard had just killed a fatted calf and met us with cooked calf and other dainties, and at Portland we added to our stock such things as we needed in the way of fruits, tomatoeB and watermelons. At Goble our train, in three sections, was run onto an im mense floating railroad and ferried across the Columbia river into Wash ington. As we observed, as a state, Washington is far superior to Oregon In the "bunch grabs'' regions (eastern Washington) cattle and horses were in fine condition, though the grans seemed dry and parched. The scenery as we crossed the Cascades can not be de scribed for beauty. The air is bracing. The mountain streams always attract. They remind me of a dog with a tin can tied to his tail that wants to get sou.e where at once and so goes rushing lie.e and there. So those mountain streams eo rushing and roaring a sight never to be forgotten. We crossed the north ern part of Idaho. Among the attra . tious was Lake Pend d' Oreille, along the banks of which we traveled for an hour or more. It is a beautiful sheet of water and is said to be deep beyond sounding in places and toabjund with fine fish. Tacoina and Spokane were the principal cities of Idaho through which we passed. The little village of Hope is attractive. One of the peculiar ities is that we left there an hour before we arrived. This may seem a contradic tion, but in the depot were two clock, both were on time, but nhile one was 9 a. m., the other was 10 a. m. One was Pacific time, the other mountain time. And there we turned our watches one hour ahead. At Heron we run into Montana and immediately we proceed ed to cut a big watermelon and hail it as our future state. The great mount ains' are the attractions along Clarks fork of the Columbia, where we ran for over Qne-hundred miles. We passed many bands of Indians. We went through Missoula and Helena. Bozeman is a city of 5000 inhabitants. Boon we met some old acquaintances of twenty-five years ago. Here is the state agricultural college ; also two large pub lic school buildings, one of which cost $30,000, the other $15,000. The people look healty, especially . the women, many of whom we saw along the way on horseback. They ride just like men same kind of a saddle riding on both Bides of the horse at once with both f et in the stirrups. Sunday we pie.ieh to our new congregation. Although we have done n i public service, ?5'i has been handed us. The sick oi.es are do ing nicely and we have great hopes and will like our new home, but like as the children of Israel sighed for the leeks, garlic and fle.h pots of Egypt, so our hearts will go back to Oregon. But for health of family in Oregon we would have stayed. J. M. Hl'LSB. Letter From Fretl Aelson, U. S. Manila S. OuKCiON,) Bay, P. I .A uly 4, 1809.) We have just leturned from Lugnyen Gulf, where we have beet since hine 12th, and I found your letters awaiting me. . Laguyen, tr "Starvation gulf," as it is better known, is 250 milei north of Ma nila and is out of all line of communi cation, so we could get neither mail ncr provisions. We wore in p e'ty hard lines We hid hardtack and canned meat. Yesterday , we had two cans of cc mod beef and twi plates of h.udtack for 10 men. Our Fourth of July dinner consisted of four pounds of corned beef and four loaves of fresh bread. Now, however, we shall b ah'e to gei fresh provisions. The Peragna, a am ill gun boat, got aground in one of the numerous rivers around Sewill bay, and we were looking for her three days. When we found her she was surrounded by Fili pinos and was out of food, coil and wa ter and her amnriuitinn almost exhaus ted. We landed a party from the Ore gun and had a brush with the Filipino?, which, though disastrous 'o them, hi d no effee' on our crw. Got the gunbot.t afloat after a week of hard lubor, then captured three small rlllibnsters loaded with provisions and threw their cargoes overboard. Last Friday we s'arted out 'o look for the Concord, wlrch was thought to be lost. Met her at the noithern end of the islands and she relieved us, and Sunday ui'irning we started back to Manila, ar riving at 4:30 this morning. News camo aboard toiiiuht that we are tncoal up at. once and start for Friso by way of t bins and Japan. If we do we fh -II rowh Frjvo a'lnt Doc. 15. , Well, nuimtna, I have only one more Fourth of July, snd then I nra coming home to stav. I am s'udy'ng pharmacy j now, and will get a j ib when I come I back, so I will have no one but you and I to look out f r. I belong to the medi cal depaitm ntof the Oregon, and huvj I every opportunity to study. You must get used to tobacco smoke. I have a line collection of cuiios for my loom. I have been building all kinds of air cas tlcs UU ly. I am very busy tonight, s uitint close. Fine I). Fine Slovk, Full-blood Jersey bull calf for sale. C. If. Dye. Finest creamery butter 40c per roll at Harris' grocory, Handsome Mirrors For 35a Sometimes we get hold of an especially gooj bar gainand this is one of them. Wc have just opened a shipment of Mirrors from the East In it were 6 dozen 4x6 Mirrors in a pretty dark oak frame corners trimmed with fancy gilt ornaments. Special price 35c. , Another lot, heavy plate glass, in handsome metal frames Special at 35c. For either kind you would expect to pay at least twice that. ' There is also a small lot, heavy plate glass, mounted in fancy gur.-netil frames the very latest thing. Special at 50c. See them in our window this week. C. G. HUNTLEY Cut-Rate Druggist : OREGON CITY, OREGON