OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25 1899. Oregon City Auction House Opposite Postoflice Oregon City Auction House J1 Opposite Postoffice -v. That we are the cheapest CASH or CREDIT house in the city is most POSITIVELY PROVED by the fact that we are the busiest store in our line in Oregon City, and the vast number of intelligent buyers who have patronized us are so many recommendations for us. If you are wise and have your cwn inter est at stake, you will at least see cur goods and prices before purchasing, so that, even if you do not buy. 5 T!-? -w VUiffl A DOLLAR SATED IS A DOLLAR MADE X NOTE THE FOLLOWING Baby Buggies Chairs Sewing Machines Ingrain Carpets New Model 3 Piece The Only Reliable a Nice Tea Set from from frm from Sewing Machine BedKBccm Set - ; Stove of 44 Pieces ajj aa Improved from on Earth $2.00 25C Vyy A 30C '0 Year, Guarantee UNIVERSAL and Upward tb24 p.UU fcQ Of and Upward and Upward secondhand Per Yd and Upward Ea8y WGivea and Upward STEEL RANGES PUU W. ON THE OPEN TRAIL. This paltry earth and the law hung sky, Like a little tent uround It. Too cramped I find to feel at home, Too cramped I always found It, Since I was evor a vagabond, A vagrant-foot and rover, Oh, give me the width of the skies to roam When my earthly days are over! Let me out where worlds the milestones are, Where the unresting stars walk my way Out, out, where a man has elbow room To travol his old time hlghwayl And when the Journey Is done God grant That one lone Inn I And me Where I may enter and greet but her And close the door behind me! -Arthur J. Stringer In Alnslee'S Maga zine. SHE GOT HIM BACK. How the Don's Mlitreaa Retained Her Pet Spaniel, When Mrs. Marie Nevins Blaine wag married to Dr. W. T. Ball, her pet 1 ipaulel, Lion, was banished. After tbe I con pie had been married a year Mrs. Boll porsuaded her husband to let Lion retnru fur a week, promising to keep him in the stable. Three days of Lion's visit had passed when as Dr. Bull was taking off his Overoout in his office there came a rap at liie inner door. It was so faint that at first he did not notice it. Then when it was repeated he said, "Come in." No ouo ouuio, but the nipping went on. He n pen ad the door, and there stood Lion, lie had been knocking the door with a little wooden box hu bold in his mouth, iddressed to Dr. Hull. The doctor took lue box, auil Lion, ton politoto intrude, turned and walked iu it dignified man ner buck np stairs. Tbe dootor opened tbe box and read tho tiny note contain ed therein, smiled and threw it iu tbe serapbaakut. The next dny Liou knocked aud left another uoto. Tbe third time be uume there wus a reply for him. The doctor said, "Lion, wait." Ho took the box, abstracted tbu note, put one of bis own fu its place, mid blinding the box back '.a tbo dog gave him a put and scut him np stairs. Hero is aoopy of Lion's notes and tbe reply they finally elicited: Dear Duotoii I nm enjoying my visit to my miulnshH very much. It wus very kind uf yuu to lnvitu mo hero, und I have tried to behave tbu Ut Mt I know how. It will be hunt to leave my liUHtn s.s aguin. I with you would like mo little bit. Lion. Tbo letter which Lioti carried baok lo his niiiitrem read : Lion You mo such a respect ublr, wollbrod Fellow tlmt your visit in extended iiulellntivly. W. T. B. Boston Journal. MOIST WEATHER. & Description of a Spell of Humidity on the Wnlinnh. "Talking abuut rainy weather," said tho westerner, "I remember once out iu Indianapolis meeting a farmer who took tho must cheerful view of damp ness of anybody I oversaw. I asked him if they bad had much rain down ou the Wabash that spring. '"Well, it has been a little damp,' he answered. 'The day before I loft home I had to hang up 24 of my ducks. They had got so water soaked that they couldn't swim any longer. I planted my ooru iu two feet of water, aud I dou't oxpeotover iiO bushels to the acre. My wheat is looking pretty well, but the sturgeon and cattish have damaged It considerably. There was about IS minutes' sunshine one day, aud I thought I would plant my potatoes, so I loadod them on a scow aud anchored the seow iu three feet of water, wbeu it begau to raiu again. " 'I wanted to ro down ou the bottom lands next the Wabash to see if the grusa was growing for my hay crop, but my wife said that as we didn't baveauy diving bell she'd rather I wouldn't I should feel kind of discouraged with all tho raiu, but I've epeut my odd hours nf leisure time aud the even ones, too, ou account of staying iu out of the wet building us au ark. If it will only raiu another week or two until I get her ready to sail, I'm going to take my familout to Missouri by water for a trip to visit our folks that moved off nut there because they didn't know uougu to stay iu a plaee where they were oomfortablo.' " Uostou Tran script. L. Blocks Furniture and Carpet House STROKES OF A RAZOR. Bow Many Do Yon Suppose It Takes to Shave a Mnnf "Now that you've finished shaving roe, how many strokes of the razor did it require?" asked the man in the chair, as he straightened Dp to have his hair combed. "That's pretty hard to tell, "said the barber. "Of conrse it is. Bat you've been in the business how long?" "Fifteen years." "Yon ought to know by this time about how many strokes of the razor it requires to shave a man, supposing that you go over his faoe a second time." - "I might make a guess at it." "All right. What's your guess? Re member that I have a bard beard." "Well, I should say about 125." "You're a good guesser, I don't think, Home tjme ago I got into the habit of counting the strokes of a razor every time I was being shaved. It'B a good way to employ your mind. In shaving me you just made 733 strokes with tbe razor." "I wouldn't have believed it." "No man believes it until he takes the trouble to count. In iny case I never knew the number to fall below 600, and it has gone more than 800 at times. I call it a stroke every time tbe razor is brought forward and then drawn back. I should judge that there ate no fewer than 500 strokes in a first class shave. You remember that, and proba bly you can win a few bets." New York World. Dank Impertinence. The Philadelphia Record tells of an old Pennsylvania farmer who recently oame into possession of a check for 200. It caused him a great deal of anx iety, and for a long time he could not muster up the courage to have it cashed. Finally, while ou a trip to town, he summoned up nerve enough and, stroll ing into the bank, presented tbe check. The teller glanced at it hastily, and then, after the fashion of his kind, brusquely asked, "What denomina tion r" "Luthoran, roI durn itt But what's tbet got tew do with it?" as brusquely replied the old farmer, to the great as tonishment of tbe bank official. It required several minutes' explana tion before the teller could get the old man to understand his question, and then the latter took bis money and de parted, with sundry growls durogatory to banks iu general. Equal to the Occnuloii. Iu 1840 a great convention was held in Baltimore by the young men of what was then known as the Whig party for the purpose of ratifying the nomination of General William Henry Harrisou for the presidency. There was no hall iu the oity large enough to hold the orowd of delegates who attended. Tbe oouveutiou accordingly met ou the Can ton race truck, and wheu the great Whig orator of this statu, who was (ihairmau of the Youug Men's national committee, arose to oall the meeting to order he was so impressed by tbe vast uess of the assemblage before him that instead of the usual formula he ex claimed, "The natiou will please come to order I" Baltimore Sun. An Insult. A Caribou (Me.) man lately wan dered into a remote hotel that doesn't keep a dictionary, and on coming down iu the morning was asked by the laud lord how he rested. "Oh," replied tbe gentleman, "I suffered uearly all night with insom nia!" The landlord took offense at this and roared, "I'll bet you (3 there ain't one iu my house I" Exchange. AVI. lorn In a XnUhell. Humau life is like a game at dice where we ought not to throw for what is most commodious to us, but to be oouteut with our casts, let thou be never 10 unfortunate. Plata SO Cl'ltK-NO rAv. That is the wav all druggists fell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC tor Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is simply iron aud quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefet to bitter, nauseating tonics, Price, 50c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. MOTICE Is hereby givtn that the undersigned has been duly appointed by tho Hon. Thos F. Ryan, judge of the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Clackamas, administra tor of the estate of Fred 8. Smith, deceased. All percons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present the same to the Under signed, properly verified as by law required, at my residence, near O'egon Clly, Oregon, within ix months from the date hereof. F. A SCHMIDT, Administrate of the eBtate of Fred 8. Smith, deceased Dated this 21st day of August, 1809. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. I now hold funds applicable to the payment of county warrants endorsed prior to September 10th, 1890. Interest will cease on the date of this notice Oregoa City, Clackamas County, Ore. gou, August 10th, 189'J. Jacob Suade, County Treasurer. Willing to Share the Honor. Patient No, dootor, there isu't any particular pain, but somehow I feel as if I were going to die. Dootor (who has been called out of bed at 2 o'olock in the morning) Let me feel your pulse. (After a moment) Have you made your will? Patient (alarmed) No, but Doctor Who is your lawyer? Patient Mr. Studds. Why, doctor, do you think Dootor Then you had better send for him. Who is your minister? Patient (still more alarmed) Rev. Mr. Saintly. Am I Doctor I tUInk he had better be sent for. Patient (badly frightened) Oh, doo tor, do you really think I'm going to die? Dootor No, I don't. Thore's noth ing at all tho matter with you, but I hate to be the only man who has been made a fool of tonight. Liverpool Mer cury. A Pretty Effect. An illuminated sign ou a store up towu spells tho name of the proprietor in lettors outlined by electric lights and is lit up aud tbeu made dark agaiu automatically. When tbe sigu begins to shine out, the electrio bulbs at the left are the first to appear, aud then the illumination follows the oourse of an immense pen writing the name out. So olosely is the course of the pen followed that the "i" iu the name is not dotted with its especial electrio light dot until the lust flourish at the extreme right of the name is lit up. Then, with a per ceptible interval, as if tbe gigantic pen was boing carried back, the dot ou the "i" is made and shines out and the whole name appears. New York Sun. Constant Suneeilnir. "Now, Algernon," said Miss Fussan feather, as she was tightly held iu tbe embrace of her fiance, "they tell me that men get tired of squeezing after they are married. Will you promise me not to give it up after we are man and wife?" "Oh, I assure you it is not necessary to make auy such promises, " replied the young man. "I guarantee you'll have all the squeezing you want to do to get along on f 7 a week. "Exchange. True Friendship. Author Wheu you come to my new book, I hope yon will not be too severe on me. Critic I read it last week, and my criticism was certainly not detrimental. Author Why, I didn't see any no tice of it in your column I Critic Of course uot We have al ways been friends, aud for that reason I refrained from printing my candid opinion of it. Chicago Kews. As Mexicans Do It. "I am very sorry to heur," remarked the curate pensively to one of his pa rishioners, "that one of the great lights of our church, Brother MacLellan, has become insolvent and as the result will have to close his house of business. " "Another case of 'The Light That Failed, "' added the parishioner as he left the parsouage. Mexican Herald. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, judge of the county court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas county, administrator of the estate of Jouah Williams, deceased. All per sons having claims against the said estate are hereby requested to present the same to me, properly verilied, at my home In New Era, Ore gon, within six months of the date hereof. Dated this 14th day of August, 1899. DAVID PENMAN, Administrator of the estate of Jonah Williams, deceased. CALLED FOR WARRANTS. Following is a list of warrants remain ing uncalled for in the clerk's office o( Clackamas county for seven years end ing July 1, 1899, and if not called for in 60 days they will be cancelled: No. 7730 9654 8440 8731 10387 9118 851(1 8785 KM24 8723 9806 8770 9577 91111 87-8 103(iH 9'-7o 103i;5 8515 8631 9878 8444 8608 9119 9121 8489 8lil'2 8732 8726 II ililS 10U7S 8221 8690 9123 Name Amount Mrs M L Brown 2 10 J W Cushlng 1 70 George Deiker 1 20 L Dulory 1 70 M Durst 1 20 Hans Erlekson 1 5(1 F Fredrick 1 70 Mrs Viola Klinn 8 50 Sam Gaines 2 50 1. Heller ... 1 20 O M Howard 4 20 WHJoiies 2 60 J M Jones 2 00 K W Jones 1 50 J Koenig 1 70 F Koehler 1 20 Fred Lehman 2 00 O A Legrand 1 20 M Mincke ... 1 70 3 J Mickley 2 00 Minnie McCoy 2 20 John Nisson 1 20 H S Newton 1 20 diim Noble 1 60 Grant Nixon 1 50 J L Pickihom 1 20 Wm Pogle 3 40 J Qulnn 1 70 J M Thompson 1 70 Silas Slewart 1 50 W L Smith 1 70 F F Wilcox 1 OH IlKViri O Willinmii . 'A 411 K G Williams 1 50 , 9114 David Wilson 1 00 9488 J W Wolfer 1 05 10373 Unas Wilson 170 et7 35 Stale of Oregon, ) County of Clackamas. J I. Elmer Dixon, county clerk of the I above named County and State, and clerk of tbe county court of the county . of Clackamas and state of Oregon, do j nereDy certily that the loregoing copy ot l warrants over seven years prior to July 1st, 1899, and uncalled for has been by me comiared with the original, and that it is a correct transciipt therefrom , and of the whole of I uch original as the same appears of record in my office and in my care and custody. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my band and affixed the seal of said court this 9th dav of June. A. D. 1899. Elmkr Dixox, Clerk. seal. By E. H. Oooi-eh, Deputy. Who is to Blame- Kidney trouble has become so preva lent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born affected wilh weak kidneys. If the child urinates too ofien, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control I he passage, and it is yet affected with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, aud the first step Bboultl be to wards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a hab'.t as most people suppose. If the adult has rheumatism : pain or dull ache in the back; if the water passes in irregular quantities ; or at ir regular intervals ; or has a bad odor ; if it stains the liner, or vessel the color of rust ; if the feet swell ; if there are puffy or dark circles under the eyes ; your kidneys are the cause and need doctor ing. Treatment of some diseases may be delayed without danger, not so with kidney disease. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy promptly cures the most distressing cases. Its mild and extraordinary effect is soon realised. Sold by druggists in tifty-cent and dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle and a pamphlet telling all about it sent free Yy mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingbam ton, N. Y. When writing mention that you read this generous offer in tbe Oregon City Ooi rier-Hekald. For Salb Five room honse and one lot at head of Fifth street near old creamery. Price $600, easy terms. Also 120 acres of school land near George P O., cheap. Inquire of Courieb-IIerald SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, fo the County ol Clackamas. W. W. Jesse, Plaintiff, vs. Rev. L, Malhows et al, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. TOY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER DE- S-S oree and an exeoution. dulv issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled came, to me duly directed and dated the 121 h day of July, 1899, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 27th day of April, 1899, in favor of W. W. Jesse, plaintiff, and against Martha A. Barlow, T. C. Andrews and others under the name and style of the ministry And membership of the Method ist Episcopal Church of the United States of America, and to E. B. Ramsby, William Evans and Martha A. Barlow, as trustees of and for said society, and W, Vf. Weed, defendants, for the urn of $130.25, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 27th day of April, 1899, and ihe further sum of $14.00 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me out of the personal property of said defendants, and If sufficient could not he found, then out of the real property belonging to said defendants on and after the date of said Judgment to satisfy said sum of $144.2!, with Interest, and aUo the costs of and upon this said writ. Now, therefore,' by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, being unable to find any personal property of said defendants, I did on the 13th day o July, 1899, duly levy upon the following dcsorlbed real properly ot said de fendants situate and being in the county of Clack amas and state of Oregon, to-wlt: Lots 7 and 8 In block No. S. townsite of Bailow, together with the church building and contents, including 24 seats, situated on said lots, owned and controlled D the ministry and membership nf the Method ist Enisoopal Church of the United Slates of America; also the northwest quarter and the west half of the southwest quarter of the north east quarter and the west half of the west half of the norlnweat quarter of the northeast quarter oemg pans ot seouon s, townamp 4 south, range r east of the Willamette meridian, containing 190 acres, more or less, as recorded as the property of Martha A. Barlow, one of above defendants. And I will, on SATURDAY, THE 20th DAY OF AUGUST, 1899, at the hour of 1:30 o'olock p. m., at the front door of the County Court House IntheCitvof Oregon City, in said County and SUite, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of thein had on the date of said judgment or since had Iu or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said above judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs, J. J.COOKE, Sheriff of CKckamas County, Oregon. Dated Oregon City, Ore.. July 13, 1899. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL ES TATE. In the county court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas county. In the matter of the estate of) RHODA A. BLAIR, Beoessed VOUCE Is hereby given that In pursuance of an order of the above entitled oourt, made on the 7:h day of August, 1899, in the matter of the estate of Rhoda A, Blair, deceased, the under signed, the executor of the said estate, from and titer the 9th day of September, 1899, will proceed to sell at private sale all the right, title, Interest and estate of the said Rhoda A. Blair al the time of her death, and all the right, title and interest that the estate has, by operation of law or other wise other than or in addition to that of the said Rhoda A. Blair at the time of her death, In and to all those certain parcels of land situate, lying and being in the county of Clackamas and state of Or egon, and more particularly desoribed as follows, to-wlt: The northwest quarter of southwest quarter; north half of north half of southeast quarter and lot one (1) of section 1, township 6 south, range 1 east of Willamette meridian. Terms and conditions of sale : Cash, gold coin of the United States; 50 per cent ot purchase money to be paid on day of sale; balance on con firmation of sale by said county court. For further particulars apply to said executo", at Marqnam, Oregon, or to Hedges & Griffith, at torneys tor said estate, Barclay building, Ortgon City, Oregon. KSOS A. BLUR, Executor of the estate of Rhoda A, Blatr, deceased. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave vou ifyou Ufed Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless nie-it for sick aud nervous headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by George A. Hard ing, druggist. SUMMONS. In the clrouit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Clackamas. W. H. Franklin , Plaintiff, vs. C. E. Moody, Defendant. To O. E. Moody, Defendant: JN the name of the Btate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tht complaint filed against you in ths above entitled action on or before the 2nd day of October, 1899, and if you fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff wilt take judgment against you for the sum of one hundred and twenty-four dollars in United Slate gold coin, with Interest thereon from February 18ih, 1882, at 8 per ocnt per annum, and for eosts, and disbursements herein. This summons Is published by order of Hon Thos. F. Ryan, judge of the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, made on the 25th day of May, 1899. First publication August 4, 1899. H. E. CROSS, Attorney for Plaintiff. SLMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas county. Emma Ferry, Plaintiff. vs. L. M. Ferry. Defendant. To L. M. Eerry, the defendant above named! JN tha name of the State of Oregon you are here by required to appear and auswer to the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled snlt on or before the last day of the time prescribed in theorder for the publication of this summons, lo-wit: six weeks the dale of the first publloalion of this summons being on the 4th day of August, 1899, and if you fall to so appear and answer the plaintiff herein will apply to said court for the? relief prayed for In her complaint, via: a judg ment against you and a decree dissolving the marriage contract now existing between you, and the plaintiff herein and for the eare and cus tody of the two said minor ohildren named Iu said plaintiff's complaint and for such other re lief as to the court may seem proper. This summons is published by an order of tha Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, judge of the oounty oourt,. made and entered on the 31st day of July, 1899. Napolxoh DAvrs, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Glace E. Hughes, 1 Plaintiff I - vs. William P. Hughes, Defendant To William P. Hughes, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are" hereby commanded to be and appear In the cir cuit court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas county on or before the time prescribed in the or der for the publication of this summons, to-wit; on or before six weeks after the first publication hereof, to answer the complaint In the above entitled cause, and In default thereof Judgment will be entered therein against yon for want thereof. The relief demanded by plaintiff In said! complaint Is for a decree of this court dlssolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between, plaintiff and defendant; that plaintiff be allowed' to resume her maiden name, Grace E. Porter, and' for such other and further relief as may seem just in equity and good conseienoe. I Tha date of the first publication of this sum- mon" ls Ju'T M- 189,i and "" Bummons Is pub- llshed pursuant to an ordtr made by the Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, judge of the county court of tbe county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, on the-. 27th day of July, 1899, and filed herein. ALEX. SWEEK, Attorney for Plaintiff.. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. In the county court of the state of Oregon, for. Clackamas county. In the matttM of the estate of) WILLIAM 8HELVY YOUNG, 5 Deceased. VOTICI is hereby given that the undersigned has filed her final report In the above court in thi above entiUed matter as administratrix of said estate, with the will annexed, and the court has fixed th 2nd day of October, 1899, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. of said day.as the Ume for bear lngany or all objections to said report, If any there should be. Dated August 15, 1S99. ISABEL TOCNO, Administratrix of said eetate with will annexed. G. E. Hitxs, Attorney for Estate. I Orepaian and CnnrierHeraia $2-