Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, August 25, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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judge ..' T.F.Ryan
Clerk of Courts Elmer Dixon
..'iff J.J.Cooke
SSrtaV'.V. T- P.Bjnddl
Commissioners i J H. Morton
, I K. Scott.
" Keoordcr' . . . Ed. Dwtman
SBperintendent ...... Mrs. G. M .Strange
AssnsRor roner
Cc nnty Court meets on flrot Wednesday after five
Monday of every montn.
Probate Conrt meets on 8r8t Monday Of every
Tircnit Court meets on third Monday In Api'iland
first Monday in November
,,. r. D. I-atourette
Rrnce C. Curry
Beooruer v .B
Chief of Police H.B. Straight
Treasurer Tmer
City Attorney. A.
Street Commissioner Vn Howell
gp't. of Water Works W H Johnlon
City Engineer H. H. jonnsuu
Oonncllmen-R. Koerner, J. W. Powell Frank
Bunch and f. 8hiiebel of First Ward; B. IS.
Charman n. G. Huntley. A. W. Mllln and Fred
Metzner of Second Ward.
Council n i eti first Widncrfnj of encb month.
or Government Money.
First Congregational, coiner Main andEleventh
streets Kev. E. S. Bollinger, pastor. Services
1030 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday scboo after
morning service. Prayer meeting every Wednes
day evening at 7:80 p. m. Prayer meeting Y
P. 8. C.E. every Sunday evening at 6:80 p.m.
First Baptist, corner Main a.nd Ninth streets
Kev. pastor. Morning service,
10:80; Sunday school li:-
7:30. Eegular prayer meeting Thursday
Wednesday evening preoediug first Sunday in Civil War 111 that country, should be-
Hie UIOUIU. -r,mo inWatwl HrtWtl tn 3 fivtttrP
Regular August Term
of the Couulj
At close of our Civil War in 1865,
there appeared in the London Times
the following
1 If that mischievous financial poi-
ir. morning service, . , , , ..... . XT
1:45. Evening service icy which had its origin the North
Eegular prayer meeting 'ihursday a ., pot,Ki; Hnrinrr trio lstp
evenlne. Monthly covenant meeting every y. uu. ......
8t. John's, Catholic, corner Tenth street and
river Kev. A. Hillebrand. pastor. On Sun
dav, mass at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Every Sunday
German sermon after 8 o'clock muss. At all
other masses English sermons. Sunday school
2:30 p. m. Vespers, Apologetical subjects and
benediction at 7:30 p. m,
Methodist Episcopal, corner Main and Seventh
streets Rev. H. Obcrg, pastor. horning
service at 10:45, t-unday school at 10:00,
Evening service at7:80. Epworth League Sun
day evening at 6:30, prayer meeting Thursday
evening at 7:30. Class meeting after morning
First Presbyterian, corner Peventh and Jefferson
atmeta Rv. A. .1. Montgomery, nastor. Ser
vices at 11 a. m. end 7:80 p. m. Sabbath school
10 a. m. Y. P. 8. C. E. meets every Sunday
evening at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting inurs-
day evening at s:uo,
F. Marks, chairman: J. K. Morton
- R. Scott, commissioners
(Continued from last week)
Road district No 36
Tom Smith road fund ?40 00
A Wright -28 50
Tom Munson 1 50
E Parker 75
F J Mever 1 50
Frank S Baker ...... 13 70
F M Cooke 25 35
N Bernier 19 50
Tr,bin in nn
- Jl AVlin... -
become prosperous Deyona preceaeni ,a K.Taher 7 10
in the history of civilized nations of Walter Gibb 9 00
fViP world Trip hrain and wealth of Wilson & Cooke general fund 4 45
then that government will furnish its
money without cost. It will have' all
the money that is necessary to carry !
on its trade and commerce. It will
2 For Yflqnina-.
Train leaves Albany . i.'SS'S
Train leaves Corvallis iP-
Train arrives laquina o.oop.m
1 Returning t-m m
Leaves Vaqiilna WI'S
leavesCorvallis Vo oSn
Arrives Albany 12;25p.m
8 For Detroit- ...
Leaves Albany -,V.ts"
Arrives Detroit ...11,65 a. m
4 Returning 19
Leaves Detroit s4?'
Arrives Albany iwl'm
6 Leaves Albany S.m "
Arrive Corvallis 6:65 p. m
5 Leaves Corvallis..
Ai-rlvea Alhanv....
One and two connect at Albany and Corvallis
with Southern Paoifie trains, giving direct ser
to and frcta Newport and adjacent
6:40 a. m
7:25 a. m
o. runs from Albany to Corvallis on Mori
svs Wednesdays and Fridays only.
4o. 5 runs from Corvallis to Albany on Tues
days, Thursdays and Saturdays onir.
trains for the monntains arrive at Detroit at
noon, giving ample time to reaeh camping
grounds on the Breitenbush and Santiam river
thetam.day. Kl)wra 8loNIt, Manager.
H. L. Walben, T., F. & P. A.
J. TrjtiNEK, Agent, Albany,
all countries will go to North America.
The famous Hazzard circular, to
Evangelical Church, corner Eighth and Madison or.:t!1i;.tc vr Vnrlf anH thfi Rupll
-....... D... u ... no.lni- Nuru i-ufi nvorv wW"ui"iu , v... ....
sabbath at ii a.' m. andV.so p. ni. Sunday-school Bank circular to United States Bank-
atlOa.iu. prayer meeting inursaay evening. vtU 0m.,n,hnn fmn T nnrinn or,A
United Brethren, corner Eighth and Pierce ' . , , . ' , .
streets, Eev. A. J. Ware pastor, services second me iaouious corruption luuu laiscu in
ana lourtn sunoay mornings aim ine preceu-
Inn Qol.iroir 1 n.nll mnnth at. 11 ft HI And 7
p. m., ana tne nrsi ounuay siujruuuu ui cnu, i coo,uOO, were uic ciKeiiia mat bc-
monthatt alls View. ,.rv1 rh rlncina nf mir mints ap-ainst
st Poi,v TJnlapnnal. corner Ninth and river ' 0
, , - ---- -
Eev. P. K. Hammond, pastor. Services, sunaa.v silver.
at 11 a. m, and 7 :30 p. m . Sunday fcnoot at iu T. , , . noi,cv
Fridays, evening prayer wiui aaureES, - - ..v r . -. r----
at 7:30. of England, during ana since tne
Evaiigellcalntheran.ZionCongregatlon.corner Spanish- War. is the latest evidence
Elgntn ana Jenerson streets nev. vv-nrenncr , rt- , . t
pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. services 01 dnglisn jjipiomacy in siiaping uic
aiiu:oua. m.auu coup.iu. Hpcrinv rvf the I InitPrt States liovern-
n.iti.nTii,ianin Ohln Cvnnd enrner nfRio hth I J
and j. o. Aaams streets-Kev. Jirnesi j. vy.
Mack, pastor.
M. K South Rev. T. P. Havnes, pastor, bird
Sunday at United Brethren Church.
Free Methodist Bev. J. W. Eldrldge. pastor.
Preach nil first and third Tuesnavs at 11 a. m
Piaver meetinir Everv Thursday evening,
Services held in Congregational church at
List of All Societies in this County Willi
Meeting; Place and Date,
Falls (Illy Lodge No. 159 of A. O. V. W. Every
Saturday eveuing in a. u. u. . nan on oe-
enth street.
Scripture & Beaulieu. . . . , 7 65
Viuorit fowuer uo 40
F 8 Baker : 50
Total .$185 08
Boad district No 38
Viirorit Powd- r Co ueneral fund $3 70
Boad district No 39 Labor on Beeson
hill and Highland road:
C Fisher, road fund $20 00
Cosper & Cummins, road fund. . . om uu
Wilson 6t Uooke, general luna. . . i
on & Bon, lumber lo (o
Notwithstanding the famine price
of wheat, the Spanish War, and fabu
lous expenditures of money by our
government during the past year, gold
has increased in value eleven per cent.
and all other values decreased in the
same proportion.
For a thorough understanding ot
the money question, or silver issue,
the Cincinnati Enquirer has uniformly
given evidence of its ability to teach,
i l l .11 f ,!
Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. O. O.F. Every Thursday explain auu pruuiu-c mi mt-ia aiiu
evening at oaa feiiows nan. truth, it is a paper mat ougm ana
f ans tncampmeni ?n. j, . u. ... r.-rua ran hp ...j hv a i r asses wth nleas-
TnocHavs at. Ortil Fallows' hall.
Willamette Rebekah Degree Lodge No. 2 The Ure and profit.
second ana lourtn f rinays in i.u.u. r ran.
Mnllnomah todge f o. 1, A. F. & A. M Regular
communications on first and third Saturdays,
Myrtle Lodge No. 24, D. of H- Every Friday in
Willamette nan.
Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M. Regular con
vocation third Monday.
Court Robin Hood No. 8330, F. of A. -Willamette
1.-11 -. A ...J ....II. VtAnta
JULIUS RONES, rnpne.C Pioneer chapter, No. 2S, O. E. S.-Masonio Tem
pie on luesuays.
Shaving and Hair Cutting done with
neatness and dispatch.
The Shasta Route
ExpreseTralns Leave Portland Daily
7:00 P.M. Lv
7:62 p.m. Lv
7:4hA.M. Ar
6:00 p.m. Ar
6:05 p.m. Ar
0:40 a.m. Ar
8:15 p.m. Ar
7:00 a.m. Ar
8:15 P.M. Ar
4:15 P.M. Ar
7:56 A.M. Ar
Pullman First class and Tourist Cars
attached to all through trains.
6:85 A.
8:16 P.
1:10 P.M
6:45 P.M
Ar 8:60 A.M
Oregon City
San Francisco
Los Angeles
El Paso
Fort Worth
New Orleans
6:30 A.M
9:26 P.M
2:35 P.M
8:40 A.M
8:40 P M
8-80 A M. ,Lv Portland Ar4:S0P.n
9:20 A. M. Lv Oregon City Lv 3:34 P.'
5:20P.M. I Ar Roseburg Lv I 7:3 am
7:30 A.M. I Lv Portland j JOP.M
11:56 A.M. I Ar Corvallis Lvl:i0P.M
At Albany and Corvallis connect with tralr
Of Oregon Central & Eastern R. R.
Lv Portland Ar 8:2ft A. M
Ar McMlnnville Lv 5:S(iA.W
Ar Independence Lv 1 4:50 A. M
4:60 P. M.
7.80 P.M.
8:30 P. M.
Direct connection at San Francisco with
Steamship Liues for Hawaii, Japan, Ulna, the
Philippines and Australia.
For through t ickets and rates call on or address
E. E. BOYD, A cent, Oregon Cltj
Manager, (j. F. & P. Agent,
Portland., Or. Portland, Or.
1:00 p.m.
From Pattand.
Salt Lake, Denver,
Ft-Wortl), umana,
Kansas City, St
Louts, Chleago,
and East.
Walla Walla, Spo
kane, Ninneauw
1U, St. Paul, Su
luth. Milwaukee,
OliicMO Bad Kastl
OeaaiiltoBwlWw .
rrom reniaiN.
Ifltil STBT BY if
Bz. Sunday
U-oo p. av
:00 a.m.
K Sunday
CtkimW Rlvtr
Tb Aitoria D4 Way
WllltNMttB BIW
7:00 . in-tv-.
km aiwa.
.Oregon CHy. pt-
., tub.
2:30 a. m.
n Cltr. Mew-
Baraa nar
WNIftiMttt WW.
it. wr t-d-
naka Htf .
KlpBrtB t UwuHob
:46p. m.
Spoil an
1:80 a. bi
4 00 P.m.
n. Suuday
4:H B- ra.
Ex. Sunday
Mob.. Wad.
and rru
Willamette Camp No. 148, W. of W. FirBt and
third Fridays in Willamette hall.
Modern Woodmen of America, Camp No. 5B6,
meets second and fourth Tuesdays at Willsm
ette hall,
Falls Grova Circle No. 32, W. W. Willamette
hall, Tuesday evenings.
Wacheno Tribe, No. 13, 1. 0. R. M. Tuesday eve
ning at Redmen'B hall, Jaggar bunding.
I'nlon Veterans Union Second Saturday of
each month at 1 p. m. and fouith Saturday at
7:30 p. m., In armory.
Meade Post, No. 0. A. R. First Monday of each
month at Willamette hall
Mende Relief Corns. No. 18. Meets at Willnm
ette hull on the first Monday st 2 p. m , and the
third Monday at 7:80 p. m. The auxiliary meets
at the armory on lirst and third Saturdays at
2 p.m.
MnTmiohltn Cnhln Nn 4. Native Sons of Ore
gon; meets at Willamette hall on second and
fourth Monday evenings.
St. John's Branch No. 647, C. K. of A. Every
Tuesday evening at their hall.
United Artisans, No. 7 Willamette hall every
Tnplfttln Tent. K. O. T. M. A. O. IT. W. hall
nnner Seventh street, on second aud fourth
Mondays. .
Oregon City Board of 1 rade-At conrt house on
Monday in cacn monin.
Columbia Hook and Ladder Co. First Friday of
each month at nouniain engine nouse.
Fountain Hose Co. No. 1 Second Wednesday
in each month at Fountain engine house.
Cataract Hose Co. No. 2 Second Tuesday of each
month at cataract engine nouse.
Oregon ntv Hose Co. No. 2-Hose house on'the
hill the third Tuesday ol each month. .
Mt, VlewJIose Co. 4 Hose house at Elyville.
Pig Iron Lodge No. 135. A. O. IT. W. Every
Thursday evening at Odd Fellows' hall, Oswego.
Molalla Lodge No. 40, A. O. IT. W.-Firsl and
third Saturdays at school house, Molalla. .
Gavel Lodge No. 65. A.O. IT. W. Second and
third Saturday evenings at Knight's hall, Canny.
Clnrkamas Lodge, No. 57. A. O. U. W.-First and
third Mondays at Strite's hall, Clackamas.
Sunrise lodge No. 43 A. O. U. W. Second and
lourth Saturday at wiisonviiie. -Mistletoe
Lodge No. 20, D. of H.-Eveiy Tuesday
Rebekah lodge No. 71, I. O. O. F., of Oswego-
ThurBday evenings.
Oswego Lodge No. 93, 1. 0. O. F.-Odd Fellow's
hall, Oswego, every Monday evening.
Lona Pine Lodge No. 53, A. F. & A. M of Logan.
General Pope Post No. 62; G. A. R First Satur
day of each month at Grange hall, Muliuo.
General Crook Pest No. 22, O. A. T.. School house
at Needy on First Saturday In each month.
Star Lodge No. 95, K. of P. Every Wtdneada
evening in Castle hall.
Canbv Lodge No. 604, 1. 0. G. T.-Flrst and Third
Saturday evenings at Knight's Hall, Canby.
Oswego Lodge No. 448, 1. O. O. T.-Every Friday
evening in new nan in oiu iowii.
Canby Spiritualist Society First and Third Sun
days of each month.
New Era W. C. T. U. First Raturday In each
month at their hall In New Era.
Sprlngwater No. 263, P. of H.-On second Satur
day after full moon.
Canby Board of Trade Knight's hall.lCanby, on
lirst ana tnira I riaays.
Molalla Grange No. 40, P. of H. Their hall at
Wright s linage on tne aeconu eaiuruay ui
each mouth at 10 a. m.
Tualatin Grange, No. Ill, P. of H. l ast Saturday
of each month attneirnan in wnsonviue.
Warner Grange No. 117. P. of H. Fourth Satur
day of each month at their hall in New Era.
Butte Creek Grange No. 82, P. ol H. At hall In
Marauaro second Hatnruay in eacn uiuuui.
rwxm Granee No. 175. P. of H. Second Satur
day In each month. '
Damascus Grange No. 200, P. of H.-Flrst Satur
day in month in Damascus scnooi nouse.
Teazel Creek No. 255, P. of H. Third Saturday In
each month.
Boise (Orvllle) No. 256, P. of H. Second Satur
day in month.
Hlehland No. 261, P. of A. First Saturday in
Barlow No. 262, P. of H First aud third Satur
day In montn.
fUrrrtnrtn of Sacietlrt are ilndlu reriurtted to
notify tne eatwr oj any cuinyc m
meeting ante.
T ie Dalles, Portland and 'stor'n?
Navigation .Co's
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City vt f M.oown, con..
3 virGnef. witne-!8...
Dally (exo 'pt Sund.iy) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
T.i,im, i war nolnts on both sides of th
Columbian ver. r
Both of the above steam' rs have been rebitilt
and are In excellent shape frr the season of 1KI9
The lteaulalor Line win euuoavui iu gie.in-
patrons the best service possib e.
wn r,.,r,.rt Kennoinv and rieamire,
travel by the steamers of 11m eBu later
The above steamers leave Portland 7 am. and
Dalles at 8 a. m .and arrive at destination In ample
time for outgoing trains.
Portend Office. The Dslles Office,
On lrKt Dock. Court Street.
General Agent.
Total $554 93
In the matter of claims bled Hie
board having examined said claims and
being fully advised, it is ordered by the
board that the cleik shall issue warranto
on the general fund in favor of the per
sons and for the amounts hereinafter
specified in payment of Baid claims: -J
J Cooke, bunting $ 5 85
.1 J Cooke insane, meals ou
IT M Miller, sheriff ac 2 0(1
Eli Williams, assessor 84 00
JF Nelson " 93 OC
T G Porter " 93 00
N Blair " 90 00
Chas Toole " 48 00
Courier-Herald, supplies 83 93
Courier-Herald, printing 58 20
W H Uounspll, road engineer. . , . to w
W E Carl!, insane ac 5 00
releiihone At TeleeraDh Uo w
Mrs C Roland. uauDtr 42 00
T Williamson, pauper 5 00
George Warner, " 5 00
a L Holman " iw w
Columbia Implement Co 25 00
Bellomy & Busch, road ac
Bellomy & Busch 75 00
State of Oregon ys A J bmun
J P court No 4
BC'Currv. ex offico ID
Chas E Burn-, con 24 70
state of Or? tron vb J W Amnions
C Kclmebel, j p 8 30
. B l
1 90
Cheodore Hinder 1
Harry Harding.' 1
rs Baker, juror i f
Tohn Green
Win Ganoni? 1
John Williams. - 1 W
F A Ehy 1
State of Oregon vs Wm Brown
C Schnebel, ip
vl V .MnOown. con 1 OU
T B Hankins, sheriff .. , . 12 00
W H! Yonng, c h bc uu
I J Cooke, board of nrieoneis .. 62 13
Jacob Shade, treasurer ac 1 00
Enterprise, printing 34 65
VI O Strickland, coroner m
Peter Nehren, c h ac 5 00
Ina M. Chase, sheriff ac 60 00
Chas II HeiBer 1
P Judd I
J W Meldrum 2
F While 1
John Hii.kle 1
Tuesday, August 8, 1890.
The board met pursuant to adjourn
ment, the board and officers present af
of July 22nd 1899. The minutes of Fai'l
meeting were read and approved. And
now on this day the following Dueines
was had to wit: .
In the matter of the Southern i'nmtir
Company, et at, granting railroad fran
chise to G. C. Fields. Now on this day
comes the Southern Pacific Company hy
their attorneys, and the board beini
fullv advised, hereby denies said protest'
and lefuses to set aside Baid franchise af
heretofore by order of the board granted,
hut confirms said order and grant ai-
heretofore made.
4; 91 p.m.
Tuea., Thnr.
y. j, BOALIOK, kftil, Oro Ctr-
44MMl fMWOtW AlWk foil4, Of.
22-inch barrel, weight 4l pounds.
Carefully bored and tested. For
.22, .25 and .32 rim-fire cartridges.
No. 17.
Plain Open Sights, $6.00
No. 18.
Target Sights, $8.50
Ask your dealer for the FAVO
RITE.'' If he doesn't keep it we
will send, prepaid, on receipt of
price. '
Send stamp for complete cata
logue showing our full line, with val
uable information regarding rifles
and ammunition in general.
P.O. Box t
Wilsonville Cash Store
Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions,
Hardware, Rinware, Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc.
Yon can itill get a hat blow cost at
Celia Goldsmith's.
j Tradc Marks
1 CoYnaHTS Ae.
P. G. Shark is now prepared to furnish
local dealers with all kinds of cigars at
wholesale prices.
.Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on
mortgages. Apply to C. D. & D. O.
Anron mnt tUb and dMenMtra r
Jinloklr wcartaln oar eplaion fr hthw so
nvantloa U probably pMubl, CaainianK.
UoucUreoriBaeotUl. Handbook oa l'll
HPafwu taken tbronah kuna Co. tMttr
Wwtol now. wHknt hrt, ta M
Scientific flnerican.
A kuiOfOBdr Olartnt. tl(. Iwat it
Wednesday Aiianst 9. 1899
In the matter of the petition filed by
John Ferguson and more thnn VI house
lolders of the counly living in the vioin
itv of the road described in the petition
nnd prayine viewers to be appointed to
view and locate a county roan in ihckb
nas county. Oregon desenbad an tol
lows: Beinriin at the kf section
corner between sections 2 and 35 on tlie
towm hip line between townships 2 and
south ranee 2 east, of Willamette
meridian in county of Clackamas, P'ate
of Oieon,said corner being in i what w
known as the Walker road, leaning iioni
Oregon City to Eedlands and beyond
and running thence from said corner
on a course nearly north 11 deg. 45 min
west 19 SO chains to a stone mariteu rt
in ilin mod known as the Abernetliy
road; said stone being the terminus ol
Hie proposea roan, nam peiiHunoi u
his affidavit of notices posted respecting
said road showini? that there had been
nnxterl nn on t.lm court I10US6 Dt'llBlin
board and three in three most public
places in vicinity of proposed road more
than 30 days prior to the presentation of
this petition. He also filed a bond for
$100 conditioned according to law. The
tioard being fully advised, it is oruereu
that H. M. Riehhoff. N. P. Klrchera and
f!. E. Snencfi ha and are hereby ap
pointed viewers to meet at the place of
beKinninn on the 23id instant ana suo
wribe to a written oath of office adminis-
tprpd hv J. W. Meldrnm.deDUtv county
surveyor, a skillful surveyor, lie oeu;
appointed by the board to survey san
rnad. hnforo r.rncnedino to View auu
locate said road, and report in writin
at trio nml. rocrnlar tfrm of the board.
In the matter of the application oi m'
Oreuon Citv Southern Railway for
franchise on the public road from Cane-
mah to New Era. This matter coming
on now rpcnlarlv to ho heard, and tl
board being fully advised, it is ordered
viiui nam uppucmiuu uc ucmu.
In the matter of the error in the sur
vey nt tha Rock creek bridse Bite,
appearing to tlie board that there has
Viei-n an error made in the survey of said
bridge site, and said bridge will have
to h feet longer than the contract
calls for, it is ordered by the board that
the contractors be allowed an aauiuonai
sumof$H8.45 over and above the con
tract price to compensate them for build
nor aa d additions enein to eaiu uriuiie
Tn thn matter of the petition of Hugh
Fitzgerald for poll tax rebate, be being
over age. The board Deing luny au
vised that taid Fitzgerald lias been il
legally assessed with a poll tax, (lie be
iug over age) it is ordered that he re
ceive a rebate of said tax.
Hugh Fitzgerald $3 00
Iu the matter of the petition of J. A.
Stromgreen, et al, for a change in the
Gray's mill and Oregon City road. In
the matter of the petition filed by J. A.
Stromgreen and more than 12 house
holders of the county living in the vicin
ity of the road described in the petition
and praying viewers to be appointed to
view and locate a county road in Clacka
mas county described as follows: Be
ginning at a stake marked "R", set in
ihe center of the Gray's mill road to a
stake marked "R" set at the edge of the
Mountian Home and Rim?o road, 35
yards east of Cedar Creek bridge, and to
vacate all that part of the old road sup
plied by the new rOad. Said petitioner
filed his affidavit of notices posted res
pecting said road, showing that these
had been posted. One on the court
house bulletin boaid and three in three
of the mott public places in the vieinity
of the proposed road, more than 30 days
prior to the presentation of this petition.
He also filed bond for $100 conditioned
according to law. The board being fully
jilvispil. it is ordered that John Lew-
elline. C. H. Guttridire and A. Lacey be
and aie hereDV appointed viewers io
meet at place of beginning on the 2 th
instant and subscribe to a written oath
oi office admininered by J. W. Meldrum,
a ckiliful curveyor, he . being appointed
by the board lo t-nrvey said road, before
pioceediug io vie w and locate said road
and repor, iu writing at the next regular
leim ul the board.
In the matter of the re-survey of a
portion of the Long road, the viewer
app inted at the last term of Ibis board
failing to meet, owing to absence of om
fr m the county, it is oideied by tht
Ik ard that said viewers meet according
lo the former order made on page 170 ol
this journal, and the first mile ol said
ordinal Lnnu road and leport in writing
t th" next regular term ot this board
lu the matter of an advance payment
toMonis & Odson their contract for
building the Rock creek bridge. The
board being fully advised in the matter
it is ordered that the sum of $100 be
paid to Morris & Olds as an advance
payment to be taken from the contract
niiV.e for buildimt said road.
In the matter of opening the bids
and letting the contract for 60 to-ds of
wood for the county, the following were
received and opened for said wood
C J Wolf, per coid $2 85
Will F Harris 2 45
John Potter 2 20
D W Thomas 2 25
i) R Livesay 2 60
Charles Ri er 2 24
Fred Bluhui 2 30
lieo Lazelle 2 50
Joseph Meindl. ir 2
And it appearing to the board that the
hid of John Potter is t'ie lowest and best
hid and bein fullv advised, it is ordered
that the contract for tarnishing 50 cords
of wood for the court house be let to the
said John Potter in accordance with the
advertii-ement for said wood to be de
livered on or before the first day of
October, 1899.
In the matter of complaint of H Wil
son, of road district No 10, about water
(rom road destroying his meadow. Said
lomplnint being heard and the board
being fully satisfied, it ia ordered that
the clerk notify Supervisor Davis to put
in a culvert to cany said water to the
other side of the road.
In the matter of gravelling the road In
district No. 35, it is ordered ttiat buper
visor Tavlor of said road district be noti
tied to gravel 200 feet of road near C.
Owincs' faitn.
In tl e matter ot tne application oi
Mi s M. K. Potter for the correction of a
clerical error bv the assessor, whereby
tne yalue ot her property was increased
upon the tax roll ot trie year l&ua, trie
board being fully adyised, it is ordered
that she be granted the reliel prayed lor,
and that the sherilf be directed to issue
receipt in full for all tuxes due the
county by said petitioner for the said
year 1898, upon her paying tne amount
Ulie upon fiiOi worm ui prupony no "ci
out in statement presented to said Mrs,
M. E. Potter by t e assessor, L. Stout.
In the matter of the application oi
Miss Forester, a county charge, for an
increase in tier allowance, uie ooaru
being fully advised, it is ordered that
said application be denied.
In the waiter ol the appneauon oi v
Linslev, a county charge lur an in
crease in his allowance, it is ordered that
is tdlowanee of said Ltnsley be in-
reased from $4 to $5 per month to date
from August 1, 1899, and that the war
rant for the same he drawn on the first
of each month thereafter in favor of G
W Scramlin for said aid.
In the matter of the report of viewers
on the petition of W B. Lawton, et al,
for a county road. In the matter of the
report of A W Cooke, J B Risley and R
8 McL-augtmn, viewers, appointed at uie
last term of this board to view and locate
county road situated in Clackamas
Ciunty and described in full on page 182
of this journal, said viewers niea tneir
report showing that they had met on
the 28th day of July, a day named in the
notice served upon mem ana were amy
sworn bv subscribing to a written oath of
office administered by J W Meldrum,
depul y county surveyor, after which they
proceeded to the designated place and
did view and cause to be surveyed by
said deputy county surveyor the above
described road. They also nieu tne neiu
notes and olat of the survey, said view
ers report favorably to the establishing
of said road as viewed and surveyed for
the reasons that it is a good practical
route and of public utility; and one of
the chainmen not having signed the re
(.ort and the report and ttie board not
I e'ng satisfied of the legality of said re
port without said chainman's signature,
It is ordered by the board that said view-
erg be ordered to meet on the 28th day
of August and view said road and report
in writing at the next regular term of
said board:
A W Cook, 1 day and 16 miles. .$3 CO
J 8 Risley 1 " " 12 " ,.3 20
R 8 McLaughlin 1 ' " 17 " ..8 70
E E Charman 1 " " " . . 2 00
C W Pope 1 " " . . 2 20
J W Meldrum 3 " " 2 " ..12 00
their report showing that they had met
on the 26th day of July, 1899, a day
named in the notice served upon them,
and were duly sworn by subscribing to a.
written oath of office administered by J.
V. Meldrum, the deputy county sur
veyor, after which they proceeded lo the
designated place and did view and caus
to be surveyed by said deputy surveyor
the about described road. They also
filed the field notes and plat of the Bur
vey said viewers report favorably lo tha
establit hing of said road as viewed a r.d
surveyed, for the reason that it is a good
practical route and of practical utility
And it appearing to the board that there
is no remonstrance or petition ur dam
ages filed, and being satisfied that eaidt
road will be of public utility, it is or
dered and adjudged that the field note
and plat ot Baid Burvey De recorueu aim
iu all respects approved, and that the
said view and survey be established as a.
county road and that the expense oi saia
view and survey be paid by Clackamas
county, and the clerk is hereby ordered
to issue the necessary notice to the su
pervisor ot the district or districts in
which said road lies, to open and work
the same. And all that portion of th
road heretofore described and abked to be
vacated, be and the same is hereby in all
lespecls ordered vacated ou the opening;
of said road :
H lloffiueister 1 day and 12 mllee$ 3 ZU
2 HO
2 CO
10 -111
2 GO
2 00
Total m 80.
In the metter of the purchase ol a
gravel pit in road dim net No do, the
ooard being tally auvsfii in tu uiunci,
it is ordered that the gravel pit on the
Newman DLC surveyed by 11 tl Junri-
son III May, lows, ne inn;ue ujr
lounty for the sum ol $50, and the cierK.
s heiebv authorized to issue warrant
for said amount upon the receipt ot a,
propeily executed deed lor said gravel.
Pit- . . ... ,
in thn matter oi ine viewers repun u
,i individual petition of the Portland
General Electric Company for a resnryey
of the Willamette Fails road. Tim
matter coming on regularly to De neara
and said viewers having reported favor
able on the change aHked for in said
road, and the board being tuiiv sausnea
that said change will be of public utility,
it is ordered that said change be granted
as viewed and surveyed, and that all of
the old road not included in tne new do
vacated as prayed for, and that the ex
pense account ot said view anu Burvoy
be paid by Clackamas county.
O A Miller, 1 day t? 09
J II Ralston, 1 day.... f W
Hiram Straight 1 diiy.
Will Martin
11 G Freeman
(5 Christenson
T W Sullivan
2 OO
2 OJ
2 01)
3 00
Total ...112 ?
In the matter of the report of bicycle
path supervisors for July, 1899:
Oil Dye, bicycle fuud $101
Wilson & Cooke ...
Bestow & Co y
R L Russell J
OAWoolfolk 17 a
G H Young ' i
Pope & Co
S L & M Co 80 4
E H Cowing ao i;
WC Powell 1 '
Emery Noble U 6l
PB Miller 2
C M Ellsworth 3.1 0l
Jesse Elliott 69
Orville Robertson 1 pO
George Hinder
Frank Trembath 10 59
J L Page 4 59
H Elliott 8 09
Win llolderness u ?(
John Falkman 0 8f
Sm IWnhard 17 2ri
J L Johnson 18 09
Leo Johnson .....
Emil Buttemiller.
Elmer Davis
0 Pierce
Emmett Ellsworth
8 liolde
2 00
10 35
. 99
1 50
68 2")
0 W Robinson 40 20
James Dickson 2 60
W J Farnhum J ''9
C E Smith 1 9
John Kent 1
VA Himler 0 00
0 A Wojlfalk 8 25
Total $501 14
In the matter of the bond of Martin
.Ylesfig for a feiry license This matter
coining on now to be heard, and the
board not being fully advised, it ia
ordered that said matter be laid over
un'il the September torm ot tne poaru.
In the matter of the report oi vteweis
on the individual petition of Williain.
Macdonuld for a change in the t- u
Foster road (should be the Oregon City
and Hardscrabble road). The report of
said viewers coming on regularly to be
heard, and it appearing to the noaro. mat
two of said viewers had met, thus mak-
ngsaid report illegal. It is ordered Djr
the board that said viewers be ordered
to meet on the 30th day ot August ana
view the proposed change in said road
and report in writing at the next regular
term of the board. And that trie e-
p .nse of said viewing be paid hy wacxa
tniifl nonntv. and the clerk is hereby or
dered to issue the necessary warrants for
the same:
11 S C Phelps, 1 day, 8 miles , . . 'I w
G Randall,
J W Meldrum
2 39
5 09
.$10 19
Notice is hereby given that I will ap
ply to the city council, at its regular
meeting in September, 1899. for a license
to sell liquors for six months at my sa
loon in Oreoron jCitv. Oregon, on Main
street, corner of Seventh street. Said
license to date August 28th, 1899.
J. W. Ooi.e.
Total $26 70
In the matter of the report of viewers
on the petition of E. II. Burghardt, et al,
for a change in the Deep Creek and
Weatherlv road. In the matter of the
report of Chas. H. Ileiser, H, Hoff
meister and P. Judd, viewer, appointed
at the last term of this board to view
and locate a connty road situated ia
Clackamas county, described in full on
page 174 of this journal said viewers filed
Rev. Alexander Blackburn, of the
First Bap'lat Church of Portland, will
preach at the Baptist church in Oregon
City Sunday next, both morning and
evening. Preaching services at 10:39
a.m. and 7:47p.m. All are cordially
invited to bear Mr. Blackb urn.
Wilhelm'a celebrated lager beer on
draught at Biamark saloon, corner M lia
and Eighth streets.