4;ww4ww4w4-rw4w4wTw44wTwwwV A. V i l i "ITrnuinjArn PUTT) DRUGGISTS Work onlllJJVJJB Uitvroad is at. a I PIONEER CUT-RATP Z::;t2r W d Che-cals, Compounding of Prescriptions ana receipts lowest Prices on Patent Medicines, Brushes, Soaps arid Rubber Goods 151 3RD ST., NEAR MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. disagreeable that the men can't work, Mrs. Gipson and daughter, Ruth, of fcalem, are visiting Mrs. Daniels M. E. Mulvey and Oscar Daniels left Tuesday for Morrow county where they expect to work this fall. Cbas. and Joe Daniels returned lust week from the Columbia river where they have been working during the fish ing season Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Perry were doing business in Oregon City Thursday. Dress or business suits made to meas ure, with 300 choice samples of cloth to select from, at prices ranging Iron $10 W30. O.A.Chenet. A representative of Mrs. Anna Vaile Switzer'i famous skin food, balm and AjatrtnoAnf will mmiuh ,ka 1..,!:,... i ir We understand that a minister has I gon City at Electric hotel parlors Fri come to Mulino to locate There will be preaching at the Orange ball Sunday, Aug. 27, at 8 p. m Iva Harrington, of Highland, was the guest of Maggie Mulvey Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Woodside attended the dance at Mr. Graves' Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Barger are visiting their daughter, Mrs. F. M. Manning, of this place. Nellie Stephens, of Beaver Creek, visited her sister, Mrs. A. Neukirchuer, one day last week ..August 22. On day, Saturday and the following week, where she will explain the thermo-elec- trical treatment. This wonderful treat ment it the only scientific one that has proven itself to be a complete success in the most stubborn cases of ache and all facial blemishes, and positively removes wrinkles. Instructions will be given to any one wishing to take up the work as a profession. Gold Creek. Plenty of rain in the mountains for several days past. J. D. Ponnay came u i from Portland a few days ago on business. Mr. Perry and family, of Molalla, pased through here a few days ago, on their way to Jidk lake. Mrs. Irvine, of Salem, is stopping at the Sweet Home hotel. F. A. Wheeler has returned from Fortland; came pack in pachelor style. A. R. Blackburn is making his head quarters at the Montana camp with Holt and Wheeler. Mr. Blackburn is from Spokane. He has been in quite a number of mining camps and thinks this camp will come out all right. Mrs. Tibbitts came in from Portland a few days ago and is the only woman in the district. Her husband is wording on his placer claim and is doing well P. L. Darling, Elmer Darling, 0. G. Holt, L. L. Reeles and A. R. Blackburn Jiave returned from Elk lake, where they have been on a fishing tour. They report fish plentiful and the scenory most grand. The Mill City and Silverton Mining Company is going to put machinery on its property just as soon as the weather will permit. Ihey have fine ore and plenty of it. Lemker, Dawes and Harris are the original locators of Mineral Harbor. Thej have the best prospects in the dis trict. The Poor Man Mining Company has closed down for a few days. Buche Bros, are located on Cripple creek. They also have some good prop erty, They have 75 feet of tunnel work already done. The Rainbow claim iB their best showing. It carries silver, lead ond gold. All this district needs is capital. Lew it, Carter, Ormsby and King are cutting and grading a trail up the Little North Fork of the Santiam to Elk lake. These men are the forest rangers employed by the government. In my next letter I will give you more mining news. -A us. 20. Death on tub Trail. Ho m. fowtK After All. An army sureeon toll ntcr-r nf an officer many of jrou know. It was before oanuago. roe surgeon, going to the front, came orxra the ronnn offlonr. u. ting beside the road, trembling like a leaf and whiter than the dead men around him. At sight of the surgeon he began to talk. "I'm a coward. I'm a ooward. I'm a coward, " be said. "I knew I'd fun, end I did. Oh, Lord, I wish you'd kill me 1 I'm diegraoed forever. I just got soared. I knew I would. I was going along all right, not thinking of any thing bnt getting at the dashed Span iards, yelling to my men to come on and running ahead as fast as I oould, When all of a sudden I stubbed mv ton or something, and then I can't remem ber being scared, but I must have been, for I came galloping back here, sick as a dog. Oh, I feel so awfully gonel I'm a blanked coward, and I wish I was dead. Oh. Lord, whv don't snmahnrlv shoot me? I've got such an awful gone ness right here. " And he put his hand to his stomaoh. The surgeon gave him a quick look and canuht him as hn plunged forward in a faint. Where the awful goneness was a Mauser bullet had fonnd its billet They carried the wounded man to the field hospital, and he obnckled all the way. "Oh, my I Oh, my I" he said over and oer. "I wasn't soared! I wasn't snar ed!" And then he would lauebdelieht edly. "I wasn't scared 1 I was hit I was jnst hit I I ain't a coward after all." Washington Post Parcel Carrier and Child's Seat FOR BlftVi re Fastens to Front of. Rear Axle and to vrown or stays. rarcei Ket and Seat Annex Co 308 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Ore. FOR SALE BY THE TRADE Wliere Will We Spend Our Sum mer Vacation? This is thfl tima nf oa.. .u.' i. t ' . it. hnt hlfnrl , 7JI71 " "aOOUl i u : ... ' uo"u,,i wnie ior an elaborate, llitistratarf nm.i,t.i -i : numerous photo engraved views of the manv attractions st. tho u..i. j - - ..... ovMut-r r. 1 1 en-1 route, and advantaoas f ik. rui u.- I ; , o-- " vAjium.ua I A n i u- f. ac"ea y tne Astoria uu wiuuim xviver nauroad. Three mint in I Lnirrv ri i m. .. tt n i n .7 V "..uuico irom union Lie not. Portlaml. In inn. Ku i . i a niaemncent nurlnr io. u,ifv.n..t u ' Ar tmnafuv i. a i ....u.u. , wiivoiiicutt) ana luxurv few resorts pan ..ffo c..nk . .u attraction of this favorite resort. n n r, . J- c Mayo, ten 1 Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. Tips for Economical Bayers Yosemite Coffee ) Columbia Coffee 11c pound 1jIoii Coffee ) Kulir llnaot .Mn. irw That usually coatK 12!c, 18cana 33o per pound. " BOftei Loitces you should try. Ooort Uncolored Japan Tea (worth 60c) for 45o GOo Ounpowdtr Tea for 45c; Tea Dust 15o. Kine Table Salt 60c per 10 lbs; Rtock Salt 40c l ine Japan Rice 5c per pound, White Beans VXc Bacon 10c pound up. ruwtier pouna, tnualiy 7C to 8c. Fine Synip 40c gallon, brliiR pall. Arm & Hammer Soda 4c pound MhnaaThatWur " - i- .i - ... chaige. wnnont Drv llntAa flTnttiinn IT. ti piles, Klc, Wholesule and Ketall. , P RED FRONT TRADING CO. OREGON CITY r i mi m iv 'Oh Prom ise Mel At some 'time in her life Cupid pleads n every worn a n ' a a r i when that time pomes it is a woman' duty to minx iwicc Before sbe answer. She should think once for herself, ani mm tnr m.j i. naa eoosen her lor his life companion. If she is suffering from a torturing-, draa; rtBr.wcakBCM or diseas so preralent with her sex, she hat no right to answer " Yea ' Uffltil HawV Wsa1U Im aat-Mul . T .L. J she will be wretched and ill herself and her nome will De an naaappy one. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ia a scientific remedy that cares all weakness, disease, disorder and derangement of the delicate and im portant feminine organs. It is not a " cure all," but a medicine devised to correct this on class of disorders and no other. It has accompliahed its purpose in tens of thousands of cases, as is shown by tens of thousands of testimonials of the grateful ltatltita . T i . J a r7 , . . . . .u.i .a vigui sou virility to the entire womanly organism. A lm .V.. . f ... A . , ' . umm ui i. Dcrrc ionics ana re storatives. It fits for wifehood and mother hood. It transforms weak, nervous, de spondent invalids into healthy, happy women. " I was so weak I coatd scarcely walk about the house," writes Mrs. Mattie Scruggs, of Allen's Creek, Amherst Co., Va. " Was reduced to a mere skeleton. I was never free from pain in the back and head aad could not sleep at night. I bought three bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 'Golden Medical Dis- taking these six weeks I felt like a new person : slept well and gained in Besh. I am doing all my own housework and we have nine in the v A man or woman who neglects constipation suffers from slow poisoning-. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant reliefs cure constipation. One little "Pellet" is a s-entle lava. five. Alld twO A mili Kathamtln All medicine dealers sell them. jno other pills are just as good." t Brunswick Restaurant' i Under new Management Only First-Class Restaurant IN THE CITY L. RUCONICH, Prop. OREGON CITY, . OREGON I rtTLaad TUles and Land Omc Business a Speeiaiiy. BOBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wilt ItMilflM l 1l rt t m . wm JtvtMai of the InUiior DiDmptiMnk .t w k. r, - ...w . ..... lul myirmni EJQON CITY. OREGON. JOHN II. WOURMS : ATTORNEY AT LAW SDeutfder STbUofat. Obegon Office with H. E. Cross. ity, Oregon VAN R. HYDE . ; LAW OFFIOE Wlll practleem all the Conrta of ths Stat audi the 0. 8. Land Offloe. Abatraoti made. UndlV tes Quieted. Conveyances and all Legal Doen ments drawn. Baal Ettalt bitnght and sold. JMvor e a Hpecwlty. Omoi n CicntLD Buiuiim, OKEGON CltX, OREGON. COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,000 my own ho family." fl Dewey Talk Frankly. Nv York, Aug. 22. A dispatch to tlie World from London gives at sonio length the London Daily News' reported interview with Admiral Dewey at Na ples. According to the correspondent, Admiral Dewey began by saying that he regarded Oavite as the battle which de cisively turned the fortunes of war in fa vor of the Americans. lie added : "The Spanish Bhips fought well, all the same." The correspondent asked him if the Filipinos were likely to he paeitiod soon. The admiral replied : "I have the question of the Philip pines more at heart than has any other American, because I know the Filipinos intimately and they know I am their friend. The recent insurrection is the fruit of the anarchy which has long icigned in the islands, but the insur gents will have to submit themselves to the law nfler being accustomed to no law tall. 1 believe and allirni, neverthe less, that the Philippine question will be very nhort!y solved. "The Filipinos are capable of govern ing themselves; (hey have all qualillca tious for it. It is a question of tinio, but the only way to settle the insimeetum and assure prosperity to the archipelago is to concede self-government tu the in habitants. That would be a solution of many questions and would satiufy all, especially the Filipinos, who believe theniBelvfs worthy of it and are so. "I havo never been in favor of vio lence toward the Filipinos. The islands re at this moment blockaded bv a tleet nd war reigns in the inteiior. tl ii ab liorniMl statu of things Bhould cease. I should like to eoe autonomy first con ceded and then nimxutiim mi,l,t h. talked about. This is my opiuion. "I should like to see violence at once etouped. According to my view, the concession of self government ought to dje the most just and logical solusion." The admiral spoke with an air of frank CPnvMlun. Juggler of India. Two men one old and emaninfarl. oarry ing a native dram ; the other young ana wen iea, fantastically gowned with an overskirt of colored handkerohinfR. and a multitude of bells which jangle Iioiuilv at his slichtest mnvnninnt: lnno ragged hair; altogether a hideous figure. The drummer begins a weird tonitom ing and the other man an incantation. Then he extends a "supra" a bamboo tray used by all natives on which any one who pleases places a large handful of rice ond the came quantity of grain. The two ingredients are thoroughly amalcamated. so that it wnnld in thn I ordinary way take hours to separate IUDU1. , Now the fantastio man with his tray begins. He turns round slowly, gradu ally quickening his pace (the drummer niho eeping time), raster ana raster in a giddy vortex, the tray at times almost out of hia hands, yet so oleverly handled that not a grain falls out It is verv trying to watch, but In a couple of minutes toth stop simultaneously, and the man shows to the wondering spec tators two little heaps one of rice and the other grain at different ends of the tray, whloh in his sickening gyrations he has been able to separate by some extraordinary manipulation. Pearson's Weekly. A PERFECT BATH ROOM essential to perrect.com -ort and health. On estimates on pmtins; in Pliimhlnir Work all flltinirx fnr lur.r.i .1,1.1 v, ?,, L . surpassingly low when quality of work an imiihtiiu usea is considered . We would be pleased to have an opportunity to submit fl (ii res. F. C. GADKE is to see to it that her children begin early in life to shampoo their heads regularly once a week. In each in- Ihniw, .ft.. V 1 lfl thorouffh lv drv. Rome imM hoDUK.ln;nn tonic should be applied to the scalp to aid nature in creating the best possible growth of uniformly colored, lustrous.healthy hair the most important feature in tha mab-u-n of beautiful women and handsome men. For more than fifteen years, the 7 Sutherland Sisters' Scalp Cleaner 9t'. has stood at the apex of all shampoo washes, wmie me naiR urower " nag been equal ly successful in its efforts to return the injured scaln and almrat Hfoicco hir n their original healthfulness. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. lightens the T. B. Hmkins U nnthoitv tnr thu statement that he is still sawing wood this year us usual notwithstanding the statement of others to the contrary. As he has had six years experience in the business it miirht I m tn h.o o.l,.tn.. of our Oregon Oity readers to see him. Will also sell first-class family wood for per uoru. 'Axle Grease helps the team. Saves wear a expense. Sold every where. Had bt STANDARD OIL CO The seeds of the Philippine bean from the ooaet near Manila so closely resem ble the quartz pebbles, among whioh they fall, in shape, size and oolor, lus ter, hardiness and stratification as to be aluicet indistinguishable. The first gold ooin oalled a sovereign was ooiued in the reicn nf Hnnrv VI Tf The present sovereign, as ourrent at 80 shillings, was first issned in 1017. Making It KfTrrllve. "I'll give you 80 days in the work house," said the judge. "I ought to give you six months." "Thuuks for the clemency, ' said the onlprit. "No clomonoy at all, I assure you. I am afraid if you staid that long you wight get used to it ami not mind it." Iudiuuupoiis Journal. Ilnnaom Call on the Singe. Clement Scott used to think the first bansoin cab driven on the stage was in Andrew Hulliday's "Great City," at Drury Lane, in April, 1807. Bnt'an old playgoer writes to him: "The first han som cab that was ever driven on the stage in my reoollection was at the Olympic, uuder the mnuageiueut of George Wild, in the early part of 1841. It was in a drama byLamau Blaucbard, called "The Road of Life; or, A Cab man's Career." Arlxtocrary of Dolldom, "My doll cau shut her eyes and go to sleep just lovely." "Huh I My doll never goes to sleep at all; she's got iusouinier." Chicago Reoord. Navigation in the Sues oaual is often interrupted by sand storms. In Malta fowls are plucked alive in the opeu market Dissolution. The firm of Harrenden & Hallon. carrying on a confectionery business in Oregon Oity. is di8solvedj,by mutual consent, this 3rd day of Auaust. 1899. Hie business will be continued bv H M. Harrenden. H. T. Hallkn, H. M. Harrenden, Ifyou'w.int rich blood drink Wil helm's porter. J. V..Kelly, agent. Sixteen pounds best granulated smrar lor l at Harris grocery. If you have anything to sell, advertise in the Uouribr-Hkbald and you will be ploased with the results. For Sam Five room honse and one lot at head of Fifth street near old creamery. Price $G00, easy terms. Also 120 acrss of school land near Georce P O., cheap. Inquire of Courikr-Hkrald If you want the news, read the CouR' Ililt-II KHALI). You can save money by buying your millinery goods at Miss Celia Gold smith's. Wanted, Girl for general house' work; one who understands cooking, Good wages. Apply at store of I. Selling. Xotu-e. All parties knowing themselves in debted to Noblitt & Co. will be expected to call and settle at once. No exceptions will be made, as we wish to nav nor bills, and desire others to do likewise so that we can. Noiilitt & Co. Brigadier Stephen Marshall, com mander of the Northern Pacific chief di- viaion, will speak at the Salvation Army hall truiay evening, Aug. 25ht, at 8 o'clock. There will be special singing, and after the services icecream and cake will be served for the support of the Salvation Army in Oregon Oity. All are invited. THE ill 'III) II OF MEDICINES is done with absolute accuracy in our Prescription Dapartment anp the quality of all drugs used is of a mgr. grade. The physician's success in the treat ment of difficult cases is dependent on the purityjand freshness of drugs. Have hiaorders filled hirj and the result will be highly satisfactory. 'LCHARMAN &C0., Cut Rate Druggists. Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper youi rooms and paint youi house and Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leave orders at Ely Bros, store on upper 7th streeth. IP" Job Printing at the Courier-Herald 6. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Opposite Huntley's Book Store, Up Stain OREGON CITY, - OREGON Progressive Businas Men Insure in a first-class companies With an experenced agent. Shill we . Jrac tell yoi J jr way ? At F. E. Donaldson, Agent fire and Accident Insurance BANK OF OREGON CITY MLDBST BAKKINO H0U8B THS CUT PAID CP CAPITAL, 180,000.00 BURPLV8 flOJOOM President, noe-preitdeot luhler, Chis. H. OiimiH Gio. A. HabdiM E. O. CAtmiLB A General Btnkliif Bat lneai TrnaoUd Depoatti Reoelved Subject to Check. Apprcred Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrant Bought. Loan Ud on ATillabl SeonrttT ExohMi Bought and 4nld. Collection Made Promntl r. - Draft Sold Available In Any Part el the TelagrepMo Exchange Sold on Portland, las rrneleo. Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Tim Depoilt. When you visit The Dalles stop at the BestjOne Dollar a Day House I in the City THE OBARR HOTEL On Second Street one block from Depot Speiial ratal t families and partie 8. 8. SMITH, Prop. BOLTON DAIRY OHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Meaiur given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Bolton Dairy ul be C Tmntaeta a General Banking Bnalncn . toni made. BU1 diaeonnted. Make eel Uotion. Buy and nil exchang on all point In the United State and Kurope and on Hon Kong. DepoeiU received urcl to check. Bank open from A .to4 P. II. D.C.LA10DRETTB, FEED I, MKYR, President. CuUe C. D. & D C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY . T . . ORXGOB 610. c. Bbowniu j. rj. CiMrsiLA BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT 1AW Cauleld Building Oregon City, Ort V. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITY - OREGON C. SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW SDeutfdjer SIbbofat. OREGON CITY - - OREGON THOS. F. RYAN . Kotary Public and Real Estate Broker tliDINQ iNSDEiKCI AOKHCT OF CLlOXiHAe VDUKTY Drawing of Legal Dooumeute a gneoUH Office on east aide of Main street Between tth and 7th OREGON CITV, . . OREGON M. C STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private ExDerlenee.) f er his professional service to the nnnnln nt Oregon City and vtelnltj. HVeolal rtienttosi paid to Catarrh and Ohronto disease. Bst of references given. Office in Willamette Building. Office honrs: 10 to 11 a. nu. 4 to I a. m. wtEQON crrr .... obboo DR. L. L. PICKENS DENTI8T Barclay Building, Oregon City. Ore, Prices Modemte. All Operations Guaranteed. DR. GEO. IIOEYE, DF.NTTST Office In Caufleld Building-, Main Street. Oreeon Oitv. Bbidqb and Orswh Wobk a Spkcialtt. All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. J. H. MILLER, DENTIST, Beventh Street, near 8. P. Depot, Pkbook Oity. . . Obboom W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Hag the best-looking rigs and cheapest rates in the city. Cor. Main and Ath Sr OREGON CITY. ORPr.nM v", OREGON CITY, OREGON Leading Photographer makes The Latest Style Photos Photo Buttons Crayon Potraits. Etc. The Best arethe Cheapest DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Univey. nty Dental 8chool, also of American Col lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. WITH DK. WELCH. Willamette Block - Opposite Pottoffiet Obeqoh Citt, OBsaoN. C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1869 j rHB PIONEER EXFKESSMAN UBAYMAN Parcels Delivered to AU Part of the City OREGON CITY . T . . OREGON AND J C.BRADLEY, Prop.1 Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, Oithe Street between the Bridge tndtbt Deeat. ponbl and .lnjl rig and aaddle horses, vl nfJt nihil aA il 1 . . Jlio eonnotd with ih barn (or' loos (took "7 'iurmuoB Mnrain nv kind i (rotnpUr attended to by letter or person Nfardlnt any kind ol (took d to by letter or ntnoi. HORSES BOUGHT OB SOLO.