6 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 1 1899- NEWS OF THE WEEK OENEBAL. Acetylene gaa works blew up in Wa- bash, lnd. Inmate of New York asylum killed by his keeper. Bakers of Kentucky announce that feud is oyer on their part. John B. McLean controls Toledo, 0., democratic primaries. Asphalt paving trust buys another big company in Chicago. Five negroes and one white wounded at Greenville, 8. 0., race riot. Congress will be asked next sesion to make inter-state freight rates. Quay will put up a soldier candidate for state treasurer in Pennsylvania. Wealthy New York merchant, Nathan Kronmann, accused of killing his wife. General Henderson, of Iowa, enter tained by Khode Island delegation in congress. Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern railway receivers discharged by agreement- STATE. La Grande masons preparing to build a temple. Steeheads are now worth ten centB per pound at Astoria canneries. George H. Graves robbed of a valua ble gold watch at Forest Grove. Five attempts have been made in Sa lem to burn the tenderloin district. PACIFIC COAST. Governor Rogers, of Washington, is writing a book on "Life." Lloyd Tevis' will just filed in 'Frisco leaves his entire estate to his wife. FOREIGN. Jeff lies, the pugilist is in London. Firacy seems to be beyond control in China. Story is told that Dewey has had his eyeron Manila for 25 years. Half the Santo Domingo federal troops have joined Jiminez' insurrectionists. Two Austrian politicians engaged in a saber duel and one was actually hurt. SuTages at Balabac, P. I., captured lighthouse. Admiral WatHon drove them out. Gunboat Napidan shelled Paete, near Santa Cruz, P. I., by mistake. Peacea' ble natives fled to the hills in terror. NO STOVES IN KOREA. Instead l'lues Are J.nlrt Under the Floors, Which Are Tims Heated. Stuvps are not used to any extent by the native Koreans. The Korean meth od of hunting is excellently adapted to their resources and conditions. In build lng tlioir houses they lay down a sys torn of flues whore the floor is to be, These flnos bogin at a fireplace, whiob Is usually placed in an outer shed or connecting closed alleyway. From this flroplnce the fines extend in a more or less enrved direction, like the ribs of a round fan, to a trench at the rear of tbe room, which in turn opens luto a chimney, which is usually placed some distanoe from the house Flat flagstones are then placed carefully over these flues, and the whole is ce ui oil tod over and finally oovered with 1 thick oil paper, for which the eonntry 14 noted. This paper keeps smoke from entering tbe room, and a little straw or brushwood, used in the fireplace for cooking tbe rice, servos to heat the etnne floor and gives au agreeable warmth, whiob lasts till the time of the next meal. Two heatings daily tend to give the people a nice warm floor, upon whiob they sit in the daytime and sleep at night. By leaving their shoos at the door the inmates preserve the paper floor, which from constant polishing takes on a rich brown color. New York ProsH. Maori Women. The Maori women of Australasia have thoir rights flouriBbiug ones. General ly they nave little voiueor choice in the selection of tlioir first husbands, but they nmy, and frequently do, change them. A womuumay trade her husband without so imiou as a comment from the public, without the slightest smudge on her good uainn, aud it is nothing to his discredit either. Courtship Is always brief and does not often prefaoe mar riuge. The Maoris, however, love to re peat oriental love tales and sing love songs. Maori widows not infrequently commit suicide on the graves of thoit husbands and are honored for doing so, as in China. Divorce is simple; it needs no revenue, employs no ollloers. He turns her out of doors, and both are free to'remnrry. This is all. Girls are often betrothed irrevocably from infancy, Protection. Nephew (from the city) Why do yon have those, lightning rods on your house aud baru, Undo Josh? Don't you know the theory thut they afford pro tection has long siuoe been exploded? Uncle Josh Waal, I km toll you they dew act as pertockters, the'ry or no the'ry. Nephew Do you mean to tell me von believe they protect you irom light jiiiig? Uncle Josh Mebhy not, young nu. inebby not, but they porteokt me from them pesky lightuiu rod peddlers. Chicago News. EDUCATIONAL. Notes Pertaining to School Mat ters. There are 19 applicants for county certificates and four for state papers at the first quarterly examination under the new law now being held at the court house. The board of examiners are County Superintendent N. W. Bow land, Professor J. 0. Zinser and Mrs. . B. Rinearson. Prof. 0. H. Byland, who was a popular member of the board of examiners, resigned July 21st, on account of other matters needing his attention. County Superintendent N. W. Bow- land has received enough of the new courses of study from State Superin tendent Ackerm an to supply each dis trict in the tounty. Only teachers hav ing contracts for schools, will be pro vided with copies, and when they leave the district, will be expected to turn the same over to the school board. The county su)rintendent has ap portioned the $11,910 88 received from the state school fund among the various school districts. The ratio is $1 51 per pita for each child of school age. Wants More Light. Editor Oourikb-Hbbald : I see in last week's issue of your pa per that the Bank of England purchased gold in New York city and paid a pre mium. I have been told that under the existing gold standard every dollar was as good as every other dollar, good alike over the world. What I want to now is this: If the dollars are equally good, what is the object of the Bank of ngland in paying a premium? What sort of dollars did it pay? Was it Cleve land's gold dollars, that were so good for the working man? Was it the 50 cent silver dollars, or was it the populist fiat dollars? Would Socrates and Argus please cease hostility long enough to give us some light on the subject? Stephen Hutchinson. Highland, Ore., Aug. 9. For Sale or Trade One new McSherry grain drill, 10-hoe; also one thorough bred Berkshire boar. Call or address H. Renoud, Canby, Ore., near Ad kins' mill. Dissolution. ' The firm of Harrenden & Hallen, carrying on a confectionery business in Oregon City, is dissolved by mutual consent, this 3rd day of August, 1899 The business will be continued bv H. M. Harrenden, H. T. Hallen, II. M. Harrbndkn. LOCAL SUMMARY Best ice cream at Kozy Candy Kitch en. For Sale Second-hand organ cheap for cash. Apply at Bellomy & Busch Seven per cent money to loan three to five years. W. 6. U'Ren. A few cheap watches for sale at Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1. I can loan from $500 to $1500 at 1 in terest on No. 1 mortgage security, one to three years time. H.E.Cross. Mason & Hamlin and Kimball parlor organs for sale at Oregon City Auction House, opposite postoffice. Highest cash price paid for second hand household goods at Bellomy Busch. Money to loan at 8 percent interest on mortgages. Apply to 0. D. & D. 0 Latourette. The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents A full line of cigars and tobacco is kept Dan Willians has added to his stock of groceries and provisions a full line of feed and hay. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets When in Portland be sure and call at the Royal restaurant whore you can get the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First street, corner of Madison. Wm Bohlandor, proprietor. For first-class handmade or machine made harness go to F, H, Cross on Seventh street, opposite AOUW hall Prices reasonable and wok guaranteed, 45 cents round trip from Oregon City to Portland and return via Southern Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents. Tickets now on sale at railroad depot. Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m., and 3:35 p. m., and arrives from Port land at 9:23 a. in. and 6:52 p. m. Save time by using the quicker route. Weekly Oregonian and Courikr Hkhai.d for $2 per year. Humbler, Victor, Stearns, Ideal and Golden Eagle bicycles for sale at Bur meistor A Andresen. Shoe repairing of all kinds at F, H, Cross' harness Bhop, opposite A 0 U W building on the hill, G. il. Young, opposite Burmeiter fc Andersen's, keeps a full line of new and second-hand furniture and houso fur nishing goods. Prices very low. Give him a call. Continued from 7th Page WELCOME OUR BOYS. (Dedicated to Company I, Second Regi ment Oregon U. S. Volunteers.) O'er the land there comes a dawning Like the sunrise on the sea, - Like the glory of the morning From the throne of Liberty. Silent is the voice of weeping ; Eyes no more are dimmed with tears, But they sparkle with a greeting For the home-bound volunteers. 0 From the isles the sun is blistering Far across the raging sea. Where the burning winds still whisper ing - "Our trust. 0 God, is all in Thee I" From the storm of lead bail flying, From amid tbe ceaseless moan, From among tt:e dead and dying Welcome back our dear boys home. From the land where Freedom 's waking, Where our flag in splendor wayes, With noble blood our boys are making Freemen of the Spanish slaves. Welcome in each glad heart dwelling, Driving out its scourging pain, ' Welcome on the soft breeze swelling, Welcome home our boys again. From wild war's awful waging, Mid the musket's heated breath, From the cots where fever raging Yields 10 grim, cold, silent death, Where love lifts the hope now trailing With its bitterness and fears, From desolation, woe and wailing Welcome home our volunteers. Your story' All the world's relating Of the boys in brown and blue, And the host for you now waiting Greets the noble, brave and true I Fame your deeds with glory twining On history's deathless page, Your memory our love entwining Undiuimed by tbe passing age. Hark I The glorious notes are soaring I 'Twas the silvery bugle's call, Answered by the cannon's roaring. Lift your voices, one and all I Swell the wild and joyous greeting, Rend the air with deafening cheers ; Let it be a happy meeting To our gallant volunteers. Ah, your loved for you are praying- Mother, sister, sweetheart, love. Oh why so long? O why delaying?" Prayers were waft to Him above. "Timti is long, though swiftly fleeting. Bring our dear boys ever near!" 0 bow we long to give a greeting To our brave young volunteers. Gentle hands the laurels weaving For the Oregon boys to lay, Fame your deeds with victory wreathing Now on fields so far away. 0 God of heaven, behold us kneeling At Thy feet in joyous tears. Our hearts with fervent feeling Thank Thee, 0 God, our boys are here. Mary Frances Huerth. Plating Tableware. Do not throw away your tableware, as the undersigned is prepared to plate it with royal sdver. Orders will be re ceived at Huntley's, or John Everh&rt's store, Ely. Samples on exhibition. A. Baumans. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL ES TATE. In the oounty court of lbs state of Oregon for Clackamas county. In the matter of the estats of) llUODA A. BLMR, 5 Deceased.) VOIICE Is hereby given that in pursuance of an order o( the above entitled oourt, msde on the 7'h day of Auguat, 1899, in the matter of the estate of Rhoda A. Blair, deceased, the under signed, the executor of the said estate. Irom and after the 9th day ot September, 1899, will proceed to sell at private sale all the right, title, interest and estate of the said Rhoda A. Blair at the lime of her death, and all the right, title and Interest that the entitle has, by operation of law or other wise other than or In addition to that of the said Khoda t. Blair at the time of her death, In and to all those certain parcels of land situate, lying and being in the county ot Clackamas and state of Or egon, tnd mure particularly described as follows, to-wlt: The northwest quarter of southwest quarter; north h ill of north half otsoutheaet quarter and lot one (1) ot section 1, township 6 south, range 1 east ot Willamette lmrlilian. Terms and conditions of sale: Cash, gold coin of the united States: SO p?r cent ot purchase unney to be paid on day of sale; balanoe on con firmation of sale by said county court. Kor further particulars apply to said eieeuto-, atMaruuam, Oreon,or to Hedges Griffith, at torneys tor said estate, Barclay building, Oregon City, Oregon. ENOS A. BIAIR, Kxecutor of the estate of lthoda A, Blair, deceased. A PERFECT BTH R33"V. a essential to perfect comfort and lea'th. Oil' Mtmaies on pmlinir In IMumbinic Work and nitliiK for lanre and small bourn will he fonnd surpassingly low wlin quality of work ami material used Is coimdor.il We would be pleased to have an opport mlty to submit tig-urea. F. C. GADKE A vivacious woman's fan can freqnently speak in more elo quent language than any Known to the tongue of man. It can invite or repel, sigh or smile, be meek or haughty, tear a passion to tatters or hum bly seek' fbr fflvenesa. It can also tell the tory of health. A woman who suffers from weakness and disease in a woman ly way sits In sorrow and detection while her healthy sisters enjoy themselves. She may be naturally beautiful, naturally attrac tive, naturally interesting and animated and witty, but the demon of ill-health is gnawing at the very vitals of her womanly nature, and she soon becomes a withered wall Sower in comparison with her brighter and more healthy sisters. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a wonderful medi cine for women who suffer in this way. It acts directly on the delicate and important organs concerned in wifehood and mother hood. It tones and builds up the shattered nerves. It restores the glow of health to the pallid cheek. It gives springiness and trip to the carriage. It makes the eyes sparkle with returning vivacity. It imparts animation to the mien and gestures. The fan that long lay listless and idle in the lap of an invalid again speaks the eloquent language of a healthy, happy woman. Thousands of women have testifed to the marvelous merits of this wonderful medi cine. " For several years I suffered with prolapsus of the uterus," writes Miss A. Lee Schuster, of Box u, Rodney, Jefferson Co., Miss. " Our fam ily physician treated me for kidney trouble, and everything else but the right thing. I grew worse ana worse. My body was emaciated, hands and feet clammy and cold, stomach weak, with great palpitation of the heart. I would suffer with nausea all night. I began taking your ' Favorite Prescription ' and I began to im prove right away. I have taken three bottles aud now I am very nearly well and am very happy and thankful to you. ' Keep your head up and your bowels open. The " Golden Medical Discovery " will put steel in your backbone, and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets will cure constitution. Causes of Loss of Hair Dr. Sabouraud, the sminent French Dermatologist, says that 98 per cent of hair losses are the results of microbes and the neglect of dan druff. The antiseptic action of SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS' preparations kills microbes and removes dandruff. Their constant use for a period will, by acting directly on the hair bulbs, furnish nourishment, vitality and growing power to the impoverished roots and hair shafts, resulting in com plete restoration. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS." THE COMPOUNDING OF MEDICINES is done with absolute accuracy in our Prescription Department anp the quality o! all drujrs used is of a high grade. The physician's success in the treat ment of difficult cases is dependent on the purity and freshness of drugs. Have bis orders filled here and the result will be highl satisfactary. CHARMAN &C0, , Out Rate Drugg'sts. Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper youi rooms and paint youi house and ........... Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leave orders at Ely Bros, storu on upper 7th streeth. Job Printing at tie Courier-Herali 1 1 ,iij I II It's easy to ps'VXMtE'H) haui 8 Ds the wagon I I wheels with I MICA Axle Greast I Get a box and learn why It's the I best grease ever put on an axle. 1 f Bold everywhere. Hade by 1 Brunswick Under new Only First-Class Restaurant IN THE CITY L. RUCONICH, Prop. OREGON CITY, Land Titles sad Land flics Business a Specialty. ROBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the Courts of the State and be Bureaus of the Interior Dapartment at Wash' ftoB. Room 8, Chabmist Building, OREGON CITY, OREGON. JOHN H. WOURMS ATTORNEY AT LAW Soeutffyt SIbboIat. Oregon itv, Oregon Office with H . K. Cross. G. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Opposite Huntley's Book Store, Up Stairs . OREGON CITY, - OREGON Progressive Busines Men Insure in a first-class companies With an experenced agent. F. E. Donaldson, Agent fire and Accident Insurance BANK OF OREGON CITY ILSE8T BANKING BOUSE IN TEE CITY PAID VP CAPITAL, 160,000.00 8VBTIXM flOJUOM President, floe president lashier, Cms. H. CAirTiM Qio. A. HaidIM X. Q. OaUiMI A General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. Oounty smd City Warrants Bought. Loans Itade on Available Seourltv Exobange Bought and tald. Collections Hade Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In An Part of the wona. Telegraphlo Exchange Sold on Portland, lav Francisco. Chicago an 1 New Tork. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. When you viBit The Dalles stop at the Best One Dollar a Day House in the City THE OBARR HOTEL On Second Street one blook from Depot Special rites t families and partie 8. S. SMITH. Prop. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregea Pure Milk and Full Measurt given; delivered to toy part of the city. Try Bottom Dairy tad be Casv W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Has the best-looking rigs and cheapest rates in the city. Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY. OREGON OREQON CITY, OKEOON Leading Photographer The Latest Style Photos Photo Buttons Crayon Potraits, Etc. The Best are the Cheapest Shall we JkeL tell you f why ? l I U Restaurant Management . OREGON mwTm VAN R. HYDE LAW OFFICE ' Will practice In all the Courts Of the State and the D. S. Land Office.' Abstracts made. Land Ti tos Quieted. Conveyances and all Legal Docu ments drawn. Real Estate bought and sold. Pivots es a Specialty. Office ih Cadfield BciLDQta, OREGON CITY, OREGON. COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY . CAPITAL f 100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes eoV lections. Buys and sells exchange on all point In the United States and Europe and on Hong long. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from 9 A M.ios P. M. D.O.LA10URE11E, FEED J. MEYER, President. Cash lea, C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY .... OREGON Sio, C. BaowKiu J. U. CamfbilI BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufleld Building Oregon City, Or W. S. U'REN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaggar Building, opposite Huntley's, OREGON CITT - - OREGON U, SCHUEBEL ATTORNEY AT LAW ' SDeutffyr Stbbolat. OREGON CITY - OREGON THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker LaUBINS iHSQBaHCI AGENCY OT OliOIAIIAl County Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Hade Drawing of Legal Dooumeuts Specialty Office on east side of stain street Between 6th and 7th OREGON CITY, . OREGON M. C STRICKLAND, M, D. (Hospital aud Private Experience.) Vflerl his professional services to the peopre of egon viiy ana vicinity, epeoisi attention paid to uatarrn ana t;nronio aiseases. Rest ot references riven. Office in Willamette Building. Offio hours 10 to U a. m., 4 to I p. m. 01EOON CITY OREGOst DR. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Barclay Building, Oregon City, Ore. Prices Moderate . AU Operations Guaranteed. DR. GEO. HOEYE, DENTIAT. Office In Caufleld Building, Main Street. Oregon City. Bridge and Orowx Work a Bpucialtt. All work warranted and satisfaction ' guaranteed. DR. J. H. MILLER, DENTIST, . 6eventh Street, near S. P. Depot, Dbeooh Oitt, Obbqon DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST. Graduate of the Northwestern Univer sity Dental School, also of American CoU lege of Dental Surgery, of Chicago. WITH DR. WBLCH. Willamette Block - Oppotite Pottoflici Orbqos City, Obbqon. C. N. GREEN MAN (Established 1865 1 TBE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts ot the City OREGON CITY . T . . OREGON J. C. BRADLEY, Prop. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, Oitba Street between the Bridge aifJth Depot. Double tod single rigs nd ssddlt horses A wtrionhsad t the lowest rates, s,nd s oorro lis eonneoted with the barn for loose stock taylnfonnstion regarding any kind ol stock lump ptlf attended to by letter or person. HORSES BOSGUT OR SOLD.